1. Introduction
A net
in a Riesz space
E is
order-convergent to
) if there exists a net
, possibly over a different index set, such that
and for each
there exists
for all
. The unbounded order convergence was considered firstly by Nakano in [
1] and introduced by Wickstead in [
2]. A net
in a Banach lattice
E is unbounded order (resp. norm, absolute weak) convergent to some
x, denoted by
), if the net
converges to zero in order (resp. norm, weak) for all
. A net
in a dual Banach lattice
is unbounded absolute weak* convergent to some
, denoted by
, if
for all
. For the theory of
-convergence, we refer to [
It can be easily verified that, in , , , and -convergence of nets are the same as coordinate-wise convergence. In for finite measure , -convergence for sequences is the same as almost universal convergence. and -convergence for sequences are the same as convergence in measure. In for finite measure , -convergence for sequences is also the same as convergence in measure.
In this paper, we characterize the L-weakly compactness in Banach lattices by , and -convergence. Additionally, as applications, we present some characterizations of L- and M-weakly compact operators on Banach lattices. Combining these convergences, we introduce so-called statistical-unbounded convergence and use these convergences to describe spaces and reflexive Banach lattices.
Recall that a Riesz space
E is an ordered vector space in which
exists for every
. The positive cone of
E is denoted by
, i.e.,
. For any vector
x in
E define
. An operator
between two Riesz spaces is said to be positive if
for all
. A sequence
in a Riesz space is called disjoint whenever
(denoted by
). A set
A in
E is said order bounded if there exists some
such that
for all
. An operator
is called order bounded if it maps order bounded subsets of
E to order bounded subsets of
F. Throughout this paper,
E will stand for a Banach lattice. A Banach lattice
E is a Banach space
such that
E is a Riesz space and its norm satisfies the following property: for each
, we have
. For undefined terminology, notation and basic theory of Riesz space, Banach lattices and linear operators, we refer the reader to [
2. Applications for Classical Banach Lattice Theory
An element is called an atom of the Riesz space E if the principal ideal is one-dimensional. E is called an atomic Banach lattice if it is the band generated by its atoms.
Proposition 1. Let E be a Banach lattice. Then, the following statements hold.
- 1.
E is atomic and order-continuous iff for any net in .
- 2.
E is atomic and reflexive iff for any bounded net in .
Proof. For a
-null net
, it follows from [
4] (Theorem 3.4) that
; therefore,
E is not order-continuous, then there exists a bounded disjoint sequence
which is not
-null by [
11] (Corollary 2.4.3). Therefore, we can find some subnet
-converges to a non-zero functional
E. Hence,
. However,
. This yields a contradiction.
Assume that
E is not atomic. Then,
is not atomic by [
12] (Corollary 2.3). We construct a sequence which is
-null but not
-null. It follows from [
13] (Theorem 3.1) that there exists a sequence
such that
for all
and some
. However,
is not
-null since
, which is absurd.
by [
8] (p. 87) and
. □
Recall that a bounded subset
A in a Banach lattice
E is said to be
L-weakly compact if every disjoint sequence in the solid hull of
A is convergent to zero.
is the maximal ideal in Banach lattice
E on which the induced norm is order-continuous as:
(Ref. [
11] p. 71) Let
E be Riesz space. For all non-empty subsets
, we define the generated absolutely monotone seminorms:
The following results characterize L-weakly compactness in Banach lattices by , and -convergence.
Theorem 1. Let E be a Banach lattice; then, the following statements hold.
- 1.
For a non-empty bounded subset , the following conditions are equivalent.
- (a)
A is L-weakly compact.
- (b)
for every norm-bounded -null sequence .
- (c)
for every norm-bounded -null sequence .
- (d)
for every norm-bounded -null sequence .
- 2.
For a non-empty bounded subset , B is L-weakly compact if and only if for every norm-bounded -null sequence .
Proof. Every -null net is -null.
