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Nitrogen, Volume 3, Issue 1 (March 2022) – 10 articles

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21 pages, 4006 KiB  
Effects of Drainage Water Management in a Corn–Soy Rotation on Soil N2O and CH4 Fluxes
by Jacob G. Hagedorn, Eric A. Davidson, Thomas R. Fisher, Rebecca J. Fox, Qiurui Zhu, Anne B. Gustafson, Erika Koontz, Mark S. Castro and James Lewis
Nitrogen 2022, 3(1), 128-148; - 17 Mar 2022
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 4000
Drainage water management (DWM), also known as controlled drainage, is a best management practice (BMP) deployed on drainage ditches with demonstrated success at reducing dissolved nitrogen export from agricultural fields. By slowing discharge from agricultural ditches, subsequent anaerobic soil conditions provide an environment [...] Read more.
Drainage water management (DWM), also known as controlled drainage, is a best management practice (BMP) deployed on drainage ditches with demonstrated success at reducing dissolved nitrogen export from agricultural fields. By slowing discharge from agricultural ditches, subsequent anaerobic soil conditions provide an environment for nitrate to be reduced via denitrification. Despite this success, incomplete denitrification might increase nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and more reducing conditions might increase methanogenesis, resulting in increased methane (CH4) emissions. These two gases, N2O and CH4, are potent greenhouse gases (GHG) and N2O also depletes stratospheric ozone. This potential pollution swapping of nitrate reduction for GHG production could negatively impact the desirability of this BMP. We conducted three years of static chamber measurements of GHG emissions from the soil surface in farm plots with and without DWM in a corn–soybean rotation on the Delmarva Peninsula. We found that DWM raised the water table at the drainage ditch edge, but had no statistically significant effect on water-filled pore space in the field soil surface. Nor did we find a significant effect of DWM on GHG emissions. These findings are encouraging and suggest that, at least for this farm site, DWM can be used to remove nitrate without a significant tradeoff of increased GHG emissions. Full article
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10 pages, 3095 KiB  
Spatial Variability in Inorganic Soil Nitrogen Production in a Mixed-Vegetation Urban Landscape
by Juma Bukomba and Mary G. Lusk
Nitrogen 2022, 3(1), 118-127; - 11 Mar 2022
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2910
Urban landscapes are not homogeneous, and small-scale variations in plant community or management inputs can give rise to a large range of environmental conditions. In this paper, we investigated the small-scale variability of soil nitrogen (N) properties in a single urban landscape that [...] Read more.
Urban landscapes are not homogeneous, and small-scale variations in plant community or management inputs can give rise to a large range of environmental conditions. In this paper, we investigated the small-scale variability of soil nitrogen (N) properties in a single urban landscape that has distinctly different patches or types of cover. We specifically measured soil net N mineralization, nitrification, and exchangeable forms of inorganic N for patches with traditional turfgrass versus patches with common turfgrass alternatives such as ornamental grasses, groundcovers, and mulches. All soil N properties were variable among landscape patches, showing that soil N processing can vary on scales of a few meters. Notably, both mineralization and nitrification were the highest in a patch covered with perennial peanut, but exchangeable nitrate (NO3) was low for the same soil, indicating that soils under perennial peanut may be producing high levels of inorganic N but that the produced N does not stay in the soil, possibly leaching to underlying groundwater. We recommend future studies on the mechanisms that drive the variable N properties seen under distinct urban landscape patches, with special emphasis on potential patterns in N losses for mixed-vegetation landscapes. Full article
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17 pages, 3153 KiB  
Review on Detection Methods of Nitrogen Species in Air, Soil and Water
by Md Faishal Yousuf and Md Shaad Mahmud
Nitrogen 2022, 3(1), 101-117; - 4 Mar 2022
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 6187
Nitrogen species present in the atmosphere, soil, and water play a vital role in ecosystem stability. Reactive nitrogen gases are key air quality indicators and are responsible for atmospheric ozone layer depletion. Soil nitrogen species are one of the primary macronutrients for plant [...] Read more.
