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Mechanical Properties and Thermal Conductivity of Y-Si and Gd-Si Silicides: First-Principles Calculations

Key Laboratory for Liquid-Solid Structural Evolution and Processing of Materials (Ministry of Education), School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China
Xinjiang Key Laboratory of High Value Green Utilization of Low-Rank Coal, School of Physics and Materials Science, Changji University, Changji 831100, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
J. Compos. Sci. 2024, 8(6), 221;
Submission received: 1 May 2024 / Revised: 22 May 2024 / Accepted: 7 June 2024 / Published: 12 June 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Characterization and Modelling of Composites, Volume III)


The traditional Si bonding layer in environmental barrier coatings has a low melting point (1414 °C), which is a significant challenge in meeting the requirements of the next generation higher thrust-to-weight ratio aero-engines. To seek new bonding layer materials with higher melting points, the mechanical properties of Y-Si and Gd-Si silicides were calculated by the first-principles method. Subsequently, empirical formulae were employed to compute the sound velocities, Debye temperatures, and the minimum coefficients of thermal conductivity for the YSi, Y5Si4, Y5Si3, GdSi, and Gd5Si4. The results showed that Y5Si4 has the best plasticity and ductility among all these materials. In addition, Gd5Si4 has the minimum Debye temperature (267 K) and thermal conductivity (0.43 W m−1 K−1) compared with others. The theoretical calculation results indicate that some silicides in the Y-Si and Gd-Si systems possess potential application value in high-temperature bonding layers for thermal and/or environmental barrier coating.

1. Introduction

The melting point of the traditional Si bond layer, which is 1414 °C, limits its application temperature in environmental barrier coatings (EBCs) [1]. Furthermore, the oxidation product, SiO2, undergoes phase transformations accompanied by volume changes (~4.3%), which tends to cause the coating to crack [2,3]. Considering that the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of HfSiO4 (3.6–6.6 × 10−6 °C−1 [4]) matches well with that of the SiC matrix (4.5 × 10−6 °C−1 [5]), and given its good phase stability, HfO2 was incorporated into the Si bond layer to dynamically convert SiO2 into HfSiO4 phase [6,7]. However, HfO2 has a much higher oxygen diffusion rate, which accelerates the oxidation of the Si bond layer [8]. Although the oxidation resistance and the service life were improved by optimizing the content and distribution of HfO2 [9,10], the service temperature did not improve, posing a challenge in fulfilling the demands for the next generation aero-engines with a higher thrust-to-weight ratio.
Y2SiO5 exhibits minimal oxygen permeability across a broad temperature spectrum, reaching a permeability of 10−10 kg/(m·s) at 1973 K [11]. Additionally, it demonstrates a CTE of 5–8 × 10−6 °C−1, while Y2Si2O7 has a CTE of 3.90 × 10−6 °C−1 [11], which matches well with the SiC matrix when used in combination [12]. Yttrium silicides (YxSiy) have much higher melting points than that of Si. And their oxidation products, Y2O3 and SiO2, will react with each other to form Y2SiO5 and/or Y2Si2O7, which have good environmental barrier properties. This strategy simultaneously increases not only the operating temperature of the bond layer but also its service life. The same applies to the rare earth silicate Gd2SiO5, which has a relatively low thermal conductivity and excellent corrosion resistance [13,14], and has been extensively studied as a coating material in recent years [15,16]. Some gadolinium silicides (GdxSiy) also have high melting points and good phase structural stability, making them promising candidates for use as high-temperature bonding layer materials.
When a certain material is used as a bond layer, it is important to consider not only its temperature resistance and oxidation resistance, but also its mechanical properties and thermal conductivity. The coating material should have good ductility and a large damage tolerance to ensure that the coating does not peel or crack under the impact of foreign particles and the influence of thermal cycling [17]. In addition, materials with low thermal conductivity can play a certain role in insulation, thereby reducing the surface temperature of SiC-based composite [18].
Therefore, in this study, the mechanical properties of high-melting-point rare earth silicides YSi, Y5Si4, Y5Si3, GdSi and Gd5Si4 were assessed using first-principles calculations. These materials were selected based on the phase diagrams of Y-Si and Gd-Si binary system [19,20]. The ductility of selected silicides was evaluated according to the ratio of shear modulus to bulk modulus. Subsequently, the models proposed by Clarke [21] and Slack [22] were utilized to forecast the temperature-dependent thermal conductivity and the theoretical minimum values for Y-Si and Gd-Si silicides. The findings revealed that these yttrium and gadolinium silicides exhibit promising characteristics as potential high-temperature bond layers in EBCs applications.