Every -null net is -null.
be an arbitrary disjoint sequence in
. To prove that
A is L-weakly compact, we only need to show that
by [
11] (Proposition 3.6.2(2)), where
is defined by:
for every
. Assume by way of contradiction that
. Then, by passing to a subsequence if necessary, we can suppose that there would exist some
for all
n. For each
n choose some
and some
such that
. Clearly,
is likewise a norm-bounded disjoint sequence. Hence,
. Therefore,
converges uniformly to zero on
A. This leads to a contradiction.
is similar to .
According to [
11] (Proposition 3.6.2), for any
, there exists some
such that
First of all, we prove that
for every disjoint sequence
. Every monotone sequence in
is norm convergent, since
. According to [
11] (Corollary 2.3.6), every disjoint sequence in
is norm convergent. It follows from [
11] (Theorem 2.3.3) that
for every disjoint sequence
. Therefore,
Then, we claim that every bounded
-null sequence
converges uniformly on
. We can find a sequence of functionals
such that
. Clearly,
is also disjoint. Hence,
. When applying [
10] (Theorem 4.36) to the seminorm
, the identity operator and
, we have that, for any
, there exists some
such that:
Clearly, . Therefore, ; moreover, .
Finally, according to the arbitrariness of , we have that .
is similar to .
Using [
11] (Proposition 3.6.2) and [
10] (Theorem 4.36), the proof is similar to
. □
Corollary 1. Let E be a Banach lattice, A a bounded subset in E and B a bounded subset in . The following statements hold.
- 1.
A is L-weakly compact set iff for every bounded -null sequence in and every sequence in A iff for every bounded -null sequence in and every sequence in A iff for every bounded -null sequence in and every sequence in A.
- 2.
B is L-weakly compact set iff for every bounded -null sequence in E and every sequence in B.
Theorem 2. Let E be a Banach lattice, for bounded solid subsets A of E and B of . The following statements hold.
- 1.
If E has order-continuous norm, then the following conditions are equivalent.
- (a)
A is L-weakly compact set.
- (b)
For every positive disjoint sequence in A and each bounded -null sequence in , .
- (c)
For every positive disjoint sequence in A and each bounded -null sequence in , .
- (d)
For every positive disjoint sequence in A and each bounded -null sequence in , .
- 2.
If has order-continuous norm, then B is L-weakly compact iff for every positive disjoint sequence and each bounded -null sequence in E.
Proof. by Corollary 1.
be an arbitrary bounded
-null sequence in
. To finish the proof, we have to show that
. Assume by way of contradiction that
. Then, by passing to a subsequence if necessary, we can suppose that there must exist some
such that
for all
n. Note that the equality
holds, since
A is solid.
is order-continuous. Let
. As
, there exists some
such that
. It is easy to see that we can find a strictly increasing subsequence
such that
for all
m. Let:
According to [
10] (Lemma 4.35),
is a disjoint sequence in
. Now, we have:
Let , it is clear that . Hence, . This leads to a contradiction.
The rest of the proof is similar. □
Recall that a continuous operator from a Banach space to a Banach lattice is said to be L-weakly compact whenever isa L-weakly compact set in F.
As applications of Theorem 1 and Corollary 1, the following results characterize L-weakly compact operators on Banach lattices.
Theorem 3. Let E be a Banach space and F a Banach lattice. The following statements hold.
- 1.
For a continuous operator , the following conditions are equivalent.
- (a)
T is L-weakly compact.
- (b)
for each sequence in and every bounded -null sequence in .
- (c)
for each sequence in and every bounded -null sequence in .
- (d)
for each sequence in and every bounded -null sequence in .
- (2)
For a continuous operator , S is L-weakly compact iff for each sequence in and every bounded -null sequence in F.
Theorem 4. Let E and F be Banach lattices. Then, the following statements hold.
- 1.
For a positive operator , if F is order-continuous, then the following conditions are equivalent.
- (a)
T is L-weakly compact.
- (b)
for each positive disjoint sequence and every bounded -null sequence in .
- (c)
for each positive disjoint sequence and every bounded -null sequence in .
- (d)
for each positive disjoint sequence and every bounded -null sequence in .
