1. Introduction
The rapid advancement of satellite technology has contributed significantly to various fields, such as communications, navigation, Earth observation, and scientific research. Among these, low-Earth-orbit (LEO) satellites play a vital role owing to their proximity to Earth, offering high-resolution imaging, low signal latency, and relatively low launch costs. However, the operation and lifespan of LEO satellites depend heavily on their power systems, particularly the batteries that supply them with energy in conditions wherein solar power is insufficient.
Battery aging has a direct impact on mission performance, reliability, and operational lifespan [
1]. Over time, batteries undergo complex chemical and physical changes, resulting in capacity reduction and increased internal resistance. These changes not only lead to a decrease in energy storage capacity but, if not addressed in a timely manner, may also result in mission failure [
2]. Therefore, accurately and efficiently diagnosing battery aging is essential to ensuring the optimal performance and sustainability of satellite missions [
The accurate diagnosis of battery health in satellite systems is critically important from both technical and economic perspectives [
8]. First, unlike ground-based equipment, satellite batteries cannot be physically replaced, and without proper predictions and corresponding mission design adjustments, abnormal operations may occur, leading to mission losses during specific periods [
9]. Second, as the global satellite market continues to expand, cost-efficient satellite operations are becoming increasingly vital [
10]. The accurate diagnosis of battery aging enables the maximization of satellite mission performance and operational efficiency [
Conventional methods for diagnosing satellite battery aging in orbit rely primarily on trend analysis through periodic monitoring and user-experience-based assessments. However, these approaches are time consuming and can have limitations in applying consistent criteria and achieving accurate analyses owing to variabilities in user judgment and satellite operation conditions. In contrast, advancements in big data and machine learning technologies, along with the application of Kalman filters, have driven research aimed at improving the accuracy and efficiency of battery health diagnostics, as seen in ground-based systems, such as automotive applications.
However, space systems, particularly LEO satellites, face unique challenges. Their communication windows are generally limited, restricting the availability of real-time data. In addition, satellite systems often utilize space-hardened processors, which impose constraints on computational capacity, further complicating the implementation of data-driven diagnostic approaches in these environments.
Therefore, in this study, we propose a novel technique for estimating the charge and discharge states of LEO satellite batteries online based on using the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) algorithm and for diagnosing battery aging offline based on using a data-driven transformer network-based voltage prediction model. By integrating advanced machine learning techniques with domain knowledge specific to satellite systems, the proposed algorithm is designed to enhance the accuracy of battery aging predictions while minimizing the need for extensive manual intervention by users.
Furthermore, by leveraging historical and real-time satellite telemetry data, this algorithm identifies patterns and anomalies indicative of battery aging. This capability provides valuable insights into predictive maintenance and satellite health management, thereby contributing to the efficient and reliable operation of satellite power systems.
The main contributions of this research study are as follows:
A data-driven learning- and UKF filtering-based technology for modeling the degradation states of lithium-ion batteries in LEO satellites was developed.
The proposed method ensures consistent results regardless of the classification of the mission or the experience level of the satellite operators.
Additionally, the methodology was validated by analyzing the accuracy of the data-driven network and degradation modeling results using actual on-orbit telemetry data from the KOMPSAT-5 satellite.
This paper is structured as follows. It begins with an introduction to KOMPSAT-5, including the configuration of its power system and the data-driven algorithm used, followed by a detailed explanation of the proposed data-driven voltage modeling approach for LEO satellites and its application to satellite systems. Subsequently, it presents a quantitative analysis of the estimation results using in-orbit data in order to validate the applicability of the proposed technique. Finally, the paper concludes with a summary of the findings and a discussion on potential future work.
3. Proposed Method
Battery degradation in LEO satellites occurs as a result of various factors, including extended operational periods, changes in internal resistance, and extreme charge–discharge conditions. During its mission in orbit, a satellite undergoes multiple charge–discharge cycles daily. These repeated cycles contribute to the degradation of battery electrode materials and a gradual reduction in capacity.
