Analysis of Heuristic Optimization Technique Solutions for Combined Heat-Power Economic Load Dispatch
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Problem Formulation of CHPED
3.1. Problem Formulation with Valve-Point Effects
3.2. Constraints
3.2.1. Power Balance
3.2.2. Heat Balance
3.2.3. Generation Limit Due to Power-Only Units
3.2.4. Capacity Limits of Power and Heat Due to Combined Heat-Power Units Only
4. Heuristic Optimization Techniques Analysis
5. Comparative Results and Analysis
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AI | Artificial immune |
BCO | Bee colony optimization |
BLPSO | Biogeography-based learning particle swarm optimization |
CHPED | Combined heat-power economic dispatch |
Total generation cost | |
Generation cost with CHP units | |
Generation cost using heat-only units | |
CSA-BA-ABC | Artificial bee colony |
C-PSO | Co-evolutionary particle swarm optimization |
CSO | Civilized swarm optimization |
COA | Cuckoo optimization algorithm |
Np | Number of power-only units |
Nc | CHP units |
Ck | Heat-only units |
ECSA | Elitist cuckoo search algorithm |
GWO | Grey wolf optimization |
GSO | Group search optimization |
GAMS | General algebraic modeling system |
HBOA | Heap-based optimization algorithm |
HTSA | Heat transfer search algorithm |
HBJSA | Hybrid heap-based and jellyfish search algorithm |
IGA-NCM | Improved genetic algorithm |
IDE | Improved differential evolution |
IMPA | improved marine predators algorithm |
MPSO | Modified particle swarm optimization |
MGSO | Modified group search optimizer |
OQNLP | OptQuest/NLP |
PPS | Powell’s pattern search |
SPSO | Selective particle swarm optimization |
TVAC-PSO | Time varying acceleration coefficient particle swarm optimization |
WOA | Whale optimization algorithm |
SFS | Stochastic fractal search algorithm |
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Ref. No. | Optimization Techniques | Constraints | Taken Case Study for Optimization | Advantages and Disadvantages |
[1] 1994 | Quadratic programming | Generation limits | 15 traditional power units, 9 boilers, and 15 co-generation units | Fast response and does not depend on the size of the data |
[2] 1996 | Lagrangian relaxation | Power balance and generation limits | 7-unit system | Best suitable for small generating unit system optimization |
[3] 2013 | Benders decomposition | Inequality constraint | 4- and 5-unit systems | Performing well for a small data set |
[4] 2009 | SPSO | Equality and inequality | 4 units | Best performing for small test data |
[5] 2011 | Bee colony | Generation limits | 4 units | Fast and effective |
[6] 2012 | Artificial immune system | Power balance and generation limits | 4 units | Gives an optimum solution and takes less CPU time, but does not test the big test data set. |
[7] 2013 | Firefly algorithm | Power balance and generation limits | 4 units | Simple and effective |
[8] 2011 | Mesh adaptive direct search | Power balance and generation limits | Single- as well as multi-heat area and power area systems | Conceptually, it is very straightforward, easily implementable, and computationally effective. |
[9] 2015 | TVAC-PSO | Valve point, generation limit, power balance, and heat balance | 4- and 84-unit system | Effective for CHPED issues that are non-convex and non-linear |
[10] 2015 | Crisscross optimization | Valve point, transmission losses, and prohibited operating zones | 4,7, 24, and 48units | Effective for large test data also |
