On Advances of Anonymous Credentials—From Traditional to Post-Quantum
:1. Introduction
1.1. Our Contribution
Comparison with Kakvi et al.’s Recent Work
- Design Principles: We propose a construction-based approach to AC design principles, focusing on the structure of AC schemes. We classify AC schemes in two dimensions, the design structure and application, which helps to unify and guide the design of the AC scheme.
- Design Structures of Basic AC Schemes: We identify four design structures of the basic AC model: single-attribute AC, multi-attribute AC, multi-authority AC, and credential-modifiable AC. For each category, we identify the cryptographic primitives needed for the constructions. In addition, we highlight the associated advantages and disadvantages.
- Application-Oriented Design Principles for Practical Use: We identify four major application-oriented types of AC: traceable AC, revocable AC, delegatable AC, and decentralized AC. We outline each type’s cryptographic principles used in the key designs.
- Post-Quantum AC Schemes: Recently, with the advancement of quantum computing, cryptography research has significantly focused on post-quantum solutions. Among post-quantum cryptographic approaches, lattice-based cryptography has gained prominence, especially due to NIST standardization [8] of lattice-based key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) and digital signatures. As a result, the design and analysis of post-quantum AC schemes from lattices have become increasingly important. Here, we provide a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the most recent proposed lattice-based AC schemes.
- Real-World Applications: We identify the real-world applications of AC systems and provide a comparative analysis of the security notions achieved by the applications.
- Open directions including Quantum-Resistant AC Schemes: Most AC systems are based on discrete-log-related problems and will become insecure with large-scale quantum computers. We identify research gaps based on the most recent development of post-quantum AC schemes, which is not covered in Kakvi et al. [7].
1.2. Road Map
2. Evolution of Anonymous Credential Schemes
2.1. Early Development
2.1.1. Formalizing Attribute-Based Anonymous Credential Systems
- (opk,osk) ← OrgKeyGen(1λ): A probabilistic algorithm that outputs the organization’s public key opk and private key osk.
- (upk,usk) ← UserKeyGen(1λ): A probabilistic algorithm that outputs the user’s public key upk and private key usk.
- (cred/⊥) ← (Obtain(opk, usk, A), issue(opk, upk, A)): An interactive protocol that outputs the credential (cred) over attribute set A or an error symbol ⊥.
- (1,/0, ⊥) ← (show(usk, A, D, cred), Verify(opk, D)): An interactive protocol that verifies the credential over that subset (D) of attributes (A). The protocol outputs 1 if the cred is a valid credential over D A and returns 0 otherwise.
2.1.2. Cryptographic Components for Anonymous Credential Systems
2.1.3. Summary
2.2. Enhancement from Pairing-Based Cryptography
2.3. Next-Generation Post-Quantum
2.4. Summary
3. Design and Structure of AC Schemes
3.1. AC Categorization Based on Design Structure
- Single-Attribute Anonymous Credentials: As shown in Figure 2, single-attribute AC systems were introduced in the early stages of AC development. In this type of system, users receive one credential for each attribute. While having a simple structure, this type of AC falls short in terms of efficiency; the public/private key sizes, the credential size, and/or the computational overhead of credential verification all increase linearly with the number of attributes if multiple attributes are needed, i.e., users must demonstrate knowledge of each credential for every attribute [52].
- Multi-Attribute Anonymous Credentials: This category, as depicted by Figure 1, refers to the AC systems in which users have multiple attributes, such as name, age, university, and more, being able to obtain a single credential for all of these attributes [16]. Two main types within this category exist: (1) selective disclosure (s) of attributes and (2) proving relations (r) of attributes during the verification process. Selective disclosure allows users to share a subset of their attributes with verifiers while keeping the remaining attributes concealed [18,23,46]. In contrast, proving relationships enables users to demonstrate the connection between their attributes to the verifier [13,22,38].