An increase in internal resistance is one of the key indicators of battery degradation. As internal resistance increases, power losses during the charge and discharge processes become more significant and the output voltage decreases. These effects collectively reduce a battery’s overall efficiency and operational lifespan, posing challenges to the corresponding satellite’s performance and reliability.
This decline in battery voltage directly impacts the satellite’s systems. As the voltage decreases, the battery’s available power capacity is reduced, which can hinder the normal operation of the satellite. Consequently, it is essential to employ technologies that are capable of detecting battery degradation and integrate this information into mission planning. Such measures are critical for ensuring the efficient and reliable operation of LEO satellites over their lifespans.
3.1. Battery Modeling
To estimate the state of the battery, a state equation is required.
Figure 5 illustrates an equivalent circuit model representing the dynamic characteristics of the battery using electrical components. The open-circuit voltage (OCV) represents the intrinsic voltage of the battery, whereas the differential resistance (R
Diff) and differential capacitance (C
Diff), connected in parallel, model the internal voltage dynamics of the battery. These two components are key to explaining the battery’s dynamic behavior.
A differential voltage (VDiff) is generated within this parallel circuit and manifests as the terminal voltage (Vk) through the internal resistance (Ri). The terminal current (Ik) flows according to the charge and discharge processes of the battery. Through analysis of these parameters, the state of the battery, including its dynamic response and internal conditions, can be effectively estimated.
The state variables are selected to represent the battery’s state of charge, differential voltage, and internal resistance, respectively. These state variables vary over time and are expressed using state equations, shown herein as Equations (4)–(6).
represents the state of charge,
is the differential voltage, and
is the internal resistance.
Here, represents the state variables; ,, and are state equation matrices; wk denotes process noise; and vk represents sensing noise.
The matrices
Ak and
Bk in the state equations are defined as shown in Equation (7). Matrix
Ak is formulated in terms of the sampling time, differential resistance, and capacitance, reflecting the dynamic characteristics of the battery. Matrix
Bk represents voltage changes driven by the input current.
represents the sampling time.
The measurement value incorporates the derivative of the function f(SOC), which describes the nonlinear relationship between the SOC and voltage, along with the input current. This function is a higher-order polynomial that explains the nonlinear relationship between the SOC and voltage, ensuring accurate modeling of the battery’s SOC.
Figure 6 illustrates the nonlinear relationship between the battery’s OCV and SOC. In general, battery voltage and the SOC exhibit variations depending on temperature. Therefore, temperature can be included in the SOC and OCV models. However, medium-to-large low-Earth-orbit (LEO) satellites typically maintain strict temperature control to preserve battery performance, allowing the influence of temperature to be neglected.
In the case of KOMPSAT-5, which was used for this study, battery temperature is set to remain around 20 °C on average. Therefore, the influence of temperature was neglected, and the OCV was expressed solely as a function of the SOC. To describe the relationship between voltage and the SOC, a curve-fitting method was employed [
21]. The order of the fitting function was determined by minimizing the residual value through iterative adjustments. Finally, the coefficients for the selected order were determined to establish the model. In this study,
is modeled as a sixth-order polynomial to effectively capture the intricacies of the SOC–voltage dynamics, as shown below.
, …
represent coefficients of each order.
Furthermore, the terminal voltage can be expressed as shown in Equation (9), where it is derived by subtracting the voltage drops across
from the OCV. To apply the nonlinear function to the Kalman filter algorithm, the state and measurement equations must be partially differentiated to obtain the Jacobian matrix, which is then incorporated into the algorithm [
22]. In other words, the Jacobian matrix is constructed by differentiating the state and measurement equations with respect to the state variables. Thus, by linearizing Equation (9) through partial differentiation with respect to each state variable, it can be represented as Equation (10).
To model battery degradation, changes in R
i were estimated using the UKF algorithm. Battery degradation was defined in terms of the rate of change in
, as expressed in Equation (11) as follows:
denotes the internal resistance at the end of life,
denotes the internal resistance at the beginning of life, and
denotes the current internal resistance. These parameters were incorporated into the state equations, which were applied using the UKF.
