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L-rCBF: Learning-Based Key–Value Data Structure for Dynamic Data Processing

Department of Electronics Engineering, Myongji University, Yongin 17058, Republic of Korea
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13(22), 12116;
Submission received: 5 October 2023 / Revised: 28 October 2023 / Accepted: 4 November 2023 / Published: 7 November 2023
(This article belongs to the Section Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering)


Learning-based data structures, such as a learned Bloom filter and a learned functional Bloom filter (L-FBF), have recently been proposed to replace traditional structures. However, using these structures for dynamic data processing is difficult because a specific element cannot be deleted from a trained model. A counting Bloom filter with return values (rCBF) is a more efficient key–value structure than a functional Bloom filter (FBF) for repetitive insertions and deletions. In this study, we propose a learned rCBF (L-rCBF) comprising a model, a Bloom filter, and an rCBF and the deletion algorithm for the L-rCBF. To delete a specific element from the L-rCBF, two different operations are performed according to four different cases. In the experiments, the proposed L-rCBF is compared with a single rCBF and an L-FBF in terms of undeletables and search failures, and this comparison is conducted using two different models. In addition, we present a theoretical analysis of the rCBF with experimental results to demonstrate that a structure with an rCBF is more suitable for dynamic data than a structure with an FBF.

1. Introduction

A Bloom filter (BF) is a simple probabilistic data structure using hash functions [1]. The BF can be used to identify elements included in a stored set and filter malicious information. The BF may return false positives for non-elements; however, it ensures no false negatives , which means that the BF returns positives for all programmed elements. Because it is space-efficient, numerous variants of BFs have been proposed and used in various applications, such as IP address lookup [2,3], named data networking (NDN) [4,5,6], packet classification [7,8], distributed systems [9,10,11], network security [12,13], and cloud computing [14,15]. A counting Bloom filter (CBF) and stable Bloom filter (SBF), both BF variants using counters, were proposed to support deletions for dynamic data due to the limitation of the standard BF, which can be used only for static data [16,17,18].
A functional Bloom filter (FBF) [19,20], a BF variant, is a key–value data structure capable of returning a value corresponding to a key in a given set, and it can replace tree- and hash-based structures in numerous applications. A standard BF is a bit array, while an FBF is an array of cells composed of multiple bits. In other words, a BF is used for a binary classification task because it can only answer membership queries, while an FBF is used for a multi-class classification task. The FBF provides insertion and search operations, and depending on the type of data (i.e., dynamic or static data), the FBF can be designed to support or not support a deletion operation. The FBF is more suitable for static data than dynamic data because an FBF designed for static data is better than that for dynamic data in terms of search performance. In other words, the FBF for dynamic data has a weak point: conflict cells, which are cells with two or more elements inserted, cannot be used for FBF operations; hence, if elements are repeatedly inserted and deleted, the number of conflict cells increases, resulting in a degradation of the search performance of the FBF.
A counting Bloom filter with return values (rCBF) is a key–value data structure suitable for applications that handle dynamic data, such as the pending interest table (PIT) lookup in NDN [5]. Unlike a BF, an rCBF is an array of cells composed of multiple bits and is used for a multi-class classification task. Each cell in the rCBF consists of two fields: counter and value. The rCBF provides the same functionalities as the FBF and supports dynamic applications better than the FBF because the rCBF uses counters. Because cells with two or more elements inserted can be used for rCBF operations, if insertions and deletions are repeated, replacing the FBF with an rCBF is appropriate.
Several data structures applying machine learning have recently been proposed [20,21,22]. Learning-based structures can guarantee the same operations and characteristics as traditional data structures and enhance the performance of the structures. A learned Bloom filter (LBF), a learning-based data structure for a binary classification task, provides the same semantic guarantees as a BF and comprises a learned model and a BF [21,22]. A learned FBF (L-FBF), a learning-based key–value structure for a multi-class classification task, provides the same semantic guarantees as an FBF and comprises a learned model, BF, and FBF [20]. The LBF and L-FBF can significantly improve search performance (i.e., search failure rates, including false positive rates) when using the same memory size as the BF and FBF, respectively. However, the LBF and L-FBF cannnot be used for dynamic data processing because the elements stored in the structures cannot be deleted. Hence, learning-based BF structures have the following problems.
  • Designing a deletion algorithm for a learning-based structure is difficult because once a model is trained, it does not provide a deletion for a specific element; hence, most existing learning-based structures cannot be used for dynamic data processing [21,22].
  • To delete specific elements, learning-based structures should utilize auxiliary structures other than the learned model. If a deletion algorithm for a learning-based structure can be designed, the application range in which the structure can be used will widen considerably.
  • In the case of the LBF, a deletion operation cannot be provided because the auxiliary structure is a standard BF. For the deletion operation, the standard BF should be replaced with an updatable BF variant for dynamic data. A stable learned Bloom filter (SLBF) is the first LBF variant for dynamic data and consists of a learned model and SBFs [23]. However, the SLBF can be used only for binary classification.
  • The L-FBF was presented for static data in [20]; hence, a deletion algorithm of the L-FBF has never been proposed. In other words, because the auxiliary structures of the L-FBF in [20] are a standard BF and FBF for static data, a deletion operation for the L-FBF cannot be provided.
In this study, we focus on key–value data structures using a learned model for dynamic data. We propose a learned rCBF (L-rCBF) to improve the search and deletion performances under the constraint of the same memory size as a single rCBF and propose a deletion algorithm for the L-rCBF to process dynamic data. To the best of our knowledge, the L-rCBF is the first LBF variant for key–value storage that can support deletions. The contributions of this study can be summarized as follows.
  • We propose a learning-based key–value structure for dynamic data processing, called L-rCBF, comprising a learned model, BF, and rCBF. The L-rCBF can be used for multi-class classification. The memory requirement of the learned model does not increase in proportion to the size of the data; therefore, as the data size increases, the proposed L-rCBF is more efficient than an rCBF.
  • We propose a deletion algorithm for the L-rCBF. Because the rCBF is suitable for dynamic data as an auxiliary structure, the deletion algorithm can be designed even though the other auxiliary structure is a standard BF. To delete an element, the algorithm performs one of two operations according to four cases: deleting the element from the rCBF in the L-rCBF or programming it into the BF in the L-rCBF.
  • The proposed L-rCBF is constructed similarly to the L-FBF. Hence, if the FBF for static data is replaced with that for dynamic data in the L-FBF, the deletion algorithm for the L-rCBF can be applied to the L-FBF.
  • We theoretically analyzed the probabilities of undeletables and search failures for an rCBF and demonstrated the superiority of the proposed L-rCBF through simulation results.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes BF variants, including an FBF and rCBF, and network applications using the BF variants. Section 3 describes the proposed L-rCBF and deletion algorithm. Section 4 describes the theoretical analysis, including the undeletable and search failure probabilities of the rCBF. Section 5 compares the performances of the L-rCBF with a single rCBF and L-FBF, and compares the probabilities between the theoretical and experimental results for the rCBF. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper.

