1. Introduction
Prior to space observations, stellar pulsation among hot main-sequence stars appeared to be well understood. The
Scuti (DSCT) variables are F5–A2 dwarfs or giants with frequencies of 5–50
, in which pulsational driving is mostly attributed to the opacity
mechanism operating in the He
II partial ionization zone. For the cooler DSCT stars, coupling between convection and pulsation is important and affords an explanation for the
Doradus (GDOR) variables [
2]. These are stars with pulsation frequencies less than 5
lying on the cool edge of the DSCT instability strip.
The Cephei (BCEP) variables, which are B4–O9 main-sequence stars pulsating with frequencies in the range of 3–20 , are driven by the opacity mechanism operating in the partial ionization zone of iron-like metals. The same mechanism is responsible for the SPB (slowly pulsating B) stars, which have frequencies less than 3 . In these less massive stars, the iron opacity bump is located in a deeper layer. Together with the lower luminosity, this leads to an increase in the thermal timescale and lower pulsation frequencies. These SPB stars partially overlap the BCEP variables and extend to spectral type B8. Between the cool edge of the SPB variables and the hot edge of the DSCT stars, models do not predict pulsation.
Photometric time-series observations from space missions, such as CoRoT, Kepler and TESS, have increasingly challenged the above perceptions. From CoRoT observations, Degroote et al. [
3] reported low-amplitude late-B-type pulsators lying between the SPB and DSCT instability strips with frequencies similar to those in DSCT stars. Such MAIA variables, as they have historically been called, were suspected from ground-based photometry [
7]. These stars were found not only from the Kepler and TESS surveys [
9] but also from Gaia photometry [
The general view is that MAIA variables do not constitute a new group of pulsating stars. The high frequencies are presumed to be gravito-inertial modes shifted to high frequencies in rapidly rotating SPB stars [
12]. Szewczuk and Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz [
13] were able to find frequencies as high as 10
in their models of rotating SPB stars, but these are
r modes, which have low visibility. Frequencies in excess of 60
are seen in some of these stars. Moreover, an analysis of their projected rotational velocities shows that MAIA stars have the same rotational velocity distribution as main-sequence stars [
It should be noted that for convenience, the effective temperature boundary between MAIA and DSCT stars was taken to be
= 10,000 K. Recently, Kahraman Aliçavuş et al. [
14] observed 31 MAIA candidates from Balona and Ozuyar [
8] and discovered that most have incorrect effective temperatures, but even so, 8 stars with 10,000
18,000 K still remain. However, models indicate that the hot boundary of DSCT stars is about 8500 K and not 10,000 K. Of the 31 candidates observed by Kahraman Aliçavuş et al. [
14], there are 19 stars with
18,000 K. In the results presented here, 361 DSCT-like pulsating variables from TESS sectors 1–75 were found in this temperature range. All these stars have spectroscopic estimates of
. If one includes stars with
determined by narrow-band photometry, the number of stars rises to 1639. Such large numbers suggest that they cannot all have incorrect effective temperatures or are secondaries with B-type primaries. The idea that MAIA stars are all binaries in which the primary is a non-pulsating B star and the secondary is a DSCT star implies that MAIA stars should typically have lower amplitudes than DSCT stars owing to the diluting effect of the luminous primary. This is refuted by the observation that MAIA stars and DSCT stars have very similar amplitude distributions [
Gravito-inertial modes were detected in several stars [
18]. These seem to be present, together with acoustic gravity modes, in GDOR stars. They arise in rotating stars where the Coriolis force acts as a restoring force. Rossby waves are seen as broad features in the periodograms of some DSCT variables [
19]. Mirouh [
20] has presented an excellent review of the various types of oscillations that may be present in rotating stars.