3.2. Proposed SOC and SOH Estimation Technique
Figure 7 illustrates how the charge–discharge current and voltage profiles of a satellite battery vary over time and across seasons. A comparison between data from 1 December 2017 and 1 July 2017 reveals significant differences in the battery’s charge–discharge patterns. In the December data, charge–discharge cycles occurred more frequently, with greater variations in the maximum and minimum current values. In addition, the voltage drops during discharge cycles were more pronounced. By contrast, the July data show less frequent charge–discharge cycles, smaller fluctuations in current, and a relatively stable battery voltage.
These differences are likely attributable to factors, such as solar exposure duration, eclipse periods caused by Earth’s shadows, and seasonal temperature variations, all of which influence a satellite’s power generation and battery performance. This analysis highlights the impact of environmental conditions on the behavior of the satellite battery and the need for adaptive modeling to account for these seasonal and temporal variations.
Therefore, accurately modeling the voltage–current characteristics of a satellite battery requires considering not only the simple current–voltage relationship but also a comprehensive range of factors. These include the satellite’s mission state, date and seasonal variations, overall power consumption, and environmental temperature. The figure demonstrates how these variables influence the actual behavior of the battery.
It is evident that simplified models are insufficient to fully explain the complex charge–discharge patterns observed in satellite operations. This shortcoming underscores the necessity of adopting data-driven modeling approaches that can effectively capture the intricate interactions between these variables and provide a more accurate representation of a battery’s performance.
Figure 8 shows the concept of deep learning-based voltage modeling and the process for predicting the states of satellite batteries in this paper. This process includes data collection and preprocessing, model training, battery voltage prediction, internal resistance estimation, and state of health (SOH) evaluation.
First, the SOC of the battery is estimated using a UKF-based approach along with voltage and current telemetry data from LEO satellites. If the difference between the terminal voltage estimated via the state equation model and the measured voltage is below a defined threshold value, it is assumed that significant battery aging has not yet occurred. In this case, Ri and SOH updates are not performed, and the SOC is continuously estimated online.
On the other hand, if the difference between the estimated terminal voltage and the measured voltage exceeds the threshold, the discrepancy is attributed to battery aging. Under this assumption, Ri is estimated offline using the UKF algorithm, and the SOH is updated accordingly.
In this process, the battery’s voltage and current are utilized to detect aging by modeling changes in Ri under the same SOC conditions during mission operations using a transformer network. To enable comparisons under identical SOC conditions, the user generates a virtual mission for a specific SOC condition, which is then input into the transformer network. The voltage profile generated by the network is used for analysis.
When consistent SOCs and current conditions are maintained when detecting changes in Ri, the relative accuracy of the estimations improves. This approach ensures that the detected variations in Ri are more precise and reliable, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of battery aging detection.
In this study, voltage was modeled using a deep neural network (DNN)-based time-series approach through continuous learning, enabling the inclusion of all factors related to aging and other elements over the satellite’s operational period. This comprehensive modeling approach ensures accurate estimation and can be effectively utilized for battery management and monitoring. Voltage estimation for battery SOH prediction is performed as follows.
First, a variety of data are collected from the satellite to predict the state of the battery. The selected input features include position (x, y, and z coordinates), quaternion, solar angle, previous battery voltage, the SOC, battery current, mission mode, and remaining mission data time. The output feature is the battery voltage at the current time step. These features represent dynamic data that change over time.
The collected data undergo a preprocessing phase, during which redundant sensor values are aggregated, outliers are removed, and the data are normalized to prepare them for model training. Additionally, data synchronization is applied to ensure temporal consistency across diverse input features, thus enhancing the quality of the training data and improving the model’s performance.
The preprocessed data are fed into a deep learning model based on the selected transformer network architecture. This model is designed to learn the temporal correlations within the time-series data of each feature.
The transformer network for battery voltage estimation is configured to enable continuous learning, allowing it to adapt to operational variability over the satellite’s lifespan. This approach ensures that the model remains robust and accurate as it incorporates the changes and trends associated with the satellite’s ongoing operations.
