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Systematic Review

Temporomandibular Joint Injections and Lavage: An Overview of Reviews

Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital of the Ministry of Interior, Wojska Polskiego 51, 25-375 Kielce, Poland
Department of Glass Technology and Amorphous Coatings, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, AGH University of Science and Technology, Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland
Department of Oral Surgery, Preventive Medicine Center, Komorowskiego 12, 30-106 Cracow, Poland
Department of Biochemistry and Medical Chemistry, Pomeranian Medical University, Powstańców Wielkopolskich 72, 70-111 Szczecin, Poland
Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Pomeranian Medical University, Powstańców Wielkopolskich 72, 70-111 Szczecin, Poland
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13(10), 2855;
Submission received: 4 April 2024 / Revised: 27 April 2024 / Accepted: 9 May 2024 / Published: 12 May 2024


Objectives: This overview was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Overviews of Reviews guidelines and aimed to collect and compare the results of systematic reviews on temporomandibular joint injection treatment. Methods: Systematic reviews of randomized clinical trials on temporomandibular disorders treated with lavage or intra-articular administrations were qualified for syntheses. The final searches were conducted on 27 February 2024, without time frame restrictions. Results: Of the 232 identified records, 42 systematic reviews were selected. The most evidence-based conclusions call into question the clinical differences between many therapeutic approaches, including the following: (1) injectable selection for the treatment of pain and hypomobility; (2) the method of performing arthrocentesis; (3) the use of imaging when rinsing the TMJ cavity; (4) the supplementation of the extracapsular administration of unprocessed blood with intracapsular deposition in the treatment of TMJ hypermobility. Conclusions: Systematic reviews based solely on randomized clinical trials proved the following differences: (1) in painful temporomandibular hypomobility, a better therapeutic effect is observed with arthrocentesis followed by I-PRF administration compared to lavage alone; (2) in painful temporomandibular hypomobility, inferior- or double-compartment injection leads to better results than superior-compartment injection; (3) in temporomandibular joint recurrent dislocation, hypertonic dextrose administration is superior to placebo, although (4) unprocessed blood has a better effect than hypertonic dextrose. PROSPERO registration number: CRD42024496142.

1. Introduction

1.1. Background

Temporomandibular joints (TMJs) are paired, hidden on both sides under the skin of the preauricular area and under the branches of the facial nerve. A single TMJ consists of the mandibular fossa and the articular tubercle on the temporal bone, which form the acetabulum, and the condylar process of the mandible, which constitutes the articular head. These are separated by an articular disc, which allows for anatomical and functional distinction. All the described structures are surrounded by a joint capsule filled with synovial fluid. Ligaments and muscles provide stability to the above-described structures, as well as causing and limiting jaw movements [1].
Disfunctions of the TMJs or the muscles that move them are called temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). Their average global incident rate is 34% and they more frequently affect women [2]. Improper functioning of the articular disc leads to its displacement, which manifests itself acoustically. Gradually progressing with age, degeneration causes the thinning of articular cartilage, followed by erosive and productive changes in the bones. Stopping, and, more importantly, reversing the described processes is considered a current challenge. Complex TMDs therapy involves treatment in the field of psychology, physiotherapy, pharmacotherapy, orthodontics, dental prosthetics, and maxillofacial surgery. The latter is generally reserved for the most severe cases and ranges from injections into the joint cavity to joint replacement [3]. The least invasive of the surgical techniques are intracapsular injections.
Injection treatment of TMJs is currently one of the recognized therapeutic techniques. General indications for the use of injection techniques in the treatment of TMJs are Wilkes II-V diagnoses [4]. Due to its invasive nature, only patients who have exhausted the less invasive treatment options are typically eligible for injection treatment. Nevertheless, indications for TMJ injections may already occur in adolescence, when juvenile idiopathic arthritis is diagnosed [5].
Depending on the injectable substance used, injection treatment provides pain relief and increases the range of mandibular mobility or reduces the frequency of episodes of TMJ habitual dislocations [6,7,8]. Rinsing of the TMJs is performed as an independent procedure or precedes the injection of the active substance [9]. The most frequently used injectables include (1) hyaluronic acid, which is naturally the main component of synovial fluid, (2) autologous blood and centrifuged blood products, (3) anti-inflammatory drugs, (4) hypertonic dextrose irritant, and (5) local anesthetics [10,11,12,13,14,15].
More and more attention is being paid to aspects of injection therapy other than the type of preparation administered. Differences in the therapeutic protocols proposed by different groups of scientists are significant and include (1) the specific site of deposition (compartments of the joint cavity and pericapsular tissues); (2) the volume of the substance injected; (3) the number of interventions; (4) intervals between interventions [16,17,18,19].
In the case of rinsing the joint cavity, attempts are also made to examine the differences between the following techniques: (1) two-needle; (2) two-way needle; (3) one-way needle (pumping technique) [20,21,22,23,24]. Furthermore, arthrocentesis protocols also differ in terms of the following: (1) the type of irrigant; (2) the volume of the rinsing agent; (3) single use or repetition of the intervention at different time intervals [17,23,25]. It is common to combine lavage with active substance administration in one intervention. Finally, it is possible to mix different injectables in one dose.

