Glycemic Control and Implant Stability in Patients with Type II Diabetes: Narrative Review
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
- Should quality of glycemic control guide dental implant treatment in patients affected by diabetes?
- What is the long-term effect of hyperglycemia on dental implants (i.e., implant survival rate)?
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- Implant failure: Implant failure is the inability of an implant to maintain or achieve the intended integration with surrounding tissue, often resulting in clinical symptoms such as pain, mobility, or inflammation. It is categorized as early when osseointegration fails during the initial healing phase; it is categorized as late when the established integration degrades over time due to factors like mechanical stress or infection.
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- Osteointegration: The establishment of a direct structural and functional interface between bone and the surface of a load-bearing implant is essential for achieving secondary implant stability. This stability is dependent on the dynamic remodeling of the surrounding bone, which involves osteoblast proliferation and the subsequent formation of new bone tissue.
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- Peri-implant diseases: These include inflammation characterized by an inflammatory response within the peri-implant soft tissues, typically evidenced by bleeding on probing, increased probing depths indicative of pathological changes, and progressive marginal bone loss [23].
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- Marginal bone loss (MBL): MBL refers to the gradual reduction in the bone volume surrounding the implant, typically observed at the bone–implant interface, which can lead to compromised implant stability and function, often caused by factors such as poor oral hygiene, infection, overload, or peri-implantitis.
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- Glycemic control based on glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c): Well-controlled—HbA1c less than 7.0% (53 mmol/mol); moderately controlled—HbA1c between 7.0% and 8.0% (53–64 mmol/mol); poorly controlled—HbA1c greater than 8.0% (64 mmol/mol).
3. Results
3.1. Diabetes Mellitus and Osseointegration
3.2. Glycemic Control and Peri-Implant Diseases
3.3. Diabetes Mellitus and Marginal Bone Loss
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- Marginal bone loss is worse in patients with uncontrolled diabetes compared to non-diabetic individuals.
- However, the radiological and clinical outcomes of dental implant placements in well-controlled type 2 diabetes patients are encouraging.
- The current literature suggests no significant differences in implant success between well-controlled diabetic patients and non-diabetic individuals.
- Optimizing glycemic control and addressing other risk factors can improve implant survival rates and overall outcomes in diabetic patients.
- A multidisciplinary approach is essential for managing diabetic patients undergoing dental implant therapy, involving various healthcare professionals.
- Further well-controlled long-term clinical trials and retrospective studies are needed to achieve the following goals: compare patients with different glycemic profiles and fluctuations in blood glucose levels; use consistent dental and medical indicators to optimize implant surgery and prosthetic maintenance strategies.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Cosola, S.; Butera, A.; Hailu Zergaw, A.; George, J.; Covani, U.; Arrighi, A.; Toti, P.; Scribante, A.; Menchini-Fabris, G.B. Glycemic Control and Implant Stability in Patients with Type II Diabetes: Narrative Review. Healthcare 2025, 13, 449.
Cosola S, Butera A, Hailu Zergaw A, George J, Covani U, Arrighi A, Toti P, Scribante A, Menchini-Fabris GB. Glycemic Control and Implant Stability in Patients with Type II Diabetes: Narrative Review. Healthcare. 2025; 13(5):449.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCosola, Saverio, Andrea Butera, Abenezer Hailu Zergaw, Jaibin George, Ugo Covani, Augusto Arrighi, Paolo Toti, Andrea Scribante, and Giovanni Battista Menchini-Fabris. 2025. "Glycemic Control and Implant Stability in Patients with Type II Diabetes: Narrative Review" Healthcare 13, no. 5: 449.
APA StyleCosola, S., Butera, A., Hailu Zergaw, A., George, J., Covani, U., Arrighi, A., Toti, P., Scribante, A., & Menchini-Fabris, G. B. (2025). Glycemic Control and Implant Stability in Patients with Type II Diabetes: Narrative Review. Healthcare, 13(5), 449.