The Making of Catalogues of Very-High-Energy ?-ray Sources
:1. Introduction
2. Technical Aspect of Survey and Catalogue Constructions
- Array operation and observational strategy: the way in which the array of telescopes is operated and optimised for a given physics goal (optimised on sensitivity or on field-of-view (FoV) width for instance).
- Event reconstruction and classification: separation of -like events from the much more numerous background-like events and construction of events classes.
- Background model: determination of the expected background in the field of view, taking into account the instrument response.
- Excluded region determination: identification of regions which are potentially contaminated by genuine -ray signal. These regions should not be used to estimate the remaining background in the subsequent background subtraction procedure, so as to avoid signal over-subtraction.
- Background subtraction: comparison of the number of events in a region of interest with the expected number of events (coming from the background model), to assess the potential existence of a localised excess.
- Automated catalogue pipeline: separation of regions of significant -ray emission into individual source components and extraction of their physical characteristics (flux, energy spectrum, morphology, temporal variability, …).
2.1. Observational Strategies
- Wobble mode of observation (Figure 1, left), where several observations are taken with different pointing directions around the source of interest. The source is displaced with respect to the centre of the field of view, to allow for proper background determination (Section 2.4.3). This mode of observation is appropriate for point-like or moderately large sources of known position, and in particular for targeted observations. Historically, the pointing positions were taken with a shift in the right ascension (RA) equal to the temporal separation between runs, in order to reproduce the exact same trajectory of the telescopes on the sky for each pair of runs. By doing so, no correction for the variation of telescope response had to be applied, simplifying a lot the analysis. Recent IACTs, using more elaborate background models (Section 2.3), dropped this observational constraint and combined observations with wobble offset in any direction (right ascension, declination or any other coordinate).
- Survey mode of observation (Figure 1, right), where a large region of the sky is scanned with observations overlapping each other (in order to minimise the background gradients). Several rows can be conducted in parallel or one after the other, and different spacing between pointing positions can be used. This mode of observation is usually optimised to maximise the sky coverage, while minimising the acceptance variations across the surveyed region.
2.2. Event Separation and Classification
- -like events: these events are very likely (probability depending on the analysis strategy) to originate from a genuine ray.
- background-like events: these events have a marginal, tiny probability of originating from a genuine ray, and most likely come from a charged cosmic ray.
2.3. Acceptance—Background Model
2.3.1. Radial Acceptance
- Conceptually easy
- Known sources (if not overlapping with the neater of the FoV) can be excluded easily
- Acceptance can be determined from the actual data set or from an alternate one
- Can be computed in energy slices and in zenith angle bands
- Simple gradients (zenith angle gradient) can be taken into account rather easily
- Does not take into account the non-symmetrical response of the camera, nor the actual array shape
- Does not take into account inhomogeneities of response
- Does not take into account varying conditions (NSB, etc.)
- Requires a significant amount of data to be already taken with the corresponding array configuration
2.3.2. 2D Acceptance
- Takes into account actual camera shape and inhomogeneities of response
- Known sources can be excluded as soon as several different pointing positions are used in the data set (one needs to make sure, however, that no part of the FoV is excluded in all pointing positions)
- Acceptance can be determined from the actual data set or an alternate one (i.e., extragalactic observations)
- Can be computed in energy slices
- Simple gradients (zenith angle gradient) can be taken into account
- Technically more complicated
- Requires a minimum number of runs with sources at different locations
- Does not take into account varying conditions (NSB, optical efficiency, …)
- Requires a significant amount of data to be already taken with the corresponding array configuration
2.3.3. Simulated Acceptance
- Conceptually rather simple
- Takes into account the actual array configuration for each individual run
- Takes into account varying conditions (NSB, high voltage gradients, pixel gains, …) across the field of view
- Reproduces naturally the zenith angle gradients (no correction needs to be applied afterwards)
- One model per run, no need to generate zenith angle slices or whatsoever, nor to use a multidimensional interpolation scheme
- No need to exclude known or putative -ray sources, no risk of contamination by large scale diffuse emission
- Can be derived as soon as observations are made; no need for a large, pre-existing data set
- Computationally more intensive (in order to produce enough statistics)
- Needs to be produced for every run
- Requires some radial corrections due to the difference between cosmic-ray -like events and real gammas
2.3.4. Comparison Elements and Limits
2.4. Background Subtraction
- Reflected background, using -like events in regions at identical distances from the centre of the field of view, on a run-by-run basis,
- On-Off background, using -like events in identical regions of different, usually consecutive (but not always) observations,
- Ring background, using -like events in a ring around the ROI or around the centre of the field of view,
- Template background, using hadron-like events at the test position,
- Field-of-view background, using calculated acceptance as background,
- RunWise Simulated background, using completely simulated background.
