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2FAKA-C/S: A Robust Two-Factor Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for C/S Data Transmission in Federated Learning

School of Information Electronic Technology, Jiamusi University, Jiamusi 154007, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14(15), 6664;
Submission received: 30 May 2024 / Revised: 22 July 2024 / Accepted: 25 July 2024 / Published: 30 July 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Security, Privacy and Application in New Intelligence Techniques)


As a hot technology trend, the federated learning (FL) cleverly combines data utilization and privacy protection by processing data locally on the client and only sharing model parameters with the server, embodying an efficient and secure collaborative learning model between clients and aggregated Servers. During the process of uploading parameters in FL models, there is susceptibility to unauthorized access threats, which can result in training data leakage. To ensure data security during transmission, the Authentication and Key Agreement (AKA) protocols are proposed to authenticate legitimate users and safeguard training data. However, existing AKA protocols for client–server (C/S) architecture show security deficiencies, such as lack of user anonymity and susceptibility to password guessing attacks. In this paper, we propose a robust 2FAKA-C/S protocol based on ECC and Hash-chain technology. Our security analysis shows that the proposed protocol ensures the session keys are semantically secure and can effectively resist various attacks. The performance analysis indicates that the proposed protocol achieves a total running time of 62.644 ms and requires only 800 bits of communication overhead, showing superior computational efficiency and lower communication costs compared to existing protocols. In conclusion, the proposed protocol securely protects the training parameters in a federated learning environment and provides a reliable guarantee for data transmission.

1. Introduction

Federated learning (FL) is an innovative approach where multiple organizations can collaboratively develop machine learning models while maintaining data confidentiality. In FL, data is processed locally at each client’s site and only model updates, not the raw data, are shared with the server. This method not only enhances privacy but also allows for the pooling of knowledge across different entities, significantly improving model accuracy and utility. For example, in healthcare, FL enables institutions to collaborate on refining disease diagnosis models without exposing individual patient data, ensuring privacy and compliance with regulations [1,2]. Similarly, in consumer technology, companies like Google LLC and Apple Inc. employ FL to improve user experiences in keyboard prediction and voice recognition without compromising user privacy [3].
Despite its potential in enhancing data privacy, federated learning faces significant security challenges in practical applications, as evidenced by multiple data breach incidents in 2023 [4]. These unauthorized accesses involved not only personal information but also crucial federated learning data such as model parameters and gradients during client–server (C/S) data transmission. The compromised data ranged from hundreds of GBs to several TBs, affecting various industries including education, finance, and technology. These unauthorized accesses directly threaten the security of data and the reliability of the learning process, particularly in industries relying on precise data exchanges.
To safeguard data transmission in FL, the AKA protocols [5,6,7,8,9] are proposed to authenticate legitimate users and safeguard training data. However, existing AKA protocols for client–server (C/S) architecture show security deficiencies. These vulnerabilities include inadequate protection for user anonymity and traceability [6,8], potentially allowing attackers to identify and track user activities through data interactions [7]. Furthermore, these protocols [6,7,8] are susceptible to replay attacks, where attackers resend valid packets to deceive the authentication system, leading to unauthorized data access. Additionally, they are prone to Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks, which can drain the system by overwhelming it with excessive requests, thereby denying service to legitimate users, among other potential security flaws. Therefore, it is crucial to design a secure and efficient authentication protocol to protect data transmission in FL.
In this paper, we propose a robust 2FAKA-C/S protocol based on ECC and Hash-chain technology that resists attacks from the extended Canetti–Krawczyk (eCK) adversary model [9]. In this enhanced security protocol, ECC leverages the complexity of the discrete logarithm problem to generate a strong yet compact encryption key, reducing computational demands and significantly enhancing the overall security, while also ensuring the forward secrecy. Additionally, the introduction of Hash-chain technology provides further reinforcement to the system’s security. By generating unique Hash-chain’s hash values for each session, this technique effectively prevents replay attacks, safeguarding the uniqueness and security of every session. The integration of these techniques significantly boosts the security and efficiency of the authentication and key agreement process, rendering the protocol highly suitable for C/S data transmission in FL.
Our contributions are summarized below:
  • 2FAKA-C/S Protocol Design:
    Based on the technology of Hash-chain and ECC, we present a robust and effective 2FAKA-C/S protocol, overcoming the limitations of existing AKA methods by enhancing security while maintaining computational efficiency.
  • Security Analysis:
    In the formal security analysis, we prove the semantic security of the session key using provably secure methods. Through the informal security analysis, we demonstrate that the proposed protocol not only possesses the properties of mutual authentication and forward security but also effectively resists replay attacks, identity impersonation attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, etc., as well as possesses the ability to protect against other potential network security threats.
  • Performance Analysis:
    Specifically, the proposed protocol is assessed for its performance in a C/S FL environment, with special focus on total runtime and total communication costs. By comparing with existing protocols, 2FAKA-C/S shows significant advantages in these two key performance metrics. Compared with existing solutions, the proposed protocol effectively improves the operational efficiency of the system.