1.2. Rationale

Combining the possibilities mentioned above allows for thousands of configurations of test and control samples. The multitude of injectable substances used, their dosing protocols, and proposals for complex treatment, including arthrocentesis, clearly demonstrate the lack of established therapeutic protocols. The same issues cause difficulties in compiling randomized controlled trials in systematic reviews. However, reviews with a lot of scientific evidence in the discussed field are already being created and provide invaluable assistance to clinicians making therapeutic decisions.

1.3. Objectives

This overview of systematic reviews was conducted to summarize the highest quality evidence in the field of temporomandibular joint injections and lavage.

2. Methods

The overview of reviews was carried out following the “Preferred Reporting Items for Overviews of Reviews (PRIOR), a protocol for the development of a reporting guideline for overviews of reviews of healthcare interventions” [26]. The Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) registered the review protocol under number CRD42024496142.

2.1. Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria are detailed in Table 1.

2.2. Information Sources

Medical databases were searched using the Association for Computing Machinery: Guide to Computing Literature, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine, Google Scholar, and National Library of Medicine: PubMed engines [27,28,29,30]. The main searches were conducted on 27 July 2023, and updated searches on 27 February 2024.

2.3. Search Strategy

The following search strategy was applied:
Temporomandibular AND (injection OR injections OR intraarticular OR intra-articular OR intracavitary OR intra-cavitary OR periarticular OR peri-articular OR arthrocentesis OR lavage OR rinse OR rinsing) AND systematic AND review.
Detailed queries adapted to the specificity of search engines are presented in Table A1.

2.4. Selection Process

The results were automatically limited using the filters available in search engines (Table A1). Records were then entered into Rayyan’s automation tool (Qatar Computing Research Institute, Doha, Qatar and Rayyan Systems, Cambridge, MA, USA), which identified potential duplicates [31]. Records were manually deduplicated and blindly screened based on the content of the titles and abstracts (K.C. and M.C.). In cases of the unanimous acceptance of assessments, the given record was promoted to the next stage. The final selection was made based on full-text evaluation (N.T., M.C., and, if necessary, K.C. with a casting vote). The overlapping time frame did not disqualify systematic reviews from further proceedings.

2.5. Data Collection Process

Data were independently extracted by two authors (N.T. and K.L.) without using automation tools. In case of discrepancies, they were discussed, and any remaining disagreements were resolved by a third researcher (M.C.).

2.6. Data Items

Items necessary to identify the paper (first author, year of publication), characteristics of systematic reviews (coverage dates, number of primary studies and their participants, diagnoses, type of interventions in the study, and control groups), and outcomes (ranges of changes in pain intensity, mandibular abduction, quality of life indices, and qualitative conclusions) were collected. The diagnoses in the areas of internal derangement and isolated osteoarthritis were collectively named TMJ hypomobility to distinguish them from recurrent TMJ dislocation, whose treatment is supposed to have the opposite effect, i.e., limiting the range of mandibular abduction. Generalized arthritis manifesting itself, among others, in the temporomandibular joint area was discussed separately. Data were extracted from the bodies of the reviews and not from the content of the source studies.