Nitrogen species present in the atmosphere, soil, and water play a vital role in ecosystem stability. Reactive nitrogen gases are key air quality indicators and are responsible for atmospheric ozone layer depletion. Soil nitrogen species are one of the primary macronutrients for plant growth. Species of nitrogen in water are essential indicators of water quality, and they play an important role in aquatic environment monitoring. Anthropogenic activities have highly impacted the natural balance of the nitrogen species. Therefore, it is critical to monitor nitrogen concentrations in different environments continuously. Various methods have been explored to measure the concentration of nitrogen species in the air, soil, and water. Here, we review the recent advancements in optical and electrochemical sensing methods for measuring nitrogen concentration in the air, soil, and water. We have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the existing methods and the future prospects. This will serve as a reference for researchers working with environment pollution and precision agriculture. Full article
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11 pages, 1751 KiB  
Biochar Applied with Inorganic Nitrogen Improves Soil Carbon, Nitrate and Ammonium Content of a Sandy Loam Temperate Soil
by Peter Omara, Lawrence Aula, Fred Otim, Alfred Obia, Joao Luis Bigatao Souza and Daryl Brain Arnall
Nitrogen 2022, 3(1), 90-100; - 23 Feb 2022
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 3140
Biochar is suggested to improve soil properties. However, its combination with inorganic nitrogen (N) fertilizer in temperate soils is not well understood. This study compared the effect of fertilizer N-biochar-combinations (NBC) and fertilizer-N (FN) on total soil N (TSN), soil organic carbon (SOC), [...] Read more.
Biochar is suggested to improve soil properties. However, its combination with inorganic nitrogen (N) fertilizer in temperate soils is not well understood. This study compared the effect of fertilizer N-biochar-combinations (NBC) and fertilizer-N (FN) on total soil N (TSN), soil organic carbon (SOC), soil nitrate (NO3–N), and ammonium (NH4+–N). Soil samples were taken from experiments at Efaw and Lake Carl Blackwell (LCB), Oklahoma, USA with ten treatments consisting of three N rates (50, 100, and 150 kg N ha−1) and three biochar rates (5, 10, and 15 t ha−1). Results at Efaw showed greater TSN and SOC under NBC compared to FN by 3 and 21%, respectively. No percentage difference was observed for NH4+–N while NO3–N was lower by 7%. At LCB, TSN, SOC, NO3–N, and NH4+–N were higher under NBC by 5, 18, 24, and 10%, respectively, compared to FN. Whereas application of biochar improved SOC at both sites, NO3–N and NH4+–N were only significant at LCB site with a sandy loam soil but not at Efaw with silty clay loam. Therefore, biochar applied in combination with inorganic N can improve N availability with potential to increase crop N uptake on coarse textured soils. Full article
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14 pages, 3355 KiB  
Negligible Response of Transpiration to Late-Summer Nitrogen Fertilization in Japanese Oak (Quercus crispula)
by Nao Nagano, Tomonori Kume, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Naoaki Tashiro, Kyoichi Otsuki and Masaaki Chiwa
Nitrogen 2022, 3(1), 76-89; - 3 Feb 2022
Viewed by 3198
Increased atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition, caused by anthropogenic activities, has various effects on forest ecosystems. Some reports have investigated the responses in tree transpiration to N addition, but few studies have measured the short-term response of mature tree transpiration to N fertilization. This [...] Read more.