2. Related Work

2.1. Functional Bloom Filter

The functional Bloom filter (FBF) is a data structure that stores values corresponding to keys, and the key–value pairs are included in set S = { ( x 1 , v 1 ) , ( x 2 , v 2 ) , , ( x n , v n ) } . An FBF is an m-cell array, and each cell stores a value. The FBF can perform three operations: insert (program), search (query), and delete. The FBF can be configured to support the deletion operation depending on whether the data are static or dynamic. The insert operation for dynamic data is slightly different from that for static data. If deletions are infrequent, the FBF is constructed for static data because the search performance of the FBF for static data is better than that for dynamic data. Most previous studies described the FBF for static data without considering deletions; however, we explain an FBF that supports deletion for dynamic data.
The operations use k hash functions to access k cells. The optimal k for the BF structures can be calculated as follows [24,25]:
k = m n l n 2 ,
where n denotes the number of elements in set S. Let L be the number of bits in a single cell for a value. Each cell is initialized to 0 and can represent 2 L 2 values because the maximum value 2 L 1 is reserved to represent a conflict cell, which implies that two or more elements are stored in the cell.
In inserting an element ( x j , v j ) into an FBF for dynamic data, for 1 j n , all cells with value 0 among the cells pointed to by k hash functions are set to value v j , and the other cells, which have values different from 0, are set to conflict cells with 2 L 1 . For an FBF for static data, the cells that already have the value v j retain this value even if the keys already stored in the cells are not equal to x j .
In searching for an input in set U (i.e., U = S S c ), an FBF returns one of three search results: negative, positive, or indeterminable (INDET). If at least one of the k cells has a value of 0 or if two or more cells among the cells have different values, a negative is returned from the FBF. If every cell except for the conflict cells has the same value, the value is returned, which implies a positive; however, positives may be false owing to hash collisions. If all cells have value 2 L 1 (i.e., conflict cells), an INDET is returned. False positive (FP) and INDET results are classified as search failures.
In deleting an element in an FBF for dynamic data, only cells storing one element can be used among the k cells. That is, among the cells pointed to by the k hash functions, the cells, except for the conflict cells, are changed to 0. Conflict cells with two or more elements inserted are not used for deletion to prevent false negatives (FNs). If all accessed k cells are conflict cells, the element cannot be deleted and is called an undeletable. In addition, the FBF for static data does not support deletion operations.
Even though the FBF operations can be adjusted for dynamic data, the FBF is not perfectly suitable for frequent insertions and deletions because conflict cells cannot be used for the three operations.
In addition, in the three operations of BF structures (i.e., FBF and rCBF), the cells pointed to by k hash functions are accessed. Once a BF structure is constructed, the k does not change while repeating insertions and deletions, unless the structure is reconstructed. Hence, the time complexity of the operations is O ( 1 ) .

2.2. Counting Bloom Filter with Return Values

The counting Bloom filter with return values (rCBF) is a key–value data structure suitable for dynamic data processing [5]. An rCBF is an m-cell array, where each cell consists of counter and value fields. The rCBF performs three operations using k hash functions: insert (program), search (query), and delete. The optimal k used for the rCBF can be calculated using m n l n 2 as in (1), where n is the number of elements in set S = { ( x 1 , v 1 ) , ( x 2 , v 2 ) , , ( x n , v n ) }  [24,25].
Let L be the number of bits in the value field and R the number of bits in the counter field. Each value field can represent 2 L 1 values because the rCBF does not need to reserve a value to represent a conflict cell, unlike the FBF, which can represent 2 L 2 values. Each counter field represents the number of inserted elements (c) in each cell, and the maximum count c m a x is 2 R 1 .
Figure 1 presents an example of inserting elements into an rCBF with n = 3 , m = 7 , and k = 3 . To insert element ( x 3 , v 3 ) into the cells pointed to by h 1 ( x 1 ) , h 2 ( x 1 ) , and h 3 ( x 1 ) , v 3 is XORed with the values in the cells (i.e., rCBF [ h i ( x 3 ) ] . v a l u e = rCBF [ h i ( x 3 ) ] . v a l u e v 3 for i = 1, 2, 3), and all counters in the cells are incremented by 1, except for counters with c m a x (i.e., rCBF [ h i ( x 3 ) ] . c o u n t = rCBF [ h i ( x 3 ) ] . c o u n t + 1).
In the search operation, an rCBF returns one of three search results: negative, positive, or indeterminable (INDET). For a given input in set U (i.e., U = S S c ), if at least one counter in the k cells is 0 or if two or more cells among the cells with c = 1 have different values, a negative is returned from the rCBF. If the value fields in cells with c = 1 are identical, the value in the fields is returned, which implies a positive; however, positives may be false owing to hash collisions. If all counters are greater than 1, an INDET is returned. FP and INDET results are classified as search failures.
In the rCBF, even cells with two or more elements inserted can be used to delete elements; hence, elements can be deleted efficiently, improving the deletion performance. Algorithm 1 shows the procedure for deleting an element from the rCBF. To delete element (x, v) in S, v is XORed with the values in the cells pointed to by the k hash functions, and all counters in the cells are decremented by 1, except for counters with 0 or c m a x . For a cell with c m a x , the counter in the cell should not be decremented to prevent an FN because the cell may have more than c m a x elements. If the accessed k cells have counters with c m a x , the element cannot be deleted and is called an undeletable. However, the deletion performance of the rCBF is better than that of the FBF because the rCBF can use cells with hash collisions, except for those with c m a x .
Algorithm 1 Deletion algorithm of rCBF
procedure delete_rCBF(rCBF, x, v)
    for  i 1 to k do
        if rCBF [ h i ( x ) ] . c o u n t ! =   c m a x
              & & rCBF [ h i ( x ) ] . c o u n t ! = 0 then
           rCBF [ h i ( x ) ] . v a l u e = rCBF [ h i ( x ) ] . v a l u e v
           rCBF [ h i ( x ) ] . c o u n t = rCBF [ h i ( x ) ] . c o u n t 1

