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Cell Metabolomics to Guide the Design of Metal-Based Compounds

Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, Via della Lastruccia 3, Sesto Fiorentino, 50019 Florence, Italy
Inorganics 2024, 12(6), 168;
Submission received: 9 May 2024 / Revised: 11 June 2024 / Accepted: 13 June 2024 / Published: 15 June 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Rational Design of Pharmacologically Active Metal-Based Compounds)


Despite the increasing interest in the development of novel metal-based compounds for cancer treatment, these molecules are currently poorly characterized in mechanistic terms, due to their multiple macromolecular targets inside the cells. In this review, we show how 1H NMR metabolomics provides a powerful tool to investigate the metabolic perturbations induced by metal-compounds in cells. The chemical identity and concentration of metabolites detected in cell lysates and their respective growth media by NMR can be viewed as a global fingerprint that describes the response to drug treatment. In this framework, the applications of NMR-based metabolomics to study cellular effects induced by the treatment of cells with anticancer metal-based compounds are comprehensively reviewed.

Graphical Abstract

1. NMR-Based Cell Metabolomics

Metal-based compounds constitute a variegate family of very promising drugs for cancer treatment [1,2]. Despite the huge interest, their intracellular modes of action and targets remain to be elucidated to a large extent. In fact, the nature of the metal ion, its oxidation state, along with the nature of its ligands, all contribute to the cellular reactivity of the complex, modulating the affinity for different intracellular targets as well as its ability to cross biological membranes. Thus, it is not easy to predict a priori the cellular behavior of these complexes.
In this context, NMR-based metabolomics of cell cultures constitutes an ideal tool to gain information about the cellular modes of action of the different metal complexes in an accessible, manageable, and practical biological setup [3,4]. Metabolomics is a methodology focused on the analysis of all the metabolites (i.e., small molecules with a molecular weight <2 kDa, according to the definition of the Human Metabolome Database [5]) that are present in a biological sample. This technique has the ability to bring to light variations in the levels of intra- and extra-cellular metabolites induced by drug treatments and these changes can be directly related to the up- or down-regulation of specific pathways involved in the drug’s modes of action [3,6,7,8,9]. This methodological approach also offers the possibility to identify specific markers of tumor responsiveness or development of resistance to anticancer metal complexes.
Among all the NMR active nuclei, 1H is doubtless the most used for metabolomic applications. The overall 1H NMR spectral profile of cells constitutes an untargeted fingerprint of the NMR-detectable portion of their whole metabolome. Each type of cell line is characterized by a typical NMR fingerprint that can be considered as a dynamic mirror of its metabolic profile. The metabolomic fingerprint contains information on the number and relative concentration of the most abundant (>1 µM) metabolites that take part in the main metabolic pathways of the cell, i.e., a pool of 30–40 metabolites including amino acids, nucleotides, sugars, organic acids, etc. It is important to note that with NMR, the only metabolites that are detectable are (i) the metabolites that do not interact with macromolecules present in solution (such as proteins) or (ii) the fractions of the interacting metabolites that are free in solution, in exchange with the bound fractions; the bound fraction is, instead, invisible [10,11].
In Figure 1 the metabolomic fingerprints of the A2780 ovarian cancer cell line, GL261 glioblastoma cell line, and DAOY medulloblastoma cell line are reported as an example.
Since a substantial fraction of metabolites of the central metabolism are phosphorylated (nucleotides, intermediates of glycolysis, the pentose phosphate pathway, etc.), 31P NMR can be used to expand the coverage of the metabolome but also to monitor lipids (phospholipids, phosphocholines, etc.) [12]. 31P NMR has also proven to be a powerful, non-perturbing probe of membranes whose composition influences their biophysical properties that, in turn, are important for metal-based drug uptake and resistance development [13].
