Differences between Russian and Czech in the Use of Aspect in Narrative Discourse and Factual Contexts
:1. Introduction
(1) | a. | … zvolna si sedl vedle mne a Josefa, položil hlavu do slowly refl down-sat.pf next-to me and Josef put.pf head.acc in palms and watched.ipf on me ‘He slowly sat down next to me and Josef, put his head in his palms and looked | |
at me.’ | Czech | ||
b. | … on tixo sel vozle menja i Iozefa, sklonil golovu na he quietly down-sat.pf near me and Josef tilted.pf head.acc on ruki i stal smotret’ na menja. hands and began.pf watch.inf.ipf on me ‘He quietly sat down near me and Josef, put his head on his hands and started | ||
watching me.’ | Russian |
2. Background Assumptions on Aspect and Narrative Discourse
2.1. Some Remarks on Terminology
2.2. The Formal Side: Russian and Czech Aspect Morphology
(2) | Russian gradual pairs | |
a. ipf. pit’ > pf. vy-pit’ | ‘to drink (up)’ | |
b. ipf. risovat’ > pf. na-risovat’ | ‘to draw’ | |
(3) | Czech gradual pairs | |
a. ipf. jíst > pf. s-n-íst | ‘to eat (up)’ | |
b. ipf. psát > pf. na-psat | ‘to write’ |
(4) | Perfect pairs | ||
a. | RU ipf. videt’ > pf. u-videt’ | ‘to see’ | |
CZ ipf. vidět > pf. u-vidět | |||
b. | RU ipf. čuvstvovat’ > pf. po-čuvstvovat’ | ‘to feel’ | |
CZ ipf. cítit (se) > pf. u-cítit (se) |
(5) | Telic and trivial pairs | ||
a. | RU pf. dat’ > ipf. da-va-t’ | ‘to give’ | |
CZ pf. dát > ipf. dá-va-t | |||
b. | RU pf. pro-dat’ > ipf. pro-da-va-t’ | ‘to sell’ (lit. through-give) | |
CZ pro-dat > ipf. pro-dá-va-t | |||
c. | RU pf. pod-pisat’ > ipf. pod-pis-yva-t’ | ‘to sign’ (lit. under-write) | |
CZ pf. pode-psat > ipf. pode-pis-ova-t | |||
d. | RU pf. ot-kryt’ > ipf. ot-kry-va-t’ | ‘to discover, open’ (lit. from-cover) | |
CZ pf. ote-vřít > ipf. ot-vír-a-t |
(6) | a. | ṗf. po-sidet’ ‘to sit (for a while)’ | delimitative |
b. | On pro-sidel v tjurme 20 let. he.nom pro-sat.pf in prison 20.acc years ‘He spent twenty years in prison.’ | perdurative |
(7) | pf. za-govorit’ ‘to (start) speak(ing)’ | ingressive |
2.3. The Functional Side: Canonical and Non-Canonical Readings of the PF and IPF
(8) | Ivan uexal za granicu i postupil v universitet. John away-drove.pf behind border.acc and on-stepped.pf in university.acc ‘John went abroad and entered university.’ |
(9) | Ona rešit ljubuju zadaču. she solves.pf any.acc task.acc ‘She will solve/is able to solve any task.’ |
(10) | Kogda ja vošla, moj brat ležal na divane i čital knigu. when I in-went.pf my brother lay.ipf on couch and read.ipf book.acc ‘When I came in, my brother was lying on the couch and reading a book.’ |
(11) | Ona každyj den’ otkryvaet okno. she every day opens.si window.acc ‘She opens the window every day.’ |
(12) | Ne bylo somnenij, čto ja prežde vstrečal ee. not was.neu.sg.ipf doubts.gen that I before met.masc.sg.si her ‘There was no doubt that I had met her before.’ |
(13) | Zimnij Dvorec stroil Rastrelli. winter-.acc palace.acc built.ipf Rastrelli.nom ‘It was Rastrelli who built the Winter Palace.’ |
2.4. The Formal-Semantic Side: The Semantics of (Im)Perfectivity
(14) | a. | PF: S ∩ R = ∅ & E ⊆ R |
b. | IPF: ¬ (S ∩ R = ∅ & E ⊆ R) = S ∩ R ≠∅∨ E R |
(15) | a. | PF = |
b. | IPF = | |
c. | IPF = ‘Fake’ IPF |
(16) | Zaplatili. Plačeny byli naličnymi šest’ tysjač rublej. paid.3pl.pf paid.ipf were in-cash six thousand Rubles ‘They paid. It was paid 6.000 Rubles in cash.’ |
(17) |
2.5. Narrative Discourse: Discourse Relations, Fore- and Backgrounding
(18) | a. | e◯t | |
b. | s⊆t |
(19) | a. | Explanation(): The event described in explains why ’s event happened (perhaps by causing it) […]. |
b. | Elaboration(): ’s event is part of ’s (perhaps by being in the preparatory phase) […]. | |
c. | Narration(): The event described in is a consequence (but not strictly speaking caused by) the event described in […]. | |
d. | Background(): The state described in is the ‘backdrop’ or circumstances under which the event in occurred (no causal connections but the event and state temporally overlap) […]. | |
e. | Result(): The event described in caused the event or state described in […]. |
(21) | Sie stand auf, ging zum Klavier und klimperte vor sich hin. she stood up went to-the piano and tinkled in-front-of refl prt ‘She got up, went to the piano and tinkled away.’ |
(22) | a. | She opened the window, singing a song. |
b. | She opened the window, having noticed that it was cold. |
3. Corpus Data and Qualitative Analysis of Differences in Narrative Discourse
(23) | a. | (MM): Bulgakov, Mixail: Master i Margarita. In Bulgakov, Mixail: Master i Magarita. Rokovye jajca. Sobač’e serdce: Roman, povesti. Irkutsk 1988, pp. 3–382. [The Master and Margarita] translation: Bulgakov, Michail: Mistr a Markétka. Prague 1990. |
b. | (RJ): Bulgakov, Mixail: Rokovye jajca. In Bulgakov, Mixail: Master i Magarita. Rokovye jajca. Sobač’e serdce: Roman, povesti. Irkutsk 1988, p. 383-456. [The Fatal Eggs] translation: Bulgakov, Michail: Osudná vejce. Prague 2000. | |
c. | (Dov): Dovlatov, Sergej: Zona: Zapiski nadziratelja. In Dovlatov, Sergej: Sobranie prozy v trex tomax. Saint Petersburg 1993, Tom 1, pp. 25–172. [The Zone: A Prison Camp Guard’s Story] translation: Dovlatov, Sergej: Lágr. Prague 1988. | |
(24) | a. | (JR): Hrabal, Bohumil: Jetel růžak. In Hrabal, Bohumil: Sebrané spisy 10. Prague 1994, p. 106-112. translation: Grabal, Bogumil: Rozovyj klever. In Biblioteka Maksima Moškova (http://lib.ru/, accessed on 30 October 2021): Inostrannaja literatura 4 (2001). |
