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Adaptive Knowledge Contrastive Learning with Dynamic Attention for Recommender Systems

School of Computer Science and Technology, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Electronics 2024, 13(18), 3594;
Submission received: 22 August 2024 / Revised: 8 September 2024 / Accepted: 8 September 2024 / Published: 10 September 2024


Knowledge graphs equipped with graph network networks (GNNs) have led to a successful step forward in alleviating cold start problems in recommender systems. However, the performance highly depends on precious high-quality knowledge graphs and supervised labels. This paper argues that existing knowledge-graph-based recommendation methods still suffer from insufficiently exploiting sparse information and the mismatch between personalized interests and general knowledge. This paper proposes a model named Adaptive Knowledge Contrastive Learning with Dynamic Attention (AKCL-DA) to address the above challenges. Specifically, instead of building contrastive views by randomly discarding information, in this study, an adaptive data augmentation method was designed to leverage sparse information effectively. Furthermore, a personalized dynamic attention network was proposed to capture knowledge-aware personalized behaviors by dynamically adjusting user attention, therefore alleviating the mismatch between personalized behavior and general knowledge. Extensive experiments on Yelp2018, LastFM, and MovieLens datasets show that AKCL-DA achieves a strong performance, improving the NDCG by 4.82%, 13.66%, and 4.41% compared to state-of-the-art models, respectively.

1. Introduction

Recommendation systems (RS) alleviate the problem of information overload by providing personalized recommendations and have been extensively deployed in real-life services, such as music platforms [1], video streaming websites [2], and e-commerce [3]. Traditional collaborative filtering (CF) methods [4,5] focus on mining similarities in historical interactions between users and items. These studies achieved significant success across various recommendation services and significantly advanced the field.
Despite advancements from matrix factorization (MF) [6] to graph neural networks (GNNs) [7] in capturing complex user behaviors, CF methods still face the persistent problems of cold start and data sparsity because they rely solely on historical interactions. To address these issues, numerous studies have incorporated knowledge graphs (KGs) [8] into recommendation systems. KGs serve as an external auxiliary resource, providing additional context and demonstrating strong capabilities in relational data modeling. This integration helps enhance the accuracy and explanation of recommendations.
Knowledge-aware methods aim to fully leverage the graphical relationship in KGs and collaborative signals from interaction graphs [9,10,11,12]. Early research [13,14,15] focused on knowledge graph embedding (KGE) techniques, such as TransE [16] and TransH [17], which learn item representations in an embedding space. However, these models often fail to capture global graphical relationships and collaborative signals, as they learn each item independently. Path-based approaches [1,18,19] subsequently utilized KG structural information to elucidate user–item relationships. However, path-based methods are hampered by path-selection issues, typically requiring domain-specific expertise and causing optimization challenges. Inspired by the strengths of graph neural networks (GNNs), researchers have unified user–item interactions and knowledge graphs into heterogeneous graphs [10,20,21] and adopted information propagation paradigms to capture user behavior patterns. Although these methods achieve promising results, their performance heavily relies on the quality of the KGs, which are often sparse and noisy [22].
Self-supervised contrastive learning (SSL) has shown promise in addressing data sparsity by leveraging relationships within data [23]. However, current approaches to generating contrastive views often rely on techniques such as randomly discarding information, edge perturbation, and subgraph sampling. These methods often result in the problem of insufficiently exploiting sparse information. In addition, existing knowledge graph-based recommendation systems typically employ static attention mechanisms to measure all nodes uniformly. This approach fails to account for the personalized characteristics of different nodes, leading to a mismatch between individual interests and the general knowledge in KGs.
The paper proposes a novel model named Adaptive Knowledge Contrastive Learning with Dynamic Attention (AKCL-DA) to enhance recommender systems by addressing the limitations of sparse information and personalized user behaviors. AKCL-DA employs an adaptive data augmentation strategy on both user–item and item–entity graphs, where hypothetical edges are added to expand the semantic associations within the knowledge graph and comprehensively capture user interests. This method ensures that the contrastive views are more representative of underlying data relationships. Furthermore, a dynamic attention network, inspired by the GATv2 model [24], is designed to capture weight scores between entities and relations, allowing for personalized attention allocation without added computational complexity. This network dynamically adjusts user attention based on personalized behaviors, bridging the gap between individual interests and general knowledge. The essential contributions of this article are as follows:
  • An adaptive data augmentation strategy is proposed to expand semantic associations and user behaviors in knowledge and interaction graphs by adding hypothetical edges. This strategy effectively leverages sparse information, thereby ensuring contrastive views are more representative of underlying data relationships.
  • A personalized dynamic attention network is proposed to bridge the gap between individual interests and general knowledge by dynamically adjusting user attention based on behaviors, alleviating the mismatch found in existing methods.
  • Extensive experiments are conducted on the Yelp2018, LastFM, and MovieLens datasets, and the proposed AKCL-DA method shows significant improvements over state-of-the-art recommendation methods.