Models do not predict low frequencies (i.e., frequencies lower than about 5
) for main-sequence stars with effective temperatures in the range of
11,000 K. Yet there are a substantial number of GDOR stars hotter than 7500 K [
21]. The GDOR and SPB stars form a continuous group of low-frequency variables. For some of these stars, errors in the effective temperature, duplicity or contamination may contribute to their anomalous locations in the H–R diagram. However, in this study, we show that many of these stars have precise spectroscopically determined values of
. Further investigation is clearly required. Whether or not pulsation in these hot GDOR stars may be attributed to inertial modes is an open question. Low frequencies are also present in most DSCT stars hotter than about 7500 K [
22]. DSCT stars with low frequencies used to be known as DSCT+GDOR “hybrids”, but since most DSCT stars are hybrids, the term is no longer useful.
The rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) stars are Ap/Fp main-sequence stars that pulsate in a limited high-frequency range above 60
23]. Until recently, such high frequencies were assumed to be confined to chemically peculiar stars, but data from the TESS mission show that similar frequencies occur in many chemically normal stars [
24]. It is natural to suppose that the origin of high frequencies in roAp stars is the same as in non-peculiar stars. If the classification of variability class is to distinguish between different pulsation mechanisms, then roAp stars should not be regarded as a separate class but as members of the DSCT class. There are, of course, many other Ap stars with DSCT pulsations and there is no particular reason why those with frequencies above 60
should be singled out.
The mass loss in Be stars is frequently attributed to pulsation. However, the quasi-periodic light variations are not coherent, as expected from a pulsating star. There is a characteristic pattern in the light curves and periodograms of Be stars, which can be understood as a result of co-rotating circumstellar clouds [
26]. Be stars were not considered in this study.
It turns out that there are no clear boundaries between any of the several types of hot pulsating stars: GDOR, DSCT, MAIA, SPB and BCEP [
8]. Errors in the stellar parameters, contamination from nearby stars, rapid rotation, binarity and other factors probably play an important role in the lack of distinct instability strips. This complicates the assignment of variability class. For this reason, arbitrary boundaries in the effective temperature and frequency need to be introduced to uniquely define each variability class (
Table 1).
A very strange aspect is the huge variety in the frequency patterns found in DSCT stars with similar effective temperatures, luminosities and rotation rates [
27]. Stars with similar parameters should pulsate with similar frequencies and amplitudes, as models predict. This appears not to be the case. Each DSCT star has a unique frequency pattern.
Non-adiabatic pulsation models assume that pulsation is a linear phenomenon at very low amplitudes. A mode that is unstable at a given frequency is assumed to grow to a limiting amplitude while maintaining nearly the same pulsation frequency. It seems that this fundamental assumption is not correct for DSCT stars (and perhaps for other classes as well). As a result, the frequency that is observed is probably a result of a non-linear interaction and bears no resemblance to the frequency predicted by the models [
It seems that the current perceptions of stellar pulsation in hot main-sequence stars, which were adequate to explain ground-based observations, are no longer sufficient. This study aimed to compare the predicted location of pulsation instability and the frequencies with TESS observations of hot main-sequence stars. In this way, one might obtain clues as to how the models could be modified to better agree with observations. This work was based on a catalog of the variability classes of over 100,000 Kepler and TESS stars on the upper main sequence compiled by Balona [
29], which is freely available.
Table 1.
Effective temperature and frequency ranges used in classifying hot main-sequence stars from Balona and Ozuyar [
8] and used in Balona [
29], as well as this paper.
Table 1.
Effective temperature and frequency ranges used in classifying hot main-sequence stars from Balona and Ozuyar [
8] and used in Balona [
29], as well as this paper.
Class | Range | Frequency Range |
GDOR | 6000–10,000 | All frequency peaks |
DSCT | 6000–10,000 | At least one frequency peak |
MAIA | 10,000–18,000 | At least one frequency peak |
SPB | 10,000–18,000 | All frequency peaks |
SPB | 18,000–30,000 | All frequency peaks |
BCEP | 18,000–30,000 | At least one frequency peak |
2. The Data
In this section, we briefly describe the sample of stars used in this study and the procedure leading up to the variability classification. A more comprehensive discussion is given in Balona [
The Kepler space telescope [
30] operated from 2009 to 2013. Its fixed field of view of 115 square degrees was located about
above the galactic plane, and thus, included very few B-type stars. It provided an almost uninterrupted 4-year high-precision photometric time series for thousands of stars at a 30 min cadence. Short-cadence (1 min) data covering a much smaller time range are also available for many objects.
