Common Mechanism of Activated Catalysis in P-loop Fold Nucleoside Triphosphatases—United in Diversity
:1. Introduction
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- In most analysed structures, a short H-bond (<2.7 Å) connects AspWB and [Ser/Thr]K+1; this bond is extremely short (2.4–2.5 Å) in those structures that contain NDP:AlF4− as a TS analogue; see Figure 1E,F.
- (2)
- In TS-like structures of P-loop NTPases of all classes, except those of the TRAFAC class, the Wcat-coordinating “catalytic” Glu or Asp residue provides a proton pathway from Wcat to the nearest ligand of Mg2+.
- (3)
- The distance between neighboring ligands in the coordination shell of Mg2+ is 2.9–3.0 Å, which implies the possibility of proton exchange between all of them.
- (i)
- The twisting γ-phosphate by stimulator(s) should affect the properties of Mg2+ ligands including [S/T]K+1; we suggest that the functional pKa of [S/T]K+1 becomes lower than that of AspWB, and the proton relocates from [S/T]K+1 to AspWB.
- (ii)
- The remaining proton vacancy at the anionic [Ser/Thr]K+1 alkoxide is refilled by a proton that comes from Wcat (or a sugar moiety in some kinases), after which the nascent nucleophilic anion attacks γ-phosphate.
- (iii)
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Generic Designation of Structure Elements in P-loop Fold NTPases
3.2. Catalytically Relevant Amino Acids, Stimulatory Patterns, and Activation Mechanisms in Different Classes of P-loop NTPases
3.2.1. Coordination of the Mg-triphosphate Moiety
3.2.2. Variability of Catalytically Relevant Amino Acids, Activating Partners, Stimulatory Patterns, and Coordination of Wcat
3.2.3. Interim Summary on the Common Structural Traits of P-loop NTPases
- (i)
- In all inspected structures for which TS-like structures are available, some of the amino acid residues that immediately follow AspWB (at the D+1–D+5 positions of the WB-crest) are involved in catalytic interactions with Wcat (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 6 and Figure S5, Table 1 and Table S1).
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3.2.4. Water Molecules in the Vicinity of the Mg2+ Coordination Shell
3.3. Global Structural Analysis of Hydrogen Bonding between the Walker A and Walker B Motifs in the Whole Set of P-loop NTPases with Bound Mg-NTP Complexes or Their Analogs
3.3.1. The H-Bond between AspWB and [Ser/Thr]K+1 Is Shorter in the Presence of Transition State Analogs
3.3.2. The TS-Analog AlF4− Makes More Bonds within the Catalytic Site than MgF3− or AlF3
4. Discussion
4.1. Structure Comparison of P-loop NTPases
4.1.1. Constriction of the Catalytic Site in the Transition State
4.1.2. Coordination of Wcat and Auxiliary Interactions
4.1.3. Summary on Novel Common Structural Traits of P-loop NTPases
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- (ii)
- In agreement with previous data (see, e.g., [39,159]), the activating partner usually binds to the P-loop domain by making new H-bonds and salt bridges with the residues of the WB-crest; see Figure 1C,D and Figure S5. In all inspected structures for which TS-like structures are available, some of the amino acid residues that immediately follow AspWB (at the D+1–D+5 positions of the WB-crest) are involved in catalytic interactions with Wcat (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7, Figure S5, Table 1 and Table S1). The energy of binding of the activation partner seems to be used for pushing Wcat towards the PG atom of γ-phosphate, constricting the catalytic site, and inserting the stimulatory moiety (see Supplementary File S2 for a detailed consideration).
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- In the companion article [30], we provide evidence that the common trait of all inspected stimulators is their mechanistic interaction with the oxygen atom(s) of γ-phosphate, which may cause its rotation by 30–40°.
- (iv)
- Comparing the structures with bound analogues of ATP/GTP and TS, respectively, we noticed that the binding of ADP:AlF4− as a TS-analogue results in greater constriction of catalytic sites than the binding of ATP or GTP. The constriction manifests itself in the shorter distances between AspWB and [Ser/Thr]K+1, which are as short as 2.5 Å on average (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 8A). The distances between HNK-3 and the analogues of γ-phosphate are also shorter in the structures with ADP:AlF4− bound; see Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6 and the companion article [30].
