Agent-Based Modeling of COVID-19 Transmission: A Case Study of Housing Densities in Sankalitnagar, Ahmedabad
:1. Introduction
2. Study Area
3. Methods
3.1. Housing Density Classification
3.2. Population Density Estimations for Sankalitnagar
3.3. Agent-Based Modeling (ABM) of COVID-19
3.3.1. Agents
3.3.2. Modeling Interface
3.3.3. Environment
3.3.4. Agent Movement
3.3.5. Disease Transmission
3.3.6. Initialization and Verification
4. Results
4.1. Model Runs
4.2. Variation in Model Output
5. Limitations and Future Work
6. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Netlogo Source Code
;SETUP ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
extensions [gis profiler] |
breed [low lows] |
breed [high highs] |
breed [sick sicks] |
globals[ |
;globals representing datasets |
housing |
buffer |
cases |
density |
buffer-coords |
boundary |
;global representing ticks |
counter |
;globals representing patches |
high-patches |
low-patches |
neighborhood-patches |
boundary-patches |
high-density-turtles |
low-density-turtles |
] |
patches-own[ |
high-density? |
low-density? |
patch-ID |
] |
turtles-own [ |
origin |
origin-xy |
origin-x |
origin-y |
origin-patch |
sick? |
recovered? |
symptomatic? |
infected? |
infectious? |
origin-ID |
exposure-date |
sick-duration |
incubation |
high-density-t? |
low-density-t? |
] |
to load-data |
__clear-all-and-reset-ticks ;clear remains of previous runs |
load-housing |
load-features |
gis:set-world-envelope (gis:envelope-union-of (gis:envelope-of boundary) |
(gis:envelope-of buffer) |
(gis:envelope-of cases) |
(gis:envelope-of housing)) |
set counter 0 |
end |
to load-features |
set boundary gis:load-dataset “Shapefile_Simplified_Density.shp” |
set buffer gis:load-dataset “Shapefiles_1kmbuffer.shp” |
set cases gis:load-dataset “CovidCases_1kmbuffer.shp” |
end |
to load-housing |
set housing gis:load-dataset “ml_1_arcmap_gcs.asc” |
;gis:load-coordinate-system “/Users/mollyfrench/Desktop/Sankalitnagar Model/FINAL MODEL_1/FINAL MODEL/Data/Shapefiles from Dr. Quereshi/Shapefile_Simplified.prj” |
end |
;HOUSING ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
to apply-housing |
;resize-world 0 gis:width-of (housing) 0 gis:height-of (housing) |
gis:apply-raster housing density |
;resize-world 0 gis:width-of (housing) 0 gis:height-of (housing) |
ask patches [ |
set density gis:raster-sample housing self |
if (density = 42)[ |
set high-density? true |
set pcolor 48 |
] |
if (density = 53) [ |
set low-density? true |
set pcolor 98 |
] |
] |
end |
to sample-housing |
ask patches [ |
set density gis:raster-sample housing self |
if (density = 42)[ |
set high-density? true |
set pcolor 48 |
] |
if (density = 53) [ |
set low-density? true |
set pcolor 98 |
] |
] |
end |
;SETUP POPULATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
to apply-population-evenly |
set boundary-patches (patches gis:intersecting boundary) |
foreach gis:feature-list-of boundary [ |
neighborhood -> |
;Get the population for a high density neighborhood, take 2/3 of population |
let high-density-pop round ((gis:property-value neighborhood "HIGH_POP") / 10) |
let low-density-pop round ((gis:property-value neighborhood "LOW_POP") / 10) |
let neighborhood-pop round ((gis:property-value neighborhood "POP") / 10) |
set neighborhood-patches (patches gis:intersecting neighborhood) with [gis:contained-by? self neighborhood] |
ask neighborhood-patches [set patch-ID gis:property-value neighborhood “Id”] |
set high-patches (patches gis:intersecting neighborhood) with [gis:contained-by? self neighborhood] with [high-density? = true] |
set low-patches (patches gis:intersecting neighborhood) with [gis:contained-by? self neighborhood] with [low-density? = true] |
;ask high-patches [set pcolor white] |
ask n-of high-density-pop high-patches[ |
sprout-high 1[ |
set origin patch-here |
set origin-ID patch-ID |
set infected? false |
set recovered? false |
set high-density-t? true]] |
ask n-of low-density-pop low-patches[ |
sprout-low 1[ |
set origin patch-here |
