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Performance Study on the Use of Genetic Algorithm for Reducing Feature Dimensionality in an Embedded Intrusion Detection System

School of Technology, Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave—IPCA, 4750-810 Barcelos, Portugal
2AI-School of Technology, Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave—IPCA, 4750-810 Barcelos, Portugal
LASI—Associate Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, 4804-533 Guimarães, Portugal
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Systems 2024, 12(7), 243;
Submission received: 1 May 2024 / Revised: 28 June 2024 / Accepted: 4 July 2024 / Published: 8 July 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Intelligent Systems and Cybersecurity)


Intrusion Detection Systems play a crucial role in a network. They can detect different network attacks and raise warnings on them. Machine Learning-based IDSs are trained on datasets that, due to the context, are inherently large, since they can contain network traffic from different time periods and often include a large number of features. In this paper, we present two contributions: the study of the importance of Feature Selection when using an IDS dataset, while striking a balance between performance and the number of features; and the study of the feasibility of using a low-capacity device, the Nvidia Jetson Nano, to implement an IDS. The results, comparing the GA with other well-known techniques in Feature Selection and Dimensionality Reduction, show that the GA has the best F1-score of 76%, among all feature/dimension sizes. Although the processing time to find the optimal set of features surpasses other methods, we observed that the reduction in the number of features decreases the GA processing time without a significant impact on the F1-score. The Jetson Nano allows the classification of network traffic with an overhead of 10 times in comparison to a traditional server, paving the way to a near real-time GA-based embedded IDS.

1. Introduction

In order to keep network systems operational and secure from Internet attacks, Cybersecurity defensive systems are responsible for producing and processing a sizable amount of data from firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs), or Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs) in the form of network traffic metadata and system logs [1].
IDSs are crucial in the network infrastructure as they provide a security layer that can detect a potential attack going on by analysing the network traffic in real time that violates the security policy and compromises its Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability [2,3,4].
IDSs are categorized into three dimensions according to Jamalipour and Mourali [5]: Intrusion Data Sources, Detection Techniques and Placement Strategies. Regarding Intrusion Data Sources, we consider a Network-based IDS (NIDS) which is used to analyse network traffic and find attacks [6]. Regarding the Detection Techniques, we consider a specification-based IDS based on rules and thresholds specified by experts, where the rules are defined by the ML model and the classification of packets is supervised by experts. Finally, regarding the Placement Strategy, we consider the use of an embedded device as a distributed IDS [7]. We also consider the use of a centralized IDS to cooperate with embedded devices, proposing a hybrid IDS.
Due to the rapid evolution of Cybersecurity threats, IDSs can quickly become outdated as new exploits and attacks emerge [8]. This ongoing challenge requires systems that are adaptive and capable of continuous learning. Consequently, Machine Learning (ML) has become essential in this field. ML-based Intrusion Detection Systems have been developed and are showing promising results in classifying network traffic effectively [9,10].
The ability to distinguish between benign and malicious (attack) packets of the ML algorithms depends heavily on the availability of historical data on attack types and their characteristics. In the case of NIDSs, there are already various well-known datasets that cover a wide range of attack types, including CICIDS-2017 [11], KDD [12], NSL-KDD [13], UNSW-NB15 [14] and the most recent, HIKARI-2021 [15]. The network traffic-related datasets contain a lot of entries and features. The metadata from a single packet moving across the network can be quite large, and the majority of the datasets start with 50 features or more, some with more than 500,000 entries.
The number and the types of features in the dataset will make a significant impact on the time needed to train and to infer the results of the model when predicting. Feature Selection has many benefits for the models such as the prevention of overfitting, the prevention of noise and the predictive performance improvement. Some studies show that a lower number of features can increase the detection rate [16].
Genetic Algorithms have garnered significant attention from the intrusion detection research community due to their close alignment with the requirements for building efficient Intrusion Detection Systems. The high re-trainability of Genetic Algorithms enhances the adaptability of Intrusion Detection Systems, while their ability to evolve over time through crossover and mutation makes them a suitable choice for dynamic rule generation [17].
In this research, we study the impact of Feature Selection using a Genetic Algorithm in the HIKARI-2021 [15] dataset. We compare the performance of the GA with another Feature Selection technique, the chi-square test, and other Dimensionality Reduction techniques, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), for determining the features/dimensions to be fed into the ML classifier algorithm.
The main goal of this research is to evaluate the impact of different Feature Selection/Dimensionality Reduction techniques on the performance metrics of the ML classifier. To accomplish this, we use the XGBoost algorithm, which uses the decision-tree-based predictive model through gradient boosting frameworks, as the ML classifier to detect benign and malign packets within the network dataset [18,19].
The second goal of this research is the feasibility study of an embedded system deployment as an ML-based IDS. The use of an embedded system for this context is to understand the feasibility of using a lower-power and low-budget device to protect networks from attacks using a pre-trained ML algorithm. We use the Nvidia Jetson Nano as the embedded system hardware to support the AI-based IDS running with the subset of features chosen by our Genetic Algorithm and classifying packets with the XGboost-trained model. Finally, we compare the processing time required to build a model and to predict a test set between the Jetson Nano and a traditional server.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the Related Work discussing similar approaches from previous research; Section 3 describes the Materials and Methods in which we conduct a deep analysis of the dataset used and we detail the Feature Selection and Dimensionality Reduction algorithms; Section 4, Results and Discussion, shows a comparison between the results of Feature Selection and Dimensionality Reduction, and Section 5 concludes our work presenting the main outcomes and future work.

