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Neuron-by-Neuron Quantization for Efficient Low-Bit QNN Training

Phystech School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 141701 Moscow, Russia
Smart Engines Service LLC, 117312 Moscow, Russia
Department of Mathematical Software for Computer Science, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of Russian Academy of Sciences, 119333 Moscow, Russia
Vision Systems Laboratory, Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharkevich Institute) of Russian Academy of Sciences, 127051 Moscow, Russia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Mathematics 2023, 11(9), 2112;
Submission received: 16 March 2023 / Revised: 17 April 2023 / Accepted: 24 April 2023 / Published: 29 April 2023


Quantized neural networks (QNNs) are widely used to achieve computationally efficient solutions to recognition problems. Overall, eight-bit QNNs have almost the same accuracy as full-precision networks, but working several times faster. However, the networks with lower quantization levels demonstrate inferior accuracy in comparison to their classical analogs. To solve this issue, a number of quantization-aware training (QAT) approaches were proposed. In this paper, we study QAT approaches for two- to eight-bit linear quantization schemes and propose a new combined QAT approach: neuron-by-neuron quantization with straight-through estimator (STE) gradient forwarding. It is suitable for quantizations with two- to eight-bit widths and eliminates significant accuracy drops during training, which results in better accuracy of the final QNN. We experimentally evaluate our approach on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet classification and show that it is comparable to other approaches for four to eight bits and outperforms some of them for two to three bits while being easier to implement. For example, the proposed approach to three-bit quantization of the CIFAR-10 dataset results in 73.2% accuracy, while baseline direct and layer-by-layer result in 71.4% and 67.2% accuracy, respectively. The results for two-bit quantization for ResNet18 on the ImageNet dataset are 63.69% for our approach and 61.55% for the direct baseline.

1. Introduction

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are widely used in modern computer vision problems such as pattern recognition [1], semantic segmentation [2], and many others [3,4,5,6]. To achieve outstanding results in terms of accuracy, modern deep CNNs require billions of floating-point parameters. This causes the large consumption of memory (for example, about 500MB for VGG-16 [7]) and computational resources. However, many devices are not efficient enough for the inference of large CNNs, for instance, Systems on a Chip (SoCs) and Internet of Things (IoT) systems with their Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), or low-power Central Processing Units (CPUs) [8]. Quantized neural networks (QNN) have been developed to resolve this issue [9,10].
QNN is a neural network in which floating-point values are replaced with fixed-point values. This transformation is called quantization. Either weights or weights and activations of the neural network (NN) can be quantized. Eight-bit quantization is the state-of-art standard that is implemented in popular machine learning frameworks such as Pytorch [11] and Keras [12]. Such QNNs are used efficiently in CPUs, but can still be too resource-demanding for FPGAs and other low-power devices. Therefore, four-bit and lower quantization is of great interest. Unfortunately, there is a problem with QNNs: even though training on low-bit QNNs (such as binary, ternary, and others [13,14]) is possible, they suffer from significant accuracy loss in comparison to full-precision models [9].
There are two different approaches to QNN training: quantization-aware training (QAT) and post-training quantization (PTQ) [15]. Both of them include the pre-training of a full-precision model. PTQ quantizes the weights of the model and calibrates the parameters of the activations. In QAT, additional training of the NN takes place during the quantization process. Despite the higher computational cost, QAT results in higher-accuracy QNN rather than PTQ [15]. There is a problem with QAT approaches: the quantization operation is non-differentiable, so the backpropagation of the gradients through QNN is impossible. This problem can be solved with the use of the Straight-Through Estimator (STE) method [16], which approximates quantization with a differentiable function.
The simplest way to apply QAT is the “direct” method: it takes the pre-trained full-precision model and all training data, quantizes NN, and retrains the model to raise the accuracy using STE [16]. This is not an optimal solution, since, at low-bit width, the NN loses too much information after quantization and cannot recover from this loss during retraining [17]. The incremental quantization approach (INQ) [18] greedily quantizes groups of weights and retrains the model. For example, a widely used strategy is to quantize layer-by-layer [19,20]. This method does not require STE, and it is therefore more mathematically correct. However, it is greedy, and the resulting QNN may not be optimal.
There are even more variations in QAT methods. For example, in [21,22], the authors do not quantize the first and the last layers to low-bit, but they should be quantized for end-to-end integer inference [23]. In INQ [18], authors do not quantize activations, but in Hessian AWare Quantization (HAWQ) [21] and Quantization Interval Learning (QIL) [22], they do. Efficient batch normalization fusion for quantized architectures is proposed in [21]. Other authors use quantization to the powers of two [18,21] for better hardware implementation. Some of the methods operate only eight-bit quantization [23], which is rather well-investigated and widely used in industry. Quantizations lower than four bits are not as popular and require other QAT approaches. Non-uniform quantization [22,24] is also a field of research, but demonstrates hindered deployment on hardware and increased latency.
In this paper, we analyze different QAT methods and experimentally evaluate them for NNs with two- eight-bit weights and activations. Based on the results of this study, we analyze the efficiency of these methods and propose a novel combined method that allows for obtaining QNNs with higher accuracies and works for arbitrary bit width. We consider the “direct” training method and a layer-by-layer approach as baselines with toy LeNet models and regular ResNets on CIFAR-10 [25] and ImageNet [26], respectively. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we consider related works, and Section 3 describes a linear quantization scheme for QNNs. Then, we give our particular research methodology and consider a combined approach in Section 4. In Section 5, we demonstrate experimental evaluations and show their results in Section 6. The results are discussed in Section 7. Finally, Section 8 concludes the paper. The list of all abbreviations used in this work can be found on page 16.