[11] 2016 | Exchange market | Valve-point loss along with power balance and generation limits | 4,5, 7, 24, and 48units | Powerful and robust algorithm |
[12] 2017 | WOA | Valve-point effect, generation limits | 24, 84, and 96 units | Easily handles large test data and gives a global solution |
[13] 2019 | IGA-NCM | Power balance | 4-, 5-, 7-, 24- and 48-unit system | It can handle small and large data and give optimal solutions easily. |
[14] 2019 | Advanced modified PSO | Valve-point effect, power balance, and generation limits | 4- and 7-unit system | The suggested technique can locate the ideal solution and avoid local minima. |
[15] 2020 | Hybrid NSGA II-MOPSO | Power balance and generation limits | 4- and 7-unit system | It can handle single- as well as multi-objective problems. |
[17] 2021 | HBOA | Transmission losses and the valve point | 4, 24, 84, and 96 generating units | Compared to other optimization techniques, the feasibility, capability, and efficiency are better for large-scale systems. |
[18] 2021 | HBJSA | Power balance and generation limits | 24-, 48-, 84- and 96-unit systems | The method used by HBJSA to calculate the lowest minimum, average, and maximum generation costs is very stable and efficient. |
[19] 2015 | Opposition-based group search | Valve-point loading and prohibited operating zones | 4-, 7-, 24-, and 28-unit systems | Best situated for small and large data sets to solve nonlinear problems |
[20] 2016 | Gravitational search algorithm(GSA) | Valve-point effect, power balance, and generation limits | 5-, 7-, 24- and 48-unit systems | Ability to solve large data sets of CHPED problems, good convergence characteristics, and efficiency in computation |
[21] 2020 | BLPSO | Power and heat limitations and prohibited operating zones. | 5, 7, 24, and 48 units | This approach prevents premature convergence and increases the precision of the solution. |
[22] 2106 | Cuckoo search algorithm (CSA) | Valve point, power losses, and power balance | 4 and 5 units | Controls parameters in such a way that they evaluate the high-quality solution and take less computational time. |
[23] 2017 | CPSO | Prohibited operating zones, valve point, and transmission losses | 4, 7, and 24 units | Enhances the quality of the answer while requiring fewer function evaluations. |
[24] 2017 | MGSO | power balance and valve point | 5-, 24-, 48-, 72-, and 96-unit test system | The suggested approach provides a better solution and outperforms existing methods computationally. |
[25] 2017 | Hybrid TVAC-GSA-PSO | Power balance and generation limits | 24 units, 48 units, | This technology is robust in evaluating the minimum generation cost with less expensive solutions. |
[26] 2018 | CSA-BA-ABC | Power and heat balance and prohibited operation zones | 5- and 7-unit test system | Delivering a high-quality solution with more economic benefits and no convergence issues |
[27] 2020 | SFS | Power balance and generation limits | 5- and 7-unit test system | It is possible to avoid local minima and require less computing time. |
[28] 2020 | Kho-Kho optimization (KKO) | Power balance and prohibited operation zones | 5- and 7-unit test system | This method imitates the special technique the chasing squad used to touch the runners team. |
[29] 2020 | OQNLP | Valve-point loading effect and power balance | 48-unit system | This technique provides an effective tool for dealing with optimization problems. |
