1. Introduction
One of the basic tasks in robotics is to lead the robot arm (for example, the arm of an industrial robot) or the robot itself (for example, in mobile robotics) from the start point to the target point without collisions. This involves making strategic decisions and defining a sequence of valid robot configurations (including position, orientation, and speed) that constitute the obstacle-free path leading to the desired destination and taking environmental constraints into account [
1]. Planning of the route can be global or local. In global path planning, all spaces where obstacles exist are predetermined so the obstacle-free route can be calculated in advance [
3]. When the environment is unknown a priori, or it is not static, local path planning is needed to dynamically respond to the environment changes. Both approaches may also be combined, for example, by providing the reference path, calculated by the path planner first, and then, as the robot moves, by correcting it using local planning as the response to changes in the environment detected by the robot’s sensors [
4]. Recent studies in path planning, advanced inverse kinematics (IK), and sensor fusion present significant progress, addressing challenges in efficiency, adaptability, and precision [
3]. Efficient and precise navigation often needs advanced sensors like IMUs (Inertial Measurement Units), LiDARs, radars, mono and stereo vision systems, etc. Data from various sensors are usually combined (which is called sensor fusion) to provide complex information about the state of the robot and the environment [
3]. Then, advanced algorithms for calculating inverse kinematics task, path planning, obstacle detection, and avoidance are applied to allow the robot to reach the desired target position. When the robot moves, it usually follows the path calculated by some path planning algorithm; however, this path usually does not exist physically in the environment. It is “virtual”, and various control techniques are applied to minimise the tracking error and, of course, to perform the task collision-free [
5]. In particular, Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods are currently widely explored and applied with numerous successes for data processing and path planning [
6]. However, despite undoubted advantages and often excellent results, there are also drawbacks and limitations. For example, they usually require preparing and tunning the AI model, which is not an easy task, and gathering a large amount of training data. Thus, the training process, particularly of deep learning algorithms, is often time-consuming, requires a high level of AI expert knowledge, demands high computational power, and consumes a lot of energy [
7]. The additional drawback of some advanced methods are also the costs of some types of sensors, for example, 3D cameras and long-range LiDARs. This leaves a space for exploring simpler or cheaper solutions [
8], especially when movement accuracy is not of the first importance.
One of the simplest variants for performing the task of moving a robot from the start point to the target position is to move it along a line that is physically defined in the environment. In such a case, and if there is only one possible path to the target (i.e., the path does not split), only local planning is needed, and it is sufficient to just move the robot along the path. This approach is commonly known as “line-following” and is usually applied in mobile robotics. Typically, the line is drawn on the surface where the robot moves. Thanks to sensors, the robot controller detects if the robot pulls off the line to the left or to the right and corrects the robot movement by turning the robot to the direction of the sensor that detected the line, to keep the robot back over the line (
Figure 1). Such an approach focuses on correcting the local robot position error relative to the path. In this scenario, although the robot moves in a 2-dimensional (2D) space, the problem is 1-dimenional.
Due to the very simple control rules, this task is often presented as one of the first during robotic classes for students or as the introduction to mobile robotics for children. There are various types of line-following robots, starting from toys, through various enthusiast-level robots, advanced “racing” robots for line-following competitions [
11], up to professional, industry-grade constructions. For example, some of the AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) in factories and logistic centres also utilise line-following principles in their control systems [
12]. The line to follow might be a visual line painted or embedded (e.g., electrical or magnetic wire) in the floor or ceiling. Line detection and following also play an important role in autonomous driving systems applied in road cars [
14]. In order to detect the line, various types of sensors might be used, for example, light reflection sensors, infrared sensors, magnetic sensors, video cameras, and others. Even though there are already plenty of line-following robots on the market, there are still new constructions [
16] and new control algorithms developed: for example, ones based on fuzzy sets [
17], the dynamic PID algorithm [
18], AI swarm algorithms [
19], vision systems combined with infrared sensors [
20], and others.
