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Seasonal Population Dynamics and Harmfulness of Wheat Thrips in Agrocenoses of Grain Crops

Lyudmila N. Zhichkina
Vladimir V. Nosov
2,3,4,5,* and
Kirill A. Zhichkin
Department of Agrochemistry, Soil Science and Agroecology, Samara State Agrarian University, 446442 Kinel, Russia
Department of Finance, Accounting and Economic Security, K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technologies and Management, 109004 Moscow, Russia
Technosphere Security Department, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 117198 Moscow, Russia
The Basic Department of Trade Policy, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, 117997 Moscow, Russia
Department of Management and Economics, State University of Humanities and Social Studies, 140410 Kolomna, Russia
Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the Agro-Industrial Complex, Samara State Agrarian University, 446442 Kinel, Russia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Agriculture 2023, 13(1), 148;
Submission received: 6 December 2022 / Revised: 30 December 2022 / Accepted: 4 January 2023 / Published: 6 January 2023
(This article belongs to the Section Agricultural Economics, Policies and Rural Management)


The purpose of the study was to identify forage plants and specialized entomophages of wheat thrips in agrocenoses of winter and spring grain crops cultivated in the Samara region. The highest number of adult pests was noted in winter wheat crops (2365.0 ind./100 strokes), the lowest in winter barley crops (565.0 ind./100 strokes). Egg laying by wheat thrip females occurred on all grain crops. Larvae of wheat thrips were noted in the ears of winter and spring wheat, triticale, and winter barley, with the exception of spring barley. During the research, two specialized entomophages were identified: striped thrips and predatory thrips. During the research years, the largest numbers of predatory thrips were noted in winter wheat crops in the earing phase (90 ind./100 strokes) and in spring wheat and spring barley crops in the booting phase—75 ind./100 strokes and 40 ind./100 strokes, respectively. The damage to winter wheat grain by wheat thrips varied from 55.3% to 69.2% and was higher than the damage to spring wheat grain (38.5–64%). With a certain ratio of specialized entomophages and wheat thrips, it is possible to refuse the use of insecticides in the cultivation of grain crops.

1. Introduction

Grain crops are of great economic importance for the Samara region. The share of sown areas of these crops annually is about 25% of the total area. Cereal crops are in steady demand in the grain market and allow ensuring the food security of the region [1,2,3,4,5]. Harmful organisms found in winter and spring grain crops annually reduce the yield and quality of grain [6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16]. The distribution of insects over the territory and the duration of their development depends on the quantity and quality of food resources [17,18,19,20,21,22,23]. Wheat thrips (Haplothrips tritici Kurd.) have adapted to living on and feeding on cereal plants, while at the same time being a food source for entomophages [24,25,26,27,28,29,30]. Wheat thrips can cause significant crop damage due to persistent high numbers. Its geographical range occupies the forest-steppe, steppe, and dry-steppe zones of Russia and other states; it is a numerous, widespread, and dangerous pest of grain crops.
Grain crops are the main food source for wheat thrips. On other cultivated and wild, annual, and perennial grasses, the phytophage occurs in noticeably smaller numbers. Each age state of wheat thrips is closely related to a particular phase of host plant development that is most beneficial for the pest.
In theoretical terms, the studies carried out enrich scientific experience by assessing the distribution and dynamics of the number of stages of development of wheat thrips and their relationship with forage plants in the forest-steppe zone. The conducted field and laboratory studies made it possible to identify the number of wheat, striped, and predatory thrips in grain crops to determine the damage to grain and the loss of wheat yield from the phytophage.
One of the methods for regulating the abundance of this phytophage is the use of biological control, the essence of which is to account for and attract entomophages that feed on it. The high number of entomophages will make it possible to abandon the use of chemical plant protection products to control the pest, thereby reducing the environmental burden on the agrocenosis of the cultivated crop. According to some researchers, the most important ones for reducing the number of the studied phytophage are the predatory thrips (Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall), striped thrips (Aeolothrips fasciatus L.), ladybug (Adonia variegate Goeze), copper pterostichus (Pterostichus cupreus L.), common lacewing (Chrysoperla carnea Steph.), gall midge aphidimiza (Ahidoletes aphidimyza Rondani), and hunter bugs (Nabis ferus L., Nabis brevis Scholz) [31,32,33,34,35,36,37].
Wheat thrips are ubiquitous in grain crops, having a negative impact on their yield. This is a significant risk factor affecting the sustainable development of grain production [38,39,40,41,42,43,44]. Therefore, the protection of grain crops from wheat thrips is constantly relevant. Features of the biology of the pest are determined by the natural and climatic zone of its habitat. Therefore, conducting research in different zones allows you to supplement knowledge about its biological characteristics [45,46,47,48].
The purpose of the study is to identify forage plants and specialized entomophages of wheat thrips in agrocenoses of winter and spring grain crops cultivated in the Samara region. The objectives of the research included: to determine the distribution of wheat thrips in winter and spring crops; analyze the stages of phytophage development; identify entomophages and conduct a conjugated analysis with the number of pests; and determine the loss of grain of winter and spring wheat when damaged by wheat thrips.

