Using Transfer Learning and Radial Basis Function Deep Neural Network Feature Extraction to Upgrade Existing Product Fault Detection Systems for Industry 4.0: A Case Study of a Spring Factory
:1. Introduction
2. Related Works
3. Algorithms
3.1. Algorithm for Offline Basic Model Construction
3.2. Algorithm for Offline Add-on Model Construction
3.3. Simultaneous Operation of Basic and Add-On Models Online
4. Simulations
4.1. Introduction to Dataset and Experiment Parameters
4.2. Verification of Basic Model
4.3. Verification of Add-On Model Construction
4.4. Verification of Transfer Learning for the Combination of Basic and Add-On Models
4.5. Applicability of Proposed Method in Practice
5. Conclusions and Future Works
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Input Features of the Basic Model | fb1 | fb2 | fb3 | … | fbm | - | - | Basic Judgment | Real Condition of the Item | Label Change | Add on Judgment | Basic + Add on Judgment (Final Judgment) |
Features from Modified Products | fe1 | - | fe2 | … | fek-2 | fek-1 | fek | |||||
Item 1 | 0.9 | 0 | 0.4 | … | 1.2 | 2.5 | 1.3 | Good | Good | do not change | do not change | Good |
Item 2 | 0.7 | 0 | 0.6 | … | 1.1 | 2.9 | 4.1 | Bad | Bad | do not change | change | Good |
Item 3 | 0.2 | 0 | 1.3 | … | 0.5 | 2.7 | 3.5 | Good | Bad | change | change | Bad |
Item 4 | 0.1 | 0 | 1.8 | … | 0.6 | 2.6 | 2.7 | Bad | Good | change | change | Good |
Inputs of the Basic Model | Accuracy |
All 21 features | 100% |
1st to 7th most important features identified using the random forest | 90.2% |
8th to 14th most important features identified using the random forest | 85.3% |
15th to 21st most important features identified using the random forest | 83.7% |
1st to 7th most important features identified using RBF-DNN | 94.4% |
8th to 14th most important features identified using RBF-DNN | 84.1% |
15th to 21st most important features identified using RBF-DNN | 81.1% |
Inputs of the Basic Model | Accuracy |
All 21 features | 98.5% |
1st to 7th most important features identified using the random forest | 90.2% |
8th to 14th most important features identified using the random forest | 87.9% |
15th to 21st most important features identified using the random forest | 87.7% |
1st to 7th most important features identified using RBF-DNN | 93.8% |
8th to 14th most important features identified using RBF-DNN | 88.1% |
15th to 21st most important features identified using RBF-DNN | 85.5% |
Inputs of Basic Model | Accuracy |
All 21 features | 92.3% |
1st to 7th most important features identified using the random forest | 86.3% |
8th to 14th most important features identified using the random forest | 85.1% |
15th to 21st most important features identified using the random forest | 85.9% |
1st to 7th most important features identified using RBF-DNN | 91.7% |
8th to 14th most important features identified using RBF-DNN | 87.3% |
15th to 21st most important features identified using RBF-DNN | 84% |
Inputs of Basic Model | Accuracy |
All 21 features | 90.1% |
1st to 7th most important features identified using the random forest | 84.7% |
8th to 14th most important features identified using the random forest | 83.9% |
15th to 21st most important features identified using the random forest | 83.5% |
1st to 7th most important features identified using RBF-DNN | 88.7% |
8th to 14th most important features identified using RBF-DNN | 84.3% |
15th to 21st most important features identified using RBF-DNN | 82.7% |
Inputs of Basic Model | Accuracy |
All 21 features | 93.7% |
1st to 7th most important features identified using the random forest | 91.7% |
8th to 14th most important features identified using the random forest | 89.2% |
15th to 21st most important features identified using the random forest | 88.6% |
1st to 7th most important features identified using RBF-DNN | 92.8% |
8th to 14th most important features identified using RBF-DNN | 90% |
15th to 21st most important features identified using RBF-DNN | 88.3% |
Inputs of Basic Model | Accuracy |
All 21 features | 94% |
1st to 7th most important features identified using the random forest | 91.4% |
8th to 14th most important features identified using the random forest | 89.1% |
15th to 21st most important features identified using the random forest | 88.1% |
1st to 7th most important features identified using RBF-DNN | 91.8% |
8th to 14th most important features identified using RBF-DNN | 90.2% |
15th to 21st most important features identified using RBF-DNN | 84.6% |
Control group: one model (good + too long + too short) | |
Method | Accuracy |
All 21 features + Matlab’s NNstart toolbox | 94.5% |
All 21 features + deep neural network kit | 93.6% |
Group 1: Basic model (good + too long)→add-on model (too short) | |
Method | Accuracy |
Basic (random forest’s 7 features) + add-on (random forest’s 7 features) | 83.1% |
Basic (all 21 features) + add-on (random forest’s 7 features) | 91.7% |
Basic (RBF-DNN’s 7 features) + add-on (RBF-DNN’s 7 features) | 89% |
Basic (all 21 features) + add-on (7 features selected by RBF-DNN) | 92.8% |
Group 2: Basic model (good + too short)→add-on model (too long) | |
Method | Accuracy |
Basic (random forest’s 7 features) + add-on (random forest’s 7 features) | 83.1% |
Basic (all 21 features) + add-on (random forest’s 7 features) | 89.3% |
Basic (RBF-DNN’s 7 features) + add-on (RBF-DNN’s 7 features) | 88.3% |
Basic (all 21 features) + add-on (RBF-DNN’s 7 features) | 91.9% |
Phase | Offline | Online | |
Action | Construction of an RBF-DNN | Construction of a neural network using Matlab | Running a neural network in Matlab |
Time cost | about 30 s | <5 s | <1 s |
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Loh, C.-H.; Chen, Y.-C.; Su, C.-T. Using Transfer Learning and Radial Basis Function Deep Neural Network Feature Extraction to Upgrade Existing Product Fault Detection Systems for Industry 4.0: A Case Study of a Spring Factory. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 2913.
Loh C-H, Chen Y-C, Su C-T. Using Transfer Learning and Radial Basis Function Deep Neural Network Feature Extraction to Upgrade Existing Product Fault Detection Systems for Industry 4.0: A Case Study of a Spring Factory. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(7):2913.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLoh, Chee-Hoe, Yi-Chung Chen, and Chwen-Tzeng Su. 2024. "Using Transfer Learning and Radial Basis Function Deep Neural Network Feature Extraction to Upgrade Existing Product Fault Detection Systems for Industry 4.0: A Case Study of a Spring Factory" Applied Sciences 14, no. 7: 2913.
APA StyleLoh, C.-H., Chen, Y.-C., & Su, C.-T. (2024). Using Transfer Learning and Radial Basis Function Deep Neural Network Feature Extraction to Upgrade Existing Product Fault Detection Systems for Industry 4.0: A Case Study of a Spring Factory. Applied Sciences, 14(7), 2913.