3.1. Preliminary Analysis
The sample data set consists of approximately thirteen years of daily data for the S&P500 and the FTSE 100 Indexes from 24 April 2009 through to 11 March 2021, sourced from Yahoo Finance via the R quantmod library. This was divided into two components, a pre-Brexit and COVID-19 period, the former running from 24 April 2009 until 31 December 2015, a total of 1659 observations. The second component of the sample ran from 4 January 2016 until 11 March 2021 and comprises 1290 observations, while the total sample comprises 2949 observations. The Brexit vote took place on 23 June 2016 and, on the following day, the British Prime Minister David Cameron announced his resignation. This immediately led to greater uncertainty in the UK financial market.
The plots of the two series in
Figure 2 show that they initially appear to trend together. At the end of 2015, around observation 1660, the UK stock market starts to reflect the uncertainties associated with the Brexit vote. Both appear to be suitable for NARDL analysis in that they do not embody uniformly positive or negative changes. However, a strong upward trend in both markets is evident after their recovery from the Global Financial Crisis of 2007–2008. Things changed in 2016 in the UK following the Brexit vote, the start of the Global Pandemic of COVID-19 at the beginning of 2020, and the onset of massive shocks to the two economies in the form of lockdowns that led to slumps in stock market prices.
Traditionally, cointegration analysis is undertaken with levels of series that are I(1). However, if we are going to make suggestions about the relative volatility of our two base series, in different periods of time, it makes no sense to use the levels of the series which may display infinite variances. We therefore analyse the relative variances of the continuously compounded returns of the two series. These are obtained by calculating their respective logarithmic differences.
Summary statistics for the continuously compounded on the two series, for various sub-samples, are presented in
Table 1. In the first sub-period, from 24 April 2009 until 31 December 2015, the mean value of the daily continuously compounded return on the S&P500 index series is 0.00050218, and the corresponding mean value of the daily level of the FTSE 100 index, in period 1, is 0.00021978. The standard deviation of the continuously compounded return on the S&P500 in the first period, is 0.010271, while the standard deviation of the FTSE 100 index, in the first period is 0.010517. In the second period, the mean value of the S&P500 return is 0.00053136, while the corresponding mean value of the return on the FTSE is
The standard deviations of the two return series in the second period are 0.012454, for the S&P500, and 0.010834 for the FTSE, respectively. It is noteworthy that both the standard deviations of the S&P500 and of the FTSE returns increase in the second period, but the S&P500 return variance shows a relatively greater increase. This was contrary to our expectations. Our prior was that the prospect of Brexit would have been accompanied by increased uncertainty which would have resulted in relatively increased volatility. The results of ANOVA tests of the equality of variances for the two series across the two periods, reported at the bottom of
Table 1, show that the differences in their respective variances across the two periods, are significant at the one percent level, in two-tailed tests for the S&P500 return, but are not significantly different for the FTSE return variance.
We estimated these tests using a pre-COVID-19 sample period up to the end of 2019, and post COVID from January 2020 on, and found that the variances of both return series were significantly different in the pre-and post COVID periods, but this would have left only 386 daily observations for the post-COVID sample period. (Results available from the authors on request). We decided to stick with the pre and post-Brexit periods which afforded a relatively larger sample in the second period.
The Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test results shown in
Table 2, for the two sub-periods, which are undertaken with both a constant, and a constant and a trend, uniformly fail to reject the null hypothesis of a unit root, in both periods in the case of the S&P500, and in the second period for the FTSE 100 Index, as indicated by the asymptotic probability values in parentheses. However, if both a constant, and a constant and trend, are included, the null hypothesis of a unit root is rejected in the first period for the FTSE 100 Index. Thus, the adoption of a bounds testing procedure appears to be justified on the basis of the differences in the results of the unit root tests on the levels of the two series in the two sub-periods.
Table 3 presents the results of simple Engle–Granger tests of cointegration between the two series, using models with a constant, and with a constant and trend. The results in
Table 3 appear promising, in that most of the coefficients estimated in the Engle–Granger two-step cointegration test procedure appear to be highly significant, whether the equation includes a constant, or a constant and a time trend, apart from period 2, in which the test with a constant rejects the existence of cointegration, and does not reject the null of a unit root in the residuals. Otherwise, the other three unit root tests on the residuals from the two sets of regressions all reject the null hypothesis of a unit root, which suggests that the two series are cointegrated.
Shin et al. (
2014) note that they develop a simple and flexible nonlinear dynamic framework capable of simultaneously and coherently modelling asymmetries, both in the underlying long-run relationship and in the patterns of dynamic adjustment. They claim that the approach makes four contributions: the first is the derivation of a dynamic error correction representation associated with the asymmetric long-run cointegrating regression, resulting in the nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (NARDL) model.
