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Sufficient Criteria for the Absence of Global Solutions for an Inhomogeneous System of Fractional Differential Equations

Department of Mathematics, College of Science, King Saud University, P.O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Mathematics 2020, 8(1), 9;
Submission received: 23 October 2019 / Revised: 11 December 2019 / Accepted: 17 December 2019 / Published: 19 December 2019


A nonlinear inhomogeneous system of fractional differential equations is investigated. Namely, sufficient criteria are obtained so that the considered system has no global solutions. Furthermore, an example is provided to show the effect of the inhomogeneous terms on the blow-up of solutions. Our results are extensions of those obtained by Furati and Kirane (2008) in the homogeneous case.

1. Introduction

The theory of fractional calculus provides useful mathematical tools for modeling several phenomena from Science and Engineering (see e.g., [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]). This fact has motivated researchers to investigate fractional differential equations in various directions including theory (existence and uniqueness of solutions [8,9,10], comparison principles [11,12], blow-up profile of solutions [13,14]), and numerical methods (see e.g., [15,16,17,18,19]).
In this paper, we study the inhomogeneous system of fractional differential equations
d x d t ( t ) + d x d t α ( t ) = | y ( t ) | q + z 1 ( t ) , d y d t ( t ) + d y d t β ( t ) = | x ( t ) | p + z 2 ( t ) , ( x ( 0 ) , y ( 0 ) ) = ( x 0 , y 0 ) ,
where t > 0 , p , q > 1 , z 1 , z 2 C ( [ 0 , ) ) , z 1 , z 2 0 , 0 < α , β < 1 , and d d t τ , τ { α , β } , is the derivative of order τ in the sense of Caputo. Namely, we obtain sufficient criteria for which global solutions for Equation (1) do not exist, i.e., a finite time blow-up occurs.
The study of the absence of global solutions for differential equations (or fractional differential equations) furnishes important indications on limiting behaviors of many physical systems. In industry, the knowledge of the finite time blow-up can prevent accidents and malfunctions. It can also be useful for the improvement of the performance of machines and the extension of their life-span.
In [20], Furati and Kirane investigated the system
d x d t ( t ) + d x d t α ( t ) = | y ( t ) | q , d y d t ( t ) + d y d t β ( t ) = | x ( t ) | p , ( x ( 0 ) , y ( 0 ) ) = ( x 0 , y 0 ) ,
which is a special case of Equation (1) with z i 0 , i = 1 , 2 . They proved that, if x 0 , y 0 > 0 and
1 1 p q max α + β p , β + α q ,
then Equation (2) has no global solutions. Next, Kirane and Malik [14] studied the profile of the blowing up solutions of Equation (2).
Let us mention that several results related to the finite time blow-up of solutions of fractional differential equations were obtained in previous contributions (see e.g., [13,21,22,23,24,25] and references therein). However, systems of the type seen in Equation (1) were not studied previously. Here, our aim is to study the effect of the inhomogenous terms z i ( t ) , i = 1 , 2 , on the blow-up of solutions of Equation (2).
Before presenting the main results, we first recall briefly certain standard notions on fractional calculus that will be used throughout this paper. For more details, see e.g., [9].
Let ξ > 0 . The fractional integrals of order ξ of a function η C ( [ 0 , μ ] ) , μ > 0 , are given by
I 0 ξ η ( t ) = 1 Γ ( ξ ) 0 t ( t τ ) ξ 1 η ( τ ) d τ ( left-sided   fractional   integral )
I μ ξ η ( t ) = 1 Γ ( ξ ) t μ ( τ t ) ξ 1 η ( τ ) d τ ( right-sided   fractional   integral ) ,
for all t [ 0 , μ ] .
For all η , λ C ( [ 0 , μ ] ) , one has
0 μ λ ( t ) I 0 ξ η ( t ) d t = 0 μ η ( t ) I μ ξ λ ( t ) d t .
ψ ( t ) = 1 t μ κ , for   all   t [ 0 , μ ] ,
where κ 0 . Then
I μ ξ ψ ( t ) = Γ ( κ + 1 ) Γ ( κ + ξ + 1 ) μ κ ( μ t ) ξ + κ , for   all   t [ 0 , μ ] .
Suppose now that 0 < ξ < 1 . The derivative of order ξ of a function η C 1 ( [ 0 , μ ] ) in the Caputo sense, is given by
d η d x ξ ( t ) = I 0 1 ξ d η d t ( t ) , for   all   t [ 0 , μ ] .
The pair of functions ( x , y ) , where x , y C 1 ( [ 0 , ) ) , is a global solution of Equation (1), if it satisfies Equation (1) for all t > 0 . Let us recall that the system of Equation (1) is investigated under the assumptions:
p , q > 1 and 0 < α , β < 1 .
z i C ( [ 0 , ) ) , z i 0 , i = 1 , 2 .
Now, we present our results.
Theorem 1.
Let x 0 , y 0 0 . If
lim sup T + T ( α 1 ) p q + β q + 1 p q 1 0 T z 1 ( s ) d s = + o r lim sup T + T ( β 1 ) p q + α p + 1 p q 1 0 T z 2 ( s ) d s = + ,
then Equation (1) has no global solutions.
Consider now the case of a single equation
d x d t ( t ) + d x d t α ( t ) = | x ( t ) | p + z ( t ) , x ( 0 ) = x 0 ,
where 0 < α < 1 , p > 1 and z C ( [ 0 , ) ) , z 0 . From Theorem 1, we deduce
Corollary 1.
Let x 0 0 . If
lim sup T + T α p p 1 1 0 T z ( s ) d s = + ,
then Equation (7) has no global solutions.
The following example shows the effect of the inhomogeneous terms z i ( t ) , i = 1 , 2 , on the blow-up of solutions of Equation (2)
Example 1.
Consider the system
d x d t ( t ) + d x d t α ( t ) = | y ( t ) | q + ( t + 1 ) ρ , d y d t ( t ) + d y d t β ( t ) = | x ( t ) | p , ( x ( 0 ) , y ( 0 ) ) = ( x 0 , y 0 ) ,
where t > 0 , x 0 0 , y 0 0 , p > 1 , q > 1 and
ρ > min 1 , q ( α p + β ) p q 1 .
System Equation (8) is a special case of Equation (1) with
z 1 ( t ) = ( t + 1 ) ρ a n d z 2 ( t ) = 0 ,
for all t 0 . One observes easily that
T ( α 1 ) p q + β q + 1 p q 1 0 T z 1 ( s ) d s T ( α 1 ) p q + β q + 1 p q 1 + ρ + 1 , a s T + .
Furthermore, it follows from Equation (9) that
( α 1 ) p q + β q + 1 p q 1 + ρ + 1 > 0 ,
which yields
lim T + T ( α 1 ) p q + β q + 1 p q 1 0 T z 1 ( s ) d s = + .
Hence by Theorem 1, one deduces that under condition Equation (9), for all p , q > 1 , Equation (8) has no global solutions.