2. Related Research

2.1. Knowledge-Aware Recommendation

The recommendation system uses the knowledge graph as supplemental data to achieve good performance in resolving cold start and data sparse issues. The three primary categories of knowledge-aware recommendation techniques now in use are GNN-based, path-based, and embedding-based techniques.
Embedding-based recommendation methods use knowledge-graph-embedding (KGE) technology (for example translation distance model TransE [16] and semantic matching model DistMult [25]) to preprocess KG, and then embedding entities into user and item representations to enhance semantic representation in recommendations. To enter the project’s structural, textual, and visual knowledge into the knowledge base embedding module of the CF framework, CKE [12] uses TransR [26] coding. To model news, DKN [11] combines the knowledge-level embedding of entities in news content using TransD, with the text embedding of phrases learned by KCNN [27]. It integrates the representation of news at the semantic and knowledge levels. KTUP [13] proposed joint learning recommendation tasks and knowledge graph completion, using triples to jointly learn user preferences. While embedding-based recommendation algorithms yield better recommendations, their main advantage is that they represent semantic relevance more accurately, which is more helpful for edge prediction and knowledge graph completion than for recommendation.
Path-based approaches seek to mine possible information between items in the knowledge graph for recommendations by investigating various connection patterns between item entities in KG. Initially, Sun et al. [28] proposed PathSim to compute the path-connected similarity between entities to assess the similarity of connected paths between different entities of the knowledge graph. A Top-N recommendation mutual attention mechanism based on meta-paths was created by MCRec [1] to characterize the contextual representation of users, items, and meta-paths. Using entity and relationship embedding, KPRN [29] builds the extracted path sequence. LSTM is then used to model the extracted path, and a fully connected layer is used to aggregate user preferences on each path. To enhance the user’s preference matrix, HeteRec [30] builds several meta-paths for the recommendation system using the knowledge graph and PathSim to extract the preference feature values between users and products. Path-based methods inherently offer justifications for the recommendations made along paths. Unfortunately, their design lacks flexibility when dealing with complicated application circumstances and is heavily reliant on meta-paths, making path selection optimization challenging. Additionally, creating precise pathways calls for labor-intensive work, which requires specialized subject expertise.
The GNN-based method cleverly combines the advantages of embedding-based methods and path-based methods. It integrates multi-hop neighbors into node representation to capture the characteristics and graph structure of nodes, models long-range connections, and integrates the semantic representation of entities and relations with connectivity information. The idea of preference propagation was initially presented by RippleNet [18]. It utilizes the user’s past interest set as a seed within the knowledge graph (KG), grows along the links to form multiple ripple sets (Ripple Sets), and then iteratively combines these ripple sets to create the final user representation. Through embedding propagation, KGAT [20] directly aggregates high-order links between users and items by combining interaction and knowledge graphs into heterogeneous graphs. To enhance efficiency, KGIN [31] adds the notion of intent, which discloses the user intent underlying KG interactions and inserts relational embeddings into the aggregate layer. Currently, the most efficient approach is the GNN-based approach since it can identify user preference patterns from KG. However, GNNs have always had a notorious over-smoothing problem, and a large amount of redundant information in KG leads to excessive noise, which has a negative impact on recommendations if it cannot be used reasonably.

2.2. Contrastive Learning

Contrastive learning (CL) has demonstrated promise in computer vision [32] and natural language processing [33] for learning node representations by comparing positive and negative pairs from various perspectives. Through the utilization of self-supervised contrastive learning, several recent studies [34,35] have tackled the issue of data sparsity inherent in recommendation systems.
For the contrastive recommendation method of graph collaborative filtering, to optimize the consistency of multiple views of the same node with other nodes, SGL [34] introduces three operators—node dropout, edge dropout, and random walk—to generate numerous views of a node; LightGCL [36] explores the utilization of global collaboration relationship modeling to enhance the strength of singular values, thereby improving the structure of the user–item interaction graph and achieving unconstrained structure refinement. In the knowledge-aware contrastive recommendation method, MCCLK [37] introduces multi-level cross-view contrastive learning based on the global structure view, local co-operation view, and semantic view to fully extract and integrate additional KG data; KGIC [22] compares the layers of the CF and KG components; KGCL [4] proposes a knowledge graph improvement mode to lessen KG noise in information aggregation and generate a more dependable item knowledge-aware representation. Still, little research has been carried out to fully realize the enormous potential of contrastive learning in knowledge-graph-based recommendation.

