The Transgression of Word-Formation Rules as a Sign of Linguistic Change in Catalan: The Case of -isme, -itis, and -metre
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. WFRs and Examples in Catalan
3.1.1. -isme ‘-ism’
- (1)
- O donar lliçons des de la suficiència incompetent o del cunyadisme il·lustrat [or to teach a lesson from the incompetent self-importance or from the erudite cunyadisme ‘brother-in-law + -ism’] (La Vanguardia, 5 May 2020).
- (2)
- Jo defenso la política econòmica de Zapatero, amb un argument. Perquè, és a dir, el facilisme és que tots siguem unànims en criticar-la [I defend Zapatero’s economic policy with an argument. That is because facilisme ‘easy + -ism’ is that we all criticize it] (“Els matins”, Catalunya Ràdio, 21 September 2009).
- (3)
- En qualsevol cas, sembla que el petó a la boca com a senyal de col·leguisme és present en la nova política d’esquerres [in any case, it seems that a kiss on the mouth can be a sign of col·leguisme ‘buddy + -ism’ among the new left-wing politics] (La Vanguardia, 4 March 2016).
- (4)
- Segurament que aniríem més enllà a l’hora d’analitzar el Noucentisme, més enllà de la rima fàcil ―usada per Alzamora― d’associar-lo a titafredisme i a feixisme de baixa intensitat [it is very likely that we could go further when it comes to analyzing the Catalan cultural movement called Noucentisme. Way beyond the easy route ―used by Alzamora― to associate it with titafredisme ‘cold dick + -ism’ or with a low-key fascism] (Avui, 9 May 2006).
3.1.2. -itis
- (5)
- No només la reina Isabel és reticent a l’abracitis [Elizabeth II is not the only one who is reluctant to abracitis ‘hug + -itis’] (La Vanguardia, 21 August 2016).
- (6)
- Fa uns anys que l’Ajuntament de Barcelona va patir un (enèsim) atac de dissenyitis i va inventar una bandera de la ciutat [some years ago, the City Council of Barcelona suffered an (umpteenth) attack of dissenyitis ‘design + -itis’ and it invented a flag for the city] (Avui, 12 March 2009).
- (7)
- No resultarà rar si dic que tinc la impressió que la política mallorquina no sembla tan afectada pel mal de la pedra, terrible malaltia dins de la política del Principat, amb la seva inauguracionitis corresponent [it is not strange to say that I have the impression that Majorcan politics does not seem affected by the so called “stone illness”, a terrible disease among the regional politics, with its own inauguracionitis ‘inauguration + -itis’] (Avui, 28 April 1999).
- (8)
- Si pateixes madonnitis i estàs boig per la deesa del pop, Madonna, et donem l’oportunitat de participar en el nou i original club, especialment fet per a tu [if you suffer from madonnitis ‘Madonna + -itis’ and you are crazy about the goddess of pop, Madonna, we offer you the opportunity to participate in this new original club, which has been created especially for you] (Avui, 5 February 1997).
3.1.3. -metre ‘-meter’
- (9)
- I recordo que a Madrid l’entorn de Florentino ja es va inventar el cagòmetre per intentar frenar el Barça de Guardiola, amb resultats indescriptibles [and I remember that, in Madrid, the environment of Florentino had invented a cagòmetre ‘to shit + -meter’ to try to stop Barcelona Football Club with indescribable results] (La Vanguardia, 24 February 2014).
- (10)
- Un magnìfic emocionòmetre per saber en quin punt ens trobem [a superb emocionòmetre ‘emotion + -meter’ to know at which point we are] (Cultura/s, 25 April 2020).
- (11)
- El seu marit en la ficció, Leonardo DiCaprio, té moltes opcions d’afegir una quarta candidatura a l’Oscar a les tres que ja té (totes sense premi), però no en té gaires de guanyar, segons el globusdoròmetre [Leonardo DiCaprio, who acted as his husband in this film, has many possibilities to add a new Oscar nomination to the three he already has (with no awards yet), but not many possibilities to win, according to the globusdoròmetre ‘Golden Globe award + -meter’] (La Vanguardia, 23 January 2009)
- (12)
- El que passa és que aquestes empreses ja tenen l’insultòmetre carodià que els vessa, per tant ni sumarà ni restarà en el seu nivell de desacreditació que Prisa parli bé d’ell [the thing is that the Carodian insultòmetre ‘insult + -meter’ of these companies is already full. For this reason, it will not increase nor decrease the level of discreditation he already has, even if Prisa speaks well of him] (Avui, 1 May 2005).