2. Related Work

Different algorithms for supervised learning have already been tested in the HIKARI-2021 dataset such as Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), Light GBM, CatBoost and XGBoost [20], Multi-layer Perceptron [21], Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) [22], and other traditional ML algorithms such as KNN, Random Forest and Support Vector Machine (SVM) [23]. Although some of them achieve great results and interesting findings, most of the studies mention the importance of further research in the dataset by using different models [24]. Different Feature Selection techniques, specifically Genetic Algorithms, have already proved some value for this case, as it is very common to have datasets with a large number of features in IDSs.
For the same purpose as this research, building an AI-based ID, Ajeet Rai studied the impact and optimization of Ensemble Methods and Deep Neural Networks by implementing Feature Selection using Genetic Algorithms, reducing from 122 to 43 features [25], and their results show that three in a total of four algorithms have better results when using Feature Selection, where the algorithm Deep Neural Network, after Feature Selection, increased its accuracy by 9%.
Those results were made in a small sub-dataset of the original KDD which probably indicates that, by using more data, the results could be even better.
On a different dataset, NSL-KDD [13], the researchers [26] tested three known algorithms for Feature Selection—Correlation-based Feature Selection (CFS) using a Genetic Algorithm, Information Gain (IG) and Correlation Attribute Evaluator (CAE)—to compare the performance of a Naive Bayes and J48 model. They also concluded that the Genetic Algorithm outperforms the others in the score while reducing the time complexity and selecting 5 out of 41 features reaching 9% more accuracy compared to the 90% they had before Feature Selection for the Naive Bayes algorithm.
The researchers in [16] used the UNSW-NB15 dataset to compare different Dimensionality Reduction techniques: Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO), Firefly optimization (FFA) and Genetic Algorithm (GA). Their results showed that the PSO achieved better accuracy and precision than the others for the algorithms J48 and SVM, specifically, 2% more compared to the GA, by selecting 25 features out of 45 and the GA selecting 23.
Another interesting finding in this study was that it created new subsets from each subset of all individual algorithms and tested different combinations of features based on joining (inner/out) features. This achieved even better results than using just one algorithm for feature reduction.
Regarding our motivation to use embedded systems, the number of published articles shows that embedded systems are becoming popular in the field of IDSs due to their ability to be placed anywhere, the low power consumption and the cheap cost. Research shows that even an Arduino Uno can behave as an IDS using AI [27]. Another extensive study was made by comparing other low-power embedded systems with different models trained in different conditions proposing a lightweight optimized deep learning IDS [28]. Although these result shows great potential when the model starts to get bigger and the amount of data increases, there is a need for more computational power. Our approach of using the Nvidia Jetson Nano is not so common in the IDS context but it is already used in other cases such as Home Intrusions using computer vision and other techniques [29].

3. Materials and Methods

This research uses as materials the most recent publicly available IDS dataset—HIKARI-2021 [15] which is detailed in Section 3.1. The methods used in this research consist of an Exploratory Data Analysis using statistics algorithms (Section 3.1), Data Preprocessing in which we discuss the implementation and the motivation for Dimensionality Reduction and Feature Selection (Section 3.2), the use of Genetic Algorithms for Feature Selection (Section 3.3), Model Training using Machine Learning algorithms (Section 3.4) and then Model Inferencing (Section 3.5).
The system architecture that supports the materials and methods used in this research, Figure 1, comprehends five phases: Exploratory Data Analysis, where the dataset’s (HIKARI-2021’s) content is studied (features and data); Data Preprocessing, that applies Dimensionality Reduction and Feature Selection to the dataset; then the Model Training, using the XGBoost algorithm and the best subset of features previously selected; and, lastly, the deployment of the model to the embedded system.
In the embedded system, the same performance evaluation is made as well as in the traditional server that ran the other experiments. This test consists of running the different models trained with different numbers of features measuring the time of inferencing the test set. The goal is to keep the classification performance and verify which runs faster and whether the embedded system could be a good approach to this use case.