Next, the trained model continuously predicts the current battery voltage based on the input features. Specifically, to predict the battery voltage at time , the battery voltage at and the remaining input features at are used. This process is repeated iteratively to generate the entire time-series voltage dataset up to . These predictions provide the values needed to model the battery’s and SOH. Under the assumption that satellite mission conditions entail consistent SOC levels (e.g., 90%, 80%, etc.), virtual input features can be fed into the model to obtain the corresponding voltage time-series data. This approach ensures there are consistent conditions for evaluating and analyzing battery behavior, thereby enhancing the accuracy of degradation modeling.
Thus, the generated voltage and current data assumed for the mission timeline were used to estimate via the UKF. This process enables the prediction of battery voltage and the evaluation of the SOH, providing critical support for mission design and satellite operations.
3.3. Proposed Network Training
The overall process of network training for the voltage model proposed in this study consists of three stages: data preprocessing, network selection, and model training and prediction.
First, in the data preprocessing stage, various sensor data related to the battery are collected; in this study, the timespan of the data was approximately six years. The input and output features are then selected, and the data are preprocessed into a format suitable for training. The initial conditions and data, such as position, quaternion, solar angle, battery SOC, current, voltage, and mission mode, are labeled accordingly.
Next, the dataset is divided to optimize training efficiency; in this study, 70% of the data were used as training data, 10% were used as validation data for designing the network structure, and the remaining 20% were used as test data for evaluating the model’s performance. This structured approach ensured the model’s reliability and effectiveness in predicting battery voltage.
Next, in the network selection stage, the optimal structure of the deep learning model is explored. Parameters such as the initial learning rate, the number of transformer layers, the number of multi-head attention mechanisms, model dimensions, and dropout rate are configured. The model is then trained using the validation dataset designated specifically for network selection.
During this process, the loss is computed using the validation dataset, and parameter adjustments are iteratively performed until the loss converges or the predefined number of iterations is reached. Ultimately, the network with the best performance is selected and saved.
In this study, to ensure that the selected network structure was optimized for the satellite’s unique characteristics, Bayesian optimization was employed in this process. This approach enables efficient and precise determination of the most suitable network configuration.
Bayesian optimization is an efficient method for exploring the optimal parameters with minimal iterations [
23]. It involves the use of a probabilistic model and an acquisition function to search for the parameter combination that maximizes model performance. In this study, the number of network layers (
L), embedding dimensions (
D), self-attention heads (
H), and transformer stages (
T) were optimized.
The process begins with the initialization stage, in which an initial set of parameter combinations is randomly selected within the search space. Based on this initial dataset, a Gaussian process (GP) regression model is built to approximate the objective function, which represents model performance as a function of the parameters.
Next, an acquisition function is defined to determine which parameter combinations to evaluate next. In this study, we used the expected improvement (EI) acquisition function, designed to prioritize regions with a high potential for performance improvement. The acquisition function identifies the combination of parameters that maximizes its value, and the transformer model is trained and evaluated using this combination. The resulting performance metric is added to the dataset, and the GP model is updated to refine future searches.
This process is iteratively repeated until the maximum number of iterations is reached or the performance metric meets a predefined threshold. When the termination condition is satisfied, the parameter combination with the highest recorded performance for the dataset is returned as the final result.
The cost function used in this optimization process is defined as follows:
n is the number of verification data points,
is the actual verification data value,
is the model-predicted data value, and
W1 and
W2 are weight factors.
Optimizing all data, network structures, and parameters is challenging due to the development of time constraints. As mentioned earlier, we aimed to develop a rough architecture for an optimized design by utilizing a selected subset of the dataset. The optimization analysis, based on cost function calculations, showed that the impact of variations in the num head and transformer stages did not significantly increase as the number of epochs increased. Additionally, when considering training time and complexity, the number of selectable stages may be limited.
On the other hand, variations in transformer layers and embedding dimensions resulted in significant performance changes. Among these, the number of layers was found to have the most significant impact on performance.
Figure 9 presents the results of this analysis. The increase in the number of layers and dimensions is directly related to the number of network parameters and the complexity of modeling. It is presumed that this contributes to the extraction of key information from time-series data, leading to improved accuracy. Based on this information, network design was carried out by additionally considering training and processing time, incorporating the values of stage and head.