- (13)
- Un cop oberts els accessos, els socis i aficionats podran gaudir d’una actuació del grup infantil Macedònia i de diverses activitats infantils i familiars (un xutòmetre, un 3 × 3 de futbol, un taller de perruques, etc.) [once the access is open, the members and the fans will enjoy a performance by the children’s group Macedònia and many children’s and familiar activities (a xutòmetre ‘to shoot + -meter’, a football 3 × 3, a wig workshop, etc.)] (Ara, 13 May 2011).
- (14)
- L’aplaudímetre estableix, al final del congrés, la popularitat dels polítics i dels seus discursos, mesurant la intensitat i la durada de les ovacions [an aplaudímetre ‘clapometer’ establishes, at the end of the conference, the popularity of politicians and their speeches, since it measures the intensity and duration of the ovations] (Avui, 11 October 1995).
3.2. WFR and Examples in Other Languages: English, French, and Spanish
3.2.1. -ism
- 2a.
- ‘Forming the name of a system of theory or practice, religious, ecclesiastical, philosophical, political, social, etc., sometimes founded on the name of its subject or object, sometimes on that of its founder’ (OED). For example, Buddhism, Catholicism, Liberalism, or Puritanism.
- 2b.
- ‘More of the nature of class-names or descriptive terms, for doctrines or principles […]’ (OED). For example, agnosticism, feminism, imperialism, or romanticism.
- ‘[…] il forme des termes politiques et sociaux, avec la valeur axiologique de «système d’opinions» ou de «attitude, tendance»; des termes de philosophie, de religion ou de science («doctrine» ou «croyances»); des termes littéraires et artistiques («écoles, tendances») [it creates political and social terms, with the axiological value of “system of opinions” or “attitude, tendency”; philosophical, religious, or scientific terms (“doctrine” or “beliefs”); literary or artistic terms (“school, tendencies”)].’ (Grand Robert).
- ‘Une deuxième valeur du suffixe est celle d’«attitude et activité» conforme à la tendance ou au modèle qu’exprime la base (bovarysme, constructivisme, etc.) ou favorable à une personne, un groupe humain, etc. (américanisme […]) ou «activité quelconque» (canoéisme, etc.) [a second value of this suffix is “attitude and activity” according to the tendency or model expressed by the base (bovarism, constructivism, etc.) or favorable towards someone, a group of people, etc. (Americanism […]) or “any activity” (canoéisme ‘canoeing’, etc.)]’ (Grand Robert).
- 1.
- Forma sustantivos que suelen significar ‘doctrina’, ‘sistema’, ‘escuela’ o ‘movimiento’. Socialismo, platonismo, impresionismo [it creates nouns that tend to refer to “doctrine”, “system”, “school”, or “movement”. Socialism, Platonism, impressionism].
- 2.
- Forma sustantivos que significan ‘actitud’, ‘tendencia’ o ‘cualidad’. Egoísmo, individualismo, puritanismo [it creates nouns that refer to “activity”, “tendency”, or “quality”. Egoísmo ‘selfishness’, individualism, puritanism].
- 3.
- Forma sustantivos que designan actividades deportivas. Atletismo, alpinismo [it creates nouns that designate sporting activities. Atletismo ‘athletics’, alpinism].
- […]
- 5.
- Forma sustantivos que designan ‘situación’ o ‘condición’. Marginalismo, pauperismo [it creates nouns that designate “situation” or “condition”. Marginalism, pauperism].
“These lead the way to nonce-formations of many kinds, often humorous, of which the following are specimens, chiefly from newspapers: anti-slaveryism, anti-state- churchism, anti-whole-hogism, can’t-help-myself-ism, know-nothingism, Little-Ped dlingtonism, L.S. Deism (after deism), nothing-arianism, 19th-century-ism, other- ism, P.R. B-ism, Primrose-leaguism, red-tapeism, Rule-Britanniaism, self-ism”(OED).
