Development of Height Indicators using Omnidirectional Images and Global Appearance Descriptors
:1. Introduction
2. Omnidirectional Imaging and Global Appearance Descriptors
2.1. Catadioptric Vision Sensors
2.2. Global Appearance Descriptors
2.2.1. Fourier Signature
2.2.2. Two-dimensional Discrete Fourier Transform
2.2.3. Spherical Fourier Transform
3. Development of Height Indicators Using Global Appearance Descriptors
3.1. Method 1: Central Cell Correlation of Panoramic Images
3.2. Method 2: 2D-DFT Vertical Phase
3.3. Method 3: Multiscale Analysis of the Orthographic View
3.4. Method 4: Change of the Camera Reference System (CRS)
3.5. Method 5: Matching of SURF Features
4. Sets of Images
5. Experiments and Results
5.1. Configuration of the Experiments
- (c1)
- The bottom image of each set ( in Table 2) is considered to be the reference image, and the rest of images of each set are considered as test images. Since each test image presents a different altitude with respect to the reference image in each set, this situation allows us to analyse the linearity of the estimated relative altitude versus the actual relative altitude.
- (c2)
- The image captured at (intermediate position, equivalent to cm according to Table 2) is considered to be the reference image, and the rest of images of each set are considered as test images. This permits studying the behaviour of the methods to estimate both positive and negative relative altitudes and analysing the symmetry of the behaviour.
- (c3)
- Different reference images and altitude gaps are considered. This permits assessing the behaviour of the algorithms independently on the image chosen as reference image and on the altitude gap. For each set of images, we carry out as many comparisons as possible considering different images as reference. For example, considering a gap , equivalent to 30 cm, we compare the first image with the third, the second with the fourth, and so on until carrying out all the experiments that the range of height permits. Table 4 shows the number of experiments for each height gap and data set in this condition. All these experiments are carried out both with positive and negative relative heights.
5.2. Results
6. Conclusions
- All the methods proposed are able to detect the relative height between the capture points of two images captured along a vertical line, dealing successfully with little displacements in the floor plane and small changes in the orientation of the visual system produced during the capture.
- Some of the indicators present a quite linear tendency. In general, this linear tendency is clearer when using images captured outdoors.
- The sign of the indicators provides information about the direction of the vertical movement. Therefore, a negative sign indicates that the test image is below the reference image.
- In some cases, the results present a relatively high standard deviation, mainly when the height gap between the reference and the test images increases. In general, this effect is more clearly noticeable indoors.
- Techniques based on the orthographic projection of the omnidirectional images present the most linear behaviour and the lowest deviation, specially with the method based on the Camera Reference System (CRS) movement. This way, a larger working range can be obtained with this method.
- The different techniques rely on the movement of the scene objects to estimate the relative height. Since this movement is quantitatively higher indoors, the indicators obtained with this database present, in general, higher absolute values. As the orthographic projection mainly gathers the floor information, the methods based on this projection present less difference between indoor and outdoor scenes. Therefore, the magnitude of the indicators based on this projection is less dependent on the capture environment. This is an additional advantage of this kind of projection, specially when using the CRS method along with the FS.
- In the indoor environment, the slope of some indicators tends to decrease as the height increases. It happens mainly in the methods based on multiscale analysis and in CRS movement. Also, the effect is more pronounced when the reference image is , what means estimating higher height gaps. The effect shown in Figure 19 may have an influence on this behaviour: the objects in the scene experience movements with different magnitude as the height of the camera changes, and this effect will be more pronounced in the case of the higher height gaps, leading to a loss of linearity in these cases.