3.1. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of the HIKARI-2021 Dataset

The HIKARI-2021 [15] dataset is currently the most up to date, containing encrypted synthetic attacks and benign traffic. The main advantages of this dataset compared to the others is that the network logs are only anonymous in specific logs of benign traffic, the dataset can be reproducible and has ground-through data, and the main characteristic that distinguishes it from the others: having encrypted traffic. This dataset has a total of 555,278 records and 88 features, where 2 of them are labels (one binary and other string) where one corresponds to 1 if the traffic is malicious and 0 means benign or background, and another label that classifies the traffic into the different categories: Benign, Background, Probing, Bruteforce, Bruteforce-XML and XMRIGCC-CryptoMiner.
In Table 1 it is possible to see the names of the features as well as their types. Most of them are integers or floats which are related to the traffic analysis, and some are strings related to the identification of the source/destiny and label.
One problem of this dataset, which is normal in datasets of IDSs, is the fact that it is unbalanced. Table 2 shows well how unbalanced the dataset is, having the greater quantity of traffic in the benign and background traffic which is normal traffic.
Based on a HIKARI-related study [30] the authors conducted a feature analysis that concluded that some of the features might be removed to accomplish better results. The same approach was followed here, removing the columns “Unnamed: 0.1”, “Unnamed: 0.2”, “uid”, “originh” and “originp” which are not relevant for a generic classification model but contribute to bias in the training step of the classification by learning specific id tags that would otherwise not appear in a real traffic dataset.

3.2. Data Preprocessing

Regarding the Data Preprocessing methods, there are a wide range of options that can be implemented, and they must be used according to the data type and the problem we are dealing with. This research, as mentioned previously, addresses the problem of IDS datasets which have a large number of features.
To address the problem of the high number of features there are two main approaches: Dimensionality Reduction and Feature Selection [31].
These techniques are particularly useful in Machine Learning and Data Analysis to address issues related to high dimensionality, multicollinearity and overfitting. The high dimensionality of IDS datasets makes them an excellent use case of these methods since we can get a better understanding of the importance of each feature, and we can also reduce the training and inference times of the models used for intrusion detection tasks.

3.2.1. Dimensionality Reduction

In the Dimensionality Reduction field, the techniques reduce the dimensionality of the dataset by transforming the original features into a new set of features, that are a mapping of the original ones, while trying to preserve the essential information and patterns present in the data. One disadvantage is that, when the original features have an obvious physical meaning, the new features may lose meaning. Methods like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) fall into this category.
PCA reduces the complexity of high-dimensional data by identifying principal components—orthonormal eigenvector and eigenvalue pairs—where data variance is maximized. It projects the data onto these components, focusing on those with the highest eigenvalues and compressing the data while preserving essential information [32].
LDA projects the n-dimensional dataset into a smaller k-dimensional dataset (k < n), while at the same time maintaining all the relevant class discrimination information [33].

3.2.2. Feature Selection

Feature Selection, on the other hand, focuses on selecting a subset of the original features while discarding the rest. The selected features are considered the most relevant for the specific task, and irrelevant or redundant features are removed. Chi squared (Chi-2) and Genetic Algorithms (GA) are both examples of Feature Selection methods.
Chi squared is a numerical test that measures the deviation from the expected distribution considering the feature event is independent of the class value [34]. Its use can be as simple as importing the method from SciKit-Learn and defining a K number of top features that have more impact on the label.
A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is an optimization strategy that operates on a population of potential solutions, often represented as individuals or candidate solutions, with the use of genetic operators such as selection, crossover and mutation to evolve and improve the population over generations [35]. This type of algorithm has been around for many years and has proven itself to be a useful approach to finding solutions to real-world complex problems.

3.3. Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection

In a GA approach to Feature Selection, each solution represents a subset of features in the dataset, and the fitness function is used to evaluate the quality of the solutions. The fitness function measures the accuracy of the model trained on each solution, with higher accuracy indicating a better set of features.