The TESS space telescope [
31], launched in 2018, is still active. The whole sky, which is divided into 26 sectors, is being surveyed. The photometric time sequence has a cadence of 2 min and, for any given star, may last for as little as one month or over a continuous time period, depending on the position in the sky. Large time gaps may be present.
Since hundreds of thousands of light curves are available in the Kepler and TESS databases, it is essential to select a limited number of stars for a detailed study. It is desirable that the selected stars are relatively well observed so that the stellar parameters can be readily estimated with some confidence. This essentially means that at a minimum, bright stars with reliable measurements of effective temperature, or at least with a known spectral type, should be selected.
For this purpose, the author compiled a list of all stars brighter than 12.5 mag with known spectral types using the SIMBAD database [
32]. This unpublished catalog of 718,000 stars includes their positions, UBV magnitudes, Strömgren photometry and spectral type. In addition, the best available estimate of
and the luminosity derived from the Gaia parallaxes [
10] using interstellar extinctions taken from Anders et al. [
33] is included. The projected rotational velocity (when available) is also listed. We call this the “master” catalog.
While both the Kepler and TESS input catalogs include estimates of the effective temperature, these are not always suitable. This is due to the fact that in most cases,
is obtained from broad-band photometry, which excludes measurements in the U band. This means that interstellar extinction cannot be separated from the effective temperature in B stars. For this reason, the author compiled an independent list of over 930,000
measurements for more that 635,000 stars in the literature. This compilation (Table 2 in Balona [
29]) not only includes the effective temperature and its error, but also how it was determined (spectroscopy, narrow-band photometry, spectroscopic energy distribution, broad-band photometry, etc).
As each Kepler or TESS data release became available, only those stars listed in the master catalog were selected for study. The stars in this study were restricted to main-sequence stars with 30,000 K. In total this included 91,500 TESS stars from sectors 1–75 and 12,000 Kepler stars. However, most of the results in this study were based on a smaller sample of stars with spectroscopically determined effective temperatures.
3. Variability Classification
In a survey for stellar pulsation, it is clearly necessary to establish whether any particular star is variable in light and, if so, to which class of variable star it belongs. This is guided by the classifications described in the
General Catalog of Variable Stars (GCVS, [
34]). Over the years, the definitions of the various variability classes have evolved. Some classes fell away or merged, while new ones were discovered. The increase in data resulting from space photometry has, however, overwhelmed the capacity of the GCVS.
Classification was achieved by visual inspection of the light curve and the periodogram. For this purpose, an extensive set of software tools were developed to facilitate the procedure. The main difficulty was the length of time taken to obtain the periodogram using standard software. A new and extremely efficient method of calculating the periodogram and extracting the significant frequencies was developed to solve this problem.
As pointed out by Balona and Ozuyar [
8], the definitions of the standard pulsating variables are not adequate to define a unique variability class in the age of space photometry. It turns out that the well-defined instability strips determined from ground-based observations do not exist. In order to remove ambiguities in the standard definitions of the various types of pulsating variables, it is necessary to introduce definite effective temperature and frequency limits. This is the scheme followed by Balona [
29] and summarized in
Table 1. The boundaries for the effective temperature and frequency summarized in this table are based on historical considerations, as well as predictions from models.
DSCT stars are defined as main-sequence F or A stars (
10,000 K) that pulsate with high frequencies. In this respect, “high frequency” is taken to mean any frequency higher than 5
. Lower frequencies may, or may not, be present. If only frequencies less than 5
are present, the star is classified as GDOR. This frequency boundary is purely arbitrary, though guided by the models. For classification purposes, the hot limit of the DSCT stars (10,000 K) was adopted by Balona and Ozuyar [
8] purely for convenience, as this defines the approximate boundary between A and B stars.
