Evaluation and SAR Analysis of Low Frequency and Broadband Electric Field Exposure Measurement Values in the Home Environment
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
- : effective value of the measured electric field (V/m)
- ρ: mass density of the tissue (kg/m3)
3. Results
4. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Subbands | flower (MHz) | fupper (MHz) | fr |
LTE 800 | 791 | 820.9 | 805.95 |
ETC 1 | 821 | 925 | 873 |
LTE 900 | 925.1 | 935 | 930.05 |
GSM 900 | 935.1 | 961 | 948.05 |
ETC 2 | 961.1 | 1805 | 1383.05 |
GSM 1800 | 1805.1 | 1820 | 1812.55 |
LTE 1800 | 1820 | 1879 | 1849.5 |
DECT | 1880 | 1899 | 1889.5 |
ETC 3 | 1900 | 2010 | 1955 |
UMTS 2100 | 2011 | 2170 | 2090.5 |
ETC 4 | 2171 | 2399 | 2285 |
WLAN | 2400 | 2483 | 2441.5 |
ETC 5 | 2484 | 2569 | 2526.5 |
LTE 2600 | 2570 | 2670 | 2620 |
ETC 6 | 2671 | 3000 | 2835.5 |
Subbands (fr (MHz)) | Skin | Fat | Bone | Dura | CSF | Brain | |
LTE 800 (805.95) | εr | 41.66 | 5.47 | 12.51 | 44.55 | 68.85 | 46.04 |
σ | 0.83 | 0.04 | 0.12 | 0.92 | 2.35 | 0.73 | |
ETC1 (873) | εr | 41.44 | 5.46 | 12.46 | 44.42 | 68.72 | 45.84 |
σ | 0.84 | 0.04 | 0.12 | 0.93 | 2.36 | 0.73 | |
GSM 900 (948.05) | εr | 41.26 | 5.45 | 12.41 | 44.31 | 68.61 | 45.67 |
σ | 0.88 | 0.05 | 0.14 | 0.97 | 2.43 | 0.79 | |
ETC 2 (1383.05) | εr | 40.05 | 5.39 | 12.10 | 43.59 | 67.89 | 44.56 |
σ | 1.03 | 0.06 | 0.21 | 1.15 | 2.68 | 0.97 | |
LTE 1800 (1849.5) | εr | 38.83 | 5.33 | 11.76 | 42.83 | 67.12 | 43.42 |
σ | 1.20 | 0.07 | 0.28 | 1.34 | 2.96 | 1.17 | |
WLAN (2441.5) | εr | 38.04 | 5.28 | 11.38 | 42.04 | 66.23 | 42.53 |
σ | 1.45 | 0.10 | 0.39 | 1.66 | 3.44 | 1.50 | |
ρ (density) (kg/m3) | 1100 | 920 | 1850 | 1050 | 1060 | 1030 |
Whole-Body Average SAR (W/kg) | Localized SAR (Head and Trunk) (W/kg) | Localized SAR (Limbs) (W/kg) | |
FCC (1 g) | |||
Occupational Exposure | 0.4 | 8 | 20 |
General Public Exposure | 0.08 | 1.6 | 4 |
CE (10 g) | |||
Occupational Exposure | 0.4 | 10 | 20 |
General Public Exposure | 0.08 | 2 | 4 |
50 Hz/Broadband | Bedroom | Livingroom | Break (Entrance) | Kitchen |
Emin (V/m) | 144/4 | 76/2 | 153/9 | 84/4 |
Emax (V/m) | 157/59 | 174/71 | 164/63 | 166/16 |
Eaverage (V/m) | 149.11/7.75 | 112.22/18.31 | 157.55/35.78 | 156.03/4.66 |
Estd (V/m) | 1.63/8 | 22.65/13.46 | 2.5/10.61 | 17.56/1.08 |
Bands | Number of Data/(%) | Eaverage (V/m)/(%) | ||||
LTE 800 | 0 | 19/1.9 | 0 | 448/44.8 | 0 | 6.34/18.13 |
ETC 1 | 30/3 | 0 | 1/0.1 | 1/0.1 | 11.36/42.68 | |
GSM900 | 10/1 | 21/2.1 | 0 | 1/0.1 | 7.62/28.63 | 5.26/15.02 |
ETC 2 | 960/96 | 959/95.9 | 998/99.8 | 481/48.1 | 7.64/28.68 | 18.84/53.81 |
LTE 1800 | 0 | 1/0.1 | 0 | 69/6.9 | 4.56/13.02 | |
