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Yoga and Swimming—A Symbiotic Approach with Positive Impacts on Health and Athletes’ Performance

Rocsana Bucea-Manea-Țoniș
Andreea Natalia Jureschi (Gheorghe)
* and
Luciela Vasile
Doctoral School, National University of Physical Education and Sport, 060057 Bucharest, Romania
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14(20), 9171;
Submission received: 14 July 2024 / Revised: 30 September 2024 / Accepted: 1 October 2024 / Published: 10 October 2024


Yoga enhances acceptance, compassion, physicality, mental and emotional awareness, and spiritual benefits through breath techniques, postures, and body locks, while swimming improves flexibility, strength, and body awareness. The fusion of yoga and swimming, particularly the aqua yoga asana method, offers a balanced lifestyle for athletes and non-performers, enhancing their performance. Our study examined the feasibility of incorporating yoga and swimming practice into Romanian subjects’ lifestyles, designing a factor analysis in SmartPLS software, based on an online survey. This study assessed participants’ knowledge of yoga’s theory and philosophy, as well as their perceptions of the benefits of swimming practice for social and health issues. Our 250 young swimming athletes train in Bucharest’s sports clubs. According to our study, Romanian participants practice yoga and swimming as often as possible to reduce stress, improve concentration for work-related tasks, and improve joint elasticity, balance, and muscular tone. The high coefficient of path analysis (0.667) proved that those who practice yoga asanas have a high level of awareness and understand the fundamentals of the practice. The second coefficient of path analysis (0.857) shows that those who understand yoga better are convinced of its positive effects on society and their health. Thus, yoga and swimming are substitutes for other approaches in prevention and therapy, making it a beneficial tool for pre-performance swimming.

1. Introduction

Yoga, a practice that combines physical postures, breathwork, and meditation, has been proven to reduce psychological, physiological, and emotional suffering in trauma survivors. It promotes acceptance, compassion, physicality, mental and emotional awareness, and spiritual benefits [1,2]. Yoga has become more accessible, offering relief from stress, anxiety, depression, and obsessive thoughts, as well as improved sleep and the ability to cope with PTSD [3]. It also improves blood pressure, heart rate, and flexibility [4,5,6]. Regular yoga practice and meditation can improve self-awareness, self-regulatory skills, and cardiovascular performance. It can also be integrated into training regimens to improve performance by combining attention, emotion, and yoga-inspired aspects with intellectual, metacognitive, and procedure management techniques [7,8,9,10,11,12].
The U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines trauma as harmful events causing emotional, psychological, behavioral, and physical health issues, contributing to PTSD development, and suggests yoga as a suitable treatment method [1].
Yoga practices, including asanas, breathing, mudras, and mantras, can reduce post-traumatic stress disorder and improve performance in sports. Sportspeople and instructors can support yoga participation in medical rehabilitation, promoting balance, flexibility, strength, and endurance. Yoga is particularly effective in preventing injuries in sports like running, basketball, tennis, baseball, football, and swimming [13,14,15,16]. Yoga enhances memory, cognition, social–emotional competency, and overall wellness. It is beneficial for injury prevention due to its relaxation, stability, and mobility benefits. Practice for four weeks leads to weight loss, increased strength, and improved agility, flexibility, balance, and endurance [17,18,19].
Sports injuries have increased due to psychosocial stresses and training regimens, requiring more neurobiological recovery time than clinical recovery time. Players with prior injuries face a higher occurrence of acute non-contact injuries, particularly female players. Focused attention on individual sports participants is recommended [20,21,22,23]. Yoga can reduce injury risk in sports like soccer, handball, swimming, winter sports, and baseball, improve pulmonary function, increase flexibility, and treat urinary incontinence syndrome in women when combined with other therapy exercises [24,25,26]. Yoga can enhance strength, coordination, range of motion, and balance, thereby reducing fractures [27].