b. | (MP): Hrabal, Bohumil: Mořská panna. In Hrabal, Bohumil: Sebrané spisy 10. Prague 1994, pp. 9–17. translation: Grabal, Bogumil: Rusalka. In Biblioteka Maksima Moškova (http://lib.ru/, accessed on 30 October 2021): Inostrannaja literatura 4 (2001). | |
c. | (RP): Hrabal, Bohumil: Rukovět Pábitelského učně. In Hrabal, Bohumil: Sebrané spisy 10. Prague 1994, pp. 179–82. translation: Grabal, Bogumil: Rukovodstvo Il’ja učenika Pabitelja. In Biblioteka Maksima Moškova (http://lib.ru/, accessed on 30 October 2021): Inostrannaja literatura 4 (2001). | |
d. | (Sext): Hrabal, Bohumil: Sextánka. In Hrabal, Bohumil: Sebrané spisy 10. Prague 1994, pp. 145–53. translation: Grabal, Bogumil: Šestiklassnica. In Biblioteka Maksima Moškova (http://lib.ru/, accessed on 30 October 2021): Inostrannaja literatura 4 (2001). | |
e. | (Kun): Kundera, Milan: Žert. Prague 1967. [The Joke] translation: Kundera, Milan: Šutka. Saint Petersburg 1999. |
3.1. Single, Episodic Events: Chains of Events and Grounding
(25) | a. | […] ale když se potom dal se mnou do řeči, but when refl then gave.masc.pf with me.instr in speech.gen cítila jsem najednou, jak se zaplétám, felt.fem.ipf aux.1sg suddenly how refl untangle.pres1sg.ipf plácám, jak mluvím hloupě, a on když babble.pres1sg.ipf how speak.pres1sg.ipf stupidly and he when viděl, že jsem v rozpacích, obrátil saw.masc.ipf that aux.1sg in awkwardnesses.prep turned.masc.pf hned řeč na obyčejné věci […] immediately speech.acc on ordinary.pl.acc things.acc ‘… but when he then started talking to me, I suddenly felt how I become tangled up, babble, how I say stupid things, and when he saw that I was embarrassed (lit. in awkwardnesses) he immediately changed the course of | |
conversation to ordinary things …’ | (CZ Kun 25/30) | ||
b. | […] no stoilo emu zagovorit’ so mnoj
but was-worthwile.neu.ipf him.dat za-speak.inf.pf with me.instr kak ja vdrug počuvstvovala, čto sbivajus’, how I suddenly felt.fem.pf that become-confused.pres1sg.ipf boltaju vsjakuju čuš’, govorju glupo, a babble.pres1sg.ipf any.acc nonsense.acc speak.pres1sg.ipf stupidly and on, zametiv moju rasterjannost’, svernul razgovor he realise.ap.pf my.acc confusion.acc turned.masc.pf conversation.acc na banal’nye temy […] on banal.pl.acc topics.acc ‘… but he felt it worthwhile to start to talk to me, so that I suddenly felt that I become confused, babble random nonsense, say stupid things, and upon realising my confusion he changed the course of conversation to banal topics | ||
…’ | (RU translation) |
(26) | a. | […] do krámu vstoupil nový zákazník, posadil se to shop.acc in-stepped.pf new.nom customer.nom down-sat.pf refl za mými zády na židličku a čékal, až behind my.instr back.instr on stool.acc and waited.ipf until přijde na řadu; […] comes.pres.pf to turn.acc ‘A new customer entered the shop, sat down behind me on a stool and waited | |
until it was his turn.’ | (CZ Kun 14/17f.) | ||
b. | […] v cirjul’nuju vošel novyj klient i in hairdresser-salon.acc in-went.pf new.nom customer.nom and sel za moej spinoj na stul v ožidanii down-sat.pf behind my.instr back.instr on chair.acc in expectation svoej očeredi; […] his.gen turn.gen ‘A new customer entered the hairdresser salon and sat down behind me on a | ||
chair, awaiting his turn.’ | (RU translation) |
3.1.1. Temporal Aktionsart Prefixes
(27) | a. | Blagodorja tomu, čto assistent otozval professora, thanks that.dat that assistant.nom away-called.pf professor.acc ameby proležali poltora časa pod dejstviem amoebas.nom pro-lay.pf one and a half hour.gen under action.instr ėtogo luča i polučilos’ vot čto: […] this.gen ray.gen and happened.pf there what.nom ‘Thanks to the fact that the assistant called away the professor, the amoebas lay for one and a half hours under the impact of this ray and so this happened: …’ | |
(RU RJ393/16) | |||
b. | Díky tomu, že asistent profesora odvolal, thanks that.dat that assistant.nom professor.acc away-called.pf měňavky byly půldruhé hodiny vystaveny amoebas.nom were.ipf one and a half hour.gen exposed.part.pass.pf účinkům toho paprsku a výsledek byl následující: impacts.dat this.gen ray.gen and result.nom was.ipf on […] following.nom ‘Thanks to the fact that the assistant called away the professor, the amoebas were exposed to the impacts of this ray for one and a half hours and the result | ||
was the following: …’ | (CZ translation) |
(28) | a. | On pomolčal nekotoroe vremja v smjatenii, vsmatrivajas’ v he po-was-silent.pf some time in confusion.acc in-watch.ap.si in lunu, plyvuščuju za rešetkoj, i zagovoril: […] moon.acc swimming.acc behind bars.instr and za-spoke.pf ‘He stayed silent for some time in confusion, watching the moon that swam | |
behind the bars, and (then) said: …’ | (RU MM130/109) | ||
b. | Chvíli zaraženě mlčel, sledoval plující while.acc confused.adv was-silent.ipf followed.ipf swimming.acc měsíc za mříží, a pak se zeptal: […] moon.acc behind bars.instr and then refl inquired.pf ‘For a while he was silent in a confused manner, followed the swimming moon | ||
behind the bars, and then inquired: …’ | (CZ translation) |
(29) | a. | Pak holička po-od-stoupila […] then hairdresser.fem.nom po-away-stepped.fem.pf ‘Then the hairdresser stepped (a bit) away …’ | (CZ Kun 13/16) |
b. | Potom parikmaxerša oto-šla čut’ […] then hairdresser.fem.nom away-went.fem.pf a bit ‘Then the hairdresser stepped a bit away …’ | (RU translation) |