3. Preliminaries

In this section, we begin by introducing the user–item interaction graph and knowledge graph, and then formalize related knowledge-aware recommendation tasks.
In a typical recommendation scenario, there is a user set U = { u 1 , u 2 , . . . , u M } and an item set V = { v 1 ,   v 2 ,   . . . ,   v N } , where u and v represent a single user and item, respectively, and M and N represent the number of users and items. This paper constructs a user–item bipartite graph G u = { u ,   y u v ,   v } based on the user’s historical interaction records with items, where y u v is a binary number. If y u v = 1 , it represents user u ’s interaction with item v (for example, Purchase, Browse or Click, etc.); otherwise, y u v = 0 .
In addition to historical interaction data, the knowledge graph (KG) stores a vast amount of real-world structured information related to items in the form of heterogeneous graphs or heterogeneous information networks, such as item attributes and other external common sense [38]. Assume that G k = ( h , r , t ) is a knowledge graph, where h ,   t E represent the head entity and the tail entity, r R represents the relationship between h and t , and E , R represent the entity set and relationship set in the knowledge graph. Here, the entity set E contains the item set V and the non-item entity E / V . For instance, in the movie recommendation scenario, the triplet (Forrest Gump, Directed by, Robert Zemeckis) signifies that the director of the movie “Forrest Gump” is Robert Zemeckis. It is worth noting that an item v V corresponds to an entity e E . For example, the item “Iron Man” in the interaction graph also appears in the knowledge graph as an entity with the same name. This allows this study to establish complex connections between the interaction graph and the knowledge graph through the alignment between items and KG entities, providing additional auxiliary information for interaction data to enhance the modeling of user personalized preferences.
Taking interaction graph G u = { u , y u v , v } and knowledge graph G k = { ( h , r , t ) | h , t E , r R } as input, this paper aims to learn a prediction function y ( u , v ) , whose output indicates the probability of user u interacting with item v .

4. Methodology

In this section, the knowledge contrastive recommendation framework (AKCL-DA) based on a dynamic attention network will be introduced. Figure 1 shows the overall workflow of AKCL-DA.

4.1. Adaptive Data Augmentation

Data augmentation is critical to contrastive learning because it allows the model to explore more richly underlying semantic information. With this approach, several views are produced by performing augmentations on the graph (such as the interaction and knowledge graphs). In order to generate interaction and knowledge subgraphs, this study reduces the number of edges on interaction and knowledge graphs in a specific ratio. During this process, considering that important collaborative signals in the interaction graph may be discarded, this paper adds a small number of hypothetical edges to the interaction subgraph. This method can not only reduce the impact of important edge discarding, but also alleviate the problem that users do not observe their favorite items in some cases, resulting in no interaction records. This paper randomly adds hypothesis edges to more comprehensively capture the user’s interests and hobbies to better characterize the user’s personalized preferences. It should be noted that the knowledge graph itself contains a lot of noise, and this paper does not add hypothetical edges to the knowledge graph. Through edge dropping and adding hypothesis edge operations, this paper obtains the interaction subgraph ( G ^ u ) and the knowledge subgraph ( G ^ k ) .
Subsequently, a graph augmentation strategy was designed in this study that aims to retain relevant and important edges and remove edges that are irrelevant to recommendations. Simply put, this article introduces a graph augmentation method that first calculates the edge weights w e u and w e k in G ^ u and G ^ k , and then calculates the edge sampling probabilities p e u and p e k based on the edge weights. The Gumbel–Max reparameterization technique is then used [39] after the discrete sampling probabilities are distributed among the continuous variables in [ 0,1 ] . In this distribution, the probability value associated with the category having the higher probability tends to be closer to 1 , while the probability value associated with the category having the lower probability tends to be closer to 0 . For example, edge e obtains the sampling probability p e by calculating edge weight w e . If p e = 1 , the edge e will be retained; otherwise, it will be discarded.
For the interaction subgraph ( G ^ u ) , first calculate the edge weight according to the following (Formula (1)):
w e u = M L P u ( [ e u ( 0 ) e v ( 0 ) ] )
where edge e = ( u , v ) , w e u represents the importance of the edge, M L P is the abbreviation of multi-layer perceptron, e u ( 0 ) and e v ( 0 ) are the embeddings of users and items, respectively, and the higher the score of w e u , the more important the edge is. After obtaining the edge weight w e u , this paper uses Formula (2) to calculate the sampling probability p e u :
p e u = σ ( ( l o g ( ϵ ) l o g ( 1 ϵ ) ) + w e u / τ u )
where the temperature hyper-parameter is used to regulate the approximation, the Sigmoid function is represented by σ ( ) , and the random variable ϵ U n i f o r m ( 0,1 ) . To aid with end-to-end training, the sampling probability is finally multiplied by the aggregation function as an approximation. Consequently, the interactive subgraph undergoes edge perturbation to produce an interaction-enhanced graph, as follows (Equation (3)):
φ ( G ^ u ) = ( V , M u E )
where M u     { 0 ,   1 } is the mask vector on the edge set E . Finally, this paper exploits the GNN message-passing mechanism to obtain user and item embeddings from the interaction-augmented graph.
For the knowledge subgraph ( G ^ k ) , entity information and relationship information must be taken into account simultaneously since it has several various kinds of relationships, each with a very distinct semantic meaning and relevance. Specifically, for a triplet e = ( h , r , t ) , this paper calculates its edge weight w e k through Formula (4):
w e k = M L P k ( ( e h ( 0 ) e r ( 0 ) e t ( 0 ) ) )
where e h ( 0 ) , e r ( 0 ) and e t ( 0 ) are the embeddings of head entities, relationships, and tail entities, respectively. Similarly, the higher the w e k score, the more relevant the triplet is to the recommendation. Next, this paper calculates the sampling probability p e k through Formulas (5) and (6) and uses the same processing method to enhance the knowledge subgraph.
p e k = σ ( ( l o g ( ϵ ) l o g ( 1 ϵ ) ) + w e k / τ k )
φ ( G ^ k ) = ( V , M k E )
where M u     { 0 ,   1 } is the masking vector that determines whether to retain the triplet. Finally, this paper utilizes a graph neural network (GNN) message-passing mechanism to obtain the representation of items from the knowledge-augmented graph.

