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Bridging the Vocabulary Gap: Using Side Information for Deep Knowledge Tracing

Haoxin Xu
Jiaqi Yin
Changyong Qi
Xiaoqing Gu
Bo Jiang
1 and
Longwei Zheng
Shanghai Institute of AI for Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200063, China
Department of Education Information Technology, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200063, China
School of Education, City University of Macau, Macau 999078, China
State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Intelligence, Hefei 230088, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14(19), 8927;
Submission received: 5 September 2024 / Revised: 27 September 2024 / Accepted: 1 October 2024 / Published: 3 October 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Intelligent Systems and Tools for Education)


Knowledge tracing is a crucial task in personalized learning that models student mastery based on historical data to predict future performance. Currently, deep learning models in knowledge tracing predominantly use one-hot encodings of question, knowledge, and student IDs, showing promising results. However, they face a significant limitation: a vocabulary gap that impedes the processing of new IDs not seen during training. To address this, our paper introduces a novel method that incorporates aggregated features, termed ‘side information’, that captures essential attributes such as student ability, knowledge mastery, and question difficulty. Our approach utilizes side information to bridge the vocabulary gap caused by ID-based one-hot encoding in traditional models. This enables the model, once trained on one dataset, to generalize and make predictions on new datasets with unfamiliar students, knowledge, or questions without the need for retraining. This innovation effectively bridges the vocabulary gap, reduces the dependency on specific data representations, and improves the overall performance of the model. Experimental evaluations on five distinct datasets show that our proposed model consistently outperforms baseline models, using fewer parameters and demonstrating seamless adaptability to new contexts. Additionally, ablation studies highlight that including side information, especially regarding students and questions, significantly improves knowledge tracing effectiveness. In summary, our approach not only resolves the vocabulary gap challenge but also offers a more robust and superior solution across varied datasets.

1. Introduction

In the education domain, knowledge tracing (KT) is one of the basic tasks of personalized learning [1,2]. It models the state of mastery of knowledge of students based on their historical data of learning activities and predicts whether students may answer the next question correctly or not [3]. As shown in Figure 1, in the field of machine learning, KT can be viewed as a supervised learning task that takes input from students’ past interactions X = { x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , , x t } , and predicts the future interactions x t + 1 [4]. The record of the student practicing at time t is represented as an interaction x t = ( e t , r t ) , e t = ( s t , k t , q t ) includes the information of the students, knowledge, and questions (SKQ), and r t ϵ { 0 , 1 } represents the correctness of the answer [1]. KT aims to predict the probability that the student will give a correct response to the next question; this is represented as P ( r t + 1 = 1 e t + 1 , X ) [5].
Driven by the rapid development of deep learning technology and its powerful representation capabilities, a series of deep learning-based knowledge tracing (DLKT) models represented by deep knowledge tracing (DKT) [1,6,7], and Dynamic Key–Value Memory Networks (DKVMNs) [8] have been proposed. These DLKT models use at least one or more identification (ID) information about questions, knowledge, and students, and use this ID information as input to the model through one-hot encoding [9]. For example, a question is represented as a vector of length l, and l is the total number of questions. If the ID of the question is 10, then the value of the corresponding position in the one-hot vector will be 1. To process the sparse data, the one-hot encoding data will be reduced to low-dimensional representation through embedding [10]. Then, deep neural algorithms such as recurrent neural networks [11], attention mechanisms [12], or enhanced memory [8] are used to predict students’ answers. This method allows the model to identify each SKQ so that it can achieve better performance [1,13].
However, training models with such a DLKT method will lead to insufficient generalization capability for the models [14]. Because the IDs and totals of the SKQ on different datasets are different, it is difficult for the model trained on dataset A to directly predict dataset B. This means the original model will be difficult to adapt to the new dataset, and it needs to be retrained even on the same dataset when a new student, knowledge, or question appears [1,15]. This phenomenon is called the out-of-vocabulary phenomenon, termed the vocabulary gap in this study, indicating the inability of a model to effectively process unseen vocabulary or identifiers [16]. In such cases, the one-hot encoding of question IDs may only be effective for questions present in the training dataset, rendering it unable to provide useful information for new question IDs. This limitation hinders the model’s ability to generalize correctly to questions in a new dataset.
The cause of this issue lies in the excessive dependence of the model on data representation, overlooking a fundamental consideration of the essence of KT [17], specifically, what features are truly necessary for this task [18]. The hypothesis proposed in this study is that by knowing features such as the individual capability of a student, the student’s mastery of knowledge, the difficulty of a question, and the complexity of the knowledge involved, one can determine whether a student can answer the next question correctly [19,20]. For instance, if a student has exhibited poor performance in their past assessments and the question they need to answer is difficult and involves complex knowledge, we can fairly accurately predict that the student may not be able to answer the question correctly. These aggregated features related to SKQ can be obtained through statistical analysis of historical answering records, termed as side information in this study, such as correctness rate and average response time. Based on this hypothesis, models trained using side information can directly predict on new datasets. The key contributions of this work can be summarized as follows: (1) The introduction of side information: This study proposes to incorporate aggregated features related to SKQ, such as student ability, knowledge mastery, question difficulty, and knowledge complexity, as side information into the model to address the problem of over-reliance on data representation using DLKT models. (2) Solving the vocabulary gap problem: Since side information can reflect the essential characteristics of SKQ, the model trained with side information can effectively adapt to new datasets even when it encounters new students, new knowledge, or new questions, without the need for retraining, thus effectively solving the vocabulary gap problem in traditional models. (3) Improving model performance: The proposed model based on side information outperforms four baseline models on five datasets, and uses the least number of parameters. Side information of students and questions has a significant impact on the effectiveness of KT.
Overall, the main contribution of this study is the proposal to incorporate side information as input features for KT models, effectively addressing the vocabulary gap problem in DLKT models and significantly improving model performance. This approach offers a novel methodology for the field of knowledge tracing, enhancing the adaptability of models to new datasets without retraining. Furthermore, it contributes to the advancement of intelligent education by providing more accurate predictions of student performance and tailored learning experiences, ultimately fostering better educational outcomes.