2. Materials and Methods

The studies were carried out in 2008–2012 in the Samara region in crops of triticale (Triticocecale), spring and winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), and winter and spring soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
The determination of the seasonal dynamics of the abundance and harmfulness of wheat thrips was carried out in a grain-fallow crop rotation with alternating crops (pure fallow–winter crops (wheat (1/3 fields), triticale (1/3 fields), barley (1/3 fields))–soybeans–spring wheat–spring barley).
When determining the species composition of wheat thrips, striped and predatory thrips, the collections of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, were used. The reliability of the determination of wheat, striped, and predatory thrips was confirmed by scientists Tansky V.I. and Velikan’ V.S.

2.1. Accounting for Adults of Wheat and Predatory Thrips

In winter crops and grain crops, adults of wheat thrips and entomophages were counted by mowing with a standard entomological net. The diameter of the net was 30 cm, and it provided a mowing area of 0.5 m2. Net handle length—120 cm; net material—mill sieve; cell diameter—0.057 mm. The counts were carried out once every 2–3 weeks according to the phases of crop development from the first ten-day period of May to the third ten-day period of August. On each field, 10 strokes were made in three repetitions. From 2008 to 2012, about 3000 mowing operations were carried out on winter and spring crops. Harvesting was carried out by one person from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

2.2. Accounting for Eggs, Larvae of Wheat Thrips

Although larvae may be present in cutting materials, they are usually difficult to enumerate. For a more accurate determination of the number of eggs and larvae, plants (in the phase of emergence into the tube) and ears were cut in the field, and then, using a binocular stereo microscope (magnification, ×3.33–100, linear field of view—up to 39.3 mm (Russia)), a direct count was carried out in the laboratory. Plants and ears were selected in the phases of stemming, heading, flowering, and milky ripeness of the grain. In different parts of the field of each grain crop, 100 plants or ears were selected (10 plants at 10 sampling points). In total, over the years of research, about ten thousand plants and ears of corn were dismantled. Observations of the beginning of oviposition by wheat thrips were carried out from the phase of emergence into the tube. Simultaneously with the calculation of the total number of eggs, the places of oviposition on plants were taken into account. For this purpose, the leaf surface and the leaf sheath were examined during the tube entry phase. In the phase of earing, flowering, and milky ripeness in the ears, the number of eggs laying on the outer and inner sides of the spikelet scales, on the stem, and on the stem of the ear was counted. Observations of the hatching of wheat thrip larvae in ears began from the heading phase and continued until the crop was harvested.
The number of overwintered larvae of wheat thrips in the soil was counted by taking soil samples with a drill in layers every 5 cm to a depth of 20 cm on each field through an equal distance in three places. Then, soil samples were placed in the laboratory in thermoelectors, and as the larvae emerged, their number was counted. During the research, about 900 soil samples were analyzed.

2.3. Accounting for Stages of Wheat Thrips Metamorphosis

The nature of the passage of metamorphosis by wheat thrip larvae was carried out by collecting plant residues from an area of 1 m2. Then, under laboratory conditions, larvae, pronymphs, and nymphs of the first and second instars were extracted, divided into groups, and counted. In total, about 500 collected samples were analyzed.

