Analysis of Development Trends for Rotating Detonation Engines Based on Experimental Studies
:1. Introduction
2. RDE Research and Development by Country
2.1. United States
2.2. Russia
2.3. France
2.4. Germany
2.5. Poland
2.6. Japan
2.7. China
3. Research Trend Analysis
3.1. Summary of Research and Development
3.2. RDE Performance
3.3. Research and Development Issues
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Organization | Engine Type | Geometry | Chamber Size [mm] | Propellant | Wave Speed [m/s] | Thrust [N] | First Author | ||
Outer Diameter | Channel Width | Fuel | Oxidizer | ||||||
Texas University | Rocket | Annular | 87.6 | 4.45 | GH2, GC3H8 | GO2 | 4083 | - | Braun (2010) [11] |
AFIT (Air Force Institute of Technology) | Rocket | Annular | 76.2 | 2, 6, 10 | GH2 | GO2 | 1013–2818 | - | Russo (2011) [12] |
Rocket | Annular | 28 | 2 | C2H4 | GO2 | 1100–1400 | - | Keller (2024) [17] | |
Rocket | Annular | 152.4 | 7.62 | GH2 | GO2 | 1400–1550 | - | Shank (2012) [14] | |
Air-breathing | - | 76.2 | - | GH2 | Air | 1200–1600 | - | Tellefsen (2012) [16] | |
University of Cincinnati | Air-breathing | Annular | 228 | 19 | GH2, C2H4 | Air | 1200–1300 | - | George (2015) [18] |
Purdue University | Rocket | Annular | 228 | 19 | RP2 | GO2 | - | 3000 | Walters (2018) [19] |
Rocket | Annular | 94 | 6.35 | H2O2 | C8H18O4 | 2220–2479 | - | Kubicki (2020) [20] | |
University of Central Florida | Rocket | Annular | 76.2 | 5.1 | GH2 | GO2 | 2272–2326 | - | Sosa (2020) [21] |
University of Michigan | Rocket | Annular (Racetrack) | 63.5 × 177.8 | - | - | Air | 1450 | - | Chacon (2018) [22] |
University of Alabama | Rocket | Annular (Racetrack) | 101.6 (annulus, linear) | 7.62 | LC3H8 | GO2 | 975–1075 | - | Unruh (2021) [25] |
Aerojet-Rocketdyne | Rocket Air-breathing | Annular | 100–430 | - | CH4, C2H2, C2H6, H2, LNG, JP-8, JP-10 | Air, O2 | 1000 < wave speed | - | (2018) [27] |
AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory) | Rocket | Annular | 76.2 | 2, 6, 10 | GH2 | Air | 684 | - | Thomas (2011) [28] |
Rocket | Annular | 228 | 19 | RP2 | GO2 | 1160–1740 | 1020 | Rankin (2017) [30] | |
Rocket | Annular | 152.4 | - | GH2, C2H4 | Air | - | 1360 | Fotia (2017) [32] | |
Rocket | Annular | 76.2 | 5 | CGH4 | CO2 | 980–2200 | 1334 | Bennewitz (2021) [34] | |
NASA | Rocket | Annular | - | - | - | - | - | 25,800 | (2023) [36] |
Organization | Engine Type | Geometry | Chamber Size [mm] | Propellant | Wave Speed [m/s] | Thrust [N] | First Author | ||
Outer Diameter | Channel Width | Fuel | Oxidizer | ||||||
Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics | Air-breathing | Annular | 310 | - | GH2 | Air | - | 2200 | Frolov (2017) [37] |
Air-breathing | Annular | 310 | - | GH2 | Air | - | 1500 | (2018) [38] | |
Rocket | Annular | 406 | 25 | GH2, GH2 + LC3H8 | Air | 400–2200 | - | (2017) [39] | |
Air-breathing | Annular | 120 | - | kerosene | Air | - | 650 (M = 1.5) 860 (M = 2.0) | Ivanov (2021) [40] |
Organization | Engine Type | Geometry | Chamber Size [mm] | Propellant | Wave Speed [m/s] | Thrust [N] | First Author | ||
Outer Diameter | Channel Width | Fuel | Oxidizer | ||||||
MBDA France | Rocket | Annular | 100 | 10 | GH2 | GO2 | 3100 (wave number: 2) 2750 (wave number: 3) | 338.5 | Le Naour (2011) [43] |
Air-breathing | Annular | 330 | 25 | GH2, GH2 + kerosene | Air | 1000–1400 | - | (2017) [44] |
Organization | Engine Type | Geometry | Chamber Size [mm] | Propellant | Wave Speed [m/s] | Thrust [N] | First Author | ||
Outer Diameter | Channel Width | Fuel | Oxidizer | ||||||
Technical University of Berlin | Air-breathing | Annular | 90 | 7.6 | GH2 | Air | 1181–1812 | - | Bach (2019) [45] |
Air-breathing | Annular | 90 | 7.6 | GH2 | Air | 355–1773 | - | (2021) [46] |
Organization | Engine Type | Geometry | Chamber Size [mm] | Propellant | Wave Speed [m/s] | Thrust [N] | First Author | ||
Outer Diameter | Channel Width | Fuel | Oxidizer | ||||||
Warsaw University of Technology | Air-breathing | Annular | 168 | - | Kerosene (add GH2, LIPN) | Air | 1350–1550 | - | Kindracki (2015) [48] |