2.7. Risk of Bias Assessment

The risk of bias in systematic reviews was assessed using the ROBIS tool (K.L. and F.B., and, if necessary, M.C. with a casting vote) [32]. ROBIS helps determine the risk of bias in systematic reviews when preparing guidelines and overviews. Assessments were made of the eligibility criteria of the studies, the identification and selection of studies, data collection and the evaluation of studies, synthesis, and the conclusions. [32]

2.8. Synthesis Methods

A matrix of comparisons between individual interventions was presented graphically to illustrate the conclusions supported by randomized controlled trials and areas for further research.

3. Results

3.1. Systematic Review Selection

The search with four engines led to the identification of 232 records (Table A2), of which 124 were rejected in the deduplication process. The remaining 108 abstracts were screened, and 51 were qualified for full-text evaluation. Ultimately, 42 studies were included in the review. The selection process is presented in Figure 1.

3.2. Characteristics of Systematic Reviews

Table 2 summarized all thematically consistent systematic reviews. Reviews based solely on randomized controlled trials were promoted to risk of bias assessment and syntheses.

3.3. Primary Study Overlap

The overlap in time frames for systematic reviews is presented in Figure 2.

3.4. Risk of Bias in Systematic Reviews

The risk of bias was assessed for systematic reviews based on randomized controlled trials and is presented in Table 3. Reviews whose risk of bias was assessed as low were included in the syntheses.

3.5. Synthesis of Results

3.5.1. Generalized Osteoarthritis

According to Xiong et al., PRP injection therapy can safely and effectively improve functionality in patients suffering from osteoarthritis [37]. It can produce positive analgesic outcomes in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, TMJ, and ankle. However, PRP injection therapy did not significantly reduce pain in patients with hip osteoarthritis. Moreover, Leukocyte-Poor Platelet-Rich Plasma (LP-PRP) had a better analgesic outcome than Leukocyte-Rich Platelet-Rich Plasma (LR-PRP) [37].

3.5.2. TMJ Hypomobility

Table 4 and Table 5 summarize the outcomes of qualified systematic reviews on different methods of TMJ hypomobility treatment. Each approach, presented in the first row, is compared to the other methods (in the first column). The completed cells correspond to comparisons that were subject to systematic reviews. The results of these reports are briefly presented. Empty cells represent comparisons that have not yet been subjected to synthetic secondary research.

3.5.3. Recurrent TMJ Dislocation

Table 6 concerns TMJ recurrent dislocation, also known as TMJ hypermobility. Despite the similar nomenclature, the diagnosis of the latter represents the opposite of hypomobility of the temporomandibular joint. Therefore, there is a separate comparison matrix of the treatment methods, which also differ. In recurrent TMJ dislocation, the treatment is aimed not only at eliminating the pain but also at reducing the mandibular abduction instead of increasing it.

4. Discussion

4.1. Main Findings

Only HA versus placebo for TMJ hypomobility and HD versus placebo for TMJ hypermobility comparisons were assessed in two systematic reviews each.
Moldez et al. identified three studies (out of the seven included in their systematic review) supporting the statement that the intra-articular administration of HA leads to better results in the treatment of TMJ hypomobility and reduces the associated pain more than a placebo [6]. Xie et al. included nine randomized control trials supporting the opposite statement, that the intra-articular administration of HA does not improve pain or maximum mouth-opening compared to placebo administration [12]. Both systematic reviews were rated as having a low risk of bias in this overview. The inconsistent results of the two independent systematic reviews encourage further primary research. Attention should also be paid to the details of the HA administration protocol, such as the presence of a preceding lavage, the number of injections, and the length of the intervals between interventions. In addition, the type and amount of HA preparation are worth considering. These issues are already being raised in individual clinical studies, but the paucity of material makes it challenging to undertake appropriate syntheses.
Both Sit et al. and Nagori et al. proved that intra-articularly administered HD was significantly more effective than placebo in TMJ recurrent dislocation [15,48]. The report by Sit et al. was based on ten randomized control trials [48]. Nagori et al. qualified three studies with the same level of evidence [15]. Both systematic reviews were rated as low-risk. This suggests consensus among researchers that intra-articular HD injections resolve pain and reduce TMJ hypermobility better than placebo. The time frames of the discussed reviews overlap, which cannot be underestimated.