(30) | a. | Když přišlo pozdní jaro, když bylo léto, když se when came.pf late.nom spring.nom when was.ipf summer.nom when refl setmělo a byla sobota, přešel jsem got-dark.pf and was.ipf Saturday.nom across-went.pf aux.1sg osvětlený most, pak zahnul k mlýnu a podle Staré illuminated.acc bridge.acc then off-bent.pf to mill.dat and past old.acc rybárny jsem kráčel kolem plotu farní zahrady. fisherman.acc aux.1sg straddled.ipf around fence.gen churchyard.gen ‘When late spring arrived, when it was summer, when it got dark and it was Saturday, I crossed the illuminated bridge, then turned to the mill and past the | |
Old Fisherman and strolled around the fence of the churchyard.’ | (CZ JR 109) | ||
b. | Kogda vesnja približalas’ k koncu, kogda bylo uže počti wenn spring approached.si to end.dat, when was.ipf already almost leto, odnaždy v subbotnie sumerki ja perešel summer.nom once in Saturday-.pl.acc twilights.acc I across-went.pf osveščennyj most, a potom svernul k mel’nice i illuminated.acc bridge.acc and then off-bent.pf to mill.dat and zašagal mimo starogo ‘Rybnogo podvor’ja’ vdol’ ogrady za-straddled.pf past old.gen ‘Fisherman’s-Inn’.gen along fence.gen cerkovnogo sada. churchyard.gen ‘When spring came to its end, when it was already almost summer, one Saturday evening I crossed the illuminated bridge, and then turned to the mill and started straddling past the old Fisherman’s Inn along the fence of the | ||
churchyard.’ | (RU translation) |
3.1.2. Motion Verbs
(31) | a. | det. idti vs. indet. xodit’ ‘to go, to walk’ det. exat’ vs. indet. ezdit’ ‘to drive’ | russian |
b. | det. jít vs. indet. choditi ‘to go, to walk’ det. jet vs. indet. jezdit ‘to drive’ | czech |
(32) | a. | Ja ne znal, čto imenno togda dostig veršiny blagopolučija. I not knew.ipf that exactly then reached.pf peak.gen happiness.gen Dal’še vse pošlo xuže. further everything po-went.pf worse ‘I did not know that exactly then I had reached the peak of my happiness. After that everything went worse.’ | (RU Dov 35/14) |
b. | Netušil jsem, že právě tato doba byla not-suspected.ipf aux.1sg that exactly that.nom period.nom was.ipf vrcholem životního štěstí. Pak už šlo všechno peak.instr life-.gen happiness.gen then already went.det.ipf all mnohem hůř. considerably worse ‘I did not suspect that exactly that period was the peak of life’s happiness. Then everything went already considerably worse.’ | (CZ translation) |
3.1.3. Interrupting the Chain and Dwelling on the Process
(33) | a. | Professor dobralsja do komnaty Pankrata i dolgo i professor.nom reached.pf to room.gen Pankrat.gen and long.adv and bezuspešno stučal v nee. Nakonec za dver’ju unsuccessfully knocked.ipf in her.acc finally behind door.instr poslyšalos’ určan’e […] heard.refl.pf growl.nom ‘The professor reached Pankrat’s room und for a long time and unsuccessfully he knocked on it. Finally, one could hear a growl behind the door …’ | (RU RJ 391/13) |
b. | Profesor dotápal až k Pankratovu pokojíku a dlouho professor.nom to-toddled.pf up to Pankrat’s room.dat and long.adv bezúspěšně klepal na dveře. Konečně se za unsuccessfully knocked.ipf on doors.acc finally refl behind dveřmi ozvalo cosi […] doors.instr resounded.pf something.nom ‘The professor toddled up to Pankrat’s room and for a long time knocked on the door unsuccessfully. Finally one could hear something behind the door …’ | (RU translation) |
(34) | a. | […] přidala jsem se proto ze všech sil k Pavlovým to-gave.pf aux.1sg refl therefore out all.gen forces.gen to Pavel’s.dat ústům a přidávali se další a další […] lips.dat and to-gave.pl.si refl more.nom.pl and more.nom.pl ‘… therefore I joined in with Pavel’s chanting with all my force and more and more joined in …’ | (CZ Kun 20/22) |
b. | […] i potomu izo vsej moči stala podpevat’ and therefore out all.gen power.gen began.fem.pf along-sing.ipf Pavlu, k nam prisoedinilis’ drugie, ešče i ešče […] Pavel.dat to us to-joined.refl.pf others.nom still and still ‘… and therefore I started to sing along with Pavel with all my force and others joined us, more and more …’ | (RU translation) |
3.1.4. Interim Summary
3.2. Event Plurality, Habitual Contexts
(35) | a. | […] býval jsem bezradný […] was.freq aux.1sg helpless.nom ‘… I (regularly) was helpless …’ | (CZ Kun 34/39) |
b. | […] stanovilsja bespomoščnym […] became.si helpless.instr ‘… I (regularly) became helpless …’ | (RU translation) |
(36) | a. | Ona prixodila ko mne každyj den’, a ždat’ ee ja she.nom to-went.si to me every day and wait.inf.ipf her.gen I načinal s utra. Ožidanie ėto vyražalos’ v began.si from morning.gen expectation.nom this.nom expressed.refl.si in tom, čto ja perestavljal na stole predmety. Za desjat’ minut ja that that I rearranged.si on table.prep things.acc within ten minutes I sadilsja k okoncu i načinal prislušivat’sja, ne down-sat.si to window.dat and began.si listen.inf.si not stuknet li vetxaja kalitka. clatters.pres.pf Q-prt old.nom gate.nom ‘She came to me every day, and I started waiting for her from morning onwards. This waiting consisted in me rearranging things on the table. Within ten minutes [of her arrival] I sat down next to the window and started listening whether the gate clatters.’ | (RU MM135/112f.) |
b. | Chodila ke mně denně za poledne a já na ni went.indet.ipf to me daily during midday.acc and I on her čekával už od rána. Čekání spočvalo v tom, waited.freq.ipf already from morning.gen waiting consisted.ipf in that že jsem přestavoval na stole věci. Deset minut před tím, that aux.1sg rearranged.si on table.prep things ten minutes before that než měla přijít, jsem se uchýlil k oknu a when had.fem.ipf to-go.inf.pf aux.1sg refl proceeded.pf to window and napjatě poslouchal, kdy klapne omšelá branka. attentively listened.ipf when clatters.pres.pf moss-covered.nom gate.nom ‘She came to me daily during midday and I used to wait for her from morning onwards. The waiting consisted in me rearranging things on the table. Ten minutes before she was supposed to come I proceeded to the window and attentively listened to when the moss-covered gate clatters.’ | (CZ translation) |
