1. Introduction
The study of parabolic problems on Riemannian manifolds lies at the intersection of differential equations, geometry, and analysis. Parabolic problems typically arise from heat equations, which describe diffusion processes. On Riemannian manifolds, these problems are naturally formulated in the context of geometric analysis, where the manifold is endowed with a Riemannian metric that influences the behavior of solutions.
A parabolic problem typically refers to a partial differential equation with a time evolution that is governed by a second-order differential operator, such as the heat operator. In Euclidean space, the simplest form is the heat equation:
is the unknown function, and
is the Laplacian. These problems have applications in various areas of mathematics and physics, especially in the study of geometric evolution, diffusion processes, and analysis on curved spaces.
On a Riemannian manifold
, where
g is the Riemannian metric, the heat equation is generalized to the following:
is the Laplace–Beltrami operator, a generalization of the Laplace operator to curved spaces. The Laplace–Beltrami operator is defined in terms of the metric
g and involves the covariant derivatives and the curvature of the manifold.
In this paper, we consider a smooth compact manifold
, and we discuss the existing results of non-negative solutions for the following perturbed heat equation:
is a Radon measure on
M with full support, and
is the Laplace–Beltrami operator on
Our motivation for looking at this problem comes from the work of [
1], in which the authors considered the following parabolic problem:
. Since
is a particular case of the Riemann manifold, our paper generalizes the work of Zhang [
1]. Ghanmi and Kenzizi [
2] studied the following parabolic problem:
is the normalized positive eigenfunction corresponding to the first eigenvalue of
, and
V belongs to a class of time-dependent potentials. The novelty of our paper, compared with the last work, is that we consider more classes of functions; moreover, these functions are assumed to be locally integrable. For interested readers about a class of potentials that can be written as the spatial derivative of some functions, we refer them to [
We note that the parabolic equation is often used to model heat diffusion, and this can be extended to curved spaces. Understanding how heat spreads over a Riemannian manifold is crucial for various problems in thermodynamics, especially in the context of complex geometries. One of the most famous applications of parabolic equations on Riemannian manifolds is in the Ricci flow. Also, parabolic equations on manifolds are used in fields like image processing, machine learning, and models of biological diffusion processes; for interested readers, we refer them to [
In this paper, we propose generalizing the results in [
1]. To this aim, let us consider the case of the Laplace–Beltrami operator on
M associated with Dirichlet form
via Kato’s representation theorem [
10], that is,
From the physical perspective, such quadratic forms may intuitively be understood as a model of functional energy. The measured perturbation of Dirichlet forms have been studied in generally increasing increments and with different aims. The purpose of this paper is to adapt the strategy from [
14] to a local Dirichlet form given by (
To outline our main results, it is convenient to introduce the following notations.
A Riemannian metric (or a Riemannian metric tensor) on a smooth
M is a family
such that
, smoothly depending on
. Using the metric tensor, one defines an inner product
in any tangent space
for all tangent vectors
. Hence,
becomes an Euclidean space.
Assume in the sequel that is a weighted manifold. The couple can also be considered as a measure space. Hence, the notions of measurable and integrable functions are defined as well as the Lebesgue function spaces .
The space of all measurable functions
f on
M is denoted as
such that
for any relatively compact open set
. We now define the following Sobolev space
where the space
consists of measurable vector fields
v such that
is the length of
In addition, we define the space
Let us recall two definitions we need in the rest of this paper.
Definition 1. Let , , and U be a chart in M. Given two compactly supported functions, and , we formulate the following:If there exist sequences of functions and such that, for all , the following conditions hold: - 1.
- 2.
- 3.
Definition 2. Let , . We say that a Borel measurable function is a solution of the heat equation as follows:if - 1.
- 2.
- 3.
For every and every Borel function such that and the following identity holds:
2. Main Results and Proofs
In this section, we outline our main results and proofs. Our first result is the following:
Theorem 1. Assume that and (1) has a non-negative solution. Then, there exists f with and such thatMoreover, if , then . Proof. Assume that
u is a non-negative solution to the problem (
1). For
, we input
and denote the heat equation corresponding to the self-adjoint non-negative semidefinite operator associated with the initial Dirichlet form
, perturbed by
instead of
, as
. The standard theory of quadratic form [
16] implies the existence of a unique non-negative energy solution
, given by
is the self-adjoint operator associated with the quadratic form
defined by
. The space
has the same inner product as
and is a Hilbert space as a closed subspace of
. That is,
is a closed quadratic form. Furthermore, the solution
lies in the space
with respect to the space variable and is continuous in its time variable. Similar to the arguments used in [
18], the function
satisfies the integral formulation
, is the heat kernel of the semigroup
. □
We claim that the sequence
is increasing. Indeed, using the same idea as in the proof of ([
14], Lemma 2.7), we obtained the following:
is often referred to as the heat kernel of the corresponding semi-group.
From the definition of the solution, we infer
be non-negative functions such that the following parabolic problem has a positive solution (see [
For fixed
t, we have
Combining (
10) with (
12), we obtain
t is arbitrary, we obtain
, and consequently,
It follows from the Dominated Convergence Theorem that there exists
h such that
Using again Dominated Convergence Theorem, we obtain
h is a non-negative solution of (
1) with initial condition
. Now fixing
j and setting
denotes the heat equation corresponding to the self-adjoint semidefinite operator with the initial Dirichlet form
, perturbed by
instead of
. Using the same argument as in the first part of the proof, we can deduce that
has a unique
non-negative solution satisfying
. Furthermore, we see that
is a non-increasing sequence and
denotes the self-adjoint operator associated with the closed quadratic form
defined by
is the solution of the problem
Now, by using the same argument as in [
18] based on the context of the semi-group theory, let
be the spectral resolution in
of the operator
. Then, we have
On the other hand, we have
is nondecreasing, we have
Finally, we obtain that
Using the Dominated Convergence Theorem, we have
Note that
is bounded, so we can extract a subsequence also denoted by
such that
which yields that
Then, there exists a subsequence, still denoted by
, such that
Recall that
is bounded. Then,
Now, we define the functions
f by
, then
. Let us prove that
, i.e.,
Note that
we need to prove that
for all test function
, we have
It follows, from Definition 1, that
So, using (
16), we obtain
As an example of a function satisfying (
6), where the existence part in the classical result [
11] is recovered, we can take the following form.
Example 1 ([
. For , , and . Let and , thenwhere φ be the normalized positive eigenfunction corresponding to the first eigenvalue of on B and with , which implies that (1) has one positive solution. Our second result in this paper is the following.
Theorem 2. Assume that for some f such that and . Then, for any given non-negative function in , (1) has a non-negative solution such that . Proof. Let
f be such that
. Put
Then, according to our assumption, there exist sequences of functions
for all
. Let
, which gives
. Then, for all test function
, we have
Note that
Therefore, we obtain
In what follows, we show that the sequence
is uniformly bounded. From Definition 1,
is independent of
k, and thus,
By the maximum principle [
19], we have
Now using the assumption that
, we deduce that
Note that
. From (
17), for every
, we obtain
is uniformly bounded. With the weak compactness in
, there exists a subsequence, still denoted by
, such that
converges weakly to
u in
. Let
be a test function; then, we have
Therefore, we have
u is a weak solution for the problem posed in (1). Moreover, since, for all integers
u is a non-negative solution for the problem posed in (1). This completes the proof of Theorem 2. □