- 2.
For a positive operator , if is order-continuous norm, then S is L-weakly compact iff for each positive disjoint sequence in and every bounded -null sequence in F.
Proof. by Theorem 3.
be an arbitrary bounded
-null sequence in
F is order-continuous. Hence,
for each
. Without loss of generality,
for all
n. To finish the proof, we have to show that
. Assume by way of contradiction that
. Then, by passing to a subsequence if necessary, we can suppose that there would exist some
such that
for all
n. Note that the equality
A is solid. For every
n, there exists
such that
. It is similar to the proof of Theorem 2 that there exists a subsequence
and a subsequence
such that:
. According to [
10] (Lemma 4.35),
is positive and disjoint. Hence,
. Clearly, there exists a sequence
E satisfying
such that
. As applications of:
we have
. This leads to a contradiction.
The rest of the proof is similar. □
An operator from a Banach lattice to a Banach space is said to be M-weakly compact if for every disjoint sequence in .
The following result shows some characterizations of M-weakly compact operators on Banach lattices.
Theorem 5. Let E and F be Banach lattices, for a continuous operator . Then, the following statements hold.
- 1.
T is M-weakly compact iff for every -null sequence in .
- 2.
For its adjoint operator , the following conditions are equivalent.
- (a)
is a M-weakly compact operator.
- (b)
for every -null sequence in .
- (c)
for every -null sequence in .
- (d)
for every -null sequence in .
Proof. Every disjoint sequence is -null.
For a bounded
-null sequence
E. According to [
11] (Proposition 3.6.11), we can find that
is L-weakly compact. Hence,
for all
-null sequences
by Theorem 1. Therefore,
In other words, according to [
10] (Theorem 5.60), for any
, there exists some
such that:
holds for all
. Clearly,
T is order-weakly compact. It follows from [
11] (Corollary 3.4.9) that
. Hence,
. Therefore,
It is an application of Theorem 1 and . □
The above results are not true if we replace these convergences to -convergence.
Example 1. Every bounded -null sequence in and converges uniformly to zero on the unit ball of since and have order unit. However, is not L-weakly compact.
Every bounded -null sequence in and converges uniformly to zero on (I is the identity operator on ). However, I is not L-weakly compact.
The identity operator on maps a bounded -null sequence to a norm-null sequence. However, is not M-weakly compact.
3. Applications for Statistical Convergence
Statistical convergence has been studied in functional analysis literature, and also been researched in Riesz spaces and Banach lattices recently in [
15]. Let
be the natural density of
K defined by:
denotes the cardinality of the set. A sequence
in Riesz space
E is statistically monotonically increasing (resp. decreasing) if
is increasing (resp. decreasing) for
. We write
). An increasing or decreasing sequence will be called a statistical monotonic sequence; moreover, if
) for some
, then
is statistical monotonousness convergent to
x. Hence, we write
). A sequence
E is statistical-order-convergent to
provided that there exists a sequence
such that
. We call
x the statistical-order limit of
for short). It is easy to get that
. If
is a sequence such that
satisfies property
P for all
n except a set of natural density zeros, then we say that
satisfies property
P for almost all
n and abbreviate this by
. It is clear that
. A sequence
in Banach space
E is statistical norm convergent to
provided that
for all
. We write
. We call
x the statistical norm limit of
. A sequence
E is statistical weak convergent to
provided that
for all
. We write
. We call
x the statistically weak limit of
. A sequence
is statistical weak* convergent to
provided that
for all
. We write
. We call
the statistically weak limit of
Definition 1. A sequence in a Banach lattice E is statistical-unbounded order (resp. norm, weak) convergent to if the sequence is statistical-order (resp. norm, weak) convergent to zero for all (denoted by , , ). A sequence in a dual Banach lattice is said to be statistical-unbounded absolute weak* convergent to if the sequence is statistically weak* convergent to zero and denoted by .
Clearly, (resp. , ) is equivalent to (resp. , ) for and is equivalent to for .
The following results shows the basic properties of these convergences.