2. Related Work

2.1. Deep Learning-Based Knowledge Tracing

At present, DLKT models have received considerable attention from scholars [1,6]. These models have achieved significant predictive performance compared to traditional knowledge tracing models such as Bayesian knowledge tracing [21], item response theory [22], and performance factor analysis [23]. This is due to the powerful feature extraction and function fitting capabilities of deep learning. On the one hand, several innovations have been made in the structure of knowledge tracing models. For example, the Dynamic Key–Value Memory Network (DKVMN) model utilizes dynamic key–value pairs and enhanced memory networks to better capture student knowledge states [8]. The Self-Attentive Knowledge Tracing (SAKT) model leverages the self-attention mechanism to improve the model’s ability to focus on relevant past interactions [24]. Additionally, the Separated Self-Attentive Neural Knowledge Tracing (SAINT) model adopts a Transformer-based architecture [25], where exercises are embedded in the encoder and student responses are predicted in the decoder, further advancing the capability of knowledge tracing models to handle complex learning sequences.
On the other hand, mining and integrating learning-related factors is also a major trend adopted to improve the performance of DKT models. For example, scholars proposed an extensible representation learning approach for DKT to extract and integrate representations of these four types of factors, including exercise and skill, the attributes of exercise, the historical performance of the learners, and the forgetting behavior of the learners in the learning process [26]. Furthermore, a new method of contrastive deep knowledge tracing was proposed [27]. This model adopts the items with the same concepts as positive samples and the items with different concepts as negative samples, and it obtains new features from students as the input for long short-term memory networks. The models above use SKQ ID information and generate a one-hot coding vector of corresponding length according to its length, which limits the use of this model in a real environment [13]. For example, when a new SKQ appears, the original one-hot coding will no longer be applicable to the new SKQ, so the original KT model needs to be retrained. This is what this study refers to as the vocabulary gap in KT, and it is also an urgent problem that needs to be solved in the current field of KT [1].
To address the problem of the vocabulary gap, this study proposes a new methodological approach. We advocate for a focused effort on extracting shared feature representations across various datasets. These shared features, known as side information, include but are not limited to elements such as question difficulty, student ability, and the complexity of knowledge, and do not involve any specific ID information. By this means, we can capture more universal and essential data characteristics, thereby facilitating the effective transfer and application of the DLKT model in new and unknown datasets. Additionally, this method aims to enhance the generalizability of the model, enabling it to be more robust and effective across different educational environments and scenarios.

2.2. Knowledge Tracing with Side Information

In the realm of DLKT models, recent studies have made significant strides by incorporating diverse types of side information to enhance model performance [28]. In particular, models such as deep knowledge tracing with side information have employed graph embedding algorithms to integrate question–knowledge relationships, thus enriching the modeling of student knowledge status [29]. Additionally, other approaches like the exercise-aware knowledge tracing and DKT-forget models have leveraged question text and forgetting-related data, respectively, refining their predictive capabilities [30,31]. Furthermore, advanced models, including leveled attentive knowledge tracing [32] and relation-aware self-attention models [33,34], have adopted hierarchical and contextual learning strategies, grouped students, and built contextual information from text content, performance data, and forgetting information.
However, this reliance on additional data sources, such as question IDs, knowledge structure, question text, and students’ personal information, presents notable challenges. It especially limits the applicability of these models to new datasets where such side information may not be readily available. These observations suggest a future research trajectory toward developing methods that can effectively utilize available data or creating models that are less dependent on extensive side information, aiming to broaden their applicability across various educational settings.