4.2. Personalized Dynamic Attention Network

GAT (graph attention network) is one of the key models in recommendation systems and graph neural networks, which focuses on effectively aggregating and updating the feature representation of nodes. Traditional GAT has a limitation in that the attention mechanism is static and cannot capture the dynamic contributions of different contextual neighbor nodes to the target node. To address this issue, GATv2 [24] introduced a key modification by swapping the order of applying the linear projection layer and the nonlinear function, making the attention score of each node more dynamic and personalized, improving the network’s representation learning ability. This improvement improves the model’s adaptability to changes in graph structure and its ability to resist noise, and this structural enhancement does not incur additional computational costs. Influenced by this, this paper designs a dynamic attention network (DAn) to model the long-range connections between the interaction subgraph and the knowledge subgraph to obtain the optimal representation of the nodes in the graph.
For interaction graphs, we first describe a single layer of (DAn) that first updates node representations and then performs neighborhood aggregation. It is worth noting that each initial node is a free parameter to be trained. In general, the representation vector of an ego node is computed by recursively aggregating and transforming the representations of its multiple neighbors. For node h , to characterize the first-order connectivity of entity h , this paper uses N h   to represent all nodes connected to h . The linear combination of the self-network of h can be calculated (Equation (7)):
e N h = j N h   α h j e j
where e j stands for node j ’s representation, and α h j denotes node h ’s attention score toward node j . The formula for calculating α h j is as follows (Equation (8)):
α h j = e x p ( a u T L e a k y R e L U ( W u e h + W u e j ) ) k N h   e x p ( a u T L e a k y R e L U ( W u e h + W u e k )
where a u and W u are trainable parameters.
Next, this paper uses the representation of node h and its ego network representation to aggregate into a new representation of h . Specifically, the new representation of node h in layer l is (Calculated by Equation (9)):
e h ( l ) = σ ( W u ( l ) ( e h ( l 1 ) + e N h ( l 1 ) ) )
where W u ( l ) is the learnable weight matrix of the l -th layer, and σ is the activation function. Finally, this paper employs an aggregation mechanism [40] to fuse the representations from multiple graph attention network (GAT) layers into a single vector, thereby obtaining the final representation of the user or item.
Although DAn shows powerful modeling capabilities in interaction graph encoding, it does not take relationship types into consideration in modeling, so it is not suitable for encoding knowledge graphs. To put it simply, this paper extends the original attention mechanism, considers the impact of different relationship types on entities, and obtains an encoder relation-aware DAn specifically suitable for heterogeneous graphs. Formally, for a triplet ( h , r , t ) , the attention score of the head entity h to the tail entity t under the influence of the relationship r ( < h , r > ) is calculated as follows (Equation (10)):
α h j = e x p ( a k T L e a k y R e L U ( W k e h + W r e r ( < h , t > ) + W k e t ) ) v N h   e x p ( a k T L e a k y R e L U ( W k e h + W r e r ( < h , t > ) + W k e v )
where W k and W r are both trainable parameters; e h , e t , and e r ( < h , t > ) are the head entity embedding, tail entity embedding, and the embedding of the relationship r ( < h , t > ) respectively; r ( < h , t > ) is the relationship type between h and t . It is worth noting that except for the calculation of attention scores, other modules of knowledge graph encoding are the same as interaction graph encoding.