2. Related Works

There are several ways to improve the trade-off between the NN model’s accuracy and efficiency, such as developing new NN architectures [27], pruning weights [28], knowledge distillation [29,30], and quantization.
The quantization uses low-bit precision values for weights or activations [10,23,24,31,32,33,34]. The benefit is the reduction in model size and the possibility of integer-only inference. Despite the increase in efficiency, quantization leads to accuracy degradation, especially for extremely low-bit weights and activations. To address this, some works propose non-uniform quantization [24], channel-wise quantization [35], or apply post-training quantization [36]. In [21,37], the authors investigate mixed-precision quantization, in which some layers are kept at high precision and the rest are quantized for a lower bit-width.
The learnable quantization intervals proposed in [22] achieve state-of-the-art accuracy, but this algorithm is more complicated to implement and may cause some extra computational overhead. Moreover, the first and the last layers are not quantized, which is critical for integer-only inference in hardware.
Smooth quantization of the whole network with fine-tuning was introduced in INQ [18]. On each iteration, the authors proposed quantizing half of the remaining weights in each layer. Quantization is carried out by powers of two. One of the possible quantization streams is as follows: half of all layer’s weights are quantized on the first iteration, a quarter of all weights on the second iteration, and the remaining quarter on the third.
HAWQ [21] proposes an integer-only quantization method with a uniform four-bit, eight-bit, or mixed four/eight-bit scheme. The choice of mixing for each layer is determined by solving an integer linear programming system with constraints on any combination of the total model size, bits operations per second, and latency. By applying dyadic arithmetic for FP32 scaling factors, this work also emphasizes that the inference does not resort to the 32-bit floating-point (FP32) casting. Thus, it allows for integer-only operations and bit-shifting for convolutions and skip connections of ResNets. In addition, the authors propose more efficient batch-normalization fusion than in [23]. The first and the last layers are always eight-bit quantized.

3. QNN Model with Linear Quantization

In this section, we describe QNN implementation based on the linear quantization scheme proposed in [23]. Some authors [22,24,38] have explored non-uniform quantization, which may achieve higher accuracy for a fixed bit-width. However, such approaches typically suffer from difficult deployment on hardware; therefore, in this work, we consider only uniform quantization.

3.1. Quantization Scheme

Linear quantization scheme maps the real value r to its quantized approximation q as follows:
q S , O ( r ) = r S + O ,
where S is a scale, O is an offset, and [ · ] stands for rounding to the nearest integer. The scale is a real-valued parameter and the offset is an integer parameter of quantization. This scheme is the base method used in all the further approaches.

3.2. Optimal Quantization Parameters Search

CNN quantization consists of quantizations of its weights and activations, which are arrays of real values. Let us consider several ways of obtaining the quantization parameters. In the gemmlowp library [39], the authors compute scale and offset as:
S = max ( 0 , r max ) min ( 0 , r min ) b 1 ,
O = min ( 0 , r min ) S ,
where r max is a maximum value in the array, r min is a minimum in the array and b is the number of quantization levels ( 2 n for n-bit quantization).
In that approach, the real value 0 is exactly represented by O and is necessary for efficient computations and zero-padding. However, this method is hardly applicable for low-bit quantization. In that case, only a few quantized values would represent the major part of array values (depending on its distribution). To overcome this issue, one may obtain quantization parameters by solving the minimum mean squared error (MMSE) problem:
S , O = argmin ( E [ r q S , O ( r ) ] 2 )
This problem may be solved either analytically, if there are some assumptions about the r distribution (for CNN activations) [40], or directly, if the array is relatively small (for CNN weights) [41].