The second is that, in the process, they employ a pragmatic bounds-testing procedure for the existence of a stable long-run relationship, which is valid irrespective of whether the underlying regressors are I(0), I(1), or are mutually cointegrated.
Their third contribution is that they derive asymmetric cumulative dynamic multipliers that permit the tracing out of the asymmetric adjustment patterns following positive and negative shocks to the explanatory variables. Their approach is sufficiently flexible to accommodate the four general combinations of long- and short-run asymmetry.
Finally, by means of Monte Carlo experiments, they validate their estimation and inferential framework, and reveal little bias in estimation and considerable power in the key test statistics. They also compute empirical p-values for the cointegration tests and confidence intervals for the dynamic multipliers by means of a non-parametric bootstrap. Thus, their approach is sufficiently general to permit its application to our two series and will be valid whether or not the two series are cointegrated.
3.2. ARDL Analysis
We commence the analysis using autoregressive distributed lag models (ARDL). For the initial analysis, we use a R package by
Jordan and Philips (
2020) called Dynamac. They suggest that, in a typical ARDL model, the number of lags of the dependent variable in levels is given by
p, the number of lags of the dependent variable in differences is given by
m, the number of lags of the independent variables in levels is given by
l, and the number of lags of the independent variables in differences is given by
If we restricted all but the contemporaneous and first lag of each series to be zero, a simple ARDL model could be written as:
is a constant and
is a trend term. The usual convention is to add sufficient lags to the system to whiten the residuals.
There are a number of R library packages which undertake cointegration analysis using the bounds testing approach, including
Natsiopoulos and Tzeremes (
2021) ARDL, ECM and Bounds-Test for Cointegration (ARDL) package, plus Sun’s asymmetric price transmission R package (
Sun 2020), which facilitates the assessment of asymmetric price transmissions between two time series, and includes several functions for linear and nonlinear threshold cointegration analysis.
The R package dynamac provides a means to use the coefficients from an estimated model to simulate meaningful responses in the dependent variable to counterfactual changes in an independent variable, x, allowing the change, to filter through the various forms of the x variable in the model, as well as different forms of the y variable (like differences and lagged levels) that might be included. We fit an ARDL model in ECM form using the bounds approach, and then simulate the impact of one standard deviation shocks to the variable in question.
The results of the analysis using dynamac are shown in
Table 4 and suggests that the models for both period 1, 2009–2015, and period 2, 2016 to 2021 are significant and successfully capture the relationship between the two indices. In the first period, a constant, plus lagged values of the FTSE in levels, the S&P500 in differences and trend variable, are highly significant. The adjusted R-squared is 0.017, which is low, but is consistent with
Fama (
1970) concept of market efficiency. If the market is weak-form efficient, it should not be possible to predict price movements in London by changes in prices in New York.
The results for period 2 in
Table 4 suggest that the intercept, the lagged FTSE in levels and two lags of the S&P500 in differences are significant. In this model, the estimate of the trend variable is not significant. The Breusch–Godfrey LM Test test suggests that autocorrelation is not a problem in the model estimates in either period, although the Shapiro–Wilk test results suggest that the residuals do not conform to a Gaussian distribution in either period.
A startling result for the second period is the very high value of the adjusted R-squared of 19.59 per cent, which is not consistent with the
Fama (
1970) concept of weak form market efficiency. It should not be possible to explain 20 percent of the variation in the value of one market index by movements in the other. This suggests that the relationship between FTSE and S&P500 changed dramatically in the period marked by Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic.
The plots in
Figure 3 present the results of a one standard deviation shock to the level of the S
$P500. The graph at the top left-hand-side of the figure displays the level of the FTSE, and the middle plot in the figure shows changes from the mean value of the dependent variable, in this case the level of FTSE. The final plot on the top line of
Figure 3 shows changes in the level of FTSE. The lower set of plots in the figure show on the L.H.S the size of the shock, the cumulative change in FTSE, and finally the cumulative absolute change in FTSE. The window has been set to represent the changes through the following 30 days.
The plots suggest that it takes about ten days for a shock to work through the system. The impact of a shock seems to be greater in the second period. One thousand simulations are used to produce the plots, and 95 percent confidence intervals are included in the graphs.
The most notable feature of the two sets of simulations is the increase in the size of the response in the second period, and the fact that explanatory power of the model, as measured by the adjusted R-squared values, is greatly increased.
As a further check, we ran a regression of the continuously compounded returns on FTSE on those of S&P500 in this period. The results are shown in
Table 5. The results in the first period are consistent with weak form efficiency in that the adjusted R-squared coefficient is 0.026, indicating that changes in S&P500 returns explain only 2.6% of FTSE returns. The picture changes dramatically in the second period, which captures the uncertainties associated with the BREXIT process and the COVID-19 pandemic. In this period, the adjusted R-squared of the regression jumps to over
which is not at all consistent with weak form market efficiency.