4.3. Adaptive Contrastive Learning

In this study, a contrastive learning strategy is designed that aims to coherently use collaboration signals and knowledge graph information after acquiring the different embeddings of item v in the interaction graph and the knowledge graph.
Given that the representation spaces of the two views are different, in this study item v ’s embedding of e u v in the interaction graph and embedding of e k v in the knowledge graph are fed into an M L P with hidden layers, which are then projected into the same space. Then, we obtain the following (Equations (11) and (12)):
z u v = M L P ( e u v )
z k v = M L P ( e k v )
Subsequently, this paper treats the same item in the two views as a positive pair ( z u v , z k v ) . On the contrary, embedding other items, such as j and v , is regarded as negative samples, such as ( z u v , z k j ) , ( z u j , z k v ) . A contrastive learning method aims to maximize consistency between positive pairs and minimize consistency between negative pairs, following the definitions of positive pairs and negative pairs provided in this study. Formally, this article adopts the approach from SimCLR [41], and the contrastive loss is defined as follows (Equations (13)):
L C L = l o g e s ( z u v , z k v ) / τ c l j N v   e s ( z u v , z k j ) / τ c l + e s ( z u j , z k v ) / τ c l
where τ c l is the temperature hyperparameter, N is the negative sample set, and s ( ) is the cosine similarity of the two vectors.

4.4. Model Prediction

The embeddings of the users and items on the original interaction graph, h u and h v , can be obtained by this work after optimization by GNN aggregation and contrastive learning, and the embeddings of users and items on the interaction-augmented graph, namely h ^ u and h ^ u v . Similarly, this paper obtains the embedding h ^ k v of the item on the knowledge-augmented graph. h ^ v , which is used for the final prediction, is obtained through the contrastive learning of h ^ u v and h ^ k v . The final user and item representations are obtained by concatenating these embedding representations, and inner products are utilized to predict the matching scores of the resulting representations (Equations (14)):
e u = h u h ^ u e v = h v h ^ v y ^ ( u , v ) = e u T e v

4.5. Multi-Task Training

This article uses the proposed TransR [26] method to incorporate joint training to further capture the semantic information of entities under various relationships. To effectively capture the semantic linkages between things and relationships throughout the representation learning process, the basic idea is to model entities and relationships through relationship-specific mapping matrices. According to TransR, there are several relationship spaces, and in each relationship space, head and tail entities are represented differently. Specifically, for a given triplet ( h , r , t ) , its score function can be defined as follows: f ( h , r , t ) = | | W r e h + e r W r e t | | 2 2 , e h , e t R d , e r R k , representing h , t and r in the triplet ( h , r , t ) . W r R k × d is the relationship space’s transformation matrix; it maps from the d -dimensional entity space to k -dimensional relational space. The lower the score of this function f ( h , r , t ) = | | W r e h + e r W r e t | | 2 2 , the greater the authenticity of the triplet ( h , r , t ) . The regularization loss L K G of the knowledge graph is as follows (Equation (15)):
L K G = ( h , r , t , t ) G k   l n   σ ( f ( h , r , t ) ) f ( h , r , t )
where h and t are entities other than h and t in the knowledge graph, respectively.
This study proposes a multi-task training approach that combines the recommendation task with contrastive learning loss. Specifically, it focuses on reconstructing historical data using the Bayesian Personalized Ranking (BPR) recommendation loss [22], which aims to prioritize higher prediction scores for users’ historical items compared to the unobserved ones:
L B P R = ( u , i , j ) O   l n   σ ( y u i ^ y u j ^ )
where O = { ( u , i , j ) ( u , i ) O + , ( u , j ) O } represents the training data containing the observed interaction O + and the unobserved interaction O + , and σ is the sigmoid function. In addition, to capture the semantics under different relations in KG and encode KG, this paper adds an auxiliary regularization to KG, and its loss function is L K G . Finally, this paper utilizes multi-task training techniques to jointly optimize the recommendation loss, contrastive learning loss, and knowledge graph regularization term by minimizing the following objective function, thereby learning the model parameters (Equations (17)):
L t o t a l = L B P R + λ 1 L C L + λ 2 L K G
where λ 1 and λ 2 are hyperparameters that balance different terms. In practice, λ 1 and λ 2 are fixed to 0.1 and 1, respectively.