- […] un des inventeurs du dilettantisme, du je m’enfichisme, de beaucoup de mots en «isme» à la mode chez nos snobinettes […] [one of the inventors of dilettantism, of je m’enfichisme ‘I-don’t-care-ism’, and of many words with -ism that are fashionable among snobs] PROUST, Sodome et Gomorrhe, Pl., t. II, p. 876. (Grand Robert).
3.2.2. -itis
‘In irregular trivial use applied to a state of mind or tendency fancifully regarded as a disease’ (OED). For example, in fiscalitis, suffragitis, bushrangeritis, or electionitis.‘Ce suffixe médical (grec -itis) est parfois employé pour désigner des habitudes, des manies, que l’on compare plaisamment à des maladies. Ex.: adjectivite (R. Le Bidois), n. f., «manie d’employer les adjectifs»; réunionite, «manie d’organiser (ou de participer à) des réunions» (this medical suffix (Greek -itis) is occasionally used to designate habits, obsessions, that can be compared humorously with diseases. Ex.: adjectivite ‘adjective + -itis’ (R. Le Bidois), f. n., “an obsession with the use adjectives”; réunionite ‘meeting + -itis’, “an obsession with the organization of (or participation in) meetings”).’(Grand Robert)
- (15)
- “Telephonitis is a widespread disease among businessmen in the down-town district”.
“No entiende, en un primer momento, el sentido de la expresión titulitis, con la que nos referimos en España a la excesiva demanda de títulos de carácter universitario, pero acaba señalando que “en la Unión Soviética también se vivió en cierto modo este problema […]” [Initially, he does not understand the meaning of the expression titulitits ‘certificate + -itis’, which is used in Spain to refer to the excessive demand of university certificates. However, at the end he points out that “in the Soviet Union they also used to have this problem”].”
3.2.3. -meter
- (16)
- The audience loved his performance and the needle on the clapometer shot up.
- (17)
- The winner of tonight’s talent contest will be decided by clapometer.
“The generation of scientific and technical terms containing this element appears to have originated in Middle French in the second half of the 16th century. The seminal item was perhaps altimètre (originally an adjective designating a geometrical instrument, probably borrowed from or formed after post-classical Latin altimeter […]”(OED)
3.3. A Diachronic Overview
Sonet de l’argenter sense argentL’argentòmetre diu que tu, d’argent,en tens com de Malvines l’Argentina,i, tot i ser argenter, tota la gentdiu que, en comptes d’argent, tens purpurina.(El somriure del tigre, Salvador Oliva (1986))
4. Discussion
En su actividad lingüística, el individuo conoce o no conoce la norma y tiene mayor o menor conciencia del sistema. [...] Los grandes creadores de lengua ―como Dante, Quevedo, Cervantes, Góngora, Shakespeare, Puskin― rompen conscientemente la norma (que es algo como el ‘gusto de la época’ en el arte) y, sobre todo, utilizan y realizan en el grado más alto las posibilidades del sistema: [...] un gran poeta ha utilizado todas posibilidades que le ofrece la lengua [Regarding the linguistic activity, speakers know or do not know the norm, and they have a higher or lower conscience of the (language) system. […] Those that are considered great creators of language, such as Dante, Quevedo, Cervantes, Góngora, Shakespeare, or Puskin, consciously break the norm (something that in art is understood as the ‘taste of the time’). They attain to the highest degree the possibilities of the system: […] a great poet uses all the possibilities offered by language].