3.3. Batch Normalization Fusion

Batch normalization (BN) is often used in modern neural network architectures [42]. Given that the feature map x BN applies, the following operation is provided channel-wise:
BN ( x ) = γ x μ ( x ) Var ( x ) + ϵ + β ,
where μ ( x ) is the running mean, Var ( x ) is the running variance, γ and β are trainable parameters, and ϵ is a small value that prevents division by zero. During inference, all of these parameters are fixed. Therefore, the BN operation can be fused into the previous convolutional layer, as it occurred [21]. We can combine BN and convolution into one operator as follows:
ConvBN ( x ) = γ W x + b μ ( x ) Var ( x ) + ϵ + β = W x + b ,
where W and b are the weight and the bias parameters of the convolutional layer, respectively, W and b are the new weight and bias parameters, respectively, and ( ) denotes the convolution operator.
BN fusion (6) allows for integer-only computation in QNNs. To that end, fusion should be applied after several iterations of training. In this way, we preserve the benefits of BN, while gaining the performance of integer-only inference. In [21], the authors have proved the advantages of this approach.

4. QAT Research

In our research, we consistently combine and experimentally investigate methods proposed in various QAT works quantization weights and activations of NN for one to eight bits. Based on the results of this study, we draw conclusions about the efficiency of these methods and propose a combined method that allows QNN to be obtained with higher quality, working stably for arbitrary bits. Further, we use the following quantization model.

4.1. QNN Model

For the QNN model training, we propose our module, which is used instead of a convolutional layer (see Figure 1). The module consists of input quantization, weights quantization, convolution, and dequantization submodules.
The input quantization 
collects the histogram and then uses it to obtain optimum scale_in and offset_in and quantizes the input values by the corresponding scheme (1).
The weights quantization 
obtains optimum scale_w and offset_w and quantizes weights using the corresponding scheme.
The convolution 
calculates the convolution in quantized values.
The dequantization 
applies the reverse operation from (1) to obtain floating-point values, in particular, by subtracting the offset from the quantized value and multiplying the result by scale. This step may be unnecessary during the inference if the activation functions are piecewise linear [23], but in this paper, we are mainly concerned with the training stage of the QNN, and we use the proposed module structure for better compatibility with the Pytorch pipeline.
The submodules change their behavior during different stages of the quantization process. In the beginning, quantization and dequantization submodules simply pass the floating-point values as they are. Then, the input quantization submodule constructs the histogram to obtain the optimum scale and offset. These parameters (scale_in and offset_in) are saved for further calculations (see Figure 1b). After that, we solve MMSE (4), resulting in scale_w and offset_w for weights and save these values as parameters as well.
Thus, our module has two pairs of scales and offsets and floating-point weights as its parameters during training. During the inference, one can use integer weights directly without a corresponding quantization submodule. It is important to note that convolutional and activation layers can be connected without dequantization operation [23,43].

4.2. Optimal Quantization Parameters Solving

Having a pre-trained CNN and its training set, we obtain a quantization scheme for a convolutional layer as follows:
  • For weights: we directly solve the MMSE problem (4), as did the authors of [41]. From the works [40,41], we can observe that MSE function E [ r q S , O ( r ) ] 2 has one local minimum because the weight distribution in CNN is approximately normal. Therefore, we use a ternary search to solve Equation (4).
  • For activations: one could solve the MMSE problem (4) for activations on the whole training set. However, the computational cost of this method is too high. Therefore, the authors of [41] used a training subset, but even in this way, the array size is too large. To overcome this issue, we approximate the activation distribution with a histogram and solve the MMSE problem (4) with a ternary search.
To use the ternary search, we consider each offset value from 0 to b 1 and assume the following bounds δ m i n and δ m a x for the search:
δ max = max ( 0 , r max ) min ( 0 , r min ) b 1 δ min = max ( 0 , μ + σ ) min ( 0 , μ σ ) b 1 ,
where μ is the mean of the values in the array and σ is their standard deviation. The numerator of δ max is a max difference between the border values of the distribution, that is, the length of the interval. Thus, δ max is the upper boundary for a ternary search, because if one increases this boundary, the quantization interval will include values that are not contained in the distribution. Analogically, δ min is the lower boundary for ternary search, since its decreasing will lead to a state where a considerable number of values lay outside the quantization interval. For the ternary search, we multiply δ max by a factor of 1.1 and δ min by a factor of 0.9, and we thus increase the search range to avoid boundary effects. The ternary search provides us with an optimal scale and MSE for a given offset. Then, we choose the scale and offset with the minimum MSE.