For the analysis of the cell metabolome (endo-metabolome), a fast quench of the cellular metabolism is required to obtain reliable fingerprints. One of the most common quenching methods consists of the use of cold methanol (approx. −40 to −50 °C). Subsequently, chloroform is added to separate the two phases, i.e., polar and non-polar extracts [6,7,14].
Our lab developed a fast and highly reproducible protocol for the analysis of the endo-metabolome that avoids extraction [3]. The protocol is based on procedures usually adopted in western blot proteomics, where the cells are scraped into phosphate buffer and supplemented with a protease and phosphatase inhibitor cocktail diluted in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) that is used to quench enzymatic reactions and stabilize the cellular metabolism. The cells are then lysed by sonication in ice, centrifuged, and finally the supernatant is recovered for the analysis. This procedure allows the obtainment of cell lysates that are stable on the time scale of the NMR sample acquisition [15]. As a drawback, the components of the cocktail of inhibitors present as free molecules in solution give rise to NMR resonances that may overlap with the NMR signals of the metabolites (see Figure 1).
Additionally, high-resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) NMR offers the possibility of obtaining the metabolomic fingerprint of intact cells, avoiding the step of cell breaking [16]. This allows the analysis of the real-time metabolome of viable cells until degradation processes occur. In Figure 2, the metabolomic fingerprint of intact human endometriotic epithelial 12Z cells is reported as an example. The method has been used in several studies for the characterization of cultured 2D cells [17], and more recently in 3D cultures [18], as they represent in vivo features more accurately than standard 2D systems (see Table 1).
The analysis of the endo-metabolome via cell lysates can be nicely complemented by the analysis of the exo-metabolome, i.e., the pool of metabolites presents in the extracellular medium. As the exo-metabolome is the result of an interchange of metabolites between cells and the culture medium, two groups of molecules can be identified, i.e., the taken-up substrates and the released metabolic products. The identification of the two groups of molecules can be easily achieved by the comparison of the cellular exo-metabolome with the profile of the “blank” growth medium.
The collection and analysis of the exo-metabolome samples is technically simple because it only requires centrifugation to separate culture media and cells [3].
Figure 3 reports the exo-metabolome of the A2780 ovarian cancer cell line growth in standard RPMI160 medium, GL261 glioblastoma cell line growth in DMEM medium, and DAOY medulloblastoma cell line growth in MEM medium.
Highly complementary information can be obtained by a separate analysis of both the exo- and the endo-metabolome, and their integrated analysis provides a very accurate picture of the cell’s metabolic behavior. Figure 4 reports the complete list of detected metabolites, in both cell lysates and growth media of A2780 cell line and their classification based on their chemical structures.
Pathway analysis can be performed using the list of metabolites altered by treatment with drugs, with the final aim of obtaining a mechanistic explanation of the changes observed, thus strengthening the information generated by the NMR analysis [43]. Different cell lines share the same main metabolic pathways (although with different weight of each of them on the overall metabolome), but the treatment with different compounds with different mechanisms of action will affect different biochemical processes. Online biological databases, such as KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) Pathway Database [44] or SMPD (Small Molecules Pathway Database) [45], provide information on a large number of metabolic pathways and can be easily consulted to identify and visualize how each metabolite is involved in the different biochemical pathways. Figure 5 reports the list of the metabolic pathways in which the metabolites identified in the NMR spectra of A2780 cells are involved.
In this framework, the selection of appropriate cell models to obtain biological pictures as similar as possible to the in vivo ones is of extreme importance. The comparison of the metabolomic profiles of patient-derived primary cells with those of established cell lines allows highlighting of the similarity and differences among the different cell types [15,46].