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4.2. ATP and GTP Hydrolysis by P-loop NTPases
4.2.1. Background on the Catalysis by P-loop NTPases
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4.2.2. Catalytic Factors in P-loop NTPases: Destabilization of the O3B–PG Bond
4.2.3. Catalytic Factors in P-loop NTPases: Planarization of γ-phosphate
4.2.4. Catalytic Factors in P-loop NTPases: Electrostatic Compensation of the Negative Charge of the Phosphate Groups
4.2.5. Catalytic Factors in P-loop NTPases: Does the [Ser/Thr]K+1–AspWB Pair Accept a Proton from Wcat?
- (1)
- We discovered that the “catalytic” Glu/Asp residues connect Wcat with ligands of Mg2+ in positions #3 or #6 in TS-like structures of P-loop NTPases of various classes (except the TRAFAC class); see Figure 1F, Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7A. Notably, the six ligands of Mg2+ form a regular octahedron with edges 2.9–3.0 Å long, so that the ligands #3 and #6 are on a H+-transfer distance from [Ser/Thr]K+1 (Figure 10). The short H-bond between [Ser/Thr]K+1 and AspWB completes the proton-conducting pathway that connects Wcat with AspWB in all families of P-loop NTPases except the TRAFAC class. The proton pathways from Wcat to AspWB, which resemble proton translocation systems of PRC and BR (cf Figure 9), are shown by the red dashed lines for P-loop NTPases of different classes in Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7 and by dashed arrows in Figure 10.
- (2)
- Mutations of AspWB to Asn, while retarding dramatically the activated hydrolysis, had no effect on the NTP binding [185,189,190,191,192,193]. In the case of E. coli F1-ATPase, the mutation even increased the affinity for ATP [191]. The AspWB to Asn mutation mimics the charge state of a protonated AspWB. Hence, the protonation of AspWB is unlikely to distort the catalytic pocket and be the cause of universal catalytic incompetence of the AspWB to Asn mutants. We attribute this incompetence to the inability of AsnWB to trap a proton from [Ser/Thr]K+1.Figure 10. Schematic presentation of tentative proton routes along the edges of the octahedral coordination shell of Mg2+ ion. The Mg2+ ligand #3 is assumed to be a water molecule. Proton entry points via ligand #6 or ligand #3 are shown with red and orange arrows, respectively. Protonic connection between [S/T]K+1 and AspWB are shown by magenta and light blue arrows, the route from [S/T]K+1 to O2B of β-phosphate is shown as a dark blue arrow. The movement of the O1G atom as a result of γ-phosphate twist is shown by purple arrows.Figure 10. Schematic presentation of tentative proton routes along the edges of the octahedral coordination shell of Mg2+ ion. The Mg2+ ligand #3 is assumed to be a water molecule. Proton entry points via ligand #6 or ligand #3 are shown with red and orange arrows, respectively. Protonic connection between [S/T]K+1 and AspWB are shown by magenta and light blue arrows, the route from [S/T]K+1 to O2B of β-phosphate is shown as a dark blue arrow. The movement of the O1G atom as a result of γ-phosphate twist is shown by purple arrows.
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- The pKa of an aspartate residue in water is about 4.0, much lower than that of water (14.0). However, unlike the “catalytic” Glu/Asp residues or γ-phosphate surrounded by charged residues (Figure 1E,F, Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 6), AspWB is in a nonpolar environment and its functional pK is likely to be high when the catalytic site is closed. AspWB is in the middle of an αβα sandwich, on the interface between the β-pleated sheet and the α1-helix; such interfaces are stabilized by hydrophobic interactions [169]. In addition, AspWB is preceded by four hydrophobic residues of the Walker B motif (Figure 1); the adjacent β strands, as well as the α1-helix, also contain many hydrophobic residues; see the sequence alignments in [9,10,12,188].Our data show that the relative SASA of AspWB drops below 6% in the presence of TS-analogues (Figure 8B). Upon constriction of the catalytic pocket and expulsion of eventually present water molecules, the hydrophobic environment should elevate the proton affinity of the H-bonded AspWB, as it happens with similarly H-bonded Asp96, which has a functional pKa of ~12.0 in a hydrophobic environment of the ground-state BR. Figure 9C shows that the structure of the Ser186K+1–Asp454WB pair of myosin overlaps nicely with the Thr46–Asp96 pair of BR.