3.3. NARDL Analysis
We applied the R package ’nardl’ by
Zaghdoudi (
2021) to implement the estimation procedures for the nonlinear relationship between the daily levels of S&P500 and FTSE over the two periods. The results of estimation are shown in
Table 6.
The results in
Table 6 suggest that the NARDL model successfully captures asymmetries in the response of the level of the FTSE index to changes in the levels of the S&P500 index. In period 1, the response to lagged negative changes is not significant, whereas the responses to lagged positive changes are. This is apparent in the values of the long-run coefficients presented in the RHS of
Table 4, in which the coefficient of the lagged positive change in S&P500 (GSPC.Adjusted_p_1) is 52.54374, the coefficient of the second lag is negative, but smaller with a value of −45.84362, while the coefficient of the lagged negative change in S&P500 (GSPC.Adjusted_n_1) is approximately −0.68924, which is much smaller and insignificant. The long term trend coefficient is positive and significant. The Wald test of asymmetry suggests that there is a signifcant difference between the responses to positive and negative movements. The upper bound terminates at an F value of 6.36, whereas the F value of 6.85 shows that there is significant evidence of cointegration.
We tried a number of alternative specifications for the model, but including a constant and trend seemed to be optimal. The adjusted R-squared for the fitted model for the first period is 0.024, and the F statistic for the model is highly significant. The Jarque–Bera (JB) test rejects the hypothesis that the residuals conform to a Gaussian distribution, the Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test finds no evidence of serial correlation, while the ARCH test shows the presence of autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity.
It has to be borne in mind that we are regressing the levels of a major market index, FTSE, on those of another one, S&P500. The regression is significant, but the Adjusted R-square is small. This is not surprising, and is also consistent with empirical work on market efficiency, for example
Fama (
1965). If we could predict the level of FTSE efficiently, we would have a money-making machine, which would not be consistent with the concept of market efficiency. It also has to be borne in mind that
Summers (
1986) demonstrated that traditional tests of market efficiency typically have low power. He was referring to tests based on returns, not level regressions. The use of cointegration and the error correction mechanism does have the power of super-consistency, but, even so, his cautions have to be borne in mind.
The estimates for period 2 are more puzzling. The coefficients on positive lags of levels of the S&P500 net out to zero, as do the coefficients on negative lags of the levels. All the coefficients in the short run are highly significant, but not in the long run. The trend coefficient is significant in the short run but not in the long run. The adjusted R-squared is very high with a value of 0.22, which, as noted in the previous analysis reported in the paper, is not consistent with the existence of market efficiency. Once again, the Jarque–Bera (JB) test rejects the hypothesis that the residuals conform to a Gaussian distribution, but the Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test finds no evidence of serial correlation, while the ARCH test shows the presence of autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity. The Wald test suggests the presence of long-run asymmetry, while the F statistic with a value of 34.42 is well outside the bound of 6.36, suggesting the existence of cointegation.
Figure 4 plots the CUSUM test of the residuals, which reveals that, as the model progresses through the observations of the total sample of daily values in the two periods, the residuals remain well within the red borderline boundary at the 5% level, which suggests they are stationary. The simple Engle–Granger tests of cointegration, whether with a constant, or with a constant and trend, did not reject the null of cointegration between the two series.
Similarly, the CUSUM Sum of Squares test, as shown in
Figure 4, also suggests that the residuals from the model are stationary. The conclusion drawn from these tests is that something strange was happening to the relationship between FTSE and S&P500 in the BREXIT and COVID-19 periods, which was inconsistent with market efficiency and suggests that movements in FTSE could be predicted in this period.
Shin et al. (
2014) note the well-established power dominance of the ECM-based tests, which arises from their inclusion of potentially valuable information relating to the correlation between the regressors and the underlying disturbances, as opposed to the simple Engle–Granger test. In support, they cite the work of (
Banerjee et al. 1998;
Hansen 1995;
Kremers et al. 1992;
Pesaran et al. 2001). Thus, the NARDL specification, as used in this paper, can even detect evidence in support of cointegration in circumstances in which the simple Engle–Granger approach might fail to do so, but this is not the case with this data set, as the Engle–Granger tests confirmed the existence of cointegration between the two series.
One of the advantages of the NARDL framework, as used in this paper, is that it has the merit of including both the levels and differences of the relevant series, and that the bounds testing framework means that it can accommodate I(0) and I(1) sequences of variables, or combinations of both. It is consistent but is more powerful than efficient market tests that only use differences or returns series.
However, the results of the NARDL analysis could be consistent with both leverage effects, and the previously mentioned ’downmarket’ effects, mentioned by
Figlewski and Wang (
2000). To further explore this issue, we undertake some quantile regression analysis on the differences of the series, which are reported in the next subsection.