Yoga and Swimming—A Perfect Match

Swimming and yoga offer numerous health benefits for swimmers and non-performers, including in the cardiovascular, nervous, muscular, respiratory, and metabolic systems [28]. Swimming helps stretch the chest, strengthens the upper back, improves breathing efficiency, increases hip and shoulder mobility, and creates openings through the chest and shoulders [29,30]. Aqua yoga asanas in deep water combine yoga and water aerobics to improve flexibility, physical fitness, and stress relief. These techniques, practiced at a 10-foot depth, are designed to achieve water balance at the final position of the asana. Over 30 different asanas are practiced, improving joint mobility, muscle flexibility, general fitness, and stress relief and reducing fatigue and lethargy [31]. Aqua yoga asana practice involves swimming strokes with water balance, making it easy to perform asanas in water [32].
Yoga and swimming are complementary activities that offer numerous benefits to athletes. Yoga enhances flexibility, strengthens muscle groups, prevents injuries, improves breathing techniques, enhances concentration, and improves body awareness. It aids in the development of efficient swimming techniques, balance, and alignment [33,34]. Additionally, yoga promotes mindfulness and focus, aiding in recovery and relaxation [35]. It also helps swimmers maintain a flow state during training and competition [36]. The meditative aspect of yoga enhances concentration and focus, while the calming and restorative nature of yoga aids in recovery after workouts and reduces stress and fatigue [37,38]. Yoga improves athletes’ performance by increasing mindfulness, enhancing internal sensation awareness, and improving concentration. It also enhances strength and flexibility, making it a beneficial pre-performance routine [39].
Numerous studies have highlighted the benefits of including yoga in sports training. Although aqua yoga asana methods are practiced, more research is required to fully assess their effectiveness in the training of elite athletes across various sports, including swimming. The literature lacks information regarding athletes’ opinions on yoga and swim training methods. Noticing this gap, we opted to incorporate yoga into a training program for swim athletes and evaluate the outcomes of this mixed training approach. Thus, the main hypotheses of this research are as follows:
The participants who perform yoga asanas possess a high degree of consciousness and comprehend the principles of yoga.
The participants with a deeper comprehension of yoga are convinced of its social and health advantages.