[30] 2022 | Improved marine predators optimization algorithm | Power balance and generation limits | 5, 48, 84, 96 units | Convergence characteristics of IMPOA are stable, and computation is also fast. |
[31] 2023 | Comprehensive learning wavelet-mutated slime mold algorithm | Valve loading, prohibited operating zones, and generation limits | 24-, 48-, 84- and 96-unit system | The suggested technique solves the local search issue of population concentration. |
[32] 2020 | Direct Optimization algorithm | Power balance and generation limits | 4-unit system | Good convergence characteristics are suitable for small test data sets. |
[33] 2022 | C-PSO | Power balance and generation limits | 7 units (period of 24 h) | Performs well, and results show it is effective compared to other optimization techniques used for the same test data set. |
[34] 2020 | Heat transfer search (HTS) | Transmission loss, valve point, and prohibited operating zones | 7, 24, and 48 units | Stable operation and less computation time |
[35] 2022 | Differential evolution | Power generation limits, heat limits, prohibited operating zone | 11, 33 and 165 units | This method can hasten the removal of constraint violations and the decrease in the value of the goal function for each solution. |
[36] 2019 | TVAC-PSO | Prohibited operating zones, spinning reserve, valve point, power loss, and ramp rate | 5, 7, and 48 units | It can handle the various constraints and gives a global solution for the considered case. |
[37] 2022 | ETLBO with IPSO | Valve effects, prohibited operating zones, and power transmission loss | 4, 24, and 48 units | Handles constraints easily |
[38] 2020 | Multi-verse optimization algorithm | Valve point, transmission losses, and ramp limits | 4-, 7-, 10-, and 40-unit system | The exceedingly challenging combined economic emission dispatch is solved by the suggested method. |
[39] 2016 | Group search optimization | Prohibited operating zones and valve-point loading | 4, 7, and 24 units | Effective for multiobjective nonlinear problem solutions |
[41] 2013 | SALCSSA | Ramp rate | 10, 30, 150 units (for 24 h) | Gives an optimum solution with a good convergence speed |
[42] 2017 | Cuckoo optimization algorithm | Valve-point effects | 7, 24, 48 | Handles the loading effect and gives optimum results. |
[43] 2016 | IDE | Valve-point effects | 13, 38 units | Easily handles the equality constraints |
[44] 2014 | Teaching–learning-based optimization | Valve-point loading | 7, 24, and 48 units | For multiobjective problems, this approach effectively enhances the overall performance of the solutions. |
[45] 2016 | Grey wolf optimization | Ramp rate, valve point, and spinning reserve | 4, 7, 11, and 24 units | The recommended method works more consistently and with higher-quality solutions. |
[46] 2013 | Fuzzy logic | Ramp-rate limits | 7 units | This technique has the potential to solve a larger, multi-objective problem. |
[47] 2005 | IGA-MU | Change fuels and valve point | 4-, 7-unit system | This approach has a straightforward idea that makes it easier to use and more successful. |
[48] 2020 | Cuckoo optimization | Power generation and heat limits | 4 units | Enhances the exploration on the search space |
[49] 2015 | Coded genetic algorithm | Valve point and transmission losses | 4, 5, 7, and 24 units | Effective for small and large test data |
[50] 2019 | MPHS | 24 and 84 units | Handles large data easily | |
[51] 2013 | MPSO | Valve point and prohibited operating zones | 24 and 48 units | Toimprove the efficiency and simulation solution, Gaussian random variables were used. |