WLAN | 0 | 0 | 1/0.1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 2 | |
Bands | Etotal (V/m)/(%) | Eaverage (V/m)/(%) | ||||
LTE 800 | 0 | 120.64/0.65 | 0 | 2229.75/47.85 | 0 | 4.97/19.45 |
ETC 1 | 341.03/4.39 | 0 | 26.34/0.073 | 6.96/0.15 | 26.34/34 | 6.96/27.24 |
GSM900 | 76.26/0.98 | 110.49/0.6 | 0 | 4.68/0.1 | 0 | 4.68/18.31 |
ETC 2 | 7335.23/94.61 | 18,070.33/98.71 | 35,733/99.88 | 2101.47/45.1 | 35.80/46 | 4.36/17.07 |
LTE 1800 | 0 | 4.56/0.02 | 0 | 316.04/6.78 | 0 | 4.58/17.9 |
WLAN | 0 | 0 | 14.98/0.041 | 0 | 14.98/20 | 0 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 4 |
Layer | LTE 800 (805.95) MHz | ETC 1 (873) MHz | GSM 900 (948.05) MHz | ETC 2 (1383.05) MHz | LTE 1800 (1849.5) MHz | WLAN (2441.5) MHz |
(permittivity) | ||||||
skin | (3.68 − 1.6i = 4.0358 e−i24.15°) e−10 | (3.6 − 1.5i = 3.973 e−i24.15°) e−10 | (3.6 − 1.4i = 3.9 e−i24.5°) e−10 | (3.5 − 1.1i = 3.73 e−i25°) e−10 | (3.4 − 1.03i = 3.5 e−i24°) e−10 | (3.3 − 0.9i = 3.49 e−i24°) e−10 |
fat | (0.4 − 0.09i = 4.52 e−i12.12°) e−10 | (0.4 − 0.08i = 0.4 e−i11.37°) e−10 | (0.4 − 0.08i = 0.4 e−i11°) e−10 | (0.4 − 0.07i = 0.44 e−i9°) e−10 | (0.4 − 0.06i = 0.44 e−i8°) e−10 | (0.4 − 0.06i = 0.44 e−i8°) e−10 |
bone | (1.10 − 0.24i = 1.1336 e−i12.59°) e−10 | (1.1 − 0.2i = 1.12 e−i11.99°) e−10 | (1 − 0.2i = 1.12 e−i12.69°) e−10 | (1 − 0.2i = 1.097 e−i13°) e−10 | (1 − 0.2i = 1.069 e−i13°) e−10 | (1 − 0.2i = 1.038 e−i14°) e−10 |
dura | (3.93 − 1.82i = 4.3385 e−i24.84°) e−10 | (3.9 − 1.6i = 4.27e−i23.32°) e−10 | (3.9 − 1.6i = 4.2 e−i22.7°) e−10 | (3.8 − 1.3i = 4.07 e−i18°) e−10 | (3.7 − 1.1i = 3.95e−i17°) e−10 | (3.7 − 1.08i = 3.8 e−i16°) e−10 |
CSF | (6.08 − 4.65i = 7.6593 e−i37.37°) e−10 | (6.07 − 4.3i = 7.4 e−i35.37°) e−10 | (6 − 4i = 7.315 e−i33.97°) e−10 | (6 − 3.08i = 6.74 e−i27°) e−10 | (5.9 − 2.5i = 6.45 e−i23°) e−10 | (5.8 − 2.2i = 6.26 e−i20°) e−10 |
brain | (4.06 − 1.44i = 4.317 e−i19.5°) e−10 | (4.05 − 1.3i = 4.26 e−i18.3°) e−10 | (4 − 1.3i = 4.24 e−i18.17°) e−10 | (3.9 − 1.1i = 4.09 e−i15°) e−10 | (3.8 − 1i = 3.969 e−i14°) e−10 | (3.7 − 0.9i = 3.88 e−i14°) e−10 |
(Propagation constant) | ||||||
skin | 23.8 + 110i = 114.02 ei77.91° | 24 + 120i = 122.64 ei78.6° | 25 + 130i = 132 ei78.9° | 30.4 + 185i = 188.39 ei80.69° | 35.9 + 244i = 246.78 ei81.62° | 44.1 + 318i = 321.64 ei82.11° |
fat | 4.03 + 37.97i = 38.187 ei9.41° | 4.09 + 41.105i = 41.3 ei84.31° | 4.40 + 44.63i = 44.84 ei84.36° | 5.50 + 65.03i = 65.26 ei85.15° | 6.72 + 86.91i = 87.17 ei85.57° | 8.71 + 11i = 115.05 ei85.65° |
bone | 6.63 + 60.11i = 60.47ei83.69° | 6.83 + 64.931i = 65.28 ei83.99° | 7.83 + 70.42i = 70.85 ei83.65° | 11.5 + 101i = 102.12 ei83.48° | 15.7 + 133i = 134.78 ei83.28° | 21.7 + 173i = 175.31 ei82.87° |