2.3. Network Applications Using Bloom Filter Variants

BF variants have been used in various network applications, such as IP address lookup, NDN, packet classification, and distributed systems, because BF structures can filter and search for specific information and the structures are space-efficient. Depending on the purpose of each application, appropriate BF variants can be utilized. For IP address lookup, an efficient prefix-matching algorithm is required to identify the longest prefix. Because a BF can filter out unnecessary accesses, parallel BF and BF-chaining methods were proposed for longest prefix matching [2,3].
In NDN, efficient name lookup algorithms are required in forwarding information base (FIB) and pending interest table (PIT). For FIB lookup, because name-based longest prefix matching should be performed for URL data, an index data structure was proposed with a hash table and a CBF to balance the load [4]. For PIT lookup, an efficient exact-matching algorithm is required, and frequent update operations (i.e., insertions and deletions) are performed. Hence, BF-based PIT architectures were proposed using the FBF and rCBF [5].
Packet classification is a technique to categorize network traffic using multiple header fields to implement quality of service. In software defined networking (SDN), because more fields are used for packet classification, the flow table with all the information is stored in an external memory. Packet classification algorithms using BF variants, such as a standard BF, cuckoo BF, and LBF, were proposed to reduce the number of accesses to the external memory [7,8].
In distributed systems, two tasks exist: reconciliation to obtain the union of the sets of two hosts and data deduplication to eliminate duplicate data between two hosts [9,10,15]. In the tasks, the set difference between two hosts should be efficiently computed, and communication complexity should be minimized. Because of space and access efficiencies, BF structures (i.e., a standard BF and an invertible BF) were used for the tasks [9,11].

3. Proposed Work

This paper proposes a learning-based key–value structure, learned rCBF (L-rCBF), which can provide deletion for dynamic data. Learning-based structures can achieve better performance with the same amount of memory as traditional structures. The basic concept of this structure was briefly introduced in [26] by the same authors.

3.1. Learned rCBF

We aim to propose a learning-based data structure that guarantees the same semantic characteristics as a single rCBF suitable for dynamic data processing. A learned model for multi-class classification can be used to construct a key–value data structure because the structure can be considered a multi-class classification task with Q classes if Q values are available for the key–value pairs. However, the model is not fully representative of the characteristics of an rCBF because the model can return false negatives (FNs) and false-class results (FRs), while the rCBF never produces an FN or FR. Hence, appropriate auxiliary structures should be added to provide the same semantic guarantees as the rCBF.
The proposed L-rCBF comprises a learned model, false-class result BF (FR-BF), and verification rCBF (V-rCBF) to guarantee the same semantic characteristics as a single rCBF. The model has the advantage of maintaining a consistent memory requirement regardless of the size of the positive data; however, it may produce FNs by returning negative class 0 for elements in positive class v (i.e., classified as non-elements included in S c ), and FRs by returning positive class q for elements belonging to class v for 1 v , q Q and v q . Because the rCBF never produces an FN or FR, a single BF and rCBF should be constructed to prevent FNs and FRs.
Because both the rCBF and FBF are BF structures that can be used as key–value structures, even though the rCBF is better than the FBF in terms of dynamic data processing, the only difference between L-rCBF and L-FBF is whether the rCBF or FBF is used as the verification structure. Hence, because the auxiliary structures of the L-rCBF and L-FBF are similar, the construction and search procedures of the L-rCBF are the same as those of the L-FBF in [20], except for the construction and search of the V-rCBF (i.e., using the V-rCBF instead of the verification FBF (V-FBF)).
In constructing the L-rCBF, the model is first trained for sets S and S t r c (i.e., S c for training), and then tested for every element in S to construct the FR-BF and V-rCBF. The model learns the distribution of elements included in each positive class (i.e., elements in class v for 1 v Q ) and that of non-elements (i.e., non-elements in negative class 0) from the training data. Improving the accuracy of the model is crucial because as the accuracy increases, the elements that must be stored in the auxiliary structures decrease, resulting in a reduction in the overall memory requirements of the L-rCBF.
After training the model and before testing it, a threshold ( τ m ) in the model should be set to adjust the false positive rate (FPR) of the L-rCBF. Even though the additional FR-BF and V-rCBF can solve the FRs and FNs from the model, the auxiliary structures cannot control the FPR. Furthermore, the elements stored in the FR-BF and V-rCBF vary depending on τ m . In other words, a large τ m can reduce the FPR from the model; however, it may cause more FNs from the model, which implies that a greater number of elements should be programmed into the V-rCBF. In the experiment, we first set the desired FPR of the model, and the τ m was set according to the desired FPR using the validation set S v d c (i.e., S c for setting τ m ). After setting τ m , the model is tested for elements in set S. Elements with FR returned from the model (i.e., S F R ) are programmed into the FR-BF; elements with FR or FN returned from the model (i.e., S F R or S F N ), as well as those with FP from the FR-BF (i.e., B F P ) among those with true positive (TP) from the model (i.e., S T P ), are programmed into the V-rCBF (i.e., S V = S F R S F N B F P and B F P S T P ).
In the search procedure for the L-rCBF, the model is first tested for a given input in set U (i.e., U = S S t s c for the test and S t s c = S c S t r c S v d c ). If a negative is returned, the V-rCBF is queried to prevent FNs and returns the final result (i.e., negative, positive (a value), or indeterminable (INDET)). If the model returns a value, the FR-BF is queried to filter out an FR. If a positive is returned from the FR-BF, the V-rCBF is queried to return a true result because a positive from the FR-BF implies that a positive class (value) returned from the model is false (i.e., FR). Hence, the V-rCBF returns the final result. Otherwise, if a negative is returned from the FR-BF, the value from the model is returned as the final result because the value is not an FR.