Stars with frequencies less than 5 and in the temperature range 10,000 18,000 K are classified as SPB. SPB variables also include stars with 18,000 K, but in this temperature range, the maximum frequency is restricted to less than 3 . This is necessary because BCEP stars may have frequencies as low as 3 .
Stars with 18,000 K and at least one frequency peak higher than 3 are defined as BCEP. About one-half of BCEP stars also have frequency peaks below 3 and are classified as BCEP+SPB hybrids.
A more comprehensive account of the variability classification, as well as modifications and additions to these classes, is given in Balona [
Linear non-adiabatic models were calculated so that the predicted frequencies and locations in the H–R diagram could be compared with the observations. Evolutionary stellar models were computed using the Warsaw—New Jersey code [
35], assuming an initial hydrogen fraction
and metal abundance
, and using the chemical element mixture of Asplund et al. [
36] and OPAL opacities [
37]. Overshooting from the convective core was not included. A mixing length parameter
was adopted for the convective scale height. All models were non-rotating. The non-adiabatic code developed by Dziembowski [
38] was used to obtain the pulsation frequencies and growth rates. These models are called the “Dziembowski” models.
4. Location in the H–R Diagram
Comparison of the locations and extent of the observed and predicted instability strips is an important test of the models. The locations in the H–R diagram of BCEP, SPB, DSCT and GDOR stars are shown in the left panels of
Figure 1. Only stars with the most accurate estimates of
, i.e., spectroscopic analysis, are shown. Also shown are the theoretical instability strips of BCEP and SPB stars from Miglio et al. [
39] and the hot and cool edges of the DSCT and GDOR instability strips from Dupret et al. [
1] and Xiong et al. [
2]. The panels on the right show the locations in the H–R diagram of the Dziembowski models with unstable modes, as well as the theoretical instability strips.
Szewczuk and Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz [
13] computed the domains of instability in the H–R diagram for rotating stars with masses in the range of 2–20
. High-order g modes with harmonic degrees
and mixed gravity–Rossby modes were considered. These models were located in approximately the same region as the SPB star region calculated by Miglio et al. [
As described by Balona [
29], the effective temperatures were selected according to the way they were determined. Whenever possible, spectroscopic measurements of
were preferred. When these were not available, measurements that employed narrow-band photometry were used. Failing these, estimates made in other ways, including the values of
listed in the TESS catalog and estimates of
from the spectral type, were used.
Table 2 lists the number of stars with effective temperatures in these three categories.
Figure 2 shows the H–R diagrams of stars in these three categories (the left panel being the same as the the left panel of
Figure 1). The appearance of the regions of instability was not affected much by the choice of the way in which
was measured.
The most obvious discrepancy was the existence of the MAIA class of variables, which was not predicted by the models. Over 500 MAIA variables were classified from TESS photometry, 97 of which had spectroscopic stellar parameters. These are shown in
Figure 1.
In the bottom-left panel of
Figure 1, one may note that there is no separation between the SPB and GDOR variables. The two classes of variable stars formed a single continuous band along the main sequence. This demonstrates the necessity of introducing a boundary in effective temperature.
The number density of stars decreased rapidly as the effective temperature increased. Whereas F0 stars were very common, B0 stars were very rare.
Figure 1 therefore gives a somewhat biased view of the relative number of stars of different variability classes. The fraction of stars of a given variability class relative to the number of main-sequence stars at a particular temperature is shown in
Figure 3. In this figure, the most reliable effective temperature was used. This includes
from the spectral type if that was the only one available. The number of main-sequence stars was derived from a catalog of nearly 128,000 stars observed by TESS and compiled by the author.
Figure 3 shows that MAIA variables comprised more than 10% of the mid- to late-B stars and were relatively more common than the GDOR stars. The figure also shows that the large majority of main-sequence stars did not seem to pulsate at all, or at least did not pulsate with amplitudes that could be detected by TESS. This, too, is not understood.
