4.1. Flood Susceptibility and Vulnerability Analysis
Based on the thematic layer, the results revealed that elevations in Niamey varied between 180 and 300 m (
Figure 2a), while Lokoja ranged from 19 to 544 m (
Figure 3a). According to the classifications, Niamey is predominantly located at a medium elevation (34.38%), followed by low (20.87%), high (17.19%), very low (15.68 %), and very high (12.14%) elevations (
Table A1). Conversely, the Lokoja area is dominated by altitudes classified as very high flood risk (28.18 %), followed by high (26.31%), moderate (23.57 %), low (11.23 %), and very low (10.70 %) classes (
Table A2).
Niamey’s low-elevation areas are mainly concentrated in the center, particularly in the southeast and east of the city. Lokoja, on the other hand, these low-lying areas are located in the north and extreme southeast of the city. This elevation parameter was weighted at 29% (
Table 4) in the AHP model, underlining its importance in assessing flood risk.
As for slope, it varies from 0 to 40 degrees in Niamey, with a breakdown into five categories: very high, high, moderate, low, and very low. Most of the Niamey area falls into the high- to very high-risk classes (80%), favoring increased retention of runoff thus reinforcing the area’s vulnerability to flooding. In Lokoja, a similar pattern is observed, where 84% of the territory falls into the very high to high categories. This dominance of steep slopes underlines the high-risk of flooding in this area. The slope factor was weighted at 24%. The TWI ranged from 2.8 to 23 in Niamey and 3.2 to 23 in Lokoja. This index, essential for assessing susceptibility to flooding, was given a weighting of 16% in the overall analysis, demonstrating the importance of topographical conditions in the concentration of moisture in these areas. However, drainage density, which reflects the quantity of watercourses per unit area, ranges from 0 to 11 km/km2 in Niamey, and from 0 to 2.5 km/km2 in Lokoja. This parameter was weighted at 9% in the AHP model. Areas with high drainage density represent 15.32% of the surface area in Niamey and 25.54% in Lokoja, indicating a greater runoff capacity in Lokoja. But, in Niamey, the very low-density category predominates (39%), while in Lokoja, it covers 28% of the area. This contrast suggests that the overall drainage density is higher in Lokoja, which could accentuate its flood risk.
Precipitation, a key factor in the occurrence of floods, is weighted at 4 % in this study. Precipitation was divided into five classes, very low (7.04 %), low (17.84 %), moderate (48.49 %), high (22.34 %), and very high (4.3 %), underlining its central role in triggering floods. On the other hand, NDWI, which assesses the presence of water and its link with flood risk, varies between −0.5 and −0.2 in Niamey (
Figure 4b) and varies and between −0.43 and 0.17 in Lokoja (
Figure 5c). In Niamey, the predominant category is that of very weak zones, while in Lokoja, the weak class is the most represented. This parameter was weighted at 4% in the overall analysis, reflecting the direct impact of the presence of water on susceptibility to flooding.
Similarly, NDVI, which assesses vegetation cover and its influence on flooding, varies between −0.3 and 0.3 in Niamey and between −0.16 and 0.50 in Lokoja. Negative values of this index indicate increased susceptibility to flooding. NDVI was weighted at 2%, reinforcing the understanding of the role of vegetation in runoff management.
The soil type parameter is presented in
Figure 4d and is classified into seven categories based on the available soil types, namely clay, sandy loam, clay loam, sandy clay loam, sandy loam, silt, and loamy sand. In contrast, in Lokoja
Figure 5d, the predominant soil types are clay, sandy clay, clay loam, sandy clay loam, loam, and sandy loam. In this study, the soil type was assigned a weight of 2 %.
4.2. Flood Vulnerability Layers
The vulnerability map provides precise information on areas potentially prone to flash flooding. The parameters influencing vulnerability relate in particular to the socio-economic aspect, including the people and their property likely to be impacted by natural events, in terms of both quantity and quality [
1]. In addition, the vulnerability map results from the combination of several factors, in particular the land occupation and use map (LULC), the thematic population map, and the distance from roads. Among these factors, LULC plays a major role in determining runoff and flood behavior. The figure shows the map of land cover classes. Using the reclassification tool, the land use map was reclassified on a scale from 1 (very low vulnerability) to 5 (very high vulnerability). Each land cover class was assigned a specific level of flood vulnerability. Water bodies, such as rivers, lakes, and ponds, were classified as having very low vulnerability (1) because these areas do not experience additional damage during flood events. Unlike agricultural or built-up areas, aquatic surfaces are considered the least vulnerable according to the flood vulnerability scale applied in this study.
Figure 6a and
Figure 7a illustrate LULC for Niamey and Lokoja metropolitans.