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- Unfortunately, we are not aware of non-commercial software for reliable calculating the absolute pKa values in proteins. Hence, we used the PROPKA web server at (accessed on 14 August 2022). The server uses the PROPKA v. 2.0 half-empiric software that allows to assess pKa changes in response to ligand binding in the catalytic center [66].We applied PROPKA to the bovine ATP synthase, an extremely well-studied enzyme with a plethora of structures available [251]. The three catalytic centers of this ring-shaped enzyme work in turn, according to the so-called binding change mechanism [252]. Therefore, the catalytic pockets are usually open to varying extents. Using mixtures of nucleotides and their analogues, Walker and co-workers managed to obtain several structures where different centers in the same structure are as if in different stages of the catalytic cycle [253,254,255].We calculated the changes in pKa values of Asp256WB and the catalytic Glu188 (see Figure 6A) in response to opening/closing of the catalytic pockets and in the presence of different ligands. The values given in Supplementary Table S3 show that the estimated pKa of Asp256WB varies from around 9.0 (closed or constricted site with a nucleotide bound) to around 2.5 (empty site or a site with Pi bound). Interestingly, an intermediate pKa value of around 5.5 was obtained for a site containing ADP and Pi, which is believed to be half-opened [43]. Hence, the pKa of AspWB can increase by 7 units upon closing of the catalytic pocket. The estimated pKa values of Glu188 are much lower, usually around 5.0 when a nucleotide is bound (Table S3).
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- In contrast, the pK of [Ser/Thr]K+1, which is about 13.0 in water, is likely to be reduced when [Ser/Thr]K+1 serves as a Mg2+ ligand. Coordination of a Zn2+ ion by a serine side chain is known to decrease the pK value of the latter up to 5.5 yielding a serine anion (alkoxide) at neutral pH; see [52] and the references therein. The impact of a Mg2+ ion should be weaker; still, within a closed/constricted catalytic site, the low dielectric permittivity would enhance electrostatic interactions. [Ser/Thr]K+1 is the most deeply buried of the Mg2+ ligands (see Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 10), and thus it should be the most sensitive to electrostatic effects. As a result, the functional pK value of [Ser/Thr]K+1 may dramatically decrease upon constriction of the catalytic site.
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- The shortening of H-bonds found in the TS-like structures (Figure 8A) enables estimation of the difference in functional pK values of [Ser/Thr]K+1 and AspWB in the TS. It is well established, based on ample experimental evidence, that hydrogen bonds “generally shorten as ΔpKa, the difference in the donor and acceptor pKa values, decreases” (quoted from [142]). Specifically, Herschlag and colleagues observed, on various systems, that the ΔpKa decreases linearly from 20 to 0 with the decrease in the O—H••••O distance from 2.9 Å to 2.4 Å, with a slope of 0.02 Å/pKa unit, [142,256]. In NDP:AlF4--containing structures with constricted catalytic site, the length of the H-bonds between [Ser/Thr]K+1 and AspWB varies around 2.5 Å (Figure 1E,F, Figure 3, Figure 4A,B, Figure 5C,D, Figure 6A and Figure 8A), which corresponds to ΔpK < 3.0 and indicates a low-barrier hydrogen bond [142,256]. Hence, [Ser/Thr]K+1 and AspWB may have comparably high proton affinities in a constricted catalytic site.
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- Limbach and colleagues combined low-temperature UV-Vis and 1H/13C NMR spectroscopy (UVNMR) to study the effect of solvent polarity on the proton equilibrium between phenols and carboxylic acids [257,258,259], which system can be viewed as a model of the [Ser/Thr]K+1—AspWB H-bonded pair. These authors have shown that proton relocates from the hydroxy group to the carboxyl with decrease in polarity.