2. Computation Methods

Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were conducted using the projection augmented wave (PAW) method [23,24]. These calculations were executed with the Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP) [25]. A plane-wave basis cutoff energy of 520 eV was utilized, and electron spin polarization was incorporated into all calculations. Subsequently, K-point sampling in the Brillouin zone was performed using the Monkhorst–Pack method. For YSi, Y5Si4, Y5Si3, GdSi and Gd5Si4, Brillouin-zone integrations were conducted on grid sizes of 8 × 2 × 8, 5 × 2 × 5, 5 × 5 × 6, 5 × 8 × 7 and 5 × 2 × 5, respectively. During the structural optimization process, which included electron self-consistent calculations, a tolerance of 10−4 eV was applied. For the computation of electron statics, a tolerance of 10−5 eV was utilized. To ensure the accuracy of mechanical and thermal properties, all lattices and atoms underwent full relaxation.
The characteristic elastic constants were calculated using the Voigt–Reuss–Hill averaging scheme [26]. Utilizing the Voigt approximation [27], the upper bulk modulus (BV) and shear modulus (GV) were determined as follows:
B V = 1 9 C 11 + C 22 + C 33 + 2 9 C 12 + C 13 + C 23
G V = 1 15 C 11 + C 22 + C 33 C 12 C 13 C 23 + 1 5 C 44 + C 55 + C 66
where the Cij represents the second-order elastic constants. While the Reuss approximation (lower bound) of bulk modulus (BR) and shear modulus (GR) were determined as follows [28]:
B R = 1 S 11 + S 22 + S 33 + 2 S 12 + S 13 + S 23
G R = 15 4 S 11 + S 22 + S 33 4 S 12 + S 13 + S 23 + 3 S 44 + S 55 + S 66
in which the Sij are the compliance constants [29]:
S 11 + S 12 = C 33 / C ,         S 11 + S 12 = 1 / C 11 C 12 ,    
S 13 = C 13 / C ,       S 33 = C 11 + C 12 / C ,       S 44 = 1 / C 44 ,       S 66 = 1 / C 66
C = C 33 C 11 + C 12 2 C 13 2
The average values of the bulk modulus (BV, and BR) and shear modulus (GV and GR) were adopted as the values of the modulus [26].
B = 1 2 B V + B R , G = 1 2 G V + G R
The average Young’s modulus (E) and Poisson’s ratio (μ) were calculated using the following expression [30]:
E = 9 B G 3 B + G , u = 3 B 2 G 2 3 B + G
The Vickers hardness was assessed using the following formula [31]:
H = 0.92 G B 1.137 G 0.708
Based on B and G obtained from Equation (7), the mean values of the transverse (vT) and longitudinal (vL) sound velocity components were calculated as follows:
v T = G ρ 1 2 , v L = B + 4 3 G ρ 1 2
where ρ is the density. Then, the average velocity of sound (vm) was written as [32]:
v m = 1 3 2 v T 3 + 1 v L 3 1 3
Based on this, the Debye temperature (ΘD) was obtained as [32]:
Θ D = h k B 3 n 4 π N A ρ M 1 3 v m
where n represents the number of atoms in a formula unit, kB denotes the Boltzmann constant, h signifies the Planck constant, NA is the Avogadro constant, and M corresponds to the molecular weight.
At lower temperature (0.5 ΘD < T < 1.6 ΘD), the thermal conductivity (k) was calculated from Slack’s model [22]:
k = A M ¯ Θ 3 δ γ 2 n 2 3 T
where δ: cube root of the average volume of the atom, M ¯ : the average mass of the atoms in the crystal, A: a physical constant, γ: Grüneisen’s parameter [33]:
γ = 9 v L 2 4 3 v T 2 2 v L 2 2 v T 2 = 3 1 + v m 2 2 3 v m
Thermal conductivity decreases with increasing temperature and then saturated to a constant value (kmin), which was determined using the Clarke’s model [21]:
k m i n = 0.257 k B 2 1 M 1 3 ρ 1 3 Θ D
where <M> is the average atomic mass equal to M/NAna (na is the number of atoms in a molecule), represents the reduced Planck constant (h/2π).