3.3.1. Genetic Encoding and Initialization

The process starts by identifying a way to express our solution as a genome.
For Feature Selection, the genome is a binary one-dimensional array with the same length as the number of features in the HIKARI-2021 dataset (Figure 2), where each bit represents the removal or retention of a specific feature (Table 3).
The subsequent step in the GA is to randomly initialize a population of solutions, where each solution represents a subset of features.
In our experiments, we used an initial population of 25. This randomness in initialization is critical because it ensures a diverse set of starting points for the Genetic Algorithm. A diverse initial population helps prevent premature convergence to sub-optimal solutions and allows the algorithm to explore a wide variety of potential solutions.
The next step in the GA is to randomly generate an initial population of possible solutions where each one is a combination of features. This randomness in initialization is essential because it guarantees a diverse set of starting points for the algorithm. This diverse starter population ensures that the algorithm does not get trapped in local optima and is able to search through many possible sets of solutions.
The sparsity of each individual solution or, in this case, the number of features to be removed needs to be chosen beforehand, so that the algorithm will generate arrays with the correct number of features. Each individual is applied to the dataset as a sort of mask, where if a feature is set as “0” in the array, it will be removed from the dataset. After going through the entire array, and removing or maintaining features, the resulting dataset is ready to be tested.

3.3.2. Selection Method

This population is evaluated through a fitness score.
In this case, the score of each individual (dataset) is the accuracy of the Machine Learning model when trained with only the newly selected features; this also means that we train the model multiple times depending on how many individuals there are in the population. The model’s fitness score is stored so it can be later compared to the other individuals in that generation.
The algorithm will repeat this process of evaluating the fitness of each solution. After it has evaluated every individual in that population, the next step is to choose the fittest individuals to pass their genes onto the next generation.
Every individual has a chance of becoming a parent with a probability proportional to its fitness.
The fitter individuals have a better chance of breeding and passing on their genes to the next generation.
The selection method was a memory-optimized version of the roulette wheel approach [36]. Inside the selection function, an individual’s fitness is compared to a randomly generated float value between 0 and 1; if the fitness is high, there is a larger probability that the random number will be less than the fitness, resulting in the individual being chosen as a parent.

3.3.3. Crossover and Mutation

The crossover phase of the algorithm is when two selected individuals (parents) are combined to produce new offspring. This phase is crucial because it enables the mixing of genetic material from different parents [37].
Two examples of crossover techniques are as follows:
  • Single-Point Crossover: Here, a single point is chosen at random along the length of the parent chromosomes, splitting the chromosomes (Figure 3). The resulting segments are then swapped between the parents generating two new solutions (children).
  • Multi-Point Crossover: As the name suggests, multiple points are selected and segments between these points are swapped (Figure 4).
When a new generation of offspring is born, some of their genes may be susceptible to a low-probability mutation. This means that some of the bits in the genetic code can be switched around. Mutations are an important step of the GA because it guarantees diversity in the population and prevents premature convergence. Individuals with a high fitness score would soon dominate the population in the absence of mutations, limiting the GA to a local optimum and hindering the GA’s ability to produce superior offspring.
In our experiments, Single-Point Crossover was utilized and the point would be chosen at random. After the new individuals are formed before they are sent into the next generation, a mutation probability of 1% was applied to every gene in the solution. This means that the algorithm will parse through the solution and there is a 1% chance of that bit being altered.

3.3.4. Sparsity Check

Removing features from the dataset, most of the time, results in a loss in accuracy, especially when random features are dropped. This indicates that a genome composed of a lot of features will probably have better accuracy than a genome with almost no features so the GA will converge on solutions where almost no features are removed but, since we are aiming to reduce the dataset’s dimensions, there must be a mechanism to control the sparsity levels of genome.
To address this issue, a sparsity check function was built to choose the pruning percentage which one wants to apply to the model, as well as to ensure that the generated offspring meet these criteria; if they do not, an algorithm randomly selects values in the mask to modify, to meet the sparsity criteria.