4.2. General Interpretation of the Results

4.2.1. AC in TMJ Hypomobility

AC with a small volume of lavage fluid (less than 150 mL) is as effective, if not more, as a high-volume procedure [17]. A USG-guided AC does not lead to a better outcome than an unguided intervention [50]. Combining AC with the administration of CS does not provide any superior effect compared to AC alone [54]. Sole TMJ rinsing was proved to have an inferior effect compared to AC followed by I-PRF administration [36]. Combining AC with HA led to similar effects to combining it with I-PRF [62].

4.2.2. CS in TMJ Hypomobility

The effect of the intra-articular administration of CS in TMJ hypomobility cases does not differ from that of the placebo control. It does not provide an advantage in terms of pain relief and TMJ mobility [12]. Another systematic review revealed no significant differences between the intra-articular administration of CS and HA [6].

4.2.3. HA in TMJ Hypomobility

The advantage of using HA compared to a placebo is questionable. It was demonstrated in one systematic review and denied in another [6,12]. Moreover, HA administration also showed no significant difference compared to CS [6].

4.2.4. PRP in TMJ Hypomobility

The intra-articular administration of PRP was proved to provide no better outcomes than using a placebo [12].

4.2.5. Local Anesthetics in TMJ Hypomobility

The advantage of using bupivacaine over placebo was observed in the first 24 h of follow-up only [11]. In more extended observations, local anesthetics do not provide a better effect than a placebo.

4.2.6. Different Compartment Injections in TMJ Hypomobility

Injection into the superior compartment only was less efficient than inferior- or double-compartment injections. This conclusion is also supported by a more recent systematic review based on primary studies with varying levels of evidence [16,18].

4.3. Limitations of the Evidence

A significant number of eligible systematic reviews were based on studies other than randomized controlled trials and were thus omitted from the syntheses [14,23,38,39,40,42,44,47,52,56,58,59,61,63]. Some systematic reviews based only on randomized controlled trials had a high or unclear risk of bias, which further decreased the number of synthesized systematic reviews [13,22,34,35,41,43,45,46,49,53,55,57,60].

4.4. Limitations of the Overview Methods

Only papers in English were included.

4.5. Strengths of the Overview

The strengths of this overview are the unlimited time frame, the low risk of bias in the assessment of source reports, and the conclusions, which were based solely on systematic reviews of randomized clinical trials.

4.6. Implications

The identified evidence suggests that some procedures can be simplified without loss to the patient, which may make treatment easier, faster, and cheaper. The use of low-volume, non-imaging arthrocentesis for painful limitations of mandibular mobility and exclusively using the extracapsular deposition of autologous unprocessed blood for habitual TMJ luxation should be considered. On the other hand, some additional measures were proven to be valid. In cases of limited jaw mobility, the administration of I-PRF after arthrocentesis and injections into the less accessible lower TMJ compartment seem to be justified.

5. Conclusions

In painful temporomandibular hypomobility, a better therapeutic effect is observed with injectable platelet-rich fibrin administration preceded by arthrocentesis than when using arthrocentesis alone. For the same diagnosis, inferior- or double-compartment injection leads to better results than superior-compartment deposition. In temporomandibular joint recurrent dislocation, hypertonic dextrose administration is superior to placebo but inferior to unprocessed autologous blood.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, M.C. and M.S.; methodology, N.T. and M.C.; software, K.C. and F.B.; validation, D.C., T.O. and M.S.; formal analysis, N.T., K.C. and K.L.; investigation, N.T., K.C., M.C., K.L. and F.B.; resources, K.C. and M.C.; data curation, N.T., K.C., M.C., K.L. and F.B.; writing—original draft preparation, N.T., K.C., M.C., K.L. and F.B.; writing—review and editing, N.T., M.C., D.C., T.O. and M.S.; visualization, K.L. and F.B.; supervision, D.C. and M.S.; project administration, D.C. and M.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

All collected data are included in the content of this article. The protocol was not published prior to the publication of this overview. PROSPERO registration number: CRD42024496142.

Conflicts of Interest

Natalia Turosz, Kamila Chęcińska, Maciej Chęciński, Karolina Lubecka, Filip Bliźniak, Dariusz Chlubek, and Maciej Sikora declare that they identified and processed their own reports in this systematic review.