2. NMR Metabolomics and Metal-Based Compounds: State-of-the-Art

The study of the mechanisms of action of metallodrugs is fundamental for the development of more effective therapeutic strategies. As previously discussed, the detection of metabolic pathways altered upon treatment can be achieved by monitoring the changes over time. Table 1 reports the studies in the literature that have exploited NMR metabolomics to evaluate the metabolic responses of cancer cells to different metal-based drugs.
As expected, Pt(II)-based drugs are the most studied. The effects of cisplatin were characterized, alone or in comparison with other drugs (or drug candidates), in a variety of cancer cells by analyzing whole or lysed cells, respectively, via 1H HR-MAS or using a solution of 1H NMR for the analysis of cell lysates, extracts, and their cultured media. Despite the great variability of the observed cellular responses, mainly due to different cancer cell lines used and the largely different conditions of the various experiments, these studies revealed some common trends in the induced metabolic changes such as strong effects on lipid metabolism, membrane composition, a decrease in the overall cellular metabolic activities, and the alteration in the levels of some other diagnostic metabolites like the UDP-N-acetyl-glucosamine.
To our knowledge, only two metabolomic studies compared the metabolic effects induced by the three clinically approved Pt(II)-based drugs. The group of Ana Gill compared the effects of cisplatin and oxaliplatin in human osteosarcoma cells [39], while our research group compared the effects of cisplatin, carboplatin, and oxaliplatin in human ovarian cancer cells [24]. Interestingly, the presence of different Pt(II)-based ligands in the square planar geometry of these molecules does not significantly affect the patterns of metabolomic alterations, but only seems to modulate the extent of the changes. In both cases, cisplatin produced the strongest effects.
The numerous side effects and the emergence of resistance to the clinically approved Pt(II)-based drugs have encouraged further development of platinum compounds as well as of other metal-based compounds as anticancer drug candidates. The cellular effects of two novel Pt(II)-based complexes were evaluated using 1H NMR metabolomic profiling of cell extracts and cultured media. The [Pt(O,O′-acac)(γ-acac)(DMS)] complex showed very different metabolic changes with respect to cisplatin in the SKOV-3 cell line; in particular, higher levels of pyruvate were observed in addition to a very different lipid expression [29]. The mechanism of action of [Pt(ƞ1-C2H4OMe)(DMSO)(phen)]+ was instead investigated on SH-SY5Y cells at different time points. The NMR data revealed a faster action of the new complex compared with cisplatin, with a response already observed after six hours of exposure, suggesting a cytosolic target with peculiar alteration of the glutathione metabolism pathway and of the diacylglycerol expression [30].
Due to the high similarity between Pt(II) and Pd(II), palladium chelates are among the molecules that have drawn increasing interest. In particular, the cellular effects of Pd(II)–spermine and Pt(II)–spermine complexes have been extensively characterized via 1H NMR metabolomics in osteosarcoma cells, also in comparison to cisplatin and oxaliplatin [37,38,39,41]. In this case, it is the different metal center that modulates the extent of the typical changes in the cell metabolome. Treatment with Pd(II)–spermine showed weaker changes at the level of the metabolites but higher capability to modulate lipids and membrane compositions, in comparison to its Pt analogue.
