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Exploring Marine-Based Food Production: The Challenges for a Sustainable and Fast Biotechnology-Based Development

MARE-Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre & ARNET—Aquatic Research Network Associated Laboratory, ESTM, Polytechnic of Leiria, 2520-641 Peniche, Portugal
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14(18), 8255;
Submission received: 22 July 2024 / Revised: 9 September 2024 / Accepted: 11 September 2024 / Published: 13 September 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Marine-Based Functional Food and Food Technology)


Marine-derived nutrients and bioactive compounds may offer a myriad of biological benefits, such as anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties, and technological potential, enhancing food quality as additives. Their role in the sustainable development of food technology is fundamental, especially in advancing the knowledge of functional foods and related technologies. Algae are considered one of the major sources of marine-derived ingredients and the subject of several recent studies. Despite their potential, the translation of marine ingredients’ potential into a marine-based competitiveness of the food industry faces hurdles in the extraction process and operational systems scale-up that the industry needs to tackle. The complexity of marine matrices with diverse compounds and solubilities adds complexity to extraction processes and may lead to low yields or bioactivity loss. Contaminants, like heavy metals and pesticide residues in marine organisms, require rigorous purification processes for product safety. The use of biorefinery systems in marine-based ingredients’ production, particularly cascade processes, offers zero-waste solutions, contributing to the blue economy and aligning with UN sustainability goals. Sustainability assessment tools are critical for evaluating marine-based food production’s environmental, social, and economic impacts. A continued exploration and collaboration are essential for the future, fostering innovation and sustainability to create a resilient, equitable, and eco-friendly food system.

1. Introduction

The marine ecosystem is one of the most abundant sources of bioactive ingredients, offering immense potential for integration into functional foods and food-based technologies. Within this vast source, bioactive compounds such as polysaccharides, lipids, phenolic compounds, vitamins, and minerals abound, each displaying a diverse array of functionalities. These compounds exhibit diverse activities, ranging from antimicrobial and antioxidant to lipid-lowering, thereby presenting promising applications across various stages of food processing, storage, and formulation [1].
Functional foods benefit specific biological functions, reducing the risk of illness and disease. Marine-derived nutrients and bioactive components are increasingly recognized for their advantageous physiological effects and potential medicinal properties, offering additional health benefits such as anticancer or anti-inflammatory activities [2]. Moreover, these marine-based ingredients play a pivotal role in improving food quality by serving as valuable technological additives [3]. Among their wide-ranging applications, marine polysaccharides stand out for their versatility, serving as emulsifiers, gelling agents, clarifiers, thickeners, stabilizers, and flocculating agents. Similarly, proteins and peptides derived from marine sources exhibit film-forming, gel-forming, and foaming capacities.
Marine-based solutions present an array of sustainable ingredients that can improve food security and contribute to mitigate environmental pressures. Integrating marine resources, food industry can diversify its ingredient pool, reducing reliance on terrestrial crops and increasing resilience against climatic changes. The use of marine resources can also minimize food waste, fostering a circular economy approach within the food sector. Extracting valuable compounds from seafood processing by-products, such as fish skins or shells, maximizes resource efficiency and minimizes environmental footprint. Additionally, integrating marine-derived nutrients into food formulations enriches nutritional profiles and fortifies resilience to climate change impacts on food production. The nutrient-rich composition of marine ingredients, including omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and proteins, offers opportunities to address malnutrition and improve public health outcomes [4].
The significance of marine food sources in promoting sustainable development is of primary interest, particularly within the context of advancing functional foods and food-based technologies. Within the challenges outlined by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the marine industry emerges as a pivotal player in promoting economic, environmental, and social sustainability [1]. Understanding the intricate interaction between marine biodiversity and sustainable development is not only central but also holds a promise for addressing contemporary challenges in food security and environmental sustainability through the utilization of marine-based bioactive compounds in innovative food technologies.
By this perspective, this paper aims to provide an overview of the current state of marine-based functional foods and technological solutions, while also addressing its development and implementation.
Marine-based food technology significance lies not only in its immediate contributions to enhancing food security and sustainability but also in its potential to develop the way food production and consumption will be approached in the future. Challenges such as climate change, population growth, and diminishing resources pose a growing threat to food security for which marine resources’ applications offer innovative responses. By joining the wealth of bioactive compounds with the nutritional benefits inherent to the use of marine ingredients, there is the opportunity to contribute to a vaster, more resilient, and environmentally sustainable food system. The transformative impact of marine-based food technology in addressing global food challenges and shaping a more prosperous and sustainable future highlights the significance of marine resources as a sustainable source for food technologies. Marine resources’ integration into food value chains, will contribute to better practices and, ultimately, secure and sustainable food systems.