- Multi-Authority Anonymous Credentials: Both above AC schemes struggle to deal with situations where users hold credentials from multiple issuers and prove their knowledge of each signature to a verifier. This potentially results in larger credential sizes, e.g., linear with the number of issuers, due to separate credentials to be received from different issuers. To address this challenge, aggregate signatures are adopted in the AC system design. AC incorporated with aggregate signatures is depicted in Figure 5. It allows users to combine credentials from multiple organizations into a single credential. The crucial advantage of these schemes is that even when aggregating several signatures, they still end up with a constant-sized credential that is the same length as a single credential, keeping the prover cost independent of the number of issuers while still allowing verification of validities of the credentials [23].
- Credential-Modifiable Anonymous Credentials: This category, as depicted in Figure 6, represents a type of AC system that allows users to modify or hide certain parts of the issued credentials. It is used to overcome challenges encountered when requiring users to present the entire credential or the originally received credential to the verifier. Firstly, self-blinding or re-randomizable signature schemes [46,53] are the primary cryptographic primitives used for this type of AC. Once a user obtains a credential from an issuer, the user can randomize the credential into a new credential under the same attributes. Hence, they often make the AC system multi-show-unlinkable. Secondly, redactable [22,39] or sanitizable [40] signatures are the main cryptographic primitives that enable credentials to be modifiable. They introduce the ability to conceal or remove specific parts of the credential selectively while proving the validity of the remaining information. Similarly, sanitizable signatures allow, once a credential for ℓ number of attributes is received, the user (known as a sanitizer) to modify the signature for k out of ℓ attributes. The most efficient approach lies in constant-size redactable/sanitizable AC systems instead of linearly growing ones, which are particularly beneficial for applications such as membership or age verification.
3.2. AC Categorization Based on Additional Properties
3.2.1. Traceable Anonymous Credentials (TACs)
3.2.2. Revocable Anonymous Credentials (RACs)
- Setting Expiry Dates: This is the type of RAC where the credential issuer sets expiration dates for each credential, which becomes outdated after a specific period. Therefore, the user has to request a new credential from the issuer once it expires, which is inefficient because the user has to request new credentials every time they expire. However, if the issuer introduces a mechanism to update all the credentials without user interaction, the user will be able to download the updated version before the authentication. The protocol proposed by Camenisch et al. [42] introduces a method to update the credential once issued without requiring interaction between the user and the issuer.
- Blacklist/Whitelist: An additional entity, referred to as the revocation authority (RA), is introduced for the purpose of revocation. This entity may be a trusted third party (TTP), issuer, or verifier. Each credential is associated with a unique identifier, which can be categorized under a whitelist or a blacklist. The RA is responsible for maintaining a list of valid identifiers, known as a whitelist, or a list of invalid identifiers, known as a blacklist. Following the completion of the verification process by the user, the verifier will proceed to confirm whether the user’s credentials are present in the whitelist or absent from the blacklist. However, the revocation mechanism can also be implemented without relying on a trusted third party (TTP), as introduced by [55,56].
- Cryptographic Accumulator-Based: The construction of an RAC requires the RA to maintain a large list of identifiers (serial numbers) and continuously update the list, which is sometimes inefficient. To overcome this challenge, dynamic accumulators are introduced [57] to help the RA distribute a short accumulated value instead of a large set of identifiers. The term dynamic refers to an RA being able to add or delete identifiers to the accumulator, and it outputs a short value independent of the number of identifiers. Moreover, the term universal accumulator refers to accumulators which support membership proofs. The accumulator-based RAC systems operate as follows: Each credential is associated with a serial number, and the RA outputs the accumulated value of valid or invalid serial numbers, which it then publishes. When a user goes through the credential verification process, additionally, the user must prove that their credential has not been revoked. Hence, the user must prove that the serial number associated with their credential is included in the accumulated value of valid serial numbers. Alternatively, if the RA publishes the accumulated value of invalid serial numbers, the user must show that their serial number is not included in that accumulated value. Hence, the user has to prove the membership or non-membership of the accumulated value using a zero-knowledge proof [58,59,60] during the credential Show protocol.