To our knowledge, no NMR metabolomics studies were published on the cellular effects of the Ru-compounds that have been entered into the clinical trials (such as NAMI-A and NKP1339). Julier Furrer and collaborators tested two novel Ru-complexes (i.e., p-cymene)6Ru6(tpt)2(dhnq)3]6+ and DiRu-1) on both cisplatin-sensitive and -resistant A2780 ovarian cancer cells and on human embryotic kidney HEK-293 cells via HR-MAS NMR analysis. While different metabolic responses were detected depending on the cell type and incubation time for (p-cymene)6Ru6(tpt)2(dhnq)3]6+ prims [17], the DiRu-1 complex showed an overall action on the redox homeostasis, the Warburg effect, and on lipid metabolism [34]. The third and latter tested Ru-compound via NMR metabolomics is GA113. The complex was tested for its anti-cancerous potential against a human malignant melanoma A375 cell line showing a high cytotoxicity. The six metabolites that were found to be altered after treatment are involved in (i) alanine, aspartate, and glutamate metabolic pathway, and (ii) glycine, serine, and threonine pathway [35].
Gold-based compounds represent another very interesting class of promising anticancer compounds [47]. Unlike Pt(II) compounds, gold(I) complexes have very low affinity for DNA, but they have very high affinity for cellular proteins with solvent-exposed cysteines or selenocysteines. Thus, due to the intrinsic nature of these metal centers, these molecules are supposed to give rise to multiple intracellular interactions with many functional proteins, rather than with a single enzyme or protein. In this context, our research group is carrying out a comparative NMR metabolomic study to analyze the responses of A2780 human ovarian cancer cells to a panel of selected gold(I) compounds, previously characterized with good anticancer properties. The obtained results for auranofin [31] and two carbene molecules [33] were published in 2020 and 2023, respectively. Interestingly, the treatment with the three compounds affects the metabolome of A2780 cells in different ways. Thus, contrary to what was observed for Pt(II)-based drugs, in this case it is the nature of the different gold(I) ligands that can modulate the reactivity of the compounds and also their intracellular targets resulting in substantially different modes of actions. For auranofin, both when administered alone [31] or conjugated with ferritin (to improve its targeted delivery towards cancer cells) [32], the most striking intracellular alteration was a very large and early increase of glutathione. The gold monocarbene and dicarbene complexes behave differently from auranofin but display many alterations in common between the two of them; however, the latter amplifies the effects. Glycolysis is significantly affected and both drugs also caused a reduced uptake of several amino acids [33].
NMR metabolomics can also be applied in the study of drug treatment resistance. Again, almost all the examples present in the literature deal with cisplatin resistance. These works compared the metabolic profiles of the parental cisplatin-sensitive (i) ovarian cancer A2780 [15,24], (ii) breast cancer MDA-MB-231 [48], and (iii) lung adenocarcinoma A24 cell lines [49] with those of the respective derived cisplatin-resistant lines. The paired sensitive and resistant cell lines show significantly different profiles in terms of the concentrations of many metabolites, suggesting that the acquired cisplatin resistance is associated with multiple metabolic alterations. Interestingly, the different resistant cell lines share common changes for taurine, creatine, glutathione, myo-inositol and choline-containing compounds that can be considered putative markers of resistance insurgence. The relationship between the changes in membrane lipids and the cisplatin-resistance has also been studied via 1H and 31P NMR metabolomics in lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells [50]. The results indicated that components and properties of membrane phospholipids of cisplatin-sensitive and -resistant A549 cells (both before and after cisplatin treatment) were significantly different, highlighting the strong correlation between the biophysical properties of the cellular membranes and the development of resistance.