- When comparing to methods based on local features, only the global-appearance methods that make use of the panoramic image have shown relatively worse results (as they present a higher standard deviation in most cases). The other global appearance-methods prove to be an efficient alternative to local features both considering their computational cost, and the linearity and standard deviation of the results.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
DOF | Degree of Freedom |
WRS | World Reference System |
CRS | Camera Reference System |
IRS | Image Reference System |
DFT | Discrete Fourier Transform |
2D-DFT | Two-Dimensional Discrete Fourier Transform |
FS | Fourier Signature |
SFT | Spherical Fourier Transform |
VRM | Vertical Rotation Matrix |
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Parameters | Mirror Eizoh Wide 70 |
Geometry | Hyberbolic |
Maximum Diameter | 70 mm |
Height | 35 mm |
Angle of view above the horizon | 60 deg |
Angle of view below the horizon | 60 deg |
h | z (cm) | # Im. Outdoors | # Im. Indoors |
1 | 125 | 10 | 11 |
2 | 140 | 10 | 11 |
3 | 155 | 10 | 11 |
4 | 170 | 10 | 11 |
5 | 185 | 10 | 11 |
6 | 200 | 10 | 11 |
7 | 215 | 10 | 11 |
8 | 230 | 10 | 10 |
9 | 245 | 10 | 8 |
10 | 260 | 10 | 6 |
11 | 275 | 10 | 6 |
12 | 290 | 10 | 5 |
TOTAL # IMAGES | 120 | 112 |
Height Estimation Method | Image Projection | Descriptor | Height Indicator |
1. Central Cell Correlation | Panoramic Image | FS | d (pixels) |
2D-DFT | d (pixels) | ||
2. 2D-DFT Vertical Phase | Panoramic image | 2D-DFT | S |
3. Multiscale Analysis | Orthographic View | FS | |
2D-DFT | |||
4. Camera Reference System Movement | Panoramic Image | FS | |
2D-DFT | |||
Orthographic View | FS | ||
2D-DFT | |||
Unit Sphere Projection | SFT | ||
5. Matching Local Features | Omnidirectional Scene | SURF | |
() | # Experiments Outdoors | # Experiments Indoors | |
2 | 30 | 100 | 90 |
4 | 60 | 80 | 68 |
6 | 90 | 60 | 46 |
8 | 120 | 40 | 25 |
Height Estimation Method | Image projection | Descriptor | (s) | (s) |
1. Central Cell Correlation | Panoramic Image | FS | 0.0450 | 0.0011 |
Panoramic Image | 2D-DFT | 0.0709 | 0.0017 | |
2. 2D-DFT Vertical Phase | Panoramic Image | 2D-DFT | 0.0032 | 0.0662 |
3. Multiscale Analysis | Orthographic View | FS | 11.5117 | 0.1908 |
2D-DFT | 10.6323 | 0.1800 | ||
4. Camera Reference System Movement | Panoramic Image | FS | 11.8509 | 0.0405 |
2D-DFT | 11.3911 | 0.0385 | ||
Orthographic View | FS | 11.6408 | 0.0273 | |
2D-DFT | 11.3409 | 0.0241 | ||
Unit Sphere Proj. | SFT | 17.8813 | 0.2985 | |
5. Matching Local Features | Omnidirectional Scene | SURF | 0.0939 | 0.2354 |
SURF-RANSAC | 0.0978 | 0.3810 |
Height Estimation Method | Image Projection | Descriptor | (KB) | (KB) |
1. Central Cell Correlation | Panoramic Image | FS | 1312 | 32 |
2D-DFT | 328 | 8 | ||
2. 2D-DFT Vertical Phase | Panoramic Image | 2D-DFT | 8 | 8 |
3. Multiscale Analysis | Orthographic View | FS | 3904 | 64 |
2D-DFT | 488 | 8 | ||
4. Camera Reference System Movement | Panoramic Image | FS | 1296 | 16 |
2D-DFT | 162 | 8 | ||
Orthographic View | FS | 2496 | 64 | |
2D-DFT | 312 | 8 | ||
Unit Sphere Proj. | SFT | 1952 | 64 | |
5. Matching Local Features | Omnidirectional Scene | SURF | 99 | 99 |
SURF-RANSAC | 99 | 99 |
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Share and Cite
Amorós, F.; Payá, L.; Ballesta, M.; Reinoso, O. Development of Height Indicators using Omnidirectional Images and Global Appearance Descriptors. Appl. Sci. 2017, 7, 482.
Amorós F, Payá L, Ballesta M, Reinoso O. Development of Height Indicators using Omnidirectional Images and Global Appearance Descriptors. Applied Sciences. 2017; 7(5):482.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAmorós, Francisco, Luis Payá, Mónica Ballesta, and Oscar Reinoso. 2017. "Development of Height Indicators using Omnidirectional Images and Global Appearance Descriptors" Applied Sciences 7, no. 5: 482.
APA StyleAmorós, F., Payá, L., Ballesta, M., & Reinoso, O. (2017). Development of Height Indicators using Omnidirectional Images and Global Appearance Descriptors. Applied Sciences, 7(5), 482.