3.2. Deletion Algorithm of L-rCBF

The proposed L-rCBF should provide a deletion to guarantee the same characteristics as those of a single rCBF. However, once a model in the L-rCBF is trained on a set, specific elements cannot be deleted from the model because it learns the distribution of the set. Therefore, we propose a deletion algorithm for elements inserted using the auxiliary structures (i.e., the FR-BF and V-rCBF). In other words, the novelty of this paper lies in the fact that a key–value structure using a learned model can support deletions. Although L-rCBF is similar to L-FBF in terms of both construction and search procedures, the L-FBF in [20] cannot support deletions because the V-FBF in the L-FBF is for static data without considering deletions.
Algorithm 2 shows the deletion algorithm for the L-rCBF. When searching for an element after deleting it, the L-rCBF should return a negative. Hence, depending on which set the element to be deleted belongs to (i.e., S F N , S F R , B F P , or S T P B F P ), one of two operations is performed: OP1) delete the element from the V-rCBF or OP2) program the element to the FR-BF.
Algorithm 2 Deletion algorithm of L-rCBF
procedure delete_LrCBF(x, v)
     r e s u l t = testModel(x)
    if  r e s u l t = = 0  then                                                                                ▹ FN from model
         o p e r a t i o n = OP1
    else if  r e s u l t ! = v  then                                                                          ▹ FR from model
         o p e r a t i o n = OP1
    else                                                                                                          ▹ TP from model
        if queryBF(FR-BF, x) then                                                                ▹ FP from FR-BF
            o p e r a t i o n = OP1
            o p e r a t i o n = OP2
    if  o p e r a t i o n = = O P 1  then
        delete_rCBF(V-rCBF, x, v)
        programBF(FR-BF, x)
To delete element (x, v) in S for 1 v Q , a learned model is first tested (line 2). If the element is included in S F N , the model returns a negative (i.e., r e s u l t == 0), which implies that the element is stored in the V-rCBF; hence, for the V-rCBF to return a negative as a final result, the element is deleted from the V-rCBF (lines 3, 4, 12, and 13). If the element is included in S F R , the model returns a value not equal to v, resulting in a query to the FR-BF. Because every element in S F R is stored in the FR-BF, it returns a positive, and the V-rCBF is then queried. Hence, the element is deleted from the V-rCBF (lines 5, 6, 12, and 13).
Even though the model returns v (i.e., S T P ), the element is deleted from the V-rCBF if the FR-BF returns a positive (i.e., B F P , lines 8, 9, 12, and 13). Otherwise, if the FR-BF returns a negative (i.e., S T P B F P ), the element is programmed into the FR-BF (lines 11 and 15) to change the final result of the search, from v to negative, after the deletion. In other words, when searching for the element in S T P B F P after OP2, the FR-BF returns a positive, and the V-rCBF then returns a negative as the final result because the element has never been programmed into the V-rCBF. In addition, the time complexity of the deletion algorithm is O ( 1 ) because the model is tested once and one of the auxiliary structures (i.e., V-rCBF or FR-BF) is accessed to perform OP1 or OP2.
After performing OP2, the L-rCBF may return a few FNs because additional FPs from the FR-BF may occur. Before deletions, elements in S T P B F P are not stored in both the FR-BF and V-rCBF because the model returns true values for the elements. However, if additional FPs from the FR-BF occur after deleting some elements in S T P B F P , the V-rCBF is queried for the elements with FPs (i.e., those in a subset of S T P B F P ) and returns negatives, which are false results (i.e., FNs). To prevent such FNs, when the number of deleted elements exceeds a threshold ( τ d ), the L-rCBF is reconstructed for the remaining elements. τ d can be set according to the number of additional FPs from the FR-BF ( n f p , b ) because the FPs from the FR-BF cause the V-rCBF to return the FNs as the final results. Thus, τ d is set to the number of deleted elements at the point where the theoretically calculated n f p , b is not greater than and close to 1.
The L-rCBF has two cases of undeletables: undeletable by FP (UNDEL-FP) and undeletable by conflict cells (UNDEL-C). For UNDEL-FPs, the L-rCBF returns a value for a deleted element because an FP occurs in the V-rCBF. For UNDEL-Cs, when performing OP1, if all accessed cells have maximum counters in the V-rCBF, the element cannot be deleted from the V-rCBF, resulting in an undeletable from the L-rCBF.
Figure 2a,b show the access paths of the four types of elements in the L-rCBF when searching before and after deleting them, respectively. For an element ( x 1 , v 1 ) in set S F N , before deleting it, the model returns a negative, and the V-rCBF then returns v 1 as a final result in the search procedure. After deleting it from the L-rCBF, the model still returns a negative; however, the V-rCBF would return a negative, as shown in Figure 2b. For an element ( x 2 , v 2 ) in set S F R or ( x 3 , v 3 ) in B F P , before deleting it, the model returns a positive class, and the FR-BF then returns a positive; subsequently, the V-rCBF returns v 2 or v 3 , respectively. After deleting it, the model and FR-BF still return a positive; however, the V-rCBF would return a negative as a final result. For an element ( x 4 , v 4 ) in set S T P B F P , before deleting it, the model returns v 4 , and the FR-BF then returns a negative. After deleting it, the model still returns v 4 ; however, the FR-BF returns a positive. Hence, the V-rCBF is queried and would return a negative as a final result. Finally, for the four deleted types of elements, the proposed L-rCBF returns negatives.
The proposed deletion algorithm for the L-rCBF can be similarly applied to the L-FBF for dynamic data (i.e., the V-FBF in the L-FBF is that for dynamic data). However, because the deletion performance of the V-rCBF, which can use conflict cells, is better than that of the V-FBF, the performance of the L-rCBF is also better than that of the L-FBF.