Figure 3 shows how poorly the theoretical hot and cool edges of the DSCT stars agreed with observations. It also shows how the relative numbers of DSCT stars matched smoothly with those of the MAIA variables. The MAIA stars seemed to be just an extension of the DSCT variables. The figure also illustrates the continuity between the GDOR and SPB stars.
5. Pulsation Frequencies
In the previous section, it was shown that pulsation models failed to correctly predict the hot edge of the DSCT instability region, the MAIA stars, or the large number of low-frequency pulsators between the SPB and GDOR instability strips. In this section, the frequencies of unstable modes from models are compared with the observed frequencies.
In the top panel of
Figure 4, the frequency of largest amplitude
is shown as a function of the effective temperature for different variability classes. Here, the best estimates of
were used (including poor-quality estimates if these were the only ones available). These frequencies may be compared with the frequencies of unstable modes with
in non-rotating Dziembowski models (bottom panel). The detached strip of GDOR stars with low frequencies in the bottom panel of
Figure 4 and also in the bottom panel of
Figure 5 is a result of using frozen-in convection in the Dziembowski models. For such cool stars, models using time-dependent convection theory are more appropriate.
There are important discrepancies between observations and the models. The difference between the observed and predicted frequencies in GDOR stars is understandable because the adoption of frozen-in convection in the models is not very satisfactory. This should not affect the models of the hotter stars where convection may perhaps be less important. The models did not show the low frequencies that were present in DSCT stars hotter than about 7500 K. The models also failed to reproduce the low frequencies in BCEP stars. The distinctive frequency gap between models of BCEP and SPB stars was not seen in the observations.
The top panel of
Figure 4 shows a surprisingly well-defined upper frequency envelope for the DSCT stars. The frequency of maximum amplitude
increased with temperature, where it reached a maximum at about
before it decreased. The decrease in
continued in the MAIA stars. This is shown in more detail for the DSCT stars in the top panel of
Figure 5. The most reliable values of
were used, even if they were not the best quality. The bottom panel shows unstable p and g modes from the Dziembowski models. The schematic envelope in this figure is reproduced in the top panel (blue line). Also shown in the top panel is the schematic envelope of p-mode frequencies with the highest growth rate from Figure 9 of Xiong et al. [
2] (black line).
The frequencies of the DSCT stars derived by Xiong et al. [
2] were in very poor agreement with the observations. The frequencies from the Dziembowski models were in somewhat better agreement, but far from satisfactory. For
, low frequencies were stable in the Dziembowski models, whereas observations show that the DSCT stars with low frequencies were the rule rather than the exception, as already noted above.
Whether the frequency of the largest amplitude , second-largest amplitude or n-th largest amplitude was used, the upper envelope of the frequency as a function of the effective temperature was always surprisingly well defined. However, as n increased, the upper envelope slowly moved up in frequency. The frequency of the envelope was still considerably lower than the estimated critical frequency, which was the frequency beyond which the pulsational acoustic waves were no longer reflected in the atmosphere.
6. Is the GDOR Class Necessary?
The frequency threshold of , used to distinguish between DSCT and GDOR stars, has no basis in theory. It was adopted because frequencies lower than 5 were never seen in the ground-based photometry of DSCT stars. This is not surprising because variations in the atmospheric extinction and low pulsation amplitudes make the detection of low frequencies very difficult from the ground.
The detection of multiple low-frequency peaks in GDOR stars was unexpected and not predicted from the pulsation models available when the GDOR stars were first discovered. For this reason, it was presumed to be a new class of pulsating variable [
41]. Many more GDOR stars were subsequently discovered [
42]. However, there was no similar attempt to detect low frequencies in the DSCT stars known at the time.