2. Materials and Methods

In our research, we reviewed numerous articles on the benefits of yoga in injury prevention and the relationship between yoga practice and medical recovery in sports. Yoga, sports, and physiotherapy (Topic), 2019–2023 (Year of Publication), breath (All Fields), technology (All Fields), articles or review articles (Document Types), and all Web of Science Categories were used to define the research design. Yoga does not have an extensive background in Romania. As a result, we decided to investigate the extent of awareness about this issue and its possible influence on elite subjects through a quantitative analysis based on a survey.
Participants—Participants in the survey came from Bucharest’s sports clubs. These swimming athletes attended our program. The study, which included roughly 250 people, ran from 31 August 2023 to 31 November 2023.
Design protocol—The study looks into how yoga may help with sports performance as an adjunct way to providing the best possible sustainable system for including yoga in subjects’ training and medical rehabilitation. The swimming professors included yoga practice in the participants’ training and evaluated their opinions after 6 months of training.
Instruments—Our survey contains mainly closed questions. Most of them had many correct responses or very specific options. With consent from participants to manage their responses in compliance with GDPR, the survey was carried out online via Google Forms. We also provided open-ended questions to feed the qualitative analysis. The authors obtained approval from the Research Ethics Commission of National High School “Emil Racoviță”, 4870/9.10.2023. The IRB approved the survey structure and its implementation. They agreed with the sample, which contains students who attended this high school.
The questionnaire was informed by previous research, including that conducted by other authors, such as the Essential Properties of Yoga Questionnaire (EPYQ) [2,40,41,42], as well as the primary author’s own experience in teaching yoga and swimming. We intend to see whether yoga is chosen as an alternative solution for different medical conditions.
The program implemented included several key components (Appendix A):
learning asanas: swimmers focused on learning various yoga asanas during the general training period.
application during aerobic training: the asanas were integrated during the aerobic training period, for both the junior and age groups.
weekly short asana sessions: a 10 min segment dedicated to asanas was executed before the sprinting sessions (Table 1 and Table 2). This was aimed at leveraging the heightened concentration from yoga practices to enhance performance in sprinting, particularly in maintaining high technical standards—such as mobility, elasticity, balance, and focus—while minimizing distractions.
land and water execution: the (10–13 y.o.) age group conducted the full routine on land, as the water depth and their skill levels did not permit in-water execution, while the junior group (14–18 y.o.) practiced their asanas in the water.
Table 1. Weekly plan- aerobic training- junior group (14–18 y.o.).
Table 1. Weekly plan- aerobic training- junior group (14–18 y.o.).
Effort ZoneSetsVolume/Set
Aerobic—endurance 153000
Anaerobic threshold—endurance 222400
Maxim consumption of oxygen- enduraIt is a headingnce 301600
Mixt zone22400
Lactate production1400
Lactate tolerance0600
Sprint 3200
Aerobic kicking sets52000
Specific kicking sets2300
Before every sprint set- 10′ yoga poses (Tu, Th, and Sa).
Aerobic Training WeekMTuWeThFrSa
E1kickLactate prodSprintset mixtSprint
Sprintkickkick Cool-down
PMWarm-up Warm-up
E1 Sp kick
set mixt E1
Sp kick
Volume7700 5300 53,200
Table 2. Weekly plan- aerobic training- age group (10–13 y.o.).
Table 2. Weekly plan- aerobic training- age group (10–13 y.o.).
Effort ZoneSets Volume/Set
Aerobic—endurance 132500
Anaerobic threshold—endurance 211800
Maxim consumption of oxygen- endurance 300
Mixt zone12000
Lactate production1200
Lactate tolerance00
Sprint 3200
Aerobic kicking sets21200
Specific kicking sets2300
Before every sprint set 10′ yoga poses (Mo, We, and Sa).
Aerobic Training WeekMoTuWeThFrSa
SprintSp kickSprintkickE1Sprint
kickE1Mixt setE2Sp kickE2
E1 kick Lactate prod
Volume 27,100540043004900450045003500
Variables—At this point, both the theoretical and the practical variables had been established, and scales had been chosen for assessing them, defining the knowledge-gathering approach, selecting the data acquisition device, and constructing the methodological framework to organize the information. The data were evaluated using the partial least squares (PLS) structural equation modeling technique, which analyzes simultaneous interactions among latent, formative, or reflecting variables even for smaller samples. Three latent reflective constructs (Asana type, Awareness and Philosophy, and Health and Social Benefits) are present in our model. All variables, with their descriptive items, are presented in Table 3.

2.1. Data Analysis

Our analysis contains an SEM confirmatory factor analysis using SmartPLS. In the field of structural equation modeling (SEM), statistical methods like path analysis are frequently employed to examine intricate correlations between variables.
SmartPLS is a software program that offers a simple user interface for carrying out SEM analysis. It is intended specifically for partial least squares (PLS) path modeling, a variance-based method for SEM. Researchers can evaluate the structural model (relationships between latent variables) using PLS-SEM and the measurement model (reflective and formative indicators) using SmartPLS.
Path analysis is a method for analyzing how variables in a theoretical model are related causally. It enables researchers to evaluate both the immediate and long-term interactions between variables. To assess the associations between variables, several regression equations are simultaneously calculated in path analysis. To gauge the degree and relevance of the directional links (paths) between the variables, researchers might evaluate their respective coefficients.
We used path analysis because it (a) lowers the variance of endogenous construct residuals; (b) has minimal detection concerns; (c) yields relevant findings regardless of tiny sample sizes; and (d) predominantly blends formative and reflective components, meaning that SmartPLS is a trustworthy regression approach [37]. Whenever the structural model becomes exceedingly complicated, the sample is quite small, and the hypothesis contains both formative and reflective elements, the use of PLS-SEM (partial least squares SEM) or path analysis is recommended [43]. When a study involves developing theories or forecasting (with contributions to theory development), PLS-SEM is the optimal approach. Its primary applications are in predictive analysis and the clarification of complicated linkages [17].