Appendix A

Table A1. Search queries with filters applied.
Table A1. Search queries with filters applied.
Search EngineSearch Query
Association for Computing Machinery: Guide to Computing Literature[All: temporomandibular] AND [[All: injection] OR [All: injections] OR [All: intraarticular] OR [All: intra-articular] OR [All: intracavitary] OR [All: intra-cavitary] OR [All: periarticular] OR [All: peri-articular] OR [All: arthrocentesis] OR [All: lavage] OR [All: rinse] OR [All: rinsing]] AND [All: review] AND [Title: systematic]
Bielefeld Academic Search Enginetemporomandibular AND (injection OR injections OR intraarticular OR intra-articular OR intracavitary OR intra-cavitary OR periarticular OR peri-articular OR arthrocentesis OR lavage OR rinse OR rinsing) AND review tit:systematic
Google Scholarallintitle: temporomandibular AND (injection OR injections OR intraarticular OR intra-articular OR intracavitary OR intra-cavitary OR periarticular OR peri-articular OR arthrocentesis OR lavage OR rinse OR rinsing) AND systematic AND review
National Library of Medicine: PubMedtemporomandibular AND (injection OR injections OR intraarticular OR intra-articular OR intracavitary OR intra-cavitary OR periarticular OR peri-articular OR arthrocentesis OR lavage OR rinse OR rinsing) AND systematic [Title] AND review
Table A2. Identified and filtered records.
Table A2. Identified and filtered records.
Search EngineIdentified RecordsFiltered Records
Association for Computing Machinery: Guide to Computing Literature376
Bielefeld Academic Search Engine180111
Google Scholarabout 2910036
National Library of Medicine: PubMed11773