The network parameters obtained through this optimization process are presented in
Table 1.
Subsequently, the selected network structure was used to train a model for predicting battery voltage using the training dataset. After the training phase, the transformed values were restored to their original scale via normalization adjustments. Based on the restored values, the UKF algorithm was applied to estimate the SOC and Ri. Finally, prediction performance was evaluated, and continuous learning was performed as the quantity of training data increased over the satellite’s operational period.
4. Experiments and Results
To verify the convergence of the modeling performed in this study, an analysis was conducted using the satellite’s on-orbit data.
Figure 10 presents the results of estimating the battery voltage of the KOMPSAT-5 satellite during the on-orbit charge and discharge cycles using the transformer network developed in this study.
The upper graphs are based on data from 10 June 2023, whereas the lower graphs are based on data from 10 December 2022; both compare the actual battery voltage with the values estimated by the transformer network.
The development environment used for this modeling was a single Nvidia GeForce 4090 GPU and a PyTorch-based deep learning framework (Python 3.8, PyTorch 1.13.0, CUDA 11.7). The training process, which spanned approximately six months, required around four days to complete. Additionally, the voltage generation time for nine orbits (approximately 920 min) was independent of the training data and took approximately 110 s.
In general, satellite batteries do not age abruptly, necessitating strategies for reducing the burden on a satellite’s throughput. Therefore, we aimed to analyze satellite data to determine the optimal timing for updating battery aging factors. Using a DNN-based approach, the aging state of the satellite battery was assessed on the ground, and the satellite’s charge–discharge state model was updated accordingly. The development environment was structured as described in order to achieve this objective.
The results demonstrate that the estimated values closely match the actual values, even in the nonlinear environment with repeated charge and discharge cycles. The model accurately captured even subtle voltage variations, indicating the transformer network’s high reliability in battery voltage estimation. From a temporal perspective, the transformer network consistently exhibited excellent performance in estimating battery voltage, regardless of the timeframe or environmental conditions in which the data were collected.
Additionally, data generated after the satellite’s launch were used for training in different time periods; subsequently, the prediction results were analyzed.
Table 2 summarizes the predicted voltage variation profiles for mission periods based on a daily scale using the proposed model. To observe long-term trends after the launch in 2013, analyses were conducted at two-year intervals. The daily prediction period was chosen as a baseline for convergence and profile generation analysis, as it ensures a minimum ground contact time, considering the typical satellite orbit.
For training, data obtained up to one week before the modeling date were utilized. Consequently, the results in
Table 2 allow for an assessment of the prediction error in mission periods based on the data duration used in the modeling. The table shows that the error did not exhibit significant variation with an increase in operational time except for the very first phase after launch, indicating that the error had converged.
Additionally, to compare and analyze the results of the proposed voltage variation prediction method, modeling was performed using a probability-based Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model and a Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) network. Both ARIMA and Bi-LSTM networks are widely used tools for time-series modeling [
25]. The comparison was conducted based on key performance metrics, including mean error, maximum error, and processing time.
As observed in the results of the analysis, the proposed voltage estimation method maintained stable mean and maximum errors even as the satellite’s operational period increased, indicating convergence.
Additionally, as shown in the waveform in
Figure 10, the satellite’s operating conditions, including current and voltage, vary significantly between the summer and winter periods. These external condition variations occur because eclipse periods are present in the winter but absent in the summer. Despite these external mission condition changes, the proposed model maintains a consistent error level while generating voltage profiles, demonstrating its robustness and reliability.
On the other hand, the probability-based ARIMA model exhibited a significantly higher maximum error and did not achieve performance comparable to that of the proposed method in terms of mean error. This result is likely due to the inherent limitations of probability-based models in incorporating external environmental factors and other key influencing variables. Similarly, the Bi-LSTM model also yielded higher mean and maximum errors than the proposed technique. However, it required less processing time. Nonetheless, this difference in processing time is not significant when considering ground-based processing standards.
