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Atoms, Volume 11, Issue 9 (September 2023) – 8 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): Shape coexistence in even–even atomic nuclei appears only on specific islands on the nuclear chart, as predicted by the dual shell mechanism of the proxy-SU(3) model and corroborated by many theoretical  shell model,  mean field, and symmetry approaches, which are reviewed in this article.  The relation of shape coexistence to the islands of inversion, appearing in light nuclei, to the spin-aligned phase appearing in N = Z nuclei, as well as to shape/phase transitions occurring in medium mass and heavy nuclei, is clarified. Quantitative rules are developed, predicting regions in which shape coexistence can appear, as a guide for further experimental efforts in modern radioactive ion beam facilities built worldwide, which can help in improving our understanding of the nucleon–nucleon interaction and its modifications occurring far from stability. View this paper
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9 pages, 1650 KiB  
Ionization of Hydrogen Atom by Proton Impact—How Accurate Is the Ionization Cross Section?
by Károly Tőkési and Saleh Alassaf
Atoms 2023, 11(9), 122; - 15 Sep 2023
Viewed by 1342
For the control of fusion reactors, we need to accurately know all the possible reactions and collisional cross sections. Although large-scale trials have been performed over the last decades to obtain this data, many basic atomic and molecular cross section data are missing [...] Read more.
For the control of fusion reactors, we need to accurately know all the possible reactions and collisional cross sections. Although large-scale trials have been performed over the last decades to obtain this data, many basic atomic and molecular cross section data are missing and the accuracy of the available cross sections need to be checked. Using the available measured cross sections and theoretical predictions of hydrogen atom ionization by proton impact, critical analysis of the data is presented. Moreover, we also present our recent classical results based on the standard classical trajectory Monte Carlo (CTMC) and quasi-classical trajectory Monte Carlo (C-QCTMC) models. According to our model calculations and comparison with the experimental data, recom-mended cross sections for ionization of hydrogen were presented in a wide range of pro-jectile impact energies. We found that, while in the low energy region, the experimental cross sections are very close to the C-QCTMC results, at higher energies, they are close to the results of our standard CTMC results. Full article
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21 pages, 3628 KiB  
Electronic Structure, Spectroscopy, Cold Ion–Atom Elastic Collision Properties, and Photoassociation Formation Prediction of the (MgCs)+ Molecular Ion
by Mohamed Farjallah, Dibyendu Sardar, Bimalendu Deb and Hamid Berriche
Atoms 2023, 11(9), 121; - 15 Sep 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1421
In this paper, we extensively study the electronic structure, interactions, and dynamics of the (MgCs)+ molecular ion. The exchanges between the alkaline atom and the low-energy cationic alkaline earths, which are important in the field of cold and ultracold quantum chemistry, are [...] Read more.
In this paper, we extensively study the electronic structure, interactions, and dynamics of the (MgCs)+ molecular ion. The exchanges between the alkaline atom and the low-energy cationic alkaline earths, which are important in the field of cold and ultracold quantum chemistry, are studied. We use an ab initio approach based on the formalism of non-empirical pseudo-potential for Mg2+ and Cs+ cores, large Gaussian basis sets, and full-valence configuration interaction. In this context, the (MgCs)+ cation is treated as an effective two-electron system. Adiabatic potential energy curves and their spectroscopic constants for the ground and the first 20 excited states of 1,3Σ+ symmetries are determined. Furthermore, we identify the avoided crossings between the electronic states of 1,3Σ+ symmetries. These crossings are related to the charge transfer process between the two ionic limits, Mg/Cs+ and Mg+/Cs. Therefore, vibrational-level spacings and the transition and permanent dipole moments are presented and analyzed. Using the produced potential energy data, the ground-state scattering wave functions and elastic cross-sections are calculated for a wide range of energies. In addition, we predict the formation of a translationally and rotationally cold molecular ion (MgCs)+ in the ground-state electronic potential energy through a stimulated Raman-type process aided by ion–atom cold collision. In the low-energy limit (<1 mK), elastic scattering cross-sections exhibit Wigner law threshold behavior, while in the high-energy limit, the cross-sections act as a function of energy E go as E−1/3. A qualitative discussion about the possibilities of forming cold (MgCs)+ molecular ions by photoassociative spectroscopy is presented. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Cold and Ultracold Molecular Collisions)
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7 pages, 294 KiB  
Stark Broadening of Lyman-α in the Presence of a Strong Magnetic Field
by Evgeny Stambulchik
Atoms 2023, 11(9), 120; - 15 Sep 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 1326 | Correction
Stark broadening of Lyman-α of a hydrogen-like atom in the presence of a strong magnetic field is analyzed. The shape of the central (π) component of the Lorentz–Zeeman triplet is expressed analytically, taking into account the plasma coupling and microfield [...] Read more.