3.4. Model Training

Our model was based on the XGBoost Classifier library for Python and training was conducted using all parameters set to default [38].
Regarding the categorical features, the SciKit-Learn label encoder was used that consists of transforming the categories in an integer creating a dictionary of pair categories due to a requirement of the XGBoost algorithm due to the efficiency of the algorithm and the numerical computation needed for decision trees.
A crucial way to be confident when saying a model is ready to be used and fits the expectations of the job needed is by evaluating the model. Different metrics can be used; each problem will require its own metrics regarding speed, performance, results, outcomes and other things. For this specific topic and because the focus was the performance of classification, it was decided to use the most popular metrics in IDS: accuracy and F1-score.
Accuracy is calculated by dividing the number of correctly identified predictions, true positives (TP) and true negatives (TN) by the total number of predictions (TP + FN + TN + FP) which means that by having a high accuracy the algorithm can be more trusted to classify the traffic but in IDS field accuracy is not the most important thing because the existing datasets are imbalanced and the model can label everything as “benign” and achieve high accuracy due to the fact that the label with the highest frequency is “benign”; balanced accuracy is a better option for this case.
Accuracy = TP + TN TP + TN + FP + FN
Precision is calculated by dividing the number of correctly identified malicious predictions, true positives (TP), by the total number of predictions that the algorithm classified as malicious, true positives (TP) + false positive (FP), which means that high precision is valuable to say that we can correctly identify the malicious traffic with a low percentage of false positives.
Precision = TP TP + FP
Recall, also known as sensitivity or true positive (TP) rate, is a metric that focuses on the ability of a model to correctly identify all positive instances in the dataset. It is calculated by dividing the true positives (TP) by the sum of true positives (TP) and false negatives (FN). In the IDS context, recall is a crucial metric since it represents the ability of a model to catch as much malicious traffic as possible. High recall means that the model is able to identify the majority of true threats; however, it may lead to more false positives (FP).
Recall = TP TP + FN
The F1-score is a metric that combines both precision and recall providing a balanced measure of a model’s performance. It is useful when it is required to find a balance between precision and recall, ensuring that false positives and false negatives are both minimized. The F1-score is the metric that is most trustworthy in IDS studies because when it is higher it ensures that the model not only catches malign traffic but also minimizes false positives.
F 1 s c o r e = 2 · Precision · Recall Precision + Recall

3.5. Model Inferencing on the IDS

Regarding the inference, the goal is to combine multiple parts into a single fully working embedded IDS.
The system receives as input the trained model (transferred as a “.pkl” file) and the selected feature’s identification to analyse in the captured packets. Every IDS system requires the capture of network packets. Two options are available, either the capture is made in real-time, using a packet sniffer, or the capture uses an offline network packet file (like “.pcap”). In our case, we used the Cicflowmeter, which is a publicly available packet sniffer, that captures network traffic and loads it into our inferencing model. The inference algorithm must load each packet to be analysed and, from it, it must extract only the selected features, to be processed in the trained model.
As an output, our IDS identifies packets which are either benign or malign, and, within the malign classification, our model identifies the attack type.
All of these parts fit into an embedded system, the Nvidia Jetson Nano, which runs a Linux Ubuntu distribution with both Cicflowmeter and our inference algorithm for real-time predictions. We used the Nvidia Jetson Nano Developer Kit, which has a Quad-core ARM A57 @ 1.43 GHz CPU, 128-core Maxwell GPU and 4 GB LPDDR4 as memory. This device is specially designed to run Neural Networks and ML algorithms [39].
Finally, in order to have a working IDS, the network environment must be configured to have all the inbound and outbound packets sent to the embedded device. In this way, all network packets are analysed by our device, working as an IDS.

4. Results and Discussion

In this final section, we dive into a comparative analysis of Dimensionality Reduction techniques applied to our dataset in conjunction with the XGBoost model. Specifically, we explore the impact of Dimensionality Reduction using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), as well as Feature Selection through chi squared (Chi-2) and the Genetic Algorithm.
Our goal is to understand the effectiveness of each technique in reducing the dimensions of the HIKARI-2021 dataset while striking a balance with the XGBoost model’s performance.
This reduction comes with a trade-off of reduction in the values of our metrics, for example, 0.4% of F1-score when reducing from 83 to 20 features.
The server used was a single machine with a dual Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v2 @ 3.00GHz 10 core CPU, with 120 GB of RAM with no powerful background apps running simultaneously.

