A Survey on Function Spaces of John–Nirenberg Type
:1. Introduction
- (i)
- Via the characterization of distribution functions, we know that is closely related to the space whose definition (see (6) below) is similar to an equivalent expression of but with replaced by f (see Proposition 3 below);
- (ii)
2. BMO and
2.1. (Localized) BMO and
- (i)
- for almost every ;
- (ii)
- ;
- (iii)
- .
- (i)
- Φ is of lower type 1, namely for any and ,
- (ii)
- Φ is of critical lower type 1, namely there exists no , such that for any and ,
- (i)
- ;
- (ii)
- and there exist positive constants and , such that for any cube and any ,
- (iii)
- and there exists a , such that
- (i)
- ;
- (ii)
- and ;
- (iii)
- and .
- (i)
- ;
- (ii)
- and ;
- (iii)
- and .
2.2. John–Nirenberg Space
- (i)
- As a counterpart of Proposition 2, for any given and any given cube of , we have
- (ii)
- coincides with . To be precise, let be any given cube of , and
- (iii)
- Stampacchia [56] introduced the space , which coincides with in Definitions 3 if we write with and , and applied them to the context of interpolation of operators.
- Campanato [57] also used the John–Nirenberg spaces to study the interpolation of operators.
- Hurri-Syrjänen et al. [34] established a local-to-global result for the space on an open subset of . More precisely, it was proved that the norm is dominated by its local version modulus constants; here, ; for any open subset of , the related “norm” is defined in the same way as in (1) with replaced by ; and is defined in the same way as with an additional requirement for all chosen cubes Q in the definition of .
- Blasco and Espinoza-Villalva [33] computed the concrete value of for any given and any measurable set of positive and finite Lebesgue measure, where .
- The -type norm in Remark 2(iii) was further generalized and studied in Astashkin and Milman [63] via the Strömberg–Jawerth–Torchinsky local maximal operator.
3. John–Nirenberg–Campanato Space
- For any (the set of all non-negative integers), let denote the set of all polynomials of degree not greater than s on the cube Q, and denote the unique polynomial of degree not greater than s, such that
- Let and be a given cube of . For any measurable function f, let
- Let , , and be a given cube of . The space is defined by setting
- For any given and , and any measurable subset , let
3.1. John–Nirenberg–Campanato Spaces
- (i)
- The Campanato space is defined by setting
- (ii)
- The dual space of is defined to be the set of all continuous linear functionals on equipped with the weak-∗ topology.
- (i)
- The John–Nirenberg–Campanato space (for short, JNC space ) is defined by settingfor any i is as in (24) with Q replaced by , and the supremum is taken over all collections of interior pairwise disjoint cubes of . Furthermore, the “norm” of polynomials is zero, and for simplicity, the space is regarded as the quotient space .
- (ii)
- The dual space of is defined to be the set of all continuous linear functionals on equipped with the weak-∗ topology.
- (i)
- Let and be a given cube of . It is easy to show thatHowever, we claim thatIndeed, for the simplicity of the presentation, without loss of generality, we may show this claim only in . Let for any , and . Then, due to [46] (Example 3.1.3), and hence it suffices to prove that for any given . To do this, let for any . Then, by some simple calculations, we obtain
- (ii)
- The predual counterpart of Corollary 2 is still unclear so far (see Question 2 below for more details).
- (i)
- ;
- (ii)
- ;
- (iii)
- for any with .
- (i)
- If , then f induces a linear functional on and
- (ii)
- If , then there exists an , such that for any ,
- (i)
- Let . If and , or and , then
- (ii)
- Let . If and , or and , then
- (i)
- for any given and ,
- (ii)
- for any given , , , and ,
- (iii)
- for any given , , , and ,
- (i)
- for any given , , , and ,
- (ii)
- for any given , , , and ,
- (i)
- it is still unknown whether or not for any ,
- (ii)
- it is interesting to clarify the relation between and .
3.2. Localized John–Nirenberg–Campanato Spaces
- (i)
- ;
- (ii)
- if is a given cube of , then with equivalent norms;
- (iii)
- if .
- (i)
- If , then with equivalent norms.
- (ii)
- If , then with equivalent norms.
- (iii)
- If p, , , and , then almost everywhere.
- (i)
- ;
- (ii)
- ;
- (iii)
- when , for any and .