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Figure 1. Flow diagram.
Figure 1. Flow diagram.
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Figure 2. Overlap of primary studies in systematic reviews.
Figure 2. Overlap of primary studies in systematic reviews.
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Table 1. Eligibility criteria.
Table 1. Eligibility criteria.
Inclusion CriteriaExclusion Criteria
ProblemTemporomandibular disorders Cadaver or animal studies
InterventionArthrocentesis and/or intra- or peri-articular injectionMore invasive cointervention, e.g., arthroscopy (non-surgical treatment, e.g., physiotherapy, pharmacotherapy, and/or splint therapy was allowed)
(applies to the synthesis of systematic reviews on randomized controlled trials)
Other eligible interventions or placebo administrationNo randomization
(applies to the synthesis of systematic reviews on randomized controlled trials)
Articular pain, mandibular abduction, or quality of life indexNo quantitative assessment
TimeframeUnlimitedUnaccepted paper, e.g., in the preprint stage
SettingsSystematic reviews published in EnglishNo eligibility criteria, information sources, or search strategy
Table 2. Included systematic reviews.
Table 2. Included systematic reviews.
First Author, Publication YearCoverageSource StudiesTotal Number of PatientsDiagnosisUnified DiagnosisIntervention or Administered SubstanceControl in Randomized Controlled Trials
Li, 2024 [33]Until 20237 randomized controlled trials243TMJ internal derangementGeneralized osteoarthritis, TMJ hypomobilityPRPHA
Chęciński, 08/2023 [8]Until 20237 randomized controlled trials390TMJ hypermobilityTMJ hypermobilityUBHD or placebo
Chęciński, 02/2023 [16]Until 20224 studies with varying evidence337VariousTMJ hypomobilityInferior TMJ space injectionN/A
Haddad, 2023 [34]Until 20227 randomized controlled trials359VariousGeneralized osteoarthritisAC + PRPAC + saline or AC + HA
Hu, 2023 [35]Until 20204 randomized controlled trials144TMDsTMJ hypomobilityUltrasound-guided ACConventional AC
Lubecka, 2023 [11]Until 20238 randomized controlled trials252TMJ arthralgia and hypomobilityTMJ hypomobilityArticaine, bupivacaine, lidocaine, mepivacaineSS/morphine/HA/HD
Sielski, 2023 [36]Until 20238 randomized controlled trials213TMDsGeneralized osteoarthritisI-PRFHA/SS injection or AC
Siewert-Gutowska, 2023 [23]2012–202225 studies with varying evidenceN/S (1099 interventions)Disc displacement with or without reductionTMJ hypomobilityACN/A
Xiong, 2023 [37]Until 202324 randomized controlled trials1344Knee/hip/ankle/TMJ OAGeneralized osteoarthritisPRPHA/SS
Xu, 2023 [10]Until 202112 randomized controlled trials421TMDsGeneralized osteoarthritisHA, PRP, PRFRL/SS
Chęciński, 08/2022 [38]Until 20225 studies with varying evidence51TMDsTMJ hypomobilityAC + MSCs or MSCsN/A
Chęciński, 04/2022 [39]2012–202252 studies with varying evidenceN/STMDsTMJ hypomobility or recurrent TMJ dislocationVariousN/A
Chęciński, 03/2022 [40]Until 202116 studies with varying evidence1007TMJ arthralgiaTMJ hypomobilityHAN/A
Gutiérrez, 2022 [41]Until 20218 randomized controlled trials404VariousGeneralized osteoarthritisPRP or PGRF + ACSaline or RL + AC or AC without injection
Li, 2022 [42]Until 202126 studies with varying evidenceN/SDisc displacement with or without reductionTMJ hypomobilityVariousN/A
Tsui, 2022 [17]Until 202016 randomized controlled trials677TMDsTMJ hypomobilityACAC
Xie, 2022 [12]Until 20229 randomized controlled trials316TMJ osteoarthritisTMJ hypomobilityCS, HA, PRPPlacebo
Derwich, 2021 [43]N/S16 randomized controlled trialsN/STMJ OATMJ hypomobilityVariousVarious
Goker, 2021 [44]Until 202029 studies with varying evidenceN/STMDsTMJ hypomobilityHA or AC + HAN/A
Guarda-Nardini, 2021 [45]1999–201930 randomized controlled trialsN/STMDs (OA, ADDwoR, ADDwR, TMJ arthralgia)TMJ hypomobilityACVarious
Liapaki, 2021 [46]Until 20199 randomized controlled trials434TMJ osteoarthritisTMJ hypomobilityHA, CS, or blood productsVarious
Liu, 2021 [13]Until 20209 randomized controlled trials251TMDs treated with arthrocenthesisTMJ hypomobilityAC + NSAIDs or AC + opioidsNone, SS, RL or HA
Nagori, 2021 [47]Until 202013 studies with varying evidence715TMDs (OA, ADDwR, ADDwoR, TMJ inflammatory and generative diseases, TMJ pain/clicking, restricted MMO) TMJ hypomobilitySingle-puncture ACN/A
Sit, 2021 [48]Until 202010 randomized controlled trials336TMDs diagnosed by any pre-defined or specified diagnostic criteriaRecurrent TMJ dislocation, TMJ hypomobilityHDVarious
