Systematic Quantum Cluster Typical Medium Method for the Study of Localization in Strongly Disordered Electronic Systems
:1. Introduction
2. Background: Electron Localization in Disordered Medium
2.1. Anderson Localization
2.2. Order Parameter of Anderson Localization
- We approximate the effect of coupling the block to the reminder of the lattice via Fermi’s golden rule—coupling which is proportional to the density of accessible states.
- Since on average each cluster is equivalent to all the others, this density will also be proportional to some appropriate block DOS.
2.3. On the Role of Interactions: Thomas-Fermi Screening
2.4. The Mott Transition
2.5. Interacting Disordered Systems: Beyond the Single-Particle Description
3. Direct Numerical Methods for Strongly Disordered Systems
3.1. Transfer Matrix Method
3.2. Kernel Polynomial Method
3.3. Diagonalization Methods
4. Coarse-Grained Methods
4.1. A Few Fundamentals
4.2. The Laue Function and the Limit of Infinite Dimension
4.3. The DCA
4.3.1. Coarse-Graining
4.3.2. DCA: A Diagrammatic Derivation
4.3.3. DCA: A Generating Functional Derivation
5. Typical Medium Theories of Anderson Localization: Model Studies
5.1. Building Quantum Cluster Theories for the Study of Localization
- We approximate the coupling of the clusters to their lattice environment at the single-particle level (akin to the Fermi golden rule) neglecting two-particle and higher processes. This coupling is proportional to the square of a matrix element between the cluster and its host, times an appropriate DOS which describes the states available on the surrounding clusters.
- Since on average each cluster is equivalent to all the others, this DOS will also be proportional to some appropriate cluster density of states. In addition, since the distribution of the DOS is highly skewed, the typical DOS is quite different than the average DOS. The typical cluster DOS, which is clearly more representative of the local environment, will be used to define the effective medium.
- 3.
- Maintain the translational invariance of the impurity averaged cluster, i.e., there should be no distinction between, e.g., sites in the center and those at the boundary of the cluster.
- 4.
- The clusters should maintain the point group symmetries of the lattice.
- 5.
- The method should be fully causal, with positive definite spectra
- 6.
- It should recover the DCA when the disorder is weak.
- 7.
- it should recover the TMT when
- 8.
- In lieu of interactions, the scatterings at different energies are completely independent of each other.
- 9.
- For large it should become exact while avoiding self-averaging effects.
- 10.
- It should be extensible to multiple bands, and realistic models with longer ranged diagonal and off-diagonal disorder
5.2. Typical Medium Dynamical Cluster Approximation (TMDCA)
- Ansatz 1
- Ansatz 2While Ansatz 1 works rather well for simple single-band models with local and non-local disorder, we find that it can suffer from numerical instabilities when applied to complex first-principle effective Hamiltonians with many orbitals and non-local disorder potentials. Such numerical instabilities arise due to the Hilbert transformation which is used to calculate the Green’s function from the TDOS . To avoid such numerical instabilities, we constructed the following Ansatz 2 [172] where we calculate directly as
- We start with a guess for the cluster self-energy , usually set to zero.
- Then we calculate the coarse-grained cluster Green’s function as
- The cluster problem is now set up by calculating the cluster-excluded Green’s function as
- Since the cluster problem is solved in real space, we then Fourier transform (K,) to real space: .
- We solve the cluster problem using, e.g., a random sampling simulation. Here, we stochastically generate random configurations of the disorder potential V. For each disordered configuration, we construct the new fully dressed cluster Green’s function as
- With the cluster problem solved, we use the obtained typical cluster Green’s function to obtain a new estimate for the cluster self-energy
- We repeat this procedure starting from 2, until converges to the desired accuracy.
5.3. Off-Diagonal Disorder
5.3.1. DCA with Off-Diagonal Disorder
5.3.2. TMDCA with Off-Diagonal Disorder
5.4. TMDCA for Multi-Orbital Systems
5.5. Disorder in Interacting Systems
5.5.1. SOPT
5.5.2. Stat DMFT Approach
5.6. Two-Particle Calculations
6. Methodology for First-Principles Studies of Localization
6.1. From DFT to the EDHM
- In the first step two DFT calculations are performed: a normal cell calculation of the pure host material and a supercell calculation of the host material with a single impurity in it. For example, for KFeSe, an iron-based superconductor that contains Fe vacancies, the normal cell of the host will be KFeSe. To capture the impurity potential of an Fe vacancy one can run a DFT calculation for a KFeSe supercell containing a single Fe vacancy [199].
- The second step is to derive the low-energy Hamiltonians using a projected Wannier function transformation in which a set of atomic orbitals is projected on the bands close to the Fermi level [75,76,202]. For the case of KFeSe, one can project Fe-d and Se-p orbitals on the bands within [−6, 2] eV [199]. This results in two ordered tight-binding Hamiltonians. One for the normal cell , and one for the single-impurity supercell .
- Finally, a superposition of these ordered Hamiltonians is used to build Hamiltonians of arbitrary impurity configurations. Specifically, the difference between the single impurity and pure Hamiltonian is taken to derive the single-impurity potential: . To remove the influence of the periodically repeated impurities in the single-impurity supercell calculation a partitioning procedure is necessary. A detailed account of this procedure is given in [202]. From single-impurity potential the effective Hamiltonian of a disordered impurity configuration with N impurities can be assembled as follows: .