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- In the octahedral coordination shell of Mg2+, the O1G atom of γ-phosphate is the ligand opposite to [Ser/Thr]K+1 (Figure 10). Therefore, the stimulator-induced rotation of γ-phosphate, by moving O1G in any direction (as shown by dashed purple arrows in Figure 10), would inevitably increase the distance between O1G and the hydroxyl of [Ser/Thr]K+1. Pulling away the negatively charged O1G will increase the cumulative positive charge at [Ser/Thr]K+1 prompting the relocation of its proton to AspWB, e.g., in response to a thermal fluctuation [259] (Figure 11A).
- (9)
- We suggest that the resulting Mg2+-coordinated Ser/Thr anion (alkoxide), used as a proton acceptor from water by many enzymes [52,260,261,262], withdraws the proton from Wcat (or the sugar moiety in some kinases) via proton pathways shown in Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7A, Figure 10 and Figure 11B. This proton transfer should be additionally driven by strong local electric field (see Supplementary File S3 on the uneven electric field distribution in the catalytic sites of P-loop NTPases). The resulting state where both [Ser/Thr]K+1 and AspWB are protonated corresponds to the ground state of the Thr46-Asp96 pair in the BR (see the light-green structures in Figure 9B,C).
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- The formed anionic nucleophile (e.g., OH−cat), while stabilized and polarized by its ligands, is attracted by the electrophilic PG atom (Figure 11B). The proton affinity of the anionic nucleophile decreases as it gets closer to PG, so that proton return from the [Ser/Thr]K+1—AspWB couple becomes increasingly unfavorable, eventually satisfying the Eigen’s condition for proton transfer and making it complete.
4.2.6. Catalytic Factors in P-loop NTPases: Charge Compensation at β-phosphate
4.2.7. Evidence for Transient Protonation of AspWB from Infrared Spectroscopy Data
4.2.8. Re-Assignment of Functions in and around the Walker A and Walker B Motifs
4.2.9. Minimal Mechanistic Model of NTP Hydrolysis by P-loop NTPases
- (A)
- A Mg-NTP complex binds to the Walker A and Walker B motifs; the binding energy is used to bring the NTP molecule into an elongated conformation with eclipsed β- and γ-phosphates and to surround the triphosphate chain by positively charged groups that are provided by the P-loop, WB-crest and, only in TRAFAC NTPases, Switch I loop. The accompanying protein conformational changes can power useful mechanical work. The catalytic site is further stabilized by the H-bond between AspWB and [Ser/Thr]K+1. The H-bond length is about 2.6–2.7 Å (Figure 8A); in this state AspWB is negatively charged.
- (B)
- An exergonic interaction between the activating partner (another protein domain and/or an RNA/DNA molecule) and the WB-crest (i) shields and constricts the catalytic site, (ii) moves the WB-crest residues closer to the γ-phosphate, and (iii) inserts the stimulator(s) next to the phosphate chain. The constriction of the catalytic site shortens the H-bond between [Ser/Thr]K+1 and AspWB to 2.4–2.5 Å, turning AspWB into a potent proton trap. In most cases, (one of) the stimulator(s) links the O2A and O3G atoms of the triphosphate (Figure 1E,F, Figure 3B–D, Figure 4A–D, Figure 5A–C and Figure 6A) and twists γ-phosphate counter clockwise; the rotated γ-phosphate is stabilized by a new H-bond between O2G and HNK-3.In other cases, the stimulators drag only γ-phosphate and, supposedly, twists it in some direction; see Figure 3A, Figure 5D and Figure 6B–D. The interaction of stimulators with γ-phosphate (i) increases the electrophilicity of the PG atom, (ii) weakens the O3B–PG bond, (iii) promotes the transition of γ-phosphate to a more planar conformation, and (iv) inevitably affects the coordination of the Mg2+ ion by displacing the O1G atom. The increase of local positive charge at [Ser/Thr]K+1—after O1G is moved aside by the stimulator—promotes the relocation of proton from [Ser/Thr]K+1 to AspWB.