Stark broadening of Lyman-α of a hydrogen-like atom in the presence of a strong magnetic field is analyzed. The shape of the central (π) component of the Lorentz–Zeeman triplet is expressed analytically, taking into account the plasma coupling and microfield dynamic effects. It is shown that in a sufficiently strong magnetic field, the broadening of this component, contrary to the broadening of the lateral (σ) ones, is independent of the magnetic field and, therefore, can be used for the plasma density diagnostics. Comparison with computer simulations at conditions typical for tokamak divertors and white dwarf atmospheres shows a very good agreement. Full article
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8 pages, 366 KiB  
g Factor of Few-Electron Highly Charged Ions
by Dmitry A. Glazov, Dmitrii V. Zinenko, Valentin A. Agababaev, Artyom D. Moshkin, Elizaveta V. Tryapitsyna, Anna M. Volchkova and Andrey V. Volotka
Atoms 2023, 11(9), 119; - 8 Sep 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1809
The current status of the theoretical investigation of the bound-electron g factor in lithium-like and boron-like highly charged ions is reported. Some tension between the several theoretical values and measurements is discussed. Then, prospects for future investigations are briefly reviewed. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue 20th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions)
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13 pages, 3652 KiB  
Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation Sources from Dense Plasmas
by Klaus Bergmann
Atoms 2023, 11(9), 118; - 31 Aug 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1745
The concept of dense and hot plasmas can be used to build up powerful and brilliant radiation sources in the soft X-ray and extreme ultraviolet spectral range. Such sources are used for nanoscale imaging and structuring applications, such as EUV lithography in the [...] Read more.
The concept of dense and hot plasmas can be used to build up powerful and brilliant radiation sources in the soft X-ray and extreme ultraviolet spectral range. Such sources are used for nanoscale imaging and structuring applications, such as EUV lithography in the semiconductor industry. An understanding of light-generating atomic processes and radiation transport within the plasma is mandatory for optimization. The basic principles and technical concepts using either a pulsed laser or a gas discharge for plasma generation are presented, and critical aspects in the ionization dynamics are outlined within the framework of a simplified atomic physics model. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Atomic Physics in Dense Plasmas)
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93 pages, 4232 KiB  
Shape Coexistence in Even–Even Nuclei: A Theoretical Overview
by Dennis Bonatsos, Andriana Martinou, Spyridon K. Peroulis, Theodoros J. Mertzimekis and Nikolay Minkov
Atoms 2023, 11(9), 117; - 30 Aug 2023
Cited by 15 | Viewed by 3895
The last decade has seen a rapid growth in our understanding of the microscopic origins of shape coexistence, assisted by the new data provided by the modern radioactive ion beam facilities built worldwide. Islands of the nuclear chart in which shape coexistence can [...] Read more.