2. Marine-Based Bioactive Compounds

Marine sources have a wide range of bioactive compounds, including carbohydrates, pigments, polyphenols, peptides, proteins, and essential fatty acids, which have been extensively studied for their potential health benefits [5]. Among marine organisms, marine microorganisms such as fungi, myxomycetes, bacteria, and microalgae stand out as promising sources of bioactive compounds with various therapeutic properties, including anti-hypertensive, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, anti-cancer, and other medicinal properties [4,5]. Table 1 summarizes marine-based compounds and their respective sources, highlighting the advantages of their use in food materials. Peptides isolated from marine organisms like fish and fish by-products have exhibited antimicrobial activity against various pathogens, like E. coli and Listeria innocua. For instance, Houyvet et al. [6] observed a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 10–25 µM for peptides derived from lionfish (Pterois volitans), highlighting their potential as promising candidates for novel antibiotic development [7]. Other marine by-products, such as those derived from sea cucumbers, particularly gut materials, constitute a significant proportion, up to 50%, of the sea cucumber’s total body weight. These materials, or by-products if included in other applications’ pipeline, serve as a valuable source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and phenolic compounds, including phenolic acids and flavonoids, which exhibit a strong antioxidant activity [3].
Furthermore, macroalgae represent one of the largest and most widely distributed groups of marine organisms and have garnered significant attention in recent years as a key source of marine bioactives [8]. Recent studies have highlighted the potential of fucosterol, a bioactive compound belonging to the sterol group and extracted from Sargassum species, to show inhibitory effects on bacteria such as Vibrio parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, and Pseudomonas fluorescens [9]. These bacteria are commonly associated with seafood poisoning and spoilage, making the discovery of fucosterol’s antimicrobial properties particularly significant. Furthermore, seaweed-derived lipids have shown promise in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Certain seaweeds are known to be rich in polyunsaturated and highly unsaturated fatty acids, with omega-3 fatty acids being particularly abundant. Extracts from seaweeds like Calliblepharis jubata and Undaria pinnatifida have been found to contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, of around 29 and 22 mg·g−1 of dried algae, which are renowned for their cardiovascular benefits [10]. Recent research on Sargassum muticum and Grateloupia turuturu has shown that lipid-derived compounds from these seaweeds are associated with reducing freezer burn in fish products when incorporated into active packaging, thereby improving both shelf-life and quality [11]. Compounds like simple phenolic compounds or polyphenols such as flavonoids, phlorotannins, mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs), bromophenols, and terpenoid are also very common phenolic compounds that can be found in seaweeds [8]. These compounds with proven antioxidant activity can be used in the food industry to replace synthetic formulations of phenolic compounds such as butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), which are commonly used as food preservatives due to their effective chain-breaking antioxidant properties. Augusto et al. [12,13] reported the use of aqueous extracts from Codium tomentosum, a green seaweed, as an anti-browning agent in fresh-cut apples and pears.
Table 1. Summary of marine-based compounds including their sources, extraction method, and possible application in food-based materials.
Table 1. Summary of marine-based compounds including their sources, extraction method, and possible application in food-based materials.
SourceTarget SubstanceExtraction TechniqueApplicationReference
Dunaliella salina (microalgae)Carotenoidssupercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2)Food colorant[14,15]
Phaeodactylum tricornutum (microalgae)FucoxanthinSolvent extraction (ethanol for 1 h at room temperature)Cellular uptake capacity and bioavailability
of the fucoxanthin-fortified milk
Phaeodactylum tricornutum (microalgae)FucoxanthinSuper-critical CO2 extraction (ethanol cosolvent)Colouring agent for shrimp paste[14,17]
Sargassum muticum (macroalgae)Lipid-based compoundsSolvent extraction (ethanol, 20 min, room temperature)Fish freezer burn control[11]
Tuna skin (Thunnus obesus)Fish gelatineAlkali and acid extractionGelling agent Food preservative[18]
CrustaceansChitin derivativesAlkali and acid extractionGelling agent[19]
Thraustochytrium sp. (microalgae)Omega-3 fatty acidsUltrasound assisted extractionNutraceuticals[1,20]
Fish oilOmega-3 fatty acidsSolvent extraction (chloroform/methanol)Food fortification[21]
Laminaria digitata (macroalgae)Fucoidan and laminarinUltrasound assisted extraction combined with ultrafiltrationAnti-oxidative potential in pork meat[22,23,24]
Gracilaria sp. (macroalgae)PhycobiliproteinsIonic liquid extraction (cholinium chloride)Food colorant and antioxidant activity in milk[25,26]
Ascophyllum nodosum (macroalgae)Sodium alginateMicrowave extraction assisted with choline chloride:
glycerol solution
Gelling agent, material for food packaging and preservation.[11,27,28]
Fucus vesiculosus (macroalgae)Crude extractSolvent extraction (ethanol)Improved antioxidant activity in milk.[29,30]
Dunaliella salina (microalgae)Fatty acidsUltrasound extraction assisted with ethyl acetate and ethanol.Antimicrobial activity against Listeria monocytogenes (in vitro)[5,31]