2. Related Work

FL is a collaborative approach that enhances data privacy by allowing multiple organizations to train models without sharing raw data. Ensuring high-quality data contributions is critical for robust model performance. Taïk et al. [10] and Yurochkin et al. [11] focus on improving model accuracy by prioritizing clients with high-quality data and using evaluation metrics. Deng et al. [12] and Shi et al. [13] introduce dynamic participation and continuously monitor the data quality to optimize learning processes. Lastly, Mazzocca et al. [14] described Trustworthy Federated Learning as a Service (TruFLaaS), a trustworthy federated learning service. TruFLaaS emphasized the importance of robust security and trust mechanisms to ensure data privacy and security in the federated learning process.
Considering the security threats posed by unauthorized access to this data, we need authentication mechanisms to ensure the secure transmission of data in the FL scenario. Since the first introduction of a 2FA protocol, a plethora of subsequent protocols have been designed to improve upon the deficiencies of earlier designs. Ding et al. [6] introduced an innovative anonymous authentication protocol tailored for IoT devices using ECC combined with signcryption. This protocol significantly reduces computational and communication overheads, but it fails to fully secure user anonymity, resulting in potential vulnerabilities for user activity tracking and device traceability.
Liu et al. [7] developed a 2FA protocol that uses ECC to enhance security in mobile computing. While it effectively authenticates users and aggregated servers, it remains susceptible to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks and does not adequately address ephemeral session linkability (ESL) attacks within the extended Canetti–Krawczyk (eCK) security model.
In the healthcare scenario, Singh et al. [15] developed a secure authentication protocol using Kyber and AES-GCM encryption amidst the digital health records transition accelerated by the pandemic. This protocol enables secure transactions without physical key exchanges and generates unique session keys. Xu et al. [16] presented a mutual authentication protocol for tele-surgery, utilizing ECC and biometrics to secure data transmission between surgeons and robotic arms. However, both protocols exhibit performance drawbacks, particularly in computational efficiency, which is critical in healthcare applications.
In the domain of wearable and mobile computing, Tu et al. [17] designed an EAKE-WC protocol for wearable computing that tackles privacy and security issues using ASCON [18], XOR operations, and hashing for user and device authentication, ensuring secure communication through unique session keys. Yang et al. [8] proposed an ultra-lightweight authentication method for mobile edge computing, protecting patient biomedical data in IoT-driven WBANs with a two-stage modal square root technique. However, this method, while reducing computational and communication costs, fails to ensure user anonymity and device un-traceability.
Furthermore, Qi et al. [19] tackled the challenge of ensuring item traceability within industrial IoT (IIoT), introducing a robust auditing mechanism capable of withstanding manipulations by malicious cloud servers. This mechanism represents a broader trend towards employing sophisticated auditing techniques to enhance data integrity in IIoT.
Additionally, in the IoT-Edge-Cloud ecosystem, Seifelnasr et al. [20] unveiled Mutual Authentication Privacy-preserving protocol with Forward Secrecy (MAPFS), a mutual authentication protocol that eliminates reliance on cloud administrators for session key establishment and incorporates zero-knowledge proofs to enhance security and autonomy.

3. Preliminaries

This section provides the essential background information that forms the basis for our subsequent discussion.

3.1. System Model

As shown in Figure 1, our system model contains two main entities: the user (or client) ( U i ) and the aggregation server ( S j ). In Figure 1, the blue lines indicate the registration phase, while the orange lines denote the login and mutual authentication phases.
In the registration phase, U i sends a registration request to the aggregation server S j . After receiving the request, the S j creates a smart card that contains key information, such as the user’s identity information, the generated random number, and the aggregation server’s public key. Finally, S j sends the smart card to U i to enable that U i can perform subsequent login and mutual authentication operations.
In the following login and mutual authentication phase, U i and S j run the operations to obtain mutual authentication and then a session key will be established between entities.

3.2. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and Hash-Chain

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC): ECC [21] is a public-key encryption technique based on the elliptic curves’ mathematical properties. Compared to traditional cryptographic methods such as RSA, ECC offers the same level of security with much smaller key sizes, leading to increased computational efficiency and reduced storage and bandwidth requirements.
  • Elliptic Curve Overview: An elliptic curve is defined by the equation y 2 = x 3 + a x + b   m o d q , where a and b are parameters and q is a large prime number. The set of points on the curve, along with the point at infinity O , forms a group. For the curve to have a valid group structure, the parameters must satisfy 4 a 3 + 27 b 3   0   ( m o d q ) .
  • Key Generation: In ECC, the private key is a randomly selected integer d . The corresponding public key is obtained by multiplying the base point P on the curve by the private key, resulting in Q = d · P . This multiplication is effectively repeated addition of the point P   d times.
  • Group Operations: The addition of two points P and Q on the elliptic curve results in another point R = P + Q . Scalar multiplication, denoted as k · P , involves adding the point P to itself k   times, which is fundamental to ECC operations.
  • Security Foundation: The security of ECC is based on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP). Given two points P and Q = k · P , it is computationally infeasible to determine the scalar k , especially when q is large. This difficulty ensures the robustness of ECC against various cryptographic attacks.
  • Encryption and Decryption: ECC encryption transforms a message into a point on the elliptic curve using the recipient’s public key. The sender selects a random integer k and computes C 1 = k · P and C 2 = M + k · Q , where M is the message point and Q is the recipient’s public key. The recipient decrypts the message by calculating M = C 2 d · C 1 using their private key dd.
  • Computational Efficiency: ECC achieves high levels of security with shorter key lengths, resulting in faster computations and lower resource usage. This makes ECC particularly suitable for environments with limited computational power, such as mobile devices and embedded systems.
Hash-chain: The Hash-chain involves the repeated application of a cryptographic hash function to produce a sequence of hash values.
  • Construction: A Hash-chain starts with a seed value x , and each subsequent value is generated by hashing the previous value. For example, starting with x , the chain progresses as h ( x ) , h ( h ( x ) ) , h ( h ( h ( x ) ) ) , and so on. Originally proposed by Lamport [22], a Hash-chain is a fundamental cryptographic method used to prevent the theft of user passwords over public channels.
  • Features: One of the key characteristics of a Hash-chain is its one-way property: it is computationally feasible to compute the chain in the forward direction but infeasible to reverse the process. This means that given h N ( x ) , it is practically impossible to determine h N 1 ( x ) . However, given h N 1 ( x ) , it is straightforward to verify h N ( x ) . This property makes Hash-chain ideal for resisting replay attacks [23].