Results of Generating Units | FA [7] | MADS–DACE [8] | TVAC- PSO [9] | CSO [10] | EMA [11] | IGA-NCM [13] | SFS [27] | ETLBOI PSO [37] | GWO [45] |
P1 (MW) | 0.0014 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.8473 | 0 |
P2 (MW) | 159.99 | 160 | 160 | 160 | 160 | 160 | 160 | 159.338 | 160 |
P3 (MW) | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 39.8150 | 40 |
H2 (MWth) | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 |
H3 (MWth) | 75 | 75 | 75 | 75 | 75 | 75 | 75 | 75 | 75 |
H4 (MWth) | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.18 | 0 |
Total cost ($) | 9257.1 | 9257.07 | 9257.07 | 9257.07 | 9257.07 | 9257.07 | 9257.07 | 9178.9934 | 9257.07 |
CPU time (s) | 1.25 | 3.27 | 1.78 | 1.18 | 0.9846 | 1.44 | 3.78 | 1.59 | 2.17 |
Optimum Results of Generating Units | AIS [6] | TVAC- PSO [9] | CSO [10] | EMA [11] | IGA-NCM [13] | HTS [34] | GSO [39] | GWO [45] | RCGA-I [49] |
P1 (MW) | 50.1325 | 47.3383 | 45.2 | 52.684 | 45.155 | 44.2825 | 45.6188 | 52.8074 | 45.6614 |
P2 (MW) | 95.5552 | 98.5398 | 98.539 | 98.5398 | 98.5398 | 100.110 | 98.5401 | 98.5398 | 98.5398 |
P3 (MW) | 110.751 | 112.673 | 112.67 | 112.673 | 112.673 | 112.621 | 112.672 | 112.6735 | 112.6735 |
P4 (MW) | 208.768 | 209.815 | 209.81 | 209.815 | 209.815 | 209.700 | 209.815 | 209.8158 | 209.8158 |
P5 (MW) | 98.8 | 92.3718 | 94.183 | 93.8341 | 94.5549 | 94.0105 | 94.1027 | 93.8115 | 93.9960 |
P6 (MW) | 42 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40.0235 | 40.0001 | 40 | 40 |
H5 (MWth) | 19.4242 | 37.8467 | 27.178 | 29.242 | 29.2388 | 28.262 | 27.6600 | 29.3704 | 28.2842 |
H6 (MWth) | 77.0777 | 74.9999 | 75 | 75 | 75 | 74.7432 | 74.9987 | 75 | 75 |
H7 (MWth) | 53.498 | 37.1532 | 47.82 | 45.75 | 45.7612 | 46.9948 | 47.3413 | 29.3704 | 46.7158 |
Total cost ($) | 10,355 | 10,100.3 | 10,094.12 | 10,111.07 | 10,107.90 | 10,094.7 | 10,094.26 | 10,111.24 | 10,094.05 |
CPU time (s) | 5.2956 | 3.48 | 3.09 | 2.06 | 3.47 | 2.01 | 2.4203 | 5.2618 | 3.15 |
Output | CSO [10] | EMA [11] | WOA [12] | IGA-NCM [13] | HBOA [17] | HBJSA [18] | HTS [34] | ETLBOI- PSO [37] | TLBO [44] |
P1 | 448.7 | 628.31 | 628.3185 | 628.318 | 538.5587 | 448.818 | 539.5724 | 458.4 | 628.324 |
P2 | 225.2 | 299.18 | 299.1993 | 299.198 | 300.2175 | 299.2188 | 298.9487 | 291.93 | 298.7686 |
P3 | 299.2 | 299.16 | 299.1993 | 29.1665 | 301.08255 | 300.7211 | 297.9085 | 228.1 | 298.9086 |
P4 | 109.86 | 109.86 | 109.8665 | 109.867 | 159.777 | 60.10963 | 110.082 | 93.74 | 110.1919 |
P5 | 109.86 | 109.86 | 109.8665 | 109.866 | 63.2173 | 159.7451 | 110.2645 | 180 | 110.0846 |
P6 | 159.73 | 109.865 | 109.8665 | 60 | 60.6889 | 159.7769 | 110.2381 | 124.06 | 110.1379 |
P7 | 159.73 | 60 | 109.8665 | 109.86 | 160.20652 | 159.7718 | 110.2745 | 115.92 | 110.1045 |
P8 | 159.73 | 109.86 | 60.00003 | 109.823 | 111.5383 | 60 | 110.2452 | 116.68 | 110.2444 |
P9 | 109.86 | 109.856 | 109.8665 | 109.852 | 11.25395 | 159.751 | 110.1592 | 180 | 110.1992 |
P10 | 40 | 40 | 40.00003 | 40.0001 | 40 | 77.41183 | 77.3992 | 65.38 | 77.4989 |
P11 | 77.399 | 77.019 | 76.9485 | 77.0316 | 40.00025 | 40.00109 | 77.8364 | 40 | 77.7367 |
P12 | 92.399 | 55 | 55.00003 | 55.0098 | 55.657936 | 55.00862 | 55.0023 | 79.44 | 55.1036 |
P13 | 55 | 55 | 55.00003 | 55 | 55.284 | 55.6611 | 55.0109 | 89.23 | 55.1107 |
P14 | 87.554 | 81 | 81.00003 | 81.0035 | 87.944 | 85.84419 | 81.0524 | 81 | 81.0624 |
P15 | 40 | 40 | 40.00165 | 40.0003 | 41.2662 | 42.75199 | 40.0015 | 40 | 40.3515 |
P16 | 90.609 | 81 | 81.00003 | 81.0003 | 84.034 | 95.88869 | 81.003 | 81.1 | 81.262 |