Although most of the line-following robots are ground vehicles that operate in a 2D space, there are also some implementations of this principle for industrial robots and for aerial robots. For example, in [
21] the artificial Double Deep Q-Network was applied for performing the path-following task using an articulated robot. The network was trained to follow a path drawn on a flat surface and observed locally by a camera mounted on the robot arm. The achieved path tracking error was below 1 mm. In the paper [
22], a system for extracting the features of and tracking a weld joint was presented. It utilised a laser scanner to detect the path defined by the contact line of two metal elements to weld. However, the system was tested only on a straight, flat (i.e., defined in the 2D space) path. An example of the application of line-following principles in aerial robotics is robotic competitions [
23], where a robot equipped with a camera must reach the end of a line that is drawn on the floor. Another example is the application of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) for chemical spraying in agriculture [
24], where a robot equipped with a camera detects lines of crops and flies along them. Another example is [
25], where a UAV was used for pipeline inspections and the data from the vision system processed using a Convolutional Neural Network were used for navigating the drone along the pipe. However, the system was tested only for pipes lying flat on the ground and the UAV was flying at a fixed altitude. It must be noted that, even though these robots fly in a 3-dimensional (3D) space, they still follow a line detected on the ground, i.e., defined in a 2D space, at a constant flight level. There are very few attempts to implement the line-follower principle for following a path physically defined in a 3D space. One such example is [
26], where a UAV is designed for an aerial power line inspection. It tracks the powerline using a LiDAR sensor. Another example, described in [
27], is also a UAV for power line inspection. In this paper, the arrangement of the line to follow is extracted from the camera image of the aerial powerline. To keep the UAV centred and oriented with the lines, the PID controller tuned with the fuzzy logic algorithm is used. Unfortunately, the performance of the algorithm was tested in simulation environments only. It is also noted that it will need to merge the information acquired by the camera with laser sensors in order to determine the distance of the UAV from the followed power line. In [
28], the control of an AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) for underwater cable tracking is presented. The tracking of a cable buried in the seabed is achieved by magnetic field sensing. Thanks to this, not only can the direction of the tracking be obtained but also the distance from the cable can be maintained. However, the control algorithm does not take into account the presence of environmental disturbances (e.g., water currents) or obstacles (e.g., underwater sand-waves). The authors admit that a more advanced algorithm enabling more than just fixed AUV-to-cable distance maintaining in the 3D space must be developed. The need for developing the AUV for monitoring underwater structures, including pipes and cables, as well as some preliminary design of such a platform is also presented in [
From the literature review, it appears that vision processing techniques have a high capability for detecting objects and shapes, including lines and paths, but they lack sufficient information on the scene’s depth. Thus, they must be accompanied by some distance measurement techniques, for example, LiDARs, radars, 3D cameras, or stereo vision, which increases costs and computational power demand. It also introduces problems with the synchronisation and fusion of data from various systems [
30]. An additional drawback, in the context of the task described further in this paper, is that some types of sensors have limited capabilities in terms of detecting objects located close to sensors (i.e., closer than a few centimetres).
It must be underlined here that there are a lot of works on the subject of 3D path-following or tracking, with a great variety of methods being applied [
32], but the 3D “path” is usually defined as a set of the robot’s configuration states, including coordinates to be reached or passed by the robot on its way. These coordinates are just points defined in some space. There is no physical line to be followed. This is a very different case from the one that will be described in this paper.
The aim of this work is to enable continuous, step-by-step control of robot incremental motion following a path in 3D space. This is obtained based on the classic line-follower concept, and the control rules are developed in order to allow an articulated, 6DoF (Degree of Freedom) industrial robot to follow the physically existing path defined in 3D space. The literature on this defined problem is, to the authors’ best knowledge, very limited.
Nevertheless, a somewhat similar problem was investigated in [
33], where the shape of a physically existing line was detected using a camera and the articulated robot learned how to move along it using reinforcement learning. However, even though the line was defined by a hose placed in the robot’s space, the path was flat, i.e., this was in fact a 2D problem. Moreover, the solution was not calculated step by step and, as the path was analysed globally, it belongs to the global planning methods.
In [
34], a very wide review of vision methods for automatic robotic welding is provided. Welding involves accurate control of the robot effector movement along a path that is defined by two adjacent, contacting elements. This is a problem that may appear similar to tracking a 3D path. However, the path is not detected directly but is rather described by the intersection of adjacent surfaces or by a groove on the surface. The presence of adjacent surfaces makes the locating of the path easier, and in the case of groove detection, closer to a 2D line-following problem. Most of the methods described in [
34] offer a weld seam tracking accuracy between 1 and 0.1 mm. In the most accurate solutions, vision systems are accompanied by laser scanners.