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Structural Properties

For YSi, Y5Si4, Y5Si3, GdSi, and Gd5Si4 with Cmcm, Pnma, P63/mcm, Pnma and Pnma space groups, the structural parameters were firstly optimized. Both YxSiy and GdxSiy crystals for structural optimization are single-cell, as shown in Figure 1. The calculated structural parameters and JCPDS data are listed in Table 1 (the JCPDS card of Y5Si4 was not retrieved), and it can be seen that the structural parameters calculated by first principles are consistent with the JCPDS card data.
In addition, to clearly see the accuracy of the calculation, the relative errors of lattice constants for YxSiy and GdxSiy compared to JCPDS data are plotted (Figure 2). The maximum observed relative error is 1.317% for the Y5Si3 crystal, while errors for other materials are less than 0.8%. This further illustrated the accuracy of the calculation results.

3.2. Elastic and Mechanical Properties

The elastic constants, as calculated, are listed in Table 2. It can be seen that Y5Si3, which is a tetragonal structure, has six independent elastic constants; YSi, Y5Si4, GdSi and Gd5Si4 are orthomorphic structures, each have nine independent elastic constants. To evaluate the mechanical stability of YxSiy and GdxSiy, Born’s requirements for tetragonal structures were given as follows [34,35,36]:
C 11 C 12 > 0 ,   C 11 + C 33 2 C 13 > 0 ,   C 11 > 0 ,   C 33 > 0 ,   C 44 > 0 , C 66 > 0 ,   2 C 11 + C 33 + 2 C 12 + 4 C 13 > 0
And for orthorhombic crystals are [36]:
C 11 + C 22 2 C 12 > 0 ,   C 11 + C 33 2 C 13 > 0 ,   C 22 + C 33 2 C 23 > 0 ,   C 11 > 0 , C 22 > 0 , C 33 > 0 , C 44 > 0 , C 55 > 0 , C 66 > 0 , C 11 + C 22 + C 33 + 2 C 12 + 2 C 13 + 2 C 23 > 0
Based on these requirements and calculated elastic constants, these five YxSiy and GdxSiy considered in this paper were all mechanically stable.
The calculated mechanical properties of YxSiy and GdxSiy are tabulated in Table 3. B represents the elasticity of a substance within the elastic range, and for YSi, the B value is the largest among the silicides in Table 3, indicating that YSi has the strongest incompressibility. G describes the resistance to shape change in materials, with a lower value indicating higher ductility. For YxSiy and GdxSiy, the G value is obviously smaller than B, suggesting good ductility and machinability. A lower value of E can reduce the impact of thermal stress and potentially extend the service life of the coating materials [37]. As shown in Table 3, in the Y-Si system, the order of the calculated E is YSi > Y5Si3 > Y5Si4, and in the Gd-Si system, it is GdSi > Gd5Si4. Specifically, the calculated E value for Gd5Si4 is only 94 GPa (Table 3), which is significantly lower than that of the traditional Si bond layer (140 ± 2 GPa) [38].