2. Proof of the Main Result

The proof is based on the nonlinear capacity method (see e.g., [26]). More precisely, we first suppose that ( x , y ) is a global solution of Equation (1). Next, we multiply both equations in Equation (1) by an adequate test function that depends of a parameter T 1 , and we integrate by parts over the interval ( 0 , T ) . Using standard integral inequalities, the condition in Equation (6) and passing to the limit as T , a contradiction follows.
The detailed proof of Theorem 1 is given below.
We follow the steps mentioned previously.
Step 1 (Multiplication of both equations in Equation (1) by an adequate test function that depends of a parameter T 1 ):
Suppose ( x , y ) is solution of (1) which is global. For κ , T 1 , let
ν ( t ) = T κ ( T t ) κ , for   all   0 t T .
After multiplication of the first equation in Equation (1) by ν ( t ) and integration over ( 0 , T ) , we obtain
0 T d x d t ν d t + 0 T d x d t α ν d t = 0 T | y | q ν d t + 0 T z 1 ν d t .
Integrating by parts, we have
0 T d x d t ν d t = x ( T ) ν ( T ) x ( 0 ) ν ( 0 ) 0 T x d ν d t d t .
Since ν ( T ) = 0 and ν ( 0 ) = 1 , we get
0 T d x d t ν d t = x ( 0 ) 0 T x d ν d t d t .
Using Equations (5) and (3), we have
0 T d x d t α ν d t = 0 T I 0 1 α d x d t ν d t = 0 T d x d t I T 1 α ν d t .
Again, we integrate by parts, we obtain
0 T d x d t α ν d t = x ( T ) I T 1 α ν ( T ) x ( 0 ) I T 1 α ν ( 0 ) 0 T x d I T 1 α ν d t d t .
On the other hand, by Equation (4), one has I T 1 α ν ( T ) = 0 . Therefore, it holds that
0 T d x d t α ν d t = x ( 0 ) I T 1 α ν ( 0 ) 0 T x d I T 1 α ν d t d t .
Further, using Equation (11)–(13), we deduce that
x ( 0 ) 1 + I T 1 α ν ( 0 ) + 0 T | y | q ν d t + 0 T z 1 ν d t 0 T | x | d ν d t d t + 0 T | x | d I T 1 α ν d t d t .
Since x ( 0 ) 0 and I T 1 α ν ( 0 ) 0 by Equation (4), it holds that
0 T | y | q ν d t + 0 T z 1 ν d t 0 T | x | d ν d t d t + 0 T | x | d I T 1 α ν d t d t .
Similarly, after multiplication of the second equation in Equation (1) by ν ( t ) and integration over ( 0 , T ) , using that y ( 0 ) 0 and I T 1 β ν ( 0 ) 0 , we obtain
0 T | x | p ν d t + 0 T z 2 ν d t 0 T | y | d ν d t d t + 0 T | y | d I T 1 β ν d t d t .
Next, we set
I = 0 T | x | p ν d t and J = 0 T | y | q ν d t .
We use Hölder’s inequality to get
0 T | x | d ν d t d t = 0 T | x | ν 1 p ν 1 p d ν d t d t I 1 p 0 T ν 1 p 1 d ν d t p p 1 d t p 1 p
0 T | x | d I T 1 α ν d t d t I 1 p 0 T ν 1 p 1 d I T 1 α ν d t p p 1 d t p 1 p .
Similarly, one has
0 T | y | d ν d t d t J 1 q 0 T ν 1 q 1 d ν d t q q 1 d t q 1 q
0 T | y | d I T 1 β ν d t d t J 1 q 0 T ν 1 q 1 d I T 1 β ν d t q q 1 d t q 1 q .
Next, setting
A 1 = 0 T ν 1 p 1 d ν d t p p 1 d t and A 2 = 0 T ν 1 p 1 d I T 1 α ν d t p p 1 d t ,
using Equations (14), (16), and (17), one deduces that
J + 0 T z 1 ν d t I 1 p A 1 p 1 p + A 2 p 1 p .
Similarly, setting
B 1 = 0 T ν 1 q 1 d ν d t q q 1 d t and B 2 = 0 T ν 1 q 1 d I T 1 β ν d t q q 1 d t ,
using Equations (15), (18), and (19), one deduces that