The first example of “hybrid” DSCT+GDOR pulsation was discovered by Handler et al. [
43]. Until the advent of space photometry, only 6 hybrids and 66 GDOR stars were known. Surprisingly, the first Kepler release revealed that most DSCT stars were hybrids [
22]. Indeed, among the TESS DSCT stars in Balona [
29], about 75% are hybrids.
In retrospect, it seems that if sufficient photometric precision were available, ground-based observations would have detected low frequencies in most DSCT stars at an early stage. In this case, the definition of DSCT stars would not have excluded low frequencies. What we now call GDOR stars would not have been a surprise and most likely regarded simply as DSCT stars with low frequencies.
Guzik et al. [
44] proposed the convective blocking mechanism to explain the low frequencies in GDOR stars. Later, Dupret et al. [
1] and Xiong et al. [
2] showed that the GDOR stars, as well as low frequencies in the cooler DSCT stars, could be modeled using a time-dependent convection theory. Xiong et al. [
2] concluded that there is no essential difference between DSCT and GDOR stars. They can be considered as just two subgroups of one broader variability class.
Since there seems to be no need to differentiate between DSCT and GDOR stars in the models, it seems appropriate to re-evaluate the relevance of a separate GDOR class.
Figure 6 shows the DSCT and GDOR stars in the H–R diagram with a schematic trapezium and triangle that approximately define the instability regions of these two classes of star. Only stars with spectroscopic estimates of effective temperatures are shown. GDOR stars are located inside the triangular region on the cool side of the DSCT stars, more or less within the region of low-frequency g-mode instability predicted by Xiong et al. [
2]. The models by Dupret et al. [
1] predict a much smaller region.
There were 1197 DSCT stars and 1019 GDOR stars inside the triangular GDOR region. The presence of GDOR and DSCT stars that occupied the same region of the H–R diagram is impossible to duplicate in pulsation models. Furthermore, there was a large number of GDOR stars outside the main triangular region, extending well beyond the hot edge of DSCT stars. This, too, cannot be explained by current models. There were 35,792 TESS main-sequence stars within the triangular GDOR region that were not observed to pulsate at all. The presence of stars with high frequencies, stars with low frequencies and ostensibly non-pulsating stars in the same region of the H–R diagram is not understood. Models predict that all stars within an instability strip should pulsate.
Recently, it was established that there is an extraordinary range in frequency patterns among stars classified as DSCT [
27]. This is at variance with the linear assumption that underlies all current pulsation models. The fact that DSCT and GDOR stars can be found in the same region of the H–R diagram is probably a result of non-linear mode excitation.
7. Connection Between DSCT and MAIA
Balona [
9] showed that there is no difference in the mean rotation rates of MAIA stars and normal main-sequence stars and that the amplitude distribution of MAIA variables is the same as in DSCT stars, but different from BCEP stars. One may as well regard MAIA stars as an extension of DSCT variables to hotter temperatures. However, this conclusion awaits a theory that explains the pulsation in DSCT stars hotter than the currently predicted limit, as well as unstable high-frequency modes in late-to-early B stars.
The left panels of
Figure 7 show
, the frequency of maximum amplitude, as a function of the effective temperature for DSCT and MAIA stars. The most precise value of
was selected for each star. For the MAIA stars, the plot shows
, the frequencies of the five highest amplitude peaks. This is to balance the large difference in number density between the two classes.
The top-left panel of
Figure 7 shows that there was a roughly linear increase in
from the coolest DSCT stars, which reached a maximum of about 72
. Thereafter, the frequency decreased with temperature, which reached a minimum at the hot end of the MAIA variables, as shown by the black lines in the figure. The systematic decrease in
initiated in the hot DSCT stars and continued by the MAIA variables seem to be another link between DSCT and MAIA stars.
The top-right panel of
Figure 7 shows the frequencies of the first two unstable modes of highest growth rate for spherical harmonic degrees
(those with highest visibility) as a function of the temperature from the Dziembowski models. Not surprisingly, nearly all the modes in this plot are radial. The radial order
n increased with frequency from
. The model frequencies increased with temperature in a similar way to the observed frequencies.