4. Theoretical Analysis for rCBF

In this section, we theoretically analyze the undeletable and search failure probabilities of a single rCBF because the performance of the V-rCBF is a crucial determinant that significantly affects the performance of the proposed L-rCBF. Additionally, we briefly analyze the probabilities of a single FBF for dynamic data. Consequently, this section demonstrates that the L-rCBF utilizing an rCBF is more suitable for dynamic data than the L-FBF using an FBF.

4.1. Undeletable Probability of rCBF

In deleting element (x, v) from an rCBF, the undeletable of the rCBF means that it cannot be deleted because every cell pointed to by k hash functions has c m a x . The undeletable probability of the rCBF ( P ( U r ) ) can be obtained in a similar manner to that of a ternary BF in [27] because both structures do not allow the decrement of counters with c m a x .
Let p ( j ) be the probability that a specific cell is selected by j hash indexes among the k ( n 1 ) indexes of n 1 elements, except for x to be deleted. Then,
p ( j ) = k ( n 1 ) j · 1 m j · 1 1 m k ( n 1 ) j .
If the specific cell is the one selected by one of the indexes of x to be deleted, the maximum j to avoid the cell with c m a x is c m a x 2 . In other words, if j = c m a x 1 , the cell has c m a x because the cell is selected by one index of x and selected by c m a x 1 indexes of n 1 elements. Hence, the elements stored in the cell cannot be deleted. Therefore, P ( U r ) can be calculated as follows:
P ( U r ) = 1 j = 0 c m a x 2 p ( j ) k ,
where j = 0 c m a x 2 p ( j ) denotes the probability that a specific cell does not have c m a x ; hence, 1 j = 0 c m a x 2 p ( j ) denotes the probability that a specific cell has c m a x . If at least one of the k cells for x does not have c m a x , then x can be deleted. Therefore, P ( U r ) is the probability that all k cells selected by x have c m a x .

4.2. Search Failure Probability of rCBF

The search failures of an rCBF include both false positives (FPs) and indeterminables (INDETs). The search failure probability ( P ( F s ) ) of the rCBF is formulated as follows, based on [20]:
P ( F s ) = P ( I ) + P ( F P ) = P ( S ) P ( I | S ) + P ( S c ) P ( I | S c ) + P ( S c ) P ( F P | S c ) = P ( S ) P ( I | S ) + P ( S c ) P ( I | S c ) + P ( F P | S c ) ,
where P ( I ) is the probability of an INDET for input y in set S or S c , and P ( F P ) is the probability of an FP for input y in S c .
P ( I | S ) is the probability that every counter in the k cells for y included in S is two or more (i.e., c 2 ). Hence,
P ( I | S ) = ( p c i ) k ,
where p c i is the probability that, for a specific cell pointed to by at least one of the k indexes for y in S, the cell is selected by at least one of the k ( n 1 ) indexes. Thus,
p c i = 1 ( 1 1 m ) k ( n 1 ) .
P ( I | S c ) is the probability that every counter in the k cells for y not in S (i.e., in S c ) is two or more (i.e., c 2 ). Hence,
P ( I | S c ) = ( p c n ) k ,
where p c n is the probability that a specific cell is selected by at least two of the k n indexes of the n elements in S. Thus,
p c n = 1 ( 1 1 m ) k n k n m · ( 1 1 m ) k n 1 ,
where ( 1 1 m ) k n is the probability that the cell is not selected by any of the k n indexes, and k n m · ( 1 1 m ) k n 1 is the probability that the cell is selected by one of them.
P ( F P | S c ) is the probability that the rCBF returns a value for y not in S (i.e., in S c ). Let Q be the number of return values; we assume that the values are uniformly distributed. Then,
P ( F P | S c ) = Q i = 1 k k i · ( p p n ) i · ( p c n ) k i ,
where p p n is the probability that a specific cell has one of the Q values with c = 1 . Hence,
p p n = 1 Q · k n m · ( 1 1 m ) k n 1 .
The P ( F P | S c ) of the rCBF in (9) seems to be the same as that of the FBF for static data [20]; however, p p n and p c n in (10) and (8) are not the same as those of the FBF for static data because the FBF does not support the deletion operation. Thus, the P ( F P | S c ) of the rCBF is not the same as that of the FBF for static data.
If an FBF supporting the deletion operation is constructed, the search failure probability of the FBF is the same as that of the rCBF. In addition, the undeletable probability of the FBF ( P ( U f ) ) is the same as P ( I | S ) in (5). When using the same m, n, and k for the rCBF and FBF, P ( U r ) < P ( U f ) under the constraint c m a x 3 (i.e., R 2 ). Hence, the L-rCBF using an rCBF is more suitable for dynamic data processing than the L-FBF using an FBF.