3. Side Information of Knowledge Tracing

3.1. Knowledge Tracing Framework

In view of several major problems in current DLKT models, that is, as the use of ID information makes it difficult for the model to adapt to the newly generated data and side information is difficult to obtain, we propose a new KT framework base on side information. As is widely acknowledged, students, knowledge, and questions predominantly engage in the KT aspect of intelligent tutoring systems. In this context, a student’s mastery of a specific knowledge component is gauged through their responses to a series of related questions. The overarching objective of KT is to encapsulate comprehensive information—including the student’s mastery of knowledge, question difficulty levels, and the inherent complexity of these knowledge—up to the time point t + 1 . Furthermore, it aims to develop a predictive model that estimates the likelihood of a student correctly answering subsequent questions.
Whether a student can answer a question q correctly at time t + 1 or not is jointly determined by the characteristics of the three elements of the SKQ at time t + 1 , and this process of the decision can be fitted with a function or model to predict whether the student can answer the question correctly at time t + 1 . We can obtain y = f ( S t + 1 , K t + 1 , Q t + 1 ) . However, information such as students’ mastery of knowledge S t + 1 , the complexity of knowledge K t + 1 , and the difficulty of questions Q t + 1 are implicit attributes of the above three elements, and their ground truth values cannot be directly obtained. So, they can only be represented through existing explicit information such as interaction records. For example, the correct rate of students’ answers to the same knowledge is used to indicate the student’s knowledge mastery, and the overall correct rate of the question is used to indicate the difficulty of the question. The implicit information of SKQ is represented through their related historical observable data. This represents information that can be used to support the prediction of the correct rate of students’ future answers.
The implicit information of SKQ at time t + 1 can be characterized by the acquisition and analysis of explicit data before time t + 1 , where x t represents the record obtained by the system at time t. We can obtain S t + 1 = g s ( x 1 , x 2 , , x t ) , Q t + 1 = g q ( x 1 , x 2 , , x t ) , and K t + 1 = g k ( x 1 , x 2 , , x t ) . Implicit information is an attribute possessed by each SKQ. If the ID information that can identify these entities is removed, this implicit information can be regarded as side information because its use as model input is not limited by the ID or the number of entities. So, we propose a new KT framework based on side information; the model constructed based on the side information obtained by training on dataset A can be directly applied to dataset B and can achieve the same performance. In addition, the model will become more general as it was trained on more datasets, potentially solving the problem of catastrophic forgetting in continual learning.

3.2. Side Information Extraction

In normal circumstances, student interaction records are generally stored in learning systems, and every interaction record includes six fields, as shown in Table 1. Considering that the original data only contain six dimensions and that the features input into the model cannot include all the ID information, we propose 14 features as side information about SKQ for each interaction record (Table 2). The selection of these side information is not accidental. These are the features related to SKQ that can be extracted from the known data. They determine the right and wrong answers of students to a certain extent.
For example, at time t + 1 , we have dataset X = { x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , , x t } , and the interaction record x t + 1 is used to predict; if its s t u _ i d = S 1 , q _ i d = Q 1 , and k _ i d = K 1 , its side information is obtained as follow:
(1) Obtain all the records of student S 1 about knowledge K 1 from X, and calculate the mean value of i s _ r i g h t ( s k _ a c c ), the mean value of u s e _ t i m e ( s k _ m t ), the length of the records ( s k _ n ), and the elapsed time since the last record ( s k _ l t ). These four features are about the mastery of knowledge K 1 for student S 1 . If s k _ a c c is higher, s k _ m t is less, s k _ n is more, and s k _ l t is shorter, this means that S 1 may have mastered K 1 at the current moment.
(2) Obtain all the records of student S 1 from X, and calculate the mean value of i s _ r i g h t ( s q _ a c c ), the mean value of u s e _ t i m e ( s q _ m t ), the length of the records ( s q _ n ), and the elapsed time since the last record ( s q _ l t ). These four features are about the overall ability of S 1 . If s q _ a c c is high, s q _ m t is less, s q _ n is more, and s q _ l t is shorter, it means that the student has a strong learning ability and has a good grasp of all the knowledge components learned.
(3) Obtain all the records of knowledge K 1 from X, and calculate the mean value of i s _ r i g h t ( k _ a c c ), the mean value of u s e _ t i m e ( k _ m t ), and the length of the records ( k _ n ). These three features are about the complexity of K 1 . If k _ a c c is low, k _ m t is large, and k _ n is large, it means that most students do not have a good grasp of K 1 , and it also means that K 1 is complex and difficult to master.
(4) Obtain all the records of question Q 1 from X, and calculate the mean value of i s _ r i g h t ( q _ a c c ), the mean value of u s e _ t i m e ( q _ m t ), and the length of the records ( q _ n ). These three features are about the difficulty of Q 1 . If q _ a c c is low, q _ m t is large, and q _ n is large, it means that most students do not answer Q 1 correctly and it takes a long time, which also means that Q 1 is difficult. Here, the number of answers and the time from the last answer are used as adjustment items for the correct rate and the average time. Even if the correct rate is 100, if there is only one answer record and several months have passed, the reliability of the correct rate will be greatly reduced. Therefore, it is also necessary to input the model as a feature and let the model learn this relationship.

4. Knowledge Tracing Model Based on Side Information

Based on the KT framework and side information mentioned above, we built a KT model based on side information: SIKT (see Figure 2). The input of SIKT is divided into two parts. The first part is a vector x t + 1 (see Formula (1)) about the side information of the interaction record, and its length is 14. The second part is two sequences of data, including the student’s five knowledge-related interaction records before time t + 1 , S K t + 1 = ( x s k _ a n 1 , x s k _ a n 2 , , x s k _ a n 5 ) , and the student’s five interaction records before time t + 1 , S Q t + 1 = ( x s q _ a n 1 , x s q _ a n 2 , , x s q _ a n 5 ) . The length of each vector in S K t + 1 and S Q t + 1 is 16, consisting of 14 side information features and 2 additional pieces of information ( i s _ r i g h t , u s e _ t i m e ). If the length of the historical records is less than five, fill the remaining vector with all 0 s. As shown in Formula (2), x s q _ a n 1 contains 16 features, and the data are obtained at time t 4 .
x t + 1 = ( s k _ a c c , s k _ m t , s k _ n , s k _ l t , s q _ a c c , s q _ m t , s q _ n , s q _ l t , k _ a c c , k _ m t , k _ n , q _ a c c , q _ m t , q _ n ) t + 1
x s k _ a n 1 = ( s k _ a c c , s k _ m t , s k _ n , s k _ l t , s q _ a c c , s q _ m t , s q _ n , s q _ l t , k _ a c c , k _ m t , k _ n , q _ a c c , q _ m t , q _ n , i s _ r i g h t , u s e _ t i m e ) t 4