6.2. From the EDHM to TMDCA
7. Applications of the Typical Medium DCA to Systems with Disorder
7.1. Results for the Anderson Model
7.1.1. Typical DOS as an Order Parameter for Anderson Localization
7.1.2. Cluster Size Convergence
7.2. Results for Models with More Realistic Parameters
7.2.1. Off-Diagonal Disorder
7.2.2. Multiple Orbitals
7.3. Results for Two-Particle Calculations
7.4. Results for Interacting Models
7.4.1. Results from SOPT
7.4.2. Results from Stat-DMFT
7.5. Results of First-Principles Studies of Localization
7.5.1. Application to KFeSe
7.5.2. Application to (Ga,Mn)N
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Acronym | Description |
ADOS | Average Density of States |
AL | Anderson Localization |
BEB | Blackman Esterling Berk |
CPA | Coherent Potential Approximation |
DCA | Dynamical Cluster Approximation |
DFT | Density-Functional Theory |
CDMFT | Cluster Dynamical Mean-Field Theory |
EDHM | Effective Disorder Hamiltonian Method |
JDM | Jacobi-Davidson Method |
KKR | Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method |
KPM | Kernel Polynomial Method |
LAPW | Linear Augmented Plane Wave |
LDOS | Local Density of States |
LMA | Local Moment Approach |
MCPA | Molecular Coherent Potential Approximation |
MS | Multiple-Scattering |
NLCPA | Non-Local Coherent Potential Approximation |
ODD | Off-Diagonal Disorder |
QC | Quantum-Critical |
QMC | Quantum Monte Carlo |
SOPT | Second Order Perturbation Theory |
TDOS | Typical Density of States |
TMDCA | Typical Medium Dynamical Cluster Approximation |
TMM | Transfer Matrix Method |
TMT | Typical Medium Theory |
Symbol | Description |
wavenumber | |
Cluster wavenumber | |
lattice site coordinate | |
Cluster site coordinate | |
N | Number of lattice sites |
Number of cluster sites | |
Real and complex frequencies | |
DCA coarse-graining many to one map | |
Density of states | |
V | Electronic potential |
Electronic energy | |
Electronic chemical potential | |
spin index | |
t | Electronic Hopping matrix element (energy) |
m | Magnetization |
h | Magnetic Field |
Two-particle Green’s function (tensor) | |
F | Full vertex function (tensor) |
G | Single-particle Green’s function |
A | Single-particle spectral function |
Mean-field hybridization between cluster and host | |
Host or cluster-excluded Green’s function | |
Single-particle self-energy | |
Irreducible vertex function | |
Laue function | |
A superscript “c” designates a cluster quantity | |
A superscript “l” designates a lattice quantity | |
A subscript “typ” designates a cluster quantity | |
denotes a coarse-grained quantity | |
uppercase subscripts indicate indices in cluster space | |
lowercase subscripts indicate indices in lattice space | |
denotes a matrix in the Blackman formalism or in the multi-orbital system |
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System/Ansatz | Characteristics | ODP | VDP |
Single Band Local (diagonal) Disorder Ansatz Equation (45) | Recovers TMT at . Recovers DCA for Calculate Hilbert trans. for | 8 | 7 |
Single Band Local (diagonal) Disorder Ansatz Equation (47) | Not TMT when . Recovers DCA for Calculate directly | 7 | 8 |
Single Band Off-Diagonal Disorder Ansatz Equation (59) | matrix Calculate matrix HT to get matrix | 8 | 7 |
Multiband Systems Local Disorder Ansatz Equation (61) | Matrix in orbital space Calculate matrix HT to get matrix Recovers DCA for | 8 | 7 |
Realistic Material Systems Complex Disorder Potentials with full DFT detail Ansatz Equation (47) | Matrix in orbital space Recovers DCA for | 7 | 8 |
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Terletska, H.; Zhang, Y.; Tam, K.-M.; Berlijn, T.; Chioncel, L.; Vidhyadhiraja, N.S.; Jarrell, M. Systematic Quantum Cluster Typical Medium Method for the Study of Localization in Strongly Disordered Electronic Systems. Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 2401.
Terletska H, Zhang Y, Tam K-M, Berlijn T, Chioncel L, Vidhyadhiraja NS, Jarrell M. Systematic Quantum Cluster Typical Medium Method for the Study of Localization in Strongly Disordered Electronic Systems. Applied Sciences. 2018; 8(12):2401.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTerletska, Hanna, Yi Zhang, Ka-Ming Tam, Tom Berlijn, Liviu Chioncel, N. S. Vidhyadhiraja, and Mark Jarrell. 2018. "Systematic Quantum Cluster Typical Medium Method for the Study of Localization in Strongly Disordered Electronic Systems" Applied Sciences 8, no. 12: 2401.
APA StyleTerletska, H., Zhang, Y., Tam, K.-M., Berlijn, T., Chioncel, L., Vidhyadhiraja, N. S., & Jarrell, M. (2018). Systematic Quantum Cluster Typical Medium Method for the Study of Localization in Strongly Disordered Electronic Systems. Applied Sciences, 8(12), 2401.