Furthermore, materials that serve as high-temperature coatings must also exhibit plasticity, as the plastic deformation process is crucial for the effective release of thermal stress. The toughness and brittleness of the material can be judged by Equation (8), if μ > 0.26, the material is more plastic than brittle [39]. As shown in Table 3, Poisson’s ratio of Y5Si4 was more than 0.26. This showed that Y5Si4 is relative plastic, and the rest are more brittle. In addition, the calculation is performed at zero temperature and zero pressure, in which case the hardness order of Y YxSiy and GdxSiy was YSi > Y5Si3 = GdSi > Y5Si4 = Gd5Si4. A small G/B ratio indicates good ductility, processability, and damage tolerance, which helps to maintain the integrity of the coating. This property prevents issues such as foreign particle impact and thermal cycling, as well as avoiding cracks that can be caused by thermal expansion mismatches. After calculation, the order of G/B values is Y5Si3 > YSi > GdSi > Gd5Si4 > Y5Si4. It is predicted that Y5Si4 has the best ductility among these materials.
Young’s modulus (E) can be used to evaluate the strength and stiffness of a material. In practical applications, it needs to accurately obtain the 3D Young’s modulus diagram to understand the change in E with crystal orientation. In the case of YxSiy and GdxSiy, the relation between E and direction can be obtained by the following equation [40]:
1 E = l 1 4 + 2 l 1 2 l 2 2 s 12 + 2 l 1 2 l 3 2 s 13 + l 2 4 s 22 + 2 l 2 2 l 3 2 s 23 + l 3 4 s 33 + l 2 2 l 3 2 s 44 + l 1 2 l 3 2 s 55 + l 1 2 l 2 2 s 66
The elastic compliance Sij is related to the directional cosines l1, l2, and l3 with respect to the three principal directions. The surface contours of E for YxSiy and GdxSiy are depicted in Figure 3a–e, and the planar projections of E for (100), (010), and (001) crystallographic planes are shown in Figure 3(a1–e1). According to [41], crystal directions A and B correspond to different crystallographic orientations on various planes: for the (001) plane, A corresponds to the [100] direction and B to the [010] direction; for the (010) plane, they correspond to the [100] direction and the [001] direction, respectively; and for the (100) plane, they are the [001] direction and the [010] direction.
Figure 3 clearly illustrates the elastic anisotropy of YxSiy and GdxSiy. For YSi, the anisotropy of E on the (001) plane was stronger than on the other two planes, with the minimum E occurring in the <100> direction (Figure 3(a,a1)). For Y5Si3, the anisotropy of the (010) and (100) crystal planes are the same, and the minimum and maximum values occur in the <001> and <100> directions, respectively (Figure 3(c,c1)). For Y5Si4 (Figure 3(b,b1)), GdSi (Figure 3(d,d1)) and Gd5Si4 (Figure 3(e,e1)), the anisotropy of E on the (010) plane is stronger than on the other two planes. Based on the above analysis, the degree of anisotropy of Young’s modulus correlates closely with crystal symmetry. According to Mohapatra and Eckhardt [42], the anisotropy of the elastic modulus is primarily influenced by the non-diagonal elements of the compliance matrix. Therefore, if these non-diagonal elements (i.e., S12, S13, S23, in this case) are ignored when calculating 3D Young’s modulus, the degree of anisotropy will be significantly reduced. This explains why, among the materials mentioned, Y5Si3 exhibits the lowest degree of anisotropy in Young’s modulus. The anisotropy data for the elastic properties of YxSiy and GdxSiy depicted in Figure 3 can offer substantial support for the design, selection, and simulation of materials.