5. Experiment

5.1. Experimental Settings

5.1.1. Datasets

To validate the effectiveness of AKCL-DA, this paper utilizes three datasets— Yelp2018, LastFM, and MovieLens—each representing different levels of sparsity. For instance, LastFM exhibits high sparsity, where despite having numerous interactions, the user–item interaction ratio is relatively low compared to its rich set of entities and relations. In contrast, MovieLens has fewer items and interactions, showing a more pronounced sparsity. These variations in data sparsity provide a diverse experimental setting, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of the model’s performance under different levels of sparsity.
  • Yelp2018: It mostly makes recommendations for merchants, including eateries, pubs, and their locations. Users and items with fewer than ten interactions were removed from the dataset using a 10-core setting.
  • LastFM: These data are collected from the LastFM online music system, containing the listening history of 23,566 users.
  • MovieLens: It is a movie recommendation benchmark dataset containing interaction records from 37,385 users.
For the fairness of the experiment, this article directly uses the dataset partitioning results in KGAT [20]. This study creates a training set and a test set for each dataset by randomly extracting 80% and 20% of each user’s interaction history. To update the hyperparameters, this article uses a validation set consisting of 10% randomly selected interactions from the training set. Table 1 displays the fundamental statistical findings for the three datasets.

5.1.2. Baselines

This research compares DAKCL with the following models to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed model.
  • BPRMF [5]: It enhances pairwise matrix factorization for implicit feedback by optimizing through Bayesian Personalized Ranking (BPR) loss, enabling the learning of implicit feature representations between users and items.
  • FM [21]: Every characteristic is represented as a latent vector, and the inner product of the latent vectors is then calculated to determine the interaction between the features
  • NFM [42]: It represents features as latent vectors and learns the interactions between these latent vectors through neural networks.
  • CKE [12]: It is an embedding-based method that uses TransR to encode item semantic information and combines collaborative filtering and item knowledge embedding.
  • KGCN [10]: It is a GCN-based method, which addresses the high-order dependent context encoding of semantic information in KG.
  • LightGCN [7]: By simplifying the graph neural network structure, a lightweight recommendation method based on GCN learns the embedding vectors of users and items.
  • KGAT [20]: A propagation-based approach builds a collaborative knowledge graph (CKG) using KG and user–item graphs as building blocks and employs an attention mechanism to generate user and item representations.
  • CKAN [43]: A propagation-based method combines collaborative filtering representation space with knowledge graph embedding to further expand KGCN by taking into account the user–item graph and utilizing various neighborhood aggregation algorithms.
  • KGIN [31]: A cutting-edge GNN-based method that uses auxiliary item information to try and understand the meaning underlying user–item interactions and gives recommendation interpretability.
  • KGCL [44]: A state-of-the-art recommendation system based on contrastive learning proposes a knowledge graph augmentation approach to mitigate KG noise during information aggregation, resulting in a more dependable representation of item knowledge awareness.

5.1.3. Evaluation Metrics

Recall@ K and NDCG@ K , two commonly used metrics, are employed in this study to completely analyze the performance of this method, with K set to 20. One recall statistic that is utilized to assess recommendation systems is Recall. It calculates the proportion of successfully recommended, genuinely interesting items in a given recommendation list. The normalized discounted cumulative gain of K points is denoted as NDCG@ K . It is capable of more precisely assessing the sorting quality performance of the recommendation system by accounting for the relevancy and ordering of suggested items. To compute the metric, this study ranks every item in the training dataset that the user did not interact with. Both approaches have an acceptable range of 0 to 1. The performance of the model recommendation is better the higher the values of the two indicators.

5.1.4. Parameter Settings

This article tunes the critical parameters of each model and implements AKCL-DA and all baseline models in Pytorch (v 1.12.0). To ensure a fair comparison, all models in this study have their embedding dimensions set to 64, their optimizer set to Adam [45], and their embedding parameters initialized using the Xavier method [46]. Every baseline model’s parameters are set in accordance with the parameters stated in their paper. Pre-trained MF embeddings are used in this paper to stabilize and expedite model training, in line with earlier research [31]. In this article, the batch size is 4096, the learning rate is 10 4 , and the number of GNN layers is fixed at 2; the graph edge discarding rate ρ = 0.3 . In our AKCL-DA, τ u and τ c l are tuned at {0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 0.7} and {0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9}, respectively; τ k is fixedly set to 0.5; and the proportion of added hypothetical edges in {0.01, 0.02. . . , 0.05} (hypothetical edge ratio = number of hypothetical edges/total number of edges) is adjusted. This study also employs L2 regularization (with coefficients set to 10 3 ) and dropout (with a dropout rate of 0.1) at each layer to prevent over-fitting.