4.3. Baseline Methods

The base idea for training QNN with QAT is a direct approach: quantize all weights on all input data layers and then retrain the network using the STE approximation for the backpropagation of gradients. A drawback of such an approach is the strong perturbation of the features caused by an insignificant change in the parameters of the primary layers of the network. This effect is amplified with an increase in a network’s depth. It leads to high volatility during fine-tuning and lower quality than desirable, which is especially noticeable in the case of low-bit quantization.
To prevent the degradation of accuracy, one can use a layer-by-layer approach [19,20]. The procedure is described in Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1 Layer-by-layer quantization
     Input: Model to quantize M
     Output: Quantized model M Q
M Q = M
for each layer L i M Q do
    Quantize the input data of L i
    Fine-tune the model
    Quantize weights w i L i
    Freeze w i .
end for
Fine-tune model M Q after last freezing (if there still are layers to retrain)
The layer-by-layer approach allows one to smooth the degradation of accuracy. Moreover, this procedure does not require STE approximation for fine-tuning.
Based on direct and layer-by-layer quantization, we improve these approaches. We consider some toy LeNet-like models on the CIFAR-10 dataset and regular ResNets on Imagenet with the BN fusion (see Section 3.3).

4.4. Proposed Combined Approach

The main idea for our research was that minimizing drastic accuracy drops during quantization allows better results to be achieved, because such drastic drops lead to strong perturbation of parameters and significant changes in the optimization problem, giving poor results. To overcome this drawback, we propose split quantization of the entire network in smaller steps to make less perturbation of parameters at once.
The first improvement is to use progressive quantization with smaller weight groups—a filter-by-filter approach. It consists of the quantization of the weights of individual groups with freezing such filters as shown in Algorithm 2. Following this approach allows us to achieve a smoother quantization for each layer.
Afterward, we complete research with the neuron-by-neuron method. With this approach, we quantize not only the part of the weights, but the input activations too. Moreover, the essence of this method is as follows: activations are quantized together with the corresponding weights, due to the preservation of the freezing mask between iterations, which is defined in Algorithm 3.
Algorithm 2 Filter-by-filter quantization
     Input: Model to quantize M
     Output: Quantized model M Q
M Q = M
for each layer L i M Q do
    Quantize the input data of L i
    Fine-tune the model
    while w i L i is not freezed completely do
        Quantize some small part of w i
        Freeze this part w i
        Fine-tune the model
    end while
end for
Fine-tuning model M Q after last freezing (if there still are layers to retrain)
Analogically for weights, we do this for activations, as the input of a layer connected to its corresponding weights, and this allows changing values only in some small part of the network.
Algorithm 3 Neuron-by-neuron quantization
     Input: Model to quantize M
     Output: Quantized model M Q
M Q = M
for each layer L i M Q do
    if L i is first layer then
        while input of L i is not quantized completely do
           Quantize n channels of the input data of L i and save the quantization mask
           Fine-tune the model
        end while
        while w i 1 L i 1 is not quantized completely do
           Quantize part of w i 1 accordingly with the quantization mask
           Create new mask for input data of L i accordingly with channel of the L i 1
           Fine-tune the model
        end while
        Freeze w i 1
    end if
end for
Fine-tuning model M Q after last freezing (if there still are layers to retrain)
The last idea is built on the possibility of fine-tuning already quantized values because it helps us to adapt old quantized parameters to new ones.
The final improvement consists of using the STE method [16] for gradient forwarding to the previous layer during neuron-by-neuron freezing.

5. Experimental Evaluation of QAT Approaches

5.1. Experimental Setup

5.1.1. CIFAR-10

We carried out a series of experiments on the CIFAR-10 [25] dataset with three CNN models: A, B, and C. The architecture of the models is described in Table 1. In Table 1, convn-m denotes convolution with kernel size n × n and m filters, and st=x denotes stride x. In our convolutions, we do not use bias, padding, or dilation. After each convolution, we use the ReLU activation function.
The CIFAR-10 dataset consists of 60,000 32 × 32 color images in 10 classes, with 6000 images per class. There are 50,000 images in the training set and 10,000 images in the testing set.
We trained the model with floating-point weights (float pre-trained in the legend of Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 6) for the first 1500 epochs with a batch size of 2000 and with a decreasing learning rate from 3 × 10 3 to 5 × 10 4 , and for the next 3000 epochs, it was trained with a batch size of 1000 and decreasing learning rate from 3 × 10 4 to 6 × 10 5 . For each architecture A–C, we trained three models (baselines) and averaged the results.
For all quantization approaches, the batch size and number of epochs during fine-tuning were set to 500. For each of the 3 baselines and each quantization approach, we trained 2 models for averaging, resulting in 6 models per QAT method.
In our experiments, the number of quantization bits was related to both the weights and activations. We used a 10,000-column histogram to approximate the input distribution (see Section 4.1).