- (C)
- The anionic [Ser/Thr]K+1 alkoxide withdraws a proton from the polarized Wcat molecule via intermediate proton carriers. Here, we depicted the simplest proton route as envisioned for TRAFAC NTPases (see Figure 7D and Figure 11D–F). More complex proton routes via Wcat-coordinating Glu/Asp residues, as found in other classes of NTPases, are indicated by red dashed lines in Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 6 and Figure 7A and differently shaded red arrows in Figure 10 and Figure 11A–C.
- (D)
- The resulting OH—cat, stabilized/polarized by its ligands, attacks the PG atom. Although the simplified diagram in Figure 12D shows only one stabilizing interaction of OH—cat with the HN group of the WB-crest residue, several ligands are usually involved in the stabilization; see Figure 1E,F, Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 6. During this step, the proton stays on AspWB. The formation of a covalent bond between OH—cat and PG increases the planarization of γ-phosphate; its oxygen atoms repel the β-phosphate oxygen atoms, resulting in a lengthening of the O3B–PG bond. With the inversion of γ-phosphate, increase in the O3B–PG distance, and γ-phosphate moving away from β-phosphate, HNK−3 detaches from γ-phosphate and, together with LysWA, Mg2+ and the stimulator, neutralizes the negative charge appearing on the O3B atom, thereby lowering the activation barrier. In addition, the negative charge on β-phosphate attracts a proton from [Ser/Thr]K+1.
- (E)
- (F)
- The H-bond between β- and γ-phosphate gradually dissociates as H2PO42− leaves the catalytic site. The departure of H2PO42− is an exergonic reaction that may be coupled to conformational changes, detachment of the activating partner from the WB-crest, and useful mechanical work.
5. Conclusions and Outlook
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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P-loop Class, Activation Mechanism | Representative Protein Structure | Site ID in Table S1 | Figure in the Text | PDB Entry ID, Resolution | NTP or NTP Analog | Walker A Motif (K-3 and K+1 Residues) | Walker B Asp/Glu | Stimulatory Moieties | Coordination of Wcat a | |
Kinase-GTPase Division | ||||||||||
TRAFAC Interaction with the activating partner or dimerization in the presence of the activating partner leads to the stabilization of the Switch I loop and insertion of diverse stimulatory moieties into the catalytic site | RhoA | 3508 | 1C,E | 1OW3, 1.8 Å | GDP:MgF3− | Ala15 | Thr19 | Asp59 | Arg85†-NH2 (AG) | Gln63D+4-OE1, Thr37SwI-CO |
MnmE | 236 | 2A | 2GJ8, 1.7 Å | GDP:AlF4− | Asn226 | Ser230 | Asp270 | K+ ion (AG) | Thr251SwI-CO, Gly249T−2-HN, Thr250T−1-HN, Gly273D+3-HN, Gly273D+3-CO* | |
Dynamin | 3550 | 3A | 2X2E, 2.0 Å | GDP:AlF4− | Ser41 | Ser45 | Asp136 | K+ or Na+ ion (G) | Thr65SwI-CO, Gly139D+3-HN, Gly139D+3-CO*, Gln40K−4-OE1* | |
