An Internet of Things-Based Environmental Quality Management System to Supervise the Indoor Laboratory Conditions
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
Proposed iAQ+ Management System
3. Laboratory Environmental Conditions
4. Materials and Methods
- FireBeetle ESP8266 is 32-bit Tensilica L106 microcontroller module which supports IEEE802.11 b/g/n WiFi (2.4 GHz~2.5 GHz). This module support one 10-bit analogue input, 10 digital inputs which incorporate multiple interfaces such as SPI, I2C, IR, and I2S. The clock speed is 80MHz and can reach a maximum 160MHz; in addition, it includes a 50KB SRAM and 16MB flash memory. It supports a low-power-consumption mode of 46uA and the operating voltage is 3.3 V.
- DFRobot Gravity BME680 is an I2C environmental VOC sensor, temperature sensor, humidity sensor and barometer. It supports an input voltage of 3.3–5.0 V; the operating current consumption is 5 mA without air quality sensing and 25 mA with air quality features. This sensor module size is 30 × 22 mm / 1.18 × 0.87 inches. The temperature range is from -40 °C to +85 °C with a precision of ±1.0 °C (0–65 °C). The humidity range is from 0 to 100% r.H with a precision of a ±3% r.H. (20–80% r.H., 25 °C). The atmospheric pressure measurement range is from 300 to 1100 hPa with a precision of ±0.6 hPa (300–1100 hPa, 0–65 °C).
- DFRobot Buzzer Module is a buzzer module that supports an input voltage of 3.3–5.0 V.
- 5V Green LED—a 5 V green LED is used to notify the end-user of a good IEQ conditions.
- 5V Red LED—a 5 V red LED is used to notify the end-user of poor IEQ conditions.
5. Results and Discussion
Managerial Implication
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Authors | MCU | Sensors | Architecture | Low Cost | Open-Source | Connectivity | Data Access | Easy Installation | Notifications |
P. Srivatsa and A. Pandhare [45] | Raspberry Pi | CO2 | WSN/IoT | √ | √ | Wi-Fi | Web | × | × |
F. Salamone et al. [46] | Arduino UNO | CO2 | WSN | √ | √ | ZigBee | × | × | × |
S. Bhattacharya et al. [47] | Waspmote | CO, CO2, PM, Temperature, Relative Humidity | WSN | × | √ | ZigBee | Desktop | × | × |
F. Salamone et al. [48] | Arduino UNO | Temperature, Relative Humidity, CO2, Ligth, Air velocity | IoT | √ | √ | ZigBee / BLE | Mobile | × | × |
Wang, S.K et al. [49] | Arduino | Temperature, Relative Humidity, CO2 | WSN | √ | √ | ZigBee | Desktop | × | × |
Jen-Hao Liu et al. [50] | TI MSP430 | CO, Temperature, Relative Humidity | WSN | √ | √ | ZigBee | × | × | × |
J.Kang and K. Hwang [51] | TI MSP430 | CO, Temperature, Relative Humidity, VOC, PM | IoT | √ | × | ZigBee | × | × | × |
Benammar M. et al [52] | Raspberry Pi | CO2, CO, SO2, NO2, O3, Cl2, CO, Temperature, Relative Humidity | IoT/WSN | √ | × | ZigBee/Ethernet | × | × | × |
IAQ index | Air Quality |
0–50 | Good air quality |
51–100 | Normal air quality |
101–150 | Little poor air quality |
151–300 | Poor air quality |
201–300 | Bad air quality |
301–500 | Very bad air quality |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Share and Cite
Marques, G.; Pitarma, R. An Internet of Things-Based Environmental Quality Management System to Supervise the Indoor Laboratory Conditions. Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 438.
Marques G, Pitarma R. An Internet of Things-Based Environmental Quality Management System to Supervise the Indoor Laboratory Conditions. Applied Sciences. 2019; 9(3):438.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMarques, Gonçalo, and Rui Pitarma. 2019. "An Internet of Things-Based Environmental Quality Management System to Supervise the Indoor Laboratory Conditions" Applied Sciences 9, no. 3: 438.
APA StyleMarques, G., & Pitarma, R. (2019). An Internet of Things-Based Environmental Quality Management System to Supervise the Indoor Laboratory Conditions. Applied Sciences, 9(3), 438.