2.4. Accounting for the Harmfulness of Wheat Thrips

The number of damaged grains and the degree of grain damage by wheat thrips were determined during the harvesting period. The ears were cut in the field and then threshed under laboratory conditions, the number of grains was counted, and their weight was determined. Each grain was examined from all sides under a binocular microscope, revealing the degree of damage. Over the years of research, about 3.5 thousand ears and 112 thousand grains were viewed. To determine yield losses, a method was used to compare the mass of damaged wheat thrips and undamaged grains.
To process the study results, absolute, relative, and average values were used, as well as ANOVA—analysis of variation and correlation analyses using STATISTICA and MS Excel programs [49]. The research results are presented in tabular and graphical forms [50].

3. Results

The Samara region is located in the southeastern part of the black earth belt of Russia, within the forest-steppe and steppe-soil geographical zones. The territory of the region is 53.6 thousand km2, with a length from north to south of 335 km, from west to east—315 km. The area of agricultural land in this region is 4089.4 thousand hectares, of which the area of cultivation of winter wheat is 352.3 thousand hectares, spring wheat is 144.4 thousand hectares, and spring barley is 315.1 thousand hectares. The GPS coordinates of the study locations are 53.305067, 50.620342.
The climate of the Samara region is continental; during the year there are temperature fluctuations of 38–41 °C, a lack of moisture during precipitation of 270–450 mm, sufficient heat supply (the annual sum of active temperatures is 2200–2700 °C), a warm period varying in duration from 135 to 150 days, and intense wind activity (number of dry wind days—40–89).
Accounting for wintering larvae of wheat thrips of the second age in the soil from the first ten-day period of May to the third ten-day period of May showed that the larvae were found only in fields where the predecessor was winter and spring wheat (Table 1). Their number varied over the years from 85.1 ind./m2 (SE = ±0.94) (precursor spring wheat 2012) to 213.3 ind./m2 (SE = ±2.38) (precursor winter wheat 2008).
During the years of research, it was found that the number of second-age larvae of the phytophage in the soil in the field where the predecessor was winter wheat was always higher and varied over the years from 98.0 ind./m2 (SE = ±1.08) to 213.0 ind./m2 (SE = ±2.38), averaging 145.6 ind./m2 (SE = ±3.40).
The conducted studies made it possible to establish that in the period from the first to the third ten-day period of May (during the metamorphosis of wheat thrips), in the plant residues in the field where the predecessor was winter wheat, the numbers of second-age larvae and pronymphs were higher and averaged 57.2 ind./m2 (SE = ±0.87)—second-instar larvae and 37.8 ind./m2 (SE = ±0.5)—pronymphs (Table 2).
During the years of research, symptoms of damage to the leaves and ears of grain crops of adult wheat thrips were noted only in wheat crops in 2008–2009. Accounting for the number of adult wheat thrips in grain crops showed that the pest was present in agrocenoses of winter grain crops (wheat, triticale, barley) and spring grain crops (wheat, barley), reaching maximum numbers in the booting phase (spring cereals) and heading phase (winter cereals). At the same time, in the agrocenoses of winter wheat, the number of adults of the pest ranged from 3.0 (SE = ±0.03) to 2365.0 (SE = ±26.4) ind./100 strokes (Figure 1), spring wheat—from 3.3 (SE = ±0.04) to 1153.0 (SE = ±12.87) ind./100 strokes (Figure 2).
During the years of research in agrocenoses of grain crops, two specialized predators of wheat thrips were noted: striped thrips (Aeolothrips fasciatus L.) and predatory thrips (Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall). The numbers of these predators in winter wheat crops varied from 1.0 (SE = ±0.03) ind./100 strokes to 90 (SE = ±1.0) ind./100 strokes; and in spring wheat crops, from 1.1 (SE = ±0.07) ind./100 strokes to 75.0 (SE = ±4.5) ind./100 strokes. In crops of winter barley and winter triticale, adults of specialized entomophages of wheat thrips were not found during the years of research.
