Multiple Criteria Decision-Making in Heterogeneous Groups of Management Experts
:1. Introduction
- It is provided through a couple of algorithms and a nonlinear optimization approach concurrently applied.
- Through the Hadamard’s operator and some easy algebraic manipulations, objective functionals are synthesized (as it will be detailed further on), to be used in the optimization algorithm.
- When the I-MPRs improved by the methodology are reduced into an MPR (defined in the I-MPR), our approach can still give reliable results. For example, for this MPR, we can verify the results of IC or GC, with an alternative method.
- The IC or the GC accepted indices (threshold values) have been previously investigated and fixed. Nevertheless, the project designer could assign a different value depending on the project requirements.
- Obtained results are independent of the method of prioritization utilized in the consensus operation.
2. Preliminaries
Measuring the Dissimilarity between Matrices
3. Reliable Intervals for Individual Consistency and Group Consensus
3.1. Sequential Quadratic Programming Methodology
3.2. Matching the Problem with the SQP for Improving I-MPRs
3.2.1. Individual Consistency Objective Functional
3.2.2. Group Consensus Objective Functional
3.3. Improving the Individual Consistency of an I-MPR
Algorithm 1: Algorithm IC-I-MPR |
Input: : the initial interval I-MPR; : the initialization value for the nonlinear optimization, which is to be defined within the corresponding interval or as the corresponding crisp value; the threshold value of for the Individual Consistency assessment; Design parameter value allowing the enlargement pace of the searching space of the algorithm. Output: : the consistency interval matrix computed and verifying interval conditions given by Equation (10). Step 1: Get the function for the assessment of Individual Consistency given by Equation (37). Step 2: Define for the nonlinear optimization algorithm, the allowed intervals: Step 4: Solve the former nonlinear optimization problem using the SQP algorithm to minimize it. Step 5: If an unfeasible solution is obtained, assign , where , increments at each iteration and return to Step 4. Otherwise, continue to the next step. Step 6: Obtain . Solve again the same nonlinear optimization problem but this time in order to maximize it. In order to do so, assign the objective functional as . Obtain . Step 7: Compose the Consistency Interval Matrix as follows: Step 8: end. |
3.4. Improving the Group Consensus of a Set of I-MPRs
Algorithm 2: Algorithm GC-I-MPR |
Input: : the initial interval I-MPRs; : the initialization value for the nonlinear optimization, which is to be defined within the corresponding interval or as the corresponding crisp value; for the Group consensus assessment; design parameter allowing the enlargement of the searching space of the algorithm. Output: : the I-MPRs computed and verifying interval conditions given by Equation (11). Step 1: Get the function for the assessment of Group Consensus given by Equation (39). Step 2: Define for the nonlinear optimization algorithm, the allowed intervals: Step 4: If , , then goto Step 9. Otherwise, continue with the next step. Step 5: Solve the former nonlinear optimization problem (NLP) using the SQP algorithm to minimize it. Step 6: If an unfeasible solution is obtained, assign , where , increments at each iteration and return to Step 4. Otherwise, continue to the next step. Step 7: Obtain the matrix . Solve again the same nonlinear optimization problem but this time in order to maximize it. Obtain . Step 8: Goto to Step 2. Step 9: Compose the Group Consensus Interval Matrix as follows: Step 10: end. |
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- In the case that an expert has provided a crisp value(s) in her/his judgement(s), this value(s) drives the process of nonlinear optimization since they will slightly change with the pace of . It is very useful since precisely in that value(s), the expert has shown her/his highest confidence level.
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- At the end of both algorithms, one gets reliable I-MPRs, i.e., where the consistency and consensus constraints are fulfilled.
4. Prioritization Method and Methodology Application
Interval Priority Vector Synthesis
5. Illustration of the Methodology through Numerical Examples
Case Study Discussions and Managerial Implications
6. Concluding Remarks and Future Work
- It is provided through a couple of algorithms and a nonlinear optimization approach (Sequential Quadratic Programming) concurrently applied.
- Through the Hadamard’s operator and some easy algebraic manipulations, objective functionals were synthesized to be used in the optimization algorithm.
- When the I-MPRs improved by the methodology are reduced into an MPR (defined in the I-MPR), our approach can still give reliable results. For example, for this MPR, we can verify the results of IC or GC with an alternative method.
- The IC or the GC accepted indices (threshold values) have been previously investigated and fixed. Nevertheless, the project designer could assign a different value depending on the project requirements.
- Obtained results are independent of the method of prioritization utilized in the consensus operation.
- The computational cost increases as the I-MPRs dimension and the number of DMs involved in the evaluation process are increased.
- For a real project where a high number of criteria and experts participate, it can be necessary to program this method through an exhaustive parallel computation system.
- For a real project where a high number of criteria and experts participate, the notation can be cumbersome.
- The application of our approach to various study cases where heterogenous groups of DMs with different weights participate in a collaborative manner.
- The integration of the complete methodology in a benchmark to compare the results of a diverse set of MCDM tools.
- The definition or employment of this methodology on different frameworks, fuzzy or hesitant MCDM.
Conflicts of Interest
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López-Morales, V. Multiple Criteria Decision-Making in Heterogeneous Groups of Management Experts. Information 2018, 9, 300.
López-Morales V. Multiple Criteria Decision-Making in Heterogeneous Groups of Management Experts. Information. 2018; 9(12):300.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLópez-Morales, Virgilio. 2018. "Multiple Criteria Decision-Making in Heterogeneous Groups of Management Experts" Information 9, no. 12: 300.
APA StyleLópez-Morales, V. (2018). Multiple Criteria Decision-Making in Heterogeneous Groups of Management Experts. Information, 9(12), 300.