3. Conclusions

In this review, the application of NMR-based metabolomics of cell culture in metal-based drug research have been described.
NMR metabolomics can significantly contribute to the study of the mechanisms of action of drugs as it is an excellent investigative tool to characterize treatment-induced metabolic alterations at the cellular level according to an untargeted approach. This type of approach results are particularly suitable in the case of metallodrugs, which possess multiple and often unidentified intracellular targets.
1H NMR spectral acquisition is relatively fast. Each cell lysate spectrum requires 30–60 min on average depending on the quantity of cells; only 5–15 minutes are instead required for the analysis of growth media. This permits to test multiple treatment conditions. In particular, studying different treatment times can allow us to detect both early and late cellular drug-induced events. Nevertheless, the reliability and reproducibility of the obtained results strongly depends upon the use of established procedures that avoid undesired changes in the metabolome induced by post-culture procedures.


This work has received funding from the Italian Ministry of Education and Research (MUR), through Department di Eccellenza 2023–2027 (DICUS 2.0) to the Department of Chemistry “Ugo Schiff” of the University of Florence.


The author acknowledges the support and the use of resources of Instruct-ERIC, a Landmark ESFRI project, and specifically the CERM/CIRMMP Italy Centre.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Representative 1H NMR spectra of the endo-metabolome (cell lysates) of A2780 ovarian cancer cells (red trace), GL261 glioblastoma cells (yellow trace), and DAOY medulloblastoma cells (green trace). (A) Upfield (1.00–4.50 ppm) and (B) downfield (5.00–9.50 ppm) regions. The most abundant metabolites that have been identified in the spectra are indicated; for a graphical reason, for each metabolite only one (or more for a few cases) resonance is reported. Abbreviations: phosphocholine (PC); glycerophosphocholine (GPC); glutathione (GHS); ATD/ADP/AMP (AXP); #: signals arising from protease and phosphatase inhibitor cocktails. The samples have been prepared according to the protocol reported in [3].
Figure 1. Representative 1H NMR spectra of the endo-metabolome (cell lysates) of A2780 ovarian cancer cells (red trace), GL261 glioblastoma cells (yellow trace), and DAOY medulloblastoma cells (green trace). (A) Upfield (1.00–4.50 ppm) and (B) downfield (5.00–9.50 ppm) regions. The most abundant metabolites that have been identified in the spectra are indicated; for a graphical reason, for each metabolite only one (or more for a few cases) resonance is reported. Abbreviations: phosphocholine (PC); glycerophosphocholine (GPC); glutathione (GHS); ATD/ADP/AMP (AXP); #: signals arising from protease and phosphatase inhibitor cocktails. The samples have been prepared according to the protocol reported in [3].
Inorganics 12 00168 g001
Figure 2. Representative 1H HR-MAS spectrum of intact human endometrial epithelial 12Z cells. (A) Upfield (1.00–4.50 ppm) and (B) downfield (5.00–9.00 ppm) regions. The most abundant metabolites that have been identified in the spectra are indicated; for a graphical reason, for each metabolite only one (or more for a few cases) resonance is reported. Abbreviations: phosphocholine (PC); glycerophosphocholine (GPC).
Figure 2. Representative 1H HR-MAS spectrum of intact human endometrial epithelial 12Z cells. (A) Upfield (1.00–4.50 ppm) and (B) downfield (5.00–9.00 ppm) regions. The most abundant metabolites that have been identified in the spectra are indicated; for a graphical reason, for each metabolite only one (or more for a few cases) resonance is reported. Abbreviations: phosphocholine (PC); glycerophosphocholine (GPC).
Inorganics 12 00168 g002