2.2. Statistical Process

Loading factors, sometimes referred to as factor loadings or standardized factor loadings, are coefficients used in path analysis to indicate the degree and direction of the association between observable variables (indicators) and latent variables (factors).
How much of the variance in an observed variable may be attributed to the underlying latent variable is indicated by the loading factor. It represents, while accounting for measurement error, the correlation between the observable variable and the latent variable. Loading factors vary from −1 to 1, and they can be either positive or negative.
Interpreting loading factors:
Positive loading: A positive loading indicates a direct relationship between the observed variable and the latent variable. Higher values indicate a stronger relationship.
Negative loading: A negative loading indicates an inverse relationship between the observed variable and the latent variable. Higher absolute values indicate a stronger inverse relationship.
The magnitude of loading: The absolute value for the loading factor indicates the strength of the relationship. Values closer to 1 indicate a stronger relationship, while values closer to 0 indicate a weaker relationship.
Statistical significance: Loading factors can be tested for statistical significance to determine whether they are significantly different from zero. Significant loading factors indicate a meaningful relationship between the observed variable and the latent variable.
When conducting path analysis, researchers typically assess the quality of the measurement model by examining the loading factors. High and statistically significant loading factors suggest that the observed variables are good indicators of the underlying latent variables, indicating a strong measurement model fit.
The model consistency was tested by composite reliability. The following are acceptable thresholds for a reliable model: average variance extracted (AVE > 0.5), Cronbach’s alpha, rho_A (>0.7), and composite reliability (>0.6). The number of items in the Cronbach’s alpha index grows, but negative or tiny items are not eliminated. Recursive item analysis selects items according to how much of an impact they have on the final score. Cronbach’s alpha, the primary requirement, needs to fall between 0 and 1, with a maximum restriction of 0.70.
It is important to note that loading factors are specific to the particular model being tested and may vary depending on the context, sample, and measurement instrument used in the analysis.

3. Results

The frequency, association of variables, graphical images, and table were achieved using the examined data, and the SmartPLS tool also created a qualitative study regression model.
We examine whether the survey’s questions help establish the relevance of a claim or hypothesis to assure the reliability of the survey. A survey is considered to be trustworthy and reliable when all of its questions and results match up (overall score).

3.1. Construct Reliability and Validity

As can be seen in Table 4, the study used SmartPLS [44] to assess consistency using composite reliability.
The survey items are suitable for our research, as they are based on Cronbach’s alpha coefficients, which suggests that our assumptions are supported. For each test, all of our variables display high values (Table 4). The coefficient of determination or R-square claims that the variance of Asanas explains 45% of the variance of Awareness and Prophylaxis (AP), and the AP variance explains 73% of the Health and Social Benefits (HSBs) (Table 3 and Table 4, Figure 1 and Figure 2).

3.2. Correlation between Variables

The latent variable correlation shows a very strong positive correlation between Awareness and Prophylaxis and Health and Social Benefits (0.86) (Table 2), and the path coefficient (0.857) also has a high value (Figure 1), meaning that H2 is accepted: the participants who perform yoga asanas possess a high degree of consciousness and comprehend the principles of yoga. Another medium positive correlation is observed between Asanas and Awareness and Prophylaxis (0.67), meaning that H2 is accepted: those with a deeper comprehension of yoga are convinced of its social and health advantages. Between Asanas and Health and Social Benefits, there is also a medium positive correlation (0.65).
Figure 2 shows that the loading factors for all of the Asanas, AP, and HSB sub-items have values greater than 0.6. There is only one exception for Swimming (LF = 0.553), which proves their impact on the variable’s weight. These high values ensure that the survey was well designed, and the items that form the four main variables (Asanas, AP, and HSBs) are highly representative of our analysis [38].

3.3. Discriminant Validity

The calculation of discriminant validity was performed. It is defined as the extent to which a variable in the structural model empirically differs from other variables [38,39]. The model is statistically robust, as the Heterotrait–Monotrait (HTMT) criteria are met. HTMT ratios should be <0.85 to achieve discriminant validity [45], meaning that all constructs are statistically differentiated from each other when taken two by two (Table 5).