I + 0 T z 2 ν d t J 1 q B 1 q 1 q + B 2 q 1 q .
Consider now the case
lim sup T + T ( α 1 ) p q + β q + 1 p q 1 0 T z 1 ( s ) d s = + .
0 T z 2 ν d t 0 ,
it follows from Equation (21) that
I J 1 q B 1 q 1 q + B 2 q 1 q .
The above inequality with Equation (20) yields
J + 0 T z 1 ν d t J 1 p q B 1 q 1 q + B 2 q 1 q 1 p A 1 p 1 p + A 2 p 1 p .
Step 2 (Estimates and conclusion):
Further, we shall estimate the term in right-hand side of the above inequality. Using the inequality
( a 1 + a 2 ) γ 2 γ ( a 1 γ + a 2 γ ) , 0 < γ < 1 , a 1 , a 2 > 0 ,
one obtains
B 1 q 1 q + B 2 q 1 q 1 p A 1 p 1 p + A 2 p 1 p 2 1 p A 1 p 1 p B 1 q 1 p q + A 2 p 1 p B 1 q 1 p q + A 1 p 1 p B 2 q 1 p q + A 2 p 1 p B 2 q 1 p q .
On the other hand, using Equation (10), elementary calculations yield
A 1 = 1 κ 1 p 1 T 1 p 1 and B 1 = 1 κ 1 q 1 T 1 q 1 .
Similarly, using Equations (4) and (10), we obtain
A 2 = Γ ( κ + 1 ) Γ ( κ + 1 α ) p p 1 T 1 α p p 1 κ α p p 1 + 1 and B 2 = Γ ( κ + 1 ) Γ ( κ + 1 β ) q q 1 T 1 β q q 1 κ β q q 1 + 1 .
Hence, using Equations (24)–(26), one deduces easily that
B 1 q 1 q + B 2 q 1 q 1 p A 1 p 1 p + A 2 p 1 p C T 1 α β p 1 p q ,
where C > 0 is a constant. The above inequality with Equation (23) yield
J + 0 T z 1 ν d t C J 1 p q T 1 α β p 1 p q .
Next, using Young’s inequality
a b 1 p q a p q + p q 1 p q b p q p q 1 , a , b > 0 ,
we get
C J 1 p q T 1 α β p 1 p q 1 p q J + p q 1 p q C p q p q 1 T p q p q 1 1 α β p 1 p q ,
together with Equation (27) implies
0 T z 1 ν d t C ˜ T p q p q 1 1 α β p 1 p q ,
where C ˜ = p q 1 p q C p q p q 1 . On the other hand, by Equation (10), one has
0 T z 1 ν d t = T κ 0 T z 1 ( t ) ( T t ) κ d t 1 2 κ 0 T 2 z 1 ( t ) d t .
The above inequality with (28) yields
1 2 κ T ( α 1 ) p q + β q + 1 p q 1 0 T 2 z 1 ( t ) d t C ˜ ,
which contradicts Equation (22).
Next, consider the case
lim sup T + T ( β 1 ) p q + α p + 1 p q 1 0 T z 2 ( s ) d s = + .
Using similar argument as above, one obtains
1 2 κ T ( β 1 ) p q + α p + 1 p q 1 0 T 2 z 2 ( t ) d t C ˜ ,
for some constant C ˜ > 0 , which contradicts (29). □

Author Contributions

All authors contributed equally to this work. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The first author is supported by the Researchers Supporting Project number (RSP-2019/57), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Jleli, M.; Samet, B. Sufficient Criteria for the Absence of Global Solutions for an Inhomogeneous System of Fractional Differential Equations. Mathematics 2020, 8, 9.

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Jleli M, Samet B. Sufficient Criteria for the Absence of Global Solutions for an Inhomogeneous System of Fractional Differential Equations. Mathematics. 2020; 8(1):9.

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Jleli, Mohamed, and Bessem Samet. 2020. "Sufficient Criteria for the Absence of Global Solutions for an Inhomogeneous System of Fractional Differential Equations" Mathematics 8, no. 1: 9.

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