set origin-ID patch-ID |
set infected? false |
set recovered? false |
set low-density-t? true]] |
] |
end |
to setup-infected-within-buffer |
;if ticks = 0 ;;[set dt time:create “2020/3/17 00:00”] |
;[show “Showing Covid19 Cases from 17/3/2020...”] |
foreach gis:feature-list-of cases [ vector-feature -> let day gis:property-value vector-feature “Days_Since” |
if day = counter |
[let starting-point gis:location-of(gis:centroid-of(vector-feature)) |
;set up so there is 2/3 chance that sick is part of high-density population and 1/3 chance that sick is part of low-density population |
if-else (random-float 100 < 67) |
[create-high 1[ |
set size 5 |
set color blue |
set xcor (item 0 starting-point) |
set ycor (item 1 starting-point) |
set origin one-of boundary-patches with [high-density? = true] |
set origin-ID [patch-ID] of origin |
set high-density-t? true |
set exposure-date counter |
set sick-duration 2 + (random 12) ;set incubation period between 2–14 days |
set infected? true |
set recovered? false]] |
[create-low 1[ |
set size 5 |
set color blue |
set xcor (item 0 starting-point) |
set ycor (item 1 starting-point) |
set origin one-of boundary-patches with [low-density? = true] |
set origin-ID [patch-ID] of origin |
set low-density-t? true |
set exposure-date counter |
set sick-duration 2 + (random 12) ;set incubation period between 2–14 days |
set infected? true |
set recovered? false]] |
] |
] |
;set counter counter + 1 |
;ifelse ticks = 50 |
;[stop] |
end |
to setup-sick-populations |
ask turtles [ |
if (random-float 100 < %-population-infected-at-start)[ |
set exposure-date counter |
set sick-duration 2 + (random 12) ;set incubation period between 2–14 days |
set infected? true |
set recovered? false]] |
end |
to clear |
__clear-all-and-reset-ticks |
set counter 0 |
end |
to setup |
__clear-all-and-reset-ticks |
set counter 0 |
load-data |
sample-housing |
apply-population-evenly |
if inital-sick-population = “random population” [setup-sick-populations] |
ask turtles [ |
set size 5 |
set shape “person”] |
end |
to run-model |
;setup initial sick population when setting up model |
if inital-sick-population = “from government data” [ |
setup-infected-within-buffer] |
;1) have turtles move according to scenario |
if scenario = “No Lockdown”[ |
ask turtles with [high-density-t? = true] [ |
move-to one-of patches with [patch-ID = [origin-ID] of myself] |
] |
ask turtles with [low-density-t? = true] [ |
move-to one-of boundary-patches] |
] |
if scenario = “Partial Lockdown”[ |
ask turtles with [high-density-t? = true] [ |
move-to one-of patches with [(patch-ID = [origin-ID] of myself) AND (high-density? = true)] |
] |
ask turtles with [low-density-t? = true] [ |
move-to one-of patches with [patch-ID = [origin-ID] of myself AND (low-density? = true)]] |
] |
if scenario = “Lockdown”[ |
ask turtles with [high-density-t? = true] [ |
stop |
] |
ask turtles with [low-density-t? = true] [ |
stop] |
] |
;2) after turtles move- ask them to infect one another or catagorize themselves |
ask turtles [ |
if (infected? = true) ;AND (recovered? = false) |
[ |
infect] |
if (infected? = true) AND (counter = exposure-date + sick-duration) [ |
set recovered? true] |
] |
;3) have turtles return home in the evening |
ask turtles [ |
move-to origin] |
;4) ask turtles to re-infect at home |
ask turtles [ |
if (infected? = true) AND (recovered? = false)[ |
infect]] |
set counter counter + 1 |
tick |
end |
;COVID-19 DISEASE SPREAD--------------------------------------------------------------- |
to infect |
let nearby-uninfected (turtles-on neighbors) with [infected? = false] |
if any? nearby-uninfected [ |
ask nearby-uninfected [ |
if wearing-mask? = true [ |
if random-float 100 <= 7 [ |
set exposure-date counter |
set sick-duration 2 + (random 12) ;set sick period between 2–14 days |
set infected? true |
set recovered? false |
]] |
if wearing-mask? = false [ |
if random-float 100 <= 52 [ |
set exposure-date counter |
set sick-duration 2 + (random 12) ;set sick period between 2–14 days |