Abrahamsson, 2020 [49]Until 20188 randomized controlled trials338TMJ luxationRecurrent TMJ dislocationABI or HDPlacebo or IMF
Antonarakis, 2020 [14]Until 201911 studies with varying evidence334 Juvenile idiopathic arthritis with TMJ involvementGeneralized osteoarthritisCSN/A
Leung, 2020 [50]Until 20194 randomized controlled trials144Internal derangement of TMJTMJ hypomobilityUltrasound-guided ACConventional AC
Li, 2020 [51]Until 202011 studies with varying evidence442TMDs; Pain due to arthrogenic, with or without myogenic TMDsTMJ hypomobilityAC N/A
Santos, 2020 [52]2009–20197 studies with varying evidenceN/S
(over 313)
TMDs (including OA of the TMJ)TMJ hypomobilityHAN/A
Bousnaki, 2018 [53]Until 20176 randomized controlled trials323degenerative TMDs (including TMJ-OA, disc displacement with osteoarthritic lesions)TMJ hypomobilityPRPHA, SS, or RL
Davoudi, 2018 [54]Until 20177 randomized controlled trials397Any kind of TMDs (arthralgia, osteoartheria, osteoarthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, internal derangement)Generalized osteoarthritis and TMJ hypomobilityAC + CSHA, SS, or RL
Ferreira, 2018 [55]Until 201721 randomized controlled trials
882Osteoarthritis, anterior displacement of the TMJ disc with or without reduction, internal derangement of the TMJTMJ hypomobilityHAVarious
Haigler, 2018 [56]Until 20185 studies with varying evidence285TMJ OATMJ hypomobilityPRP or PRGFN/A
Moldez, 2018 [6]Until 20177 randomized controlled trials425OA and/or internal derange-
ment of the TMJ
Generalized osteoarthritis and TMJ hypomobilityCS or NaHPlacebo
Nagori, 07/2018 [15]Until 20183 randomized controlled trials75Painful TMJ hypermobility (subluxation or dislocation)Recurrent TMJ dislocationHDSS
Nagori, 06/2018 [22]Until 20175 randomized controlled trials210TMDs (OA/ADDwoR/ADDwR)TMJ hypomobilitySingle-puncture ACDouble needle AC
Iturriaga, 2017 [57]N/S2 randomized controlled trials87TMJ OATMJ hypomobilityHASS or RL
Goiato, 2016 [58]Until 20168 studies with varying evidence350TMDs (OA/inflammatory joint disorder/rheumathoid arthritis)Generalized osteoarthritisAC + HAN/A
Varedi, 2015 [59]N/S7 studies with varying evidence122Chronic recurrent TMJ dislocationRecurrent TMJ dislocationUBN/A
Stoustrup, 2013 [60]Until 20127 studies with varying evidence268TMJ arthritis in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)Generalized osteoarthritisCSN/A
Li, 2012 [18]Until 20114 randomized controlled trials349TMDs diagnosed by clinical and/or radiological assessment Generalized osteoarthritisInferior or double TMJ spaces injectionSuperior TMJ space injection
Manfredini, 2010 [61]Until 200919 studies with varying evidence604TMDs (TMJ disk displacement, inflammatory degenerative disorders)TMJ hypomobilityHAN/A
ABI—autologous blood injection; AC—arthrocentesis; ADDwoR—anterior disc displacement without reduction; ADDwR—anterior disc displacement with reduction; CS—corticosteroids; HA—hyaluronic acid; HD—hypertonic dextrose; IMF—intermaxillary fixation; I-PRF—Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin; MMO—maximum mouth opening; MSCs—mesenchymal stem cells; N/A—not applicable; N/S—not specified; NSAIDs—non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; OA—osteoarthritis; PRGF—platelet-rich growth factor; PRP—platelet-rich plasma; RL—Ringers’ lactate; SS—saline solution; TMDs—temporomandibular disorders; TMJ—temporomandibular joint; UB—unprocessed blood.
Table 3. Risk of bias in systematic reviews.
Table 3. Risk of bias in systematic reviews.
First Author, Publication YearStudy Eligibility CriteriaIdentification and Selection of StudiesData Collection and Study AppraisalSynthesis and FindingsRisk of Bias in the Review
Li, 2024 [33]LowLowLowLowLow
Chęciński, 08/2023 [8]LowLowLowLowLow
Haddad, 2023 [34]LowLowHighLowHigh
Hu, 2023 [35]LowLowHighLowHigh
Lubecka, 2023 [11]LowLowLowLowLow
Sielski, 2023 [36]LowLowLowLowLow
Xiong, 2023 [37]LowLowLowLowLow
Xu, 2023LowLowHighLowLow
Gutiérrez, 2022 [41]LowLowHighHighHigh
Tsui, 2022 [17]LowLowLowLowLow
Xie, 2022 [12]LowLow LowLowLow
Derwich, 2021 [43]LowLow LowUnclearUnclear
Guarda-Nardini, 2021 [45]LowLowUnclearUnclearUnclear
Liapaki, 2021 [46]LowLowUnclearHighHigh
Liu, 2021 [13]Low LowUnclearUnclearUnclear
Sit, 2021 [48]LowLow LowLowLow
Abrahamsson, 2020 [49]LowLowHighLowHigh
Leung, 2020 [50]LowLowLowLowLow
Bousnaki, 2018 [53]LowLowHighLowHigh