3. Actual Challenges of Marine-Based Compounds Incorporation into Food Products

While marine-based bioactive compounds offer promising potential for various applications, their extraction and utilization present significant challenges. One of the primary challenges lies in the complexity of marine-based matrices, which often contain a diverse array of compounds with varying solubilities and stabilities [32]. This complexity has some consequences in the extraction process and may result in low yields or loss of bioactivity during extraction. An example is the hydroethanolic extraction of the red seaweed Grateloupia turuturu, which, when performed with shorter extraction times (20 min), at room temperature, and using a lower solvent volume (liquid-solid ratio of 10 mL·g−1), offers an industrially friendly approach, despite the trade-off of a lower extraction yield [33].
The presence of environmental contaminants like heavy metals or pollutants such as organochlorine pesticides, particularly in marine organisms like seaweeds, also represents a significant challenge to the extraction of pure compounds. This contamination makes it necessary to implement thorough purification methods to ensure both the safety and efficacy of the final product, allowing the obtention of food-safe compounds [34]. Recent studies have identified several major pesticide residues in seaweeds from the Gulf of Mannar, including hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), heptachlor, aldrin, endrin, endosulfan, and DDT [34,35]. These organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were found to bioaccumulate in various seaweed species, with concentrations often exceeding regulatory limits, such as those observed in Sargassum wightii and Gelidiella acerosa (HCH, endrin, endosulfan, and DDT) and HCH and endosulfan in Gracilaria verrucose [35].
Furthermore, the scalability of extraction methods poses a significant challenge, particularly for large-scale industrial applications. Many existing extraction techniques, with promising results in terms of increasing the extraction efficiency, lower extraction times, improved extracts quality, including higher purity, and minimization of the generation of hazardous waste and its associated impact on the environment, may not be easily scalable or cost-effective when applied to bulk quantities of marine-based sources [32]. These include pressurized liquid extraction (PLE), ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), enzyme-assisted extraction (EAE), and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) [32]. Developing efficient and sustainable extraction methods that can be scaled up to meet industrial demand is therefore essential for the commercial viability of marine-based bioactive compounds. The use of these advanced techniques has already shown promise in smaller-scale studies [31,32,36], and their scalability, while requiring significant initial investment, can be achieved through industry-academic partnerships and the integration of biorefineries. Moreover, as consumer demand for sustainable and safe food products rises, the financial incentive for companies to adopt these technologies increases, making these solutions not only feasible but economically attractive in the long term. Adapting these scalable bioprocesses will require investment in research and pilot plants. However, partnerships with technological innovators and government funding initiatives—particularly those aligned with circular economy goals—can accelerate the transition to large-scale production. A good example of how governments can facilitate technological transition is the promotion of digital transformation in SMEs by adopting the Financial Motivation model [37] within an organization adopt technology because of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. In recent years, governments have implemented economic strategies, such as incentivizing the adoption of digital tools in invoicing and accounting. For instance, the Portuguese government provided tax incentives to micro and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) that implemented these digital technologies ahead of mandatory deadlines [38]. This model could be applied to marine biotechnology, where governments can offer similar incentives to companies adopting innovative and sustainable production methods, helping to accelerate the integration of advanced technologies into the industry. Furthermore, the potential to reduce environmental impacts through more efficient processing aligns with sustainability targets, making these scalable solutions viable in the near future