On the other hand, the spatial distribution of the population has made it possible to define the socio-economic aspect by distinguishing areas of high population concentration where pressure on natural resources and infrastructure is more intense. The distribution map is produced using the data from the Global Human Settlement that are available for open access (
https://human-settlement.emergency.copernicus.eu/download.php?ds=pop (accessed on 15 October 2024)) and found that it ranges from 0 to 433.9 for Niamey and from 0 to 410.9 for Lokoja, as depicted in
Figure 6b and
Figure 7b. After that, the map layers were reclassified (very low, low, medium, high, and very high) with the percentage of the total city area, as illustrated in
Appendix A (
Table A3 and
Table A4 respectively for Niamey and Lokoja). There is a direct relationship between high population density and extreme vulnerability [
45]. Therefore, areas with very high concentrations were classified as very vulnerable in this study. The distribution of distances to roads in the study area was mapped by buffering around the main roads.
Figure 6b and
Figure 7b show the different classes of proximity to roads. Five classes were established based on the accessibility of the road network. These classes are as follows: very low, low, medium, high, and very high. In this way, the study can support municipal planners identify the area’s most likely to be vulnerable to risk, enabling a more effective allocation of resources for crisis prevention and management. By classifying levels of vulnerability, it provides a valuable tool for prioritizing interventions, reinforcing infrastructure in high-risk areas and devising adaptation strategies tailored to local circumstances. It also helps communities to become more resilient in the face of extreme events, by including risk reduction measures in urban planning schemes. The weighting coefficients and eigenvectors were calculated for all the vulnerability criteria;
Table 5 provides the values. The weights for LULC, population distribution, and the distance to the road are 61%, 27%, and 12%, respectively.
Table 6 gives consistency ratio, and consistency index of the vulnerability map, given that CR is approximately 6%.
Based on the findings, it was demonstrated that most of Niamey’s surface area falls within moderate (25%) and high vulnerability levels (9%), with 9% of the area classified as very highly vulnerable. On the other hand Lokoja, very low (66%) and low (29%) vulnerability levels dominate, while highly vulnerable areas account for 2%, and very highly vulnerable areas represent only 1% of the surface.
4.3. Flood Susceptibility
The consistency ratio demonstrated satisfactory coherence between the layers, with a value of 0.08 (below 0.10), as indicated in
Table 7. The final flood susceptibility map was generated for both study areas using the weighted overlay method. Based on the results, the study areas were subdivided into five flood susceptibility classes: very low, low, moderate, high, and very high (
Figure 8 and
Figure 9). In this analysis, the highest weight was assigned to elevation (29%), followed by slope (24%), topographic wetness index (16%), drainage density (9%), distance to the river (9%), precipitation (5%), NDWI (4%), NDVI (2%), and soil type (2%)
As a result of computation, the transboundary area is characterized by the hydrologic evolution of the Niger river. These floods generally occur along the riverine areas. The “high” and “very high” flood susceptibility classes are predominantly observed in these areas. The flood susceptibility map results show index values ranging from 1.14 to 4.88 for Niamey, and from 1.11 to 4.79 for Lokoja. The susceptibility distribution for Niamey is as follows: very low (17%), low (30%), moderate (30%), high (17%), and very high (9%). For Lokoja, the percentages are as follows: very low (11%), low (21%), moderate (27%), high (25%), and very high (16%). The largest part of the area experiences significant pluvial and fluvial flooding, particularly due to intense heavy seasonal rainfall and overflowing rivers, which are exacerbated by the hydrological dynamics of the River Niger Basin. These characteristics suggest that flood mitigation efforts in Niamey and Lokoja should prioritize high-risk areas along riverbanks and areas with low infiltration capacity in order to reduce the impacts of seasonal flooding that threaten infrastructure, agriculture, and communities.
4.4. Flood Risk Map
The primary outcome of this study is the development of a flood risk zoning map, created by combining susceptibility maps with land use data. The resulting risk map is classified into five zones, very low, low, moderate, high, and very high, as shown in the figure. In the Niamey area, high and very high flood risk zones account for 25% and 7% of the total area, respectively, while in Lokoja, these zones cover 12% and 3% of the study area (
Table 8).
The very low, low, and moderate flood risk classes represent 10%, 26%, and 31% of the area in Niamey, and 23%, 33%, and 28% in Lokoja. High and very high-risk zones are distributed across the entire study area but are particularly concentrated along river corridors. These high-risk areas are primarily characterized by low elevation, gentle slopes, and high drainage density. The figure illustrates the blocks most affected by high flood risk.