3.2.1. Potential Shortcomings of the Dovlatov Translation
(37) | Balodis služil povarom. Glavnoj ego zabotoj byla prodovol’stvennaja kladovaja. Tam xranilis’ salo, džem, muka. Ključi Balodis celyj den’ nosil v rukax. ‘Balodis worked as a cook. His main task was the storage room. There they kept lard, jam, flour. As for the keys [to this room], Balodis kept them in his hands all day.’ | |||
a. | Zasypaja, privjazyval ix špagatom k svoemu asleep-falling.ap.si to-tied.si them string.instr to his.dat detorodnomu organu. Ėto ne pomogalo. Nočnaja smena dvaždy childbearing.dat organ.dat that not helped.si night shift twice otvjazyvvala ključi i vorovala produkty. Daže muka byla s"edena … un-tied.si keys and stole.ipf foods even flour was.ipf eaten.ppp.pf ‘Before going to bed he tied them to his childbearing organ. That did not help. The night shift untied the keys twice and stole the food. Even the flour was eaten …’ | (RU Dov 49f./29) | ||
b. | Než šel spát, přivazoval si je provázkem k before went.det.ipf sleep.inf.ipf to-tied.si refl them string.instr to přirození. Nepomáhalo to. Noční směně se dvakrát sex organ neg-helped.si that night-.dat shift.dat refl twice podařilo klíče odvázat a potraviny si nakrást. Dokonce succeeded.pf keys untie.inf.pf and foods refl steal.inf.pf even i mouku sežrali … also flour.acc up-scoffed.3pl.pf ‘Before he went to sleep he tied them with a string to his sex organ. That did not help. The night shift succeeded twice in untying the keys and stealing the food. They even scoffed up the flour …’ | (CZ translation) |
3.2.2. The Vivid-Exemplifying PF Present
(38) | a. | […] v poledne jsme neměli čas ani poobědvat, snědli in noon aux.1pl neg-had.pf time even have-lunch.inf.pf ate.pf jsme na sekretariátě ČSM dvě suché housky a pak jsme se aux.1pl on secretariat ČSM two dry rolls and then aux.1pl refl zase třeba celý den neviděli, čekávala jsem na again maybe whole.acc day.acc neg-saw.ipf waited.freq.ipf aux.1sg on Pavla kolem půlnoci […] Pavel.acc around midnight ‘At noon, we did not even have time to have lunch, we ate two dry rolls at the secretariat of the ČSM [Czechoslovak Union of Youth] and then again maybe did not see each other the whole day, I used to wait for Pavel around midnight.’ | (CZ Kun 21/23) |
b. | […] v polden’ nam ne xvatalo vremeni daže poobedat’, in noon us.dat not sufficed.ipf time.gen even have-lunch.inf.pf s”edim, byvalo, na sekretariate dve suxie bulki, a eat.1pl.pres.pf was.freq.neu.sg.ipf on secretariat two dry rolls and potom snova počti celyj den’ ne vidimsja, then again almost whole.acc day.acc no see.1pl.pres.refl.ipf ždala ja Pavla obyčno k polunoči […] waited.ipf I Pavel.acc usually to midnight ‘At noon we did not even have time to have lunch, it used to be/happened that we eat two dry rolls at the secretariat and then do not see each other almost the whole day, I usually waited for Pavel until midnight.’ | (RU translation) |
3.2.3. Interim Summary
3.3. Some Remarks on Previous Approaches to Explaining the Differences
4. General-Factual Contexts
4.1. Differences between Russian and Czech in Factual Contexts: The Expectations
4.2. The Presuppositional IPF
(39) | a. | Jagić studoval u Miklošiče Jagić studied.ipf at Miklošič.gen ‘Jagić studied with Miklošič.’ |
b. | Jak jsi spal? how aux.2sg slept.ipf ‘How did you sleep?’ |
(40) | To je ten chléb, který jsem {kupovala/koupila} na náměstí. that is that bread which aux.1sg bought.si bought.pf on market ‘This is that bread that I bought at the market.’ |
(41) | a. | Ten dotazník jsem už {vyplňoval / vyplnil}. this.acc questionnaire.acc aux.1sg already out-filled.si out-filled.pf ‘This questionnaire—I already filled it in.’ | (CZ) |
b. | Ja uže {zapolnjal / zapolnil} anketu. I already in-filled.si in-filled.pf questionnaire.acc ‘I already filled in this questionnaire.’ | (RU) |
(42) | a. | {Psal / napsal} to tužkou. wrote.ipf wrote.pf that pencil.instr ‘He wrote it in pencil.’ | (CZ) |
b. | On {pisal / napisal} ėto karandašom. he.nom wrote.ipf wrote.pf that pencil.instr ‘He wrote it in pencil.’ | (RU) |
(43) | a. | Ėtot pidžak Kal’ju nadeval tol’ko raz – v magazine this.acc jacket.acc Kal’ju on-put.si only once in shop.prep Lansmana. Lansman.gen ‘Kal’ju put this jacket on only once – in the shop of Lansman.’ | (RU Dov 29/8) |
b. | Tohle sakosi Pahapil zatím oblékl jen jednou v životě, this.acc jacket.acc Pahapil meanwhile on-put.pf only once in life.prep totiž v Lansmanově obchodě, když ho kupoval. namely in Lansman’s shop.prep when it bought.ipf ‘Meanwhile Pahapil put this jacket on only once in his life, namely in Lanman’s shop when he bought it.’ | (CZ translation) |
4.3. The Existential IPF and Its Absence in Czech
(44) | a. | […] ale vždyt’ je to patnáct let, co jsem ji naposledy but after all is that fifteen years that aux.1sg her.acc last time viděl! seen.ipf ‘… but after all it has been 15 years that I last saw her!’ | (CZ Kun 14/17) |
b. | […] no ved’ prošlo pjatnadcat’ let s tex por, kak ja v but after all through-went.pf fifteen years since that time how I in poslednij raz videl ee! last time saw.ipf her.acc ‘… but after all 15 years have passed since I saw her the last time!’ | (RU translation) |