It can be observed that the proposed technique accurately estimated battery voltage under different charge–discharge current conditions, mission conditions, and power generation environments, demonstrating that the changes in battery voltage estimated by the network can be a reliable tool for monitoring and predicting battery states.
Therefore, the proposed voltage prediction model demonstrated minimal error despite variations in mission conditions and accurately estimated changes over the satellite’s operational period. This confirms that the generated voltage prediction results can be utilized for estimating a battery’s degradation state.
Although this study focuses on developing a ground-based framework, future advancements may require real-time battery aging updates and charge–discharge state predictions directly on board the satellite. Thus, in future research, we will extend this work by developing techniques for model optimization, including lightweight, sampling time, and dimensionality reduction.
In this study, the proposed on-orbit battery aging estimation results were compared with those obtained from applying the DCIR-based state estimation algorithm. Battery aging is closely associated with an increase in internal resistance. The DCIR method evaluates a battery’s condition by directly measuring its internal resistance, enabling quantitative modeling of the battery’s aging state.
Specifically, in the DCIR method, internal resistance is calculated by measuring the voltage drop (ΔV) and current under specific charge–discharge conditions. The terminal voltage of the battery is modeled as shown in Equation (9).
The differential voltage can be expressed as the product of the terminal current and the parallel impedance of the differential capacitance and differential resistance. Therefore, the terminal voltage can be formulated as the sum of the OCV, the product of the terminal current, and the total internal impedance of the battery.
By expressing the differential voltage in Equation (9) in terms of the terminal current and transforming it into the frequency domain, it can be rewritten as Equation (13).
Additionally, satellite batteries are typically subjected to a screening process to minimize internal impedance variations within the packaged units. Therefore, for a battery pack composed of m series and n parallel cells, the impedance, OCV, and terminal voltage can be simplified as shown in
Figure 11.
Furthermore, since OCV variations in the mission operating period of the satellite are minimal, assuming the OCV fluctuation is zero, the relationship between terminal voltage variations and terminal current variations can be formulated, as shown in Equation (14). Consequently, the voltage variations corresponding to input current changes can be computed using Equation (14).
This approach allows battery aging to be estimated by directly linking observed voltage behavior with internal resistance, providing a robust framework for satellite battery health monitoring and performance assessment.
The advantages of the DCIR method include its ability to evaluate battery conditions in real time and quantify the degree of aging through relatively simple calculations. However, obtaining accurate results in battery circuit modeling and aging estimation using satellite discharge currents requires several constraints and conditions to be fulfilled and met, respectively, leading to significant complexity and time requirements in data processing and analysis.
In particular, modeling aging based on discharge current and voltage changes relies on verifying data under identical SOC conditions to ensure reliable results are obtained. Because satellite battery environments are subject to multivariable conditions (e.g., satellite orbit, mission state, and seasonal factors), maintaining a consistent SOC and obtaining data under uniform initial conditions are challenging. Consequently, postprocessing and data selection are essential for ensuring data accuracy.
During postprocessing, large quantities of raw data are analyzed to extract discharge data collected under identical SOC conditions. This process involves aligning the data along the temporal and SOC axes and correcting deviations caused by external environmental factors (e.g., temperature variations, mission loads, etc.). Although these tasks can be automated using algorithms and tools, accurately understanding the data and setting appropriate processing criteria still require the expertise of experienced users.
Moreover, various factors must be considered in the data selection process. In addition to the SOC, variables such as the magnitude of the discharge current, duration, and temperature conditions must be analyzed in combination to extract information directly related to battery aging. As the quantity of data increases, the complexity of these tasks also increases, significantly extending the time required for data analysis.
Owing to these challenges, it is difficult to perform DCIR-based aging modeling over short periods. Battery degradation typically progresses slowly, requiring long-term data collection and analysis in order to build a reliable model. If performed by inexperienced users, this process can lead to data errors or reduced reliability of the results of the analysis. However, when the conditions are properly filtered and the analysis is systematically conducted, DCIR can provide reliable information on battery aging.
In this study, the SOH values derived from the DCIR-based analysis conducted by ground users were compared with the results of the proposed aging estimation technique. This comparison highlighted the practical application of the proposed method and its greater effectiveness in assessing battery aging relative to established techniques.