P17 | 40 | 40 | 40.00003 | 40.0001 | 43.1437 | 44.46837 | 40.0009 | 40 | 40.0119 |
P18 | 10 | 10 | 10.00003 | 10.0002 | 11.0824 | 10.04622 | 10.0002 | 10 | 10.0011 |
P19 | 35 | 35 | 35.00003 | 35.0003 | 35.044 | 35.00512 | 35.0001 | 35.012 | 35.0012 |
H14 | 108.47 | 104.82 | 104.8 | 104.801 | 108.697 | 107.4915 | 105.2219 | 104.76 | 105.211 |
H15 | 75 | 75 | 75.0014 | 75.0001 | 76.0921 | 77.37645 | 76.5205 | 75 | 76.5306 |
H16 | 110.19 | 104.82 | 104.8 | 104.799 | 106.47627 | 113.1557 | 105.5142 | 104.74 | 105.511 |
H17 | 75 | 75 | 75 | 74.9988 | 77.7146 | 78.85075 | 75.4833 | 74.99 | 75.4706 |
H18 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 39.9993 | 40.4643 | 40.02 | 39.9999 | 40 | 39.9999 |
H19 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20.0001 | 20.0204 | 20.00127 | 18.3944 | 18.25 | 18.4014 |
H20 | 461.32 | 470.39 | 470.3986 | 470.409 | 460.53781 | 453.1093 | 468.9043 | 473 | 468.902 |
H21 | 59.999 | 60 | 59.99998 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 59.9994 | 60 | 59.9995 |
H22 | 59.999 | 60 | 59.99998 | 60 | 60 | 59.99883 | 59.9999 | 59.96 | 59.9995 |
H23 | 119.99 | 120 | 119.9999 | 120 | 119.99644 | 119.9964 | 119.9854 | 119.35 | 119.9856 |
H24 | 120 | 120 | 119.9999 | 119.991 | 120 | 119.9995 | 119.9768 | 119.99 | 119.986 |
Total cost ($) | 57,907.1 | 57,825.5 | 57,830.52 | 57,826.09 | 57,994.51 | 57,968.54 | 57,842.99 | 57,758.66 | 57,843.52 |
CPU (s) | 24.98 | 1.167 | 2.71 | 1.72 | 3.62 | 4.04 | 5.47 | 2.63 | 5.4106 |
Methods | Min. Cost ($) | Methods | Min. Cost ($) |
CSO [10] | 115,967.7205 | OQNLP [29] | 116,993.2 |
EMA [11] | 115,611.84 | IMPAO [30] | 116,640.6 |
IGA_NCM [13] | 115,685.2 | CLWSMA [31] | 116,389.588 |
HBJSA [18] | 116,140.34 | TVAC-PSO [36] | 115,610.465 |
OGSO [19] | 116,678.2 | ETLBOIPSO [37] | 115,126.32 |
MGSO [24] | 115,606.5482 | COA [42] | 116,789.91535 |
TVAC-GSA-PSO [25] | 116,393.4034 | TLBO [44] | 116,739.3640 |
KKO [28] | 115,422 | OTLBO [44] | 116,579.2390 |
MPSO [51] | 116,919 |
Methods | Minimum Cost ($) | CPU Time (s) |
TVAC-PSO [9] | 295,680.9138 | 90.21 |
WOA [12] | 290,123.97424 | 158.18 |
HBOA [17] | 289,822.39 | 114.5 |
IMPAO [30] | 289,903.8 | 134.4 |
CLWSMA [31] | 288,698.9636 | 124.2 |
SMA [31] | 288,978.8 | 89.5 |
CODED GENETIC ALGORITHM [49] | 298,417.18704 | 140.91 |
MPHS [50] | 288,157.4297 | 76.65 |
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Singh, N.; Chakrabarti, T.; Chakrabarti, P.; Panchenko, V.; Budnikov, D.; Yudaev, I.; Bolshev, V. Analysis of Heuristic Optimization Technique Solutions for Combined Heat-Power Economic Load Dispatch. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 10380.
Singh N, Chakrabarti T, Chakrabarti P, Panchenko V, Budnikov D, Yudaev I, Bolshev V. Analysis of Heuristic Optimization Technique Solutions for Combined Heat-Power Economic Load Dispatch. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(18):10380.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSingh, Nagendra, Tulika Chakrabarti, Prasun Chakrabarti, Vladimir Panchenko, Dmitry Budnikov, Igor Yudaev, and Vadim Bolshev. 2023. "Analysis of Heuristic Optimization Technique Solutions for Combined Heat-Power Economic Load Dispatch" Applied Sciences 13, no. 18: 10380.
APA StyleSingh, N., Chakrabarti, T., Chakrabarti, P., Panchenko, V., Budnikov, D., Yudaev, I., & Bolshev, V. (2023). Analysis of Heuristic Optimization Technique Solutions for Combined Heat-Power Economic Load Dispatch. Applied Sciences, 13(18), 10380.