Proposition 2. For the sequences , and in a Riesz space E, the following hold:
- 1.
The –-limit is unique;
- 2.
Suppose and , then for any ;
- 3.
iff ;
- 4.
The lattice operations ∨, ∧ and · are – continuous;
- 5.
iff . In this case, ;
- 6.
If and , then ;
- 7.
If , then ;
- 8.
If , then ;
- 9.
Suppose that for all with , if and , then ;
- 10.
Let and for , then .
Proof. Suppose that
for some
. Then we can find
such that
, and sets
such that:
, since
, so
. Thus, we get:
for every
, which shows that
The scalar-multiplication is obvious. We show that
convergence is additive. It is similar to the proof of
in that we can find a set
such that:
It follows from:
is obvious.
We show the ∨ is
continuous, the others are similar. That is,
. Since:
according to the proofs of
, we have the result.
by .
Suppose that for all . Then, for all . According to , we have . It follows form that we have , and hence .
and are obvious.
By assumption, there exist sequences
and sets
such that:
Thus, we have:
. That is,
Since , we have . According to for , and , it follows that , i.e., . □
Proposition 3. For the sequences , and in a (dual) Banach lattice E, the following hold:
- 1.
The –-limit, –-limit and –-limit are unique;
- 2.
The –-limit, –-limit and –-limit are linear;
- 3.
(resp. , ) iff (resp. , );
- 4.
The lattice operations ∨, ∧ and · are –, – and – continuous;
- 5.
(resp. , ) iff (resp. , ). In this case, (resp. , );
- 6.
If (resp. , ) and (resp. , ), then ;
- 7.
If (resp. , ), then (resp. , );
- 8.
Suppose that for all with , if (resp. , ) and (resp. , ), then (resp. , );
- 9.
Let (resp. , ) and for , then .
The next examples show that a subsequence of a – (resp. –, –, –) convergent sequences is not necessarily convergent, and the converse of Proposition 2 (7), Proposition 2 (8) and Proposition 3 (7) does not hold.
Example 2. In , let be the standard basis, and Since is a disjoint sequence, by [5] (Corollary 3.6), is unbounded order-convergent to 0; hence, is statistical-unbounded order-convergent to 0, but the subsequence does not. We can also find that is not -order-convergent and -convergent. Example 3. In , let: Since is disjoint sequence, by [6] (Proposition 3.5), is -null (moreover it is -null and -null), and hence is –-null, –-null and –-null, but the subsequence is not. We can also find that is not , and -convergent. Let be a sequence in Riesz space E. is called statistical-order bounded if there exists an order interval such that . It is clear that every order bounded sequence is statistical-order bounded, but the converse is not true in general.
Example 4. In , let be the unit vectors, and: is statistical-order bounded sequence, but it is not order bounded.
Then we study when the converse of Proposition 2 (7), Proposition 2 (8) and Proposition 3 (7) hold.
Theorem 6. Let be a sequence in a Riesz space E. Then, the following hold.
- 1.
in E iff there exsits a sequence with for and .
- 2.
If and for some , then .
- 3.
If is statistical-order bounded, then .
- 4.
If is monotonous, then .
Proof. Obvious.
Assume that
. Then there exists a sequence
, and moreover
, and
for all
. Thus, we have:
Since , the second set on the right side is empty. Hence, we have , : .
Suppose that and . Fix arbitrary . Then we have for all . It follows from Proposition 2, we have as . Therefore, , we claim that . Assume that . Then, for all . Thus, —that is, .
Since , for . Additionally, since is statistical-order bounded, then there exists such that for . Then, by fixing the u, we have for ; therefore, .
by and . □
Theorem 7. Let be a sequence in a (dual) Banach lattice E. Then, the following hold.
- 1.
(resp. , ) in E iff there exsits a sequence with for and (resp. , ).
- 2.
If and (resp. , ) for some , then .
- 3.
If is statistical-order bounded, then .
- 4.
If is monotonous, then (resp. , ).
Proof. We prove the –-convergence, and the others are similar.