4.1. Encoder Layer

The encoder layer in our study is an encoder module of the standard Transformer model [35], which is mainly used to process student historical data. Firstly, the two sequences of data ( S K t + 1 and S Q t + 1 ) pass through a fully connected layer (see Figure 2 FL1 and FL2) to expand the data to the specific dimension (see Formulas (3) and (4)), and then the position information (see Figure 2 Position Encoding 1 and Position Encoding 2) learned through an embedding layer is spliced [24]. Finally, the sequences of data enter the two TF-Encoder layers, respectively (see Formulas (5) and (6)).
S K f l = S K t + 1 W 1 + b 2
S Q f l = Q K t + 1 W 2 + b 2
S K t f = E n c o d e r ( S K f l + P o s i t i o n ( S K f l ) )
S Q t f = E n c o d e r ( S Q f l + P o s i t i o n ( S Q f l ) )
These two TF-Encoder layers adopt the same structure, as shown in Figure 3. They are encoder modules within the Transformer architecture, utilizing their multi-head attention mechanism to process time-series data and extract features [35]. Each encoder consists of multiple layers, each comprising multi-head self-attention and a feed-forward network. The multi-head attention mechanism allows the model to attend to different positions of the input sequence simultaneously. The formula is as follows:
MultiHead ( Q , K , V ) = Concat ( head 1 , , head h ) W O
head i = Attention ( Q W i Q , K W i K , V W i V )
Attention ( Q , K , V ) = softmax Q K T d k V
output = LayerNorm ( input + Sublayer ( input ) )
FFN ( x ) = max ( 0 , x W 1 + b 1 ) W 2 + b 2
Here, Q , K , V represent the query, key, and value matrices, respectively; W Q , W K , W V , W O are learnable parameter matrices; and d k is the dimension of the key vectors used for scaling the dot product. The output of each submodule (self-attention and feed-forward network) is followed by a residual connection and then layer normalization (see Formula (10)), where Sublayer ( input ) is the output of the sub-layer itself. Each encoder layer also includes a feed-forward network, which is a series of linear transformations applied independently but identically at each position (see Formula (11)), where W 1 , W 2 , b 1 , b 2 are the parameters of the feed-forward layers.

4.2. Layer Mask Layer

The data output from the encoder is a sequence of data. Since the length of the original input sequence may be less than five, the filled vector needs to be ignored, and then the two processed sequences of data are accumulated and averaged along the time dimension. Eventually, the sequences of data are compressed into two vectors ( s k t + 1 and s q t + 1 ; see Formulas (12) and (13)) as a representation of the student’s mastery of knowledge components and the student’s overall ability.
s k t + 1 = i = 1 I = 5 x s k _ a n i , x s k _ a n i 0 , x s k _ a n i S K t f
s q t + 1 = i = 1 I = 5 x s q _ a n i , x s q _ a n i 0 , x s q _ a n i S Q t f

4.3. Prediction Layer

Before entering the prediction layer, it is also necessary to merge the data by splicing x t + 1 , s k t + 1 , and s q t + 1 along the direction of the feature dimension to obtain a long vector and input it into the prediction layer (see Formula (14)). The prediction layer is composed of multiple fully connected layers, and the output data pass through the sigmoid function to output the final predictive result p t . In Formula (14), ⊕ denotes the concatenation of two vectors, W p represents the weights of the fully connected layer, b p is the bias term of the fully connected layer, and S i g m o i d indicates the sigmoid activation function. The purpose of this equation is to compute the prediction probability p t at the current time step, which integrates the concatenated input vectors x t + 1 , s k t + 1 , and s q t + 1 through the fully connected layer. If p t is less than 0.5, the output is 0; otherwise, the output is 1.
p t = S i g m o i d ( ( x t + 1 s k t + 1 s q t + 1 ) W p + b p )

5. Experiments

5.1. Datasets

As shown in Table 3, five different real-world datasets were used in the experiments, namely ASSISTment2009 (A09) [36], ASSISTment2012 (A12) [37], Riiid’s EdNet (EN) [38], Junyi Academy (Junyi) [39], and NeurIPS 2020 Education Challenge (Eedi) [40]. These five datasets are commonly used in the KT domain and all contain the six fields mentioned above [1,41]. The A09 and A12 are datasets of student interaction records collected and provided by the online tutoring system ASSISTments in 2009 and 2012 [42]. The similarities between the A09 and A12 datasets lie in the fact that both were collected using the same system. However, they differ in terms of the time periods during which the data were collected, as well as the students, questions, and knowledge involved [43]. The EdNet dataset was collected over a two-year period from the intelligent online tutoring platform Riid TUTOR, dedicated to practicing English for an international communication assessment in South Korea [44]. Due to the large amount of raw data (70 million records), we sorted the data by timestamp and extracted the top three million records as the dataset (EN) for the experiments. The Junyi dataset was compiled over a period from November 2010 to March 2015, sourced from the Junyi Academy [39], an online learning platform operating in Taiwan. The Eedi dataset includes student responses to mathematics questions collected from September 2018 to May 2020 [40]. Eedi is an educational platform used by millions of students worldwide, offering diagnostic multiple-choice questions for students aged seven to eighteen.
All datasets were randomly divided into training sets and test sets according to the students (Table 3). The training set was only used for model training, and the test set was only used to evaluate the model. This means that there was no overlap between the students in the training set and the test set. The model needed to predict the results of students who have never seen it before.

