Securing Construction Workers’ Data Security and Privacy with Blockchain Technology
:1. Introduction
1.1. Problem Statement
1.2. Research Motivation and Significance
1.3. Research Aim and Objectives
- (1)
- To develop a Hyperledger fabric blockchain for privacy protection of personal information and safety among construction workers.
- (2)
- To optimize Amazon Web Services (AWS) as the cloud provider and storage service to deploy the blockchain solution.
- (3)
- To test and evaluate the effectiveness of the blockchain for ensuring privacy protection and the security of construction workers’ personal information.
- (4)
- To develop a conceptual blockchain model to enhance the privacy and safety of construction workers’ personal information, and to illustrate the practical implementation of the proposed model to validate its usability and benefits for the construction industry.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Traditional Methods of Data Management
2.2. Advanced Privacy Management Practices and the Adoption of Secure and Efficient Digital Solutions
2.3. Evolution of Blockchain Technology: From Bitcoin to Blockchain 3.0
2.4. Blockchain Technology as an Information Management System
2.5. Blockchain Types
2.6. Key Concepts of Blockchain Technology
3. Methodology
3.1. Experimental Design of the Proposed Blockchain
3.1.1. Blockchain System Architecture of the Case Study
3.1.2. System Structure of Proposed Blockchain
3.1.3. Deployment of Proposed Blockchain
- Step 1: Establishing AWS infrastructure
- Step 2: Installing and configuring the Hyperledger Fabric components
- Step 3: Storing and managing construction workers’ data
- Step 4: Enabling communication and integration among network components
- Step 5: Configuration and deployment of chaincode
Algorithm 1 Biodata of construction workers in case study |
// Define a User class |
class User { |
// Define private member variables |
String user_id |
String user_name |
String user_address |
String user_email |
String account_type |
// Define getters and setters for the member variables |
method getUser_id() : String |
method setUser_id(user_id : String) : void |
method getUser_name() : String |
Algorithm 2 Safety data of construction workers |
// Define a SpreadingMortar class |
class SpreadingMortar { |
// Declare private member variables |
String id |
String numberOfFrames |
String neckAngle |
String rightElbow |
String leftElbow |
String rightwrist |
String lefttwrist |
String rightSoulder |
String leftSoulder |
String rightHip |
String leftHip |
String rightKnee |
String leftKnee |
String rebaScore |
String levelOfMSDRisk |
// Define a parameterized constructor |
method SpreadingMotor(id : String, numberOfFrames : String, neckAngle : String, rightElbow : String, leftElbow : String, rightwrist : String, lefttwrist : String, rightSoulder : String, leftSoulder : String, |
4. Results and Discussions
4.1. Results
4.1.1. A Conceptual Blockchain-Based Model for Enhancing the Privacy and Safety of Construction Workers’ Personal Information
4.1.2. Testing of Conceptual Blockchain-Based System Using the Transaction Testing Approach
4.1.3. Security Details of the Conceptual Blockchain Developed on AWS
4.2. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- Informed decision making for high-risk activities: By storing safety data, especially work-related musculoskeletal disorder (WMSD) risk assessments, on the blockchain, construction stakeholders gain access to verified and authenticated information. This empowers them to make informed decisions related to workforce management during high-risk construction tasks. Comprehensive safety data facilitate effective risk assessment, optimal resource allocation, and the assignment of skilled workers to specific high-risk activities. This proactive approach enhances safety measures, reduces accidents, and ensures the well-being of construction personnel.
- Enhanced data security and privacy: Storing workers’ biographic data on the blockchain enhances security and privacy compared to centralized systems. The blockchain’s decentralized architecture distributes data across multiple nodes, making unauthorized manipulation challenging. Cryptographic techniques further safeguard sensitive information, ensuring its confidentiality. This heightened data security fosters trust between construction stakeholders and workers, assuring them that their information is handled with the utmost security.
- Promotion of Industry Innovation and Trust: The successful implementation of blockchain within the construction sector sets a precedent for technological innovation. Demonstrating the practical application of blockchain in enhancing data security and privacy inspires confidence among stakeholders. This newfound trust encourages further adoption of advanced technologies to modernize construction practices, driving industry-wide innovation and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
6. Limitations, Recommendations, and Future Research Direction
6.1. Limitations
6.2. Recommendations
- (1)
- Continuous Monitoring and Auditing: Ensuring compliance with data protection regulations and preemptively identifying vulnerabilities require consistent monitoring and auditing of the blockchain system. Regular updates and patches should be swiftly applied to mitigate potential security risks, thus creating a robust environment for data management.
- (2)
- Real-world Testing and Iterative Enhancement: Real-world testing and pilot implementation of the blockchain platform in construction projects are essential. This approach facilitates the identification of practical challenges and permits iterative refinements. Collecting user feedback and promptly addressing any emerging issues will optimize the system’s performance and tailor its functionality to the specific requirements of the construction industry.
6.3. Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Saah, A.E.N.; Yee, J.-J.; Choi, J.-H. Securing Construction Workers’ Data Security and Privacy with Blockchain Technology. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 13339.
Saah AEN, Yee J-J, Choi J-H. Securing Construction Workers’ Data Security and Privacy with Blockchain Technology. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(24):13339.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSaah, Alvina Ekua Ntefua, Jurng-Jae Yee, and Jae-Ho Choi. 2023. "Securing Construction Workers’ Data Security and Privacy with Blockchain Technology" Applied Sciences 13, no. 24: 13339.
APA StyleSaah, A. E. N., Yee, J.-J., & Choi, J.-H. (2023). Securing Construction Workers’ Data Security and Privacy with Blockchain Technology. Applied Sciences, 13(24), 13339.