Utilization of Cold Energy from LNG Regasification Process: A Review of Current Trends
:1. Introduction
2. Trends of Current LNG Cold Energy Utilization
2.1. Power Generation
2.1.1. Rankine Cycle
2.1.2. Brayton Cycle
2.1.3. Kalina Cycle
2.2. Air Separation
2.3. Desalination of Seawater
2.4. CO2 Capture Using Cryogenic Process
3. Exploring the Potential and Future Applications of LNG Cold Energy in Various Sectors
3.1. Data Center Cooling
3.2. Storage of Cold Energy
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Power Generated (MW) | Working Fluid | References |
3.773 | R290, R170, and R1150 | [45] |
31.67 | R290 | [46] |
2.456 | R290, R170, and R1150 | [47] |
0.470 | R290 and R1270 | [48] |
N/A | Binary mixture (R1270 and C2H6) | [49] |
9.24 | R290 | [50] |
System | References |
Hydrogen liquefaction with dual-pressure Brayton cycle | [58] |
Compressor inlet cooling of closed Brayton cycle (CBC) | [59] |
Hydrogen liquefaction process using reverse Brayton cycle with steam methane reforming | [60] |
System | Working Fluid | References |
ASU | Neon, argon, oxygen, and nitrogen | [77] |
LNG powered ship with ASU | Nitrogen and oxygen | [78] |
ASU | Nitrogen and oxygen | [79] |
ASU and hydrocarbon recovery | Nitrogen, oxygen, and argon. | [80] |
ASU with power cycle | Oxygen | [81] |
ASU | Oxygen | [82] |
System | References |
FD plant integrated with combined gas power cycle plant | [94] |
FD plant integrated with floating storage regasification unit (FSRU) | [95] |
Desalination unit integrated with compressed air energy storage (CAES) | [96] |
Integration of Kalina cycle, Stirling engine, desalination unit, and magnetic refrigeration system | [97] |
Desalination and power generation | [98] |
System | References |
ASU integrated with CO2 capture | [106] |
Solar dish collectors with CO2 capture | [107] |
Power generation with CO2 capture | [108] |
CO2 capture and storage | [109] |
Power generation with CO2 capture | [110] |
Allam cycle power plant with CO2 capture | [111] |
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Noor Akashah, M.H.; Mohammad Rozali, N.E.; Mahadzir, S.; Liew, P.Y. Utilization of Cold Energy from LNG Regasification Process: A Review of Current Trends. Processes 2023, 11, 517. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr11020517
Noor Akashah MH, Mohammad Rozali NE, Mahadzir S, Liew PY. Utilization of Cold Energy from LNG Regasification Process: A Review of Current Trends. Processes. 2023; 11(2):517. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr11020517
Chicago/Turabian StyleNoor Akashah, Muhammad Haziq, Nor Erniza Mohammad Rozali, Shuhaimi Mahadzir, and Peng Yen Liew. 2023. "Utilization of Cold Energy from LNG Regasification Process: A Review of Current Trends" Processes 11, no. 2: 517. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr11020517
APA StyleNoor Akashah, M. H., Mohammad Rozali, N. E., Mahadzir, S., & Liew, P. Y. (2023). Utilization of Cold Energy from LNG Regasification Process: A Review of Current Trends. Processes, 11(2), 517. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr11020517