5. Performance Evaluation

Section 5.1 compares the proposed L-rCBF with a single rCBF and L-FBF, and compares the performance of L-rCBFs composed of different models. Section 5.2 compares the theoretical results for undeletable and search failure probabilities of an rCBF with the experimental results.

5.1. Performance Comparison of rCBF, L-FBF, and L-rCBF

Our simulation was performed for datasets with specific distributions because learning-based data structures use the distribution of the elements in each set. A total of 245,514 URLs were used as a positive set (i.e., S) with six return values (i.e., six classes) [28], and 1,491,178 blacklisted URLs were used as a negative set (i.e., S c ) [29].
We compared five BF structures: a single rCBF, L-FBF 1 , L-FBF 2 , L-rCBF 1 , and L-rCBF 2 . Each of the two L-FBFs supports the deletion operation using a V-FBF for dynamic data. This performance comparison used two models with different classification accuracies and memory requirements. One model was included in the L-FBF 1 and L-rCBF 1 , and the other model was included in the L-FBF 2 and L-rCBF 2 . The memory requirement of a model generally increases with the accuracy of the model in a learning-based structure. However, this does not necessarily imply that the total memory requirement of the structure increases. For a fair comparison, we first constructed the L-rCBF 1 , and then constructed the other four structures with the same memory requirement as that of the L-rCBF 1 .
To train the two models, character-level pretrained embeddings were utilized with principal component analysis (PCA). The models include a long short-term memory (LSTM) layer, two one-dimensional convolutional neural network (CNN) layers, and three fully connected layers with softmax activation. However, because the hyperparameters of the two models are different, the memory requirements and accuracies of the models are also different. Table 1 compares the number of weights (w) and memory requirements of the two models. The memory requirement of a model depends on w because it is calculated using w. Model 2 for the L-rCBF 2 and L-FBF 2 requires more memory than Model 1 for the L-rCBF 1 and L-FBF 1 ; however, Model 2 provides a higher level of accuracy.
Because an additional FP from the FR-BF causes an FN from the V-rCBF, an L-rCBF should be reconstructed at threshold τ d before the FR-BF begins to return an additional FP owing to too many deletions. Threshold τ d can be set to the number of deleted elements at the point where the theoretically calculated n f p , b is less than and close to 1. Let n t p be | S T P | , n b the number of elements programmed in the FR-BF (i.e., | S F R | ), m b the FR-BF size, k b the number of hash functions of the FR-BF, and n b the number of elements to be programmed into the FR-BF for deletion. Therefore, n f p , b can be calculated as follows:
n f p , b = ( n t p n b ) · 1 ( 1 1 m b ) k b ( n b + n b ) k b .
Figure 3 shows the theoretical and experimental n f p , b in the L-rCBF 1 with Model 1 according to the elements deleted. When deleting more than 15% of the elements in the L-rCBF 1 , n f p , b 1 . Hence, τ d can be predefined as 15% of the elements. In this experiment, reconstruction was not considered for a simple performance comparison; hence, to evaluate the deletion performance, 15% of the randomly selected URLs among those in S were deleted. In addition, a search performance experiment was performed for all URLs in U (i.e., U = S S t s c ).
In the construction procedure, the L-rCBF 1 is constructed first, and then the other four structures are constructed with the same amount of memory as that of the L-rCBF 1 . Let n v be the number of elements programmed into a verification structure (i.e., | S v |   =   | S F R S F N B F P | ), m v the number of cells in the verification structure, α v the size factor of the verification structure (i.e., α v = m v n v ), and α b the size factor of the FR-BF (i.e., α b = m b n b ). The L-rCBF 1 comprises Model 1 , a 32 n b -bit FR-BF, and an 8 n v -cell V-rCBF (i.e., α b = 32 and α v = 8 in the L-rCBF 1 ). To allocate the same amount of memory as in the L-rCBF 1 , the size factors of the FR-BFs and verification structures should be adjusted in the L-FBF 1 , L-FBF 2 , and L-rCBF 2 .
For the FR-BF, α b depends on the model accuracy. As the accuracy of the model increases, n t p increases and n b decreases. To satisfy the condition n f p , b < 1 until 15% of the elements are deleted in the learning-based structures, each α b in the L-rCBF 2 and L-FBF 2 using Model 2 with a higher accuracy than Model 1 should be increased to increase m b , considering (11). In other words, α b in the L-FBF 1 is the same as that in the L-rCBF 1 (i.e., 32) because both structures use Model 1 . However, each α b in the L-FBF 2 and L-rCBF 2 is set to 49 to satisfy the condition. Hence, to support deletions, α b should be increased as the accuracy of the model increases.
A verification structure is constructed with the remaining memory after constructing a model and FR-BF from the total memory. We assume that R = 2 and L = 3 because six values exist. A single cell in an rCBF has five bits (i.e., R + L bits), whereas a single cell in an FBF has three bits (i.e., L bits). Therefore, if an L-FBF and L-rCBF include the same model, the α v of the V-FBF in the L-FBF is greater than that of the V-rCBF in the L-rCBF. Therefore, the α v in the L-FBF 1 is 13.33, 14.03 in the L-FBF 2 , and 8.42 in the L-rCBF 2 . In addition, the size factor of the single rCBF is 6.19.
Table 2 compares the undeletable rates of the rCBF, L-FBF 1 , L-FBF 2 , L-rCBF 1 , and L-rCBF 2 when using the same amount of memory. No UNDEL-FPs from the rCBF and L-FBFs are observed because the structures return more UNDEL-Cs than the L-rCBFs. However, the total number of undeletables from each L-rCBF is less than those from the rCBF and L-FBFs. In terms of the deletion performance, structures using rCBFs outperform those using FBFs because of their counter fields. Even though each V-FBF in the L-FBFs has more cells than each V-rCBF in the L-rCBFs, the undeletable rates of the L-rCBF 1 and L-rCBF 2 improve by 83.67% and 76.67% compared with those of the L-FBF 1 and L-FBF 2 , respectively.
Table 3 compares the search failure rates of the rCBF, L-FBF 1 , L-FBF 2 , L-rCBF 1 , and L-rCBF 2 when using the same amount of memory. The reduction rate in search failures represents the proportion of reduced search failures observed in a learning-based structure relative to the single rCBF. The four learning-based structures improve the search failure rates compared with the single rCBF. When comparing L-FBFs with L-rCBFs, the search failure rates of the L-FBFs are better than those of the L-rCBFs because the α v of the V-FBFs (i.e., 13.33 and 14.03) are greater than those of the V-rCBFs (i.e., 8 and 8.42). However, if insertions and deletions are repeated for dynamic data, the performance gap of the search failure rates between the L-rCBF and L-FBF with the same model would be reduced owing to an increase in the number of conflict cells in the V-FBF. Furthermore, because of the significantly superior deletion performance of the L-rCBFs compared with that of the L-FBFs, as shown in Table 2, the L-rCBFs are more appropriate than L-FBFs for dynamic data processing. In addition, when comparing the L-FBF 1 to L-FBF 2 or the L-rCBF 1 to L-rCBF 2 , in terms of the search and deletion performances, each structure using Model 2 outperforms each structure using Model 1 , despite Model 2 requiring more memory than Model 1 , because of the higher accuracy of Model 2 .
For static data, because insertions and deletions are infrequent and searches are primarily performed, using the L-FBF with an improved search performance is more efficient than using a single rCBF. Especially if the FBF for dynamic data is replaced with that for static data in the L-FBF, the search performance of the L-FBF improves. Table 4 compares the search failure rates of the rCBF, L-FBF 2 with the FBF for dynamic data, and L-FBF 2 with the FBF for static data when using the same amount of memory. Because the number of conflict cells in the FBF for static data is less than that for dynamic data, using the FBF for static data can reduce the number of INDETs included in set S. Hence, the L-FBF for static data is more efficient than a single rCBF and the L-FBF for dynamic data when insertions and deletions are infrequent.
Additionally, we compare the L-rCBFs (i.e., L-rCBF 1 and L-rCBF 2 ) to two L-FBFs (i.e., L-FBF 3 and L-FBF 4 ), which are identical to the L-FBF 1 and L-FBF 2 except for the V-FBFs, and the α v of the V-FBFs have the same values as those of the V-rCBFs in the L-rCBFs: 8 and 8.42, respectively. Table 5 compares the undeletable rates when using a verification structure with the same α v . The undeletable rates of the L-rCBF 1 and L-rCBF 2 are reduced by 98.73% and 98.20%, respectively, compared with those of the L-FBF 3 and L-FBF 4 , respectively. In terms of the search performance, if both an L-FBF and L-rCBF with the same model possess the same α b and α v values, the structures have the same search failure rates. Hence, the search failure rates of the L-rCBF 1 and L-FBF 3 are the same, and those of the L-rCBF 2 and L-FBF 4 are also the same. However, if insertions and deletions are repeated, the search failure rates of the L-rCBFs would be better than those of the L-FBFs.

