Vaccination, Public Health and Health Communication: A Network of Connections to Tackle Global Challenges
1. Background
2. Collection of Special Issue Articles
3. Discussion
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
List of Contributions
- Castiglia, P.; Arghittu, A. New Insight in Vaccination and Public Health: A Commentary from Special Issue Editors. Vaccines 2022, 10, 183.
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- Scognamiglio, F.; Fantini, M.; Reno, C.; Montalti, M.; Di Valerio, Z.; Soldà, G.; Salussolia, A.; La Fauci, G.; Capodici, A.; Gori, D. Vaccinations and Healthy Ageing: How to Rise to the Challenge Following a Life-Course Vaccination Approach. Vaccines 2022, 10, 375.
- Arghittu, A.; Dettori, M.; Castiglia, P. First Year of Special Issue “New Insights in Vaccination and Public Health”: Opinions and Considerations. Vaccines 2023, 11, 600.
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- Deiana, G.; Dettori, M.; Arghittu, A.; Azara, A.; Gabutti, G.; Castiglia, P. Artificial Intelligence and Public Health: Evaluating ChatGPT Responses to Vaccination Myths and Misconceptions. Vaccines 2023, 11, 1217.
- Eisenblaetter, M.; Madiouni, C.; Laraki, Y.; Capdevielle, D.; Raffard, S. Adaptation and Validation of a French Version of the Vaccination Attitudes Examination (VAX) Scale. Vaccines 2023, 11, 1001.
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Arghittu, A.; Deiana, G.; Dettori, M.; Castiglia, P. Vaccination, Public Health and Health Communication: A Network of Connections to Tackle Global Challenges. Vaccines 2025, 13, 245.
Arghittu A, Deiana G, Dettori M, Castiglia P. Vaccination, Public Health and Health Communication: A Network of Connections to Tackle Global Challenges. Vaccines. 2025; 13(3):245.
Chicago/Turabian StyleArghittu, Antonella, Giovanna Deiana, Marco Dettori, and Paolo Castiglia. 2025. "Vaccination, Public Health and Health Communication: A Network of Connections to Tackle Global Challenges" Vaccines 13, no. 3: 245.
APA StyleArghittu, A., Deiana, G., Dettori, M., & Castiglia, P. (2025). Vaccination, Public Health and Health Communication: A Network of Connections to Tackle Global Challenges. Vaccines, 13(3), 245.