5.2. Experimental Setup

Firstly, we used the DKT [6], DKVMN [8], SAKT [24], and SAINT [25] models as the baseline models for the testing on five datasets. The four models were used as the baseline models because both of them encode the ID of the question or knowledge in a one-hot manner and use the response sequence of the same student as the model input. Secondly, we explored whether the proposed model can be trained on a dataset and directly predicted on a new dataset. For example, we used a model trained on the A09 dataset to make predictions directly on the other four datasets. After conducting such experiments on all five datasets, we merged them together and trained the model, called joint training, and provided the results of the model on the five datasets. Finally, the model evaluation metrics used in this experiment were the Area Under the Curve (AUC) and accuracy (ACC), which are also the most commonly used metrics in the KT domain [45]. The loss function used in model training was binary cross-entropy with logit loss, the optimizer was Adam, each model was trained for 50 epochs from scratch, and the learning rate was 0.001.

6. Results

6.1. Comparison with Baseline Models

We compared the SIKT model with the DKT, DKVMN, SAKT, and SAINT models; the results are shown in Table 4. The results demonstrate that the SIKT model showed the most outstanding performance on the A09 and A12 datasets. Specifically, it achieved the highest AUC (80.73) and near-peak ACC (72.31) on the A09 dataset, while simultaneously obtaining the highest AUC (75.90) and ACC (73.20) on the A12 dataset, and the highest AUC on the Junyi (72.71) and Eedi (78.32) datasets. In comparison, although the DKT model achieved the highest ACC (72.72) on the A09 dataset, its AUC (79.87) was slightly lower than that of the SIKT model (80.73). On the EN dataset, the SAINT model exhibited the best performance, with the highest AUC (77.14) and ACC (70.13), indicating its ability to effectively capture learning patterns in this dataset.
Regarding parameter size, the SIKT model stands out with only 57.24 k parameters, yet it delivered excellent results across multiple datasets. In particular, on the A09 and A12 test sets, it achieved the highest AUC and ACC, and the highest AUC on the Junyi and Eedi datasets, showcasing its efficiency with a smaller parameter footprint. In contrast, other models such as DKVMN (291.70 k), DKT (651.62 k), SAKT (847.36 k), and SAINT (71,184.90 k) have significantly larger parameter sizes, with the SAINT model having the largest. Despite its strong performance on the EN dataset, SAINT’s substantial parameter size could introduce additional computational overhead.
In summary, the SIKT model achieves a well-balanced trade-off between performance and resource utilization. It outperformed the DKT, DKVMN, and SAKT models on the A09, A12, Junyi, and Eedi datasets, while maintaining overall stability. Thanks to its significantly reduced parameter size, it was able to maintain high classification accuracy and AUC, making it particularly suitable for environments with limited computational resources. While the SAINT model showed the best performance on the EN dataset, its large parameter size may limit its practical applicability in resource-constrained scenarios.

6.2. Results on the New Dataset

To demonstrate the vocabulary gap problem in DLKT models, we set the problem length as the sum of the problem lengths from all datasets and used the DKT and SAINT models to directly predict performance on the new combined dataset. As shown in Table 5, the DKT model performed well on the original training dataset, with DKT-A09 achieving an AUC of 79.87 on the A09 dataset. However, when these DKT models were applied to new datasets, a substantial drop in performance was observed. For instance, the DKT-A09 model exhibited significantly lower AUC values of 60.92 and 52.63 on the A12 and EN datasets, respectively. Similarly, the generalization capabilities of the DKT-A06 and DKT-EN models were limited when applied to other datasets, showing considerable performance degradation. A similar pattern was observed with the SAINT model. Although the SAINT-EN model performed best on the EN dataset (AUC: 77.14, ACC: 70.13), its performance dropped sharply on the A09 (AUC: 51.03, ACC: 51.42), A12 (AUC: 49.56, ACC: 50.54), Junyi (AUC: 50.33, ACC: 40.12) and Eedi (AUC: 49.13, ACC: 46.82) datasets. This phenomenon underscores the vocabulary gap issue in DLKT models. The vocabulary gap arises because the new datasets contain SKQ that the DLKT models have not encountered during training, resulting in poor model transfer. The models’ struggle to maintain performance on datasets with unfamiliar elements highlights the need for enhancing the generalization capabilities of DLKT models across diverse datasets.
Table 6 presents the results of the SIKT model trained on one dataset and predicted on another dataset. Firstly, after the model had trained on one dataset, it cloud directly predict other datasets, and achieve comparable performance, such as the SIKT-EN model obtained by training on EN (AUC: 72.95, ACC: 65.64) being able to predict on A09 (AUC: 76.65, ACC: 65.98), A12 (AUC: 71.24, ACC: 56.47) Junyi (AUC: 67.71, ACC: 71.02), and Eedi (AUC: 61.29, ACC: 58.84) directly, and the situation was similar for other datasets. This indicates that although the model has not seen the students, problems, or knowledge in the other datasets, it can still achieve good performance on the new dataset. Secondly, the AUC and ACC were similar when SIKT-A12 was tested on A09 (AUC: 79.76, ACC: 72.87) compared to SIKT-A09 tested on A09 (AUC: 80.73, ACC: 72.31). It is shown that the model can acquire more shared knowledge when learning similar tasks because these two datasets come from different years in the same learning system. Thirdly, it is also interesting to note that SIKT-A12 and SIKT-EN even showed higher test performances on A09-test than on A12-test and EN-test. This indicates that the model can perform well on a smaller number of datasets after learning a database that contains a larger number of SKQ. Therefore, we further merged all the datasets to train SIKT. Finally, it can be seen that during the joint training, the model achieved the highest performance on five datasets, as it was able to learn the feature distribution of all datasets at once and perform the best on all five datasets simultaneously. This also means that using SIKT can train data from multiple datasets simultaneously, without constantly bloating the model due to the increase in SKQ, solving the problem of the DLKT model being unable to expand quickly.
Overall, we found that SIKT can be trained on one dataset and directly predict on new datasets, while maintaining considerable performance. It can also learn all tasks at the same time and achieve acceptable performance. What this means is that if the model is allowed to learn from as many different datasets with a wide distribution of data, it obtain a more general model that can support more KT tasks.

