Senses along Which the Entropy Sq Is Unique
:1. Introduction
2. On Uniqueness
2.1. Santos 1997 Theorem
2.2. The 1997 Connection to Weak Chaos in the Logistic Map
2.3. Connection with Jackson Derivative
2.4. Abe 2000 Theorem
2.5. Beck-Cohen 2003 Superstatistics
2.6. Lattice-Boltzmann Models for Fluids
2.7. Topsoe 2005 Factorizability in Game Theory
2.8. Amari-Ohara-Matsuzoe 2012 Conformally Invariant Geometry
2.9. Enciso–Tempesta 2017 Theorem
2.10. The Shore–Johnson–Axioms Controversy (2005–2019)
2.11. Plastino-Tsallis-Wedemann-Haubold 2022
2.12. Plastino-Plastino 2023 Connection with the Micro-Canonical Ensemble
3. Closely Related Issues
3.1. The Values of the Entropic Indices Might Depend on the Class of States of the System
3.2. Entropic Functional vs. Entropy of a System
4. Summary
Conflicts of Interest
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Tsallis, C. Senses along Which the Entropy Sq Is Unique. Entropy 2023, 25, 743.
Tsallis C. Senses along Which the Entropy Sq Is Unique. Entropy. 2023; 25(5):743.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTsallis, Constantino. 2023. "Senses along Which the Entropy Sq Is Unique" Entropy 25, no. 5: 743.
APA StyleTsallis, C. (2023). Senses along Which the Entropy Sq Is Unique. Entropy, 25(5), 743.