Facilitation of Hand Proprioceptive Processing in Paraplegic Individuals with Long-Term Wheelchair Sports Training
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants
2.2. General Procedure
2.3. MRI Data Acquisition
2.4. Passive Task
2.5. Active Task
2.6. fMRI Data Preprocessing and Single-Subject Analysis
2.7. Brain Regions Active during Each Task in the Control Group
2.8. Nonparametric Test to Evaluate Group Differences
2.9. Evaluation of Group Differences in the Whole Brain
2.10. Group Difference in the Foot Section of the M1
2.11. Group Difference in the Higher-Order Proprioceptive Network
2.12. Nonparametric Test to Explore Paraplegic Group-Specific Difference between Passive and Active Tasks
3. Results
3.1. Brain Regions Active during Passive and Active Tasks in the Control Group
3.2. Group Difference in the Whole Brain
3.3. Group Difference in the Foot Section of the Left M1
3.4. Group Difference in the Higher-Order Proprioceptive Network
3.5. Paraplegic Group-Specific Difference between Passive and Active Tasks
4. Discussion
4.1. Limitation in the Present Study
4.2. Proprioceptive Processing in the Foot Section of the Left M1 in the Paraplegic Group
4.3. Facilitation of Activity in the Higher-Order Proprioceptive Network in the Paraplegic Group
4.4. Role of the IPS Region in the Paraplegic Group
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Participant | P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 |
Age (in years) | 30 | 61 | 54 | 52 |
Sex | F | M | M | M |
Leg non-use period | 30 years | 60 years | 37 years | 31 years |
Neurological level | T12 | Cannot be specified | T3 | T8 |
Cause | * Spina bifida | Poliomyelitis | Spinal cord injury | Spinal cord injury |
ASIA impairment scale | A | undefined | A | A |
SCI | Complete | undefined | Complete | Complete |
FIM | 101/126 | 108/126 | 101/126 | 101/126 |
Somatic sensations (light touch and pin prick) from lower limbs | No | Yes | No | No |
Wheelchair sports (years played) Training period (age), training days/week, training hours/day | Track racing and marathon (23) 8–14 yo, 2/w, 8 h 15–17 yo, 7/w, 1–8 h 18–30 yo, 6/w, 2 h | Basketball (42) 17–22 yo, 4–5/w, 3 h 23–58 yo, 1–2/w, 3 h Table tennis (4) 15–18 yo, 1/w, 2 h | Table tennis (27) 28–54 yo, 2–4 w, 2.5–8 h | Basketball (31) 22–35 yo, 5/w, 3 h 36–52 yo, 1/w, 3 h Marathon (9) 27–35 yo, 2/w, 3 h Fencing (9) 27–35 yo, 2/w, 3 h |
Handedness score | 60 | 7 | 100 | 90 |
Cluster | Size (voxels) | x | y | z | t-Value | Anatomical Identification |
Passive (paraplegic − control) | ||||||
R IPL | 492 * | 62 | −34 | 34 | 7.16 | Area PF |
62 | −32 | 20 | 5.26 | IPL | ||
54 | −30 | 46 | 5.00 | Area PFt | ||
L IFG/insula | 456 * | −36 | 12 | 14 | 7.02 | Area OP8 |
−54 | 12 | 2 | 4.41 | Area 44 | ||
R IFG/insula | 448 * | 54 | 6 | 8 | 7.00 | Area 44 |
52 | 4 | −6 | 6.65 | Insula | ||
L medial-wall motor | 382 * | −6 | −14 | 66 | 6.67 | Area 6mc (SMA) |
−4 | −22 | 56 | 5.02 | Area 4a | ||
R middle IFG/insula | 398 * | 48 | 22 | −6 | 6.37 | IFG |
38 | 20 | 2 | 5.34 | Frontal operculum cortex | ||
Active (paraplegic − control) | ||||||
No significant cluster |
Cluster | Size (voxels) | x | y | z | t-Value | Anatomical Identification |
Paraplegic (passive–active)–control (passive–active) | ||||||
L IPS | 643 * | −38 | −34 | 38 | 5.04 | Supramarginal gyrus |
−50 | −36 | 42 | 4.98 | Area hIP2/PFt | ||
−36 | −44 | 36 | 4.94 | Area hIP1 |
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Morita, T.; Naito, E. Facilitation of Hand Proprioceptive Processing in Paraplegic Individuals with Long-Term Wheelchair Sports Training. Brain Sci. 2022, 12, 1295. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci12101295
Morita T, Naito E. Facilitation of Hand Proprioceptive Processing in Paraplegic Individuals with Long-Term Wheelchair Sports Training. Brain Sciences. 2022; 12(10):1295. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci12101295
Chicago/Turabian StyleMorita, Tomoyo, and Eiichi Naito. 2022. "Facilitation of Hand Proprioceptive Processing in Paraplegic Individuals with Long-Term Wheelchair Sports Training" Brain Sciences 12, no. 10: 1295. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci12101295
APA StyleMorita, T., & Naito, E. (2022). Facilitation of Hand Proprioceptive Processing in Paraplegic Individuals with Long-Term Wheelchair Sports Training. Brain Sciences, 12(10), 1295. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci12101295