Another publication that presents a similar task is [
35], where an industrial robot was controlled by an Artificial Neural Network trained to follow an arbitrary path drawn by a human demonstrator on a 3D surface. Line detection and tool orientation were extracted from the image obtained from the camera placed on the robot’s effector. A laser beam was used to mark the tool orientation relative to the path on the surface to help extract it from the image obtained from the camera. Three different reinforcement learning algorithms were compared in terms of path tracking accuracy, with the Proximal Policy Optimisation reinforcement learning algorithm achieving a maximum tracking error of 4 mm and mean error of 0.2 μm.
Contrary to the majority of the publications, this paper presents a method for following a path that is physically defined in a 3D space. The path position is detected using a simple tool held by an industrial 6 DoF robot. The tool is equipped with six low-cost Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors. The task to be performed is to move the robot arm with the tool along the path from the start to the finish point, without a collision with the path. Only the start position is known a priori, before the start of the whole process, so the path position and orientation must be detected, and proper robot arm movements must be calculated on-line, as the following of the path progresses.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. General Description of the Proposed Solution
The general concept of the algorithm is to extend the classic idea of the line-follower into a 3D space. The path shape is defined using a hose mounted inside the robot’s workspace. The path’s position is detected by the sensors placed on two perpendicular arms of the path detection tool (
Figure 2). Thanks to this, the path’s existence may be detected in points located at the sensors’ line-of-sight intersections. However, this allows for path detection only inside the 2D space of the detection tool. In order to detect the path’s orientation in the 3D space, the robot moves the tool by a small amount and performs a second detection. Thanks to this, it is possible to calculate how the sensing tool should be moved along the path to the next position to perform the next detection. Then, the process is repeated, taking into account the tool’s new (now current) position, and its previous position. When moving to subsequent positions, it is also important to always keep the sensing tool oriented perpendicular to the path. It must also be underlined that it is assumed that the path is not placed flat but bends in various directions in 3D. The details of the proposed solution are presented in the following subsections of this chapter.
2.2. Detected Path Position Calculation
Figure 3 presents an exemplary path detection tool with 6 sensor placements and the detection points of the path detection tool marked. The current tool position is always known, i.e., it is calculated based on the gripper global position returned by the robot controller. The centre of the tool’s coordinate system (
O, tool position) is located in the middle of the detection field. It lies at the intersection of the lines of sight associated with the two central sensors (No. 2 and 5 in
Figure 3). The
Y and
Z axes lie in the tool plane, while the
Z axis is perpendicular to this plane. The sensor spacing is
Each of the intersection points of the sensors’ lines of sight in the global system can be determined by knowing the position of the tool and its orientation in the form of Euler angles. Euler angles determine the orientation of the local tool coordinate system relative to the global system (located in the robot base). The first stage of the process of calculating these points is to determine the rotation matrix of the local tool system:
—rotation angle around the
X axis (roll);
—rotation angle around the
Y axis (pitch);
—the angle of rotation around the
Z axis (yaw);
—rotation matrices around individual axes, respectively,
Z; and
—tool rotation matrix.
The position of a point in the global coordinate system, knowing its position in the local coordinate system, can be determined using the following formula:
—the desired point position in the global system;
—the centre of the local coordinate system; and
—the vector of the position in the local coordinate system (the vector between the centre of the local coordinate system and the position of the desired point in this system).
For example, the position of the point
A in the global coordinate system (
Figure 3) is
The general formula for calculating detection point positions (intersections of sensors’ lines of sight) is
—the intersection of sensors’ lines of sight in the coordinate system of the robot base;
—unit vector; and
—the distance between the centre of the local coordinate system and the desired point
The next step is the calculation of the middle point based on the set of points where the path was detected, because it is possible that the path is detected in more than one point simultaneously. This is calculated according to the following formula:
—the midpoint, i.e., the point where the followed path is assumed to be;
—coordinates of points where the path was detected; and
—the number of points where the detection occurred.
In some cases, it is also possible that the path is not detected at all, for example, when the path is located between the sensors’ lines of sight. In such case, , which means that it is assumed that the path is in the middle of the detection tool and the robot should continue in the previously calculated direction. This is performed in order to deal with detection errors caused by the limited special resolution of the detection tool. It is also assumed that by moving forward, the path will eventually be again.
2.3. Calculation of the Next Tool Position
To determine the next position where the detection tool should be moved by the robot, it is necessary to calculate the appropriate vector (
Figure 4). In the previous section, how to designate the
point that represents the detected path position was presented. Knowing the position of this point, the next step is to determine the vector between this point and the position of the detection tool (point
Additionally, the tool displacement (
vector) from the position where the path was detected for the last time (point
) must be calculated:
It must be noted that the position is not always the last (previous) tool position. This happens when the path is not detected by the tool. In this case, it is assumed that the path is located between the sensor’s lines of sight, and it should be detected again in one of the next moves, so the tool is moved ahead in the previously calculated direction but the point used in (10) is still the one obtained when the path was detected the last time. Apart from handling temporary path loss, this also helps to react appropriately to path bends, depending on how sharp they are.