5.1.2. ImageNet

The ImageNet dataset consists of 14,197,122 color images in 1000 classes with a size of at least 256 × 256 for each one. There are 50,000 images in the validation set and 100,000 images in the testing set.
We trained original architecture ResNet baselines on the ImageNet dataset for 100 epochs with original hyper-parameters [44]; specifically: weight decay 0.0001, momentum 0.9, and a learning rate starting from 0.1 and decreasing for 0.1 every 25 epochs. The batch size was 256 during training baselines and all experiments. All experiments were trained for 100 epochs. The number of quantization bits was related to both weights and activations. We also used a 10,000-column histogram to approximate the input distribution (see Section 4.1).

5.2. Direct Training

The test accuracy during direct training for considered models is shown in Figure 2a,b. We can see that direct quantization changes the NN dramatically, which results in a decrease in recognition accuracy, especially with a low bit-width (for example, accuracy for 2-bit quantization is slightly below 60%, while full-precision accuracy is about 80% for CIFAR-10). Despite that, such a simple approach results in good enough accuracy for 5–8-bits quantization. Final test accuracy is shown in Section 6.

5.3. Layer-by-Layer Training

The test accuracy during layer-by-layer training for considered models is shown in Figure 3a,b. There are noticeable drops in the accuracy after the quantizations of each layer. The experiments presented in Section 6 show that this approach gives a slightly higher recognition accuracy of the model with 4–8 bits compared to direct training, while the accuracy for 3- and 2-bit quantization is significantly lower. This is reasonable because the layer-by-layer method does not use STE approximation during training. The final results are presented in Section 6.

5.4. Filter-by-Filter Training

5.4.1. Freezing by a Quarter of the Filters

The first improvement is that we do not quantize all weights in the layer at once. We divide the process into four iterations. In this way, each layer is “frozen” in quarters, and between those four “freezings”, the model is retrained. We consider six different strategies to choose the order in which filters are “frozen”:
filters are chosen sequentially: in the order they are presented in the NN;
filters are chosen randomly in the same amount;
filters are chosen according to the maximum standard deviation relative to the whole layer;
similar to the previous strategy with minimum standard deviation;
filters are chosen according to the maximum MSE between quantized and floating-point values;
similar to the previous with minimum MSE.
In Table 2, we present a comparison of different strategies of choosing the order in which the filters are “frozen” in a filter-by-filter approach. From the table, we can clearly see that there is no significant difference between these strategies. Therefore, one can choose any. Note that the results presented in Table 2 differs from those in Section 6, as the measurements in Section 6 for the CIFAR dataset were averaged over six runs to improve the stability for the final strategy comparison.
Test accuracy during training is shown in Figure 4a. We can see that quantization of the weights inside one layer results in smoother training. However, there are still significant drops in quantization input stages (epochs 100, 200, 300, and 400).

5.4.2. Smooth Filter Freezing

This method improves on the previous one by dividing filters into smaller sets. The number of “frozen” filters on each iteration of the “freezing” layer is small, so this process is smoother, and the resulting accuracy is slightly higher, which is demonstrated in Table 3 in Section 6. The strategies for choosing the order in which filters are “frozen” remain the same. While the quantizing single layer became smoother, drops in the input quantization remain big (see Figure 4).

5.5. Neuron-by-Neuron Training

In the previous subsection, we considered the gradual quantization of weights, but the input was quantized as in the layer-by-layer approach. This resulted in noticeable drops in accuracy when the input was quantized. Therefore, the next improvement we made was “freezing” both filters of one convolutional layer and a corresponding input of the next layer. This means that we froze one neuron (linear operation followed by a non-linear activation) at a time. The test accuracy during training for such an approach is shown in Figure 5a. This demonstrates that the neuron-by-neuron training had slightly better accuracy than the previous one; however, it is still comparable with the layer-by-layer approach. However, it removes the subsidence of accuracy after input quantization, compared with a filter-by-filter method. The final averaged accuracy is shown in Section 6.

5.6. Neuron-by-Neuron with Gradient Forwarding

To improve the results of the neuron-by-neuron approach, we proposed using gradient forwarding. In the first version, we forwarded the gradient to all the quantized layers using STE the same way as the direct training, but quantized the weights and activations consecutively and smoothly as in the neuron-by-neuron approach. As expected, that led to a very “noisy” training process (see Figure 5b), since a small change at the beginning of the network seriously affected the rest of the network. However, the accuracy for two- and three-bit quantization dramatically increased in comparison to training without STE.
We considered the gradient forwarding only on the previous layer to the quantized one in the following version. As a layer-by-layer approach, this method is greedy and has low “noise” (see Figure 6a), but allows the network to adapt the weights of the layer depending on the quantization of the next one. This method shows notable results in terms of accuracy, as presented in in Section 6.