Institute of Aviation | Air-breathing | Annular | - | - | Jet-A Jet-A + GH2 | Air | 500–2500 | - | Wolanski (2018) [49] |
Air-breathing | Annular | 225 | - | Jet-A Gasoline | Air | 1045–1170 | - | (2021) [50] | |
Rocket-Ramjet combined | Annular | 130 | 3.5 | GCH4 | GO2 | - | 200 | (2019) [51] | |
Rocket | Cone, disk, Annular | 228 | 19 | C3H8 | N2O | 1200–1300 | 250–270 | (2022) [53] |
Organization | Engine Type | Geometry | Chamber Size [mm] | Propellant | Wave Speed [m/s] | Thrust [N] | First Author | ||
Outer Diameter | Channel Width | Fuel | Oxidizer | ||||||
Nagoya University, Keio University, JAXA | Rocket | Annular, Hollow | 78 | Hollow 8, 16, 24, 60 | C2H4 | GO2 | 1780–2380 | 200–312 | Kawasaki (2019) [55] |
Rocket | Annular | 78 | 8 | C2H4 | GO2 | 1293–2121 | 92–291 | Goto (2018) [56] | |
Rocket | Annular | 78 | 8 | C2H4 CH4 | GO2 | 1213–1648 | 561 | (2021) [57] | |
Rocket | Annular | 66.9 | 3.2 | C2H4 | GO2 | 2040 (wave number: 2) 1750 (wave number: 3) | 201 | (2021) [58] | |
Rocket | Annular | - | - | CH4 | GO2 | - | 518 | (2022) [59] | |
Rocket | Hollow | 20 | - | C2H4 | GO2 | 1209–1333 | 108 | Yokoo (2020) [61] | |
Rocket | Hollow | 20 | - | LC2H6O | GO2 | 1400–1900 | 61 | Ishihara (2023) [63] | |
Rocket | Hollow | 20 Diverging angle: 5° | - | C2H4 | GO2 | 1180–1261 | 133–234 | Nakata (2023) [64] | |
Rocket | Hollow | 40 | - | C2H5OH | N2O | 1650–1850 | 280 | Sato (2024) [66] | |
Rocket | Disk | 33.6 | - | C2H4 | GO2 | 900–1600 | - | Nakagami (2016) [67] | |
Yokohama National University | Rocket | Disk | 76 | - | GH2 | GO2 | - | 75–400 | Ishii (2023) [68] |
Organization | Engine Type | Geometry | Chamber Size [mm] | Propellant | Wave Speed [m/s] | Thrust [N] | First Author | ||
Outer Diameter | Channel Width | Fuel | Oxidizer | ||||||
National University of Defense Technology | Rocket | Annular | 100 | 5 | GH2 | Air | 1605–1790 (wave number: 1) 1329–1475 (wave number: 2) | - | Liu (2016) [69] |
Rocket | Hollow | 100 | - | GCH4 | GO2 | 1500 | - | Wei (2015) [71] | |
Rocket | Hollow | 100 | - | GCH4 | GO2 | 1767.8 | - | Peng (2019) [72] | |
Air-breathing | Annular | 80 | - | GH2 | Air | 1725 | 610–824 | Liu (2017) [74] | |
Peking University | Rocket | Annular | 78 | 10 | GH2 | GO2 | 2449 | - | Wang (2014) [77] |
Rocket | Annular | 120 | 15 | GCH4 | Air | 1621–1646 | 14.2–400.4 | Ma (2023) [78] | |
Rocket | Annular Hollow | 120 | 15 (annular) | GCH4 | GO2 | 1200–1650 (Annular) 1700–2700 (Hollow) | 10–350 (Annular) 50–380 (Hollow) | Zhang (2023) [79] | |
Rocket | Annular | - | - | Burned gas of solid propellant N2 (36.5%), H2 (26.83%) | 2625 | 69 | Wu (2021) [80] | ||
Nanjing University of Science of Technology | Rocket | Annular | 80 | 5 | GH2 | GO2 | 1621–1646 | 14.2–400.4 | Peng (2019) [81] |
Air-breathing | Annular | 88 | 5 | GH2 | Air | 1550–1950 | - | Wu (2023) [83] | |
Air-breathing | Annular | 136 | 4 | GH2 | Air | 1380–1530 | - | Zhou (2017) [82] | |
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics | Rocket | Annular | 206 | 31 | Liquid Kerosene | Air | 1575–1610 | - | Li (2024) [85] |
Chongqing University | Air-breathing | Annular | 106 | 5 | GH2 | Air | 1550–1700 | 40–55 | Zhou (2023) [86] |
Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Institute | Rocket | Annular | 60 | 20 | MMH | NTO | 1350–1650 | - | Xue (2018) [87] |
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Yun, M.-S.; Roh, T.-S.; Lee, H.J. Analysis of Development Trends for Rotating Detonation Engines Based on Experimental Studies. Aerospace 2024, 11, 570.
Yun M-S, Roh T-S, Lee HJ. Analysis of Development Trends for Rotating Detonation Engines Based on Experimental Studies. Aerospace. 2024; 11(7):570.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYun, Min-Sik, Tae-Seong Roh, and Hyoung Jin Lee. 2024. "Analysis of Development Trends for Rotating Detonation Engines Based on Experimental Studies" Aerospace 11, no. 7: 570.
APA StyleYun, M.-S., Roh, T.-S., & Lee, H. J. (2024). Analysis of Development Trends for Rotating Detonation Engines Based on Experimental Studies. Aerospace, 11(7), 570.