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White Mustard, Sweet Alyssum, and Coriander as Insectary Plants in Agricultural Systems: Impacts on Ecosystem Services and Yield of Crops
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Correction: Mena, G.T.; Gospodarek, J. White Mustard, Sweet Alyssum, and Coriander as Insectary Plants in Agricultural Systems: Impacts on Ecosystem Services and Yield of Crops. Agriculture 2024, 14, 550

Gedyon Tamiru Mena
1,2 and
Janina Gospodarek
Department of Microbiology and Biomonitoring, University of Agriculture in Kraków, Al. Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Kraków, Poland
Department of Crop Research, Hawassa Agricultural Research Centre, Hawassa P.O. Box 06, Ethiopia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Agriculture 2024, 14(6), 892;
Submission received: 7 May 2024 / Accepted: 13 May 2024 / Published: 5 June 2024

Text Correction

There was an error in the original publication [1]. The author’s name in Reference 33 was miswritten. A correction has been made to 4. Sweet Alyssum, 4.2. Influence on Pests, Paragraph 2:
“The potential of sweet alyssum to enhance biological control of M. persicae using A. colemani under laboratory conditions was evaluated by Jado et al. [33].”
Reference 17 was also misquoted as 69.
A correction has been made to 4. Sweet Alyssum, 4.1. Influence on Beneficial Entomofauna, Paragraph 6 and Table 5:
“Johanowicz and Mitchell [17] investigated the effects of sweet alyssum flowers…”
Table 5. Effect of sweet alyssum on beneficial insects in different crops.
Table 5. Effect of sweet alyssum on beneficial insects in different crops.
CropExp. TypeDurationBenefited OrganismsEffectNotesRef.
LettuceField1 yearEupeodes fumipennis (Thomson)PositiveHigher number of eggs and larvae.[70]
RadishField1 yearSyrphids in generalHigher number of adults and larvae.[74]
--Field1 yearSyrphids in generalMore hoverfly feeding visits than Aurinia saxitalis L. Desv., mustard, and calendula, but only at one site and at the beginning of the observation period. At the other site, it is less attractive than coriander but similarly attractive to phacelia.[16]
--Field2 yearsSphaerophoria scripta L. and Sphaerophoria rueppellii WiedemannMore hoverfly visits than coriander in one year of study.[75]
--Laboratory Episyrphus balteatus Deg.NegativeLower oviposition rate than buckwheat, phacelia, and coriander.[31]
Lady beetles
Collard greensField2 yearsCoccinellids in generalPositiveHigher number of adults and larvae.[69]
RadishField1 yearCoccinella septempunctata L.Higher number of adults.[74]
--Laboratory7 monthsOrius majusculus ReuterPositiveLonger survival on sweet alyssum with prey eggs, E. kuehniella, compared to alyssum without prey and green bean with prey.[76]
TomatoField1 yearJalysus wickhami Van Duzee (Hemiptera: Berytidae) Higher number in the 1st sampling period (end of June).[77]
--Laboratory1 yearDiaeretiella rapae M’IntoshPositiveLonger survival compared to the control (water), but lower than on buckwheat.[72]
--Laboratory1 yearAphidius colemani ViereckLonger survival than that of the control (water).[33]
--Greenhouse1.5 yearCotesia marginiventris Cresson and Diadegma insulare CressonIncreased survival.[17]
--Laboratory1 yearDiadegma insulare CressonLonger survival and body weight than on the water control diet.[73]
No effectSimilar longevity in relation to B. napus, T. arvense, and S. arvensis.
Epigeal and soil fauna
RadishField1 yearCarabidae, Staphylinidae, FormicidaePositiveHigher number of individuals.[74]
LettuceField1 yearAraneae, Cicadellidae, CarabidaeHigher number of individuals.[7]
PumpkinField3 yearsAraneae, Carabidae, Formicidae, OpilionesNo effectSimilar abundance in pumpkin next to sweet alyssum and next to grass control.[78]
VineyardsField3 yearsCarabidae, Nitidulidae, Opiliones, Staphylinidae, AraneaeSimilar abundance with and without sweet alyssum.[79]
--: not applicable.

Missing Citation

In the original publication, “Brennan, E.B. Agronomic aspects of strip intercropping lettuce with alyssum for biological control of aphids. Biol. Control 2013, 65, 302–311.” was not cited. The citation has now been inserted in Section 4. Sweet Alyssum, 4.3. Impacts on Growth Parameters and Yield of Crops, paragraph 3 and Table 7 as [85], and change [11] to [85], should read:
“In contrast, intercropping with sweet alyssum can reduce lettuce yield [85].”
Table 7. Effect of sweet alyssum on growth parameters and yield of crops.
Table 7. Effect of sweet alyssum on growth parameters and yield of crops.
CropExp. TypeDurationEffectNotesRef.
BroccoliField3 yearsPositiveHigher shoot dry matter.[11]
Broad beanLaboratory6 monthsNo effectNo influence on the length of the primary root, above-ground part, or the number of lateral roots.[62]
CabbageField1 yearNo influence on harvest weight.[83]
CucumberField2 yearsNo effect on the yield.[84]
LettuceField1 yearNegativeLower dry matter content of heads in the highest density intercrop (monoculture lettuce plus additional 5333 sweet alyssum transplants per ha).[85]


Brennan, E.B. Agronomic aspects of strip intercropping lettuce with alyssum for biological control of aphids. Biol. Control 2013, 65, 302–311.
With this correction, the order of some references has been adjusted accordingly. The authors state that the scientific conclusions are unaffected. This correction was approved by the Academic Editor. The original publication has also been updated.


  1. Mena, G.T.; Gospodarek, J. White Mustard, Sweet Alyssum, and Coriander as Insectary Plants in Agricultural Systems: Impacts on Ecosystem Services and Yield of Crops. Agriculture 2024, 14, 550. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]
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MDPI and ACS Style

Mena, G.T.; Gospodarek, J. Correction: Mena, G.T.; Gospodarek, J. White Mustard, Sweet Alyssum, and Coriander as Insectary Plants in Agricultural Systems: Impacts on Ecosystem Services and Yield of Crops. Agriculture 2024, 14, 550. Agriculture 2024, 14, 892.

AMA Style

Mena GT, Gospodarek J. Correction: Mena, G.T.; Gospodarek, J. White Mustard, Sweet Alyssum, and Coriander as Insectary Plants in Agricultural Systems: Impacts on Ecosystem Services and Yield of Crops. Agriculture 2024, 14, 550. Agriculture. 2024; 14(6):892.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Mena, Gedyon Tamiru, and Janina Gospodarek. 2024. "Correction: Mena, G.T.; Gospodarek, J. White Mustard, Sweet Alyssum, and Coriander as Insectary Plants in Agricultural Systems: Impacts on Ecosystem Services and Yield of Crops. Agriculture 2024, 14, 550" Agriculture 14, no. 6: 892.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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