3.4. Model Fit

Model fit was assessed using approximate fit indices such as standardized root mean square residual (SRMR ≤ 0.05). In our case, SRMR has a value of 0.075, which is less than 0.05. Additionally, all Chi-Square, d_ULS, and d_G values of the estimated model are higher than the saturated model threshold. NFI has a high value, close to 1 (Table 6) [46].

3.5. Multicollinearity Analysis

The variance inflation factor (VIF) indicates that the variables included in the model are not highly correlated with each other, which strengthens the validity of the results obtained from the analysis.
Overall, the VIF values suggest that multicollinearity is not a concern in this study, since there are no VIF values larger than 5.
The p-values for each of the five SEM regressions are all less than the 0.05 cutoff, demonstrating once more the strength of our models’ design (Table 7). The t-test data are indicative. Figure 2 gives a summary of the results. Two-tailed t-tests had a bootstrapping value greater than 1.96.
After taking into account all of the validation steps shown in Table 4, Table 5, Table 6 and Table 7 and Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4, we may assume that the construct indicators are strongly positively associated and that assumptions H1–H2 have been confirmed. Subjects who practice yoga asanas have a high level of awareness and understand the fundamentals of the practice. Subjects who understand yoga better are convinced of its positive social and health effects.

4. Discussion

The study explores the potential of combining swimming and yoga for athletes, highlighting its potential to enhance performance and overall quality of life, using SmartPLS software and an online survey. We delve into research with two principal hypotheses, H1: those who practice yoga asanas have a high level of awareness and understand the fundamentals of the practice and H2: With H1 in mind, they are convinced of its positive effects on society and their health.

4.1. Summary and Interpretation of Results

The study used SmartPLS to evaluate consistency using composite reliability, ensuring that the survey items were suitable for the research. All variables displayed high values, with Asanas explaining 45% of the variance of Awareness and Prophylaxis (AP), and AP variance explaining 73% of Health and Social Benefits (HSBs). The latent variable correlation showed a strong positive correlation between Awareness and Prophylaxis (AP) and Health and Social Benefits (HSBs), and a medium positive correlation between Asanas and Awareness and Prophylaxis (AP). The loading factors for all Asanas, AP, and HSB sub-items had values greater than 0.6, indicating the survey was well designed. The SmartPLS algorithm computed the variance inflation factor (VIF) of each construct, indicating no multicollinearity between the variables.
The high level of explained variance and the high values of correlations enable us to conclude that the practicians who practice yoga asanas have a high level of awareness and understand the fundamentals of the practice. Becoming a constant practitioner of yoga asanas empowers the user to better understand and appropriate yoga. As a consequence, practitioners observe positive effects on society and their health. They believe that yoga has numerous therapeutic effects, including treating various diseases (including respiratory, circulatory, digestive, endocrine, neuro-muscular, neuro-mental, and immune diseases), providing primary prophylaxis, promoting fitness and stress elimination, fostering self-development, promoting tolerance, cooperation, respect, and a positive attitude, and eliminating cultural, gender, and ethnic discrimination.

