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The Awakening of Sleep Medicine: A Global Quest for Quality Rest and Health

Sleep Research Centre, Oasi Research Institute-IRCCS, 94018 Troina, Italy
Clin. Transl. Neurosci. 2024, 8(1), 12;
Submission received: 8 February 2024 / Accepted: 12 February 2024 / Published: 19 February 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Sleep–Wake Medicine)
The burden of sleep disorders is a global health concern that affects millions of people worldwide [1]. Sleep disorders encompass a wide range of conditions, including insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and restless leg syndrome, among others [2]. These disorders can have a profound impact on an individual’s quality of life, leading to daytime fatigue, an impaired cognitive function, an increased risk of accidents, and even serious health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and mental health issues [3]. The burden of sleep disorders is not limited to physical health; it also affects productivity in the workplace and can strain healthcare systems with increased healthcare utilization [4,5].
In response to the growing prevalence and awareness of sleep disorders, the field of sleep medicine has gained importance globally. Sleep medicine specialists, often pulmonologists, neurologists, or psychiatrists with additional training in sleep disorders, play a crucial role in diagnosing and treating these conditions. Sleep clinics and centers have become more prevalent in many countries, providing access to comprehensive evaluations, sleep studies, and tailored treatment plans. Treatment options range from lifestyle modifications and behavioral therapy to the use of medical devices, like continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines for sleep apnea, and medications for conditions such as insomnia, parasomnia, and sleep-related movement disorders. However, access to sleep medicine is not equitable worldwide, with some regions lacking the necessary infrastructure and expertise, leaving many individuals without proper care [6].
Looking ahead, the field of sleep medicine is expected to continue evolving to address the global burden of sleep disorders. Advances in technology, such as wearable devices and telemedicine platforms, may improve the accessibility of sleep assessments and therapy. Researchers are also engaging into the intricacies of sleep, uncovering the links between sleep and various health conditions, paving the way for more targeted treatments. Furthermore, public awareness campaigns highlighting the importance of sleep hygiene and the risks of untreated sleep disorders may help reduce the overall burden. As healthcare systems around the world strive to meet the needs of an aging and increasingly sleep-deprived population, the field of sleep medicine will play an essential role in promoting better sleep health and improving the overall well-being of individuals globally.
The “Decoding Sleep” interfaculty research cooperation project at the University of Bern holds immense promise for reshaping the scientific landscape and healthcare practices in the near future. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration across various faculties, this initiative is poised to revolutionize sleep research. Through its comprehensive approach, it not only deepens our comprehension of sleep itself but also offers new insights into the intricate physiological and cognitive mechanisms underpinning wakefulness.
This holistic understanding of the sleep–wake cycle is likely to inform innovative therapeutic interventions and diagnostic tools, benefiting healthcare providers in their efforts to address a wide range of health issues. Moreover, the project’s emphasis on interconnectivity and knowledge exchange ensures that its impact will extend beyond traditional boundaries, leading to advancements that transcend individual disciplines, ultimately improving healthcare outcomes and enhancing the quality of life for individuals worldwide.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest.


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Ferri, R. The Awakening of Sleep Medicine: A Global Quest for Quality Rest and Health. Clin. Transl. Neurosci. 2024, 8, 12.

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Ferri R. The Awakening of Sleep Medicine: A Global Quest for Quality Rest and Health. Clinical and Translational Neuroscience. 2024; 8(1):12.

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Ferri, Raffaele. 2024. "The Awakening of Sleep Medicine: A Global Quest for Quality Rest and Health" Clinical and Translational Neuroscience 8, no. 1: 12.

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