dura | 25.4 + 115i = 118.31 ei77.59° | 25 + 120i = 127.2 ei78.31° | 27 + 130i = 137.69 ei78.64° | 32.4 + 194i = 196.76 ei80.50° | 38.3 + 256i = 259.35 ei81.49° | 47.8 + 335i = 338.52 ei81.87° |
CSF | 50.38 + 148i = 157.2 ei71.3° | 51 + 160i = 167.9 ei72.30° | 52.8 + 172i = 180.71 ei73° | 59.5 + 246i = 253.21 ei76.38° | 66.6 + 324i = 331.2 ei78.38° | 78.4 + 423i = 430.85 ei79.51° |
brain | 19.9 + 116i = 118.01 ei80.24° | 20 + 120i = 127.13 ei80.80° | 21.7 + 136i = 137.72 ei80.9° | 27.2 + 195i = 197.25 ei82.06° | 33.4 + 257 = 259.69 ei82.61° | 43 + 336i = 339.15 ei82.7° |
(impedance) (Ω) | ||||||
skin | 54.57 + 11.68i = 55.811 ei12.07° | 55.13 + 11.11i = 56.247 ei12.07° | 55.43 + 10.87i = 56.49 ei12.08° | 57.24 + 9.37i = 58.009 ei12.07° | 58.58 + 8.62i = 59.22 ei12.07° | 59.41 + 8.23i = 59.98 ei12.07° |
fat | 165 + 17.6i = 166.77 ei6.06° | 160 + 16i = 166.99 ei5.68° | 160 + 16i = 167 ei5.62° | 166.8 + 14.1i = 167.45 ei4.83° | 167.1 + 12.9i = 167.65 ei4.42° | 167.2 + 12.6i = 167.69 ei4.34° |
bone | 104 + 11.5i = 105.307 ei6.29° | 100 + 11i = 105.658 ei6° | 100 + 11i = 105.7 ei6.34° | 106.3 + 12.1i = 107.01 ei6.51° | 107.6 + 12.6i = 108.428 ei6.7° | 109.2 + 13.6i = 110.04 ei7.12° |
dura | 52.57 + 11.56i = 53.82 ei12.4° | 53.08 + 10.97i = 54.2126 ei11.67° | 53.3 + 10.73i = 54.40 ei11.37° | 54.78 + 9.16i = 55.542 ei9.49° | 55.73 + 8.33i = 56.3506 ei8.5° | 56.41 + 8.05i = 56.99 ei8.12° |
CSF | 38.37 + 12.98i = 40.513 ei18.68° | 39.129 + 12.48i = 41.073 ei17.69° | 39.6 + 12.1i = 41.45 ei16.98° | 41.9 + 10.15i = 43.161 ei13.6° | 43.2 + 8.8i = 44.1268 ei11.61° | 44.03 + 8.1i = 44.77 ei10.48° |
brain | 53.18 + 9.14i = 53.963 ei9.74° | 53.56 + 8.669i = 54.261 ei9.19° | 53.7 + 8.5i = 54.391 ei9.08° | 54.87 + 7.65i = 55.406 ei7.93° | 55.80 + 7.23i = 56.276 ei7.38° | 56.42 + 7.22i = 56.884 ei7.29° |
(transmission coefficient) | ||||||
skin | 0.2541 + 0.0472i = 0.2585 ei10.52° | 0.25 + 0.04i = 0.2601ei10.15° | 0.25 + 0.04i = 0.2611 ei9.65° | 0.264 + 0.03i = 0.2670 ei8.07° | 0.26 + 0.03i = 0.271 ei7.25° | 0.27 + 0.03i = 0.2747 ei6.81° |
fat | 1.4995 − 0.0395i = 1.5 e−i1.5° | 1.49 − 0.03i = 1.4975 e−i1.43° | 1.49 − 0.036i = 1.4958 ei1.38° | 1.486 − 0.029i = 1.48 e−i1.14° | 1.47 − 0.026i = 1.478 e−i1.03° | 1.47 − 0.02i = 1.4736 e−i0.93° |
bone | 0.7741 + 0.0020i = 0.7741 ei0.14° | 0.77 + 0.0026 = 0.775 ei0.19° | 0.77 + 0.006i = 0.775 ei0.44° | 0.779 + 0.013i = 0.779 ei1.02° | 0.78 + 0.019i = 0.7856 ei1.38° | 0.79 + 0.02i = 0.7927 ei1.68° |
dura | 0.6757 + 0.0477i = 0.6774 ei4.03° | 0.67 + 0.04i = 0.6789 ei3.75° | 0.679 + 0.03i = 0.6801 ei3.33° | 0.683 + 0.023i = 0.683 ei1.96° | 0.68 + 0.01i = 0.6840 ei1.81° | 0.68 + 0.007i = 0.682 ei0.65° |