- (i)
- For any given , the linear functional
- (ii)
- Any bounded linear functional on can be represented by a function in the following sense:Moreover, there exists a positive constant C, depending only on s, such that .
- (i)
- If , and is a given cube of , then with equivalent norms.
- (ii)
- with equivalent norms.
- (i)
- It is interesting to clarify the relation between and , and to find the condition on g, such that .
- (ii)
- Let and . As , the relation between the localized atomic Hardy space (see [50] for the definition) and is still unknown.
3.3. Congruent John–Nirenberg–Campanato Spaces
- (i)
- (non-dyadic side length) if and only if and
- (ii)
- (i)
- For any given and ,Moreover, for any ,
- (ii)
- If , then, for any given and ,
- (iii)
- If and , then . Moreover, for any ,
- (iv)
- If and , then . Moreover, for any ,
- (i)
- Let be a given bounded interval of . Then,
- (ii)
- Let be a given cube of . Then,
- (i)
- Any induces a linear functional which is given by setting, for any and with in ,Moreover, for any ,
- (ii)
- Conversely, for any continuous linear functional on , there exists a unique , such that for any ,
4. Riesz-Type Space
4.1. Riesz–Morrey Spaces
- (i)
- Let and . Then,In particular, if , then , which is just the Morrey space defined in Remark 3.
- (ii)
- Let and . Then,
- (iii)
- Let , , and be a given cube of . Then,In particular, if .
- (iv)
- Let , , and be a given cube of . Then,
- (i)
- A function b is called a-block if
- (ii)
- The space of -chains, , is defined by setting
- (iii)
- The block-type space is defined by setting
- (iv)
- The finite block-type space is defined to be the set of all finite summations
- (i)
- If , then f induces a linear functional on with
- (ii)
- If , then there exists some , such that for any ,
4.2. Congruent Riesz–Morrey Spaces
- (i)
- If we do not require that has the same size in the definition of congruent Riesz–Morrey spaces, then it is just the Riesz–Morrey space in Section 4.1.
- (ii)
- If , , and , then in Definition 16 coincides with the Morrey space in Remark 3.
- (iii)
- Similar to Remark 7, for any given , and , if and only if and
- (iv)
5. Vanishing Subspace
5.1. Vanishing BMO Spaces
- , introduced by Sarason [6], is defined by setting
- , announced in Neri [97], is defined by setting
- , introduced by Tao et al. [99], is defined by setting
- (i)
- (ii)
- for any cube Q of ,
- (iii)
- (i)
- ;
- (ii)
- and enjoys the properties that
- a)
- b)
- for any cube Q of ,
- (iii)
- .
- (ii’)
- (i)
- The standard size and regularity conditions: for any multi-index with , there exists a positive constant , depending on , such that for any with or ,Here and thereafter, .
- (ii)
- The additional decay condition: there exist positive constants C and , such that for any with ,
- (i)
- ([2], Theorem 3) if and only if there exist functions , such that
- (ii)
- (iii)
- (i)
- Theorem 18 with replaced by ;
- (ii)
- Theorem 13 with and replaced, respectively, by and ;
- (iii)
- Question 13 with replaced by ;
- (iv)
- The dual result , in ([104], Theorem 9), with replaced by or , where is the localized Hardy space;
- (v)
- The equivalent characterizations for and via localized Riesz transforms.
5.2. Vanishing John–Nirenberg–Campanato Spaces
- (i)
- , where
- (ii)
- and, for any given ,
- (iii)
- and
- (i)
- (ii)
- (i)
- It is still unknown whether or not Theorems 21 and 22 hold true with replaced by when p, , , and .
- (ii)
- It is interesting to ask whether or not for any given , , , and ,
5.3. Vanishing Congruent John–Nirenberg–Campanato Spaces
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Tao, J.; Yang, D.; Yuan, W. A Survey on Function Spaces of John–Nirenberg Type. Mathematics 2021, 9, 2264. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9182264
Tao J, Yang D, Yuan W. A Survey on Function Spaces of John–Nirenberg Type. Mathematics. 2021; 9(18):2264. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9182264
Chicago/Turabian StyleTao, Jin, Dachun Yang, and Wen Yuan. 2021. "A Survey on Function Spaces of John–Nirenberg Type" Mathematics 9, no. 18: 2264. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9182264
APA StyleTao, J., Yang, D., & Yuan, W. (2021). A Survey on Function Spaces of John–Nirenberg Type. Mathematics, 9(18), 2264. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9182264