Quantitative Analysis of Patellar Tendon Abnormality in Asymptomatic Professional “Pallapugno” Players: A Texture-Based Ultrasound Approach
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1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Subject Database
2.2. Ultrasound Image Acquisition and Protocol
2.3. Texture Feature Extraction
2.3.1. First-Order Statistical Descriptors
2.3.2. Haralick Features
2.3.3. Higher-Order Spectra, Entropy Features, and Hu’s Moments
2.4. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Comparison between Dominant and Non-Dominant Side
3.2. Comparison between Subclinical Tendinopathy and Non-Subclinical Tendinopathy
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Plane | Probe Position | Knee Angle |
Transversal | Proximal | 0° |
Longitudinal | Proximal | 0° |
Transversal | Proximal | 30° |
Longitudinal | Proximal | 30° |
Transversal | Central | 30° |
Longitudinal | Central | 30° |
Feature Name | Mathematical Description |
Mean (m) | |
Standard deviation () | |
Variance () | |
Skewness (Sk) | |
Kurtosis (Kt) | |
Energy1 (E1) |
Feature Name | Mathematical Description |
Symmetry (Isym) | |
Contrast (Icon) | |
Homogeneity (Ihmg) | |
Entropy (IEntr) | |
Energy (IEnrg) | |
Correlation (Icor) |
Most Discriminant Features for Side Determination (Weight) | Most Discriminant Features for Side Determination (Only Healthy Subjects) (Weight) | Most Discriminant Features for Subclinical Tendinopathy Determination (Weight) | |||
Kurtosis | (−65.0) | H. Homogeneity (45°) | (172.0) | H. Symmetry (0°) | (−24.5) |
H. Correlation (0°) | (58.9) | H. Contrast (45°) | (−155.8) | H. Contrast (45°) | (−14.3) |
H. Contrast (0°) | (12.9) | H. Symmetry (45°) | (−48.7) | H. Entropy (0°) | (14.2) |
Skewness | (−12.3) | H. Symmetry (0°) | (−29.7) | H. Correlation (45°) | (13.4) |
H. Entropy (0°) | (9.6) | H. Energy (0°) | (27.2) | H. Homogeneity (0°) | (5.5) |
H. Correlation (45°) | (7.0) | H. Correlation (0°) | (27.1) | Mean Intensity | (4.8) |
H. Energy (45°) | (−6.3) | H. Correlation (135°) | (6.1) | First−order Entropy | (4.3) |
H. Homogeneity (0°) | (3.5) | H. Energy (45°) | (−5.3) | Kurtosis | (−4.2) |
H. Entropy (45°) | (2.3) | Mean Intensity | (5.1) | Variance | (3.0) |
H. Symmetry (45°) | (−2.2) | H. Entropy (45°) | (4.8) | H. Correlation (0°) | (2.9) |
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Share and Cite
Meiburger, K.M.; Salvi, M.; Giacchino, M.; Acharya, U.R.; Minetto, M.A.; Caresio, C.; Molinari, F. Quantitative Analysis of Patellar Tendon Abnormality in Asymptomatic Professional “Pallapugno” Players: A Texture-Based Ultrasound Approach. Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 660. https://doi.org/10.3390/app8050660
Meiburger KM, Salvi M, Giacchino M, Acharya UR, Minetto MA, Caresio C, Molinari F. Quantitative Analysis of Patellar Tendon Abnormality in Asymptomatic Professional “Pallapugno” Players: A Texture-Based Ultrasound Approach. Applied Sciences. 2018; 8(5):660. https://doi.org/10.3390/app8050660
Chicago/Turabian StyleMeiburger, Kristen M., Massimo Salvi, Maurizio Giacchino, U. Rajendra Acharya, Marco A. Minetto, Cristina Caresio, and Filippo Molinari. 2018. "Quantitative Analysis of Patellar Tendon Abnormality in Asymptomatic Professional “Pallapugno” Players: A Texture-Based Ultrasound Approach" Applied Sciences 8, no. 5: 660. https://doi.org/10.3390/app8050660
APA StyleMeiburger, K. M., Salvi, M., Giacchino, M., Acharya, U. R., Minetto, M. A., Caresio, C., & Molinari, F. (2018). Quantitative Analysis of Patellar Tendon Abnormality in Asymptomatic Professional “Pallapugno” Players: A Texture-Based Ultrasound Approach. Applied Sciences, 8(5), 660. https://doi.org/10.3390/app8050660