After summing up both vectors
, the resultant vector
is obtained (11), which is the vector needed to determine the next tool position. Then, the vector
must be normalised (12). The resulting unit vector allows the determination of the new position shifted by a given distance
d (
Figure 4).
—vector between
S points;
—unit vector;
—tool displacement distance; and
—next tool position.
Figure 5 presents the general scheme of the path-following, showing 3 consecutive positions of the path detection tool.
An exception to the rules described above is the situation when the midpoint
is placed in the tool centre (point
). In this case, the next position is calculated based on the vector normal to the tool plane (tangent to the
X axis of the tool).
This is caused by the fact that tool rotation is calculated separately (which is described in the next section), and even though the path is in the tool centre, the vector and normal vector may differ.
2.4. Calculation of the Tool Rotation
The detection tool detection field, which lies in the Y and Z axes (in the local tool coordinate system), should be oriented perpendicularly to the path. In this orientation, it is easiest to detect the path and to avoid tool collision with the path. Therefore, the orientation of the tool is as important as the position in the Cartesian coordinates of the tool and must be determined on-line. The adopted method of determining Euler angles, analogous to the process of determining the sequential tool positions, is based on the calculation of the vector that defines the new orientation of the axis of the tool’s coordinate system. Thank to this, two rotation angles can be defined, and the third rotation angle (rotation around the axis) is imposed. This tool orientation vector differs from the vector used for position calculation because it is possible to modify its parameters. By introducing this approach, it is possible to tune the algorithm and achieve smoother path-following.
To obtain the tool rotation vector, the vector normal to the plane lying in the
Y and
Z axes of the local tool coordinate system must be determined:
—unit vector oriented along
axis of the tool coordinate system;
—vector normal to the tool plane.
Using the previously determined
vector, the tool orientation vector may be calculated as follows:
—vector’s modification parameters, experimentally adjusted during tests;
—orientation vector (
Figure 6).
If, in Equation (17), parameter a is set to the scalar value (i.e., length) of , the rotation is indirectly proportional to the path arc radius. When the radius is high, the path bend is small and there can be a few subsequent steps when the path is not detected by the tool. When the radius is low, the path bend is high, and the path is detected frequently. This means that normal vector length is dependent on the distance between the subsequent path detection positions. Parameter b, which is manually set constant with a value below 1, acts as tool rotation reduction coefficient. This prevents too high tool rotations when the path is detected in two subsequent positions in different detection tool points. In such a situation, the vector may be much longer than vector . As a result, the orientation vector may be oriented almost parallelly to the detection tool plane, i.e., it indicates very high rotation. This may cause the collision of the detection tool with the path and also results in high oscillations of the detection tool around the followed path. The reduction of the vector prevents both situations. Thanks to this, smoother path-following is achieved, which, in turn, results in better path detection effectiveness. The only drawback of this solution is that in the case where the path has a low radius bend, the tool cannot be turned to the proper orientation in one step. In this case, the bend is negotiated in a few subsequent steps.
The trigonometric relationships and the Pythagorean theorem result in the following:
—new rotation angle around the
Z axis (yaw);
—new rotation angle around the
Y axis (pitch).
The minus sign in Equation (19) results from the use of a right-handed coordinate system. In such a system, the positive angle
(pitch) corresponds to the counterclockwise rotation around the
Y axis. In case the
component of the vector is positive, it corresponds to a clockwise rotation. For this reason, the expression must include a minus sign to conform to the convention. As the result, using the arctangent function, new tool rotation angles can be determined:
and a constant value assigned to the angle of rotation around the
X axis (roll):
Figure 7 presents the summary of combining calculations of both tool rotation and the next tool position.
2.5. Determining the Position of the Detection Tool Based on the Position of the Gripper
In previous sections, it was assumed that the position and orientation of the effector (detection tool) are known. However, during experimental tests, when the robot controller was queried for actual robot position, the gripper position was returned, because this is how the effector was defined in the robot controller. Of course, it is possible to define a new effector in the robot software, but it was decided to determine the position of the tool on the control computer side, i.e., in the Mathworks Matlab version 2023b (Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA) environment. This solution was selected to facilitate the incorporation of the tool geometry modifications, anticipated during project development, into the algorithm and to discard the need for adjusting the tool definition in the robot controller if any change in the tool is made. Additionally, thanks to this approach, the whole algorithm is more robot-independent, i.e., there are no configuration changes to be made in the robot controller settings.