3.3. Thermal Conductivity

Coatings with low thermal conductivity possess strong thermal insulation capabilities, effectively mitigating the thermal damage from the environment to the matrix. Therefore, thermal conductivity is a critical factor to consider when selecting suitable EBCs. According to Equations (13) and (15), the estimation of the intrinsic thermal conductivity of YxSiy and GdxSiy depends on the vL, vT, vm, and ΘD. According to Equations (10)–(12), the calculation results for the aforementioned parameters are listed in Table 4. The results indicate that the sound velocities of GdxSiy are significantly lower than those of YxSiy. Additionally, the order of ΘD values is YSi > Y5Si3 > Y5Si4 > GdSi > Gd5Si4. Figure 4 displays a comparison between the ΘD values calculated in this study and those from the literature. The minimal difference between the calculated and reported values suggests that the results of our calculations are reliable.
The material’s inherent thermal conductivity is determined by how phonons interact and scatter at varying temperature levels [21]. Slack’s model, as presented in Equation (13) [22], offers a suitable approach to temperature-dependent thermal conductivity at a relatively low temperature. The model-estimated temperature-dependent thermal conductivity for YxSiy and GdxSiy is in Figure 5. It can also be intuitively seen from Figure 5 that although the slopes of each curve were different, they all exhibit an inverse proportionality to temperature. Based on Slack’s model, the behavior of thermal transportation YxSiy could be described the following: with the increase in temperature, the thermal conductivity of YSi, Y5Si4, and Y5Si3 declined as k = 989.11/T, k = 902.99/T and k = 531.61/T. Similarly, the thermal conductivity of GdSi and Gd5Si4 in relation to temperature was k = 579.48/T and k = 313.53/T, respectively. Then, if the temperature is higher, the phonon mean free path will reduce to the average atomic distances when the thermal conductivity is close to the minimum [21]. As Slack’s model does not provide a rigorous theory for high-temperature thermal conductivity, this study utilized the modified Clarke’s model (Equation (15)) to assess the minimum thermal conductivity (kmin). Table 4 indicates a calculated thermal conductivity sequence for YxSiy and GdxSiy as follows: Gd5Si4 < Y5Si3 < GdSi < Y5Si4 < YSi, with Gd5Si4 exhibiting the lowest thermal conductivity at 0.43 W m−1 K−1. Calculations revealed that the thermal conductivities of GdxSiy compounds are lower than that of silicides in the Y-Si system, suggesting that when used as coating materials, specific compounds such as GdSi and Gd5Si4 will exhibit superior thermal insulation ability, potentially mitigating thermal damage to the SiC composites substrate.

4. Conclusions

In this work, the elastic constants of silicides YSi, Y5Si4, Y5Si3, GdSi, and Gd5Si4 in the Y-Si and Gd-Si systems were predicted using first-principles calculations. Subsequently, the volume modulus, shear modulus, Young’s modulus, sound velocity, Debye temperature, and thermal conductivity were calculated by empirical formulas. The optimized structural parameters of YxSiy and GdxSiy showed minimal differences compared to the existing JCPDS card data. The conclusions regarding their mechanical and thermal properties are as follows:
The results for elastic properties indicated that Y5Si4 is a ductile material, and its G/B value is lower than that of the other materials in this study. This characteristic helps to minimize the thermal stress and enhances the thermal shock resistance when used as coating materials. In addition, Young’s moduli of all the calculated materials are anisotropic.
The calculated thermal conductivity sequence for YxSiy and GdxSiy is as follows: Gd5Si4 < Y5Si3 < GdSi < Y5Si4 < YSi, with Gd5Si4 exhibiting the lowest thermal conductivity at 0.43 W m−1 K−1. This study ascertains that they are promising materials for environmental barrier coatings.

Author Contributions

K.P.: writing—review and editing; software; investigation; methodology. P.H.: writing—original draft; Formal analysis; Investigation; methodology. G.H.: supervision; writing—review and editing; resources; funding acquisition. H.L.: software; methodology. W.Z., W.W. and J.Z.: resources; supervision. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51902183).

Data Availability Statement

Data will be made available on reasonable request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no known competing financial interests.