Moreover, once extracted, the utilization of marine bioactive compounds faces challenges related to formulation and product stability. These challenges primarily stem from the inherent instability of the raw material due to its high spoilage rates, which tends to have a shorter shelf-life compared to terrestrial organisms [39,40]. Ensuring the stability and shelf-life of products containing marine bioactive compounds becomes a critical consideration in product development and formulation. To address these challenges, the study of all stages of the product value chain, from raw material extraction to the final product development, utilizing tools such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Techno-Economic Assessment (TEA), are key factors for optimizing the production process. Liu et al. [41] conducted a comprehensive analysis of various conversion platforms for seaweed-based biofuel production and found that producing mixed alcohols using a volatile fatty acid platform is currently the most economically viable option, presenting an example of how marine-based technology companies can benefit from the implementation of digital technologies as the TEA.
In addition to technical and operational challenges, regulatory constraints also pose significant hurdles, especially in the extraction and commercialization processes of marine-based bioactive compounds, with higher attention to the seaweed-based products.
Navigating regulatory frameworks and compliance standards is essential for ensuring the safety, quality, and legality of these compounds and products. Challenges may arise from differing regulations across regions or countries, requiring thorough understanding and adherence to local laws and guidelines. Regulatory bodies play a critical role in overseeing various aspects of production, including extraction methods, product formulation, labelling, and marketing [42,43]. To commercialize marine-based products, the industry faces strong requirements for product approval and market authorization, which can vary significantly depending on the regulatory jurisdiction. In the European market, for example, introduction of a new product needs to follow an authorization process from the competent authorities of EU Member States. This process entails thorough evaluation, encompassing the manufacturing process, toxicological tests, and nutritional and compositional analysis [43]. However, the lengthy and rigorous nature of this authorization process poses a substantial constraint on the commercial viability of new products, due to the extensive time required for completion and significant investment costs. Furthermore, inadequate harmonization of legislation across European countries presents another significant challenge for marine-based products intended for use as food ingredients or in contact with food, such as coatings and films from seaweed-based materials [44,45]. The absence of common legislation complicates compliance efforts for companies operating across multiple jurisdictions and may hinder market access and acceptance of marine-based products. Moreover, addressing regulatory issues often demands collaborative efforts among industry stakeholders, regulatory authorities, and scientific experts to develop harmonized standards and guidelines for the sustainable and responsible utilization of marine resources. By overcoming these regulatory challenges, companies can ensure compliance, enhance consumer confidence in marine-based products, and ultimately drive market acceptance and growth. On a similar note, while regulatory harmonization is a complex and gradual process, the growing consumer demand for sustainable products may lead to faster policy changes. Several studies have shown a significant positive relationship between sustainable sourcing, production strategies, and consumer purchases of such products [46,47]. Furthermore, consumer education campaigns have already proven effective in other sectors and can be adapted to marine-based foods through collaboration with key stakeholders, making both regulatory and public awareness solutions realistic and achievable. Al-Nuaimi et al. [48] reported that education has a positive and significant impact on pro-environmental consumption behaviors and is a key approach for promoting sustainable consumption in the future, highlighting the success of educational policies on consumption behavior. While marine-based bioactive compounds hold great promise for various applications, addressing the multidisciplinary challenges, from extraction to scale-up to regulatory compliance, is crucial for unlocking their full potential and realizing their benefits in diverse industries