Atlastin | 3661 | 3B | 6B9F, 1.9 Å | GDP:AlF4− | Arg77 | Ser81 | Asp146 | Arg77K−3-NH2 (AG) | Gly149D+3-HN, Thr120SwI-CO, Gly149D+3-CO*, Asp152D+6-OD2* | |
Gα3 | 3545 | 3C | 2ODE, 1.9 Å | GDP:AlF4− | Glu43 | Ser47 | Asp200 | Arg178T−3-NH1 (AG) | Thr181SwI-CO, Gln204D+4-OE1, Gly203D+3-HN | |
Myosin II | 42 | 3D | 1VOM, 1.9 Å | ADP-VO43− | Gly182 | Thr186 | Asp454 | Asn233S−4-ND2 (AG) | Ser237SwI-CO, Ser236S−1-OG, Gly457D+3-HN, Gly457D+3-CO, Arg238S+1*-NH1,Glu459D+5*-OE1 | |
SIMIBI Monomeric domains dimerize and provide activating Lys or Arg fingers for each other in response to the interaction with the activating partner | GET3 | 64 | 4A | 2YNM, 2.1 Å | ADP:AlF4− | Gly39 | Ser43 | Asp151 | Lys37†-NZ (AG) | Asp66WB+1-OD2, Asp155†-OD1, Lys68WB+1-NZ, Gly154D+3-HN, Lys37†-HN* |
Signal recognition particle | 3522 | 4B | 2CNW, 2.39 Å | GDP:AlF4− | Gly108 | Thr112 | Asp187 | Arg138-NH1 (AG) | Gly190D+3-HN, Asp135WB+1-OD2, GTP†-O3′*, Gly190D+3-CO*, Glu284†-OE1* | |
Kinases Rearrangement of the lid domain upon binding of the second substrate leads to the insertion of Arg/Lys fingers into the catalytic site | Thymidylate kinase | 1207 | 4C | 1NN5, 1.5 Å | ANP | Arg16 | Ser20 | Asp96 | Arg16K−3-NH1 (AG?), Arg97D+1-NH2 (G) | The second substrate is coordinated by Arg45WB+1-NH2, Arg-97D+1-NE, Glu149Lid-OE1, Pro43-CO* |
Adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate kinase | 1490 | 4D | 4BZX, 1.7 Å | ANP | Gly453 | Ser457 | Asp478 | Lys562Lid-NZ (G) | The second substrate is coordinated by Asp41D+2-OD1, Lys562Lid-NZ, Arg483D+5-NH2, Arg497-NH1 | |
Adenylate kinase | xxx0 | S8B | 3SR0, 1.6 Å | ADP:AlF4− | Gly10 | Gly14 | Asp81 | Arg124Lid-NH1 (AG) Arg124Lid-NH2 (G) Arg150Lid-NH1 (G) Arg161Lid-NH1(G) | The second substrate (phosphate acceptor) is coordinated by Arg150Lid-NH2, Arg85D+4-NH1, Arg85D+4-NH2, Arg36WB+1-NH1, Arg36WB+1-NH2 | |
P-loop class, activation mechanism | Representative protein structure | Site ID in Table S1 | Figure in the text | PDB entry ID | NTP or NTP analogue | Walker A motif (K-3 and and K+1 residues) | Walker B motif, [Asp/Glu]WB | Stimulatory moieties | Coordination of Wcata | |
ASCE Division | ||||||||||
AAA+/SF3 ATPases In a hexamer, the binding/hydrolysis of ATP in one subunit causes conformational changes activating the adjacent subunit; the activation involves class-specific helical domain | N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor | 359 | 5A | 1NSF, 1.9 Å | ATP | His546 | Thr550 | Asp603 | Lys708‡-NZ (AG) Lys631†-NZ (G) | Asp604D+1-OD2, Lys631†-NZ, Ser647WB−1-OG |
SV40 large T antigen helicase (SF3) | 372 | 5B | 1SVM, 1.9 Å | ATP | Asp429 | Thr433 | Glu473 | Lys418†-NZ (AG), Arg540†-NH2 (G) | Asp474E+1-OD1, Asn529WB−1-OD1, Arg498†-NH1, Arg540†-NH2 | |