5.2. Performance Comparison

In this section, the paper analyzes the performance results of all models. The following observations can be summarized from the results in Table 2:
In general, AKCL-DA achieves the best performance across all datasets, with improvements of 3.41%, 13.12%, and 1.71% in the Recall@20 metric, respectively. These results verify the superiority of the AKCL-DA method, which is mainly due to the following aspects: (1) By adding an appropriate proportion of hypothetical edges to the interaction graph, we can positively predict items that users may like but have not observed, and also enhance the collaborative signal; (2) The dynamic attention network proposed in this paper can effectively distinguish the importance of neighbors to improve the embedding of nodes. By aggregating information from the interaction graph and the knowledge graph, it can better capture collaborative signals and semantic feature information; (3) The contrastive view augmentation strategy designed in this paper can identify and keep important and recommendation-related edges unchanged while removing edges that may be unimportant, which can provide high-quality embeddings for contrastive learning.
KGCL, KGIN, CKAN, KGAT, LightGCN, KGCN, and CKE are all graph-based GNN (GAT) models. Evidently, they perform better than BPR-MF, NFM, and FM, which shows that using graph neural networks to aggregate contextual information and model long-range connections can provide better performance for recommendations.
In all datasets, AKCL-DA outperforms FM, NFM, BPR-MF, CKE, KGCN, LightGCN, KGAT, CKAN, and KGCL by 38.89%, 41.04%, 31.50%, 22.85%, 26.17%, 16.99%, 16.62%, 18.65%, and 11.02% on average in NDCG@20 metrics, respectively.
These results illustrate that self-supervised learning provides insights into overcoming data sparsity and cold start by extracting information from unlabeled data. Given the results achieved by KGCL and AKCL-DA, we can find that the item knowledge extracted by contrastive learning can guide the interaction data augmentation mode of self-supervised information. With the help of contrastive learning, the two graph augmentation modes can obtain more robust item knowledge-aware representations; in addition, since contrastive learning only encodes the shared information between the interaction graph and the knowledge graph, it can alleviate the dominance of collaborative signals and suppress noise that is irrelevant to recommendations. However, while AKCL-DA demonstrates significant performance gains, the increased model complexity may lead to higher computational costs, especially in large-scale datasets where efficiency could become an issue. Moreover, when dealing with highly sparse domain-specific data, further optimization of the model’s robustness might be necessary. These potential issues will be analyzed in depth in future work, and optimizing the model’s performance and efficiency will also be a focus of further research.

5.3. Sensitivity Analysis

In this section, this article will explore the hyperparameter research results of AKCLDA in MovieLens. The trends of Yelp2018 and LastFM are similar to MovieLens, and this article will not go into detail. It is worth noting that this article analyzes one parameter while keeping other vital parameters unchanged.

5.3.1. Effect of Hypothesis Edge Ratio r

This study plots the Recall@20 and NDCG@20 scores to assess the effect of the hypothetical edge ratio on AKCL-DA. The value varies from 0.01 to 0.05. From Figure 2a, we can easily observe that the model achieves the best performance when r is 0.04. Adding hypothetical edges to the interaction graph does improve the recommendation performance to a certain extent, but only an appropriate proportion of hypothetical edges can expand the semantic associations of the knowledge graph and capture user preferences more comprehensively.

5.3.2. Effect of Layer Number L of DAn

Figure 2b shows the Recall@20 and NDCG@20 scores of stacked GNN layers from 1 to 4, and we can observe that the model reaches the best performance when L is 2. As L rises, the model’s performance falls, as seen in Figure 2b. This suggests that the model is impacted by the notorious over-smoothing of graph neural networks.

5.3.3. Effect of τ c l

In Figure 2c, this paper plots the effect of the value of τ c l on model Recall@20 and NDCG@20. It is easy to determine that the model performs best at a value of 0.7, indicating that the performance of the model is especially dependent on determining the proper contrast learning temperature hyperparameter.

5.3.4. Effect of Edge Dropout ρ

In Figure 2d, the effect of the edge dropout rate on the model is shown. This paper changes the dropout rate from 0.5 to 0.9, and the results show that the model reaches the best performance when ρ is 0.3. This demonstrates that excessively high or low edge dropout rates during the construction of interaction and knowledge subgraphs will negatively affect the model’s performance. Each round of model training will lose crucial information if the edge dropout rate is too high, whereas each training round will contain more noisy information if the edge dropout rate is too low.
Figure 2. Hyperparameter sensitivity analysis of MovieLens.
Figure 2. Hyperparameter sensitivity analysis of MovieLens.
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5.4. Ablation Studies