Davoudi, 2018 [54]LowLowLowLowLow
Ferreira, 2018 [55]LowLowHighLowHigh
Moldez, 2018 [6]LowLowLowLowLow
Nagori, 07/2018 [15]LowLowLowLowLow
Nagori, 06/2018 [22]LowLowHighLowHigh
Iturriaga, 2017 [57]LowLowHighLowHigh
Stoustrup, 2013 [60]LowHighHighUnclearHigh
Li, 2012 [18]LowLowLowLowLow
Table 4. Comparison matrix of systematic review conclusions regarding injected substances in TMJ hypomobility.
Table 4. Comparison matrix of systematic review conclusions regarding injected substances in TMJ hypomobility.
Compared to placeboX No better effect (Xie 2022 [12]) Better (Moldez 2018 [6]);
No better effect (Xie 2022 [12])
No better effect (Xie 2022 [12])Better up to 24 h (Lubecka 2023 [11])
Compared to AC XNo significant difference (Davoudi 2018 [54]) Better effect (Sielski 2023 [36])
Compared to AC + CS No significant diffference (Davoudi 2018 [54])X
Compared to CSSame effect (Xie 2022 [12]) X No statistically significant difference (Moldez 2018 [6])
Compared to AC + HA X May lead to comparable clinical outcomes (Li 2024 [33])
Compared to HAWorse (Moldez 2018 [6]);
Same effect (Xie 2022 [12])
No statistically significant difference (Moldez 2018 [6]) X
Compared to AC + I-PRF Worse effect (Sielski 2023 [36]) May lead to comparable clinical outcomes (Li 2024 [33]) X
Compared to PRPSame effect (Xie 2022 [12]) X
Compared to
No better effect (Lubecka 2023 [11]) X
AC—arthrocentesis; CS—corticosteroids; HA—hyaluronic acid; I-PRF—Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin; PRP—platelet-rich plasma.
Table 5. Comparison matrix of systematic review conclusions regarding injection techniques in TMJ hypomobility.
Table 5. Comparison matrix of systematic review conclusions regarding injection techniques in TMJ hypomobility.
ACSmall- Volume (<150 mL) ACUltrasound Guided ACInferior- or Double-Compartment InjectionSuperior-Compartment Injection
Compared to ACXAt least as effective, if not more (Tsui 2022 [17])No better clinical outcomes (Leung 2020 [50])
Compared to small- volume (<150mL) ACAs effective or less (Tsui 2022 [17])X
Compared to ultrasound guided ACNo better clinical outcomes (Leung 2020 [50]) X
Compared to inferior- or double-compartment injection XWorse effect (Li 2012 [18])
Compared to superior-compartment injection Better effect (Li 2012 [18])X
Table 6. Comparison matrix of systematic review conclusions regarding recurrent TMJ dislocation.
Table 6. Comparison matrix of systematic review conclusions regarding recurrent TMJ dislocation.
PlaceboHDUBIntracavitary + Pericapsular UBPericapsular UB
Compared to placeboXSignificant reduction in mouth-opening and associated pain (Nagori 07/2018 [15]);
Conferred a large positive effect that met the criteria for clinical relevance in the treatment of temporomandibular joint pain (Sit 2021 [48])
Compared to HDDid not lead to a reduction in mouth opening and associated pain (Nagori 07/2018 [15]);
Worse effect (clinically relevant) in the treatment of temporomandibular joint pain (Sit 2021 [48])
XWas more efficient in limiting temporomandibular dislocations in a 3-month observation (Chęciński 08/2023 [8])
Compared to UB Was less efficient in limiting temporomandibular dislocations in a 3-month observation (Chęciński 08/2023 [8])X
Compared to intracavitary + pericapsular UB XNo difference was observed (Chęciński 08/2023 [8])
Compared to pericapsular UB No difference was observed (Chęciński 08/2023 [8])X
HD—hypertonic dextrose; UB—unprocessed blood.
Disclaimer/Publisher’s Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content.

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MDPI and ACS Style

Turosz, N.; Chęcińska, K.; Chęciński, M.; Lubecka, K.; Bliźniak, F.; Chlubek, D.; Olszowski, T.; Sikora, M. Temporomandibular Joint Injections and Lavage: An Overview of Reviews. J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, 2855.

AMA Style

Turosz N, Chęcińska K, Chęciński M, Lubecka K, Bliźniak F, Chlubek D, Olszowski T, Sikora M. Temporomandibular Joint Injections and Lavage: An Overview of Reviews. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2024; 13(10):2855.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Turosz, Natalia, Kamila Chęcińska, Maciej Chęciński, Karolina Lubecka, Filip Bliźniak, Dariusz Chlubek, Tomasz Olszowski, and Maciej Sikora. 2024. "Temporomandibular Joint Injections and Lavage: An Overview of Reviews" Journal of Clinical Medicine 13, no. 10: 2855.

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