Helicases SF1/2: Rearrangement of the C-terminal domain upon DNA or RNA binding leads to the insertion of an Arg finger into the nucleotide-binding domain | Chikungunya virus nsP2 helicase (SF1) | N/A | 1D, 1F | 6JIM, 2.0 Å | ADP:AlF4− | Gly189 | Ser193 | Asp252 | Arg312‡-NH2 (AG), Arg416‡-NH1 (G), Arg416‡-NH2 (G), | Glu253D+1-OE2,Gln283D+1-OE2, Gly384‡-HN |
HCV NS3 helicase (SF2) | 136 | 5C | 3KQL, 2.5 Å | ADP:AlF4− | Gly207 | Ser211 | Asp290 | Arg467‡-NH2 (AG), Arg467‡ -NH1 (G), Arg467‡ -NH2 (G), Arg464‡ -NH1 (G), Arg464‡ -NH2 (G), | Glu291D+1-OE1,Gln460‡-OE1, Arg464‡-NH2,Gly417‡-NH, Ala323-NHWB+1* | |
Multifunctional helicase Pif1p (SF1) | 233 | 11B | 5O6B, 2.0Å | ADP:AlF4− | Gly261 | Ser265 | Asp-341 | Arg417‡-NH2 (AG) | Glu342D+1-OE1,Gln381WB−1-OE1, Arg734‡-NH1, Gly709‡-HN | |
ABC ATPases: Monomeric domains dimerize and provide activating LSGGQ motifs for each other in response to the substrate binding | Maltose transporter | 154 | 5D | 3PUW, 2.2 Å | ADP:AlF4− | Gly39 | Ser43 | Asp158 | Ser135†-OG (G), Gly137†-HN (G) | Gln82WB+1-NE2,Glu159D+1-OE1, Glu159D+1-OE2,Asn163†-CO, His192 WB−1-NE2 |
F1/RecA-like: In an oligomer, ATP binding/hydrolysis in one subunit causes conformational changes that activate the adjacent subunit by inserting Arg/Lys fingers | F1-ATPase | 18 | 6A | 1H8E, 2.0 Å | ADP:AlF4− | Gly159 | Thr163 | Asp256 | Arg373†-NH1 (AG), Arg189WB−1-NH1 (G), Arg189WB−1-NH2 (G), | Glu188WB−1-OE1, Arg260D+4-NH2, Ser344†-CO |
Replicative helicase DnaB | N/A | 6B | 6T66, 3.9 Å | GDP-AlF4− | Ser231 | Thr235 | Asp340 | Arg439†-NE (G), Lys437†-NZ (G) | Glu259WB+1**, Tyr341D+1** Gln381WB−1**Arg439† | |
Circadian clock protein KaiC | 683 | 6C | 4TL7, 1.9 Å | ATP | Gly49 | Thr53 | Asp145 | Lys224†-NZ (G) Arg226†-NH2 (G) | Glu183WB−1-OE1**, Ser146D+1**, Phe199†-CO | |
Recombinase RadA | 1376 | 6D | 3EW9, 2.4 Å | ANP | Gly108 | Thr112 | Asp211 | K+-503 (G), K+-504 (G) | Glu151WB+1**, Ser212D+1** Gln257WB−1**, | |
RecA | 100 | N/A | 3CMX, 3.4 Å | ADP:AlF4− | Ser69 | Thr73 | Asp144 | Lys248†-NZ (G) Lys250†-NZ (G) | Glu96D+1**, Phe216**†-CO, Gln194**D−1, |
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Kozlova, M.I.; Shalaeva, D.N.; Dibrova, D.V.; Mulkidjanian, A.Y. Common Mechanism of Activated Catalysis in P-loop Fold Nucleoside Triphosphatases—United in Diversity. Biomolecules 2022, 12, 1346.
Kozlova MI, Shalaeva DN, Dibrova DV, Mulkidjanian AY. Common Mechanism of Activated Catalysis in P-loop Fold Nucleoside Triphosphatases—United in Diversity. Biomolecules. 2022; 12(10):1346.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKozlova, Maria I., Daria N. Shalaeva, Daria V. Dibrova, and Armen Y. Mulkidjanian. 2022. "Common Mechanism of Activated Catalysis in P-loop Fold Nucleoside Triphosphatases—United in Diversity" Biomolecules 12, no. 10: 1346.
APA StyleKozlova, M. I., Shalaeva, D. N., Dibrova, D. V., & Mulkidjanian, A. Y. (2022). Common Mechanism of Activated Catalysis in P-loop Fold Nucleoside Triphosphatases—United in Diversity. Biomolecules, 12(10), 1346.