2.4.1. Basics of Background Statistics
2.4.2. Excluded Regions
2.4.3. Reflected Regions
2.4.4. On-Off Background
2.4.5. Ring Background
- The ring can be constructed around the pointing direction in the camera frame (Figure 12a), and then differ from run to run. This algorithm is then very similar to that of the reflected regions, and shares the same general properties (spectral reconstruction capabilities, …)
- The ring can be constructed around the ROI in the astronomical frame (equatorial, galactic, …, Figure 12b–d), and then uses the stacked data set, instead of individual runs to generate sky maps. The determination of the energy spectrum of the source is, however, very challenging in this version, because the ring around the ROI encompasses many different runs, corresponding to different observational conditions which need different response functions. The ring background can, however, be performed in energy slices (thus requiring the acceptance to also be determined in energy slices).
2.4.6. Adaptative Ring Background
2.4.7. Template Background
- -like events in the ROI (entering the ON sample), mostly made of hadronic and electronic cosmic rays within the -like selection
- true -ray events, corresponding to signal being sought (also entering the ON sample)
- hadron-like events in the ROI (entering the OFF sample)
2.4.8. Field-of-View Background
2.4.9. Assessment of Systematics
2.4.10. Comparison
2.5. Toward Template Fitting
- a model of isotropic diffuse emission, corresponding to extra-galactic diffuse rays, unresolved extra-galactic sources, and residual (misclassified) cosmic-ray emission.
- a model of the Galactic diffuse emission, which is developed using, in particular, spectroscopic HI and CO surveys as tracers of the interstellar gas, and diffusion codes such as GALPROP [26] (, accessed on 28 October 2021) to derive the inverse Compton emission
- a source model, comprising the -ray source properties (morphology and energy spectrum) within the region of interest. Characteristics of the sources (position, shape, energy spectrum and brightness) can be fixed (for instance to the published values) or kept free, in which case they will be adjusted throughout the log-likelihood maximisation procedure.
2.6. Catalogue Pipelines
2.6.1. Requirements
- Selection of good quality data, based on instrumental and atmospheric measurements (stability of instrument trigger rate, cloud monitoring, atmospheric transparency measurement, …).
- Construction of an excluded regions mask, incorporating already-known -ray sources, but also new sources and/or possible diffuse contamination within the data set under investigation.
- Computation of acceptance.
- Construction of background subtracted maps (excess and significance maps) using the appropriate algorithm (adaptative ring background, …).
- Determination of source components and morphologies.
2.6.2. Completeness, Angular Resolution and Horizon
- For a homogeneous population of sources of the same luminosity and size, the maximum detection distance (horizon) scales as . For point-like source, it scales as . The horizon of a given survey therefore depends on the type of sources that one considers. It is usually defined for point-like sources, but can be reduced substantially for extended sources.
- The reduction of apparent size with increasing source distance d partially compensates for the decrease in flux. Indeed, the minimum detectable luminosity scales as for extended sources vs. for point-like ones. The survey depth depends on the source class considered. In the case of source class for which the extent varies with age (as for instance, for expanding shell-type supernova remnants), better flux limits can be obtained in the early ages, when the source is still rather compact, whereas the peak of the VHE emission can occur at later stages.