6. Results

Finally, to provide a reliable comparison for the considered approaches, we present an averaged accuracy on the test set. The CIFAR-10 results are shown in Table 3. We use the following notation for the considered QAT methods: LbL—layer-by-layer; FbF—filter-by-filter with four iterations of quantization per layer; FbF-s—filter-by-filter with smooth quantization (many iterations) of each layer; NbN—neuron-by-neuron; NbN ste—neuron-by-neuron without freezing the quantized layers (they are trained using the STE method); NbN ste-1l—neuron-by-neuron with STE gradient approximation applied only to the layer previous to the currently quantized one during training.
Table 3. Comparison between different approaches in terms of averaged (over six models) test accuracy on CIFAR-10, %. The highest mean accuracy colored in lime. Accuracies close to the highest, taking into account the measurement mean error, colored in green. WX stands for X bits weight quantization and AX stands for X bits activation quantization.
Table 3. Comparison between different approaches in terms of averaged (over six models) test accuracy on CIFAR-10, %. The highest mean accuracy colored in lime. Accuracies close to the highest, taking into account the measurement mean error, colored in green. WX stands for X bits weight quantization and AX stands for X bits activation quantization.
Train (rand)(var)(nvar)(rand)(var)(nvar) steste-1lError
As we can see, NbN ste-1l shows the best results on all models and all bit widths. The filter-by-filter approach turns out to be similar in quality to the layer-by-layer approach. We assume that it is caused by dramatic changes in NN after quantization of the whole input of a convolutional layer. We also notice that propagation of the gradient using STE greatly improves the results of the neuron-by-neuron method. Without STE, this method demonstrates lower accuracy than the direct method on two- and three-bit QNNs. Restrictions on the number of layers to which the gradient is propagated further improves the neuron-by-neuron approach. This is likely connected to the decrease in the “noise” during training (see Figure 5b and Figure 6a).
In Figure 4a and Figure 6a, we noticed that during the training process, some approaches to QNNs did not reach the limit of potential accuracy before the next quantization occurs. That was caused by our restriction on the number of training epochs, which was kept the same in all approaches. Unlimited fine-tuning till loss convergence may be a subject of future research.
Next, we will consider ImageNet recognition, since the results on CIFAR-10 are not representative. Firstly, we study the influence on accuracy freezing delay, a count of the layers that are not yet frozen and can be retrained through STE during subsequent quantization of layers. This number varies from 0, in the case we immediately freeze the layer after its quantization and quantized values are not updated with STE, to the number of layers in NN, which is similar to direct quantization. As shown in Table 4, it is important to notice that the absence of a delay negatively affects the final accuracy. In addition, we observed more noisy graph training for the delay in whole-NN layers. As a result, we can conclude that a delay of one to two layers is optimal. It allows us to reduce computational overhead and volatility of STE without a noticable loss in accuracy.
We also note that quantization of the first and the last layers greatly decreases the quality of the NN, as can be seen from Figure 6b. This confirms previous works’ [10,45] conclusions about its significant impact on accuracy.
As a result, our final experiments on the ImageNet dataset were conducted with eight-bit quantization of the first convolutional, the last fully-connected layer, and the skip connection layers to keep the entire integer reference. The results on the ImageNet dataset with a comparison of the other methods are shown in Table 5 and Table 6. We can see that the baseline direct method is adequate up to four-bit quantization and has a minimal loss of quality for three bits. Given that result, there is no need for complex methods for four-bit quantization without quantizing (or eight-bit quantizing) the first and last layers. Our NbN approach is better than the direct approach for two bits and slightly loses to other works for two- and three-bit quantization, but it is easy to understand and implement. It is also important to notice that two-bit NN with the direct method extremely suffers from quantization (about 21% accuracy without fine-tuning, while the full-precision model has 71%). Consequently, it still does not converge after 100 epochs (see Figure 2b); meanwhile, our NbN can converge faster or can achieve better accuracy at the same time.
We present the dependence of the accuracy on the used bit-width in Figure 7.
  • We confirmed that the quantization of the first and the last layers dramatically drops the accuracy and should be avoided;
  • Using progressive quantization (FbF or NbN) methods, there is no significant difference between freezing strategies, and one can therefore choose neurons to freeze randomly;
  • For eight-bit quantization, there is no need for complex approaches—direct linear quantization is good enough—and there is no need for extra fine-tuning;
  • For quantization with four bits and higher, direct linear quantization achieves state-of-the-art results with little fine-tuning;
  • For three-bit quantization, NbN ste and direct approaches show comparable accuracy;
  • For two-bit quantization, NbN ste is better than the baseline and comparable to other approaches, but easier to implement.
Our research will be potentially helpful for practitioners in ultra-low-bit quantization due to its simplicity in deployment and better accuracy than the baseline approaches.