For the studied variables, the procedure of one-way analysis of variance gave statistically significant results at the level of p = 0.05. F-test values for adult wheat thrips: F(3;16) = 8.1896; p = 0.0016 and adult predatory and striped thrips: F(3;16) = 8.4947; p = 0.0013 allows us to speak about the difference in the average values characterizing the abundance of insects for the corresponding phases of development of winter wheat. For spring wheat, the F-test values for adult wheat thrips were F(3;16) = 14.339; p = 0.00008 and adult predatory and striped thrips: F(3;16) = 3.7226; p = 0.0333F(3;16) = 8.4947; p = 0.0013 allows us to speak about the difference in the average values characterizing the abundance of insects for the corresponding phases of culture development (Figure 3).
Correlation analysis showed a relationship between the abundance of adult wheat thrips and adult predatory and striped thrips, as well as the relationship between the abundance of adult wheat thrips and air temperature. The correlation coefficient values are significant for each year of the study (t > ttabl) at a significance level of 0.05 (Figure 4).
Ovipositions of wheat thrips were found in crops of winter and spring wheat, winter triticale, and winter and spring barley. Phytophage larvae were noted in the ears of winter and spring wheat, triticale, and winter barley, with the exception of spring barley. In the period under study, egg laying began in the first ten days of June, first on winter wheat and then on spring wheat. In the ears of winter wheat, the number of adults varied from 0.2 (SE = ±0.0022) ind./ear to 7.4 (SE = ±0.083) ind./ear; in the ears of spring wheat, from 0.3 (SE = ±0.0034) ind./ear to 2.8 (SE = ±0.031) ind./ear (Figure 5).
The number of eggs laid in winter wheat crops varied over the years from 4.2 (SE = ±0.047) to 46.8 (SE = ±0.523) ind./ear. The duration of the intensive oviposition stage averaged 7–11 days. Starting from the second ten-day period of June, wheat thrip larvae of the first and then the second instars were diagnosed in the ears of winter and spring wheat. Their number varied over the years from 0.3 (SE = ±0.003) ind./ear to 70.5 (SE = ±0.787) ind./ear. The main factors in the departure of the second-age larvae of wheat thrips for wintering were a decrease in the moisture content of ripening grain and calendar dates.
Note that differences in the abundance of wheat thrips in winter wheat are not statistically significant at p = 0.05. The values of the F-criterion of the abundance of wheat thrips in winter wheat were F(3;16) = 1.7132; p = 0.2045.
For spring wheat, the values of the F-criterion were F(3;16) = 5.873; p = 0.0067 allows us to speak about the difference in the average values characterizing the abundance of wheat thrips, the number of insects for the corresponding phases of crop development.
Data on damage to wheat grain by wheat thrips are shown in Table 3. There is a weak degree of damage to the grain (slight expansion of the groove, brown spot, lightening), an average degree of damage (deepening and expansion of the entire groove, brown color in its depth, light areas), and a strong degree (deformation of the entire grain, light color of the covers). In general, damage to winter wheat grain during the years of research varied from 55.3% (2011) to 69.2% (2009). At the same time, a weak degree of damage to the grain by the pest prevailed (2.3–47.6%), with the exception of 2012 at 32.0%, a strong degree of damage.
Damage to spring wheat grain was somewhat lower at 38.5–64.0%, also with a predominance of a weak degree of damage (21.9–34.5%).
The study of the relationship between the number of pests and the damage to the grain showed that the higher the number of adult wheat thrips, the greater the damage to the grain (correlation coefficient in the years of research was 0.724–0.970). The correlation coefficient values are significant for each year of the study (t > ttabl) at a significance level of 0.05.
Based on a comparison of data on the degree of damage to wheat grain by thrips and the weight of intact and damaged grains, it was found that the actual yield loss of winter wheat due to wheat thrips in the years of research was 0.92%, spring wheat—1.78% (Table 4).
Thus, with an average winter wheat yield of 1.55 t/ha, grain losses from damage by wheat thrips amounted to 0.015 t/ha, with an average spring wheat yield of 1.32 t/ha and loss of 0.023 t/ha.