4. Sustainability and Circular Bio-Based Solutions in Marine-Based Food Production

As the demand for innovative and sustainable food ingredients continues to rise, the incorporation of marine-based compounds into food products, whilst presenting a valuable opportunity for innovation, faces specific and unique challenges. Bio-based products and value chains’ development is a key component of the European Union’s Circular Economy Action Plan and the EU Green Deal, which commits Europe to becoming a climate-neutral continent by 2050 [49]. With consumers increasingly searching for healthier and environmentally friendly food options, the idea of using marine-derived compounds in food products is gaining traction. With increasing concerns about overfishing, habitat destruction, and climate change, stakeholders across the food industry are actively exploring ways to ensure the long-term viability of marine resources.
However, the environmental impact of marine-based food production needs to be considered. While traditional production practices of marine-based food products have significant environmental impacts, sustainable production could be the solution. Aquafeed production is a major contributor to these impacts, representing only 1.1% of total production food but with a calculated environmental footprint of about 9.9% of the global footprint [50]. Even though sustainable practices are being adopted, it also presents environmental challenges that need careful consideration. One of the primary concerns is the overexploitation of marine resources, particularly algae and other marine organisms [51]. Unsustainable harvesting practices can lead to habitat destruction, reduced biodiversity, and the depletion of essential marine ecosystems. Sustainable management practices, such as marine zoning, which has been implemented in the Canadian Maritimes for Ascophyllum nodosum harvests, can help mitigate negative effects on marine habitats [52,53]. Another key concern is that the energy consumption associated with marine extraction and processing, particularly in large-scale operations, must be minimized to balance environmental benefits and costs [54]. Technological advancements such as energy-efficient extraction methods and sustainable aquaculture practices can further reduce the ecological impact of marine food production. Additionally, marine-based ingredients like seaweed can play a key role in mitigating climate change by acting as carbon sinks, absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere [55]. This ability to sequester carbon positions marine production as an environmentally beneficial option when managed responsibly.
One key approach to promoting sustainability is the adoption of circular bio-based solutions contributing for the development of a “zero waste” food system [42], with a view to minimise the generation of waste material [56]. These solutions aim to minimize waste and maximize resource efficiency by closing the loop on production processes, effectively turning former waste into valuable inputs for new products or processes. The integration of bio-economy and biorefineries into the production system is a valuable pathway for the practical implementation of a circular economy [57].
Marine biomass, from algae to marine by-products, are being extensively studied as a potential resource to be explored in biorefineries, offering valuable pathways for the practical implementation of this alternative materials in diverse conversion technologies. Within the wide vast of biorefinery categories, those where cascade processes are applied allow diverse products under a zero-waste approach to be obtained and in this way to directly contribute for a blue economy [58]. As an example, several studies have been conducted in relation to the use of biorefineries to process seaweed biomass to obtain extract fractions rich in distinctive compounds, as explored by Pardilhó et al. [58] in a cascade extraction system to extract non-polar to polar compounds, or as described by Martins et al. [59], who used the green seaweed Codium sp., extracting its bioactives and further transforming its post-extracted biomass into biochars. Integrating life cycle assessments into the evaluation of biorefinery processes is crucial for understanding their environmental impacts and promoting sustainable practices across the blue economy.
Sustainability assessment tools play a crucial role in evaluating the environmental, social, and economic impacts of energy-related issues. These tools enable decision-makers to make informed choices by considering the long-term sustainability of energy systems. Successful examples of these tools are considered the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Technoeconomic Analysis (TEA), Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)—all with a clear focus on the research of new sources of energy and policy development decision-making processes but easily applicable to the discovery of marine-based food products. These methodologies are mainly based on three pillars of sustainability, also known by the triple bottom line: (1) environmental, (2) economic, and (3) social [56,57]
Furthermore, the promotion of sustainable systems through education and outreach is receiving a big investment from the industry together with academia and government (the Triple Helix approach) [56]. Only applying a multi-players and stakeholder approach to inform future consumers and producers will enable an effective and inclusive strategy that will affect behavioural change. The impact of informed consumers is considered a catalyst in driving sustainable choices in the production and use of marine-based food products.