3.3. Notations

For clarity and ease of reference, Table 1 shows the notations used in our designed protocol.

3.4. Adversary Model

In the adversary models outlined in [24,25], an eCK adversary A has control over the communication channel between the parties involved, enabling them to perform malicious activities such as intercepting, eavesdropping, and altering transport messages. The adversary’s specific capabilities within AKA protocols are detailed below:
  • Through power analysis [26] or other side-channel techniques [27], adversary A can extract the parameters stored in the user’s smart card.
  • A can intercept, eavesdrop on, and modify transmitted messages in the public channel.
  • A can list all pairs ( P W i , I D i ) in ( D P W , D I D ) in polynomial time, where D I D and D P W are the identifier and password spaces.
  • A can also sign up as a valid user.
  • A may obtain old session keys (e.g., through digital forensic techniques [24]) due to improper erasure.
  • To evaluate forward secrecy, assume A has the server’s long-term private key.
  • A can get ephemeral secrets likes random numbers.

4. The Proposed 2FAKA-C/S Protocol

To enhance security for both mobile users and aggregated servers, our proposed protocol integrates key methodologies, which are shown as follows:
  • Utilization of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC): We harness ECC’s capability to generate robust cryptographic keys of reduced length, significantly bolstering encryption without increasing computational demands. This is achieved by combining the strengths of ECC with the Diffie–Hellman key exchange protocol. The Diffie–Hellman algorithm allows two users, without a secure communication channel, to generate a shared secret key using random numbers. The Diffie–Hellman of ECC ensures forward secrecy.
  • Implementation of Hash-chain: The proposed protocol incorporates Hash-chain by applying a one-way hash function, H(·), which plays a pivotal role in safeguarding data integrity and strengthening authentication processes. Specifically, Hash-chains generate a unique hash value for each session, ensuring that even if data is intercepted, it cannot be reused in subsequent sessions. This approach is crucial in mitigating risks associated with replay attacks.
  • Mutual Authentication and Session Key Agreement: A pivotal aspect of the proposed protocol is the mutual authentication process, where both the user and the aggregated server authenticate each other’s identity before establishing a shared session key for encrypted communications, ensuring both confidentiality and integrity of data.
  • Enhanced Anonymity and DoS Attacks Mitigation: The proposed protocol introduces a pseudo-identity P I D i to preserve user anonymity and prevent traceability. Furthermore, the integration of timestamps T plays a crucial role in defending against DoS attacks by verifying the timeliness of each session.
In the forthcoming sections, this paper gives the protocol’s system setup phase, registration phase, subsequent login and authentication phase, and finally, the password update phase for user.

4.1. System Setup Phase

The aggregated server S j independently chooses a random number x Z p and sets an abelian group G in the elliptic curve, where P is a generator of G . Further, S j selects a one-way hash function H ( · ) . Finally, S j publicizes the parameter H · and reserves a secret long-term key x .

4.2. Registration Phase

To obtain authentication from S j , the user U i needs to carry out the following registration steps (R. 1–3) and then complete the operation of registration in the terminal of S j .
R. 1. 
The user  U i  chooses an identity  I D i  and a pre-secret value  R i ; by the secure channel,  U i  transmits  { I D i , R i }  to the aggregated server  S j .
R. 2. 
Upon receiving  { I D i , R i } ,  S j  selects a random number  r i Z p  and computes  P I D i = H ( I D i x )  and  V i = H ( P I D i x r i ) S j  then stores  { P I D i , r i , S u m = 0 , R i }  in its database, where  S u m  indicates the number of allowed login failures before the smart card is revoked. If the number of login failures exceeds the allowed limit, the smart card is marked as revoked in the server’s database, and the user is notified to request a new smart card [28,29]. Finally,  S j  writes  { H x ,   P ,   V i , P I D i }  to a new smart card  S C i  and securely transmits  S C i  to  U i .
R. 3. 
Upon the user  U i  obtaining the smart card  S C i  from  S j ,  S C i  selects  a i   ϵ Z p  and randomly generates a number  2 4 n 0 2 8 . Then,  S C i  calculates parameters:  R P W i = H I D i P W i   m o d   n 0 , B i = H R P W i a i V i ,   A i = H I D i P W i a i   m o d   n 0 . Finally,  S C i  contains the parameters:  a i , A i , B i , X , P , n 0 .
The operations are also summarized in Figure 2, to provide researchers with a quick understanding of the registration phase.