set infected? true |
set recovered? false |
] |
]]] |
end |
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SubWard | Population | High Density (%) | Low Density (%) |
1 | 15,492 | 71 | 29 |
2 | 14,272 | 61 | 39 |
3 | 18,708 | 64 | 36 |
4 | 16,961 | 82 | 18 |
5 | 13,988 | 75 | 25 |
6 | 7021 | 60 | 40 |
7 | 10,221 | 69 | 31 |
8 | 12,008 | 71 | 29 |
9 | 4502 | 69 | 31 |
Scenario | |
“No Lockdown” | The low-density population is able to move within their own subsection of Sankalitnagar, while the high-density population is able to move throughout any subsection. This is meant to represent domestic work and other services provided by residents of high-density regions to residents of low-density regions. |
“Partial Lockdown” | Both the high-density and low-density populations are only able to move within their own subsection and housing density classification. Agents classified as high-density are only able to move to patches classified as high-density within their own subsection, and agents classified as low-density are only able to move to patches classified as low-density. |
“Lockdown” | Both populations stop moving. |
Initial-Sick-Population | The Randomly Selected Initial Population Considered as Being “Sick” |
“Random Population” | Upon setup of the model, a percentage of the agents will be randomly infected with COVID-19. This percentage can be adjusted using the “%-population-infected-at-start” slider. For our simulations, this variable was always set at 10%. |
“From Government Data” | Infected agents will sprout not upon setup but as the model runs because these infected agents represent real-life case data with actual dates and locations. |
Initial-Sick Population | Scenario | Wearing-Mask? |
“random population” | No Lockdown | TRUE |
“random population” | Partial Lockdown | TRUE |
“random population” | Lockdown | TRUE |
“random population” | No Lockdown | FALSE |
“random population” | Partial Lockdown | FALSE |
“random population” | Lockdown | FALSE |
Inital-Sick Population | Scenario | Wearing-Mask? |
“from government data” | No Lockdown | TRUE |
“from government data” | Partial Lockdown | TRUE |
“from government data” | Lockdown | TRUE |
“from government data” | No Lockdown | FALSE |
“from government data” | Partial Lockdown | FALSE |
“from government data” | Lockdown | FALSE |
Random Population | [Wearing-Mask?] | No Lockdown | Partial Lockdown |
Total Infected (%) | TRUE | y = 0.858x + 11.7 | y = 0.936x + 23.4 |
High-Density Infected (%) | TRUE | y = 0.581x + 7.07 | y = 0.658x + 12.4 |
Low-Density Infected (%) | TRUE | y = 0.276x + 4.67 | y = 0.277x + 11 |
From Government Data | [Wearing-Mask?] | No Lockdown | Partial Lockdown |
Total Infected (%) | TRUE | y = 0.0858x + −1.83 | y = 0.223x + −5.24 |
High-Density Infected (%) | TRUE | y = 0.0569x + −1.22 | y = 0.141x + −3.25 |
Low-Density Infected (%) | TRUE | y = 0.0289x + −0.605 | y = 0.082x + −2 |
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Share and Cite
French, M.; Patel, A.; Qureshi, A.; Saxena, D.; Sengupta, R. Agent-Based Modeling of COVID-19 Transmission: A Case Study of Housing Densities in Sankalitnagar, Ahmedabad. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2024, 13, 208.
French M, Patel A, Qureshi A, Saxena D, Sengupta R. Agent-Based Modeling of COVID-19 Transmission: A Case Study of Housing Densities in Sankalitnagar, Ahmedabad. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2024; 13(6):208.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFrench, Molly, Amit Patel, Abid Qureshi, Deepak Saxena, and Raja Sengupta. 2024. "Agent-Based Modeling of COVID-19 Transmission: A Case Study of Housing Densities in Sankalitnagar, Ahmedabad" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 13, no. 6: 208.
APA StyleFrench, M., Patel, A., Qureshi, A., Saxena, D., & Sengupta, R. (2024). Agent-Based Modeling of COVID-19 Transmission: A Case Study of Housing Densities in Sankalitnagar, Ahmedabad. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 13(6), 208.