4. Discussion

As a result of research, it was found that one generation develops in wheat thrips per year, and the larvae of the second age hibernate in the soil. This is confirmed by data obtained by other scientists: L.A. Mound [39], N. El-Wakeil et al. [47], and D. Malschi et al. [51]. In spring, pest larvae were found in the soil only in fields where winter and spring wheat was the forerunner. Although the oviposition of the pest was noted in all studied crops (spring barley was an exception), this indicates that the best conditions for feeding larvae are formed in winter and spring wheat. This allows them to accumulate enough nutrients for a better wintering. In addition, the number of overwintered larvae is affected by wintering conditions and, in particular, soil temperature. Similar data were obtained by J. Alavi et al. [27], T. Özsisli [34], and E. Kackol and H. Kucharczyk [35]. The maximum number of larvae of the second age in spring (187.5–213.0) in 2008 is explained by the best conditions for their wintering. The best feeding conditions for larvae of the first and second instars ensured a large number of overwintered larvae in the field where winter wheat was cultivated in the previous year.
When the soil warms up to 8 °C and above, second-stage larvae emerge on the soil surface to undergo metamorphosis, which in this region proceeds on the soil surface in plant residues. During the years of research, only wheat thrip larvae (35.0–73.0 ind./m2) and pronymphs (11.2–45.0 ind./m2) were found in plant residues in fields where the predecessor was winter and spring wheat. Nymphs of the first and second instars were not found in the plant remains during the research. Obviously, this is due either to the greater mobility of the stages of the first nymph and the second nymph, or to that the metamorphosis of these stages takes place not in plant remains, but in the surface layer of the soil, which should be clarified during further research on this topic.
Thus, the determination of the number of overwintered larvae in the soil and the number of larvae and pronymphs in plant residues on the soil surface indicates that this phytophage accumulates in the fields where winter and spring wheat crops were located in the previous year. To reduce the initial population size, the spatial isolation of crops from fields where the predecessor was winter and spring wheat will be important. When re-sowing wheat, the number and harmfulness of wheat thrips will obviously increase, which will require the use of plant protection products [2,39,47,51].
Images of the pest were found in agrocenoses of all studied grain crops. The number of adults changed according to the phases of development, increasing towards the heading phase in winter grain crops and towards the booting phase in spring grain crops. The increase in the number of adult wheat thrips in these phases is explained by the need for additional feeding of adults, mating, and oviposition. The insignificant number of specialized predatory thrips in the leaf-tube formation phase can be explained by a weak food base, i.e., a low abundance of wheat thrips. This change is influenced by both plant phenology and air temperature and humidity, which is consistent with data from other studies, such as Morsello et al. [52], Chappell et al. [53], T. Lin et al. [54], J.S. Bale et al. [55], Y. Cao et al. [56], T. Gotoh et al. [57], B. Miri et al. [26], L. Abenaim et al. [58], and S. Trdan et al. [59].
The maximum number of adult wheat thrips in the years of research was 2365.0 ind./100 strokes (2009, winter wheat, heading phase).
The egg-laying period of wheat thrips is greatly extended, as is the emergence of its larvae from wintering places; therefore, as it was found during research, females can lay eggs on plants from the phase of emergence into the tube (on the leaves) to the phase of milky ripeness (separate clutches of eggs were noted in ears). By laying eggs on emerging plants, females place their offspring in more favorable conditions since on these plants, the duration of larvae feeding is longer than on plants that have devised and have already started flowering, and the possibility of feeding larvae with wheat grains is limited by the time of onset of wax ripeness. A freshly laid wheat thrip egg is whitish, and then it acquires a yellowish-red color. As a result of the conducted research, it was revealed that most of the eggs of the female are laid on the outer glumes. The same result was obtained by J.G. Morse and M.S. Hoddle [37] as well as E.R. Speyee and W.J. Parr [60]. In winter wheat crops, the maximum number of eggs was noted in 2009 and amounted to 46.8 ind./ear; in spring wheat crops, in 2012, it was 26.8 ind./ear. In crops of winter triticale and winter and spring barley, oviposition was rare.
Eggs and larvae of the first age develop relatively quickly for 7–11 days. The highest number of larvae of wheat thrips of the first age was observed in winter wheat crops in 2012 and amounted to 36.8 ± 1.2 ind./head, in spring wheat crops in 2011—25.0 ± 2.9 ind./head, respectively. Hatched larvae descend to the base of the glumes, from where, after some time, some of them pass into the groove of the grain, and some remain on the upper side under the flower film [61]. The largest number of larvae of the second age was observed in winter wheat crops in 2011 (70.5 ± 10.9 ind./ear), in spring wheat crops—in 2009 (32.5 ± 8.1 ind./ear). The constant presence of wheat thrip larvae under the protection of spikelets and located in the groove of the grain protects them from entomophages and adverse weather conditions. This is confirmed by the data of N. Gaafar et al. [29].
The determination of modifying factors, which include meteorological conditions that act both directly on the insect organism and indirectly through the system of its biocenotic connections, makes it possible to respond to changes in population density. Regulatory mechanisms are represented by biotic factors, since organisms are able to respond to density changes both in their own population and in populations of other organisms with which they are associated [33]. The biotic factors that affect the abundance of wheat thrips should primarily include entomophages that feed on this pest [37,38]. An increase in the number of wheat thrips also increases the number of entomophages, since the former are a food base for the latter. Striped and predatory thrips are specialized predators of wheat thrips.
According to a number of researchers, predatory thrips (Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall) play a special role in the destruction of wheat thrip eggs. Adult predatory thrips can destroy up to 80 eggs per day and hatching larvae. The study of the timing of appearance, stages of development, and population dynamics of wheat thrips and entomophages is the basis for a correct and effective pest control [25,26,27,28,29,53,57,58,59,61].
Male and female wheat thrips damage leaves and young ears, sucking the juice out of them, and in large numbers, they can lead to the appearance of discolored spots on the leaves and deformation of spikelets in the ear. According to data of R.R. Stuart et al. [62], Y.-L. Gao et al. [56], M.L. Pappas et al. [63], I.G. Visschers et al. [64], and S. Mouden et al. [65], the harmfulness of wheat thrips is expressed in a decrease in the mass of damaged grain, which is determined by its voracity and selectivity at the organism level, and the timing of culture development and population density at the population level [66]. Damage to spring wheat grain during the years of research was lower than that of winter wheat by 0.5% (2008)–18.8% (2010).
Thus, under the conditions of the Samara region, on average, damage by thrips to the grain of winter wheat is 62.7%, spring—54.3%. At the same time, a weak degree of damage predominates the composition of the damaged grain. The actual yield losses on average during the years of research amounted to 0.015 t/ha in winter wheat crops and 0.023 t/ha in spring wheat crops.
Thus, the abundance of wheat thrips in the Samara region is regulated by climatic conditions, features of the development of fodder plants, and a complex of natural enemies. The phytophage leads a hidden lifestyle that allows it to be less dependent on adverse weather conditions and thus maintain a constant high population.