5. How Can Design Thinking Help?

Design thinking presents itself as a promising tool to tackle the multifactorial challenges to overcome for the efficient and sustainable application of marine organisms in a more sustainable global food chain, allowing systematic problem analysis and innovative solution propositions, where more viable and impactful outcomes can be achieved. Design thinking is a widely recognized approach in the innovation process, facilitating a rapid and precise research and development process that can help organizations regain market leadership. It provides structured methodologies and fundamental principles for identifying requirements, generating ideas, and developing solutions [60]. Typically, this human-centered approach focuses on the needs of users and other stakeholders to create new products, services, and processes [61]. By employing design thinking, comprehensive and targeted solutions can be developed to address the core challenges in marine-based food production, leading to sustainable and impactful advancements in the industry.
A design thinking tool widely used to better understand the core issues is a problem tree [62], considered the problem-finding phase in design thinking, helping in breaking down complex issues into manageable parts, facilitating a deeper understanding of the problem space, and guiding the ideation process [63,64]. Using a tree as a metaphor, it helps separate the causes (roots) from the effects (branches) of a primary problem (trunk), and potentially frame problem statements in a new and better way. To visualize and identify the primary problem, its main causes, and the resulting effects in the context of challenges for sustainable and rapid biotechnology-based development, a problem tree was constructed and is presented in Figure 1.
Based on the insights from the problem tree, a problem-solution value proposition to address these challenges was developed (Figure 2). A value proposition is a concise report that summarizes how a product solves a specific problem or delivers a unique benefit for the customers or stakeholders. A problem statement provides a clear description of the pain point or gap that the product addresses [62]. In this case study, the identified problem is defined as the inefficient and unsustainable extraction and utilization of bioactive compounds from marine sources for food production and the main solution to develop and implement innovative technologies and strategies to address the extraction, purification, scalability, regulatory, and consumer education challenges.
The proposed problem-solving value proposition offers tailored benefits to key stakeholders involved in the utilization of marine-based bioactive compounds [63]. For food producers, adoption of innovative marine bioactive solutions promises to enhance operational efficiency, reduce production costs, introduce product differentiation in competitive markets, and broaden market penetration with novel, health-enhancing food offerings. Consumers are proposed to benefit from access to marine-derived food products that ensure both health advantages and assurances of safety and sustainability, aligning with increasing consumer demand for nutritious and environmentally sound choices. Regulatory bodies play a crucial role by facilitating adherence to rigorous safety standards and promoting innovation in marine-based food technologies, fostering collaboration and compliance with streamlined regulatory frameworks, thereby promoting sustainable growth in the sector.

