Dynamic Handwriting Analysis for Neurodegenerative Disease Assessment: A Literary Review
:1. Introduction
1.1. Motivations and Purposes
1.2. Related Surveys
1.3. Structure of the Survey
2. Typical Experimental Design
2.1. Data Acquisition
2.1.1. Participant Recruiting
2.1.2. Apparatus
2.1.3. Acquisition Protocol
Drawing Tasks
Writing Tasks
Complex Tasks
2.1.4. Datasets
2.2. Feature Extraction
2.3. Data Analysis
3. Research Directions
3.1. Parkinson’s Disease
- Disease insight: the first category (including the oldest papers) have been devoted to providing an insight into the fine motor control of handwriting and its relationship with the concomitant impairment. The main goal is to better understand the involved mechanisms underlying PD;
- Disease monitoring: other papers studied the effects of medication on handwriting with the aim to evaluate the effectiveness of handwriting analysis on monitoring disease progression;
- Disease diagnosis: the third category (including the most recent works) investigated the use of handwriting as an inexpensive objective tool for automatic disease diagnosis.
3.1.1. Disease Insight
3.1.2. Disease Monitoring
3.1.3. Disease Diagnosis
3.2. Alzheimer’s Disease
- Disease insight: a group of papers examined changes in handwriting of AD and MCI patients to identify patterns of sensorimotor dysfunction associated with the disease;
- Disease diagnosis: another group of works applied dynamic handwriting analysis for the purpose to develop a computer-aided diagnosis system.
Disease Insight
3.3. Disease Diagnosis
4. Conclusions and Future Directions
Conflicts of Interest
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Dataset | Groups | Apparatus | Tasks | Reference |
PaHaW | 37 PD, 38 EC | Wacom Intuos 4M | Spiral drawing, repetition of characters, words, and sentence writing | Drotár et al. [38] |
NewHandPD | 31 PD, 35 EC | Biometric Smart Pen | Spiral and meander drawing | Pereira et al. [23] |
ParkinsonHW | 62 PD, 15 EC | Wacom Cintiq 12WX | Spiral drawing and stability test | Isenkul et al. [43] |
ISUNIBA | 29 AD, 12 EC | Wacom Intuos Touch 5 | Repetition of a single word | Impedovo et al. [44] |
Feature | Description | Observation |
Direct | ||
Position | -coordinates of the sampled points | They are used to derive the geometrical pattern of handwriting |
Time stamp | Temporal information of the sampled points | It is used to derive the temporal duration of the hand movement |
Pressure | Pressure exerted over the writing surface | In patients, pressure takes on erratic values due to cognitive and muscular difficulties |
Tilt-x | Angle between the pen and the surface plane | Their use is typically ignored and their usefulness is controversial |
Tilt-y | Angle between the pen and the plane vertical to the surface | |
Button status | Boolean variable of whether the pen is on-surface or in-air | It enables the separation between on-surface and in-air movements. It has been shown how the two handwriting modalities carry on nonredundant information |
Kinematic | ||
Displacement | Trajectory during handwriting | It is generally used to derive other kinematic features |
Velocity | Rate of change of displacement with respect to time | Patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases do not write with the same constancy of healthy subjects but are affected by a lower writing speed, with continuous acceleration peaks |
Acceleration | Rate of change of velocity with respect to time | |
Jerk | Rate of change of acceleration with respect to time | |
NCV/NCA | Number of local extrema of velocity/acceleration | These measures are tailored to capture the fluency of the handwriting movement. Highly automated movements are characterized by bell-shaped and smooth velocity and acceleration profiles |
Spatio-temporal | ||
Stroke size | Strokes’ path length | Patients suffering from PD can exhibit micrographia |
Stroke height/width | Height/width of strokes | |
Stroke duration | Movement time per stroke | The average writing duration of a patient affected by a neurodegenerative disease is typically longer than in a healthy subject |
Time | Time spent on-surface/in-air during writing | |
Entropy and energy | ||
Entropy | Entropy-based features | These measures are tailored to capture the randomness and irregularities of fine movements |
SNR | Signal-to-noise ratio | |