5. Conclusions

The seasonal dynamics of the abundance of wheat thrips are characterized by the confinement of the appearance of individual stages and the maximum abundance to ascertain the most favorable phenological phases of plants, which can be used as a pest phenological forecast.
Wheat thrips (Haplothrips tritici Kurd.) are a monovoltine oligophage of cereals, dominating in agrocenoses of grain crops. Their relative abundance in collections is about 85%. The number of predatory thrips in collections can vary from 3.7 to 6.3%. Wheat thrips have adapted to plants of the cereal family as a habitat and food substrate, but they themselves can serve as a food source for entomophages present in natural ecosystems and agrocenoses.
The development cycle of wheat thrips is closely related to the development phases of grain crops, especially with winter and spring wheat.
As a result of the studies, it was found that adult wheat thrips were present in agrocenoses of winter (wheat, barley, triticale) and spring (wheat, barley) grain crops. Oviposition due to the extended terms of adult hatching was first noted on plants with an early beginning of loosening of the ear involucre, then with the onset of this phase throughout the field, and after earing on lagging plants. The period from the moment the second age larvae leave for wintering from the ears to the transformation into an adult insect lasts about 10 months. For wheat thrips, not only a stable food base is important, but also the coincidence and synchronism of their development with the phenological phases of the host plant. The predatory and striped thrips act as specialized entomophages of wheat thrips. The maximum number of striped and predatory thrips coincided with the maximum number of adult wheat thrips. Adult thrips feed on the juice of vegetative organs, and larvae feed on the juice of vegetative and generative organs. The harmfulness of wheat thrips and crop losses from them can be significant. Having piercing-sucking mouthparts, wheat thrips sucks cell sap from the tissues of various plant organs. Damage to grain leads to a decrease in its weight, and its degree depends on the region of cultivation of grain crops. The number and distribution of wheat thrips is also influenced by human economic activity, and above all, agrotechnical methods of cultivation. Further study of the dynamics of the abundance of wheat and predatory thrips will allow us to calculate the ratio in relation to a given natural and climatic zone in which predatory thrips can act as regulators of the abundance of wheat thrips.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: L.N.Z. and V.V.N.; methodology, K.A.Z.; software, V.V.N.; validation, L.N.Z.; formal analysis, V.V.N.; data curation, K.A.Z.; writing—original draft preparation, L.N.Z.; writing—review and editing, V.V.N.; supervision, K.A.Z.; project administration, K.A.Z. All authors participated in collecting and identifying fies, drafting the manuscript. All authors participated in the study design and coordination and interpreted the data. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Ethical review and approval were waived for this study not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data supporting the conclusions of this article are presented in the main manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