Increased atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition, caused by anthropogenic activities, has various effects on forest ecosystems. Some reports have investigated the responses in tree transpiration to N addition, but few studies have measured the short-term response of mature tree transpiration to N fertilization. This study aimed to clarify the short-term transpiration response in 27-year-old deciduous hardwood trees to an increase in N availability. We established two plot types (control and N-fertilized plots) in Quercus crispula plantation stands in Hokkaido, Northern Japan. We measured sap flow density (SFD; cm3 m−2 s−1) using a thermal dissipation method for three months during the growing season. In the N-fertilized plot, we added 50 kg N ha−1 yr−1 of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) to the forest floor in the middle of the measurement periods. For daily mean SFD, we did not find a significant difference between the control and the N-fertilized plots. Leaf N contents did not differ between treatments, implying a negligible difference in physiological responses and transpiration rates. The slight difference between treatments could be because the trees had already foliated before applying the N fertilizer to our deciduous hardwood trees. The present results indicate that the potential increase in N deposition during the growing season does not immediately alter tree transpiration. Full article
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2 pages, 171 KiB  
Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Nitrogen in 2021
by Nitrogen Editorial Office
Nitrogen 2022, 3(1), 74-75; - 28 Jan 2022
Viewed by 2017
Rigorous peer-reviews are the basis of high-quality academic publishing [...] Full article
16 pages, 2708 KiB  
Combination of Inorganic Nitrogen and Organic Soil Amendment Improves Nitrogen Use Efficiency While Reducing Nitrogen Runoff
by Ian Phillips, Chanyarat Paungfoo-Lonhienne, Iman Tahmasbian, Benjamin Hunter, Brianna Smith, David Mayer and Matthew Redding
Nitrogen 2022, 3(1), 58-73; - 20 Jan 2022
Cited by 10 | Viewed by 3698
Improved nitrogen fertiliser management and increased nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) can be achieved by synchronising nitrogen (N) availability with plant uptake requirements. Organic materials in conjunction with inorganic fertilisers provide a strategy for supplying plant-available N over the growing season and reducing N [...] Read more.
Improved nitrogen fertiliser management and increased nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) can be achieved by synchronising nitrogen (N) availability with plant uptake requirements. Organic materials in conjunction with inorganic fertilisers provide a strategy for supplying plant-available N over the growing season and reducing N loss. This study investigated whether a combined application of inorganic N with an organic soil amendment could improve nitrogen use efficiency by reducing N loss in runoff. Nitrogen runoff from a ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) cover was investigated using a rainfall simulator. Nitrogen was applied at low, medium and high (50, 75 and 100 kg/ha) rates as either (NH4)2SO4 or in combination with a poultry manure-based organic material. We showed that the NUE in the combination (58–75%) was two-fold greater than in (NH4)2SO4 (24–42%). Furthermore, this combination also resulted in a two-fold lower N runoff compared with the inorganic fertiliser alone. This effect was attributed to the slower rate of N release from the organic amendment relative to the inorganic fertiliser. Here, we demonstrated that the combined use of inorganic and organic N substrates can reduce nutrient losses in surface runoff due to a better synchronisation of N availability with plant uptake requirements. Full article
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15 pages, 3454 KiB  
Identifying Sustainable Nitrogen Management Practices for Tea Plantations
by Rhys Rebello, Paul J. Burgess and Nicholas T. Girkin
Nitrogen 2022, 3(1), 43-57; - 14 Jan 2022
Cited by 13 | Viewed by 6085
Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) is the most widely consumed beverage in the world. It is mostly grown in the tropics with a heavy dependence on mineral nitrogen (N) fertilisers to maintain high yields while minimising the areas under cultivation. However, N is [...] Read more.
Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) is the most widely consumed beverage in the world. It is mostly grown in the tropics with a heavy dependence on mineral nitrogen (N) fertilisers to maintain high yields while minimising the areas under cultivation. However, N is often applied in excess of crop requirements, resulting in substantial adverse environmental impacts. We conducted a systematic literature review, synthesising the findings from 48 studies to assess the impacts of excessive N application on soil health, and identify sustainable, alternative forms of N management. High N applications lead to soil acidification, N leaching to surface and groundwater, and the emission of greenhouse gases including nitrous oxide (N2O). We identified a range of alternative N management practices, the use of organic fertilisers, a mixture of organic and inorganic fertilisers, controlled release fertilisers, nitrification inhibitors and soil amendments including biochar. While many practices result in reduced N loading or mitigate some adverse impacts, major trade-offs include lower yields, and in some instances increased N2O emissions. Practices are also frequently trialled in isolation, meaning there may be a missed opportunity from assessing synergistic effects. Moreover, adoption rates of alternatives are low due to a lack of knowledge amongst farmers, and/or financial barriers. The use of site-specific management practices which incorporate local factors (for example climate, tea variety, irrigation requirements, site slope, and fertiliser type) are therefore recommended to improve sustainable N management practices in the long term. Full article
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17 pages, 5066 KiB  
Nutrient Availability for Lactuca sativa Cultivated in an Amended Peatland: An Ionic Exchange Study
by Jacynthe Dessureault-Rompré, Alexis Gloutney and Jean Caron
Nitrogen 2022, 3(1), 26-42; - 14 Jan 2022
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2931
Few conservation strategies have been applied to cultivated peatland. This field study over one growth cycle of Lactuca sativa examined the effect of plant-based, high-C/N-ratio amendments in a real farming situation on peatland. Plant Root Simulator (PRS®) probes were used directly [...] Read more.
Few conservation strategies have been applied to cultivated peatland. This field study over one growth cycle of Lactuca sativa examined the effect of plant-based, high-C/N-ratio amendments in a real farming situation on peatland. Plant Root Simulator (PRS®) probes were used directly in the field to assess the impacts of incorporating Miscanthus x giganteus straw and Salix miyabeana chips on nutrient availability for lettuce. The results showed that lettuce yield decreased by 35% in the miscanthus straw treatment and by 14% in the willow chip treatment. In addition, the nitrogen flux rate was severely reduced during crop growth (75% reduction) and the plant N uptake index was much lower in the amended treatments than in the control. The phosphorus supply rate was also significantly lower (24% reduction) in the willow treatment. The influence of sampling zone was significant as well, with most macro-nutrients being depleted in the root zone and most micro-nutrients being mobilized. Additional work is needed to optimize the proposed conservation strategy and investigate the effects of consecutive years of soil amendment on different vegetable crops and in different types of cultivated peatlands to confirm and generalize the findings of this study. Future field studies should also explore the long-term carbon dynamics under plant-based, high-C/N-ratio amendments to determine if they can offset annual C losses. Full article
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25 pages, 4387 KiB  
Nitrogen Estimation for Wheat Using UAV-Based and Satellite Multispectral Imagery, Topographic Metrics, Leaf Area Index, Plant Height, Soil Moisture, and Machine Learning Methods
by Jody Yu, Jinfei Wang, Brigitte Leblon and Yang Song
Nitrogen 2022, 3(1), 1-25; - 23 Dec 2021
Cited by 15 | Viewed by 4991
To improve productivity, reduce production costs, and minimize the environmental impacts of agriculture, the advancement of nitrogen (N) fertilizer management methods is needed. The objective of this study is to compare the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) multispectral imagery and PlanetScope satellite [...] Read more.
To improve productivity, reduce production costs, and minimize the environmental impacts of agriculture, the advancement of nitrogen (N) fertilizer management methods is needed. The objective of this study is to compare the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) multispectral imagery and PlanetScope satellite imagery, together with plant height, leaf area index (LAI), soil moisture, and field topographic metrics to predict the canopy nitrogen weight (g/m2) of wheat fields in southwestern Ontario, Canada. Random Forests (RF) and support vector regression (SVR) models, applied to either UAV imagery or satellite imagery, were evaluated for canopy nitrogen weight prediction. The top-performing UAV imagery-based validation model used SVR with seven selected variables (plant height, LAI, four VIs, and the NIR band) with an R2 of 0.80 and an RMSE of 2.62 g/m2. The best satellite imagery-based validation model was RF, which used 17 variables including plant height, LAI, the four PlanetScope bands, and 11 VIs, resulting in an R2 of 0.92 and an RMSE of 1.75 g/m2. The model information can be used to improve field nitrogen predictions for the effective management of N fertilizer. Full article
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