CSF | 0.8584 + 0.0538i = 0.8601 ei3.58° | 0.861 + 0.051i = 0.863 ei3.42° | 0.86 + 0.048i = 0.866 ei3.19° | 0.874 + 0.035i = 0.875 ei2.31° | 0.87 + 0.02i = 0.8787 ei1.74° | 0.88 + 0.02i = 0.8802 ei1.32° |
brain | 1.1432 − 0.0766i = 1.1458 e−i3.81° | 1.1391 − 0.0729i = 1.1414 e−i3.64° | 1.13 − 0.06i = 1.1376 ei3.37° | 1.124 − 0.04i = 1.1256 e−i2.48° | 1.12 − 0.03i = 1.1218e−i1.85° | 1.11 − 0.02i = 1.1195 e−i1.4° |
(reflection coefficient) | ||||||
skin | −0.74 + 0.047i = 0.7474 ei176.37° | −0.74 + 0.04i = 0.7451 ei176.54° | −0.74 + 0.04i = 0.743 ei176.61° | −0.73 + 0.03i = 0.7366 ei177° | −0.73 + 0.03i = 0.731 ei177.31° | −0.72 + 0.03i = 0.727 ei177.43° |
fat | 0.49 − 0.0395i = 0.5 e−i4.52° | 0.49 − 0.037i = 0.4984 e−i4.32° | 0.49 − 0.03i = 0.49 ei4.2° | 0.48 − 0.02i = 0.4869 e−i13.5° | 0.47 − 0.02i = 0.479 e−i3.18° | 0.47 − 0.02i = 0.474 e−i2.9° |
bone | −0.22 + 0.002i = 0.2259 ei179.49° | −0.22 + 0.0026i = 0.225 ei179.33° | −0.2 + 0.006i = 0.22 ei178.43° | −0.22 + 0.01i = 0.220 ei176.38° | −0.21 + 0.01i = 0.215 ei174.94° | −0.2 + 0.02i = 0.209 ei173.59° |
dura | −0.32 + 0.047i = 0.3278 ei171.63° | −0.322 + 0.044i = 0.3256 ei172.17° | −0.3 + 0.03i = 0.32 ei173.05° | −0.31 + 0.02i = 0.317 ei175.77° | −0.31 + 0.01i = 0.316 ei177.44° | −0.31 + 0.007i = 0.31 ei178.59° |
CSF | −0.14 + 0.05i = 0.1515 ei159.59° | −0.138 + 0.051i = 0.1476 ei158.57° | −0.13 + 0.04i = 0.14 ei159.73° | −0.12 + 0.03i = 0.1305 ei164.3° | −0.12 + 0.02i = 0.124 ei167.62° | −0.12 + 0.02i = 0.121 ei170.39° |
brain | 0.14 − 0.076i = 0.1624 e−i28.49° | 0.139 − 0.072i = 0.1570 e−i28.97° | 0.13 − 0.067i = 0.151 e−i27.26° | 0.12 − 0.04i = 0.1337 e−i21.4° | 0.12 − 0.03i = 0.1265 e−i16.67° | 0.11 − 0.02i = 0.1223 e−i12.94° |
Reference | Measured Frequency Range | Measurement Time | Measured Quantity | Measured Area | Calculated and Plotted Values and Tables |
[1] | 50 Hz | One hour | E, H, GPS | Measurements were taken at 30 points outside Diyarbakir (Turkey). | E and H |
[2] | 50 Hz | H | H | at 31 points in houses close to transformer stations in municipality of Silla (València, Spain) | H Location Age Mean Number Max Min Std Median |
[8] | 60 Hz | 6 min | H | Magnetic field exposure measurement | H, table |
[9] | 50 Hz, broadband (700–2500 MHz), GPS | 6 min | E, Pr (W/m2), measurement coordinate (GPS) | 32 points Ordu university main campus (Turkey) | E, Pr, Google earth, Emean Pdf, curve fitting |
[10] | 1.5 Tesla 63 MHz MR | 6 min | E, H, S (W/m2) | The strongest electromagnetic source that people working in the healthcare sector are exposed to is; It has been proven by measurements made in 3 hospitals, 4 medical imaging centers and 3 physical therapy centers that it is caused by MRI and diathermy (Turkey). | E, H, S |