Figure 3. Representative 1H NMR spectra of the exo-metabolome (growth media) of A2780 ovarian cancer cells (red trace), GL261 glioblastoma cells (yellow trace), and DAOY medulloblastoma cells (green trace). (A) Upfield (1.00–4.50 ppm) and (B) downfield (5.00–9.00 ppm) regions. The most abundant metabolites that have been identified in the spectra are indicated; for a graphical reason, for each metabolite only one (or more for a few cases) resonance is reported. The samples have been prepared according to the protocol reported in [3].
Figure 3. Representative 1H NMR spectra of the exo-metabolome (growth media) of A2780 ovarian cancer cells (red trace), GL261 glioblastoma cells (yellow trace), and DAOY medulloblastoma cells (green trace). (A) Upfield (1.00–4.50 ppm) and (B) downfield (5.00–9.00 ppm) regions. The most abundant metabolites that have been identified in the spectra are indicated; for a graphical reason, for each metabolite only one (or more for a few cases) resonance is reported. The samples have been prepared according to the protocol reported in [3].
Inorganics 12 00168 g003
Figure 4. (A) List of detected metabolites in A2780 cells with KEGG and HMDB codes. (B,C) Enrichment analysis results: super (B) and sub-classes (C) classification according to their chemical structure, using the MetaboAnalyst 6.0 software [42].
Figure 4. (A) List of detected metabolites in A2780 cells with KEGG and HMDB codes. (B,C) Enrichment analysis results: super (B) and sub-classes (C) classification according to their chemical structure, using the MetaboAnalyst 6.0 software [42].
Inorganics 12 00168 g004
Figure 5. Enrichment analysis results: metabolic pathways with KEGG (A) and SMPD (B), using MetaboAnalyst 6.0 software [42].
Figure 5. Enrichment analysis results: metabolic pathways with KEGG (A) and SMPD (B), using MetaboAnalyst 6.0 software [42].
Inorganics 12 00168 g005
Table 1. NMR-based metabolomic studies on the cellular effects of metal-based compounds. In the case of comparisons of different compounds, only the structures of metal compounds are reported. m/c = methanol/chloroform; m/c/w = methanol/chloroform/water.
Table 1. NMR-based metabolomic studies on the cellular effects of metal-based compounds. In the case of comparisons of different compounds, only the structures of metal compounds are reported. m/c = methanol/chloroform; m/c/w = methanol/chloroform/water.
RefCompound(s)Structure(s)Cell Line(s)Type of ExperimentsSample Type(s)Drug Treatment (Concentration)Exposure Time
[19]CisplatinInorganics 12 00168 i001Human liver L02 cells1H NMRCell extracts (m/c/w)1 nM, 1 µM and 1 mM24 h
[20]CisplatinInorganics 12 00168 i002Human lung cancer A549 cells1H HR-MASCell lysatesIC50 at 24 h12, 18, 24, 36, 48 h
[21]CisplatinInorganics 12 00168 i003
  • Human medulloblastoma DAOY cells
  • Human supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor PFSK-1 cells
  • 1H HR-MAS
  • 1H NMR
  • Intact cells
  • Lipid droplet extracts (m/c)
10 µM12, 24, 48 h
[22]CisplatinInorganics 12 00168 i004Human osteosarcoma MG-63 cells1H HR-MASCell lysatesIC50 at 24 h
(30 µM) and 50 µM
12, 18, 24, 48 h
[23]CisplatinInorganics 12 00168 i005
  • Rat glioblastoma BT4C cells
  • Human glioblastoma U87-MG cells
  • Human medulloblastoma DAOY cells
  • Human supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor PFSK-1 cells
  • 1H HR-MAS
  • 1H NMR
  • Intact cells
  • Cell extracts (m/c)
10 µM12, 24, 48 h
  • Cisplatin
Inorganics 12 00168 i006
  • Human ovarian cancer A2780 cells
  • Human cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer A2780cis cells
  • Cell lysates
  • Growth media
IC50 at 72 h24, 48 h
  • Carboplatin
Inorganics 12 00168 i007
  • Oxaliplatin
Inorganics 12 00168 i008
  • Cisplatin
  • Biphenyl nicotinamide compound
  • Vinblastine
Inorganics 12 00168 i009Human breast cancer MCF-7 cells1H NMRCell lysatesIC50 time not specified72 h
  • Cisplatin
  • Doxorubicin
  • Methotrexate