EMD | Empirical mode decomposition | |
Model-based | ||
-based | Parameters of the reconstruction of the handwritten pattern | The model can help investigate the dynamics of handwriting during the generation of the action plan |
Automatically learned | ||
Deep-learning based | Features automatically learned by deep learning models trained on static representations of the handwriting dynamics | Their meaning is typically hard to interpret: they can express subtle between-group differences not captured by traditional hand-crafted features |
Reference | Groups | Tasks | Main Features | Main Findings |
Disease insight | ||||
Phillips et al., 1991 | 7 PD, 7 EC, 7 YC | Meander writing | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | Dynamic analysis can be useful to characterize PD handwriting |
Teulings and Stelmach, 1991 | 6 PD, 6 EC | No-sense word and a sentence | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | PD patients experience problems with the production and regulation of force amplitude |
Fucetola and Smith, 1997 | 20 PD, 20 EC | Figure drawing | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | PD patients have difficulties in adjusting the size of their drawing to compensate for distortions in visual feedback |
Oliveira et al., 1997 | 11 PD, 14 EC | No-sense word | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | PD patients write with a normal amplitude when given external cues |
Teulings et al., 1997 | 17 PD, 12 EC | Lines, circles, and no-sense words | Kinematic | PD fine motor control problems may be caused by a reduced capability to coordinate the fingers and wrist and by a reduced control of wrist flexion |
Van Gemmert et al., 1998 | 9 PD, 9 EC, 9 YC | Sentence writing | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | PD patients are vulnerable to a moderate level of secondary task load |
Van Gemmert et al., 1999 | 13 PD, 15 EC | Lines, circles, and no-sense words | Spatiotemporal | PD patients may have trouble in maintaining a constant force amplitude |
Swinnen et al., 2000 | 13 PD, 13 EC | Triangle drawing | Kinematic | PD patients benefit from practice to alleviate their basic motor deficits |
Van Gemmert et al., 2001 | 7 PD, 7 EC | No-sense word and sentence writing | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | PD patients show micrographia when cuncurrent processing load increases |
Teulings et al., 2002 | 11 PD, 16 EC, 10 YC | No-sense word | Spatiotemporal | PD patients rely on previous or ongoing feedback to program subsequent strokes |
Van Gemmert et al., 2003 | 13 PD, 13 EC | No-sense words | Spatiotemporal | PD patients produce inadequate stroke sizes when the size equals or exceeds 1.5 cm |
Caligiuri et al., 2006 | 13 PD, 10 SZ, 12 EC | “hello hello” | Kinematic | PD patients exhibit impaired movement velocity and velocity scaling |
Ponsen et al., 2008 | 13 PD, 13 EC | Sentence writing | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | Impairments in performing tasks involving complex uni-manual upper limb movements are an early sign of PD |
Broderick et al., 2009 | 16 PD, 16 EC, 16 YC | Shape drawing | Kinematic | PD patients show smaller-than-required movement amplitude |
Dounskaia et al., 2009 | 9 PD, 9 EC | Line and circle drawing | Kinematic | PD causes deficits in coordination patterns between wrist and finger motions |
Gangadhar et al., 2009 | 34 PD, 25 EC | No-sense word | Spatiotemporal | PD handwriting exhibits smaller size and larger velocity fluctuations than normal handwriting |
Bidet-Ildei et al., 2011 | 7 PD, 7 EC | No-sense words | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | PD handwriting does not show signs of motor anticipation |
Ma et al., 2013 | 15 PD, 15 EC | A Chinese character | Spatiotemporal | Micrographia is not evident in vertical writing |
Broeder et al., 2014 | 18 PD, 11 EC | Loops while counting | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | PD patients exhibit deficits in handwriting under dual-task conditions |
Smits et al., 2014 | 10 PD, 10 EC | Circle, star, and spiral drawing, a no-sense word and a sentence | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | Handwriting can provide objective measures for bradykinesia, micrographia, and tremor |
Senatore and Marcelli, 2019 | 30 PD, 30 EC, 30 YC | Loop shapes | Kinematic | Parkinsonian handwriting is similar to that produced by beginner writers |