5.2. Comparison of Probabilities between Theoretical and Experimental Results for rCBF

This section compares the undeletable and search failure probabilities (i.e., P ( U ) and P ( F s ) ) between the theoretical and experimental results for the rCBF and FBF supporting the deletion operation. To obtain the results for P ( U ) and P ( F s ) , experiments were performed using 2 15 random URLs for set S and 2 2 15 URLs for S c , and the URLs were obtained from ALEXA [30]. To allocate the same number of bits to a value field in the rCBF and a cell in the FBF, we assumed 254 return values; hence, a cell in the rCBF has a two-bit counter and eight-bit value field, and a cell in the FBF has eight bits to store values. However, the rCBF can store up to 255 values for eight bits (i.e., 2 8 1 ) because the rCBF does not need to reserve the maximum value 2 8 1 as a conflict value.
Let n be the number of elements stored in a BF structure, α the size factor of the structure, m the number of cells in the structure (i.e., BF size m = α n ), and M the memory requirement of the structure. Figure 4 and Figure 5 compare the P ( U ) and P ( F s ) between the theoretical and experimental results according to the BF size, respectively. When each α of the FBF is 2, 4, and 8, each α of the rCBF 1 is 1.6 , 3.2 , and 6.4 , respectively, because the rCBF 1 uses the same M as the FBF. The rCBF 2 uses the same α as the FBF. Although the α of the rCBF 1 is smaller than that of the FBF, the P ( U ) of the rCBF 1 is much smaller than that of the FBF. The P ( F S ) of the rCBF 1 is slightly greater than that of the FBF; however, if insertions and deletions are repeated, the P ( F S ) of the rCBF would be better than that of the FBF. Hence, with dynamic data, replacing the FBF with the rCBF can improve the performance of the overall structure (i.e., L-rCBF), even though the FBF is better than the rCBF in terms of the P ( F S ) when using the same M. In addition, the experimental results validated the theoretical analysis, as shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5.