To verify the effectiveness of the AKCL-DA component, this paper designs two variants to analyze its performance.
  • AKCL-DAw/o Assumed edge: In this variant, we do not add hypothetical edges to the interaction graph and keep other parts consistent with the full model, observing the impact of the results on the entire model.
  • AKCL-DAw/o Att: This variant does not use dynamic attention to calculate the importance between nodes but uses the original version of GAT to calculate the attention score.
Table 3 shows the results of the two variants and AKCL-DA. Observing the results reveals the following: (1) Removing hypothetical edges in the interaction graph will affect the performance of the recommendation. Adding hypothetical edges in the interaction subgraph has a certain positive effect on fully capturing user preferences; (2) The dynamic attention network used can effectively capture the relationship between nodes and contribute greatly to improving the embedding of nodes, ensuring high-quality embedding input for contrastive learning. Ultimately, these results show that by fully leveraging collaborative supervision signals and successfully reducing noise in knowledge graphs, recommendation systems can perform noticeably better.

5.5. Benefits of AKCL-DA in Alleviating Knowledge Noise

We evaluate the performance of AKCL-DA on noisy knowledge graphs in this section. To create a large number of entities that are irrelevant to recommendations, 10% noisy triples are to the current knowledge graph while leaving the test set unchanged. Models KGAT, KGCL, and AKCL-DA use knowledge graphs for recommendations after introducing noise. Table 4 presents the study results.
The data in Table 4 demonstrate that, compared with KGAT and KGCL, AKCL-DA has the best average performance in suppressing knowledge graph noise. In general, the method used in this article can effectively capture user preferences and further improve the suppression of knowledge graph noise.

6. Conclusions

This paper focuses on incorporating self-supervised contrastive learning into the recommendation system, using sparse collaborative signals and knowledge graph semantic information naturally. Based on the limitations of existing methods, a new framework AKCL-DA is designed to better achieve dynamic and personalized attention allocation by using a dynamic attention network. Additionally, a graph augmentation strategy is proposed to suppress edge and intra-graph noise irrelevant to the recommendation, to input high-quality graph data for contrastive learning. In addition, to utilize information and guide recommendations in a more balanced way, this study adopts a multi-task learning method to train the model. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets show that AKCL-DA has clear advantages in recommendation performance metrics recall (Recall) and normalized discounted cumulative gain (NDCG). In future research, we will explore other graph augmentation strategies to help the model introduce richer underlying semantic information, such as graph feature transformation, graph structure transformation, and random sampling transformation. In addition, this paper is also interested in exploring more powerful GNNs to more reasonably encode enhanced views. Therefore, future research will continue to explore more effective self-supervised contrastive learning methods to make greater efforts to generate more accurate recommendations.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, H.L.; Methodology, H.L. and J.Z.; Software, J.Z.; Validation, J.Z.; Resources, B.J.; Writing—original draft preparation, J.Z.; Writing—review and editing, H.Z. and H.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was supported by Henan Provincial Science and Technology Project, Project No. 232102210035 and No. 24B520040.

Data Availability Statement

These data were derived from the following resources available in the public domain: (accessed on 22 August 2024), (accessed on 22 August 2024) and (accessed on 22 August 2024).


The authors would like to thank the editors and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions, which have improved the presentation.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Overall framework of AKCL-DA.
Figure 1. Overall framework of AKCL-DA.
Electronics 13 03594 g001
Table 1. Statistics of experimented datasets.
Table 1. Statistics of experimented datasets.
Stats.# Users# Items# Interactions# Entities# Relations# Triplets
Table 2. Performance comparison on Yelp2018, LastFM, and MovieLens datasets in terms of Recall@20 and NDCG@20.
Table 2. Performance comparison on Yelp2018, LastFM, and MovieLens datasets in terms of Recall@20 and NDCG@20.
Table 3. Experimental results for the variants of AKCL-DA.
Table 3. Experimental results for the variants of AKCL-DA.
w/o Assumed edge0.07430.04870.11030.09770.47330.3257
w/o Att0.07120.04750.10920.09480.42980.3228
Table 4. Experimental results for mitigating knowledge noise.
Table 4. Experimental results for mitigating knowledge noise.
ModelYelp2018LastFMMovieLensAvg. Dec
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MDPI and ACS Style

Li, H.; Zheng, J.; Jin, B.; Zhu, H. Adaptive Knowledge Contrastive Learning with Dynamic Attention for Recommender Systems. Electronics 2024, 13, 3594.

AMA Style

Li H, Zheng J, Jin B, Zhu H. Adaptive Knowledge Contrastive Learning with Dynamic Attention for Recommender Systems. Electronics. 2024; 13(18):3594.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Li, Hongchan, Jinming Zheng, Baohua Jin, and Haodong Zhu. 2024. "Adaptive Knowledge Contrastive Learning with Dynamic Attention for Recommender Systems" Electronics 13, no. 18: 3594.

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