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Figure 1. Abundance of adult wheat thrips and adult predatory and striped thrips in agrocenoses of winter wheat, ind./100 net strokes.
Figure 1. Abundance of adult wheat thrips and adult predatory and striped thrips in agrocenoses of winter wheat, ind./100 net strokes.
Agriculture 13 00148 g001
Figure 2. Abundance of adult wheat thrips and adult predatory and striped thrips in agrocenoses of spring wheat, ind./100 net strokes.
Figure 2. Abundance of adult wheat thrips and adult predatory and striped thrips in agrocenoses of spring wheat, ind./100 net strokes.
Agriculture 13 00148 g002
Figure 3. Correlation coefficients between abundance of adult wheat thrips and adult predatory and striped thrips in agrocenoses of wheat.
Figure 3. Correlation coefficients between abundance of adult wheat thrips and adult predatory and striped thrips in agrocenoses of wheat.
Agriculture 13 00148 g003
Figure 4. Correlation coefficients between abundance of adult wheat thrips and air temperature.
Figure 4. Correlation coefficients between abundance of adult wheat thrips and air temperature.
Agriculture 13 00148 g004
Figure 5. Seasonal dynamics of the abundance of wheat thrips, ind./ear.
Figure 5. Seasonal dynamics of the abundance of wheat thrips, ind./ear.
Agriculture 13 00148 g005
Table 1. Average number of larvae of wheat thrips of the second age in the soil, ind./m2.
Table 1. Average number of larvae of wheat thrips of the second age in the soil, ind./m2.
(Predecessor Winter Wheat)
Spring Barley
(Predecessor Spring Wheat)
Table 2. Average number of larvae of wheat thrips of the second stage/pronymphs in stubble remains, ind./m2.
Table 2. Average number of larvae of wheat thrips of the second stage/pronymphs in stubble remains, ind./m2.
(Predecessor Winter Wheat)
Spring Barley
(Predecessor Spring Wheat)
Table 3. The degree of damage to the grain of winter and spring wheat in 2008–2012, %.
Table 3. The degree of damage to the grain of winter and spring wheat in 2008–2012, %.
YearsDamaged GrainsIntact Grains
Weak DegreeAverage DegreeStrong DegreeTotal
Winter Wheat
Spring Wheat
Table 4. Actual grain losses from wheat thrips on average in 2008–2012.
Table 4. Actual grain losses from wheat thrips on average in 2008–2012.
CropYield, t/haGrain Loss, %Grain Losses, t/ha
Winter wheat1.550.950.015
Spring wheat1.321.780.023
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MDPI and ACS Style

Zhichkina, L.N.; Nosov, V.V.; Zhichkin, K.A. Seasonal Population Dynamics and Harmfulness of Wheat Thrips in Agrocenoses of Grain Crops. Agriculture 2023, 13, 148.

AMA Style

Zhichkina LN, Nosov VV, Zhichkin KA. Seasonal Population Dynamics and Harmfulness of Wheat Thrips in Agrocenoses of Grain Crops. Agriculture. 2023; 13(1):148.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Zhichkina, Lyudmila N., Vladimir V. Nosov, and Kirill A. Zhichkin. 2023. "Seasonal Population Dynamics and Harmfulness of Wheat Thrips in Agrocenoses of Grain Crops" Agriculture 13, no. 1: 148.

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