(45) | a. | […] kdy se k ní přidala další výhrada anebo kdy when refl to her to-gave.pf further.nom reservation.nom or when se člověk dostal do nějakého konfliktu nebo se refl person.nom in-became.pf in some.gen conflict.gen or refl stal obětí podezření i útoku, […] became.pf victim suspicion.gen and attack.gen ‘… when another reservation was added to the first one or when a person got into some conflict or became victim of suspicion and attack …’ | (CZ Kun 33/37f.) |
b. | […] esli k odnoj ogovorke dobavljalas’ ešče i drugaja, if to one.dat reservation.dat to-added.refl.si still also other.nom esli čelovek okazyvalsja zamešannym v kakom-libo konflikte if person.nom up-turned.si entangled.instr in some.prep conflict.prep ili stanovilsja žertvoj podozrenij i napadok, […] or became.si victim.instr suspicions.gen and attacks.gen ‘… If to one reservation yet another one is added, if a person turns up entangled in some conflict or becomes victim of suspicions and attacks …’ | (RU translation) |
(46) | a. | Ja pomnju, v detstve odnaždy ja {upal / padal} s ėtogo I remember in childhood.prep once I fell.pf fell.si from this dereva. tree ‘I remember, as a child I once fell from that tree.’ | (RU) |
b. | Jako dítě jsem jednou {spadl / *padal} z toho stromu. as child aux.1sg once fell.pf fell.si out this tree ‘As a child, I once fell from that tree.’ | (CZ) | |
(47) | a. | Odnaždy on uže polučal vygovor za opozdanie. once he already received.si reprimand for lateness ‘Already once has he received a reprimand for being late.’ | (RU) |
b. | Jednou už {dostal / *dostával} napomenutí za spoždení. once already received.pf received.si reprimand for lateness ‘Already once has he received a reprimand for being late.’ | (CZ) |
(48) | a. | Ty kogda-nibud’ {*pročital / čital / dočityval} ėtu you.nom ever through-read.pf read.ipf to-read.si this.acc knigu ot načala do konca? book.acc from beginning to end ‘Have you ever read this book from beginning to end?’ | (RU) |
b. | {Přčetl / *Četl} jsi někdy vůbec tu through-read.pf read.ipf aux.2sg at some time at all this.acc celou knihu? whole.acc book.acc ‘Have you ever (at all) read this whole book?’ | (CZ) |
(49) | Ty kogda-nibud’ {pročityval / #pročital / (?)čital} roman Prusta do you ever read.si read.pf read.ipf novel Proust.gen until konca? end ‘Have you ever read a novel by Proust to the end?’ |
4.4. Annulled Results
(50) | Ty otkryval okno? you opened.si window.acc ‘Did you open the window?’ (It is closed now.) |
(51) | {Otevřel / Otvíral} jsi okno? opened.pf opened.ipf aux.2sg window.acc ‘Did you open the window?’ |
(52) | a. | On se ještě neprobudil? Ne, on se probudil, ale pak zas he refl still neg-up-woke.pf no he refl up-wake.pf but then again usnul. fell-asleep.pf ‘He hasn’t woken up yet? No, he did wake up, but he has fallen asleep again.’ | (CZ) |
b. | On ešče ne prosnulsja? Net, on prosypalsja, a potom opjat’ he still not up-wake.refl.pf no he up-woke.refl.si but then again zasnul. fell-asleep.pf ‘He hasn’t woken up yet? No, he did wake up, but he has fallen asleep again.’ | (RU) |
(53) | a. | On včera k vam zaezžal, no ne zastal vas doma. he yesterday to you by-drove.si but not found.pf you home ‘Yesterday he drove by your place but did not find you home.’ | (RU) |
b. | Včera k vám zajel, avšak nezastihl vás doma. yesterday to you by-drove.pf but neg-found.pf you home ‘Yesterday he drove by your place but did not find you home.’ | (CZ) |
4.5. Interim Summary
5. Summary and Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1, 2, 3 | 1st, 2nd, 3rd person |
ACC | accusative case |
ADV | adverb |
AP | adverbial participle |
AUX | auxiliary |
CZ | Czech |
DAT | dative case |
DET | determinate (verb of motion) |
disc | discourse |
FEM | feminine |
FREQ | frequentative |
GEN | genitive case |
INDET | indeterminate (verb of motion) |
INF | infinitive |
INSTR | instrumental case |
IPF | imperfective |
MASC | masculine |
NEG | negation |
NEU | neuter |
NOM | nominative case |
PAP | past active participle |
PF | perfective |
PL | plural |
PPP | past passive participle |
PREP | prepositional case |
PRES | present tense |
PRT | particle |
Q-PRT | question particle |
REFL | reflexive |
RU | Russian |
SG | singular |
SI | secondary imperfective |
Appendix A. Further Parallel Corpus Examples from Habitual Contexts
(54) | a. | Mnogie iz 30 tysjač mexaničeskix ėkipažej, begavšie v many.pl.nom of 30 thousand mechanical wagons run.pap.det.ipf in 28-m godu po Moskve, proskakivali po ulice 28th year along Moscow.prep through-jumped.si along street.prep Gercena, šurša po gladkim torcam, i čerez každuju Gercen.gen rustle.ap.ipf over smooth pavement and through every minutu s gulom i skrežetom skatyvalsja s Gercena minute with roaring and crunching down-rolled.refl.si from Gercen.gen k Moxovoj tramvaj 16, 22, 48 ili 53-go maršruta. to Moxovaja.dat tram.nom 16, 22, 48 or 53th-gen line.gen ‘Many of the 30.000 mechanical wagons that operated around Moscow in 1928 rustled over smooth pavement along Gercen street, and every minute Tram lines 16, 22, 48 or 53 rolled down from Gercen street to Moxovaja street roaring and crunching.’ | (RU RJ389/10) |
