In Silico Tools and Phosphoproteomic Software Exclusives
:1. Introduction
2. Biocomputational Tools for Proteomics—A Snapshot
3. Biocomputational Tools for Phosphoproteomics
3.1. Tools for Analysis of Phosphopeptide Data/Spectra
3.2. Tools for Phosphorylation Site Assignment
3.3. Tools for Prediction of Phosphorylation Sites
3.4. Tools for Detection of Phosphosites and Kinase Activity from Phosphopeptide Data
4. Future Direction—Implementation of Biocomputation Integrated Phosphoproteomics
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Software Function/Application | Bioinformatics Tool | Specified Function | Website | Ref. |
Analysis of phosphopeptide data/spectra | SimPhospho | Search, simulate phosphopeptide spectra and tandem mass spectra | | [53,54,55] |
PHOSIDA | Storage, management and recovery of phosphopeptide data, predicting putative phosphorylation sites, acetylation and other post-translational modification sites and analyses phosphorylation events of proteins of interest | | [56,89] | |
Prophossi | Automating expert validation of phosphopeptide–spectrum matches from tandem mass spectrometry | | [109] | |
PhosFox | Peptide-level processing of phosphoproteomic data generated by Mascot, Sequest, and Paragon, qualitative and quantitative phosphoproteomics | | [57] | |
R package, Phospho normalizer | Normalization of phosphoproteomics data | | [61] | |
Correct phosphorylation site assignment | PhosphoScore | Phosphorylation site assignment | | [66] |
Ascore | Phosphorylation site assignment | | [67] | |
Phosphorylation site prediction | NetPhos | Machine learning methods, artificial neural networks (ANNs) | | [73,74] |
Scansite | Machine learning methods, position-specific scoring matrices (PSSMs) used | | [95] | |
Predikin 1.0 | Structural analysis (SA) used | | [110] | |
DISPHOS | Logistic regression (LA) used | | [111] | |
NetPhosK | ANN used | | [74] | |
PredPhospho | Support vector machines (SVMs) used | (website no longer accessible) | [112] | |
PHOSITE | PSSM | (website no longer accessible) | [113] | |
GPS 1.0 | PSSM, Markov clustering (MC) used | | [114] | |
KinasePhos 1.0 | Hidden Markov Model (HMM) used | | [115] | |
PPSP | Bayesian probability (BP) based | | [116] | |
NetworKIN /KinomeXplorer | ANN, PSSM based | | [100,101,117] | |
KinasePhos 2.0 | SVM | | [118] | |
AutoMotif | SVM | (website no longer accessible) | [119] | |
PhosPhAt | SVM | | [120] | |
PhoScan | PSSM | | [121] | |
MetaPredPS | Meta-predictor (MP) | | [122] | |
SiteSeek | Non specified | (no web implementation available) | [123] | |
Predikin 2.0 | HMM, SA | | [124] | |
GPS 2.0 | PSSM, genetic algorithm (GA) | | [125] | |
CRPhos | Conditional random fields (CRF) | | [126] | |
Phos3D | SVM | | [127] | |
PPRED | PSSM, SVM | | [128] | |
PAAS | PSSM | (website no longer accessible) | [129] | |
PostMod | PSSM | | [130] | |
GPS 2.1 | PSSM, GA | | [131] | |
Musite | SVM | | [132] | |
MusiteDeep | Predicting general and kinase-specific phosphorylation sites | | [77] | |
DeepPhos | Prediction of protein phosphorylation, kinase-specific prediction | | [78] | |
PhosphoPredict | Prediction of kinase-specific substrates and associated phosphorylation sites | | [79] | |
Inference of kinase activity from phosphoproteomics data/detection of phosphosites | Kinase-Substrate Enrichment Analysis (KSEA) | Computational characterization of differential kinase activity from phosphoproteomics datasets | | [108] |
CLUE (CLUster Evaluation) include IKAP, KinasePA, KAA (Kinase activity analysis) and KEA | Computational analysis of the detected phosphorylation sites (phosphosites) | | [83,84,106,107,108] | |
GSEA (Gene Set Enrichment Analysis) | Inference of kinase activity from phosphoproteomics data | | [133] | |
PhosphoSitePlus | Database for expert-edited and curated interactions between kinases and individual phosphosites | | [86] | |
Phospho.ELM | Computes a score for the conservation of a phosphosite | | [87] | |
Signor | Focuses on interactions with proteins involved in signal transduction | | [88] | |
Netphorest | Classifies phosphorylation sites | | [98] | |
PhosphoGRID | Related information for Saccharomyces cerevisiae | | [91] | |
DEPhOsphorylation database DEPOD | Supports phosphatase–kinase substrate networks | | [92] |
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Paul, P.; Muthu, M.; Chilukuri, Y.; Haga, S.W.; Chun, S.; Oh, J.-W. In Silico Tools and Phosphoproteomic Software Exclusives. Processes 2019, 7, 869.
Paul P, Muthu M, Chilukuri Y, Haga SW, Chun S, Oh J-W. In Silico Tools and Phosphoproteomic Software Exclusives. Processes. 2019; 7(12):869.
Chicago/Turabian StylePaul, Piby, Manikandan Muthu, Yojitha Chilukuri, Steve W. Haga, Sechul Chun, and Jae-Wook Oh. 2019. "In Silico Tools and Phosphoproteomic Software Exclusives" Processes 7, no. 12: 869.
APA StylePaul, P., Muthu, M., Chilukuri, Y., Haga, S. W., Chun, S., & Oh, J.-W. (2019). In Silico Tools and Phosphoproteomic Software Exclusives. Processes, 7(12), 869.