6.3. Ablation Experiments Based on Different Features

In order to further verify the actual role of side information in the KT, we removed the side information of students, questions, and knowledge in turn, and reported the SIKT model effect of missing different side information. The AUC results on five datasets are shown in Table 7. Firstly, when removing features related to student knowledge mastery, the performance of the model on five datasets decreased by 1.18 (A09), 3.14 (A12), 0.08 (EN), 0.97 (Junyi), and 1.85 (Eedi). When removing features related to student’s abilities, the performance of the model on five datasets decreased by 3.21 (A09), 2.17 (A12), 0.99 (EN), 0.09 (Junyi), and 2.89 (Eedi). When features related to student characteristics are removed, the performance of the model decreases by the largest amounts. It decreased by 6.67 (A09), 6.94 (A12), 1.00 (EN), 2.47 (Junyi), and 11.14 (Eedi) on the five datasets. This indicates that in KT, the representation of students’ abilities is very important because it can largely determine whether the student can answer a certain question. Second, after removing the side information of the question, the AUC decreased by 3.95 (A09), 6.07 (A12), 3.53 (EN), 4.17 (Junyi), and 3.86 (Eedi). This indicates that the side information of the question is also a very important feature because the difficulty of the question can also determine whether the student can answer the question correctly. Finally, it is also interesting to note that when removing knowledge-related side information, the AUC only decreased by 0.91 (A09), 1.54 (A12), 0.05 (EN), 0.37 (Junyi), and 0.09 (Eedi). It indicates that in KT, knowledge-related side information has the smallest impact on the effect. This is a counterintuitive finding; the explanation we can think of is whether KT primarily focuses on the relationship between students and questions, where knowledge plays a certain connecting role between the two, that is, questions classified with different knowledge are presented to students. In summary, it can be found that the side information related to students and questions has the greatest impact on model performance, while the side information related to knowledge has the smallest impact on model performance.

6.4. Explainability Analysis Using SHAP

To further analyze the importance of each feature, this study used Shapley values to analyze the importance and contribution of each feature in the prediction. Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP) is a method used to explain model predictions by calculating the contribution of each feature to the model’s output [46]. Figure 4 shows the importance of all features, ranked from high to low. The darker red indicates higher feature values, and the lighter blue indicates lower feature values. The horizontal axis is the SHAP value of the corresponding feature, which is the impact size of that feature on the model output. If the SHAP value is negative, it means that the feature will decrease the probability of the student answering correctly. If it is positive, it will increase the probability.
We can see that q _ a c c , s q _ a c c , s k _ a c c , and q _ m t were the four most important features, which is also consistent with previous experimental results indicating that features about questions and students have the greatest impact on model performance. When q _ a c c has a higher value, the model tends to predict that the student can answer the question correctly, because most of the students can answer this question correctly. Similarly, when s q _ a c c or s k _ a c c are higher, the model also tends to predict that the student can answer the question correctly because the student has a stronger ability or has mastered the knowledge well enough. On the contrary, when the average time to answer a question ( q _ m t ) is longer, it indicates that the question is more difficult, so the student is also less likely to answer it correctly. When the number of questions the student has answered for a knowledge ( s k _ n ) increases, it means that the student has not yet mastered that knowledge fluently, so they need more practice. Therefore, the model tends to predict that the student cannot answer the question correctly.
Specifically, we used two case studies to explain how each feature affects the output of the model. As shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6, blue represents that the feature has a negative impact on the prediction, and red represents that the feature has a positive impact on the prediction. In Case 1, the model output was 0.84, indicating a high likelihood of a correct answer. Three features significantly impacted this outcome: s q _ a c c was 70.38, s k _ a c c was 66.67, and q _ a c c was 40.51. The first two had a positive impact on the results, while the third had a negative impact. This means that although the accuracy of this question was only 40.51, this student had stronger ability and had basically mastered this knowledge. Therefore, the model predicted that the student can answer this question correctly.
In Case 2, the situation was somewhat different, and the model output was 0.43. The five features that had the greatest impact on the results were s k _ a c c , s q _ a c c , s k _ n , and q _ a c c , where the first two had a positive impact, and the last three had a negative impact. Although this student had already answered nine questions on this knowledge topic, the student knowledge mastery level was only 56.56, and the accuracy rate of this knowledge was 67.68, with a question difficulty level of 57.65. Therefore, the model predicted that the student will not be able to correctly answer this question.
By analyzing the reasons that affect the output results of a single sample, we can analyze the reasons for each student’s success or failure on each question, and provide support for personalized learning for students. This is also the advantage of using side information for KT.