4.2. Comparison with Existing Research

In our study, we reached the same conclusion as many authors, that Romanians enjoy yoga and swimming as ways to spend their spare time and for health benefits. Yoga, a traditional practice that unites the mind, body, and spirit through physical postures, breathwork, and meditation, has been shown to reduce psychological, physiological, and emotional suffering in survivors of interpersonal trauma. It promotes acceptance, compassion, physicality, active postures, body locks, mental and emotional awareness, and spiritual benefits [1]. Yoga helps manage affective arousal, fosters a sense of physical safety, and offers advantages like internal harmony, acceptance, powerful relationships, and empowerment. The amount of research on yoga and trauma has increased since 2018, but studies have not fully considered relationship traumas. Yoga also promotes individual attention, social aspects, and spiritual practices, such as chanting and mindfulness [2].
Our statistical analysis proved that people who practice yoga asanas have a high level of awareness and understand the fundamentals of this practice. Yoga asanas can be practiced underwater, and swimmers like using them to improve their performance. We may also be able to affirm that those who understand yoga better are convinced of its positive effects on society and their health.
Regular yoga practice and meditation can improve self-awareness, self-regulatory skills, flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, and cardiovascular performance. Integrating yoga into training regimens can improve performance by combining attention, emotion, and yoga-inspired aspects with intellectual, metacognitive, and procedure management techniques [7,8,9,10,11,12]. Yoga therapy asanas have gained popularity among subjects due to their numerous benefits for physical and mental health. These asanas can improve flexibility, strength, balance, and mental focus, which are crucial in subject performance. They also help subjects manage stress, improve focus and concentration, and enhance mental clarity. Subjects’ advanced knowledge of yoga can positively influence their opinion on its benefits as a therapeutic method. They may be more willing to incorporate yoga into their daily routine and seek information from qualified professionals [7,8,9,10,11,12].
Yoga improves memory, cognition, social–emotional competency, and overall mental and physical wellness [17,18,19]. It can be included in injury prevention plans due to its relaxation, core stability, and mobility benefits. Research shows that practicing yoga for four weeks leads to weight loss, increased leg and back strength, and improved back strength in swimming players. Long-term yoga programs can improve agility, flexibility, balance, and VO2 max [20,21,22,23]. Yoga promotes acceptance, compassion, physicality, active postures, body locks, mental and emotional awareness, and spiritual benefits [24,25,26,27]. Our swimming athletes affirm that the training had a similar impact on their bodies and performance.
The current study emphasizes that yoga is a practice that promotes acceptance, compassion, physicality, active postures, body locks, mental and emotional awareness, and spiritual benefits. It involves setting intentions, focusing on breath, breathing techniques, physicality, active poses, restorative poses, and body locks. Body awareness helps maintain balance, flexibility, and strength. Health benefits include physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Individual attention is crucial in postural alignment and sensations. Yoga philosophy is based on ethical principles like personal observance, contentment, and self-study.
Swimming is a sport that benefits all muscular groups and non-performers, with numerous health benefits [28]. Yoga is beneficial for swimmers, as it helps stretch the chest, hip flexors, and quads, strengthen the upper back, and improve breathing efficiency [29,30]. Aqua yoga asanas in deep water combine yoga asanas with water aerobics, achieving flexibility, physical fitness, and stress relief [31]. This unique technique involves swimming strokes with considerable water balance, making it easy to perform asanas in water. Research suggests that yoga may enhance mindfulness and improve athletes’ flow dispositions and performance. Participants in yoga programs became more aware of internal sensations, acting with greater awareness during activities like swimming training and competitions [32]. Flow disposition dimensions included enhanced concentration and a greater sense of control, which has been transferred to school-related activities [39].

4.3. Implications for Each Finding

Yoga and swimming are two disciplines that promote mindfulness and mental wellbeing. The combination of these practices not only enhances athletic performance but also enriches daily life. The synergy between these practices not only boosts aquatic performance but also nurtures resilience, mindfulness, and overall mental wellbeing. This holistic approach not only supports athletes in their athletic pursuits but also positively impacts their personal and professional lives, promoting athletic excellence and a harmonious lifestyle.
With a wide range of therapeutic benefits (immune, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, endocrine, neuro-muscular, and neuro-mental benefits and resistance to immune diseases, among others), primary prophylaxis yoga and swimming can reduce the pressure on economic/financial resources. The beneficiaries of yoga and swimming practice will spend less on treatments and medical insurance and avoid being affected by other diseases, which is less expensive than treatment. The beneficiaries of yoga and swimming practice will be healthier due to increased fitness and stress reduction, will have more energy, will be more creative, and will have a higher potential to solve job tasks due to cutting-edge critical thinking.
The social impact is materialized in the self-development of yoga practicians, which is also reflected in their increased level of tolerance, cooperation, and respect and their positive outlook. These social traits will increase the level of interpersonal communication, positively impacting the eradication of discrimination based on culture, gender, and ethnicity, as well as teamwork.
Both yoga and swimming have a substantial impact on mental health, offering economic benefits beyond personal wellbeing. Enhanced mental health from these activities can boost workplace productivity, with yoga specifically shown to improve focus, cognitive function, and overall wellbeing, enhancing work performance and efficiency. Moreover, swimming’s capacity to prevent and manage chronic health conditions can lead to long-term reductions in healthcare costs. By fostering wellness and mental resilience, these practices not only benefit individuals but also enhance societal and economic wellbeing through improved productivity and potential healthcare savings.
The limitations of this research are as follows: the effects of yoga and swimming on health and performance may take time to manifest; participants may overestimate or underestimate their adherence to the yoga and swimming interventions, leading to inaccurate results; the study may not assess the long-term effects of yoga and swimming on the health and performance of athletes; and the study may focus on a specific group of athletes, making it challenging to apply the findings to a broader population.