7. Discussion

The efficient practical application of QNNs on mobile and embedded devices requires integer-only inference. To achieve it, there are several factors to consider: (1) The first and the last layers should be kept in eight bits to prevent accuracy degradation; (2) It can be useful to keep skip connections in eight bits also; (3) The batch-norm layer should be quantized through fusion with convolution, as was mentioned in [21].
We demonstrate that for eight-bit quantization, it is sufficient to apply a linear quantization scheme directly even without retraining in the considered tasks. This quantization is indeed used in many areas and is applied in practice without problems. For four-bit quantization, fine-tuning of the model takes is required. However, training quickly reaches convergence and achieves results comparable with other more complex methods [21,46]. Consequently, quantization approaches for two- and three-bit schemes are more interesting for research.
Intuitively, it seems that splitting the weights into small subgroups during progressive quantization should give a better result than the direct method. We experimentally confirm this statement, provided there are enough iterations for fine-tuning with the considered weight groups and the optimal selection of hyper-parameters. Despite that improvement, accuracy increases less than can be expected and still loses to a full precision model. The choice of optimal hyper-parameters can also be tricky. We conducted a study of the number of layers to freeze during fine-tuning and showed that a delay of one to two layers is optimal.
Note that weight freezing does not affect convergence, on the condition that it lasts to the end of the fine-tuning, as freezing itself does not change the values of the parameters. In addition, our method is a QAT one. QAT approaches successfully converge, as demonstrated in [9]. Additionally, it is important to note that we do not quantize gradients during training.
Limitations of the study. The proposed neuron-by-neuron quantization NbN belongs to QAT methods, so it is necessary to have access to the source dataset for fine-tuning. This means that it is not applicable when only a trained neural network is available. We also did not consider non-linear quantization schemes, because of their algorithmic and possibly computational complexity, and the obtained results are not applicable in those cases.

8. Conclusions

In this paper, we propose several new approaches for training quantized CNNs. We consider a well-known layer-by-layer approach and point out two major drawbacks: (1) The significant perturbation of parameters during layers’ quantization, which leads to a drop in accuracy, and (2) the absence of quantized layer fine-tuning. On the contrary, direct training using STE suffers from high volatility caused by updating discrete parameters in deep NNs.
We propose a method that balances the above methods and avoids their disadvantages. It allows for smooth network quantization using the neuron-by-neuron approach and propagates gradients via several (but not all) quantized layers. Thus, quantized parameters are fine-tuned without causing high volatility.
We experimentally confirm that our neuron-by-neuron method outperforms the direct approach using Resnet18 for two-bit quantization on the ImageNet dataset and is superior to the direct and layer-by-layer approaches using LeNet-like networks trained for image recognition on the CIFAR-10.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, E.L., A.T. and A.S.; methodology, A.T. and A.S.; validations, A.S.; supervision, E.L., D.N. and V.V.A.; writing—original draft, A.S.; writing—review and editing, E.L. and A.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was supported by the Grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (internal number 00600/2020/51896) under Grant 075-15-2022-319.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
QNNQuantized neural networks
QATQuantization-aware training
STEStraight through estimator
CNNConvolutional neural networks
VGG-16Visual Geometry Group Very Deep Convolutional Networks
SoCSystem on a chip
IoTInternet of things
ASICApplication-specific integrated circuit
FPGAField-programmable gate array
CPUCentral processing unit
PTQPost-training quantization
NNNeural network
INQIncremental quantization approach
HAWQHessian AWare Quantization
QILQuantization Interval Learning
FP3232-bit floating-point
MMSEMinimum mean squared error
BNBatch normalization