7. Conclusions

In this paper, we elaborated on the vocabulary gap issue in DLKT models. To address this challenge, we proposed an innovative approach by introducing 14 aggregate features as side information, leading to the development of the SIKT model. These features are specifically crafted to capture the intricate relationships between students, questions, and knowledge components, thereby minimizing the dependency on specific ID information. This design allows the SIKT model to be trained on one dataset and seamlessly applied to another, effectively bridging the vocabulary gap. Experimental results demonstrate the significant effectiveness of the proposed approach. Furthermore, the model’s remarkable cross-dataset adaptability suggests its potential for broad application in various educational platforms, enabling more personalized learning experiences without the need for extensive retraining. These findings pave the way for future research toward developing a more universal KT model by integrating diverse data sources.
Looking ahead, there are several aspects worthy of further exploration and refinement. Firstly, the extraction of side information still has room for improvement, especially in obtaining students’ demographic information and learning styles [11,26,47]. Future work could explore acquiring these valuable features from alternative data sources and integrating them into the model to achieve more comprehensive and accurate student modeling. Secondly, the model structure used in this study is relatively simple, employing a basic neural network for predictions. Future research could investigate and compare different model architectures to determine whether more complex structures or those tailored to specific tasks could produce better results [48,49]. Finally, this study relied on three real-world datasets to validate the model’s generalizability. To comprehensively assess the robustness and generalizability of the model, future work could involve the inclusion of more diverse datasets from different sources [1,13].

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, H.X., B.J. and X.G.; data curation, J.Y. and C.Q.; funding acquisition, L.Z. and X.G.; methodology, H.X., X.G., B.J. and L.Z.; project administration, X.G. and L.Z.; resources, J.Y.; software, C.Q.; supervision, X.G., B.J. and L.Z.; visualization, J.Y. and C.Q.; writing—original draft, H.X. and J.Y.; writing—review and editing, H.X., C.Q., B.J. and L.Z. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was supported in part by the Opening Foundation of the State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Intelligence (grant number iED2023-008) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant number 62477013). We express our gratitude for the financial support, which enabled the successful completion of this research.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The datasets can be found in the following repositories: ASSISTment2009:, accessed on 1 June 2024, reference [36]; ASSISTment2012:, accessed on 1 June 2024, reference [37]; EdNet:, accessed on 1 June 2024, reference [38]; Junyi Academy:, accessed on 1 June 2024, reference [39]; Eedi:, accessed on 1 June 2024, reference [40].

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
AUCArea Under the Curve
DKTDeep Knowledge Tracing
DKVMNDynamic Key–Value Memory Networks
DLKTDeep Learning-based Knowledge Tracing
KTKnowledge Tracing
SAINTSeparated Self-Attentive Neural Knowledge Tracing
SAKTSelf-Attentive Knowledge Tracing
SHAPShapley Additive Explanations
SIKTSide Information for Knowledge Tracing
SKQStudents, Knowledge, and Questions