4.3. Login and Mutual Authentication Phase

After U i registers with S j effectively, U i runs the login operation (L.1) and subsequent authentication steps (Auth.1–Auth.2) with S j .
L. 1. 
U i  inputs  I D i ,  P W i  to  S C i . Then,  S C i  computes value  A i = H I D i   P W i a i   m o d   n 0  and checks whether  A i = A i . If not,  S C i  refuses the login request. Otherwise,  S C i  computes  R P W i = H I D i   P W i   m o d   n 0  and  ( V i H x R i ) = B i H ( R P W i a i ) . Subsequently,  S C i  picks  a i Z p  and computes  K 1 = a · P , K 2 = H x R i . At this point,  S C i  generates a timestamp  t u   and computes  V i i = H ( V i t u )  and  M 2 = E R i ( P I D i V i V i i ) , where  E R i ( · )  is a symmetric encryption algorithm (i.e., AES [30]). Finally,  S C i  sends  M 2 , K 1 , K 2 , t u  to  S j .
Auth. 1. 
After obtaining  M 2 , K 1 , K 2 , t u ,  S j   first verifies the timestamp  t u   to ensure that  | T t u | < T , where   T  is the current timestamp and   T  represents the acceptable time gap, thereby ensuring the request falls within the designated time window to prevent DoS attacks.   S j  calculates  R i = H x K 2 , P I D i V i V i i = D R i ( M 2 ) , where   D K 2 ( · )   is a symmetric decryption algorithm. Then,   S j  searches   P I D i   in its database. If  P I D i  cannot be found, or the timestamp  t u   is outside the acceptable range, or  V i i  does not match  H ( V i t u ) , this session is aborted. Otherwise,  S j   moves to the next step.  S j   extracts  r i   stored in the database and checks whether   V i = H ( I D i x r i ) . If they are unequal,  S j   gets that  U i ’s smart card has been broken. Otherwise,   S j   picks   b Z p   and computes  K 3 = b · P , K 4 = b · K 1 ,  M 3 = H ( K 3 K 2 V i I D i K 4 ) ,  S K s = H ( K 4 I D i V i ) ,  R i n e w = H ( R i )   (where  R i n e w   is from the Hash-chain),   P I D i n e w = H P I D i x , C i = P I D i n e w V i S j  updates its database by storing   R i n e w   and   P I D i , replacing the previous values of  R i  and  P I D i , respectively. Lastly,   S j  sends the message   K 3 , M 3 , C i   to  U i  openly.
Auth. 2. 
On receiving the message  K 3 , M 3 , P I D i _ V i ,   U i   computes  K 4 = a · K 3 ,   S K u = H ( K 4 I D i V i ) ,  M 3 = H ( K 3 K 2 V i I D i K 4 )   and verifies if   M 3 = M 3 . If the verification fails, the integrity of   M 3  may be corrupted and   U i  ceases this session. Otherwise,  U i   accepts a shared session key  S K = S K u = S K s . Finally,   U i   performs the operation   P I D i n e w = C i V i  to update the processed identity  P I D i . Then   U i   computes   R i n e w = H ( R i )   and stores   R i n e w ( i . e . , B i = H ( R P W i a i ) ( V i H x R i n e w )   ) .
The operations are summarized in Figure 3 to provide researchers with a quick understanding of the login and authentication phase.

4.4. Password Update Phase

In this section, we describe the procedure for users U i to update their password. Initially, U i presents their existing or commonly utilized password to the smart card. The smart card then verifies U i ’s authenticity by comparing A i with A i and retrieving   V i .
Subsequently, U i is permitted to set a new password, P W i n e w , and accordingly adjust the parameters: A i n e w = H I D i P W i n e w a i   m o d   n 0 , R P W i n e w = H I D i P W i n e w   m o d   n 0 , and B i n e w = H ( R P W i n e w a i ) V i . The process culminates with the smart card updating its stored values from A i and B i to A i n e w and B i n e w , respectively.

5. Security Analysis

This section provides a formal security proof and a heuristic analysis to evaluate the security of the proposed protocol, hereafter referred to as P .

5.1. Formal Security Proof

We start with the basic concepts needed for the security proof, then show protocol P s security under the elliptic-curve computational Diffie–Hellman (ECCDH) assumption. The ECCDH assumption [31], a variation of the Diffie–Hellman problem, states that given a random pair ( a P , b P ) in group G , no probabilistic polynomial-time (PPT) adversary A can compute a b P with significant advantage.

5.1.1. Basics for Security Proof

The security of P was assessed based on the BPR2000 [32] and Bresson [33] solutions, also drawing inspiration from the proof techniques of Wang et al. [24]. We detail these fundamentals as follows:
Participants. The proposed P involves two participants: U and S . Each participant has multiple instances called oracles. The i th instance of U and the j th instance of S are denoted as U i and S j , respectively. If no distinction is needed, any instance can be represented as I .
Queries. In a simulated attack scenario, the interaction between participants and adversary A occurs solely through oracle queries. A can perform the following types of queries:
  • Execute ( U i , S j ) : This query simulates the act of eavesdropping on the protocol, capturing all communication records exchanged between U i and S j as part of its output.
  • Send ( I i , m ) : This query simulates active attacks by intercepting and blocking a message; the adversary A sends an imitative message mm. A then delivers mm to I i and receives the response from I i .
  • Reveal ( I i ): This query discloses the session key to A . If I i   recognizes the session and generates an S K , it returns the session key S K of I s i to A . Otherwise, it responds with , indicating no response.
  • Corrupt ( U i ): This query allows A to acquire the secret data held by the user.
  • Accepted state: Once an instance I receives and validates the final protocol message, it enters the accepted state. The ordered sequence of the exchanged messages up to that point is then used to form the session identifier (session ID), for instance I in that particular session.
  • Test ( I i ): This query tests session key security. A coin b is flipped. If b = 0 , a random key is sent to A . If b = 1 , the actual S K is sent. If no S K exists for I i , A gets . This query can only be used once.
Partnering. Two instances U i and S j are partners if: (1) both are in the accepted state or (2) their session identifiers ( s i d ) match, i.e., s i d U i = s i d S j .
Freshness. An instance I is fresh if: (1) it has computed an accepted session key or (2) no reveal query about S K has been sent to A .