[18] | 4G, 5G LTE | 6 min | E | Columbia, SC, In the city center in USA | Histogram of spatial field distribution measurements |
[20] | 50 Hz, broadband (700–2500 MHz) | 6 min | E | Low-frequency electric field measurement of broadband and high voltage was carried out in Bursa Nilufer municipality (Turkey). | E |
[21] | broadband (700–2500 MHz), | 6 min | E | A 6 min measurement was made at 213 points at 6 base stations in Ordu (Turkey). | E, pdf |
[22] | broadband (700–2500 MHz), | 6 min | E | In Ordu (Turkey) 500 points broadband electric field in 6 min | E, cdf, pdf |
[32] | 100 kHz–3 GHz | 24 h | E | Outdoor at 5 points in Samsun city cross base stations (Turkey) | E, E density curve fitting, Emax, Emean, Estd table |
[33] | 100 kHz–3 GHz | 24 h | E | In house two locations in Samsun (Turkey) | E, E density curve fitting, Emax, Emean, Estd table |
[34] | 100 kHz–3 GHz | one week | E | In shopping mall in Samsun city (Turkey) | E, E density curve fitting, Emax, Emean, Estd table Ecdf and Curve fitting |
[35] | 100 kHz–3 GHz | 24 h | E | In Samsun in 40 different home environments (Turkey) | E, Edensity curve fitting, Emax, Emean, Estd table Ecdf and Curve fitting |
[My study] | 50 Hz, broadband (700–2500 MHz), | 24 h | E | In the entrance, living room, bedroom and kitchen on the 4th floor of an apartment building in Ordu kugukent (Turkey). | E, Edensity curve fitting, Emax, Emean, Estd table Ecdf and Curve fitting, SAR, head model |
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Mutlu, M. Evaluation and SAR Analysis of Low Frequency and Broadband Electric Field Exposure Measurement Values in the Home Environment. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 4169. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14104169
Mutlu M. Evaluation and SAR Analysis of Low Frequency and Broadband Electric Field Exposure Measurement Values in the Home Environment. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(10):4169. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14104169
Chicago/Turabian StyleMutlu, Mustafa. 2024. "Evaluation and SAR Analysis of Low Frequency and Broadband Electric Field Exposure Measurement Values in the Home Environment" Applied Sciences 14, no. 10: 4169. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14104169
APA StyleMutlu, M. (2024). Evaluation and SAR Analysis of Low Frequency and Broadband Electric Field Exposure Measurement Values in the Home Environment. Applied Sciences, 14(10), 4169. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14104169