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Figure 1. A toy example of knowledge tracing, where X represents the set of a student’s historical interactions, x t denotes the interaction record of the student at time t, e t signifies the information regarding the student, knowledge, and questions at time t, and r t indicates the correctness of the student’s answers at time t.
Figure 1. A toy example of knowledge tracing, where X represents the set of a student’s historical interactions, x t denotes the interaction record of the student at time t, e t signifies the information regarding the student, knowledge, and questions at time t, and r t indicates the correctness of the student’s answers at time t.
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Figure 2. Framework of SIKT model.
Figure 2. Framework of SIKT model.
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Figure 3. Framework of TF-Encoder layer.
Figure 3. Framework of TF-Encoder layer.
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Figure 4. The impact of different feature values on the model results.
Figure 4. The impact of different feature values on the model results.
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Figure 5. Interpretability analysis of Case 1. The model’s inference result f ( x ) is 0.84, and the true label is 1. Red features positively influence the model output, while blue features negatively influence it.
Figure 5. Interpretability analysis of Case 1. The model’s inference result f ( x ) is 0.84, and the true label is 1. Red features positively influence the model output, while blue features negatively influence it.
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Figure 6. Interpretability analysis of Case 2. The model’s inference result f ( x ) is 0.43, and the true label is 0. Red features positively influence the model output, while blue features negatively influence it.
Figure 6. Interpretability analysis of Case 2. The model’s inference result f ( x ) is 0.43, and the true label is 0. Red features positively influence the model output, while blue features negatively influence it.
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Table 1. Fields of interactive records in the dataset.
Table 1. Fields of interactive records in the dataset.
s t u _ i d Student ID.23
q _ i d Question ID.141
k _ i d Knowledge ID.212
u s e _ t i m e Answer time.60 s
i s _ r i g h t Correct or incorrect.0 or 1
t s Timestamp.2009-08-13 14:30:12
Table 2. All side information about students, questions, and knowledge components can be derived from six known fields.
Table 2. All side information about students, questions, and knowledge components can be derived from six known fields.
StudentMastery S 1 ’s correct rate for K 1 . s k _ a c c 1
Average time spent by S 1 on K 1 . s k _ m t 2
The number questions answered by S 1 on K 1 . s k _ n 3
The elapsed time since the last record of K 1 . s k _ l t 4
Ability S 1 ’s correct rate for all questions. s q _ a c c 5
The average time spent by S 1 on all questions. s q _ m t 6
The number questions answered by S 1 . s q _ n 7
The elapsed time since the last record. s q _ l t 8
KnowledgeComplexityThe correct rate of K 1 . k _ a c c 9
The average time of K 1 . k _ m t 10
The number of K 1 records. k _ n 11
QuestionDifficultyThe correct rate of Q 1 . q _ a c c 12
The average time of Q 1 . q _ m t 13
The number of Q 1 records. q _ n 14
Table 3. The number of students, questions, knowledge, and interaction records in all datasets.
Table 3. The number of students, questions, knowledge, and interaction records in all datasets.
A09-train *50936282534385,806
Junyi 19,323705392,879,392
Eedi 20,00027,6122823,354,687
* A09-train refers to the training set in the A09 dataset, while A09-test refers to the testing set in the A09 dataset, with other datasets following similarly. The students in the training set and testing set are mutually exclusive.
Table 4. Results of different models on five datasets.
Table 4. Results of different models on five datasets.
ModelsA09-TestA12-TestEN-Test Junyi-Test Eedi-Test p . um
DKVMN *70.3965.3167.8170.8865.8560.9469.2288.7771.8768.52291.70 k
DKT79.8772.7272.8273.1268.6764.6769.9988.8374.4570.04651.62 k
SAKT79.7872.2071.7873.0670.3164.4169.5188.8173.8469.56847.36 k
SAINT75.6269.1865.0670.0277.1470.1370.2088.6163.6662.6271,184.90 k
SIKT80.7372.3175.9073.2072.9565.6472.7188.4978.3253.8757.24 k
* The DKVMN model was trained on the A09-train dataset and evaluated on the A09-test dataset; the same strategy was applied to other models.
Table 5. Results of DLKT models on new datasets.
Table 5. Results of DLKT models on new datasets.
ModelsA09-TestA12-TestEN-Test Junyi-Test Eedi-Test
DKT-A09 *79.8772.7260.9267.4652.6350.4154.0075.5350.6253.13
* The DKT-A09 model was trained on the A09-train dataset and evaluated on the A09-test, A12-test, EN-test, Junyi-test, and Eedi-test datasets; the same strategy was applied to other models.
Table 6. Results of SIKT model on new datasets.
Table 6. Results of SIKT model on new datasets.
ModelsA09-TestA12-TestEN-Test Junyi-Test Eedi-Test
SIKT-A09 180.7372.3173.9565.2069.7365.4866.6778.9069.0359.48
Join trian 280.7772.3676.0473.1573.1165.7072.8088.5079.0164.07
1 The SIKT-A09 model was trained on the A09-train dataset and evaluated on the A09-test, A12-test, EN-test, Junyi-test, and Eedi-test datasets. The same strategy was applied to other models. 2 The model was trained by mixing the training datasets from all datasets together, and then its performance on different test sets was evaluated.
Table 7. AUC results of SIKT model when removing different side information.
Table 7. AUC results of SIKT model when removing different side information.
InputRemoveA09A12EN Junyi Eedi
5–141–4 a79.55 (−1.18)72.76 (−3.14)72.87 (−0.08)71.74 (−0.97)76.47 (−1.85)
1–4, 9–145–8 b77.52 (−3.21)73.73 (−2.17)71.96 (−0.99)72.62 (−0.09)75.43 (−2.89)
9–141–8 c73.97 (−6.76)68.96 (−6.94)71.95 (−1.00)70.24 (−2.47)67.18 (−11.14)
1–8, 12–149–11 d79.82 (−0.91)74.36 (−1.54)72.90 (−0.05)72.34(−0.37)78.23 (−0.09)
1–1112–14 e76.78 (−3.95)69.83 (−6.07)69.42 (−3.53)68.54 (−4.17)74.46 (−3.86)
a Removed student mastery. b Removed student’s ability. c Removed student characteristics. d Removed knowledge complexity. e Removed question difficulty.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Xu, H.; Yin, J.; Qi, C.; Gu, X.; Jiang, B.; Zheng, L. Bridging the Vocabulary Gap: Using Side Information for Deep Knowledge Tracing. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 8927.

AMA Style

Xu H, Yin J, Qi C, Gu X, Jiang B, Zheng L. Bridging the Vocabulary Gap: Using Side Information for Deep Knowledge Tracing. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(19):8927.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Xu, Haoxin, Jiaqi Yin, Changyong Qi, Xiaoqing Gu, Bo Jiang, and Longwei Zheng. 2024. "Bridging the Vocabulary Gap: Using Side Information for Deep Knowledge Tracing" Applied Sciences 14, no. 19: 8927.

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