5.1.2. Security Proof

Theorem 1. 
Let  A d v P , D A K A ( A )   denote the advantage of a PPT adversary  A   in compromising the semantic security of  P   within a limited time   t . Given that   A   makes   q h   hash queries,   q e     execute queries, and   q s   send queries, we have:
A d v P , D A K A ( A ) 2 C · q s s + Δ
where  Δ = q s + q h + q h 2 2 l 1 + 2 q s + q e 2 p + 2 q h A d v A E C C D H t , where   D  represents the password space that follows Zipf’s law [34] based on a probability distribution. The parameters   s   and  C  are related to Zipf’s law,  l  denotes the bit length of the hash value,  p  is a large prime number, and  t t + ( q s + q e + 1 ) T c , where   T c  is the time required for an ECC point multiplication operation.
The detailed proof involves a sequence of games from G a m e 0 to G a m e 5 . Let P r [ E i ] represent the probability that A successfully guesses b in the test-query of G a m e i , for i = 0 ,   1 ,   2 ,   3 ,   4 ,   5 .
Game E 0 . This game simulates a real attack in the context of a random oracle. At the start, a bit b is chosen, thus:
A d v P , D A K A A = 2 P r E 0 1
Game E 1 . This game models the random oracle H and a hash list Λ H . Furthermore, this game is indistinguishable from the actual execution of the protocol, i.e., game E 0 , as all oracles simulate a real attack. Thus, we have:
P r E 1 P r E 0 = 0
Game E 2 . This game, like game E 1 , models all types of queries and terminates under two conditions [35]: (1) a crash from the hash query output and (2) a crash from various records ( ( M 2 , K 1 , K 2 , t u ) , ( K 3 , M 3 ) ) . According to the birthday paradox, we have:
P r E 2 P r E 1 q h 2 2 l + 1 + q s + q e 2 2 p
Game E 3 . This game is modeled similarly to game E 2 , but the protocol is aborted if A correctly guesses the authentication parameter M 3   without querying the random oracle. Additionally, this game is difficult to distinguish from game E 2 unless the correct authentication parameter is rejected by U i or S j . Hence, we have:
P r E 3 P r E 2 q s 2 l
Game E 4 . In this game, the session key S K is obtained without initiating the corresponding random oracle query. Similarly, this game is hard to distinguish from game E 3 unless A queries the random oracle H on ( K I D i V i ) , where K = E C C D H ( K 1 , K 3 ) = a b P [35]. Therefore, we have:
P r E 4 P r E 3 q h A d v A E C C D H t + q h 2 l
Game E 5 . This game is similar to game E 4 , with the additional execution of the test query. If A initiates a hash H query with ( a b P I D i V i ) , game E 5 is aborted. Accordingly, S K can be obtained by A initiating the H query with a probability of q h 2 2 l + 1 . Alternatively, through a smart-card-loss attack and a corrupt U i oracle, A can try to get U i ’s password and compromise the session key. Using “fuzzy verifier + honeywords”, A s chance of guessing the password correctly is no more than C · q s s [24]. To break forward security and obtain the session key, the chance of obtaining a b P is at most ( q s + q e ) 2 2 p . Thus, we have:
P r E 5 P r E 4 C q s s + q h 2 2 l + 1 + q s + q e 2 2 p
In this game, A has no advantage in distinguishing the real S K from a session key of the same size created by a random value if A fails to initiate an H query with the correct input. Therefore, we have P r E 5 = 1 2 .
Finally, according to games E 0 E 5 and triangular inequality, we have:
A d v P , D A K A A = 2 Pr E 0 1       = 2 Pr E 0 Pr E 5 + 2 Pr E 5 1     2 Pr E 0 Pr E 5     2 Pr E 0 Pr E 1 + Pr E 1 Pr E 2 + + Pr E 4 Pr E 5       2 Pr E 0 Pr E 1 + 2 Pr E 1 Pr E 2 + + 2 Pr E 4 Pr E 5       2 C · q s s + Δ
where Δ = q s + q h + q h 2 2 l 1 + 2 q s + q e 2 p + 2 q h A d v A E C C D H ( t ) .
In conclusion, adversary A has no advantage A d v P , D A K A A in breaking S K s semantic security. □

5.2. Heuristic Analysis

The heuristic analysis can effectively evaluate the protocol’s security by its effectiveness, simplicity, and directness [36,37]. This approach enables us to demonstrate that the proposed protocol not only embodies advantageous features (e.g., mutual authentication, forward security, user anonymity) but also exhibits resilience against a spectrum of recognized attacks (e.g., replay attacks, user impersonation attacks).

5.2.1. Mutual Authentication

Within the scope of this protocol, the aggregation server S j authenticates the user U i by computing V i = H ( I D i x r i ) . In a reciprocal manner, U i validates the identity of S j by ensuring the computation result M 3 matches M 3 . Upon the completion of this mutual authentication sequence, S j and U i will negotiate a shared session key S K . This illustrates that the protocol effectively establishes a robust mutual authentication mechanism between both entities.