4.1. Dimensionality Reduction

As previously mentioned, the two Dimensionality Reduction techniques utilized were PCA and LDA. With PCA, it was possible to choose between 70 and 1 features. But with LDA it was limited to a maximum of five feature dimensions (Table 4).
LDA is a supervised method that aims to find the directions (linear discriminants) that maximize the separation between different classes. The number of linear discriminants is at most c-1, where c is the number of classes. This is because LDA projects data points onto a lower-dimensional space to maximize class separability, and the maximum number of discriminative directions is determined by the number of classes [40].
On the other hand, PCA is an unsupervised method that does not take into account class labels. It finds the directions (principal components) that maximize the variance of the data. Therefore, PCA can generate as many principal components as the original dimension of the feature space or the number of samples, whichever is smaller.
Regarding LDA’s effectiveness, from the experimental results, we can see that it achieved lower accuracy and a lower F1-score for the same dimensions as PCA. This shows that PCA can strike a better balance between feature dimension and performance.
In both approaches, Table 4 and Table 5, there is a noticeable decrease in training time as the feature dimension is also reduced, but there is no difference in the inference times on the test set; this is due to the high computational power of the computer used, where the number of data on the test set is so small that it does not make too much of an impact.

4.2. Feature Selection

Concerning the Feature Selection techniques, we can see that both Chi-2 and the GA achieved better results than the Dimensionality Reduction of LDA; both Chi-2 (Table 6) and the GA (Table 7) maintained a higher accuracy and F1-score as the feature dimensions lowered. The GA was the one with the better results; it achieved 71.00% F1-score with only a dimension of 1, beating the PCA, the LDA and the Chi-2.
The lower results of the Chi-2 compared to the GA can be explained by its approach to Feature Selection since it relies on statistical measures to identify the relationship between each feature and the target variable. However, it may not explore the entire feature space comprehensively, and its effectiveness can be limited by the relationship between features. The GA, on the other hand, performs a more exhaustive search of feature combinations through its evolutionary process, making it more likely to discover relevant feature interactions and dependencies.
One of the main drawbacks of the GA is its runtime, as in the total time that the Genetic Algorithm took to go through the various possible candidates in each generation. In Table 7, we can see that it takes a considerable time to find the optimal solution for the different feature dimensions that are selected; this time decreases as the number of dimensions also becomes smaller but it is an important thing to consider, since the other approaches to reduce the dimensions are almost instantaneous.
This time does not negatively impact the final system because the algorithm runs only once to select the best subset of features. When classifying packets, the algorithm will take the same amount of time as other algorithms because the number of features is the same. The main impact is in the number of features; by selecting fewer features, the algorithm will run faster.
With these two methods, we can see which features are chosen as the most impactful to the accuracy of the model. On PCA and LDA, this was not possible since the features were transformed. In Table 8 and Table 9 the five most important features are shown.
The selected features of chi squared and Genetic Algorithms are similar regarding their value. All of them are related to timestamps of packets sent or received, or time of inactivity. Related to the GA features selected, feature “bwd_pkts_payload.max” is the maximum payload size of packets in the backward direction which allows us to understand whether large amounts of data are being sent out from the network; “fwd_bulk_packets” is the number of bulk packets in the forward direction which helps in understanding the volume of data being sent from the source which can indicate unauthorized data transfer; “active.avg” is the average time of the flow providing a measure of the typical duration which can indicate whether the connections are too short or too long; “idle.avg” is the average inactivity period within flows which can be suspect if this time is extended; “fwd_last_window_size” is the size of the last windows in the forward direction and can indicate the termination patterns of network sessions and whether irregularity can be suspicious.
When comparing the results of all the techniques used, we can visualize in Figure 5 that the GA emerged as the most effective approach in maintaining optimal performance even as the number of features was decreased. In contrast, the Chi-2 approach demonstrated a poorer performance when compared to its counterparts.
In Table 10 and Table 11, we present a summary overview of the metrics indicators for the four algorithms for Dimensionality Reduction and Feature Selection. For each algorithm, we selected the best F1-score result, considering all the different number of feature cases. As observed the GA presented the best F1-score result, with 40 features achieving 76.89% of the F1-score as shown in Table 10.
In Table 11, we compared the same algorithms with the same metrics but using the same number of features/dimensions—the top five. As observed, the GA presented the best F1-score result, with five features achieving 74.65% of the F1-score.