Inorganics 12 00168 i010Human osteosarcoma MG-63 cells1H HR-MASCell lysatesIC50 at 24 h12, 24, 36, 48 h
  • Doxorubicin
  • Tamoxifen
  • Cisplatin
Inorganics 12 00168 i011Human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells1H HR-MASIntact cellsNot specified24 h
  • Oxaliplatin
  • Oxaliplatin
  • + vitamin C
Inorganics 12 00168 i012Human hepatocellular carcinoma HCC SMMC-7721 cells1H NMRCell extracts (m/c/w)50 µM oxaliplatin48 h
  • [Pt(O,O′-acac) (γacac)(DMS)]
Inorganics 12 00168 i013Human cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer Skov-3 cells1H NMR
  • Cell extracts (m/c/w)
  • Growth media
IC50 at 24 h6, 12, 24 h
  • Cisplatin
Inorganics 12 00168 i014
  • [Pt(ƞ1C2H4OMe) (DMSO) (phen)]+
Inorganics 12 00168 i015Human neuroblastoma cancer SH-SY5Y cells1H NMR
  • Cell extracts (m/c/w)
  • Growth media
IC50 at 24 h6, 12, 24 h
  • Cisplatin
Inorganics 12 00168 i016
[31]AuranofinInorganics 12 00168 i017Human ovarian cancer A2780 cells1H NMR
  • Cell lysates
  • Growth media
IC50 at 72 h3, 6, 12, 24 h
[32]Auranofin conjugated with the nanocarrier ferritinInorganics 12 00168 i018Human ovarian cancer A2780 cells1H NMR
  • Cell lysates
  • Growth media
IC50 at 72 h24 h
  • Au(NHC)Cl
Inorganics 12 00168 i019Human ovarian cancer A2780 cells1H NMR
  • Cell lysates
  • Growth media
IC50 at 72 h6, 12, 24 h
  • [Au(NHC)2]PF6
Inorganics 12 00168 i020
Inorganics 12 00168 i021
  • Human ovarian cancer A2780 cells
  • Human cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer A2780cis cells
  • Human embryotic kidney HEK-293 cells
1H HR-MASCell lysatesIC50 time not specified24 h
Inorganics 12 00168 i022Human melanoma A375 cells1H NMRCell extracts (m/c)IC50 at 24 h24 h
[17][(p-cymene)6Ru6 (tpt)2(dhnq)3]6+Inorganics 12 00168 i023
  • Human ovarian cancer A2780 cells
  • Human cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer A2780cis cells
  • Human embryotic kidney HEK-293 cells
1H HR-MASIntact cellsIC50 at 96 h24, 72 h
Other metal-based compounds in comparison to cisplatin
  • Cu(II)- Casiopeina Igly
Inorganics 12 00168 i024Human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells1H NMRCell extracts (acetonitrile/water)IC50 at 24 h20 min and 40 min
  • Cisplatin
Inorganics 12 00168 i025
  • Pd(II)Spermine
Inorganics 12 00168 i026
  • Human osteosarcoma MG-63 cells
  • Human osteoblastic HOb cells
1H HR-MASCell lysatesIC50 at 24 h12, 24, 36, 48, 72 h
  • Cisplatin
Inorganics 12 00168 i027
  • Pd(II)Spermine
Inorganics 12 00168 i028Human osteosarcoma MG-63 cells1H NMRCell extracts (m/c/w)IC50 at 24 h24, 48, 72 h
  • Pt(II)Spermine
Inorganics 12 00168 i029
  • Cisplatin
Inorganics 12 00168 i030
  • Oxaliplatin
Inorganics 12 00168 i031
  • Pd(II)Spermine
Inorganics 12 00168 i032Human osteosarcoma MG-63 cells1H NMRLipidic extracts
IC50 at 24 h48 h
  • Pt(II)Spermine
Inorganics 12 00168 i033
  • Cisplatin
Inorganics 12 00168 i034
  • Oxaliplatin
Inorganics 12 00168 i035
  • Pd(II)Spermine
Inorganics 12 00168 i036Breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cell-derived xenograft mouse model1H NMRCell extracts (m/c/w)
  • Spermine: 5 mg/kg/day
  • Cisplatin: 2 mg/kg/day
5 days post-injection
  • Cisplatin
Inorganics 12 00168 i037
  • Pd(II)Spermine
Inorganics 12 00168 i038Six-week-old female BALB/cByJ mice1H NMRBrain tissue extracts (m/c/w)
  • Spermine: 3 mg/kg
  • Cisplatin: 3.5 mg/kg
1, 12, 48 h post-injection
  • Cisplatin
Inorganics 12 00168 i039
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MDPI and ACS Style

Ghini, V. Cell Metabolomics to Guide the Design of Metal-Based Compounds. Inorganics 2024, 12, 168.

AMA Style

Ghini V. Cell Metabolomics to Guide the Design of Metal-Based Compounds. Inorganics. 2024; 12(6):168.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ghini, Veronica. 2024. "Cell Metabolomics to Guide the Design of Metal-Based Compounds" Inorganics 12, no. 6: 168.

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