5. Conclusions

This study suggested a training regimen, which combines yoga poses with swimming techniques that improve focus, self-control, and overall performance while also improving the daily lives of swimming athletes, fostering mental health, resilience, and awareness. This all-encompassing strategy helps athletes achieve their goals in sports while also having a favorable effect on their personal and professional lives. Our yoga asana practitioners demonstrate a high level of consciousness and comprehension of yoga’s principles, which raises awareness of the practice’s social and health advantages and improves their sportive performance.
Our athletes’ opinion is that swimming and yoga training practiced by them enhance cardiovascular, neurological, muscular, pulmonary, and metabolic systems, benefiting both performers and non-performers through chest stretches, upper back strengthening, breathing improvement, and increased hip and shoulder mobility. Yoga enhances athletes’ performance by increasing mindfulness, enhancing internal sensation awareness, improving concentration, and enhancing strength and flexibility, making it a beneficial pre-performance tool.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, R.B.-M.-Ț., L.V. and A.N.J.; Methodology, R.B.-M.-Ț.; Software, R.B.-M.-Ț.; Validation, R.B.-M.-Ț.; Formal analysis, R.B.-M.-Ț.; Investigation, R.B.-M.-Ț., L.V. and A.N.J.; Resources, R.B.-M.-Ț. and L.V.; Data curation, R.B.-M.-Ț.; Writing—original draft preparation, R.B.-M.-Ț.; Writing—review and editing, R.B.-M.-Ț., L.V. and A.N.J.; Visualization, L.V. and A.N.J.; Supervision, R.B.-M.-Ț. and L.V.; Project administration, R.B.-M.-Ț. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Institutional Review Board of National High School “Emil Racoviță” (4870/9.10.2023).

Informed Consent Statement

Written informed consent has been obtained from the patient(s) to publish this paper.

Data Availability Statement

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors on request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Appendix A

Figure A1. Yoga Asanas.
Figure A1. Yoga Asanas.
Applsci 14 09171 g0a1aApplsci 14 09171 g0a1b