Disease monitoring | ||||
Eichhorn et al., 1996 | 29 PD, 40 EC | Circle drawing | Kinematic | Dynamic handwriting analysis is useful for quantifying dopamimetic effects |
Contreras-Vidal et al. and Poluha et al., 1998 | 10 PD | No-sense words | Spatiotemporal | Handwriting measures show significant trends across the levedopa cycle |
Siebner et al., 1999 | 12 PD | Lines, circles, and a no-sense word | Spatiotemporal | subthalamic nucleus stimulation improves handwriting performance in PD patients |
Cobbah and Fairhurst, 2000 | 6 PD | No-sense words | Kinematic | Dynamic handwriting measures are indicative of positive response to dopamine |
Boylan et al., 2001 | 10 PD | Spiral drawing | Temporal | repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation provides beneficial effects on PD movements |
Lange et al., 2006 | 12 PD, 12 EC | Sentence writing | Kinematic | Participants with an altered dopaminergic neurotransmission shifted from an automatic to a controlled processing of movement execution |
Tucha et al., 2006 | 27 PD, 27 EC | Sentence writing | Kinematic | Dopaminergic medication results in improved dynamics of movement execution |
Randhawa et al., 2013 | 10 PD | No-sense word | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | Fine motor performance benefit from rTMS stimulation |
Smits et al., 2015 | 14 PD | Graphical tasks | Spatiotemporal | Graphical tasks are useful to assess upper limb functioning |
Danna et al., 2018 | 20 PD, 20 EC | Spiral drawing | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | PD handwriting performance may not be impacted by handedness |
Disease diagnosis | ||||
Ünlü et al., 2006 | 28 PD, 28 EC | Meanders, sentence, words, and no-sense word writing | Pressure | Pressure features can distinguish between PD patients and controls |
Drotár et al., 2013a | PaHaW | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | Good accuracy is obtained by using only on-surface features | |
Drotár et al., 2013b; 2014 | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | Accuracy improved with in-air features | ||
Drotár et al., 2015a; 2015b | Kinematic, spatiotemporal, entropy, and energy | Accuracy improved using entropy and energy-based features | ||
Drotár et al., 2016 | Kinematic, spatiotemporal, and pressure | Pressure features can be profitably used | ||
Rosenblum et al., 2013 | 20 PD, 20 EC | Functional tasks | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | Patients write smaller letters, applying less pressure and requiring more performance time than controls |
Pereira et al., 2016; 2018; Afonso et al., 2018 | NewHandPD | Deep learning-based | The deep learning approach is promising for the recognition problem at hand | |
San Luciano et al., 2016 | 138 PD, 150 EC | Spiral drawing | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | Spiral analysis is a promising quantitative biomarker for the early diagnosis |
Kotsavasiloglou et al., 2017 | 24 PD, 20 EC | Line drawing | Kinematic | High predictive accuracy can be obtained even using very simple tasks |
Zham et al., 2017 | 27 PD, 28 EC | Spiral drawing | Kinematic and pressure | Spiral drawing can be partly used to differentiate among degrees of disease severity |
Impedovo et al., 2018 | PaHaW | Kinematic, spatiotemporal, entropy, energy, and pressure | Accuracy decreased in distinguishing between controls and patients only at the early stage of disease | |
Gallicchio et al., 2018 | ParkinsonHW | Deep learning-based | Recurrent neural networks are profitably used | |
Mucha et al., 2018 | PaHaW | Fractional derivative-based | Promising results are obtained with fractional derivative-based features | |
Impedovo, 2019 | PaHaW | Velocity-based | New velocity-based features are proposed | |
Jerkovic et al., 2019 | 33 PD, 10 EC | Sentence writing | Kinematic | The best results are obtained when combining in-air to on-surface features |
Loconsole et al., 2019 | 4 PD, 7 EC | Word and no-sense word writing | Kinematic | Gyroscope-based features are used with promising results |
Rios-Urrego et al., 2019 | 39 PD, 39 EC, 40 YC | Spiral drawing and sentence writing | Kinematic, geometrical, and nonlinear features | Irregularities of handwriting increase with aging |