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Figure 1. Crystal structures of YxSiy and GdxSiy: (a) YSi, (b) Y5Si4, (c) Y5Si3, (d) GdSi, (e) Gd5Si4 (the blue-colored ball represented Si atoms, the green-colored ball represented Y atoms and the purple-colored ball represented Gd atoms).
Figure 1. Crystal structures of YxSiy and GdxSiy: (a) YSi, (b) Y5Si4, (c) Y5Si3, (d) GdSi, (e) Gd5Si4 (the blue-colored ball represented Si atoms, the green-colored ball represented Y atoms and the purple-colored ball represented Gd atoms).
Jcs 08 00221 g001
Figure 2. Relative errors of lattice constants of YxSiy and GdxSiy.
Figure 2. Relative errors of lattice constants of YxSiy and GdxSiy.
Jcs 08 00221 g002
Figure 3. Surface contour of direction-dependent Young’s modulus (a) YSi, (b) Y5Si4, (c) Y5Si3, (d) GdSi, (e) Gd5Si4, (a1e1) are planar projections on (100), (010), and (001) crystallographic planes.
Figure 3. Surface contour of direction-dependent Young’s modulus (a) YSi, (b) Y5Si4, (c) Y5Si3, (d) GdSi, (e) Gd5Si4, (a1e1) are planar projections on (100), (010), and (001) crystallographic planes.
Jcs 08 00221 g003
Figure 4. Comparison of the calculated Debye temperature of YxSiy and GdxSiy with reference values [43,44,45,46,47].
Figure 4. Comparison of the calculated Debye temperature of YxSiy and GdxSiy with reference values [43,44,45,46,47].
Jcs 08 00221 g004
Figure 5. Relationship of thermal conductivity with temperature for (a) YxSiy and (b) GdxSiy. Solid line represents the minimum value of thermal conductivity.
Figure 5. Relationship of thermal conductivity with temperature for (a) YxSiy and (b) GdxSiy. Solid line represents the minimum value of thermal conductivity.
Jcs 08 00221 g005
Table 1. Calculated equilibrium lattice parameters of YxSiy and GdxSiy compared to their JCPDS card data.
Table 1. Calculated equilibrium lattice parameters of YxSiy and GdxSiy compared to their JCPDS card data.
Materials a ( A ˙ ) b ( A ˙ ) c ( A ˙ )
YSi (89-2305)4.25110.5263.826
Y5Si3 (89-3037)8.4038.4036.303
GdSi (80-0705)7.9733.8585.753
Gd5Si4 (87-2319)7.48614.7507.751
Table 2. Calculated elastic constants Cij (in GPa) for YxSiy and GdxSiy.
Table 2. Calculated elastic constants Cij (in GPa) for YxSiy and GdxSiy.
Y5Si31674032 11951 62
Table 3. Calculated bulk modulus (B), shear modulus (G), Young’s modulus (E), Poisson’s ratio (μ), and hardness (H) of YxSiy and GdxSiy.
Table 3. Calculated bulk modulus (B), shear modulus (G), Young’s modulus (E), Poisson’s ratio (μ), and hardness (H) of YxSiy and GdxSiy.
MaterialsB (GPa)G (GPa)E (GPa)μH (HV)G/B
Table 4. Calculated sound velocities (vL, vT, vm), Debye temperature (ΘD), and minimum thermal conductivity (kmin) of YxSiy and GdxSiy.
Table 4. Calculated sound velocities (vL, vT, vm), Debye temperature (ΘD), and minimum thermal conductivity (kmin) of YxSiy and GdxSiy.
MaterialsvL (km/s)vT (km/s)vm (km/s)ΘD·(K)kmin(w/(m·K))
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MDPI and ACS Style

Peng, K.; Huang, P.; Han, G.; Liu, H.; Zhang, W.; Wang, W.; Zhang, J. Mechanical Properties and Thermal Conductivity of Y-Si and Gd-Si Silicides: First-Principles Calculations. J. Compos. Sci. 2024, 8, 221.

AMA Style

Peng K, Huang P, Han G, Liu H, Zhang W, Wang W, Zhang J. Mechanical Properties and Thermal Conductivity of Y-Si and Gd-Si Silicides: First-Principles Calculations. Journal of Composites Science. 2024; 8(6):221.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Peng, Kexue, Panxin Huang, Guifang Han, Huan Liu, Weibin Zhang, Weili Wang, and Jingde Zhang. 2024. "Mechanical Properties and Thermal Conductivity of Y-Si and Gd-Si Silicides: First-Principles Calculations" Journal of Composites Science 8, no. 6: 221.

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