- Verifier-Local Revocation (VLR): Verifier-local revocation (VLR) is commonly used for group signatures [34,61,62] and was later introduced for anonymous credentials [63]. Here, a trusted third party (TTP) or RA maintains and publishes a list of tokens associated with each credential. Users reveal the proof of knowledge of their tokens to the verifier during authentication. Then, the service provider (verifier) downloads the list of tokens associated with revoked credentials and checks whether the presented token has been revoked.
- Verifiable Encryption (VE): Verifiable encryption is a public key encryption scheme in which a prover can encrypt a piece of information using the public key of the receiver, and then the prover can convince a third party that the encrypted data satisfy certain properties. The VE-based RAC systems work as follows. In this type, a trusted revocation authority (RA) is involved, and the RA has a public–secret key pair. Let each credential be associated with a unique identifier; the user encrypts the credential identifier using the public key of the RA. After that, the user shares the encrypted version of the credential identifier with the verifier during the credential (Show, Verify) protocol. The verifier does not have direct access to the identifier but knows the encrypted version, so it cannot be decrypted. However, the verifier needs to confirm that the identifier has not been associated with a revoked credential. To achieve this, the verifier sends a request to the RA to check the validity of the identifier. The RA then decrypts the identifier using their secret key, checks whether it is on the revocation list, and informs the verifier about its revocation status. This method ensures that verifiers can verify the validity of credentials [64,65]; however, in VE-based RAC systems, the user put full trust in the RA.
3.2.3. Delegatable Anonymous Credentials (DACs)
3.2.4. Decentralized Anonymous Credentials
3.2.5. Summary of AC Additional Properties
4. Security of Anonymous Credentials
- Commitment Scheme: hiding, binding;
- Signature Scheme: EUF-CMA security;
- Zero-Knowledge Proof System: completeness, soundness, zero Knowledge.
5. Performance Analysis
6. Discussion
6.1. Real-World Applications
6.2. Open Directions
- The current literature indicates that the credential sizes of these lattice-based schemes are comparatively large compared to existing schemes. Interested readers can focus on minimizing the credential sizes of quantumly secure AC schemes.
- Although several AC systems have been proposed for specific properties in pairing-based cryptography, only a few designs have been proposed for lattice-based cryptography. Interested readers may explore constructions for properties such as revocability, traceability, signer hiding, and delegation in lattice-based AC systems.
- Although aggregate, redactable, and sanitizable signatures have been used in pairing-based designs, it is worth investigating their suitability for quantum-secure AC systems.
- To the best of our knowledge, the existing AC systems based on lattices remain less efficient than the classical and pairing-based AC systems and are not practical enough. Researchers are encouraged to address this gap and explore innovative solutions in developing quantum-resistant AC schemes for practical, real-world applications.
7. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
AC | Anonymous Credential |
TAC | Traceable Anonymous Credential |
RAC | Revocable Anonymous Credential |
DAC | Delegatable Anonymous Credential |
TA | Tracing Authority |
RA | Revocation Authority |
ZKPs | Zero-Knowledge Proofs |
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Property | Description | Mechanism |
Non-transferability [51] | Credentials should not be transferable between users. | Certification authority (CA) is introduced. |
Traceability [23,40,54]. | Ability to trace credentials to prevent misuse. | Tracing authority (TA) is introduced. |
Revocability [42,58] | Revoke outdated credentials. | Revocation mechanism is introduced |
Delegation [43,44,69,70] | Users can delegate credentials to other users. | A delegation chain/list is introduced. |
Issuer Hiding [45,46] | The identity of the credential issuer is hidden. | A set of acceptable issuers/the signing key space is introduced by the verifier (verification policy). |
Updatable [73] | After the credential was issued, its attributes were modified. | A protocol (update function) is introduced between the issuer and the user. |
Self-Blinding [18] | The credential is randomized by the user before showing. | A randomizable signature scheme is utilized. |
Keyed Verification [74] | The issuer of credentials is also the verifier. | A shared key/algebraic MAC is used between the issuer and verifier. |
Property | Requirement | Cryptographic Primitives |
Unforgeability | It should be infeasible to forge credentials. Malicious provers must be prevented. | Signature Scheme: EUF-CMA security ZK Proof System: Soundness |
Anonymity | Attributes must not be leaked to the issuer. The secret key must not be leaked. | Commitment Scheme: Hiding Zero-Knowledge Proof System |
Unlinkability | Different showings of the credentials cannot be linked. | Zero-Knowledge Proof System/Self Blindable |
Scheme | Main Assumptions | Setting | (KB) | Model | |
[51] | sRSA, DDH | SM | |||
[13] | sRSA | SM | |||
[14] | LRSW, DDH | BG | SM | ||
[37] | q-ADHSDH, DDH | BG | ROM | ||
[40] | DL, DDH, SDH | BG | ROM | ||
[39] | CDH, q-SDH, SXDH | BG | CRS | ||
[53] | LRSW | BG | SM | ||
[18] | DDH, q-co-DL | BG | GGM | ||
[22] | DDH, DL | BG | GGM | ||
[78] | DL, DDH | BG | GGM | ||
[38] | q-(co-)SDH, SDH | BG | SM | ||
[46] | DDH, q-co-DL | BG | SM |
Scheme | Assumption | Commitment | Signature | ZKPs |
[21] | MSIS/MLWE | Ajtai [80] | [48] * | [81,82] |
[20] | MSIS/RLWE | BDLOP [83], ABDLOP [82] | CTS [20] | [84] |
[19] | NTRU- | ABDLOP [82] | [85] | [50] |
[47] | MSIS/MLWE | ABDLOP | [21] * | [82] |
Scheme | Assumption | Setting | (KB) | (KB) | (KB) | Security Model |
[21] | MSIS/MLWE | standard | 117.103 | 261 | 306.103 | ROM |
[21] | MSIS/MLWE | module | 276.48 | 317 | 724 | ROM |
[20] | MSIS/RLWE | structured | 440 | 236.56 | 372.56 | ROM * |
[20] | MSIS/RLWE | structured | 276.5 | 16,711.68 | 25,364.48 | ROM |
[19] | NTRU | 17 | 243 | 473 | ROM | |
[19] | Int-NTRU | 3.5 | 62 | 107 | ROM | |
[47] | MSIS/MLWE | module | 49.91 | 6.81 | 80 | ROM |
AC Security Properties | Real-World Applications |
Non-Transferability | E-Voting |
Revocation | KYC Verification, Membership Revocation |
Traceability | Smart Cards, Digital Cash |
Selective attribute disclosure | Digital ID, Healthcare Systems |
Delegation | Access Control, Transactions in Blockchain |
Authenticity | Anonymous Survey |
Verifiability | E-Voting |
Transparency | E-Voting |
Exculpability | Cryptocurrencies, Digital Cash |
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Share and Cite
Chathurangi, M.; Li, Q.; Foo, E. On Advances of Anonymous Credentials—From Traditional to Post-Quantum. Cryptography 2025, 9, 8. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryptography9010008
Chathurangi M, Li Q, Foo E. On Advances of Anonymous Credentials—From Traditional to Post-Quantum. Cryptography. 2025; 9(1):8. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryptography9010008
Chicago/Turabian StyleChathurangi, Madusha, Qinyi Li, and Ernest Foo. 2025. "On Advances of Anonymous Credentials—From Traditional to Post-Quantum" Cryptography 9, no. 1: 8. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryptography9010008
APA StyleChathurangi, M., Li, Q., & Foo, E. (2025). On Advances of Anonymous Credentials—From Traditional to Post-Quantum. Cryptography, 9(1), 8. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryptography9010008