5.2.2. Forward Security

The protocol’s forward secrecy ensures that all preceding session keys remain intact and secure, even in the event that S j ’s long-term key x falls into the hands of an adversary A . When A intercepts data packets including { M 2 , K 1 , K 2 , K 3 , M 3 }, he must ascertain K 4 = b · K 1 = a b P to deduce the prior session key S K s = H ( K 4 I D i V i ) . Nonetheless, the formidable computational hurdles in determining the values of a or b , rendering the adversary accurately computing S K . That means the proposed 2FAKA-C/S preserves forward secrecy, safeguarding previous sessions against the compromise of the long-term key.

5.2.3. User Anonymity

In our development of the 2FAKA-C/S protocol, we employ a novel strategy to bolster user anonymity. By allocating a pseudo-identity P I D i to each user and updating it periodically, the proposed protocol significantly enhances both anonymity and untraceability. This pseudo-identity is derived from the user’s actual identity P I D i n e w = H ( P I D i x ) . This approach effectively obstructs efforts to deduce the user’s identity from interaction data. Moreover, we ensure that neither the smart card nor any transmitted data reveal any details that could disclose the user’s real or pseudo-identity. Consequently, even if an adversary manages to extract the smart card’s parameters { a i , A i , B i , P , n 0 } or intercept communication data M 2 , K 1 , K 2 , t u , K 3 , M 3 , they will be unable to ascertain the user’s true or pseudo-identity. Our design not only precludes the direct exposure of user identities but also protects against the tracing of identities and behaviors in the face of persistent communication threats.

5.2.4. Replay Attacks

In replay attacks, A has the capability to intercept login request data M 2 , K 1 , K 2 from a prior session and A attempts to resend this information M 2 , K 1 , K 2 to the aggregation server S j ; the server will find it impossible to extract any meaningful user identity ID from the replayed data due to the session-by-session refresh of the random parameter R i . Likewise, if A tries to resend K 3 , M 3 to user U i , the effectiveness is nullified, as M 3 relies on a session-unique dynamic parameter. Consequently, the adversary will fail to recognize M 3 messages from past sessions in the current context. This mechanism robustly shields against replay attacks.

5.2.5. User Impersonation Attacks

To launch user impersonation attacks based on the exposure of keys, A requires the precise value of V i . In the proposed protocol, legitimate users may derive it utilizing the parameter set { I D i , P W i , B i , a i } at their disposal; And the aggregation server might employ the acknowledged parameters r i and x for an identical computation. However, A is bound to encounter formidable computational barriers in accessing these key parameters, rendering the emulation of legitimate user U i s identity towards S j unfeasible. Consequently, the proposed protocol showcases robust resistance against such impersonation endeavors.

5.2.6. Server Impersonation Attacks

In these attacks, for A to convincingly mimic the aggregation server S j , it is imperative to accurately process K 3 , M 3 . The derivation of M 3 depends on { R i , V i , I D i } , facilitated by a secure hashing algorithm, necessitating A ′s comprehensive understanding or viable approximation of these pivotal parameters within a realistic timeframe. Furthermore, A is required to access key data { x , r i , I D i } . The endeavor to decipher these confidential parameters presents a substantial computational impediment to A . Thus, due to the infeasibility of generating precise messages by A , the proposed protocol effectively thwarts impersonation attempts targeting the aggregated server.

5.2.7. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

Consider a scenario where A successfully intercepts both the login request M 2 , K 1 , K 2 and challenge messages K 3 , M 3 , acquiring all parameters of the smart card S C i as outlined in the protocol. To launch an effective man-in-the-middle attack, A must either fabricate new message sequences M 2 , K 1 , K 2 , { M 3 , K 3 } or replay previously intercepted ones. However, as established, the proposed protocol effectively mitigates replay and impersonation attacks, rendering both the aggregated server S j and the user U i incapable of authenticating A . Consequently, the protocol is adeptly fortified against man-in-the-middle attacks.

5.2.8. Temporary Private Key Disclosure Attacks

Within this protocol, secure communication between the user ( U i ) and the aggregation server ( S j ) is facilitated through designated secret parameters, such as the user’s and server’s random numbers, a and r i , respectively. These numbers are pivotal for generating temporary private keys and other authentication parameters throughout the session. Nonetheless, acquisition of these keys by A does not compromise security due to the insurmountable challenge of producing valid authentication values like V i . The creation of these values, along with session key negotiation, depends not just on temporary keys but also on a hashed private secret key ( x ) shared between the user and server. This key remains confidential, thwarting any attempts by adversaries to undermine the authentication mechanism.

5.2.9. Privileged Insider Attacks

Privileged insider attacks denote the misuse of legitimate access by system insiders to exfiltrate training data. During the registration phase, U i forwards its I D i to S j without disclosing any password-related details. S j then issues an updated smart card S C i to U i . Upon receipt, U i activates S C i using his exclusively known password P W i . This procedure secures the new smart card under U i s possession. Inspection of S C i s stored parameters reveals the absence of P W i in plaintext, safeguarding against privileged insider threats effectively.

5.2.10. Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks

In the proposed protocol, an adversary might attempt to disable S j by replaying old messages. However, S j initially checks if the time gap meets the condition | T t u | > T . If this condition is met, S j immediately ends the session. Furthermore, should the adversary manipulate the timestamp t u to satisfy T t u < T ,   S j still dismisses the session due to the subsequent failure in validating the V i i value, which is dependent solely on the original timestamp. Thus, such Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are rendered ineffective.