b. | Mnohé z třiceti tisíc drožek, které v many.pl.nom out thirty.gen thousand.gen carriages.gen which in osmadvacátém jezdily po Moskvě, proklouzly Gercenovou 28th drove.indet.ipf along Moscow through-slid.pf Gercen ulicí a zasvištěly na hladkém dřevěném dláždění; každou street and buzzed.pf on smooth wooden pavement every.acc minutu se s řinkotem a skřípěním přehnala od minute.acc refl with rattling and crunching past-chased.pf from Gercenovy ulice k Mechové tramvaj číslo 16, 22, 48 nebo 53. Gercen street to Mechová tram.nom number 16, 22, 48 or 53 ‘Many of the 30.000 carriages that drove around Moscow in 1928 slid through Gercen street and buzzed on the smooth pavement. Every minute Tram no. 16, 22, 48 or 53 chased by from Gercen street to Mechová street, rattling and crunching.’ | (CZ translation) | |
(55) | a. | A nejen matka, ale to už přišli ostatní and neg-only mother.nom but there already to-went.pf other.pl.nom herci, všechny jsem je znal, protože jsem jim actors.nom all.pl.acc aux.1sg I knew.ipf because aux.1sg them.dat mazal chleba se sádlem a podával láhve piva, smeared.ipf bread.acc with lard.instr and passed.si bottles.acc beer.gen taky přišli v pěkných šatech, každý měl pod also to-went.pf in pretty.pl.prep dresses.prep every.nom had.ipf under paží srolovanou úlohu, když se stmívalo, tak arm.instr rolled-up.acc roll.acc when refl darkened.neutr.ipf then náměstím chodilo sem a tam deset bílých square.instr went.neutr.indet.ipf here and there ten.nom white srolovaných divadelních knížek […] rolled-up theatre- booklets ‘And not only (the) mother, but quickly also other actors came/arrived, I knew them all, because I made them lard breads and passed them beer bottles, they also came in pretty clothes/costumes, everyone had a rolled-up text under their arm, and when it turned dark, ten white rolled-up theatre texts flew here and there across the square.’ | (CZ, Sext 147) |
b. | I tak vela sebja ne tol’ko matuška, no i drugie and so led.ind.ipf refl not only mother.nom but also other.pl.nom aktery; ja vsex ix znal, potomu čto namazyval actors.nom I all.pl.acc them.acc knew.ipf because smeared.si im smalec na xleb i podaval butylki s pivom, them.dat lard.acc on bread.acc and passed.si bottles.acc with beer.instr oni tože prixodili prinarjažennye, i u každogo iz nix they also to-went.si dressed-up.nom and at every.gen out-of them.gen pod myškoj torčala svernutaja v trubku under armpit.instr stuck-out.ipf rolled.nom in little-tube.acc rol’, tak čto v sumerkax po ploščadi rasxaživalo roll/part.nom so that in dusk.prep across square.dat apart-went.si tuda-sjuda desjat’ belyx truboček […] here-there ten white little-tubes ‘And not only (the) mother behaved like that, but also other actors; I knew them all because I smeared them lard on bread and passed them bottles with beer, they also came dressed up, and everyone of them had their part rolled up in a little tube sticking out out from under their armpits, so that when it turned dark ten white little tubes went here and there across the square.’ | (RU translation) |
1 | I say here ‘almost exclusively’ due to the occasional use of PF present tense forms in such contexts, which I briefly address in Section 3.2.2 and in Note 10. |
2 | Further differences between Russian and Czech (and sometimes also other Slavic languages) have been described for imperatives (Alvestad 2013, 2014; Benacchio 2010; Dokulil 1948; Eckert 1984; von Waldenfels 2014), as well as coincidence, instructions, commentaries (Dickey 2000). |
3 | For the most recent discussion of variation in the use of the IPF in general-factual contexts in Czech, Polish, and Russian, see Klimek-Jankowska (2022), this volume. |
4 | The prefixes involved vary from lexeme to lexeme, and they have been labeled ‘empty’ because intuitively they double some meaning component already present in the simple IPF (e.g., vy-, na-, and s- in (2) and (3) mean ‘out’, ‘on’, and ‘away’, respectively). Isačenko (1962) treats such prefixes (in Russian) as resultative Aktionsart prefixes, whereas the mainstream view (also for Czech) is that such prefixes derive an aspectual partner to simple IPFs. |
5 | There are other types of aspectual pairs, which I set aside for now, namely, suppletive pairs, which—at least from a synchronic point of view—are not morphologically transparent (e.g., Ru. ipf. brat’ / pf. vzjat’ and Cz. ipf. brát / pf. vzít, which all mean ‘to take’). I will also set aside so-called biaspectual verbs, for which the aspectual semantics is contextually determined (see, e.g., Janda 2007, on Russian). Most of these are loan words (e.g., Ru. demaskirovat’ ‘to unmask’, Cz. skórovat ‘to score’), which sometimes get integrated into the morphological aspectual system (e.g., Ru. (u)regulirovat’ ‘to regulate’, (po)guglit’ ‘to google’); some are Old Church Slavonic remnants. |
6 | As noted by one of the reviewers, the lack of argument structure effects of external prefixes mentioned here is an oversimplification, since it only applies to the temporal Aktionsart prefixes I discussed here (and maybe to some others). Some Aktionsart prefixes, in particular those that express a quantitative Aktionsart (in the sense of Isačenko 1962), for example the distributive and the cumulative Aktionsart (for discussion of these in Czech see Součková 2004a), require a plural theme argument. This requirement could be seen as an argument structure effect, even if the thematic relations remain unaffected by the addition of such prefixes. This could mean that either the definition of what counts as an external prefix has to be changed, or such prefixes are not external. Furthermore, Tatevosov (n.d.) makes a three-way distinction of prefixes into internal/lexical, intermediate, and external/superlexical ones, and one could group the quantitative Aktionsart prefixes (and maybe also the disputed ‘empty’ prefixes) with the intermediate ones. Since my goal is not to provide an extensive list of prefixes but to only concentrate on some, which clearly fall into either the internal or the external class, I will not discuss this additional distinction further. |