4.3. Performance Evaluation of the Jetson Nano

One of the goals of this paper is to assess the feasibility of using an embedded system to implement the IDS functionality. With that in mind, we evaluate all the different models, trained in the server machine, with the same reference test set in the Jetson device and compare the time needed to infer the complete test set. The results in Table 12 show that the Nvidia Jetson takes 10 times longer than the server to classify the traffic in the test set—about 111,000 entries.
From the results table, it is noticed that, although chi squared is the algorithm that has a higher F1-score, it is also the one that takes more time, both in the Jetson and in the server, to predict the test set. Another relevant aspect is that LDA takes more time to predict the complete test set when configured to use one component than when using five components.
The results can be graphically explained in Figure 6 where the xx axis identifies the number of features considered and the yy axis (which is in a log scale) represents the time used in seconds for running the inference on the test set.
We can observe that the time needed to infer in the Jetson Nano is 10 times longer than the time needed by the server. It is also visible, both for the server and for the Jetson, that the time taken for the inference increases with the number of features, which is explainable by the complexity of having more features to process.
It is important to note that these tests were made in a controlled environment with a specific set of network traffic (dataset) and other future tests must be conducted in real time to validate the proposed system.
This latency of predicting time in the Jetson is an identified constraint that cannot easily be bypassed. The embedded devices, which are part of the hybrid IDS placement architecture [41], can detect some malicious packets based on their current ML model. In the case where malicious packets are not detected by the embedded devices, the devices can be configured to send packet captures to the central server, so that this server can perform a more in-depth analysis afterwards. From this analysis, the central server can update the ML model and transfer it to the embedded devices in a quick manner (which would be equivalent to a “.pkl” file transfer).
Figure 7, also with the xx axis representing the number of features and the yy axis representing the inference time in seconds in a log scale, represents the time of the four models on the Jetson device. It is easily noticed that the increase in the number of features also increases the time to infer. The exception is the LDA algorithm, where running one component is slower than running with five components.

5. Conclusions

In this work, we study the importance of Feature Selection when using an IDS dataset. First, an exploratory data analysis was conducted in the HIKARI-2021 dataset to characterize the features. The dataset contains four attack types and two benign types. The distribution ratio between benign and malicious packets is 93% to 7%.
We then performed Data Preprocessing to reduce the model complexity. We propose to reduce the number of features considered, to achieve the same performance metrics (F1-score) but with a faster time to run the model. We compared two different approaches: Dimensionality Reduction and Feature Selection. For the Dimensionality Reduction, we used the PCA and the LDA algorithms. For the Feature Selection, we used the chi-squared test and the Genetic Algorithm. We applied these algorithms to the HIKARI-2021 dataset and evaluated the performance metrics and running time.
The results show that the Genetic Algorithm outperformed the most traditional algorithms such as PCA, LDA and chi-square test, according to the F1-score, for all feature/dimension sizes. The GA obtained an F1-score of 76.89% for 40 features while the chi squared had 76.63% for 60 features, the PCA obtained 75.23% for 70 features and the LDA obtained 70.11% for 5 features. Although the GA presents better results regarding the F1-score and with a smaller number of features, the gain was marginally small, except for the LDA which uses a much smaller number of dimensions. The GA requires more processing time than the others to select the most relevant features; however, we observed that the reduction in the number of features decreases the GA processing time without a significant impact on the F1-score.
We have compared all algorithms for the same number (five) of features/dimensions. In this case, the results also showed that the GA provides the best F1-score, 74.65% when compared to the PCA with 71.00%, the LDA with 70.11% and the chi-square with 69.92%.
We also studied the use of an embedded system, the Nvidia Jetson Nano, to implement the IDS functionality as an edge device. A comparison was made between this device and a typical server to evaluate this system. The results show that the Jetson can behave as an IDS but with an increase by a factor of 10 on the inference time when compared to the server.
As future work, we plan to deepen the study of the algorithm selection by conducting statistical tests to validate the significance of the different performances of the multiple algorithms tested for identifying feature relevance. We have only used the classic ML metrics to measure the classification. Additionally, we intend to compare the classification performance when considering other well-known datasets, such as CICIDS-2017 and KDD99. In this study, we have used default configuration parameters. We can also study the tuning of hyper-parameters to improve the overall algorithm performance. Finally, our embedded system study was not tested on a real-time capture and inference environment. We propose to validate our embedded system as a real-time IDS implementation and compare it to the current state of the art.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, J.L.S., R.F. and N.L.; methodology, J.L.S., R.F. and N.L.; investigation, J.L.S., R.F. and N.L.; writing, J.L.S., R.F. and N.L.; supervision, N.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

Data is contained within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.