6. Conclusions

In this paper, we propose an L-rCBF for dynamic data and design a deletion algorithm for the L-rCBF that can be applied to deletions in an L-FBF. The proposed L-rCBF can be utilized in various applications involving repetitive update operations (i.e., insertions and deletions), such as PIT lookup in NDN and deduplication in distributed systems. As an expandable and deletable key–value structure, the L-rCBF allows efficient operations and can achieve the purpose of each application without other data structures.
Using the same amount of memory, the proposed L-rCBF is better than a single rCBF in terms of undeletables and search failures because a model in the L-rCBF consumes a relatively small amount of memory, regardless of the amount of data. Hence, as the amount of positive data to be stored increases, the L-rCBF becomes more efficient than a single rCBF.
Using the same amount of memory, an L-rCBF is better than an L-FBF with the same model in terms of undeletables because an rCBF can utilize cells with hash collisions for deletion, unlike an FBF. Moreover, as the number of return values increases, the L-rCBF becomes more efficient than the L-FBF. Therefore, for dynamic data processing with frequent insertions and deletions, the proposed L-rCBF is more suitable than the L-FBF, and deletions from the L-rCBF and L-FBF can be implemented using the proposed deletion algorithm. In addition, the theoretical analyses and experiments demonstrated the superiority of structures using an rCBF.
Furthermore, the performance of a learning-based structure can vary depending on the accuracy of the model used. In other words, the higher the accuracy of a model, the better the deletion and search performance of the learning-based structure. Despite the higher memory requirement of a model with high accuracy compared with a model with lower accuracy, the accurate model reduces the sizes of the auxiliary structures (i.e., the FR-BF and verification structure) by reducing the number of elements stored in the structures, thereby enhancing the overall performance. However, owing to the tradeoff between memory requirements and accuracy, the size of a learned model cannot be increased in an unlimited manner to improve accuracy when designing a learning-based structure. In addition, if a complex model is designed to increase accuracy, the training time of the model increases as well as the memory requirement. Therefore, if reconstructions occur, the processing speed of the L-rCBF using the complex model is degraded compared to the L-rCBF using a simpler and smaller model.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, H.B.; methodology, H.B.; software, Y.L.; validation, Y.L. and H.B.; formal analysis, H.B.; investigation, Y.L. and H.B.; resources, H.B.; data curation, Y.L.; writing—original draft preparation, Y.L.; writing—review and editing, H.B.; visualization, Y.L.; supervision, H.B.; project administration, H.B.; funding acquisition, H.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (NRF-2021R1F1A1051646).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
BFBloom filter
FBFFunctional Bloom filter
rCBFCounting Bloom filter with return values
LBFLearned Bloom filter
L-FBFLearned functional Bloom filter
L-rCBFLearned counting Bloom filter with return values
FR-BFFalse-class result Bloom filter
V-FBFVerification functional Bloom filter
V-rCBFVerification counting Bloom filter with return values
NDNNamed data networking
FIBForwarding information base
PITPending interest table
SDNSoftware defined networking
TPTrue positive
FPFalse positive
FRFalse-class result
FNFalse negative
PCAPrincipal component analysis
LSTMLong short-term memory
CNNConvolutional neural network


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Figure 1. Counting Bloom filter with return values (rCBF).
Figure 1. Counting Bloom filter with return values (rCBF).
Applsci 13 12116 g001
Figure 2. Access paths of elements depending on the deletions of the L-rCBF: (a) Access paths of elements before deleting them; (b) Access paths of elements after deleting them.
Figure 2. Access paths of elements depending on the deletions of the L-rCBF: (a) Access paths of elements before deleting them; (b) Access paths of elements after deleting them.
Applsci 13 12116 g002
Figure 3. Number of false positives from the FR-BF in the L-rCBF 1 with Model 1 according to the elements deleted.
Figure 3. Number of false positives from the FR-BF in the L-rCBF 1 with Model 1 according to the elements deleted.
Applsci 13 12116 g003
Figure 4. Comparison of undeletable probabilities between theoretical and experimental results according to BF size.
Figure 4. Comparison of undeletable probabilities between theoretical and experimental results according to BF size.
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Figure 5. Comparison of search failure probabilities between theoretical and experimental results according to BF size.
Figure 5. Comparison of search failure probabilities between theoretical and experimental results according to BF size.
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Table 1. Comparison of memory requirements of two models.
Table 1. Comparison of memory requirements of two models.
Model 1 Model 2
Number of weights (w)620748,055
Memory requirements (kB)24.828192.22
Table 2. Comparison of undeletable rates when using same amount of memory (%).
Table 2. Comparison of undeletable rates when using same amount of memory (%).
Table 3. Comparison of search failure rates when using same amount of memory (%).
Table 3. Comparison of search failure rates when using same amount of memory (%).
INDET ( I | S )5.1040.0990.0621.2330.819
S c TN99.31899.48099.45399.38899.407
FP ( F P | S c )0.6460.5200.5470.6100.593
INDET ( I | S c )0.036000.0020
Search failuresFP+INDET1.3070.2580.2450.9980.734
Reduction rate in search failures-80.2681.2523.6443.84
compared with a single rCBF
Table 4. Comparison of search failure rates between L-FBFs for dynamic and static data (%).
Table 4. Comparison of search failure rates between L-FBFs for dynamic and static data (%).
Dynamic DataStatic Data
INDET ( I | S )5.1040.0620.018
S c TN99.31899.45399.453
FP ( F P | S c )0.6460.5470.547
INDET ( I | S c )0.03600
Search failuresFP+INDET1.3070.2450.218
Reduction rate in search failures-81.2583.32
compared with a single rCBF
Table 5. Comparison of undeletable rates when using verification structure with same α v (%).
Table 5. Comparison of undeletable rates when using verification structure with same α v (%).
L-FBF 3 L-FBF 4 L-rCBF 1 L-rCBF 2
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MDPI and ACS Style

Lee, Y.; Byun, H. L-rCBF: Learning-Based Key–Value Data Structure for Dynamic Data Processing. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 12116.

AMA Style

Lee Y, Byun H. L-rCBF: Learning-Based Key–Value Data Structure for Dynamic Data Processing. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(22):12116.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Lee, Yejee, and Hayoung Byun. 2023. "L-rCBF: Learning-Based Key–Value Data Structure for Dynamic Data Processing" Applied Sciences 13, no. 22: 12116.

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