7 | Russian and Czech have synthetic present and past tense forms for both IPFs and PFs, and a periphrastic future tense form for IPFs only. Future reference with PFs is generally achieved by PF present tense forms. The past tense in Czech is a periphrastic form consisting of a present tense form of ‘to be’ (which I gloss as aux and which is dropped/null in the third person) and the so-called l-participle, which originates from a perfect participle. Therefore the Czech past tense formally looks like a perfect, but it is the only past tense in the language so that it is regularly labeled as such. In Russian the past tense is the standalone l-participle that never appears with an auxiliary (e.g., uexal, postupil in (8)). |
8 | Throughout the paper when I provide original examples from the literature, I regularly add glosses and in some cases also translations, even when they are absent in the original literature (e.g., because the original literature is in Russian). I also sometimes add boldface and underlining for highlighting certain aspects of the examples, which could have been absent in the literature. |
9 | Generic statement most likely also involve a modal component, which statements involving iteratives and habituals do not necessarily do. Generic statements do not necessarily require the IPF in Czech (see also discussion in Filip and Carlson 1997), and even in Russian, where there is a strong link with IPFs, the PF can sometimes be used, as we have seen in the use of PF present tense forms under the potential reading, illustrated in (9). |
10 | In iterative contexts, the PF can be used if the number of repetitions is known and the stretch of repetitions is presented as one whole, as in (i). The Russian descriptive literature labels this the ‘summation’ (summarnoe) reading of the PF (cf. Zaliznjak and Šmelev 1997). (i) Ona dva raza postučala v dver’. she two times knocked.pf in door.acc ‘She knocked on the door twice.’ |
11 | In both Czech and Russian past tense forms, the verb form signals masculine (-⌀), feminine (-a), or neuter (-o) agreement (in the singular), because it originates from a participle (see Note 7). Where relevant, I add this to the glosses, but when it is not directly relevant I leave it out. |
12 | Russian is a ‘free word order’ language with canonical SVO order (see Jasinskaja and Šimík n.d., for discussion). |
13 | |
14 | More information about Discourse Representation Theory (Kamp and Reyle 1993) is given in Section 2.5. I employ a linear notation for discourse representation structures (DRSs), where discourse referents are written on the left-hand side, before | (in a traditional DRS they appear at the top of the DRS), and the conditions on these discourse referents are listed to the right of |, separated by commas (which in a different notation can be translated as conjunctions). |
15 | I use the subscript disc(ourse) to indicate that we are not necessarily dealing with event types at the level of lexical aspect, since one commonly arrives at the meaning of an eventdisc or a statedisc at the discourse level through composition of various components, not just event types but also grammatical aspect, adverbs, and other means at higher levels; the use of the terms ‘event’ and ‘state’ at the discourse level makes DRT a one-component approach to aspect. |
16 | Note, however, that SDRT does away with reference time. |
17 | Altshuler (2012) spells out a more detailed dynamic account of Russian aspect forms in discourse, in particular of imperfective forms, where he argues that these can also be used to signal backward shifts in discourse, much like the pluperfect in languages with perfects (see also Borik 2018, for a comparison of the English perfect and the Russian (im)perfective). |
18 | See also Le Bruyn et al. (2022) for a general defence of using parallel corpus data as a tool for linguistic analyses. |
19 | In the corpus examples, I put the original in a. and the translation in b., which leads to different orders of Russian and Czech, depending on the source that the examples are taken from. The sources are given in brackets behind the English translation of the a. example, with original/translation page numbers for the texts in book format; the abbreviations of the sources can be found in (23) and (24). |
20 | See, for instance, Weiss (1995). The term is also generally used in the instruction of Russian as a foreign language, see, for instance, https://learnrussian.rt.com/grammar-tables/forming-adverbial-participles-using-perfective-and-imperfective-verbs/ (accessed on 30 October 2021), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOdfQ7bE8qU (accessed on 30 October 2021), and https://duolingo.fandom.com/wiki/Russian_Skill:Adverbial_Participles (accessed on 30 October 2021). |
21 | Generally, in both languages, various (internal) prefixes can be added to the determinate stem to derive different kinds of directed motion verbs, new lexical items, which are always PF; the IPF aspectual partner contains the same prefix and the stem without the prefix is often but not always homophonous to the indeterminate simple verb; cf. the Russian examples in (ii).
