Towards an Automated Design Evaluation Method for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
:1. Introduction
2. State of the Art
2.1. Current Methods for Manufacturability Evaluation
2.1.1. Heuvers’ Circles Method for Casting
2.1.2. Evaluation Methods for Additive Manufacturing
2.2. Design Guidelines for WAAM
3. Methods
3.1. Medial Axis and Medial Surface Transformation
3.2. Definition of Geometry Indicators Based on the 3D-MAT
3.3. Application of WAAM Design Rules to 3D-MAT Geometry Indicators
3.4. Test Implementation
- Via Python, Gmsh is controlled to load the 3D solid geometry in the Step format. Gmsh then triangulates the surface according to a specified element size.
- The generated mesh data, which are the triangles’ center points and face normals, are then handed over to a Rust method. In the Rust method, first, a kd-tree is built from the point data, and then the 3D-MAT is calculated using the shrinking ball algorithm [48].A kd-tree is a space-partitioning method that enables efficient nearest neighbor search on point clouds, which improves the computational performance of the 3D-MAT algorithm. The kd-tree is a binary search tree that is built by alternatingly dividing the geometry along the three spatial axes into subspaces until in every subspace only a defined number of points is left [49].The shrinking ball algorithm developed by Ma et al. approximates the 3D-MAT for every surface point and the corresponding surface normal by iteratively shrinking spheres to fit them into the 3D point cloud. Starting with the initial radius set to the maximum diameter of the axis-aligned bounding box, the current sphere center is calculated:An updated radius is then derived according to Equations (5) and (6) with being the nearest neighbor to that is within the radius and is different from the base point (cmp. Figure 3) [50]. The nearest neighbor is efficiently found by performing the search on the kd-tree. This iteration is repeated until no point is found that satisfies the criteria, indicating an empty sphere.Finally, the angle is calculated using Equation (1), and the calculated radii, distances (secant lengths), and angles are returned to the Python program.
- In the Python program, the radii gradients are calculated over neighboring facets (Equation (2)). Then, for every feature, the particular indicator data are filtered by another indicator as specified in the configuration file. To visualize the results, the filtered data are feature-wise added to Gmsh, whereby the highlighted faces are restricted to those critical according to the specified manufacturing limits.
4. Results on Example Geometries
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
- The mapping of current WAAM design recommendations to corresponding MAT geometry indicators.
- The definition of quantitative criteria for feature classification in 3D-MAT-based manufacturability evaluation.
- The addition of the radius gradient to the set of MAT geometry indicators.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
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Feature | Recommendations and Constraints |
general features | large, simple, sparsely detailed [13] |
limited number of bead ends [13] | |
sudden cross-sectional changes avoided [13] | |
surface to volume ratio | high (for optimal heat transfer) [13] |
symmetry or similar shapes | favor, to reduce warpage |
if applicable: base plate as symmetry plane [3,13] | |
part size | ≥ (recommended for practical handling) [3] |
≤machine housing/enclosure (if applicable) [3] | |
min. wall thickness | (depends on process parameters) [3,13] |
min. clearance | (for Al5A06) [36] |
post-processing allowance | process dependent, e.g., machining [37] |
edges, corners | generously rounded [3] |
sharp corners either avoided or built as intersection [13] | |
overhangs | fixed torch: only angles ≥ possible [37] |
variable torch: arbitrary angles possible [38] | |
T-crossings | sharp, to avoid surface defects [13] |
alternative: optimized path planning strategies [39,40] | |
angles | simple path planning: ≥ (for multi-bead walls) [41] |
optimized path planning: arbitrary angles [41], | |
favor ≥ (for Al5A06) [36] |
Feature | Indicator | Limits | Applied to Elements with … |
wall thickness | ≥ | ||
clearance | ≥ | ||
edge radius | ≥ | ||
wall angle | ≥ | ||
thickness gradient | ≤ |
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Pusicha, J.; Stromberg, H.; Quanz, M.; Lohrengel, A. Towards an Automated Design Evaluation Method for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing. Appl. Sci. 2025, 15, 938.
Pusicha J, Stromberg H, Quanz M, Lohrengel A. Towards an Automated Design Evaluation Method for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing. Applied Sciences. 2025; 15(2):938.
Chicago/Turabian StylePusicha, Johannes, Henrik Stromberg, Markus Quanz, and Armin Lohrengel. 2025. "Towards an Automated Design Evaluation Method for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing" Applied Sciences 15, no. 2: 938.
APA StylePusicha, J., Stromberg, H., Quanz, M., & Lohrengel, A. (2025). Towards an Automated Design Evaluation Method for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing. Applied Sciences, 15(2), 938.