Higher Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Transgender Than in Cisgender Individuals: Results from a Single-Center Observational Study
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Sample and Procedure
2.2. Measures
Maltreatment and Abuse Chronology of Exposure Scale (MACE)
2.3. Brief Symptom Inventory
2.4. Essener Trauma Inventory (ETI)
2.5. Statistics
3. Results
3.1. Prevalence of ACEs
3.2. Association of Sociodemographic Variables with ACEs
3.3. Psychological Distress and Trauma-Related Symptoms
4. Discussion
Strengths and Limitations
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Cisgender (n = 35) | Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients (n = 35) | |||||
Mean | (SD) | Mean | (SD) | t-Value | p-Value | |
Mean age (SD) | 29.5 | (2.2) | 29.5 | (2.2) | 0.00 | 1.00 |
n | % | n | % | χ2 | p-value | |
Gender | 5.60 | 0.06 | ||||
Male/transgender male | 19 | 54.3% | 18 | 51.4% | ||
Female/transgender female | 16 | 45.7% | 12 | 34.3% | ||
Nonbinary | - | - | 5 | 14.3% | ||
Relationship status | 2.67 | 0.45 | ||||
Married/long-term relationship | 16 | 48.5% | 11 | 34.4% | ||
Single | 14 | 42.4% | 19 | 59.4% | ||
Divorced | 2 | 6.1% | 2 | 6.3% | ||
Widowed | 1 | 3.0% | 0 | 0.0% | ||
Missing data | 2 | 5.7% | 3 | 8.6% | ||
Parenthood | 10 | 28.6% | 2 | 5.7% | 63.33 | <0.001 |
Level of education | 2.67 | 0.45 | ||||
School not finished | 1 | 3.6% | 4 | 12.1% | ||
Compulsory school | 3 | 10.7% | 6 | 18.2% | ||
Compulsory school and apprenticeship | 12 | 42.9% | 14 | 42.4% | ||
Higher education | 6 | 21.4% | 7 | 21.2% | ||
University degree | 6 | 21.4% | 2 | 6.1% | ||
Missing data | 7 | 20.0% | 2 | 5.7% | ||
Living environment | 0.59 | 0.45 | ||||
Rural | 17 | 48.6% | 19 | 54.3% | ||
Urban | 17 | 48.6% | 13 | 37.1% | ||
Missing data | 1 | 2.9% | 3 | 8.6% |
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Share and Cite
Feil, K.; Riedl, D.; Böttcher, B.; Fuchs, M.; Kapelari, K.; Gräßer, S.; Toth, B.; Lampe, A. Higher Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Transgender Than in Cisgender Individuals: Results from a Single-Center Observational Study. J. Clin. Med. 2023, 12, 4501. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm12134501
Feil K, Riedl D, Böttcher B, Fuchs M, Kapelari K, Gräßer S, Toth B, Lampe A. Higher Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Transgender Than in Cisgender Individuals: Results from a Single-Center Observational Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023; 12(13):4501. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm12134501
Chicago/Turabian StyleFeil, Katharina, David Riedl, Bettina Böttcher, Martin Fuchs, Klaus Kapelari, Sofie Gräßer, Bettina Toth, and Astrid Lampe. 2023. "Higher Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Transgender Than in Cisgender Individuals: Results from a Single-Center Observational Study" Journal of Clinical Medicine 12, no. 13: 4501. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm12134501
APA StyleFeil, K., Riedl, D., Böttcher, B., Fuchs, M., Kapelari, K., Gräßer, S., Toth, B., & Lampe, A. (2023). Higher Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Transgender Than in Cisgender Individuals: Results from a Single-Center Observational Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(13), 4501. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm12134501