22 | Alternative means to express a directed motion of walking/going in a prefixed and thus PF manner in Czech is to use a different lexical root, that of -stoupit ‘to step’ (see also Eckert 1991). In my data, in particular Kundera made ample use of such verb forms, e.g., Czech v-stoupil ‘in-stepped.pf’ vs. Russian vo-šel ‘in-walked.pf’ in (26). |
23 | The Russian terms are abstract nominalisations related to the adjectives for ‘single’ and ‘multiple’, respectively. |
24 | This suffix is commonly treated as homophonous to one of the imperfectivising suffixes Czech employs in SIs, and the fact that it attaches to an already IPF verb form is taken as an argument in favour of the homophony analysis. Diachronically, the imperfectivising suffix derives from the frequentative suffix, also in Russian. |
25 | While the suffix -(y)va is the only productive imperfectivising suffix in Russian, Czech has several productive SI suffixes, -va being just one of them. |
26 | See Dickey and Kresnin (2009) for differences between Russian and Czech in aspect use with negation. |
27 | In fact, in Jakobson’s (1932) original treatment of markedness in the Russian aspect system, this is precisely what he argues for: SIs are more marked than their PF counterparts (see also Bareš 1956; Jakobson 1956). |
28 | Dickey (2015) makes some adjustments to this division, particularly focusing on the peripheral types. Since this paper is mainly concerned with Russian vs. Czech, I will not comment further on these refinements. Furthermore, Dickey’s (2000) typology has been criticised in Fortuin and Kamphuis (2015), which led to further scientific exchanges between the authors in Dickey (2018) and Fortuin and Kamphuis (2018). |
29 | Dübbers (2015); Fortuin and Kamphuis (2015); Mueller-Reichau (2018) argue that a more fine-grained distinction has to be made between volitional achievements (e.g., ‘jump from the bridge’) vs. non-volitional achievements and that possibly other factors play a role as well. I agree in this point, but this does not pose a problem for my overall claim and therefore differs from the conclusions drawn by these authors: These authors maintain (at least implicitly) that there are instances where the IPF is directly motivated by the existential context it appears in, also in Czech, whereas my conclusion is that the Czech IPF in these contexts occurs for the same reasons why it occurs in single/episodic and habitual contexts. |
30 | Note that -nibud’ generally signals (scopally) non-specific indefiniteness, also in the nominal domain; see discussion in, e.g., Geist (2010). The distribution of the Czech counterpart, někdy ‘at some time’, as well as its nominal counterpart nějaký (on which see Šimík 2021) is broader, not restricted to non-specificity, but still connected to indefiniteness. |
31 | According to Dickey’s informants, the IPF can only be chosen when the window is shut, but that even in that context the PF is acceptable. In the scenario of a shut window, the PF is reported to be “more likely to occur […] if the speaker is operating under the expectation that the speaker [sic] should have opened the window, but [the informants] do not indicate that this is the only context in which the [PF] is appropriate.” (Dickey 2000, p. 113). It seems, then, that Dickey had a Russian perspective on aspect use in mind and was only concerned with annulled results (closed windows vs. windows that are still open) when consulting his informants. However, I am interested in what kinds of IPF readings we get, independently of whether or not the result has been annulled. For Russian, there is general agreement that in a context where the result has been annulled, the IPF has to be used. However, if we find an IPF in Czech, there is no guarantee that this signals that the window is shut again. As Jakub Dotlačil (p.c.), a Czech native speaker, put it: “I don’t think considering whether the window is closed or open is useful in the aspect distinction. Even if the window is closed, using IPF is absolutely weird. […] I remember from studies on aspect that this ‘did you open the window?’ example was endlessly discussed because of Russian. I never saw the point, it seemed like people knowing only Russian try to push the distinction onto Czech that does not exist there.” |
32 | |
33 | Note that the intuition of target state relevance also plays a crucial role in Borik’s (2002) proposal for the semantics of the Russian PF, which was briefly discussed in Section 2.4. |
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Russian | Czech | |
Chains of single/episodic events | PF | IPF, PF |
Iterativity, habituality | (almost excl.) IPF | IPF, PF |
Historical Present | (almost excl.) IPF | IPF, PF |
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Gehrke, B. Differences between Russian and Czech in the Use of Aspect in Narrative Discourse and Factual Contexts. Languages 2022, 7, 155. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages7020155
Gehrke B. Differences between Russian and Czech in the Use of Aspect in Narrative Discourse and Factual Contexts. Languages. 2022; 7(2):155. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages7020155
Chicago/Turabian StyleGehrke, Berit. 2022. "Differences between Russian and Czech in the Use of Aspect in Narrative Discourse and Factual Contexts" Languages 7, no. 2: 155. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages7020155
APA StyleGehrke, B. (2022). Differences between Russian and Czech in the Use of Aspect in Narrative Discourse and Factual Contexts. Languages, 7(2), 155. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages7020155