Assume that
. For any
, there exits some
such that
for all
. Thus, we have
, the second set on the right side is empty. Hence, we have
, i.e.,
Since for all , it follows from Proposition 3 that we have as . Therefore, . We claim that . Assume that , then for all . Thus, ; that is, .
Since , for . Additionally, since is statistical-order bounded, there exists such that for . Then, fixing the u, we have for ; therefore, .
Assume that
for all
. According to
, we have
. We claim that
. There exists a set
such that
. For any
, choose a
such that
. Then, for any
, we have:
Hence, .
The rest of proof is similar. □
A norm on a Banach lattice E is called order-continuous if for , and E is called space if every monotone bounded sequence is convergent. A sequence in E is said to be statistical-unbounded order Cauchy, if is –-convergent to zero. Let E be a Banach space. is called statistical-norm-bounded if for any there exists a such that . It is clear that every norm bounded sequence is statistical-norm-bounded, but the converse is not true in general. Refer to Example 2.
The following result gives a equivalent description to spaces by –, – and –-convergence.
Theorem 8. Let E be an order-continuous Banach lattice. Then, the following statements are equivalent.
- 1.
E is a space.
- 2.
every statistical-norm-bounded –-Cauchy sequence in E is –-convergent.
- 3.
every statistical-norm-bounded –-Cauchy sequence in E is –-convergent.
- 4.
every statistical-norm-bounded –-Cauchy sequence in E is –-convergent.
Proof. Assume that
E is
space. It follows form [
3] (Theorem 4.7) that every norm bounded
-Cauchy sequence in
E is
-convergent. Let
be a statistical-norm-bounded
-Cauchy sequence in
E. Then, there exit sets
such that
is norm bounded along the set
-Cauchy along the set
. Let
. Then, we have that
is statistical-norm-bounded and
-Cauchy along the set
K. By assumption,
-convergent; therefore, it is
Assume that
E is not a
space. Then,
E contains a sublattice lattice isomorphic to
by [
10] (Theorem 4.61). Let
be a sequence in
, and
is statistical-norm-bounded and
-Cauchy in
E, but it is not
The rest of the proof is similar. □
The following results characterize reflexive Banach lattices by statistical-unbounded convergence.
Theorem 9. For a Banach lattice E, the following conditions are equivalent:
- 1.
E is reflexive;
- 2.
Every statistical-norm-bounded –-Cauchy sequence in E is statistically weak convergent;
- 3.
Every statistical-norm-bounded –-null sequence in is statistically weakly null.
- 4.
Every statistical-norm-bounded –-null sequence in is statistically weakly null.
Proof. Since
E is reflexive,
E and
space by [
10] (Theorem 4.70), so we have that every statistical-norm-bounded
-Cauchy sequence in
E is statistically weakly Cauchy. Since
E is
space, so it is statistically weakly convergent.
Assume that
E is not reflexive. Then,
is lattice embeddable in
E by [
10] (Theorem 4.71). We claim that
E contains no lattice copies of
. Suppose that
E contains a sublattice isomorphic to
. Let
be the sequence in
of Example 3. It is
-null and statistical-norm-bounded but does not have statistically weakly convergence. Suppose that
E contains a sublattice isomorphic to
. The
which is in the proof of Theorem 4 is a
-Cauchy sequence, but it is not statistically weak convergent.
is similar to .
We claim that
spaces. For any
, we have
, hence
, by assumption,
. It follows form [
15] (Theorem 29) that
. By Dini type theorem ([
10] Theorem 3.52),
, and hence
-order-continuous. Additionally, since
is Dedekind complete,
is order-continuous by Nakano theorem ([
10] Theorem 4.9); therefore,
space by [
10] (Theorem 4.59). We claim that
is also
space. Suppose that
is not
space. Then,
has a lattice copy of
by [
11] (Theorem 2.4.14). Let
be the sequence in
of Example 3,
, but it is not
w-null in
. It is contraction, so
space. We can complete the proof.
Every -null sequence is -null.
is similar to . □