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Figure 1. (a) Floating-point model. (b) Quantized model.
Figure 1. (a) Floating-point model. (b) Quantized model.
Mathematics 11 02112 g001
Figure 2. Direct training, test accuracy: (a) CIFAR-10, Model B. (b) ImageNet, Resnet-18. The first, the last, and the skip connection layers use 8-bit (W8A8) quantization.
Figure 2. Direct training, test accuracy: (a) CIFAR-10, Model B. (b) ImageNet, Resnet-18. The first, the last, and the skip connection layers use 8-bit (W8A8) quantization.
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Figure 3. Layered training, test accuracy: (a) CIFAR-10, Model B. (b) ImageNet, Resnet-18. The first, the last, and skip connection layers are quantized the same way as the other layers.
Figure 3. Layered training, test accuracy: (a) CIFAR-10, Model B. (b) ImageNet, Resnet-18. The first, the last, and skip connection layers are quantized the same way as the other layers.
Mathematics 11 02112 g003
Figure 4. Filter-by-filter training CIFAR-10, Model B, test accuracy: (a) Quarters. (b) Smooth.
Figure 4. Filter-by-filter training CIFAR-10, Model B, test accuracy: (a) Quarters. (b) Smooth.
Mathematics 11 02112 g004
Figure 5. Neuron-by-neuron training CIFAR-10, Model B, test accuracy: (a) without STE; (b) with gradient forwarding on all networks.
Figure 5. Neuron-by-neuron training CIFAR-10, Model B, test accuracy: (a) without STE; (b) with gradient forwarding on all networks.
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Figure 6. Neuron-by-neuron training with gradient forwarding on the previous layer only, test accuracy: (a) CIFAR-10, Model B. (b) ImageNet, Resnet-18. The first, the last, and the skip connection layers are quantized the same way as the other layers.
Figure 6. Neuron-by-neuron training with gradient forwarding on the previous layer only, test accuracy: (a) CIFAR-10, Model B. (b) ImageNet, Resnet-18. The first, the last, and the skip connection layers are quantized the same way as the other layers.
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Figure 7. Trade-off between accuracy and bit-width on ImageNet, test top-1 accuracy.
Figure 7. Trade-off between accuracy and bit-width on ImageNet, test top-1 accuracy.
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Table 1. CNN models architecture.
Table 1. CNN models architecture.
4 layers with weights5 layers with weights6 layers with weights
31 k params70 k params235 k params
input 32 × 32 RGB image
conv5–12   st = 2conv5–12   st = 2conv5–20   st = 2
conv3–36   st = 2conv3–36   st = 2conv3–40   st = 1
conv3–72   st = 2conv3–60   st = 1conv3–60   st = 1
conv3–80   st = 1conv3–100   st = 2
conv3–160   st = 1
Table 2. Comparison of strategies with a filter-by-filter approach for CIFAR-10 in terms of test accuracy, %. WX stands for X bits weight quantization and AX stands for X bits activation quantization.
Table 2. Comparison of strategies with a filter-by-filter approach for CIFAR-10 in terms of test accuracy, %. WX stands for X bits weight quantization and AX stands for X bits activation quantization.
ModelsFloat TrainBitsSeqRandVarNvarMSENMSE
Table 4. Influence of the delay in freezing layers on Resnet18 on ImageNet dataset, %. WX stands for X bits weight quantization and AX stands for X bits activation quantization.
Table 4. Influence of the delay in freezing layers on Resnet18 on ImageNet dataset, %. WX stands for X bits weight quantization and AX stands for X bits activation quantization.
PrecisionDirectNo DelayDelay 1Delay 2Delay 15
Table 5. Comparison between different approaches in terms of test Top-1 accuracy on Resnet18 on ImageNet dataset, %. WX stands for X bits weight quantization, and AX stands for X bits activation quantization.
Table 5. Comparison between different approaches in terms of test Top-1 accuracy on Resnet18 on ImageNet dataset, %. WX stands for X bits weight quantization, and AX stands for X bits activation quantization.
PrecisionDirectNbN ste-2lINQ [18] (A32 All)PACT [46]LQ-Nets [24]HAWQ-V3 [21]
Table 6. Comparison between different approaches in terms of test Top-5 accuracy on Resnet18 on ImageNet dataset, %. WX stands for X bits weight quantization and AX stands for X bits activation quantization.
Table 6. Comparison between different approaches in terms of test Top-5 accuracy on Resnet18 on ImageNet dataset, %. WX stands for X bits weight quantization and AX stands for X bits activation quantization.
PrecisionDirectNbN ste-2lINQ [18] (A32 All)PACT [46]LQ-Nets [24]
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MDPI and ACS Style

Sher, A.; Trusov, A.; Limonova, E.; Nikolaev, D.; Arlazarov, V.V. Neuron-by-Neuron Quantization for Efficient Low-Bit QNN Training. Mathematics 2023, 11, 2112.

AMA Style

Sher A, Trusov A, Limonova E, Nikolaev D, Arlazarov VV. Neuron-by-Neuron Quantization for Efficient Low-Bit QNN Training. Mathematics. 2023; 11(9):2112.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Sher, Artem, Anton Trusov, Elena Limonova, Dmitry Nikolaev, and Vladimir V. Arlazarov. 2023. "Neuron-by-Neuron Quantization for Efficient Low-Bit QNN Training" Mathematics 11, no. 9: 2112.

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