The last decade has seen a rapid growth in our understanding of the microscopic origins of shape coexistence, assisted by the new data provided by the modern radioactive ion beam facilities built worldwide. Islands of the nuclear chart in which shape coexistence can occur have been identified, and the different microscopic particle–hole excitation mechanisms leading to neutron-induced or proton-induced shape coexistence have been clarified. The relation of shape coexistence to the islands of inversion, appearing in light nuclei, to the new spin-aligned phase appearing in N=Z nuclei, as well as to shape/phase transitions occurring in medium mass and heavy nuclei, has been understood. In the present review, these developments are considered within the shell-model and mean-field approaches, as well as by symmetry methods. In addition, based on systematics of data, as well as on symmetry considerations, quantitative rules are developed, predicting regions in which shape coexistence can appear, as a possible guide for further experimental efforts that can help in improving our understanding of the details of the nucleon–nucleon interaction, as well as of its modifications occurring far from stability. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Nuclear Theory and Experiments)
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7 pages, 323 KiB  
Search for Weak Side Branches in the Electromagnetic Decay Paths of the 6526-keV 10+ Isomer in 54Fe
by Paul Böhm, Yuliia Hrabar, Dirk Rudolph, Pavel Golubev, Luis G. Sarmiento, Helena M. Albers, John T. Anderson, Michael A. Bentley, Michael P. Carpenter, Christopher J. Chiara, Patrick A. Copp, Ulrika Forsberg, Tianheng Huang, Heshani Jayatissa, Torben Lauritsen, Claus Müller-Gatermann, Xesus Pereira-Lopez, Walter Reviol, Darek Seweryniak, Sanna Stolze, Sivahami Uthayakumaar, Gemma L. Wilson and Jin Wuadd Show full author list remove Hide full author list
Atoms 2023, 11(9), 116; - 24 Aug 2023
Viewed by 1398
High-spin nuclear isomers in NZ nuclei between doubly magic 40Ca and 56Ni provide an excellent testing ground for the nuclear shell model and questions related to isospin symmetry breaking in the vicinity of the proton drip line. The purpose [...] Read more.
High-spin nuclear isomers in NZ nuclei between doubly magic 40Ca and 56Ni provide an excellent testing ground for the nuclear shell model and questions related to isospin symmetry breaking in the vicinity of the proton drip line. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the possibility of weak electromagnetic decay branches along the decay paths of the 6526-keV 10+ isomer in 54Fe. The isomer was strongly populated by means of the fusion-evaporation reaction 24Mg(36Ar,α2p)54mFe. The Gammasphere array was used to detect γ-ray cascades emitted from the isomeric state. By means of γγγ coincidences, weak non-yrast decay branches can be discriminated, with the isomer’s half-life confirmed at T1/2=363(4) ns. The yrast 61+21+ E4 cross-over transition was interrogated. The observations are compared with shell-model calculations. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Over a Century of Nuclear Isomers: Challenges and Prospects)
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20 pages, 3415 KiB  
Energetic and Spectroscopic Properties of the Low-Lying Isomers of C5H: A High-Level Ab Initio Study
by Sayon Satpati, Tarun Roy, Anakuthil Anoop, Venkatesan S. Thimmakondu and Subhas Ghosal
Atoms 2023, 11(9), 115; - 24 Aug 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1583
Fourteen highly reactive isomers of C5H and their ionic counterparts have been theoretically investigated using density functional theory (DFT) and coupled-cluster methods. The linear C5H (l-C5H) radical, pent-1,3-diyn-5-yliden-1-yl (1), along with its cationic [...] Read more.
Fourteen highly reactive isomers of C5H and their ionic counterparts have been theoretically investigated using density functional theory (DFT) and coupled-cluster methods. The linear C5H (l-C5H) radical, pent-1,3-diyn-5-yliden-1-yl (1), along with its cationic form and the cyclic C5H (c-C5H), 1-ethynylcycloprop-1-en-2-yl-3-ylidene (2), have recently been detected in the Taurus Molecular Cloud-1. By using the UCCSD(T)/cc-pCVTZ level of theory, the calculated rotational constants and other spectroscopic parameters are found to be in good agreement with the available experimental data for isomers 1 and 2. Therefore, the current theoretical study may assist synthetic chemists and molecular spectroscopists in detecting other isomers in the laboratory or in the interstellar medium (ISM). Thermodynamically favorable rearrangement schemes for forming low-lying isomers 1, 2, and 3 have also been studied theoretically, and (2λ3-cycloprop-2-en-1-ylidene)ethenylidene (3) with a large dipole moment (μ = 4.73 Debye) is proposed to be a plausible candidate for detection in the ISM. Full article
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