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Figure 1. Model validation by construct reliability and validity. Note: CA = Cronbach’s alpha, rho_A = Spearman correlation coefficient, CR = composite reliability, AVE = average variance extracted (AVE), and R2 = R-square.
Figure 1. Model validation by construct reliability and validity. Note: CA = Cronbach’s alpha, rho_A = Spearman correlation coefficient, CR = composite reliability, AVE = average variance extracted (AVE), and R2 = R-square.
Applsci 14 09171 g001
Figure 2. Cronbach’s alpha analysis and path coefficients. Source: SmartPLS analysis (reprinted from SmartPLS software, version 3.3.9, created on 18 April 2024).
Figure 2. Cronbach’s alpha analysis and path coefficients. Source: SmartPLS analysis (reprinted from SmartPLS software, version 3.3.9, created on 18 April 2024).
Applsci 14 09171 g002
Figure 3. Collinearity analysis: VIF values for each factor included in the model (all values < 5).
Figure 3. Collinearity analysis: VIF values for each factor included in the model (all values < 5).
Applsci 14 09171 g003
Figure 4. Bootstrapping. Source: SmartPLS analysis (reprinted from SmartPLS software, version 3.3.9, created on 18 April 2024).
Figure 4. Bootstrapping. Source: SmartPLS analysis (reprinted from SmartPLS software, version 3.3.9, created on 18 April 2024).
Applsci 14 09171 g004
Table 3. Name, code, and significance of analyzed variables.
Table 3. Name, code, and significance of analyzed variables.
Yoga includes the following types of exercises/asanas:
Asana TypeAsanasEquilibrium, relaxation, stretching, mental concentration and endurance in anaerobic conditions and breathing, postural correction, muscle toning, lymphatic drainage (such as inversions), and therapeutic (stress relief of the spine, stimulation of blood circulation, pulse regulation and respiratory frequency, pain relief, endocrine system balancing, etc.)
What do you know about yoga?
Awareness and ProphylaxisSwimmingYoga and swimming are practiced for health benefits in people’s spare time
HealthUndertaken as a health practice through the hours of practice led by yoga-authorized instructors at sports clubs in Romania
ProphylaxisIt is a primary and therapeutic prophylaxis method if practiced correctly
PhilosophyIt is a system of thought and philosophy originating from Asia, which aims to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit
Any AgeIt can be practiced at any age
Appreciate the role of yoga.
Health and Social BenefitsTreatmentTherapeutic (can treat respiratory, circulatory, digestive, endocrine, neuro-muscular, neuro-mental, and immune diseases)
FitnessPrimary prophylaxis, fitness and stress elimination
EvolutionSelf-development and self-knowledge
ControlEducational, moral, social, and physical control
CollabPromotes tolerance, cooperation, and respect
AttitudeHelps to develop a positive attitude in the face of victory and defeat
DiscriminationRemoves cultural, gender, and ethnic discrimination
Table 4. Correlation between main variables included in the model.
Table 4. Correlation between main variables included in the model.
Latent ConstructsAsanasAwareness and ProphylaxisHealth and Social Benefits
Awareness and Prophylaxis0.671.000.86
Health and Social Benefits0.650.861.00
Source: SmartPLS analysis (reprinted from subject SmartPLS software, version 3.3.9, created on 18 April 2024).
Table 5. Discriminant validity of the main constructs included in the model.
Table 5. Discriminant validity of the main constructs included in the model.
Fornell–Larcker CriterionHTMT
Latent Constructs AsanasAPHSBsAsanasAP
Awareness and Prophylaxis0.670.75 0.668
Health and Social Benefits0.650.860.830.6490.85
Source: SmartPLS analysis (reprinted from SmartPLS software, version 3.3.9, created on 18 April 2024).
Table 6. Model fit.
Table 6. Model fit.
Saturated ModelEstimated Model
Source: SmartPLS analysis (reprinted from SmartPLS software, version 3.3.9, created on 18 April 2024).
Table 7. The t-test statistics and p-values of the bootstrapping analysis.
Table 7. The t-test statistics and p-values of the bootstrapping analysis.
Direct/Indirect EffectOriginal Sample (O)Sample Mean (M)Standard Deviation (STDEV)t Test Statistics (|O/STDEV|)p Values
Source: SmartPLS analysis (reprinted from SmartPLS software, version 3.3.9, created on 18 April 2024).
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MDPI and ACS Style

Bucea-Manea-Țoniș, R.; Jureschi, A.N.; Vasile, L. Yoga and Swimming—A Symbiotic Approach with Positive Impacts on Health and Athletes’ Performance. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 9171.

AMA Style

Bucea-Manea-Țoniș R, Jureschi AN, Vasile L. Yoga and Swimming—A Symbiotic Approach with Positive Impacts on Health and Athletes’ Performance. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(20):9171.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Bucea-Manea-Țoniș, Rocsana, Andreea Natalia Jureschi (Gheorghe), and Luciela Vasile. 2024. "Yoga and Swimming—A Symbiotic Approach with Positive Impacts on Health and Athletes’ Performance" Applied Sciences 14, no. 20: 9171.

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