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1 | An exhaustive revision of the different communicative functions of neologisms can be found in Llopart-Saumell (2016). |
2 | Among other word-formation mechanisms, such as clipping, semantic change, etc. |
3 | However, this is not the case of *romanticista (romantic -a ‘romantic’ + -ista ‘ist’), since in Catalan the word used to refer to the ‘follower of romanticism’ (GDLC) is romàntic romàntica ‘romanticist’. |
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Word | Base Morpheme | First Occurrence (CTILC) |
espanyolitis | espanyol -a ‘Spanish’ | 2000 [La cultura del gust als Països Catalans, Jaume Fàbrega] |
intelectualitis | intel·lectual ‘intellectual’ | 1904 [Art i literatura, Joan Alcover] |
localitis | local ‘local’ | 1974 [Butlletí de l’Institut d’Estudis Eivissencs] |
opinionitis | opinió ‘opinion’ | 2011 [Ara newspaper] |
reunionitis | reunió ‘meeting’ | 2010 [La gestió del temps, Iñaki Bustínduy] |
subvencionitis | subvenció ‘subsidy’ | 1992 [Allò que no se sol dir de la normalització lingüística, Josep M. Aymà] |
trampitis | trampa ‘trap’ | 1863 [El Mole] |
Word | Base Morpheme | First Occurrence (CTILC) |
argentòmetre | argent ‘silver’ | 1986 [El somriure del tigre, Salvador Oliva] |
escudellòmetre | escudella ‘porringer’, also a ‘Catalan traditional dish’ | 1902 [El poble gris, Santiago Rusiñol] |
filosòmetre | filosofia ‘philosophy’ | 2004 [El poeta i altres contes, Vicenç Pagès Jordà] |
viatjadròmetre | viatjar ‘to travel’ | 1917 [En Josepet de Sant Celoni, Santiago Rusiñol] |
Word | Base Morpheme | First Occurrence (CTILC) |
aniversarisme | aniversari ‘aniversary’ | 1991 [El Temps] |
bonisme | bo ‘good’ | 1998 [Una política de civilització, Josep Subirats and Concepció Villar] |
centrifuguisme | centrifugar ‘to spin’ | 1969 [Introducció a la història de la Corona d’Aragó, Joan Reglà] |
cineclubisme | cine club ‘film club’ | 2011 [Ara newspaper] |
devocionisme | devoció ‘devotion’ | 1926 [L’escultura catalana moderna, Feliu Elias i Bracons] |
enxufisme | enxufe ‘connections’ | 1933 [Madrid, Josep Pla] |
espanyolerisme | espanyol -a ‘spanish’ | 1946 [Quaderns de l’exili] |
genialisme | genial ‘genius’ | 1971 [Miró llegit, Alexandre Cirici Pellicer] |
grollerisme | groller -a ‘rude’ | 1917 [Les sirenes dels joves intel·ligents, Felip Cortiella] |
guineuisme | guineu ‘fox’ | 1934 [Alt Pallars. Quinzenal portantveu del Centre Republicà Català] |
jocfloralisme | Jocs Florals ‘Floral Games contest’ | 1980 [Literatura catalana dels anys setanta, Àlex Broch] |
manipulacionisme | manipulació ‘manipulation’ | 1998 [Una política de civilització, Josep Subirats and Concepció Villar] |
panxa-contentisme | panxacontent -a ‘carefree’ | 1922 [El novel·lista català Alfons Maseras, Cristòfor de Domènech i Vilanova] |
panxisme | panxa ‘belly’ | 1937 [La ideologia i la barbàrie dels rebels espanyols, Ramon Vinyes] |
projectivisme | projecte ‘project’ | 1966 [El poble gris, Josep Pla] |
senzillisme | senzill -a ‘simple’ | 1927 [Visions de Catalunya, Joan Santamaria] |
utilisme | útil ‘useful’ | 2011 [Adéu a la Universitat, Jordi Llovet] |
xarlatanisme | xarlatà -ana ‘chatterbox’, ‘trickster’ | 1921 [Islamisme, Josep Carner] |
xavacanisme | xavacà -ana ‘tasteless’ | 1876 [Teatre catalá, Francesc Ubach i Vinyeta] |
xulisme | xulo -a ‘cocky’ | 1926 [Ramon Turró, Leandre Cervera] |
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Llopart-Saumell, E. The Transgression of Word-Formation Rules as a Sign of Linguistic Change in Catalan: The Case of -isme, -itis, and -metre. Languages 2022, 7, 127.
Llopart-Saumell E. The Transgression of Word-Formation Rules as a Sign of Linguistic Change in Catalan: The Case of -isme, -itis, and -metre. Languages. 2022; 7(2):127.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLlopart-Saumell, Elisabet. 2022. "The Transgression of Word-Formation Rules as a Sign of Linguistic Change in Catalan: The Case of -isme, -itis, and -metre" Languages 7, no. 2: 127.
APA StyleLlopart-Saumell, E. (2022). The Transgression of Word-Formation Rules as a Sign of Linguistic Change in Catalan: The Case of -isme, -itis, and -metre. Languages, 7(2), 127.