The tool coordinate system is shifted (in relation to the gripper system) along the Z axis of the gripper by the distance . Its orientation in relation to the gripper system can be described by the following angles: —rotation angle around the axis (roll); —rotation angle around the axis (pitch); and —rotation angle around the axis (yaw). During the experiments, these angles were as follows: roll , pitch , and yaw
In order to find the position of the tool, the first step is to determine the rotation matrix of the gripper system with respect to the global coordinate system. Using the relationships describing the rotation matrices around individual axes Equations (1)–(3), the rotation matrix of the gripper system has the following form:
—gripper rotation angles (roll, pitch, and yaw);
—gripper rotation matrix.
The tool coordinate system is shifted along the gripper
Z axis in the positive direction. Knowing the position of the centre of the gripper coordinate system, it is possible to determine the position of the centre of the tool system using Equation (5). The formula for the position of the centre of the tool system takes the following form:
—gripper coordinate system centre.
Next, the orientation of the tool coordinate system relative to the global coordinate system must be determined. First, the rotation matrix of the tool system in relation to the gripper system is determined, again using Equations (1)–(3):
—rotation matrix of the tool’s coordinate system relative to the gripper’s coordinate system.
Using matrices
, it is possible to determine the rotation of the tool coordinate system in relation to the global coordinate system (i.e., to the robot base):
—rotation matrix of the tool coordinate system relative to the coordinate system of the robot base.
On the basis of the determined matrix,
, it is possible to determine the orientation of the tool in the form of Euler angles. According to [
36], however, there is always more than one possible solution and the selection of angles is arbitrary, because they result in the same orientation of the system.
4. Discussion
The proposed algorithm, despite the simplicity of the measurement tools used and despite being based on the simple, classically inspired line-follower concept, turned out to be effective in following the path defined in a 3D space. Its capabilities and practical effectiveness, however, are limited by the capabilities of the robot itself and the inverse kinematics solver. In particular, these are the issues associated with avoiding the robot’s singular positions when tracing the path, the physical limitations of the robot’s kinematics resulting from its construction, and the size of the working area, limitations of robot movements resulting from, for example, the wiring of the equipment installed on the robot and the physical dimensions of the detection tool and the path itself. During the tests, if the path-following run had to be interrupted (i.e., halted), in most cases it was caused by the inability of the IK solver to find the proper solution due to the robot’s limited workspace or because the expected position was simply impossible to reach for the robot due to its kinematic constraints. This means that the limits of the proposed solution do not lie in the path-following algorithm itself but rather in the limits of the employed robot.
During the experiments, the robot moves were performed with a limited, safe speed of 50 mm/s. Higher speeds may be applied, but when choosing them the step calculation time must be taken into consideration. A limitation might lie in the time needed for the calculation of the next position by the IK solver. During the presented tests, this was usually calculated in a short time (0.25 s on average), but in some difficult to reach positions it took a couple of seconds for the solver to provide a solution. The algorithm was run on a laptop computer with an Intel i5-1340p processor and 16 GB RAM. Another limitation may be caused by the time needed for reading the detection sensors’ state and by the time needed for communication with the robot. During tests, one complete step (starting from the call to read sensor data up to executing and completing the move to the new position) was usually performed in approximately 1.7 s.
The algorithm should work properly when applied with almost no modifications on any articulated robot. Only the robot kinematics description and constraints for the IK solver must be updated to match a different robot. The application of the proposed solution should also be possible for mobile robots, but it would not be as straightforward as in the case of industrial robots and some elements would have to be adapted first. This is one possible goal for further algorithm development and research. Additionally, in the current form the algorithm does not include procedures for processing path splits or intersections, which may be a drawback. However, as each step is calculated based on local detection results only, the path as a whole (i.e., globally) does not have to be predetermined as it is detected step by step. This means that the path may change its shape during path-following. The only limitation is that the path cannot change too much in a close vicinity of the detection tool because in this case the path may leave the detection field. On the other hand, even if the path moves inside the detection field, this would be treated by the algorithm as a path bend, and it will adapt to the new path position.