- The horizon scales as for extended sources and for point-like ones, and is currently still limited to a rather small fraction of the Milky Way. It is usually more effective to increase the spatial coverage of a survey (if possible) to collect more sources, rather than to increase its depth.
3. A New View on the Milky Way
3.1. Existing IACT Surveys
3.1.1. Early Times
3.1.2. Galactic Plane Surveys
3.1.3. Particular Regions
3.2. Results from Particle Array Survey Instruments
3.3. Meta-Catalogues and Population of VHE Sources
3.4. Population of VHE Sources
3.4.1. Population of Pulsar Wind Nebula
3.4.2. Supernova Remnant Populations
4. Perspectives and Outlook
4.1. CTA, the Next Generation IACT
- An extragalactic survey, covering 1/4 of the sky with a sensitivity of ∼ Crab in 1000 h of observations. This will provide an unbiased sample of active galactic nuclei and other possible extragalactic sources, and a snapshot of their activity (since AGNs are intrinsically variables at almost all timescales)
- A deep galactic plane survey, reaching ∼ Crab sensitivity in the inner regions (and Cygnus region) and ∼ in the entire plane region. This will provide a horizon of ∼ (point-like), thus covering a large fraction of the Galactic sources.
- A deep survey of the LMC region, aiming at an excellent angular resolution to resolve structures down to ∼, in order to be able to resolve individual objects and map the diffuse emission.
- The background systematics will most likely be the limiting factor for the sensitivity achievable, most notably for the (very) extended sources. Given the foreseen increase of the background rate by ∼, the state-of-the-art uncertainties in background estimation of 1–2% will need to be substantially improved by refining the acceptance models. Changes in the array layout (telescopes under maintenance, …), inhomogeneities of camera response and/or atmospheric effects (Section 2.3) should be studied carefully and, whenever possible, incorporated in the model. In this regard, the simulated acceptance being currently developed might be a promising approach. The mitigation techniques recently developed (Section 2.4.9) can certainly help, but they tend to reduce the sensitivity of the array. Further work is clearly needed to take into account the various sources of systematics in the calculation of the acceptance.
- With the detection of ∼ sources in the same field of view, up to several hundreds of sources, source confusion and overlap are expected to become a major issue, especially in the context of the unknown shapes of the sources and the unknown level of large scale diffuse emission. Some preliminary estimates performed with an extrapolation of the current – source distribution indicate a source confusion lower limit on the order of ∼ in the core CTA energy range [53]. Template fitting and 3D modelling of the sources (Section 2.5) can help with the separation of superimposed sources with different spectral characteristics.
4.2. Next Generation Particle Array Survey Instruments
5. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AGN | active galactic nucleus |
CTA | Cherenkov telescope array |
EBL | extragalactic background light |
FoV | field of view |
HGPS | H.E.S.S. Galactic Plane Survey |
HE | high energy |
IACT | imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope |
LMC | large magellanic cloud |
LST | large-sized telescope |
MST | medium-sized telescope |
NSB | night sky background |
probability density function | |
PWN | pulsar wind nebula |
RA | right ascension |
ROI | region of interest |
RPC | resistive plate chamber |
SNR | supernova remnant |
SST | small-sized telescope |
VHE | very high energy |
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de Naurois, M. The Making of Catalogues of Very-High-Energy ?-ray Sources. Universe 2021, 7, 421.
de Naurois M. The Making of Catalogues of Very-High-Energy ?-ray Sources. Universe. 2021; 7(11):421.
Chicago/Turabian Stylede Naurois, Mathieu. 2021. "The Making of Catalogues of Very-High-Energy ?-ray Sources" Universe 7, no. 11: 421.
APA Stylede Naurois, M. (2021). The Making of Catalogues of Very-High-Energy ?-ray Sources. Universe, 7(11), 421.