Figure 12 compares the results of the three methods for estimating battery aging. The first method involves ground-based predictions (the blue line) conducted during the pre-launch design phase using the expected current cycles. This approach provides a conservative estimate of battery aging, predicting relatively rapid performance degradation over time. The second method represents on-orbit aging estimation (the green line), in which experienced users selectively analyze the data to predict battery aging. This method reflects realistic data trends, resulting in a less steep degradation curve compared to those obtained with design phase predictions. The third method is the proposed data-driven approach (the red line). The results show that the proposed estimation (the red line) aligns closely with the values obtained from the satellite expert at the ground station (the green line).
In the case of the green line, data selection for aging analysis requires users to define criteria based on their experience and long-term trend analysis, making the process time consuming (lasting over one day). Additionally, the associated costs in terms of analysis time and effort limit the feasibility of frequent evaluations. By contrast, the proposed method is leveraged to deliver accurate and reliable battery aging information within an hour. This approach also enables repetitive analyses at shorter intervals.
Notably, the proposed method involves the use of on-orbit data to produce results that closely reflect actual battery conditions. It effectively captures complex aging trends that emerge over time, making it a powerful tool for monitoring and estimating battery aging in orbit.
In conclusion, the proposed aging estimation approach enhances the reliability and accuracy of SOC estimations by effectively reflecting performance degradation during the operational lifespan of a battery.
Figure 13 illustrates the results of SOC estimation obtained using the proposed aging estimation approach, the results of SOC estimation obtained using the aging estimation with various mission condition data with the UKF, and SOC estimation with aging estimation analyzed by a satellite expert at the ground station. Herein, the comparison is between the results for (a) the early phase of satellite operation and (b) 51 months after launch.
On orbit, the reference SOC of the satellite battery was determined by utilizing all available orbital data, which were preprocessed and selectively filtered by satellite experts. The battery’s aging and charge states, which experts analyzed, were selected as reference data, and the results were then compared with other predicted values.
The estimation results obtained using the proposed method are represented in red, while the reference values, determined by experts using all available mission data from the ground, are shown in green. Additionally, the results of SOC estimation obtained using the aging estimation with various mission condition data with the UKF are depicted in blue.
In the graph on the left, depicting the data from 10 November 2013, all SOC estimation results are similar, indicating that during the initial phase of satellite operation, battery performance degradation was negligible; thus, accounting for aging has minimal impact on SOC estimation accuracy.
Conversely, the graph on the right, illustrating the data from 10 November 2017, shows that as time progresses and battery aging advances, the discrepancy between the SOC estimates with and without considering aging becomes increasingly noticeable.
Without accounting for aging, the SOC may be overestimated or underestimated, so the condition of the battery will not be accurately reflected. This indicates that mission planning based on uncorrected SOC values may result in the use of stored energy beyond the permissible range, potentially compromising a satellite’s ability to perform continuous missions.
As seen in the figure, the results obtained using the proposed method are closer to the reference values than those derived from the UKF algorithm, which utilized all mission data. This outcome is attributed to the proposed method’s ability to estimate battery degradation states even when using data that are not generated under uniform conditions.
A quantitative summary of these results over an extended period is presented in
Table 3. To evaluate the performance of the model and its predictions, the maximum error of the voltage estimation results was calculated. This quantitative analysis was performed specifically for mission intervals, where the maximum error is particularly important for battery fault management and mission modeling.
For the analysis, the errors between the reference values and each estimated value were summarized from 2014, one year after launch, to 2020. Given that aging does not occur over a short period, analyses using data covering at least 12 months are expected to provide meaningful insights and be useful. As shown in the table, the proposed method consistently demonstrated superior accuracy across all operational periods, even under varying satellite degradation and operational conditions. Notably, as the satellite’s operational period increases, the maximum error remains nearly uniform, indicating the robustness and reliability of the proposed technique over time.
Therefore, the proposed technique can reflect a battery’s aging state and provide reliable information regarding its actual performance. This ensures more precise mission planning and enhances the operational reliability of a satellite throughout its lifespan.