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Figure 1. System architecture.
Figure 1. System architecture.
Systems 12 00243 g001
Figure 2. Genetic encoding of dataset.
Figure 2. Genetic encoding of dataset.
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Figure 3. Single-Point Crossover.
Figure 3. Single-Point Crossover.
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Figure 4. Multiple-Point Crossover.
Figure 4. Multiple-Point Crossover.
Systems 12 00243 g004
Figure 5. Number of features vs. F1-score (XX axis is in log scale).
Figure 5. Number of features vs. F1-score (XX axis is in log scale).
Systems 12 00243 g005
Figure 6. Time vs. number of features (YY axis is in log scale).
Figure 6. Time vs. number of features (YY axis is in log scale).
Systems 12 00243 g006
Figure 7. Time vs. number of features in the Jetson Nano (YY axis is in log scale).
Figure 7. Time vs. number of features in the Jetson Nano (YY axis is in log scale).
Systems 12 00243 g007
Table 1. Features names and types for HIKARI-2021 dataset.
Table 1. Features names and types for HIKARI-2021 dataset.
Feature NameFeature Type Feature NameFeature Type Feature NameFeature Type
1Unnamed: 0.1int6431flow_CWR_flag_countint6461flow_iat.avgfloat64
2Unnamed: 0int6432flow_ECE_flag_countint6462flow_iat.stdfloat64
Table 2. Distribution of the HIKARI-2021 dataset per label.
Table 2. Distribution of the HIKARI-2021 dataset per label.
Traffic CategoryFrequency
XMRIGCC CryptoMiner3279
Table 3. Features in array.
Table 3. Features in array.
Feature 1No
Feature 2No
Feature 3No
Feature 4No
Feature 5Yes
Feature 6No
Feature 7Yes
Feature 8No
Table 4. LDA.
Table 4. LDA.
Train Time (s)Test Time (s)Accuracy (%)Precision (%)Recall (%)F1-Score Weighted (%)
Table 5. PCA.
Table 5. PCA.
Train Time (s)Test Time (s)Accuracy (%)Precision (%)Recall (%)F1-Score Weighted (%)
Table 6. Chi-2.
Table 6. Chi-2.
Feature DimensionsTrain Time (s)Test Time (s)Accuracy (%)Precision (%)Recall (%)F1-Score Weighted (%)
Table 7. Genetic Algorithm.
Table 7. Genetic Algorithm.
Feature DimensionsGA Run Time (m)Average Train Time per Individual and per Generation (s)Average Test Time per Individual and per Generation (s)Accuracy (%)Precision (%)Recall (%)F1-Score Weighted (%)
Table 8. The 5 most important features according to Chi-2.
Table 8. The 5 most important features according to Chi-2.
Feature Name
Table 9. The 5 most important features according to GA.
Table 9. The 5 most important features according to GA.
Feature Name
Table 10. Metrics indicators for the best subset of features/dimensions according to F1-score.
Table 10. Metrics indicators for the best subset of features/dimensions according to F1-score.
Number of FeaturesAccuracyPrecisionRecallF1-Score
Chi squared6077.9376.5576.7176.63
Genetic Algorithm4078.1676.8276.9876.89
Table 11. Metrics indicators for the top 5 features/dimensions.
Table 11. Metrics indicators for the top 5 features/dimensions.
Number of FeaturesAccuracyPrecisionRecallF1-Score
Chi squared572.3570.4869.3869.92
Genetic Algorithm575.9974.8874.4274.65
Table 12. Inference time in the Jetson Nano vs in the server.
Table 12. Inference time in the Jetson Nano vs in the server.
Jetson NanoServer
# Features Chi Squared GA LDA PCA Chi Squared GA LDA PCA
100.75080.7164 0.79260.06320.0661 0.0663
200.83560.7647 0.81520.07220.0818 0.0643
300.83360.8235 0.87050.08270.0732 0.0675
400.84810.8484 0.88710.08170.0792 0.0730
500.84940.8683 0.88520.08790.0903 0.0675
600.93220.9375 0.94830.09310.1014 0.0734
700.98610.9345 0.96020.09690.0959 0.0732
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MDPI and ACS Style

Silva, J.L.; Fernandes, R.; Lopes, N. Performance Study on the Use of Genetic Algorithm for Reducing Feature Dimensionality in an Embedded Intrusion Detection System. Systems 2024, 12, 243.

AMA Style

Silva JL, Fernandes R, Lopes N. Performance Study on the Use of Genetic Algorithm for Reducing Feature Dimensionality in an Embedded Intrusion Detection System. Systems. 2024; 12(7):243.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Silva, João Lobo, Rui Fernandes, and Nuno Lopes. 2024. "Performance Study on the Use of Genetic Algorithm for Reducing Feature Dimensionality in an Embedded Intrusion Detection System" Systems 12, no. 7: 243.

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