6. Summary Comparison: Functionality and Performance

To highlight the optimal balance between availability and security of our protocol, this section provides a comparative evaluation. We analyze functionalities, communication, and computational overheads, comparing our 2FAKA-C/S protocol with those developed by Ding et al. [6], Liu et al. [7], Yang et al. [8], Roy et al. [32], Hu et al. [38], and Huang et al. [39].

6.1. Security Evaluation Criteria

A critical factor for evaluating the effectiveness of an authentication protocol’s functionality is its adherence to foundational principles. Wang et al. [24] and Wang et al. [40] have outlined security criteria specific to AKA (Authentication and Key Agreement) protocols. Building on the security analysis we have provided, Table 2 displays the security criteria established in [24,40], followed by a description of ten evaluation criteria (C*), where C 4 encompasses prevalent attacks such as man-in-the-middle attacks, replay attacks, and de-synchronization attacks, among others.

6.2. Functionality Comparison

In this section, we present a detailed functional comparison of our protocol against four contemporary protocols [6,7,8,35], based on the evaluation metrics outlined in Section 5.1.
The outcomes of this comparison are summarized in Table 3, where the notation ✓ means that the protocol demonstrates the property and ✗ denotes that the protocol does not demonstrate the property. According to Table 3, the protocol by Roy et al. does not meet criteria C 5 , C 8 , and C 10 . Despite incorporating only three chaotic map operations, the protocol in [35] is unable to ensure forward secrecy when the long-term key is compromised. Moreover, the protocol [35] by Roy et al. stores critical authentication parameters on the smart card and transmits identities in plaintext over public channels, rendering it susceptible to eavesdropping and resulting in potential message desynchronization.
The protocols outlined in [6,7,8] do not satisfy criterion C 1 , which concerns user anonymity and untraceability. For instance, in the protocol [8], the edge node (EN) transmits the real user identity ( I D e n ) to the access point (AP), thereby directly compromising the user’s real identity.
In the case of [6], while the resource device R D does not directly disclose its identity to the I C , the I C is able to ascertain R D s identity via a static index, contradicting the anonymity and untraceability principle that mandates different labels for each authentication attempt.
Similarly, the scheme in [7] compromises user anonymity as it requires user U i to reveal his real identity I D i to server S j in every session, allowing for user tracking. Additionally, in the aspect of C 4 , both [7]’s and Hu et al.’s [38] protocols exhibit vulnerability to DoS attacks. Consequently, both protocols also fall short of meeting C 4 , further indicating areas for significant improvement in their security apparatus.
Overall, Table 3 indicates that our proposed protocol achieves the outlined security and usability objectives, proving robust against a spectrum of known attacks. While the protocols by Huang et al. [39] also demonstrates strong security and usability features, our protocol remains highly effective.

6.3. Communication and Computation Cost Comparison

To accurately assess and compare the computational and communication overheads, incorporating benchmarks from recent work in [8] for consistent performance evaluation, we define specific terminology for operational timings. Specifically, T e m , T e a , T h , T m e , T m d , T m a c , T a e ,   T a d ,     T c h ,   and T f e represent the execution times for elliptic curve scalar multiplication, elliptic curve point addition, a generic hash function operation, MSR encryption [8], MSR decryption [8], message authentication code computation, AES encryption, AES decryption, Chebyshev map operation, and Fuzzy extractor operation, respectively. Table 4 details these operational runtimes alongside their respective running platforms. Furthermore, to quantify the communication costs incurred during the login and authentication processes, Table 5 outlines the lengths of various security parameters.
As depicted in Table 6, the comparative analysis incorporates seven cryptographic protocols [6,7,8,35,38,39], focusing on their computational and communication costs. The proposed 2FAKA-C/S protocol showcases its competitive edge, with a total running time of 62.644 ms, aligning closely with the fastest protocols like Yang et al. [8] at 62.985 ms and significantly outperforming Huang et al. [39], which has the longest duration at 172.662 ms. This underscores the proposed protocol’s efficiency in high-speed processing scenarios.
In terms of communication overhead, the proposed protocol requires only 800 bits, which is more efficient compared to the highest overhead of 3328 bits by Huang et al. [39]. This efficiency is essential in environments where bandwidth is limited. For instance, Roy et al. [35] requires 960 bits, which is significantly higher than our protocol. Similarly, Hu et al. [38] requires 864 bits, which is also higher than our protocol. This comparison underscores the proposed protocol’s suitability for bandwidth-constrained environments, making it a particularly effective solution.
In conclusion, the proposed protocol emerges as an eminent solution for secure communication, markedly enhancing processing speed and reducing the communication costs of the proposed protocol.