4.5. Implications of Findings for Sustainable Environmental Management
The results of this study highlight significant differences in flood susceptibility, vulnerability, and risk between Niamey and Lokoja due to their distinct topographic, hydrological, and socio-economic characteristics. Using GIS combined with the MCE method and AHP, a selection of nine specific mapping parameters was made for the assessment of flood susceptibility and three for the assessment of flood risk vulnerability in Niamey and Lokoja. This choice is based on the selection of criteria that directly influence the conditions of vulnerability and susceptibility to flooding in these regions [
37]. However, the weighting obtained through AHP may be subject to a degree of uncertainty, influenced by the judgements of the experts involved in the study. To assess the consistency of these judgements, a Consistency Ratio (CR) was calculated, resulting in 0.08 for flood susceptibility and 0.06 (
Table 7) and for vulnerability (
Table 6), indicating a reasonable level of reliability. Thus, the weights assigned are considered acceptable for flood risk analysis in these areas. The elevation factor was given a weighting of 29% in the AHP analysis due to its decisive role in the areas at risk. Niamey, with its flatter topography and moderate slopes, favors the accumulation of runoff water, while the steep slopes in Lokoja amplify water runoff, increasing the risk of pluvial flooding. The analyses show that Niamey and Lokoja have similar distributions in terms of susceptibility classes, but with notable variations, particularly in the spatial distribution of risks. Niamey is characterized by a high proportion of low-susceptibility areas (47% combined for the very low and low classes), while Lokoja has a higher proportion of high-risk areas (41% combined for the high and very high classes). These differences can be explained by the generally higher altitude of Lokoja, but with marked variations due to the local topography. In terms of vulnerability, Niamey has a more even distribution of vulnerability levels, with moderate to high classes dominating (43% of the total area). In contrast, Lokoja shows a predominance of very low to low classes (95% combined), suggesting greater structural resilience in most areas, probably due to a lower population density in high-risk areas. Socio-economic factors, notably population distribution and LULC, also played a major role, with a combined weight of 88% in the vulnerability analysis. In Niamey, densely populated areas, often combined with inadequate infrastructure, increase vulnerability to the impacts of flooding. In addition, the analysis of distances to roads shows that some vulnerable areas also suffer from limited access, which complicates relief efforts. The combination of susceptibility and vulnerability maps has produced flood risk zoning maps. The results show that areas of high- and very high-risk are concentrated mainly along river corridors in both regions, but with differences in their spatial extent. Niamey has 32% of its total surface area in these categories, compared with only 15% for Lokoja. These results are consistent with the hydrological and topographical characteristics of the two regions, where alluvial plains and low altitudes are the most vulnerable. The risk class analysis shows that Lokoja has a higher proportion of very low and low-risk areas, largely due to better stormwater management and higher altitudes. In contrast, very high-risk areas in Niamey are exacerbated by poor infrastructure, low vegetation cover, and lower drainage density, contributing to inefficient surface water management. These results demonstrate the importance of an integrated approach to flood management, combining land use strategies, mitigation measures based on green infrastructure, and planning adapted to local dynamics. In Niamey, priorities should include improving drainage infrastructure, managing heavily populated areas, and reforestation to reduce runoff. In Lokoja, although the areas at risk are less extensive, it is crucial to strengthen protection measures in low-lying and riparian areas. These results also illustrate the need for cross-border cooperation to manage the impacts of flooding in the River Niger Basin, particularly with regard to extreme events linked to climate change. The risk maps generated are an essential tool for urban planning and resource allocation, enabling the social and economic impacts of recurrent flooding to be mitigated.
The lack of high-resolution capabilities had a significant influence on the production of the maps in this study. In addition, very low-resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data were used to extract the various factors influencing susceptibility to flooding. One of the limitations of our study is that the resolution and accuracy of the DEM data can have an impact on the accuracy of the derived terrain data, such as elevation, slope, and drainage density, as well as that derived from it. Another major problem in determining susceptibility using the multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) approach is the selection of flood conditioning factors. In this study, nine factors were selected for flood susceptibility, which is similar to other studies conducted by Gaurav et al. [
45] and Mokhtari et al. [
26], as well as Nsangou et al. [
46] and Vilasan et al. [
37], with the latter two using ten factors. In addition, Belazreg et al. [
17] used six factors. This variability in the number of criteria demonstrates the importance of selecting those that best correspond to the geomorphological and geological conditions of the study region while ensuring that no single factor dominates the overall weighting. In addition, one of the main drawbacks of this methodology is that it relies heavily on expert opinion to assign weight to the various criteria. This reliance can introduce bias, as experts may have different views on the importance of certain factors. Furthermore, while this approach is suitable for regional assessments, its transposition to a global scale may present difficulties. Despite these limitations, the weaknesses identified in our analysis are mitigated by the use of a consistency ratio test for judgements. According to [
32], the consistency ratio threshold must be less than 10% to guarantee the consistency of judgements. In this study, the consistency ratio was 8% and 6%, respectively, for flood susceptibility and vulnerability susceptibility, which indicates that our judgements can be considered consistent.