Figure 7 also shows the
diagram for stars in different luminosity ranges
above the zero-age main sequence (ZAMS). As
increased, the frequency of the maximum amplitude decreased from 72
near the ZAMS to about 40
for the most evolved stars. The corresponding effective temperature at the maximum frequency decreased from 8500 K for stars close to the ZAMS to about 7500 K for more evolved stars. A similar behavior seems to be present in the radial mode frequencies from the Dziembowski models (right panels in the figure).
The relationship between the effective temperature and frequency in the DSCT stars was investigated by many authors. Barceló Forteza et al. [
46] found a linear relationship between an amplitude-weighted frequency and
in DSCT stars. Bowman and Kurtz [
47] found a similar relationship for the frequency of the maximum amplitude. However, as can be seen from the above figures, there was no unique relationship between the frequency of maximum amplitude and
8. The SPB and BCEP Stars
Unless colors in the U band are available, it is not possible to distinguish between the effect of temperature and interstellar reddening in B stars. Since modern CCDs are not sensitive in the U band, one has to rely mostly on spectroscopic estimates of effective temperature or estimates from Strömgren or Geneva photometry. The proportion of B stars with reliable effective temperatures is therefore considerably smaller than in A or F stars. The spectral type and luminosity class often provide the only estimate of
for B stars. Whenever possible, the spectral type in the literature that seemed to be the most detailed was adopted. Spectroscopic estimates of
for B stars, such as those by Burssens et al. [
48] and Shi et al. [
49], are very important.
The defined lower bound in effective temperature for SPB stars,
10,000 K, was cooler than the cool edge derived from the models of non-rotating SPB stars, which was about
11,000 K. It was suggested that SPB stars cooler than the models predict may be rapidly rotating. However, this is not supported by analysis of the projected rotational velocities [
9]. As already mentioned, stars with frequencies typical of SPB or GDOR stars occur all along the main sequence.
In the catalog of Stankov and Handler [
50], there are 93 confirmed BCEP variables. An additional 103 BCEP stars are found in the photometric survey by Pigulski and Pojmański [
51]. To these, the 86 new BCEP variables discovered by Labadie-Bartz et al. [
52] can be added, for a total of 282 known BCEP stars. In Balona [
29], 900 new BCEP stars were detected, bringing the total to 1182 BCEP stars identified from TESS photometry. Of these, 633 (54%) are classified as BCEP+SPB hybrids. Hybrid BCEP+SPB pulsators were first discovered from ground-based photometry [
55] and many more from space photometry [
The problem with BCEP+SPB hybrids is not merely a problem of classification. According to the models, the low-frequency g modes have high amplitudes in the core and are heavily damped. This is why low frequencies are missing in models with
. The structure of the eigenfunction does play a role and, for some modes, driving can exceed damping in the inner layers. Modeling the low frequencies requires an increase in opacity by about a factor of four [
58]. The discrepancy between the models and observations may also be reduced, to some extent, by a choice of OP opacities rather than OPAL opacities [
59]. An enhanced iron opacity to address this problem is discussed by Moravveji [
Rapid rotation tends to lower the pulsation frequencies and may also play a part in explaining the BCEP+SPB hybrids. In this case, pure BCEP stars should rotate more slowly than BCEP+SPB hybrids. From 123 pure BCEP stars using the Balona [
29] catalog, it was found that
, and from 354 BCEP+SPB stars,
. The difference is quite large, so perhaps further investigation is required.