The ability of the algorithm to follow a sharp path bend depends on many factors. First of all, the physical dimensions of the path and the detection tool limit the tool rotation in subsequent steps. Secondly, during calculations of tool rotation, rotation reduction is applied so the tool cannot be rotated too much. Without reduction, the tool may be extensively rotated in every move when the path is detected in different detection points in two subsequent steps. Reduction decreases this effect. Vector reduction values (a and b in (17)) are adjustable, and their values should therefore be the result of a compromise. Stronger reduction will limit the ability to follow path bends with small arcs but, on the other hand, will reduce the “waving” movement of the tool around the path. This will result in an overall smoother path-following. Additionally, path width (i.e., diameter), detection tool dimensions, sensor spacing and characteristics (ex. cone-shaped detection field), etc., also influence the ability to follow sharp path bends. During the tests, the smallest arc of bend was around 10 cm.
During the experiments, it appeared that sometimes, especially when the tool was moving away from the path, the path was lost and the algorithm was not able to locate it. When the tool was moving towards the path, such a problem almost never occurred. To prevent losing the path, more sensors should be used, and they should be placed more densely. Another solution may be to return to the last successful path detection position if the path is not detected for a given number of steps, and then to restart the moves in a slightly modified direction.
The ToF sensors that were used in the detection tool, as well as Bluetooth communication, proved to be very reliable. In practice, the only malfunctions were caused by the low energy level of the battery powering the tool. In such situations, communication was lost and the path-following procedure was aborted as the battery had to be replaced.
5. Conclusions
Thanks to the result of the presented research, it can be concluded that despite the use of only six low-cost ToF sensors (the price for one sensor breakout module with the sensor and integrated supporting electronics is approximately EUR 11, while one sensor itself costs approximately EUR 2), the low-cost microcontroller and Bluetooth (approximately EUR 15 for the MCU development board and EUR 12 for the Bluetooth module), and standard laptop computer, it was possible to meet the expected goals. This was achieved using simple technical tools and a simple algorithm, without the need for applying a complex method like, for example, AI algorithms, which need long-lasting and high computing power and time-consuming training.
The presented solution is easily scalable. An improvement may be sought by increasing the number of sensors, e.g., to 10 instead of 6. This would improve the number of detection points, increase path detection accuracy, and reduce the occurrence of situations in which the algorithm loses the path or sharp bends in the path occur. The other proposal is to use LiDAR sensors (instead of ToF sensors), which should reduce the size of the detection tool and allow the reading of the position of the path to be much more accurate, not only at the intersections points of the detection zones of ToF sensors.
The presented algorithm together with its implementation (including hardware elements) has a centimetre-level path-following accuracy. It is limited mostly by the detection tool spatial resolution. At the current stage of elaboration, the main goal of this research was to develop the methodology and test it in practice. Further development, as mentioned above, will be directed towards enhancing the path detection accuracy.
When comparing the results to other solutions, it is worth noting that path detection and path-following methods for 2D paths, especially those based on vision systems supported by lasers and AI data processing, achieve even submillimetre-level accuracy. The methods used for 3D navigation and positioning or object and obstacle recognition, used, for example, for UAV or autonomous car control, have various accuracies, starting from metres down to millimetres depending on what is needed for the particular application. The most accurate methods used for object localization in a 3D space are precise structured light scanners. Commercially available scanners may achieve very high, micrometre-level accuracies, but are very expensive and need high computational power for data processing. In this context, the method proposed in this paper may appear inferior, but it is always a trade-off between the desired accuracy and system costs, including hardware and software. Thus, the described solution, even though it cannot match the extremally high accuracies of some of the most advanced solutions, may find applications, especially after detection resolution and accuracy are increased, which is possible within limited costs.
Potential applications of the proposed path-following method are tasks performed in the robot’s workspace that require moving along a previously unknown but physically defined path, for example, contactless scanning or monitoring of various long, narrow objects. After extending the method to mobile robots, specifically aerial or underwater, the proposed idea could be implemented in the tasks of monitoring power lines, pipelines, ropes, or chains, hanging in the air or placed underwater, especially if exact positioning or minimising the path-following error are not of the greatest importance, or the costs need to be kept to a minimum. After increasing path detection accuracy, this approach could also be applied, for example, in some less accuracy-demanding welding, glueing, or 3D printing jobs. The method could also be used as a supplementary add-on to other methods, for example, those relying on vision systems, especially in adverse environments or conditions such as underwater operations, dark areas, or in severe weather conditions.