7. Conclusions

In this study, we have introduced an innovative two-factor authentication protocol (2FAKA-C/S) that can enhance the security of the model parameters transmitted in FL. The comprehensive security analysis confirms its robust defense against a wide array of cyber threats. Furthermore, the protocol’s design focuses on minimizing computational demands, making it highly suitable for the resource-constrained environments prevalent in FL. By comparing it with existing protocols, we demonstrated not only its superior security features but also its operational efficiency. Consequently, the proposed protocol is particularly well suited for securing the transmission of model parameters in FL. In our ongoing research, we plan to develop protocols that address inference attacks [41], potentially incorporating techniques like the Gaussian noise addition mechanism as a differential privacy technology to further enhance security.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, methodology, Writing—Original Draft, C.H.; Writing—Review and Editing, B.W.; Validation, Z.B. and W.Q. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was supported by the Project supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Provincial Universities of Heilongjiang under grant No. 2023-KYYWF-0639 and the Project supported by the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Jiamusi University under grant No. JMSUBZ2022-12.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors on request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. System model of 2FAKA-C/S protocol.
Figure 1. System model of 2FAKA-C/S protocol.
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Figure 2. User registration phase.
Figure 2. User registration phase.
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Figure 3. Login and authentication phase.
Figure 3. Login and authentication phase.
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Table 1. Notations with related descriptions.
Table 1. Notations with related descriptions.
U i User/Client x Long - term   key   of   S j
S j Aggregated Server A Malicious adversary
I D i Unique   identity   of   U i String concatenation operation
P I D i Pseudo - identity   of   U i T Current timestamp
P W i Password   chosen   by   U i Bitwise XOR operation
b Random   numbers   of   S j H · One-way hash function
a Random   numbers   of   U i S K Session   key   shared   between   U i   and   S j
D I D Space of user identities. r i Random   number   chosen   by   S j during registration
D P W Space of user passwords R i Pre - sec ret   value   chosen   by   U i
G Abelian group on the elliptic curve S C i Smart   card   issued   to   U i
P Generator   of   group   G S u m Counter for allowed login failures
n 0 Random   number   within   the   range   2 4   to   2 8 t u Timestamp   generated   by   S C i
P W i n e w New   password   set   by   U i I Any instance if no distinction is needed
U i i t h   instance   of   user   U . S j j t h   instance   of   server   S
q h Number   of   hash   queries   made   by   adversary   A q e Number   of   execute   queries   made   by   adversary   A
q s Number   of   send   queries   made   by   adversary   A l Bit length of the hash value
Table 2. Security evaluation criteria for AKA protocols.
Table 2. Security evaluation criteria for AKA protocols.
C 1 Ensure user privacy and anonymity C 6 Achieve secure key agreement
C 2 Avoid using password verifier tables C 7 Ensure mutual authentication
C 3 Prevent password leakage C 8 Operate without clock synchronization
C 4 Defend against known threats C 9 Have system recovery capabilities
C 5 Protect smart card security C 10 Ensure forward secrecy of communications
Table 3. Functionality comparison of relevant AKA protocols.
Table 3. Functionality comparison of relevant AKA protocols.
ProtocolsRef.Evaluation Criteria
C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6 C 7 C 8 C 9 C 10
Roy et al. (2018)[35]
Yang et al. (2022)[8]
Ding et al. (2022)[6]
Liu et al. (2023)[7]
Hu et al. (2024)[38]
Huang et al. (2024) [39]
2FAKA-C/S [-]
Table 4. Summarized runtime of all cryptographic operations (ms).
Table 4. Summarized runtime of all cryptographic operations (ms).
T e m T e a T h T m e T m d T m a c T a e T a d T c h T f e
U i 27.4720.0410.0060.0160.5600.1180.0230.01421.0227.472
S j 3.8230.0070.0020.0030.0580.0280.0100.00621.023.823
TerminalRunning platform
U i Raspbian with 1.2-GHz Quad-Core CPU and 1-GB RAM
S j Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with Intel Core i5 7600, 3.5 GHz CPU and 16 GB memory
Table 5. Length of the safety parameters.
Table 5. Length of the safety parameters.
MAC (Message Authentication Code)160
User identity32
Random number128
Elliptic curve point160
The output of the hash function160
Symmetric ciphertext128
Table 6. Communication and computation costs in the login and authentication phase.
Table 6. Communication and computation costs in the login and authentication phase.
Computation CostTotal Communication Cost
ProtocolsUserAggregation ServerTotal
Running Time
Roy et al. (2018) [35] 9   T h + 2 T c h + 1 T f e 5   T h + 1 T c h 90.596 ms960 bits
Yang et al. (2022) [8] 2   T h + 1   T m e + 2   T m a c + 1   T a e 2   T h + 1   T m d + 2   T m a c + 1   T a d 62.985 ms608 bits
Ding et al. (2022) [6] 1 T e m + 4   T h + 1   T m a c 5 T e m + 2   T e a + 3   T h + 1   T m a c 46.755 ms832 btits
Liu et al. (2023) [7] 3 T e m + 6   T h 3 T e m + 4   T h 93.929 ms768 bits
Hu et al. (2024) [38] 3 T e m + 3   T h 3 T e m + 3   T h 93.909 ms864 bits
Huang et al. (2024) [39] 6 T e m + 25   T h 2 T e m + 17   T h 172.662 ms3328 bits
2FAKA-C/S protocol 2 T e m + 7   T h 2 T e m + 6   T h 62.644 ms800 bits
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MDPI and ACS Style

Huang, C.; Wang, B.; Bao, Z.; Qi, W. 2FAKA-C/S: A Robust Two-Factor Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for C/S Data Transmission in Federated Learning. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 6664.

AMA Style

Huang C, Wang B, Bao Z, Qi W. 2FAKA-C/S: A Robust Two-Factor Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for C/S Data Transmission in Federated Learning. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(15):6664.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Huang, Chao, Bin Wang, Zhaoyang Bao, and Wenhao Qi. 2024. "2FAKA-C/S: A Robust Two-Factor Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for C/S Data Transmission in Federated Learning" Applied Sciences 14, no. 15: 6664.

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