The lack of low frequencies for
in non-rotating models of BCEP stars is illustrated in the bottom panel of
Figure 4 and the bottom panel of
Figure 8. The top panel of
Figure 8 shows the complete set of frequencies observed in BCEP, BCEP+SPB and pure SPB stars in the BCEP temperature range. There is clearly no lack of low frequencies at any temperature. In this figure, the most reliable value of
was selected, but for a considerable number of stars, only estimates from the spectral type were available. This naturally added to the uncertainty. The upper envelope was quite well defined, reaching a maximum frequency of about 18
22,000 K. However, frequencies in the non-rotating models (bottom panel) did not exceed 13
10. Conclusions
In this study, the observed regions of instability in the H–R diagram for various classes of pulsating stars and their frequencies were compared with predictions from pulsation models. It was concluded that, except possibly for BCEP stars, the location of the observed regions of instability in the H–R diagram were in poor agreement with observations. Only stars with effective temperature estimates based on spectroscopic analysis were used in this comparison.
Stars that resemble DSCT variables, but in the temperature range
18,000 K (i.e., between the DSCT and BCEP instability strips) were found in large numbers. There were 1639 of these anomalous variables with effective temperatures determined by spectroscopic analysis or from narrow-band photometry. The large number suggests that not all of them have incorrect temperatures or are binaries in a B-type primary. Those with
10,000 K are called MAIA variables, but this temperature limit is merely a value that is convenient for classification. The origin of the MAIA variables remains a mystery. Rapid rotation, which has often been suggested as an explanation for these stars, has been ruled out [
9]. Furthermore, they are unlikely to be DSCT stars in a binary with a B-type primary because the amplitude distribution of MAIA variables is the same as in DSCT stars [
It is not understood why the majority of stars in the DSCT and BCEP instability strips do not pulsate. According to models, stars with similar internal structures and stellar parameters should behave in the same way. Another major problem is that DSCT stars do not behave as predicted at a fundamental level. The frequency patterns in DSCT stars with similar parameters exhibit an extreme variety [
27] that is incompatible with the models. This suggests that mode selection is a highly non-linear process mostly determined by the local conditions.
The presence of DSCT and GDOR stars in the same region of the H–R diagram shows the pulsation mechanism must be the same in the two classes. The arbitrary frequency used to separate DSCT and GDOR stars therefore has no physical significance. This seems to be just another example of the problem just described: very different frequency patterns can be produced by stars with similar parameters. In fact, low frequencies are present in DSCT stars across the whole instability strip and GDOR-like stars are found all the way along the main sequence, eventually merging with the SPB stars. The reason why the GDOR class was created can be attributed to the difficulty in detecting low frequencies with small amplitudes from the ground. Perhaps the GDOR class should be absorbed into the DSCT class.
Frequencies extracted from the TESS photometry were compared with those obtained from non-rotating models. The large discrepancy between the observed and predicted frequencies of the maximum amplitude, as well as the differences in these frequencies between the different models, is a cause for concern. It indicates that we are still far from understanding pulsational driving in even the simplest stars. In part, this may be due to difficulties in dealing with convection. In addition, as discussed above, non-linearity, and even a secondary driving mechanism, might be required in order to match the observations. The effect of rotation on pulsational instability is another complication that, at present, is beyond our current capabilities.
It was found that there was a well-defined envelope for the frequency of maximum amplitude as a function of temperature. The same relationship was found if, instead of the frequency of maximum amplitude , the frequency of the n-th largest amplitude was used. The maximum frequency and the frequency range was the smallest in the cool DSCT stars, but increased smoothly with temperature. The frequency reached a maximum of about 72 at K and then decreased. The decreases in the frequency and frequency range with temperature continued in the MAIA variables, where they eventually reached a minimum at about 18,000 K. The interpretation of the well-defined frequency envelope is not clear at this stage.
In conclusion, the long-held assumption that we have a good understanding of stellar pulsation in hot main-sequence stars is difficult to maintain in the light of space photometry provided by the Kepler and TESS missions. There are major problems associated even with DSCT and GDOR stars, which are among the the simplest stars to model. It is also evident that a re-assessment of the current variability classes is required.
The aim of variability classification is to guide pulsation theory. At the same time, theory provides information that assists with classification. What is urgently required at this time is an expansion of the theory by including effects that have so far been neglected. Perhaps the best place to start is with the most discrepant of these stars, the MAIA variables.