6. Conclusions and Future Perspectives

The emergence of new technologies aimed at extracting bio compounds using green technology, food ingredients, or technological adjuvants from marine sources is pivotal for the progress of food technology. This development centers on ongoing research and innovation, featuring the importance of continued exploration and development. The integration of marine resources into food systems has great potential to address pressing global issues such as food security, sustainability, and public health.
One of the key challenges facing the marine-based food industry is the need to develop sustainable production practices that minimize environmental impact while maximizing resource efficiency. This involves optimizing extraction and processing techniques, keeping a holistic approach that considers the entire value chain, from the source of raw materials to end-of-life disposal. Moreover, addressing social and economic aspects, such as equitable access to marine resources and fair labor practices, is essential for building a sustainable and inclusive food system. Additionally, advancements in technology and innovation are the key for new opportunities and overcoming existing barriers. From biorefinery processes that extract valuable compounds from seaweed biomass to novel packaging materials made from marine-derived polymers, there is a wide range of innovative solutions to be explored.
Looking ahead, the future of marine-based food production lies in continued exploration, experimentation, and collaboration. To fully support the sustainability of the sector, collaboration among stakeholders from academia to investors and to industry is essential. Only this collaborative strategy can hinder challenges like technological limitations, regulatory barriers, and environmental concerns, integrating marine resources’ potential into a more resilient, equitable, and environmentally friendly food system.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: A.A., S.F.J.S., and M.F.L.L.; investigation: A.A.; writing—original draft preparation: A.A.; writing—review and editing: A.A., S.F.J.S., and M.F.L.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to MARE ( accessed on 21 July 2024; accessed on 21 July 2024), to the Associate Laboratory ARNET ( accessed on 21 July 2024), and to the project SeaWeed Extracts: Efficient Natural Products for Long-Term Conservation of Fruits (project ID 2023.10102.CBM). The authors also acknowledge the support to the project “Future packaging”, Green Agenda for Business Innovation (project No.59) funded by PRR, NextGenerationEU.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Problem tree illustrating challenges and solutions for marine-based bioactive compounds depicting the root causes and impacts of inefficient and unsustainable extraction and utilization of marine bioactive compounds. Key challenges include consumer skepticism, contamination, scalability issues, regulatory hurdles, and extraction difficulties, leading to environmental, health, marketability, and economic impacts.
Figure 1. Problem tree illustrating challenges and solutions for marine-based bioactive compounds depicting the root causes and impacts of inefficient and unsustainable extraction and utilization of marine bioactive compounds. Key challenges include consumer skepticism, contamination, scalability issues, regulatory hurdles, and extraction difficulties, leading to environmental, health, marketability, and economic impacts.
Applsci 14 08255 g001
Figure 2. Problem-solving value proposition for addressing challenges in marine-based bioactive compounds for food-based applications, categorizing gains, pains, gain creators, and pain relievers, focusing on efficiency, cost savings, product differentiation, market expansion, health benefits, safety assurance, regulatory hurdles, formulation stability, and consumer awareness.
Figure 2. Problem-solving value proposition for addressing challenges in marine-based bioactive compounds for food-based applications, categorizing gains, pains, gain creators, and pain relievers, focusing on efficiency, cost savings, product differentiation, market expansion, health benefits, safety assurance, regulatory hurdles, formulation stability, and consumer awareness.
Applsci 14 08255 g002
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MDPI and ACS Style

Augusto, A.; Lemos, M.F.L.; Silva, S.F.J. Exploring Marine-Based Food Production: The Challenges for a Sustainable and Fast Biotechnology-Based Development. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 8255.

AMA Style

Augusto A, Lemos MFL, Silva SFJ. Exploring Marine-Based Food Production: The Challenges for a Sustainable and Fast Biotechnology-Based Development. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(18):8255.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Augusto, Ana, Marco F. L. Lemos, and Susana F. J. Silva. 2024. "Exploring Marine-Based Food Production: The Challenges for a Sustainable and Fast Biotechnology-Based Development" Applied Sciences 14, no. 18: 8255.

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