Diaz et al., 2019 | PaHaW | Deep learning-based | A new dynamically enhanced static representation of handwriting is proposed | |
Ribeiro et al., 2019 | NewHandPD | Deep learning-based | Recurrent neural networks can be fruitfully used to capture tremor in time-dependent handwriting signals | |
Ammour et al., 2020 | 28 PD, 28 EC | Text copying | Kinematic, pressure, and pen inclination | A new semi-supervised approach is proposed to discriminate among groups |
Reference | Groups | Tasks | Main Features | Main Findings |
Disease insight | ||||
Slavin et al., 1999 | 16 AD, 16 EC | No-sense word | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | AD patients exhibit less consistent movement than controls |
Schröter et al., 2003 | 35 AD, 39 MCI, 39 DEP, 40 EC | Circle drawing | Kinematic | AD and MCI patients differ from healthy subjects in automation parameters and regularity of movement sequence |
Yan et al., 2008 | 9 AD, 9 MCI, 10 EC | Handwriting patterns requiring the coordination of finger and/or wrist | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | Patients show slow and uncoordinated movements |
Impedovo et al., 2013 | ISUNIBA | Kinematic | Handwriting in impaired subjects presents strongly irregular velocity profiles | |
Faundez-Zanuy et al., 2014 | Not specified | House drawing | Kinematic and pressure | Group differences are reflected by cognitive impairments than motor ones |
Yu and Chang, 2016 | 20 AD, 12 MCI, 16 EC | Line and circle drawing | Kinematic | The degree of motor impairment may help identify those at risk for AD |
Disease diagnosis | ||||
Werner et al., 2006 | 22 AD, 31 MCI, 41 EC | Functional tasks | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | Handwriting measures, especially those related to in-air movements, are promising for the automatic discrimination |
Pirlo et al., 2015 | 29 AD, 30 EC | Signature | Sigma-lognormal-based | Signature deterioration can be a disease predictor |
Garre-Olmo et al., 2017 | 23 AD, 12 MCI, 17 EC | Sentence copying and writing, figure copying, and CDT | Kinematic and pressure | Higher specificity in distinguishing between normal and impaired condition and higher sensitivity in distinguishing between AD and MCI |
Kawa et al., 2017 | 37 MCI, 37 EC | Single letter and sentence writing | Spatiotemporal | MCI writing is significantly slower than the normal one |
Müller et al., 2017a; 2017b | 20 AD, 30 MCI, 20 EC | House drawing and CDT | Spatiotemporal | In-air time is a good predictor for disease diagnosis |
El-Yacoubi et al., 2018 | Different aging conditions | Word and sentence writing | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | Classification based on temporal representations improves |
Ghaderyan et al., 2018 | 15 AD, 13 MCI, 15 EC | Spiral drawing and word writing | Kinematic and spatiotemporal | Individual variability of handwriting can be mitigated by noise-robust methods such as singular value decomposition |
Angelillo et al., 2019 | 36 MCI, 29 EC | Attentional matrices | Kinematic and entropy | Digitized attentional tasks are promising for discriminating cognitively impaired individuals from controls |
Impedovo et al., 2019 | 71 MCI, 34 EC | Standard and nonstandard writing and drawing tasks | Kinematic | An integrated protocol for disease diagnosis based on handwriting is proposed |
Ishikawa et al., 2019 | 10 AD, 25 MCI, 36 EC | Standard writing and drawing tasks | Kinematic | The usefulness of digitizing neuropsychological tests on the tablet is supported |
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Vessio, G. Dynamic Handwriting Analysis for Neurodegenerative Disease Assessment: A Literary Review. Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 4666. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9214666
Vessio G. Dynamic Handwriting Analysis for Neurodegenerative Disease Assessment: A Literary Review. Applied Sciences. 2019; 9(21):4666. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9214666
Chicago/Turabian StyleVessio, Gennaro. 2019. "Dynamic Handwriting Analysis for Neurodegenerative Disease Assessment: A Literary Review" Applied Sciences 9, no. 21: 4666. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9214666
APA StyleVessio, G. (2019). Dynamic Handwriting Analysis for Neurodegenerative Disease Assessment: A Literary Review. Applied Sciences, 9(21), 4666. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9214666